Reporting Services - Fields Cannot Be Used In Page Headers Or Footers
Nov 11, 2006
Hello all,
I am creating a report in SSRS and the data is obtained through a stored procedure. One of the parameters is Begin_Date. This is simply a date field. I need to have it on the Page Header section. However, when I placed it there and ran the report, I received the following error -
Error2[rsFieldInPageSectionExpression] The Value expression for the textbox ‘begindate’ refers to a field. Fields cannot be used in page headers or footers.
Is there a way around? I have never faced such a problem when I created reports in Crystal or ActiveReports. Please let me know whether I am missing anything.
Thanks in advance,
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May 4, 2015
How to display the subreport Headers/footers in Main report (in SSRS SQL server 2008 r2)?
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Jul 21, 2015
I achieved to get Fixed number of records per page ....but headers are not repeating in every page.... Is it possible to repeat headers on each page and fixed number of records per page please give me navigation.
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Jun 19, 2008
Hi all,
I am sure this is an easy question but I cant work it out.
I need to output the results of a table to file. I have set up a job to do this, as it needs to be updated every night.
I just do a select * from table
Howerver I dont want the coloum names at the top or the -------'s or the (1) rows bla bla
Any ideas?
Dave Dunckley says there is a law for the rich and a law for the poor and a law for
Dirty Davey.
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Apr 5, 2007
I see the Page Header and Page footer, but what about Report Header and Report Footers??? Doesn't look like ssrs has this ability, am I wrong??
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Jun 12, 2007
I used ReportItems!textbox4.Value for displaying a data field in the header and footer.
But it is not getting repeated in the subsequent pages...
It is getting displayed only in the first page...
Kindly provide me with a solution to get it repeated in all the pages asap!!!........
Aravind RJ
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Apr 7, 2008
I have an image stored in a dataset that I would like to place in the page header and footer. Unfortunately dataset fields can not be placed in headers/footers.
Embedded pics in the project and/or report are NOT an option as the report must pull the image from the database. UNLESS there is a way to embed it FROM the dataset.
Normally I use =ReportItems!FieldName, but this doesn't seem to work when dealing with images.
I put the image in the header row the table holding the report information, but there are some pitfalls. Consider the following: put the Image in the top left cell of the header rows (A1) , put my Report Title in Cell (A2) and finally put =Now() in cell (B2).
When the report renders Cell (A1) has grown to accomodate the size of the image, Cell (A2) is fine, but cell (A3 - the date-) is pushed expected (boooo!)
I used the following function =Fields!ReportTitle.Value & chr(10) & chr(13) & Fields!ReportDate.Value in (A2) a slick solution, but the padding is different and I need different font sizes and weights. (...almost)
I moved the image in (a1) and the rest of the fields following respecfully (B1, C1, D1...) but with parameters the header is now practically half the page (...ok so that was a bit of an stretch)
I tried the RepeatsWith property and couldn't get it to work???? Am I using it correctly? I have a table in the body of a report (table1). Above it, I place the image. In the image properties, I choose RepeatWith and select table1, I expect to see the image repeat on each page, but that is not the case. I'm probably missing a simple explanation.
I even tried to pass the image as a parameter. URRRNT! At least with my experience.
Have I exhausted all possibilities without extensive code?
All I'm trying to do is line up the Image with the report Title/date/parameter values in the HEADER making the report look pretty.
Thanks for the help...
SSRS 2005 User
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May 5, 2008
Hi All.
I am building an SSIS job that will export some data to a csv then ftp it to a remote site.
I have been able to create the csv alright, but I need to add header and footer lines to the csv.
The header must be:
Filename+ crlf (will not change)
File type+ crlf (will not change)
Create date+ crlf (obviously changes) -- format is mmddyyyy as text
And the footer is:
Filename+ crlf (will not change)
File type+ crlf (will not change)
Create date+ crlf (obviously changes) -- format is mmddyyyy as text
Total rows+ crlf (obviously changes)
So I need to first open the file, count the number of rows, then add the header and footer lines.
I would like to do this as a step in ssis, as a function (not by calling a compiled assembly or anything like that). I have no experience with, and haven't been able to find any snippets on the web that seem to work. Can anybody lend a hand? thx. David
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Jan 21, 2008
Hello All,
I have designed some reports and kept these reports in the report server.
My question is: I want to change report header and footer values dynamically and save the new values in the report template, when the user enters new velues in ASP.NET GUI.
Next time if the user opens the same file the report should display the recent values.
