Reporting Services :: Formatting A Datetime Column In SSRS
May 11, 2015
Part of my query is :
With the expression at the where clause above, you can pull a rolling 30 days data without having to supply values. Now users of the report want to see it represented like: 2nd April – 1st May
when the report is ran. the requirement is not to use a parameter for the reportKnowing that I have no parameters, how do I reference ">= DATEADD (DAY, - 30, GETDATE())" to reflect the start date and the end date in the report?
I have a chart with series that needs conditional colour for three conditions. One condition must be transparent. I have tried the various IFF or SWITCH expressions below and some work fine in SSDT but when I deploy them to the browser the formatting is lost. This simple IFF expression works. The series is transparent as required both in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) and IE11 and Firefox browsers but I need two other conditions.
Both of the expressions below work in SSDT (Visual Studio BIDS) as expected but when deployed to the browser none of this formatting is rendered and all series are in blues even the ‘transparent’ series. No red at all.
I have tried deleting various files RDL and DATA. I have tried uploading the file from report manager in IE and I have tried editing the file in report manager.
i have created an report which retrieve data from table which contains a datetime field. The data of that particular field is stored in UTC time. when i navigating the report from sharepoint site i wish the datetime field will be converted into local time based on the selected timezone of the user.
I am creating a report in SSRS which has the following criteria:
- Row 1 (parent) is 'Product'
- Row 2 (child) is 'Feed'
- Columns are date. I have 5 dates showing at any one time across the top. The date field is set up as a parameter so depending on the date the user selects, the report will show that date on the end column and then the 4 days prior to that in the other columns.
- Data is the number of records.
I have a sub total on the Product and the report is collapsed on Product as default.
What i'm stuck on is trying to insert a column at the very end that will show the variance between the last two dates. So the difference between the date the user selected (@date parameter) and the day before that.
I need to get the maximum length of the given result set for particular column. Suppose in my result set One column(Ex. Name) having the values Raj, Mano,Dinesh. In this i have to get maximum length of that column values. Means my expression should return as 6. Because Dinesh length is 6 and it is the maximum. I used Max(Len(Fields!Name.Value)). It is not working.
I have to display three months name as column name in ssrs reports. These month column will be dynamically. So i have to display the column dynamically.
I have an SSRS report that's being built from a stored procedure given 2 variables. The error I'm receiving is
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Cannot read the next data row for the dataset Sheet2. (rsErrorReadingNextDataRow) Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '.5' to data type int.
This doesn't make any sense. The variable in question is being stored as a varchar. I don't do any typecasting in the stored procedure. Executing the stored proc in sql server studio works fine. In the query designer I replaced the stored procedure call with just the code for the stored procedure and it works fine as well. Switching it back to call the stored procedure throws the same error.
Our prod server is using 2008, our dev is running 2010, and I have 2013 Visual Studio. It has to do with the version of SSRS. I checked the datatype of the fieldtype and rd:TypeName was System.Int32. Changing it to System.String did nothing. Leaning even more towards the issue being SSRS itself. I even pulled the working version off of prod and it gave me the same error in Visual Studio.
Why is SSRS trying to convert a varchar to an int? It should be a double if anything or just leave it alone and not try typecasting it at all.
I have integrated sharepoint list data to SQL Server reporting services. I am using the below to query sharepoint list data using sql reporting services.
By using this query, I am getting a dataset which includes all the columns of sharepoint list. Among these columns, I wanted to display only 2 columns (i.e Region and Sales type) using chart. I have created a Region parameter but when I click preview, the drop down box is giving me all the repeatative values of region like
I wanted to display only distinct values of Region parameter so that whenever end user select region from the parameter drop down, it will display the respective value of Sales type column.Also when I select only RG1 parameter, it is giving me a chart including the sales type of all the Regions. (it should display me only the sales type of RG1) How can I link these 2 columns so that they will display the values respectively.
I am design a tablix report where i have proper row grouping but when i am trying to column grouping also unable to fetch proper what exactly i am trying.
I am facing whitespace issue in my SSRS report. I have simple tablix report with 10 columns. I am trying to toggle column 5 to 8 using on column 4. The problem I am facing is the whitespace. Now column 5 to 8 are only visible when we expand column 4. When the report is rendered on the screen, there is a huge gap between column 4 and 9.
A Fact table <<Company Revenue>> 2 Dimension <<Month.Dim>> , <<Company>>
I have 4 company say (A,B,C,D) but i have record for only company A & D that too only for December month .
