Reporting Services :: Access To Only One Folder Among 10 Folders On Home Page?
Sep 10, 2015
I want to give the permission to a user to view only one folder among 10 folders on Home page of report server. I don't want that user to view other folder than his/Her Own folder on report server home page.
Can we change the name of the "Home" folder to something else? We have 15-20 instances of SSRS, and it would be real useful if I could display an instance name vs. "Home".
I have installed MDS while installing SQL Server 2014 on my local machine ( windows 10). However when I try accessing the home page of Master Data Manager, it is giving access denied error. I am unable to access the Master Data Manager itself. MDS Database and Web Application are using same user account which is Administrator on the system.
I installed Reporting Services 2014 on Windows 7. When i am trying to start home page i can see only HTML page and the text: "localhost/reports - /",then double lines (<hr><hr>) and text "Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Version 12.0.4100.1"Maybe the windows user (SERVER_NAMEADMINISTRATOR) has not sufficient permissions ?
I just setup a developer as a site admin in SSRS, he has administration rights to the site and also rights on folders that contain reports. He can access the reports folders no problem, however when he tries to access the "Home" folder he get's the error shown below.
UAC is switched off an other people are able to access this ok.
I have a question about ssrs security. In report manager I have set a list of users as browsers, and the builtin administrators are content manager in the parent folder where reports are. A user that is not an administrator and neither a user I added, has access to reports.
I'm thinking this person is having access because the data source of the reports use a administrator account to connect to the analysis services using the option Credentials stored securely in the report server with the 2 checkboxes marked (use as windows credentials when connecting to the data source and impersonate the authenticated user).
I simply marked this option because SSRS is in 1 server and SSAS in other and I think kerberos need to be configured and I haven't looked into it, but I think the report access is separated from the data source.
I am in a project where we are using a vanillla Reporting Services 2005 with the builtin report portal. No sharepoint integration yet.
We have successful deployments where we limit access to different folders based on AD-accounts and groups. In this particular case I have a folder for which I would like to allow access to all AD-users within the entire company.
So basically I know how to limit access but I don't know how to enable access for everyone. Is there a simple way to do it? I have googled and search mshelp but I couldn't find anything. I will admit to the search being quite quick but as usual time is short.
When I am trying http://localhost/Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx
I am not seeing the all too familier "Contents" and "Properties" tabs along with deployed reports. Once in a while, I see that, but most of the time it is missing. Reporting Services got installed correctly though.
I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.
Has ANYONE actually gotten Reporting Services to install under Windows Vista Home Premium?!?!
I have gone through every possible fix, KB Article and anecdote and I STILL can't get it to install. Every IIS option is there that should be there.
In all honesty, what was Microsoft thinking? I'll make RS compatible with every OS we offer EXCEPT this one...
What truly bites is now that Visat is out, it is almost impossible to buy a new laptop/PC without it. Looks like it's nuke my new laptop and install XP...great...
I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?
Now, I know that I can access each folder (f.e. Sales) by directly putting it into the URL. Is there a possibility to enable every user to the root folder and then denying access on specific folders? F.e.: Our Head of Sales should be able to navigate to the root folder and then dcecide whether he wants to enter the Sales or the Sales Export folder.
Is this possible? I tried a few things, but nothing works.
I have a problem regarding the generation of report using SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services). As I've read from other forums, the said service need access to the Windows temp folder, which by default, is found in C:WINDOWSTemp. The said path is found in either the TMP or the TEMP environment variable.This means that there should be sufficient access to this folder, in order for SSRS to properly generate the report. The problem is that my client, for security reasons, does not want to grant special rights to this folder, using the ASP.NET account. Is there any way that we can change location of the temporary folder being used by SSRS without having to change the value of the TMP and TEMP environment variables? thanks in advance
We have a SQL 2012 SSRS instance. We need to modify the permissions on one of the reporting folders. I went to the Security setting of the folder, clicked "New role assignment", then entered a group name into the box and selected desired permission ("Browser" in this case).
However this always fails with the same error: "The user or group name 'BUILTINBUILTIN' is not recognized. (rsUnknownUserName)"
I always get the same error no matter if I enter user or group, domain or local. And it always says BUILTINBUILTIN. I've tried changing the SSRS service account to a domain account (it was a local one), but that didn't work.
