Reporting Services :: Pivot A Table Of Data With Multiple Columns?

Nov 20, 2015

Running SQL Server 2005, trying to develop an SSRS report to basically pivot a table of data with multiple columns.

Here's the basic source table:

Day    Cases   Referrals    Vends
1         291          0             0
2         293          1             0
3         293          1             1

And I want to display it as:

Day             1       2       3
Cases         291   293   293
Referrals       0        1      1
Vends           0        0      1

I thought I could use a matrix for this but I can't seem to get it worked out. Is this even possible?

The Day number is meant to represent the day of the month and the user would input a start and ending date parameter.

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PIVOT Multiple Columns In Test Table

Apr 24, 2014

-- Here's a test table where I'm trying to workout how to Pivot more than one column.

-- Drop the Temp Table
IF (SELECT Object_id('tempdb..#Test_Pivot_Example')) <> 0
DROP TABLE #Test_Pivot_Example

[Code] ....

Once I have worked this out then I need to dynamic populate the IN ([1] etc with the val;ue sin field [SIZE])

but one step at a time trying to workout pivot on more than one column.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Dynamic Table Pivot With Multiple Columns

Jan 23, 2014

I am trying to pivot table DYNAMICALLY but couldn't get the desired result .

Here is the code to create a table

create table Report
deck char(3),
Jib_in float,
rev int,
rev_insight int,
jib_out float,

[Code] .....

Code written so far. this pivots the column deck and jib_in into rows but thats it only TWO ROWS i.e the one i put inside aggregate function under PIVOT function and one i put inside QUOTENAME()

SET @columns = N'';
SELECT @columns += N', p.' + QUOTENAME(deck)
GROUP BY p.deck) AS x;

[Code] ....

I need all the columns to be pivoted and show on the pivoted table. I am very new at dynamic pivot. I tried so many ways to add other columns but no avail!!

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Oct 18, 2006


We currently have a report generated weekly running script which creates an excel file and pivot tables. Using pivot tables we can drag and drop the various required fields and the report changes instantly. But i was told there is a limitation of size while using pivot tables.

Can this report be easily created with almost all the flexibility in reporting services, if so could you please guide me with some sample report or tutorials.

currently there is a some store procedures thats run every week using a DTS manually, is there a way of automating this.

Many thanks in advance.


Dargonheart 007

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Integration Services :: Insert Multiple Columns As Multiple Records In Table Using SSIS?

Aug 10, 2015

Here is my requirement, How to handle using SSIS.

My flatfile will have multiple columns like :

ID  key1  key2  key3  key 4

I have SP which accept 3 parameters ID, Key, Date

NOTE: Key is the coulm name from the Excel. So my sp call look like

sp_insert ID, Key1, date
sp_insert ID, Key2,date
sp_insert ID, Key3,date

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Reporting Services :: Show / Hide Multiple Columns In SSRS

Nov 3, 2015

I have a parameter "time frame" which contains two value- 6 months ,12 months an 18 months which shows data of 6 months , 12 months and 18 months.

In my ssrs report i have 18 columns :


The first six months will be displayed in each case.

But when i choose 6 months i just want to display first six months only.when i choose 12 months  i want to be displayed first 12 months columns only and for 18 months all the columns,.

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Reporting Services :: Insert Basic Sparkline For Multiple Columns?

Aug 19, 2015

I need to insert a sparkline based on values in columns. I cannot insert a image - seems my account must be verified (whatever that means).Basically what I need is a sparkline that is created based on columns for each row. Like in Excel.I have seen a similiar question here URL.. forum=sqlreportingservices).

