Reporting Services :: How To Sum Data Labels To A Total In Chart Diagram
Aug 13, 2013
I am counting order type by a field which can have 3 different values.In a stacked column chart I am displaying the count of those different values, and showing a data label with the count for each order type. See screenshot.
Now I would like to show a line based on the total of each order type. I can see that SSRS already know the number of each order type as it is shown in the labels.
How do I add those numbers (shown in the labels) together and get it into a Total field? I would prefer not to alter my SQL query, if possible.
I am using the below expression for hidding the zero data labels in ssrs chart.=IIF(Fields!Name.Value=0,False,True). But this expression is working for some other charts. It is not wrking for only charts. I could not find the solution for that. How to hide the zero values.
Data lables in ssrs reports are getting overlapped in stacked chart. Since it is satcked chart i can't place labels outside the bar.Due to this it is not visible clearly. how to avoid this issue?
Is it possible to have the value labels always on top of the bars of a bar chart?
On the Chart Series Labels properties under Appearance, I used Top for Position, but if the bar reaches the top of the chart area (and that is determined automaticaly by the Y Axis that and can't be a fixed value).
Some labels such as 33314 are displaying over the columns. I need all labels to display at the top. How can I fix this without changing the size of the chart?
What is the best optimised options to display the date labels with bi-weekly intervals starting date Date from one month to three months future from the current date?
As per above requirements, I have built the below line graph query and graph, currently it only displays the date labels as per data but I need to display date labels with bi-weekly intervals starting date from one month to three months future from the current date. Also another issue found, if there are few more date labels then does not show all labels on horizontal axis.
Select /* Set Week End date as Sunday */ DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, t.TaskBaseline0FinishDate), CAST(t.TaskBaseline0FinishDate +1 AS DATE)) as[WeekEnd] ,count(t.TaskBaseline0FinishDate) as Baseline ,count(t.TaskFinishDate) as Finish
I developed a rdlc report. I have a graph chart. Sometimes the value of a label can =0. If the value =0 I want to hide the labelname. However, I also have dummy values =0. This is so that I can have spaces between the bars. The dummy values labels isn't shown in the graph. This works great. I need to add to the expression that if the name of the label isn't dummy but the value =0 to hide the labelname.
The data from sql: Expression in graph under chart data->category groups->category group properties->label: =Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.SWITCH(Fields!LabelName.Value = "aTotalForRetire", "Retirement", Fields!LabelName.Value = "cTotalForRelatives", "Relatives", Fields!LabelName.Value = "eTotalForDisability", "Disability")
The result is below. I want to hide the label relatives as in this example the value=0. It will not always be the case. How can I do that?
When I tried to create a bar chart using SSRS 2012, the vertical axis values are repeating for smaller data sets values. It's only happening when the data labels are below 5, when the data is above 5 this chart represents data fine.
I tried specifying the custom intervals and this option all together eliminated the bar for value 1, instead it only showed the value 1 as text on the chart.
I tried changing the data interval type as number and the data type is of Integer, these are counts which I am showing in the chart.
I'm using Reporting Services 2008 R2, version 10.50.2550.0, and Visual Studio 2008, version 9.0.30729.4462 QFE. Not sure if the SQL version matters, since I haven't gotten the report out of the development environment.I've read lots of messages, including URL.... that show you can have multiple data entries per row in a Range Bar Chart, simply by turning DrawSideBySide to False.My data set basically contains four pieces of data, LineNumber, Equipment, StartTime and EndTime. I have data like:
(I actually have a date with my datetime entries, but that should give you the idea.) My chart is set up with Values of EndTime and StartTime. If I set my chart up with only Equipment in the Category Groups entry, my chart will show CLM1 from 08:00-08:30, and SS1 from 08:05 to 08:35. No sign of the other entries per equipment, although I added a tablix to retrieve the same data and it all shows up.Changing DrawSideBySide between True, False and Auto has no effect on the data displayed on my chart. If I add StartTime in the Category Groups, I do show all the data, but one row for each piece of data, which isn't what the customer wants.From what I can tell from various sites, I'm set up right, but it just isn't working.