I am trying to create a basic report in SSRS, with 6 columns but then we receive an excel spreadsheet with different account numbers daily and I am requested to create a report based on those account numbers. so how can I create a shared folder for the users to drop their excel spreadsheet there and make my SSRS only filter the result set based only on those account numbers?
I have multiple reports, in multiple folders, that have fields in them and those fields are set to Navigate to the same report. I'd like to store a single copy of the report being navigated to in one hidden folder.
Example Report "Inventory Value" in folder Accounting has the Item Number field set to navigate to the report "Item Details"stored in folder Linked Reports Paths //ReportServer/Accounting/Inventory_Value //ReportServer/Linked_Reports/Item_Details
I would like to edit the Folder.aspx, or mainpage.aspx file in sql server reporting services. for example instead of showing sql server reporting services on the top of the folder.aspx page, shows Testing ...
Right now the default folder is Home, what if I have two users User1 and User2, my folder structure is the following - Home/User1 Home/User2
I want each user to only have access to their folder. That is easy to do.
Once both users have proper access to their folders they still don't have access to Home folder. In Report Builder when I do 'open file' it defaults to Home folder so I get an error. How can I specify the home folder to be User1 for that user and User2 for the second user? I know I can give them both browsing permissions to Home but it's not very elegant.
There must be a way to programmatically change the folder as soon as proper user logs in. Anyone knows how to do that?
There's a new SSRS 2012 environment which was setup with My Reports folder to each user enabled. I know I'm supposed to see a Users Folder in the Report Manager root, I'm setup as a system administrator (under Site Settings) and also have content manager rights in the root directory and I still don't see the "Users Folders" ...the only way I can see that is if they give me admin rights in the server SSRS is installed. What am I missing here, is this supposed to be like that?
I have old sql server 2008 with reporting service and new one 2012 version and I need to move single report folder from old server to new server. Is there any tool or script can make that possible.
I have my SQL Server installation on drive c: and the databases on anotherdrive. My c drive got corrupted and I am planning to restore it from an oldbackup. This means drive c will not be up to date.Is there anything that SQL Server saves in the registry or in its homefolder that changes frequently? I am hoping that nothing does which meansthe old backup will be good enough.Although I think the default databases are in the c drive, I will try toget them back from a recent backup.John Dalberg
I have a package that need to copy a file from a remote server using path like, inside of Microsoft data tools, everything runs fine, because y access to those folders on the windows sessions and enter my credentials. however how to I set up the package to use my credentials on the remote server?
Without it, I got error Executed as user: NT ServiceSQLAgent$RETAIL_PRO.and this user does not exists on remote server. so got access denied. error.
Running SQL Server 2005 x64 Enterprise on Windows Server 2003 X64 Enterprise and I am getting the error below when I add users to the permissions on the SRS HOME folder with browser rights.
Response is not well-formed XML. (System.Web.Services)
Unexpected end of file has occurred. The following elements are not closed: Message, MoreInformation, detail, soap:Fault, soap:Body, soap:Envelope. Line 11 position 30230. (System.Xml)
I need to add more users to reporting services and have never experienced this before.
I have an issue as to where only some reports are visible within Report Viewer url. But if I navigate to the path of the rdl's there are many more present that should be visible through Report Viewer. The client was recently upgraded, and I seem to have all out of box roles and permission levels yet can only see some of those reports, as if some were manually copied to this folder location at a later point and perhaps some user job needs to be run to reflect import those additional rdl's?
Basically i have 3 images capacity per record in my application. In there i am saving the image path with record id in database and image in my application folder.
Now i am creating SSRS Report in Report builder . In there i have taken one image control to show the images. In the Image properties in report builder i have chosen database under the select the image source field. then inside use this field i have chosen image url and in use this MIME Type i have selected image/jpeg. Now i have saved this report in report server folder.
Now while calling in .net web from through report viewer control. It is opening the report but wont showing the image.
I want to page break after after 6 grno recored.I used ceiling(rowNumber(Nothing/6)) but it worked differ(this fun used on top most group )below I attached screeshot. I need to page break after 6 grno record but above syntax measure 6 datafiled row and then page I can page break after 6 grno record
hi, in sql server reporting services,i need to display page header in first page only but it is repeating in every page.can any one tell me how to suppress or hide page header in otherpages.