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SQL 2012 :: Split Data From Two Columns In One Table Into Multiple Columns Of Result Table

Jul 22, 2015

So I have been trying to get mySQL query to work for a large database that I have. I have (lets say) two tables Table_One and Table_Two. Table_One has three columns: Type, Animal and TestID and Table_Two has 2 columns Test_Name and Test_ID. Example with values is below:

Type Animal TestID
Mammal Goat 1
Fish Cod 1
Bird Chicken 1
Reptile Snake 1
Bird Crow 2
Mammal Cow 2
Bird Ostrich 3

Test_name TestID
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_1 1
Test_2 2
Test_2 2
Test_3 3

In Table_One all types come under one column and the values of all Types (Mammal, Fish, Bird, Reptile) come under another column (Animals). Table_One and Two can be linked by Test_ID

I am trying to create a table such as shown below:

Test_Name Bird Reptile Mammal Fish
Test_1 Chicken Snake Goat Cod
Test_2 Crow Cow
Test_3 Ostrich

This should be my final table. The approach I am currently using is to make multiple instances of Table_One and using joins to form this final table. So the column Bird, Reptile, Mammal and Fish all come from a different copy of Table_one.

For e.g

Test_Name AS 'Test_Name',
Table_Bird.Animal AS 'Birds',
Table_Mammal.Animal AS 'Mammal',
Table_Reptile.Animal AS 'Reptile,
Table_Fish.Animal AS 'Fish'
From Table_One

[Code] .....

The problem with this query is it only works when all entries for Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Fish have some value. If one field is empty as for Test_Two or Test_Three, it doesn't return that record. I used Or instead of And in the WHERE clause but that didn't work as well.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Matrix Click On The Count Like Pivot Table To Get Details

Apr 24, 2015

I am trying to create a matrix report to work similar to a pivot table, where when a user clicks on the count, the details are displayed. When I add the action to open a sub-report, how do I pass in the parameter values for the group that was selected? meaning if in row group- I have company name, and column group I have job title, when the count gets clicked, i need to pass in the company name for the row that was clicked along with the column group. How can I proceed?

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Transact SQL :: Select And Parse Json Data From 2 Columns Into Multiple Columns In A Table?

Apr 29, 2015

I have a business need to create a report by query data from a MS SQL 2008 database and display the result to the users on a web page. The report initially has 6 columns of data and 2 out of 6 have JSON data so the users request to have those 2 JSON columns parse into 15 additional columns (first JSON column has 8 key/value pairs and the second JSON column has 7 key/value pairs). Here what I have done so far:

I found a table value function (fnSplitJson2) from this link [URL]. Using this function I can parse a column of JSON data into a table. So when I use the function above against the first column (with JSON data) in my query (with CROSS APPLY) I got the right data back the but I got 8 additional rows of each of the row in my table. The reason for this side effect is because the function returned a table of 8 row (8 key/value pairs) for each json string data that it parsed.

1. First question: How do I modify my current query (see below) so that for each row in my table i got back one row with 19 columns.


If updated my query (see below) and call the function twice within the CROSS APPLY clause I got this error: "The multi-part identifier "A.ITEM6" could be be bound.

2. My second question: How to i get around this error?

CROSS APPLY fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM5,NULL) B,  fnSplitJson2(A.ITEM6,NULL) C

I am using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 version. Windows 7 desktop.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Selecting Data From Table With Multiple Conditions On Multiple Columns

Apr 15, 2014

I am facing a problem in writing the stored procedure for multiple search criteria.

I am trying to write the query in the Procedure as follows

Select * from Car
where Price=@Price1 or Price=@price2 or Price=@price=3
where Manufacture=@Manufacture1 or Manufacture=@Manufacture2 or Manufacture=@Manufacture3
where Model=@Model1 or Model=@Model2 or Model=@Model3
where City=@City1 or City=@City2 or City=@City3

I am Not sure of the query but am trying to get the list of cars that are to be filtered based on the user input.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Pivot Query - Convert Data From Original Table To Reporting View

Apr 8, 2014

I want to convert the data from Original Table to Reporting View like below, I have tried but not get success yet.