Please help me in passing the parameters from ASP.NET app to SQL Reports and saving the parameters in the report template.
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May 2, 2008
I have a report that has three levels of grouping including headers (containing titles) and footers (containing summary values). I would like to programatically show/hide these header/footer sections based on a Show/Hide paramter. Is that possible? Currently I work around the problem by just having two physical reports (one with the header/footers, one without)
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Oct 12, 2015
For the past couple of days I've been having an issue with Reporting Services. From what I can understand reporting services doesn't work well when exporting to word.
The scenario is quite simple, I am developing a report for a client with a 'master page', which works as the cover, and executes 2 sub-reports with one table each, nothing fancy. We don't export this report to pdf, because the internal client has to attach another report that is impossible to automate, so they generate that report via excel and integrate it on our word document before sending the document to their business partners.
Our main problem is that we can't export the header/footers to word.
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Nov 11, 2015
I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.
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Mar 16, 2008
Ok, I'm new to reporting services and I am wondering if this is possible for headers in a table.
I have a stored procedure that returns the text that I want to display as a header in a report. The input parameter is the database field name. I don't want to put the actual field name as the report header, but the text that I derived from passng in the field name.
I figured I could create a dataset with this stored procedure, and put the header text field that the procedure returns in the header column. However, the problem is that I need to use this same field for each header column in my table and pass in the corresponding field name based on the column that I place this field in.
Unfortunately, I don't see a way to reuse this and pass in different parameters per column, it seems like you can only call the procedure once per dataset and not reuse it per column, leaving me with passing in a single field name and getting the same header text for every column in the table.
I may be able to get around this issue by creating a different dataset for each column in the table and passing in the field name for each dataset, but this sounds like a bad way of doing things.
Does anyone have any ideas or knowledge that can help me in my situation? Basically, I need dynamically changing headers based on an input parameter...if there is another way to do this, pleas let me know, thanks.
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Apr 22, 2015
I would like to have different headers on different portion of the report?
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Feb 8, 2007
Hi, this is probably a simple question but I just can't figure it out. I'm using SQL Server Reporting Services 2005 sp1.
I'm trying to design a report that displays a particular embedded image on the first page, and then a different one on every subsequent page. I.e full, fancy company logo on the first page, and a trimmed down version on every other. In Crystal, I would have simply used the Report Header and Page Header sections to achieve this - easy.
However, in SQL Reporting Services, there is only a Page Header section - therefore whatever I place in the Page Header shows on every page. Now, I know how to stop it displaying on the first page, but I don't know how to display the other image instead.
I read in a support forum that it is possible to do this by "placing report items above or below your data regions" but I can't get it to work.
Grateful for any assistance.
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Nov 7, 2007
While exporting a SSRS 2005 report in CSV format ,can we include the report headers and footers also to be exported .
Thanks .
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Sep 17, 2010
How can i freeze the headers while exporting the report to excel? will this works in ssrs 2008 / 2008 r2?
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Aug 20, 2010
My problem is specific to the ReportViewer control. The report displays correctly in every other way (ssrs server viewer, visual studio preview, visual studio 'Run', etc)The aspx page hosting the control has two controls, the reportviewer control (assembly, and a scriptmanager control asyncrendering = 'true' and processingmode = 'remote'.So the columns are not 'always visible' with the reportviewer but they are with every other renderer that i've tried.
The report i'm testing is just a simple table with a couple groupings (built using the wizard). To enable the fixed headers I went to the groupings view and changed the "FixedData" property of the first Static member to true per instructions.
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Nov 3, 2008
I have created a new report & add a table to it. When I select "Tablix Properties" and check on Columns Headers -> "Repeat Cheader columns on each page" the header columns do not repeat on each page. I also tried "Repeat header rows on each page". "Add page break before" seems to work ok. I am using VS 2008 9.0.30729.1 SP..I also tried deploying but it still does not work on the deployed version.
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Oct 15, 2015
I've got a report which, when exported to word, comes up with only the body of the report visible, and with the protected view warning present in Word 2013. When I enable editing, the header and footers appear correctly. What is happening here, and how do I correct it, if at all? I don't know that my customer is likely to accept having to enable editing to address this.
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May 7, 2015
I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?
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Nov 11, 2015
How do I add a hard page break in the middle of a two page report? I use Microsoft reports for windows.
