Reporting Services :: Missing Data In Lync Reports?
Sep 29, 2015
I have deployed Lync 2013 and monitoring which all went through fine. However just one of the monitoring reports (conference join time) shows no data even though there is data within SQL All other reports are fine and all datainformation is displayed. I've tired to publish the reports again but this has not made any difference.
Recently we upgraded to SSRS-2008 R2 from SSRS-2008 (enterprise edition) and noticed that all the underlines for hyper-links in all reports are missing. Also the font color has reset back to default color (had set to blue to indicate a hyperlink).
Redeployed the same report from VS-2008 SP1 but no luck. Although the formatting (color + underline) looks ok in the preview mode in VS.if there's any workarounds as many end users are getting confued with this change.
When exporting SSRS 2008 R2 report to an csv or excel file not all the rows are being exported. The number of rows is less then 500 and it seems to be a pretty straight forward export.
I have a report created using MS SQL Server 2005 reporting services and deployed to the report server. I added a subscription for the report to be scheduled to run and emailed to someone on a regular basis. But now we want the report emailed ONLY when there is data returned. If no data is returned after the report runs then don't email it. Does anyone know how to do that?
I have a program where I have to do a weekly data upload of approx 1,500 records. I've written the sql, but need to know how I can add static header text to the SQL statement.the text I need in the header is Reportname(Static string) + #rows (Rowcount of the sql, int) + department (String static) I'm planning on writing it and saving it as a package, then schedule it to run every Friday at 5:00. But I have been reading a little on Reporting Services and wonder if people think it' might be the way to go? Is it a whole new area of security issues? Or is it worth installing and learning? I will have more and more reports I need to write that will increase in complexity, and want to know if I want to keep writing querys by hand, or use reporting services. Thanks in advance! Dan
I have published SSRS reports to sharepoint and used the Reporting Services Report viewer to present the reports on a Page. Everything works fine for the day, however in the morning, when I go to view the page, I get an error message
The report server cannot process the report. The data source connection information has been deleted. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)
Hello SQL Server Experts, Data Analysts, and Report Writers et al:
re: Reporting Options with SQL Server
I wanted to propose an offshoot to the pryor thread:
Would anyone take a stab at comparing Access Reports, Crystal Reports, Cognos or other options to all the Reporting Services and its components offered as part ofSQL Server, especially as to extracting data from SQL Server into a report format?
I guess this is a far as capabilites, ease of use, limitations, and especially formatting or presentation of the end report product?
Thank you to all, and I hope this is a beneficial discussion to others.
I have an issue where I need to set a whole bunch of internal parameters' values to the result of a dataset first executed with the report...nothing new or majestic about it.
The problem is that the 'First dataset', under some parameter values, return no is empty (which is fine). But this meas that these internal parameters error my report as the 'NEED' a value even though I have specified a default, I still get the 'Paremeter X is missing a value' error. I just want the other datasets, which are reliant on these erroring parameters to either execute with parameter values of 0 or not execute at all. Thus I want the sub datasets to return with blank data in this case or not execute at all.
I am using Reporting Services to create reports on an Access database. I am using the OLEDB provider to connect to the Access 2000 database file. Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0. When I try and establish a connection to one of the queries in my database, I get the error message below. I had copied the access database from a previous version in which the Import Specification below was used. The import specification is no longer necessary. How can I get Reporting Services to not look for this text file specification?
TITLE: Microsoft Report Designer ------------------------------
An error occurred while executing the query. The text file specification 'CEU06_FULL_REG_INFO Import Specification' does not exist. You cannot import, export, or link using the specification.
The text file specification 'CEU06_FULL_REG_INFO Import Specification' does not exist. You cannot import, export, or link using the specification. (Microsoft JET Database Engine)
We currently have reports for a client running on SQL 2000 RS. The strange thing (problem) is that we can see any embedded image in the Report when we Preview it, and view it on our testing server (SQL 2000), but at the client's site (also running SQL 2000) the images don't appear at all. The same goes for any graphs inside the report as well. This is very puzzling as we cannot find out what the problem is. The other strange thing is that we can see the images on the client's site when running them through Report Manager, but when we go through the application using the Reports, then the images do not appear at all. We have no idea of what's wrong. The app is running on 2003 Server x64, the database is being hosted on another server running 2003 Server, and the report server is running on another server running Windows 2000 Server.
People, help me with this? Already broke my brain.
I have some data on Sybase, i'm tryin to render report with MSSQL ReportingServices 2000 Eval SP2.
the report designer is fyiReportDesigner 3.0 - and I can do preview with it.
after deployment I'm tryin to render it, RS gives me an error:
An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help Query execution failed for data set 'Data'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) Get Online Help Column '@start_date' not found
I tried connect through ODBC and OLEDB both - same result.
ps I'm gonna kill somebody real soon.
the sql:
WHERE PERIOD.BEGINDATE between CAST(@start_date as timestamp) and CAST(@end_date as timestamp)
I have a project with SQL sever reports in it. During a test upon returning to the VS 2013 Professional interface, the tool box area still had the previous information displayed and never returned to what should be there for the report design tools.I restarted VS, and the toolbox no longer looked like it did before. Specifically, the datatable tool among others was missing. I was unable to "refresh" the datatable after making changes to it.