When I create a SSRS report out of the cube i want a matrix where all the company names to be displayed in the rows & all the months in the columns and company's revenue in data
What my report is displaying :
Company | December ------------------------------------------------------- A | 20000 ------------------------------------------------------- D | 3900 -------------------------------------------------------
what is needed :
Company | January | February | March | ........... | December ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A | | | | | 20000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- B | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C | | | | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- D | | | | | 3900 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We are facing problem in doing page break with column grouping. Our column group contains years e.g 2011, 2013 . We want to show a complete page for a year.
Suppose 2011 has 10 records(horizontal) and 2013 has 12 records(horizontal) in column. The output should be 10 records of 2011 in first page, 12 records of 2013 in second page.
We cannot change the report layout to make column to row and vice versa.
I have a SSRS report in which we have a subreport i am trying to hide the link in excel after exporting from report documents, in report my logic is working fine but when we are deploying in SharePoint application then it is not working. Report is not opening.
I developed a SSRS report, the problem is i dont have data in DEV server. So i dont know how to adjust the column lengths in ssrs report. is there any property so that the column length can be adjusted dynamically based on the data length whenever data is available in production.
I am getting extra column while exporting SSRS report into excel but those columns not in my report. How to avoid these columns please find the attached screen shot with red circle.
I have both positive and negative values in a single column, where I want sum total of positive values & negative values. Is there any Expression for this to sort out.
I have a report in which I have assigned custom colors with a function to one of my stacked column charts. When I run it in the report builder, the colors are correctly placed, but as soon as I upload the report to the server and view the report from there, the colors get swapped. I have these custom colors applied to other stacked column charts in the report and they work perfectly fine. The only difference between this chart and my other charts is that it contains two category groups.
EDIT: Alright, I have gotten it to display the correct colors by using a function with the colors I wanted in reverse. I have two values, "Upcoming" which is displayed in red, and "Outstanding" which is displayed in blue. If the chart has only upcoming values, it will display in blue rather than red, whereas if I have upcoming and outstanding values, they will display in their correct colors. why this is occurring?
I created a view that i want to use in ssrs.In the view there is a column for running balance.In the table contain transaction of inventory with their quantity.
If i run the query on sql or use the view on ssr. The end qty is not showing accurately.I ran it on another database it works perfectly. Then i noticed that the dex_row_ID of the second database is sequential as the date. But for the initial database it was not sequential as with the date.
In one of my datasets, my field "Team" is a SharePoint choice column that is a checkbox, so multiple entries are in it. In my Parameter, I have it as a multiple-value, and I'm specifying the values directly in both available and default.For my filter, I have [Team] IN [@Team], which is where the problem comes in. It will only filter the results of entries that only have ONE listed in Team.
For example: One entry has "Building" in Team column which SSRS is displaying. But it will NOT display entries where "Building" and "Clerks" are displayed. I believe this is because SSRS sees this as 1 line of text, so it does not just see"Building" but "Building" and "Clerks" so it will omit it.I've tried to have my parameter set to "Get values from a query" but the problem there is the drop-down is too confusing since it interprets it as "Building" and then "Building, Clerks", and then "Building, Clerks, Economic Development' as another drop down, which defeats the purpose of the filter.
how I can get SSRS to show ALL entries that contain "Building" when I choose "Building" as a drop-down choice in my parameter? Instead of only showing ones that is Building only and dismissing other teams?
I am displaying the red line in the beginning of the current week column in the matrix table. But for few resources the red line is missing. For Example in below screenshot, refer the 'Adrian Larkin' resource. Here is the SSRS report border expression which is comparing the [TimeByDay] with the current Week First Monday Date to display the red bar -
Here is the dataset result set. If you refer the column [TimeByDay], it has no record for the date 11/05/2015 for the Adrian resource as he has no assignment for the date 11-05-2015.display the red missing line red bar using the expression or any other solution.
How to insert a row number for a zone wise(ie group by zone column) in ssrs report in zone column i should get zone1 only once (should not get Zone1,zone1, zone1 -3 times) Zone District no.of.region
1 hyd 24 2 ZONE1 chn 12 3 bang 2 1 raj 4 2 ZONE2 vizag 3 3 bbb 34
I got the following code to add a column in a matrix with a variance:
IIF(IsNothing(Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))) or Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") or Previous(Sum(Fields!Amount.Value))=0,nothing, ( (Fields!Amount.Value) /Previous(sum(Fields!Amount.Value)) ) )
This code works fine, except that the first row of the matrix shows an #error
This happens with each matrix where I use this expression. A warning emerges:
rsruntimeerrorinexpression the value expression for the textrun Textbox43.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]' contains an error.
Attempted to divide by zero.
The strange thing is that the part
Fields!year.Value=First(Fields!year.Value,"Category") should prevent an error and I expect it to show 'nothing'
An screenshot of the table. (each color is a different category. Each row stands for 2013, 2014, 2015)
As you can see, all other 2013 rows show a blank cell, except the first row.