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Jan 10, 2007
I have the footer with the following in it,
= " Page " & Globals!PageNumber & " of " & Globals!TotalPages & " " & String.Format(Globals!ExecutionTime, "dd-MM-yyy uu:mm")
When i view the report it shows the page number and time, but when i print it does'nt appear at all on the print paper( page number and time)
is there a trick to make it appear on the print.
Thank you very much.
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May 13, 2015
I am creating a report in SSRS which has the following criteria:
- Row 1 (parent) is 'Product'
- Row 2 (child) is  'Feed'
- Columns are date. Â I have 5 dates showing at any one time across the top. Â The date field is set up as a parameter so depending on the date the user selects, the report will show that date on the end column and then the 4 days prior to that in the other columns. Â Â
 - Data is the number of records.
I have a sub total on the Product and the report is collapsed on Product as default.
What i'm stuck on is trying to insert a column at the very end that will show the variance between the last two dates. Â So the difference between the date the user selected (@date parameter) and the day before that.Â
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Nov 20, 2015
we are running 2014 enterprise. A couple of column headings (even with smaller font) are a little tall, as much as 6 "lines".   All headings in the respective matrices are aligned vertically as "bottom". When I save the report to excel, these taller headings get chopped off visually in their excel cell.  The cell contains the entire heading. It appears that the second "line" of the heading is the one that is most visible in excel.Â
How do I get these to be saved so user will see entire heading when opening excel doc? In the first matrix there is a text box directly above the matrix and only one row of column headings. In the second there is a higher column group heading containing month name above the problem headings.Â
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Jul 23, 2007
I have a report looking something like this:
Field 1 Field 3 Field 5
RandomInfo1 RandomInfo1 RandomInfo1
RandomInfo2 RandomInfo2 RandomInfo2
Field 2 Field 4 Field 6
RandomInfo1 RandomInfo1 RandomInfo1
RandomInfo2 RandomInfo2 RandomInfo2
It extends along a fair number of pages, and I'm currently using the "# of columns = 3" in the Report properties --> Layout section in order to make it span over 3 columns instead of the usual 1. I'm using a table in which the random info fields are the repeating values, and the Field 1,2,3,4,etc are included in the list control, but not part of the physical table itself.
My question stems from a couple of chunks of data which basically extend over the course of 1.5 pages (yep. There's enough to fill about 4.5 columns worth.)
I currently have
Field 1 RandomInfo50 RandomInfo100
RandomInfo1 RandomInfo51 RandomInfo101
Randominfo2 RandomInfo52 RandomInfo102
etc.... etc.... etc....
RandomInfo150 Field 2
Randominfo151 NewRandomInfo1
RandomInfo152 NewRandomInfo2
What I'm looking to do is have "Field 1" appear at the top of each column whenever a larger chunk of data forces itself into multiple columns, or even multiple columns on multiple pages. I have this nasty feeling it's something silly and blatantly obvious I'm missing...
Any thoughts?
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Nov 20, 2007
All I can find is Page Headers. Is there a report header like there is in Access?
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Aug 31, 2007
I've generated a report using Reporting Services, and some of my fields are numeric with the value zero. On generating the report this is shown as 0.00 and not 0. Is this something that is easily fixed?
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Apr 20, 2015
I want to page break after after 6 grno  recored.I used ceiling(rowNumber(Nothing/6))  but it worked differ(this fun used on top most group )below I attached screeshot. I need to page break after 6 grno record but above syntax measure 6 datafiled row and then page I can page break after 6 grno record
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Nov 21, 2007
in sql server reporting services,i need to display page header in first page only but it is repeating in every page.can any one tell me how to suppress or hide page header in otherpages.
Thanks in advance
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May 5, 2008
Is it possible to customize the SQL Server Reporting services home page to add our company Logo and custom title etc...?
Thank you,
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Jul 20, 2015
I have a simple report with a row grouping on teh Date and record_id from an sql query. I would like to find the row total.
The expression I have on the row is:
=IIF(Max(Fields!closing.Value) > 0, Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.IIF(Max(Fields!opening.Value) > 0, IIF(Max(Fields!closing.Value) > Max(Fields!opening.Value), Max(Fields!closing.Value) - Max(Fields!opening.Value), Nothing), Nothing), Nothing)
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May 21, 2015
I have a SP like this:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[ReportGateWay]
@ISO bigint= 0,
@Gateway bigint= 0
DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(max)
[Code] ....
I need to invoke this in SSRS. The problem is that when on creating dataset for this, I get an error which read:
You must have atleast one field for your dataset
What can be done in this case?
Here is the SQL Fiddle:Â [URL] ....
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