Reporting Services :: How To Call Table Value Function In SSRS
Sep 23, 2015
How to call a table valued functions from SSRS reports ?
Is there a way to call by selecting Dataset properties> Query >Stored Procedure radio button, If not then why our object type function is visible under this list.
I have an SSRS report with several variables, some of which are multi-valued. The main query that feeds the report uses some table value functions. For example, the query looks something like this:
select tv1.a, tv1.b, tv2.x, tv2.y, tbl.m, tbl.n from tableValueFunction1(@MultiValueParam) as tv1 inner join tableValueFunction2(@MultiValueParam) as tv2 on = inner join regularTable as tbl on =
where in (@MultiValueParam).When I try to run this, I get an error saying that I'm feeding the wrong number of parameters into the table value functions. I've fed multi-valued parameters to stored procedures before and used a splitter function to split out the comma separated values, so I was planning to do the same thing in this scenario. However, this is different. When I look at the query in SQL Profiler, it shows discrete values for the multi value parameter. For example, the same query above looks like this when viewed through the profiler (using 1,2,3 as my multi-value selection):
select tv1.a, tv1.b, tv2.x, tv3.y, tbl.m, tbl.n from tableValueFunction1(1,2,3) as tv1 inner join tableValueFunction2(1,2,3) as tv2 on = inner join regularTable as tbl on = where in (1,2,3)
In other words, SSRS isn't converting the multi-value parameter to a comma separated string, like it normally does.
SELECT dbo.incident.incident_ref, Customer.cust_n,incident.date_logged FROM incident INNER JOIN Customer ON incident.incident_id = Customer.cust_id WHERE incident.date_logged BETWEEN @date_from AND DATEADD(day, 1, @date_to)
I need to use a condition here to display customer based on my selection in dropdown list (Include ABC )
I am using the following function to set the time format, however I now need to to add an IF statement into this equation.This is the current expression I am using:
we need the list suppliers in a text box,if it were a parameter, we can do it by =join(parameters!Supplier_ID.Value,",")but if the Supplier Id is a field , join (Fields!Supplier_ID.Value,",") doesnt work!how to achieve this.
I get May 10th! The only thing that changes is the toString. Why are the two values different? I tried with different expressions and the difference arises when i start using Weekday(Today(), somevalue).
The result of Weekday should be independent from regional settings as I am forcing Sunday to be the first day of the week, right?
I have a report that uses a stored procedure as a dataset.The stored procedure accepts four parameters, which I have defined in the report. works fine in query builder and SSMS.
When I run the report I get an error stating a parameter is missing. I tried deleting parameters and recreating not luck.
I have a report where in I want to show each record on a separate page.
So, to achieve that I took a single cell from table control, expanded it and used all the controls in that single cell. This looks nice so far.
Now, I also have to show a sub grid on each record. So I took a table control and added on the same single cell and tried to add a parent group to the table row.
When I preview, it throws this error.
"The tablix has a detail member with inner members. Detail members can only contain static inner members."
What am I doing wrong? How can I achieve table grouping inside a table cell?
In SSRS report genertion using store proc based on years, retrieving the data of previous and current year details. In the middle of data, I have to add sub tax total and sub total amount from previous and current year.
I have added sub total tax and sub total in database for previous and current year totals.
Below are the current results Expected results:
I am having trouble finding information on placing a % on a table value for a column of information in SSRS. I can do a "round" but cannot find how to include a % to the percentage. I just see SQL solution which I already know.
I want to use multiple datasets in a table and wants to do the full outer join on the two datasets in the same table. For example, my two datasets are:
I want to display a ssrs table like: Both the datasets are coming from different sources. So I cannot integrate them at sql query level.
I have a dataset with weekly salary of multiple employees of same grade from different dpt. We are not going to show the report based on employ. The report will be showing data based on Employee grade and their department.
I am trying to create a matrix report to work similar to a pivot table, where when a user clicks on the count, the details are displayed. When I add the action to open a sub-report, how do I pass in the parameter values for the group that was selected? meaning if in row group- I have company name, and column group I have job title, when the count gets clicked, i need to pass in the company name for the row that was clicked along with the column group. How can I proceed?
I have a range bar chart Inside a table of row group and the chart is repeatedly generate according to category ,i want to increase chart height dynamically based on category.
suppose for if category =A THEN CHART HEIGHT=10CM category =B THEN CHART HEIGHT=7CM
I'm working on a report to show financial transactions from a table over a certain period. For most transactions there is a PDF document that is stored in a separate table in a binairy format. In my report I would like to include a link on every line with transaction information in the report that opens the PDF that is linked to that transaction. Just to be clear, I don't want to embed the PDF in the report but I want the users of the report to have the option to view the PDF that is related to that transaction in their standard pdf reader (adobe).