I opened other Reports in design mode, and the tools did not show up for those either.The Report Items in the toolbox does contain things like Pointer, Text Box, Line and so forth.
in order to use an SSIS package as a data source in a report, I need to enable the SSIS extension in the RSReprotDesigner.config and RSReportServer.config files. That extension is in neither of these files. I have SSIS running on my machine with Reporting Services.
The path to RSReportServer.config: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesReportServer
The path to RSReportDesigner.config: C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0Common7IDEPrivateAssemblies
Why is this extension not in either of these files?
The following is an abbreviated list of what's present in the RSReportServer.config file:
Crystal reports to Reporting Services Is there any way I can convert Crystal reports to Reporting Services instead of creating reports again in Reporting Services?
I have a Manager dashbord report.In this report 1st page contains some tables and 2nd,3rd page contains line charts with tables.Actually what we need is in 1st page tables are pretty simple,we need to add kpi's and shown these tables in kpi. kpi in ssrs and how to add kpi in ssrs reports?
We are planning to migrate our crystal reports to reporting services, just wondering if we have cross tab reports in sql server reporting services. Thx.
I currently have a report on our Reporting Services 2005 server that takes a CompanyID as its only parameter. Also, in our database, we have a list of contacts that are linked to the CompanyID that is used in the report. What I would like to do is email a pdf or each company's report to every contact for that company in our database daily. However I am stuck on how to do that. My project is using C#, but if there is a way to do this directly through Reporting Services I could do that as well. If anyone could help me out I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
The attempt to connect to the report server failed. Check your connection information and that the report server is a compatible version. (Microsoft.ReportingServices.Designer)
I have a series of drill-through reports from a parent report. While in BIDS I get a blue arrow that allows we to get back to the parent report from the drill-through report. I do not see this feature available on the RS web interface. How are users expected to navigate back to the parent report?
I contact you because we installed Report Services 2012 and after configuring werb service URL, database, Report Manager URLs... the URLs linked to the Report server + Report Manager does not work.After searching in IIS, it seems that even if virtual directories are created, they are linked to directories which does not exist :- c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSRS11.ReportReporting Services does contain only LogFiles and RSTempFiles directories.
Currently I have a project that require me to use reporting services (Reports) together with web application.
However, I have the following problem.
I have an web application. From there, I have a textbox whereby user can type a specific date. The specific date should then be incorporate with the sql reporting services. The report that is being generated will contain data that is on the specific date.
How can I do that?
I try to search through the internet but to no result. Can anyone help out?
We will making a change to our Reporting Services deployment next month. We will be moving from our SQL 2000 server to a new SQL 2005 server. In addition, we will moving from a Local Catalog Deployment to a Remote Catalog Deployment. My question is this: Is there a way I can prevent my team from having to manually redeploy our reports in the new system? They have not been diligent about saving the Visual Studio solution or project files, so they will have to pull the most up-to-date RDL's off the server and deploy them on the new server one by one.
I suppose I can install SQL 2000 on the new server first, then move the Reporting Services databases to the new server, then upgrade the server to 2005, but installing 2000 and upgrading to 2005 does not sound like a best practice. I would prefer a clean install of 2005. Does anyone know if I can move the deployed reports from one server to another?
We have created and scheduled some test reports via Idera performance tool but we are unable to delete the reports. These are not custom reports and reports created with Schedule Email option in Idera. Unfortunately, I dera does not have any option to delete these reports and support is asking me if I tried this by deleting from SQL Server Reporting Services.I looked at the Reporting services but can't find any place to delete these reports. This link does not provide any support because I don't have these (Or Report Manager)----> Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Reporting / Reporting Services.
URL....All I have is "Reporting Services Configuration Manager" under "Configuration Tools". How can I delete these reports from SQL Server Reporting services ?. Can I delete them from some tables in Reports databases ?. If so, what are the tables ?. I delete the jobs from SQL Server but the jobs are automatically created the next day emailing the reports again..
I have a requirement to create dynamic reports for my client.
once i create these reports then the user will choose columns of there choice.
so the columns may belong to multiple tables.
Now the report should get generated with the layout etc. is it possible.
since our project is totally on the webserver(webbased.)
please if you can provide me with any links with dynamic report creation wizards.
and also we only use Stored procedures via database.
which is best is writing the entire queries right behind the layouit or calling the entire logic via Stored procedure. i am a bit confused. this is my first project working on reports itself.
Is there a way to publish the MDW (Data Collection) reports (Disk Usage history, Query Statistic history, and Server Activity history ) on SSRS server?!
It is not logical for all who wants to view the mentioned reports to open the SSMS !
I've already check [URL] .... there, the writer is suggesting to recreate the reports from scratch on SSRS, that if I could figure their queries, which I don't think the only way that we have!
I want to run the Reports on a system that has Oracle Database but reporting Services are not installed there. Only Application exe file will be there designed in .NET Windows Forms.
I'm using the SQL Server Reporting Services to build a sales report.
I'm having two different reports because I need to have a matrix table into one of them.
Is possible to Join two different reports (two different reports.dll) into one? Basically, can I, in the end, export two different reports in only one report?