I have pie chart. In this i have to display the category group name , count as a data label. In this both category name and count should be in seperate line and should be in centre allignment. But for it is not centre allignment. In series label properties i am using this expression,=Fields!Group.Value & VbCrLf & Count(Fields!Countvalue.Value).I am geeting new line. But not in center allignment.
When I export the report in excel format the chart is displayed as picture. I want it to be displayed as editable chart.Does Office Writer work in this situation and did anyone use Office Writer to accomplish same type of problem.Is there any other method or product we can use instead of the office writer.
I need to create a chart with the following features
1) Bar chart that has data for 3 years (3 series) 2) Line chart that has the same data as per the above points on the bar chart but this is a running total. (3 series) 3) These data points are for the 12 months 4) there should be a secondary axis for the cumulative one
I have a scatter chart in SSRS (SQL Server 2012, Visual Studio 2010) that is producing the following:
There are five data points on there, however the result set I am using has 10 rows (a 'Completed Date' of datetime and a 'Lateness' integer whose values can be positive or negative.
This is the Dataset and the results it produces:
How can I tell SSRS to show every data point in my chart?
I am creating a report to be used to print mailing labels. Size 1" x 2 5/8" (3 columns of 10 labels). I seem to have everything but the vertical spacing working properly. I have used a rectangle set to the size of the labels which contains a list box containing text boxes containing expressions to pull in the fields. Some of the street addresses are two lines with the majority being only one line.
I have joined the two fields containing the street addresses and inserted a new line command so each field will print on its own line but yet be contained within the same text box. Everything except the text box containing the street addresses are set to not increase or decrease. My problem is that on the pages of the report where labels vary between the one and two line street addresses the labels tend to creep down which in some cases causes data to be printed over two labels. Any ideas on what I can do to format these to print properly?
Is it possible to repeat the row labels for matrix reports where there are multiple groups. So if the matrix report rows are department,division,employee then have all three labels show up on each row not just at the breaks. Cannot seem to find a way to do this. thanks
I have a sheet of mailing labels in which the first three rows have been used. I want a parameter or something when running an SSRS label report where I can specify what row to begin printing on and how many rows I want to print. Is that possible?
I have 6 separate mailing label like reports with a textbox inside a cell. I tried to join them into one report with subreports"but" it does not work since you need the print layout in order to get both columns to show. What is the best way to accomplish this task?
i would like to show all Labels available in a Chart and rotate the Labels 90°. How can i do that ? I changed the Propertie "Interval" to 1, "LabelsAngle" to 90, "LabelsAutoFitDisabled" to true in my Chart Axis.
I creted a simple bar type and sometimes the values of point labels are showing inside of bar, This is a problema, because if the length of bar will be short, the value doesn't shows. How can I make to force the point label value outside of bar ??
I've created a chart and I'm using point labels. When I have two series, and the values on one bar of one of the series is zero, the point label for that bar shows up at the same point on the chart as the value for the other series--in other words, it shows up in the middle of the chart rather than at the bottom, where a value of zero should be. Any ideas on how to fix this? It just looks stupid. Example--sales for customer 1 and 2 for June and July. Sales for cust 1 for June is 5, for cust 2 is 3; point labels show up at the tops of the bars. Sales for cust 1 for July is 0, cust 2 is 6; point label for cust 1 shows up near 5 (where the value for the other month of data shows), and for cust 2 at the top of the bar. Thanks!
I have a chart that presently has two groupings on the x-axis: Year & Qtr. I'd like the Year labels to be one color, and the Qtr labels to be a different color. (All year labels should be Black, all Qtr labels should be Blue). I can see that an expression can be written to handle this dynamically, but I'm banging my head trying to figure it out...
Hopefully someone can clarify for me. I'd like to use custom colors for a chart that I have created. I've seen some code examples but I'm not really sure what to do with them. I've been using reporting services for like 2 days and I don't know xml or vb script, so I apologize for the probably stupid question. Thank you in advance.
