Reporting Services :: Display Only First Few Words Of A Block Of Text With Show More Link At The End (SSRS 2012)
Nov 6, 2015
Is it possible to display only the first few words of a block of text with a "Show More" link at the end, which when clicked would expand the block to show all content?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit,
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
<... show less>
I'm developing an SSRS report using VS2013 Premium with SSDT - BI v12.0.2430.0. SSRS is hosted on a SQL 2014 instance.The underlying database table has a varchar(max) field which stores text and embedded image data from a third-party application. I can extract this text, save it as an html file and open that in a browser. It renders complete with any embedded image.Meanwhile, the report textbox has its Placeholder Properties, Markup type set to HTML. Yet when I run the report, the text is displayed but any embedded image is not.Is there any approach I can take, perhaps transforming the varchar(max) data to another format in the query for my dataset, that can show the text and any embedded image in my report? Or is it that the TextBox control is limited, not unreasonably, to text only? If so, is there another control I could use, perhaps custom or third-party?
We are showing hovering data in the report. When we hover the pointer of the mouse over cell, it shows the data. But when we export the report in excel, hover functionality is not working in exported report. Finding the solution to ensure hovering should work in the exported excel report.
I design a report have financial fields for the employees salary. now i need to convert the salary amount from numbers to words in English and in Arabic.
I am using VS 2010 and the SSRS that came with it. I am sure its SSRS 2008. Anyway, I added a report file to the project, added an ObjectDataSource and connected this to SQLServer 2008, and display the dataset on the report. The report is using ScriptManager, ReportViewer1, and Report1.rdlc file. I preview the dataset and I have multiple row returned. The problem is I only have one row displayed on the report. Maybe I did a quick and dirty report? What setting of properties did I missed?
I have published SSRS reports to sharepoint and used the Reporting Services Report viewer to present the reports on a Page. Everything works fine for the day, however in the morning, when I go to view the page, I get an error message
The report server cannot process the report. The data source connection information has been deleted. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)
The first six months will be displayed in each case.
But when i choose 6 months i just want to display first six months only.when i choose 12 months i want to be displayed first 12 months columns only and for 18 months all the columns,.
[Code] ...
I need to show the ratios beside each bar (shown in red) as shown in the above diagram.
A Fact table <<Company Revenue>> 2 Dimension <<Month.Dim>> , <<Company>>
I have 4 company say (A,B,C,D) but i have record for only company A & D that too only for December month .
When I create a SSRS report out of the cube i want a matrix where all the company names to be displayed in the rows & all the months in the columns and company's revenue in data
What my report is displaying :
Company | December ------------------------------------------------------- A | 20000 ------------------------------------------------------- D | 3900 -------------------------------------------------------
what is needed :
Company | January | February | March | ........... | December ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A | | | | | 20000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D | | | | | 3900 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I have a requirement to display project start date and finish date in timescale view. The data in database table available as per below -The start date and project finish date should fill color in the timeline view as per below example, by quarters for a current financial year, last year and plus two years a head.
We have SCCM 2012 primary site and Remote SQL 2012 server. Due to hardening and password reset we are facing reporting issue.
while we Open the SRS report in SQL server and try to edit the Report (Report Builder) we are getting following error due to which we are unable to configure Reporting Service point in the SCCM 2012 server. We created the New Reporting server database still we are getting the below error.
I have a set of SSRS reports published on the server. It can be accessed through a web application or through SharePoint. Most of the reports work fine through both - web app and SharePoint. However, one of the report, which returns large amount of data has some problem:
1. It generates fine from web app 2. It generates fine from SharePoint; only if one or two values selected from Filter dropdown 3. However, if all items (about 20 items) selected from Filter dropdown... and click on View Report, it processes for a while and then shows nothing. The page remains blank.
Did some research and felt the problem is with Distributed Cache Service.
I tried creating Toggle Option over a Text box to Show the Image on Click but Since the Toggle refreshes the entire report user faces performance issue. Is there any other option to avoid the Toggle Refreshing the report or to show an image on Click of an Text Box?
I'm working on a report to show financial transactions from a table over a certain period. For most transactions there is a PDF document that is stored in a separate table in a binairy format. In my report I would like to include a link on every line with transaction information in the report that opens the PDF that is linked to that transaction. Just to be clear, I don't want to embed the PDF in the report but I want the users of the report to have the option to view the PDF that is related to that transaction in their standard pdf reader (adobe).
Code to do the following:
Once a user clicks on the link to view the PDF I need the code to get the binairy data of the PDF file from the table, convert it back to a PDF and open it in the default pdf reader (for example adobe reader). If it can't directly open the file then it's maybe possible to activate the 'open or download' pop up that you also get when you download something from a website.
In SSRS 2014 std (on a win 2012 server) the report controls display incorrectly in IE11. The save and several other features display on multiple lines instead of one line unless you are in capability mode.Also works fine on SSRS 2014 entr on win 2012 server.
I have a requirement to display a disclaimer message before going to the content of a particular report. The workflow would be:
go to report folder e.g. Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?ItemPath=%2fMyFolder%2fReports&ViewMode=ListClick on Report xDisplay DisclaimerPress 'ok' on disclaimerContinue to report
This is SSRS 2012 native.
I had contemplated injecting JavaScript into the report, but this appears virtually impossible to do i a simple manner.
How to show the CurrentMonthanddateandyear in my report header in ssrs?
1.How to show the currentdateandMonthyear exmple date format like June 29 2015 on my report header.
2.How to change the report rdl name with the same name like EmpUpdatedreportJune 29 2015.rdl ,it is possible to create and change the rdl file name with the current dateandmonth.
I have a database field which consists of a long string of values with some separator.
Ex: Injection^!@$#Medication
in my report i have to split the string as
Injection Medication
till here i am able to display the results but in addition to that i have to display check box against these values like below
and this string can contain any no of values ex: if we have 4 values are separated within a string then i have to display 4 check boxes against 4 results.
Basically i have 3 images capacity per record in my application. In there i am saving the image path with record id in database and image in my application folder.
Now i am creating SSRS Report in Report builder . In there i have taken one image control to show the images. In the Image properties in report builder i have chosen database under the select the image source field. then inside use this field i have chosen image url and in use this MIME Type i have selected image/jpeg. Now i have saved this report in report server folder.
Now while calling in .net web from through report viewer control. It is opening the report but wont showing the image.
I am displaying the red line in the beginning of the current week column in the matrix table. But for few resources the red line is missing. For Example in below screenshot, refer the 'Adrian Larkin' resource. Here is the SSRS report border expression which is comparing the [TimeByDay] with the current Week First Monday Date to display the red bar -
Here is the dataset result set. If you refer the column [TimeByDay], it has no record for the date 11/05/2015 for the Adrian resource as he has no assignment for the date 11-05-2015.display the red missing line red bar using the expression or any other solution.
I need to set a field value based on two date time parameter's.What is the correct syntax to allow me to pass the value into the field in my SSRS expression ?
I have a requirement, I want to display the employee status report. In status report, if the status=0 ,I need to display inactive.. if the status=1 active and if status=2 archived.. I am getting values from table like below. I need to change to text.How can we achieve the same.
I need to validate my text box value for instance when the user will enter the value if its 6 - 10 character its fine but if it's less than 6 I have to display a message invalid value.
I have database fields that contain RTF text. If I use the default Textbox in SSRS 2008 Report Designer, I get all the RTF formating characters, which makes for a VERY ugly report.Is there another control I can place on my report that will take the RTF formated text and display it properly? I can do this in Crystal Reports, but I'm converting to SSRS 2008 so I need to be able to handle RTF formated text.