Original Table:
Id || Id1 || Id2 || MasterId || Obs ||Dec || Act || Status || InstanceId
1 || 138 || 60 || 1 || Obs1 ||Dec1 || Act1 || 0|| 14
2 || 138 || 60 || 2 || Obs2 ||Dec2 || Act2 || 1|| 14
3 || 138 || 60 || 3 || Obs3 ||Dec3 || Act3 || 1|| 14
4 || 138 || 60 || 4 || Obs4 ||Dec4 || Act4 || 0|| 14
5 || 138 || 60 || 5 || Obs5 ||Dec5 || Act5 || 1|| 14

View For Reporting:

Row Header:
Id1 || Id2 || MasterId1 || Obs1 ||Desc1 ||Act1 ||StatusId1||MasterId ||Obs2 ||Desc2 ||Act2 ||StatusId2 ||MasterId3||Obs3 ||Desc3 ||Act3 ||StatusId3||MasterId4||Obs4||Desc4 ||Act4 ||StatusId4 ||MasterId5||Obs5 ||Desc5 ||Act5 ||StatusId5||InstanceId

Row Values:
138 || 60 || 1 || Obs1 ||Desc1 ||Act1 ||0 ||2 ||Obs2 ||Desc2||Act2 ||1 ||3 ||Obs3||Desc3 ||Act3 ||2 ||4||Obs4||Desc4 ||Act4 ||0 ||5 ||Obs5 ||Desc5 ||Act5 ||1 ||14

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Pivot Multiple Columns

Sep 19, 2007

I have a table the records the results of three different tests that are graded on a scale of 1-7. The table looks something like this.
PersonId TestA TestB TestC

1 4 5 4
2 6 2 4
3 5 5 6
4 1 5 1

I would like to have a SQL statement that would pivot all this data into something like this

Test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A 1 0 0 1 1 1 0
B 0 1 0 0 3 0 0
C 1 0 0 2 0 1 0

Where the value for each number is a count of the number of people with that result.

The best solution that I have been able to come up with is to pivot each test and UNION ALL the results together. Is there a way to do this in a single statement?

(If this has already been covered I apologize, but I could not find the solution.)

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Multiple Columns As The Pivot Key

Aug 27, 2007


Here is a sample of the data that I am trying to pivot;

rec_id sequence field_name value
1 1 cat_nbr Granrier
1 1 cat_page pg 21
1 2 cat_nbr H&S
1 2 cat_page pg234
2 1 cat_nbr Ford
2 1 cat_page pg5

I need to pivot on rec_id and sequence to get an output like this:

rec_id sequence cat_nbr cat_page
1 1 Granrier pg21
1 2 H&S pg234
2 1 Ford pg5

All I seem to be able to get thoug is this:
rec_id sequence cat_nbr cat_page
1 1 Granrier
1 1 pg21
1 2 H&S
1 2 pg234
2 1 Ford pg5

It seems to me that the pivot transform can only pivot around one key value column. What am I missing?


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Reporting Services :: Keep Multiple Data Tables Having Fixed Size Data In Same Page On Runtime?

Jul 31, 2015

I have a report where in I have a combination of matrix ,table data regions.

The problem what I am facing is that the data tables don't remain fixed in their position and they tend to move down.

E.g. table 1 and table 2  are on the same page in design time side by side (right and left)however during the runtime the table1 is pushed down and table2 is at its position .

Now how can I keep them all fixed in their same position. Most of the tables have fixed size rows  and some who have high size of rows have been put at the end . What settings we can set?

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Reporting Services And Multiple Data Sources

Sep 19, 2005

I have a group of reports that are the same for 3 different companies, the difference is the data connection. Is there a way I can change the data connection based on a variable passed in at the time of report execution?

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Transact SQL :: Pivot With Multiple Columns

Sep 1, 2015

I have one table like this.

-- drop table #temp
create table #temp(ID bigint, Description varchar(50), ET varchar(200), ET_Status varchar(50), ET_Date datetime, ET_IsValid varchar(3))

insert into #temp
select * from (values (1,'Test','A', 'Ack','08/15/2015', 'Yes'),(1,'Test','B', 'Nack','08/17/2015', 'Yes'),(1,'Test','C', 'Ack','08/21/2015', 'Yes')) a(ID, Description, ET, ET_Status, ET_Date, ET_IsValid)

I want to pivot this. My expected result look like this.