Code to do the following:
Once a user clicks on the link to view the PDF I need the code to get the binairy data of the PDF file from the table, convert it back to a PDF and open it in the default pdf reader (for example adobe reader). If it can't directly open the file then it's maybe possible to activate the 'open or download' pop up that you also get when you download something from a website.
I have a list of customers in my Customers table. What I am looking to do is to create QR codes for each customer in Reporting Services. I need to include the customer name, address, postcode, telephone number and contact name.
Hi all, I want to use a function with a tabel object as parameter. Doessomeone know a method to do this. I have read that a table as parameteris invalid.
i just clicked on Advanced mode in Column Group, and then in Row Group Side i set Fixed Data=true for first top static. I'm using local report not server report and i'm displaying that local report in Reportviewer. Now also its not working....
What is the syntax on calling a function from a column formula in an MS SQL table.
I created a table, one column's value will be coming from a function. And at the same time, I will pass parameters to the function. How do I do this? Is this correct?
SELECT dbo.FunctionName([Parameter1, Parameter2])
But i can't save the table, "Error validating the formula".
I am working on SSRS. Based on parameter value I needs to call the related view. Below are my current expression query. but it has some error.
=IIF(Parameters!RacServiceOfferingsOnly.Value=0, SELECT * FROM VW_FLIGHT_SHEET_SUMM_RAC_N WHERE "TransferDate" BETWEEN DECODE(:StartDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:StartDate) AND DECODE(:EndDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:EndDate) AND (:TransferType IS NULL OR :TransferType = "Direction"),SELECT * FROM VW_FLIGHT_SHEET_SUMM_RAC_Y WHERE "TransferDate" BETWEEN DECODE(:StartDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:StartDate) AND DECODE(:EndDate,NULL, "TransferDate",:EndDate))
I've created some reports in Reporting Services 2003 and would like to call them up from a .Net 2003 windows based application. I'm passing one parameter to the report and would like to be able to automatically call the Save As... command and provide a path and name to save the file. I wnat to render the report as a PDf file and save it in that format as well. I can generate the name of the file on the fly using the input parameter value.
What I need is a sample of how to instantiate a reporting services object in .Net 2003 and the commands to execute the Save As function after the report has been rendered.
We've got a requirement to build the real time report. user can browse report at any point of time and need to see the latest data(stock market) in the report.
I've few options down...
1. Directly point to OLTP database as source and write stored procedure to show result set.
2. Replicate the database and write the SP's to reports. To avoid pointing directly to OLTP db.
3. To build the datawarehouse with dim & facts to show it in reports. I prefer this as a standard method, but this would have some latency depending on trasaction load which will differ from the requirement.
We built our prod server [vm] with SQL Server 2008 R2 on Server 2008 R2. It works nicely. Then we made a copy of the VM and renamed it (so our test environment would be IDENTICAL to production). After that, SSRS was broken: I get "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." I can't connect via http, or SSMS.
We have tried:
* Running SSRS config tool (several times)
* Running with/without the IIS Server Role
* Dropping & recreating the SSRS keys
* Recreating the ReportServer database, etc
* Checking all of the accounts, permissions, etc
* Running SQL Repair
* Going through the registry to fix any references to the machine's old name
* Uninstalling, reinstalling SSRS
* Completely uninstalling ALL of the parts of SQL Server 2008 R2, deleting all directories, removing references to SQL Server from the registry, rebooting, reinstalling everything.
None of this has worked. SSRS [R2] is still 503 on our test box.
the SSRS [NT] service seems to run, without error. The Event Viewer doesn't seem to be recording any errors. The SSRS logs say that the default URL is wrong, but we get the same error in Prod, and Prod works fine. The other SQL Logs say something about not being able to contact the service. However, as I said, the [NT] service seems to be working fine.
Hey everyone...I'm completely new to SQL Server and I'm trying to learn the Reporting Services tool. I just installed SQL Server 2005 and selected to install all the options, atleast I'm 99.99% sure I did.
When I go to launch Report Services Configuration, I get "No report servers were found on the specified machine. Details: Invalid namespace". Do I need IIS for this to work?
Also, I do not think the AdventureWorks database was installed, I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I have tried to go back through and reinstall it, but it says that it is already installed.
Also, is there a certain order that you are supposed to install things? i.e. SQL Server before Visual Studios?
Thanks in advance.
*Edit* BTW, I'm using Windows XP, SQL Server Enterprise Edition, and VS.NET 2005.
Is it possible to have my pop up SSRS box size according to the size of the returned value? Issue is, i have a text box that returns a note field and depending on the number of notes, it can and will vary in size. I am currently using this code
I have a requirement to convert reports from Crystal Reports to SQLServer Reports. Is there any tool to do this? or Do I need to redesignevery report in SQL Server Reports?Madhivanan