I am trying to display a chart from a data source that runs a stored procedure. The data dislays fine in the dataset tab, however, when I try to preview the report I get the following message:
'An error occurred during local report processing. The definition of the report 'reportname' is invalid. An internal error occured on the report server. See the error log for more details'.
I have looked at the error logs, but they do not help. I am thinking that my stored procedure is pushing a limit of the chart report. If I display the same data in a table, it displays fine, it is only in a chart. As I stated, the data is displaying in the dataset grid.
Can anyone give me an idea as to what my problem might be? I have other charts that run fine, but not using a stored procedure like the one below where I am performing multiple selects.
Below is the stored procedure:
-- =============================================
-- Author: Tim Olig
-- Create date: 09/20/07
-- Description: Returns Total Stored Procedure
-- =============================================
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_db_ReturnsSummary]
@Date smalldatetime
Select rtsum.FiscalYear,rtsum.Period,
CASE WHEN datepart(YY,returns.invdate) = 1900 then 2008 else datepart(YY,Returns.Invdate) end as FiscalYear,
CASE WHEN datepart(YY,returns.invdate) = 1900 then 'PENDING'
WHEN len(datepart(mm, returns.invdate)) = 1 THEN 'P0' + ltrim(str(datepart(mm, returns.invdate)))
WHEN len(datepart(mm, returns.invdate)) = 2 THEN 'P' + ltrim(str(datepart(mm, returns.invdate))) END AS Period,
"RMAComplete_ALL" = sum(returns.TotalCredit),
"RMAComplete_ANO" = sum(case when returns.respdept = 'ANODIZING DEPT' then (returns.TotalCredit) else 0 end),
"RMAComplete_EXT" = sum(case when returns.respdept = 'EXTRUSION DEPT' then (returns.TotalCredit)else 0 end),
"RMAComplete_FAB" = sum(case when returns.respdept = 'FAB' then (returns.TotalCredit) else 0 end),
"RMAComplete_SUN" = sum(case when returns.respdept = 'SUNROOF' then (returns.TotalCredit) else 0 end),
"RMAComplete_SUP" = sum(case when returns.respdept = 'SUPPLIER' then (returns.TotalCredit) else 0 end)
FROM [returns]
WHERE invfiscalyear = 1990 or returns.invdate >= @Date
group by datepart(YY,Returns.Invdate), CASE WHEN datepart(YY,returns.invdate) = 1900 then 'PENDING' WHEN len(datepart(mm, Returns.invdate)) = 1 THEN 'P0' + ltrim(str(datepart(mm, Returns.invdate))) WHEN len(datepart(mm, Returns.invdate)) = 2 THEN 'P' + ltrim(str(datepart(mm, Returns.invdate))) END)
as rtsum
left outer join
datepart(YY,transdate) as FiscalYear,
CASE WHEN len(datepart(mm,transdate)) = 1 THEN 'P0' + ltrim(str(datepart(mm,transdate)))
WHEN len(datepart(mm,transdate)) = 2 THEN 'P' + ltrim(str(datepart(mm,transdate))) END AS Period,
"ShipRev" = sum(case when (OrderType = 'Invoiced' or OrderType = 'ToBeInvoiced') and SalesAcctDesc = 'Sales' then Revenue else 0 end)
FROM sforep where transdate >= @Date
group by datepart(YY,transdate), CASE WHEN len(datepart(mm,transdate)) = 1 THEN 'P0' + ltrim(str(datepart(mm, transdate))) WHEN len(datepart(mm, transdate)) = 2 THEN 'P' + ltrim(str(datepart(mm, transdate))) END)
as salessum
on rtsum.fiscalyear = salessum.fiscalyear and rtsum.period = salessum.period
We are working with scatter chart in reporting services.we need to divide the chart into quadrants.We can use VB code in reporting services.Can anyone let me know the VB code to divide that into quadrants and coloring the quadrants
Hi all--I'm looking at SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services as a possible reporting solution for our data warehouse. One of our reporting requirements is the ability to do Gantt charts--has anyone out there had any experiences with creating one with Visual Studio 2005?