ID - Description - ET_A_Status - ET_A_Date
- ET_A_IsValid -  ET_B_Status - ET_B_Date
  - ET_B_IsValid - ET_C_Status  - ET_C_Date

1  - Test    - 'Ack'       - '2015-08-15 00:00:00.000'  - 'Yes'   -  'Nack'  - '2015-08-17 00:00:00.000'  - 'Yes'  - 'Ack'   - '2015-08-21 00:00:00.000' -  'Yes'

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Reporting Services :: Multiple Data Per Row On Range Bar Chart

Jul 23, 2015

I'm using Reporting Services 2008 R2, version 10.50.2550.0, and Visual Studio 2008, version 9.0.30729.4462 QFE.  Not sure if the SQL version matters, since I haven't gotten the report out of the development environment.I've read lots of messages, including URL.... that show you can have multiple data entries per row in a Range Bar Chart, simply by turning DrawSideBySide to False.My data set basically contains four pieces of data, LineNumber, Equipment, StartTime and EndTime.  I have data like:

1, 'CLM1', 08:00, 08:30
1, 'CLM1', 09:00, 09:15
2, 'SS1', 08:05, 08:35
2, 'SS1', 09:05, 09:35

(I actually have a date with my datetime entries, but that should give you the idea.)  My chart is set up with Values of EndTime and StartTime.  If I set my chart up with only Equipment in the Category Groups entry, my chart will show CLM1 from 08:00-08:30, and SS1 from 08:05 to 08:35.  No sign of the other entries per equipment, although I added a tablix to retrieve the same data and it all shows up.Changing DrawSideBySide between True, False and Auto has no effect on the data displayed on my chart.  If I add StartTime in the Category Groups, I do show all the data, but one row for each piece of data, which isn't what the customer wants.From what I can tell from various sites, I'm set up right, but it just isn't working.

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Power Pivot :: Auto Refresh Excel Table (Not Pivot Table) Using Data Source

Jul 8, 2015

Is it possible to generate automatic refresh of excel 2013 table which displays some table of a power pivot model on file open?? I dont want to use pivottable (which supports this ...)

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Reporting Services :: Exporting Fixed Columns From SSRS For Use In Mainframe Data File

Jun 3, 2015

I need to be able to export a data file as flat file (.txt) with fixed columns for use by Mainframe.

I will be uploaded this file using the Windows File Share Option

Render Format does not have .txt, but does have a data feed option. So I will try that.

But, I do not see an option for fixed column width.

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Exporting Data From Reporting Services Into Multiple Excel Worksheets

Jun 22, 2007


Please help me.

I need to export around 1 million records to excel. As we know that there is a limit of approx 65,000 rows in one worksheet so the exporting functionality is failing. One way is that I should be able to configure the Reporting Service in such a way so that once 65,000 records gets populated in the first worksheet, then the rest 35,000 records gets popultaed in the second worksheet.

I am not able to find out how this can be achieved in Reporting Services. Please help me in this.

Thanks in advance.



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Reporting Services :: Using Multiple Datasets In A Table - Outer Join In SSRS

Jun 17, 2015

I want to use multiple datasets in a table and wants to do the full outer join on the two datasets in the same table. For example, my two datasets are:

I want to display a ssrs table like:

Both the datasets are coming from different sources. So I cannot integrate them at sql query level.

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Reporting Services :: Report Builder - Set Parameter To Include Or Exclude Columns From Data Presentation

Oct 2, 2015

Based on a table like below I have created a report so that I can compare number of items in the main warehouse (LOCATION1) and the outlets (LOCATION2 and LOCATION3).

| 1  | INDEX1             | LOCATION1 | 1         |
| 2  | INDEX1             | LOCATION2 | 1         |
| 3  | INDEX1             | LOCATION3 | 0         |
| 4  | INDEX2             | LOCATION1 | 0         |
| 5  | INDEX2             | LOCATION2 | 0         |
| 6  | INDEX2             | LOCATION3 | 1         |
| 7  | INDEX3             | LOCATION1 | 1         |
| 8  | INDEX3             | LOCATION2 | 0         |
| 9  | INDEX3             | LOCATION3 | 1         |

The way I present data in my Report is as such. I want to show items that are available in the warehouse that should be moved to the outlets.


[Code] .....

| INDEX1               | 0                              | 1                               | 0                             |
| INDEX2               | 1                              | 0                               | 1                             |
| INDEX3               | 1                              | 0                               | 1                             |

I have added some parameters in my report to filter out products that are not available in warehouse (LOCATION1) and this works great.

select * from VIEW where 'LOCATION1(VALUE)' > 0 and ('LOCATION2(VALUE)' = 0 or 'LOCATION3(VALUE)' = 0)

| INDEX1               | 1                              | 1                               | 0                             |
| INDEX3               | 1                              | 0                               | 1                             |

Now the issue starts when I add a parameter to my report for user to choose which outlets (LOCATIONs) he wants in the equation. I know how to make a column disappear based on parameter value but how to take it out of equation? At the moment when user selects only LOCATION2 and not LOCATION3 then data is not filtered correctly:

| INDEX1                 | 1                              | 1          |
| INDEX3                 | 1                              | 0          |

Ideally I would like a user to select random outlets (warehouse would be static on the report) and compare one or multiple and only show records that are 0 in the outlets.

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Reporting Services :: Selecting Data Using One Parameter With Multiple Text Values

Oct 9, 2015

I am using SSRS 2008 R2 Report Builder 3.0 (10.50.4276.0) . I have simple set of data which has a persons Title and Name e.g. Mr Smith, Miss Jones, Doctor Foster

The report has a parameter where the user can select which records to show based on the matching titles (Mr, Miss, Doctor)

The Query for the report uses Title in (@Title) where @Title is the only parameter which can take multiple values. The report works correctly for any 1 value selected, but as soon as 2 or more values are ticked in the drop down, it fails.

I believe the parameter value is being passed into the query with a comma separating the values e.g. Mr,Miss which causes the IN statement to give an error, as the statement would be where Title IN ('Mr,Miss') which does not match any of the data values.

The parameter value passed needs to be 'Mr','Miss' for the IN statement to work. What statement do I have to put in the report query to get it to select any of the data rows where the title matches any 1 of the selected values?

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Reporting Services :: Report Builder 3 Using Data Sources From Multiple Servers?

Sep 5, 2013

I have a report designed in RB3 that uses a data source from a SQL database that is on the report server. I want to add data to the report from an access database an a network drive.

I can add the second data source and create a data set to add data to the report. The dataset query returns data from the Access database but when I run the report I get the following error.

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted)

Cannot create a connection to data source 'Feasibility'. (rsError OpeningConnection)

Also when I test the connection to the Access data base I get error ERROR (IM002) (Microsoft)(ODBC Driver Manger) Data source name not found and no default driver specified.

I noticed that Report Builder is connecting to the report server. If I disconnect from the report server I can a can connect to the Access data base but not the SQL database.

How can I get the report to run against both data sources?

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PIVOT/CROSS TAB/Converting Rows To (multiple Group) Columns

Aug 3, 2007

Hello All,

I am trying to convert the rows in a table to columns. I have found similar threads on the forum addressing this issue on a high level suggesting the use of cursors, PIVOT Transform, and other means. However, I would appreciate if someone can provide a concrete example in T-Sql for the following subset of my problem.

Consider that we have Product Category, Product and its monthly sales information retrieved as follows:











I would like it to be converted into following result set:





I have purposefully included QtySold here as I need to display both Quantity and Sales as measured column groups in my report. Can this be achieved in sql? I would appreciate any responses.


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SQL Reporting Services Issue Using Multiple Parameters Where Data Is Passed In From A Stored Procedure

Apr 15, 2008

I have an issue with using multiple parameters in SQL Reporting services where data is passed in from a stored procedure

When running the report in design mode - I can type in a parameter sting and it runs fine

In the report preview screen I can select single parameters by ticking the drop down list and again it runs fine

as soon as I tick more than one I get an error

An error occurred during local report processing

Query execution failed for data set ��data'

Must declare the scalar variable '@parameter'

Some info...

The dataset 'workshop' is using a sproc to return the data string?

I get multiple values back fine in the sproc using this piece of code

(select [str] from iter_charlist_to_table( @Parameter, DEFAULT) ))

I have report parameters set to Multi-Value

Looking through the online books it says...

You can define a multivalued parameter for any report parameter that you create.

However, if you want to pass multiple parameter values back to a query, the following requirements must be satisfied:

The data source must be SQL Server, Oracle, or Analysis Services.
The data source cannot be a stored procedure. Reporting Services does not support passing a multivalued parameter array to a stored procedure.
The query must use an IN clause to specify the parameter.

Am I trying to do the impossible ?

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Using A Match Table To Store Multiple Columns For Parent Data

Mar 1, 2008

Sorry for the confusing subject. Here's what im doing:I have a table of products. Products have N categories andsubcategories. Right now its 4. But there could be more down theline so it needs to be extensible.So ive created a product table. Then a category table that has manycategories of products, of which a product can belong to N number ofthese categories. Finally a ProductCategory "match" table.This is pretty straigth forward. But im getting confused as to how towrite views/sprocs to pull out rows of products that list all theproducts categories as columns in a single query view.For example:lets say productId 1 is Cap'n Crunch cereal. It is in 3 categories:Cereal, Food for Kids, Crunchy food, and Boxed.So we have:Product----------------1 Capn CrunchCategories-----------------1 Cereal2 Food for Kids3 Crunchy food4 BoxedProductCategories------------------1 11 21 31 4How do I go about writing a query that returns a single result set fora view or data set (for use in a GridView control) where I would havethe following result:Product results---------------------------------ProductId ProductName Category 1 Category 2Category 3 Category N ...------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Capn Crunch Cereal Food for Kids Crunchy foodBoxedAm I just thinking about this all wrong? Sure seems like it.Cheers,Will

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Power Pivot :: Force Measure To Be Visible For All Rows In Pivot Table Even When There Is No Data?

Oct 13, 2015

Can I force the following measure to be visible for all rows in a pivot table?

Sales Special Visibility:=IF(
        VALUES(dimSalesCompanies[SalesCompany]) = "Sales"

FYI, I also have other measures as well in the pivot table that I don't want to affect.

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Data Flow Task - Multiple Columns From Different Sources To A Single Table

Dec 19, 2006


I have a data flow task in which there is a OLEDB source, derived column item, and a oledb destination. My source is a SQL command, that returns some values. I have some values, that I define in the derived columns, and set default values under the expression column. My question is, I also have some destination columns which in my OLEDB destination need another SQL command. How would I do that? Can I attach two or more OLEDB sources to one destination? How would I accomplish that? Thanks


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Power Pivot :: Modeling And Reporting With Multiple Date Dimensions

Jun 17, 2015

Our business model involves a lot of dates and the business owners frequently want reports based on each of these different dates. For example in any given order there are as follows:

- Order created date
- Client due date
- Order first payment date (an order can have multiple payments)
- Order fully paid date
- Date assigned to vendor
- Vendor return date
- Date delivered to client

On top of that we have other areas of the business, the data from which ties into the above. Here we have more dates e.g.

- Date vendor recruited
- Date vendor reviewed

At any given point the manager may want a report based on any of these dates. For example;

- Product type by order creation date (fiscal year / month)
- Product type by first payment date  (fiscal year / month)
- Product type by client due date (fiscal year / month)

and so forth. I have been asked to create a report using all of the above on at least one occasion, many of them far more frequently. At the moment I have created a standard date table and then duplicated that for each type of date that I need however this is becoming excruciating to work with as I have approximately 10-12 date tables in my data model. Is there a better way of doing this now, in Excel 2013? If not, is there an improvement in 2016 that may make life easier? 

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Reporting Services :: Table Data Types For Data Driven Subscriptions

Jun 11, 2015

I am trying to find a reference for a client that lists the fields available to be substituted into a data driven subscription from the query, along with the expected data types.  For example, the field on whether or not to include a link to the report seems to be expecting a bit data type.I have searched and can't seem to find anything.  I guess I could walk through the interface and try different data types, but if  a list exists, that would be better. 

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Table With Two Columns To Pivot

Aug 20, 2014

I have a table with this data structure (Before section)

I have the query below to generate date as in (After section)

But I would like to have (Desired section) view where start and end tasks are next to each other

Here is the query

,[Final] AS [Final Start]
,[Edit] as [Edit Start]
,[Proof] as [Proof Start]
,[Stage] as [Stage Start]
,[Marketing] as [Marketing Start]

[Code] ....

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