Reporting Services :: Query To Pull SSRS Parameter Properties (Hidden / Visible / Internal)
May 19, 2015
We have 1000s of SSRS reports hosted on the SQL 2008 R2. All reports are supposed to have all parameters "hidden". Random reports have been reported to expose the parameter when developers accidently deploy to test servers. Is there a way to identify the reports and the parameter property (Hidden, Visible, Internal) from the Report server Database?
I checked executionlog2 but can not find the parameter property.
There is a multi value parameter called "include" in the report where "Allow Multiple Values" is checked and it has 4 Available values as shown in the attached screen shots and preview of the report is also shown .There is no data set for this parameter and the values will get displayed on the report based on the visibility condition set in the report.Example : If first value is selected then 1 is passed and based on the visibility condition set in the report - the report output is displayed.None is default value and has value 4 and when the report is run with this option i.e. "None" then rest three parameter values are not applicable .
Requirement : -When the end user selects (Select All) Check box then (None) -check box must be disabled or must not appear for selection for the end user -When the end user selects check boxes either of the first three except None then also None check box must be disabled or must not appear for -selection for the end user -when the end user selects a combination of first three then also None check box must be disabled or must not appear for selection for the end user -The None is set as default with a value as 4 and is applicable only when the user does not select either of the first three values and the report will run.
I have a working set of parameters, when they are all visible. However, when I change the second parameter to hidden it stops working.
First Parameter - Contains static values 'MTD' & Daily Second Parameter - has available values and a default. Set up to be invalidated when the First parameter changes... like i say it works beautifully when not hidden. Third Parameter - has an expression takes the value of the 2nd parameter value, removes the first character off and then converts the remainder to a date and uses it as its default value.
It based on this webpage: URL....However, when i set the second parameter to hidden it no longer works.
SELECT dbo.incident.incident_ref, Customer.cust_n,incident.date_logged FROM incident INNER JOIN Customer ON incident.incident_id = Customer.cust_id WHERE incident.date_logged BETWEEN @date_from AND DATEADD(day, 1, @date_to)
I need to use a condition here to display customer based on my selection in dropdown list (Include ABC )
Is it possible to use a parameter in a ldap query using the ADsDSOObject provider? I keep getting an error "The ICommandWithParameters interface is not supported by the "ADSDSOObject" provider". Command parameters are unsupported with the current provider.
I don't have a linked server on my DB server to Active Directory so I'm just querying in the SSRS report design. Here is my query for my dataset. If I hard code an example it works. Just doesn't work when I pass a parameter. I've tried making it an expression (= sign), Tried several syntax's, Tried everything I can think of. Is this possible? or do I just need to push for a linked server?
I have an issue as to where only some reports are visible within Report Viewer url. But if I navigate to the path of the rdl's there are many more present that should be visible through Report Viewer. The client was recently upgraded, and I seem to have all out of box roles and permission levels yet can only see some of those reports, as if some were manually copied to this folder location at a later point and perhaps some user job needs to be run to reflect import those additional rdl's?
I am creating a report where there are 3 tables in one report which have visibility set as an expression so that when a certain criteria is selected in the "Report" parameter, a different table is shown below. This works as expected.
When table 3 is shown, I want a new parameter to be visible to the user called "Ward" where the user will select the ward they are interested in and the table will display data below just for the ward selected. However, I don't want the ward parameter visible when either of the other 2 options are selected. Is this possible and how to do this?
It seems the features are disabled when using any of the above because of compatibility issues with scripting/ActiveX not being properly supported by the FireFox and Chrome.
I believe the control determines the browser you are using is not IE and will not render the controls to prevent unexpected behavior because if the lack of ActiveX support. This can be seen when you compare the HTML of a page using IE8 and that of either IE11, FF, Chrome you'll see that the HTML for a zoom drop down control will show up in the IE8 browser and not in the others.
As for IE11 it presents itself as a Mozilla browser. eg: "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" so when the control see's this it wont generate any of the controls believing the browser can't support it, even though IE11 should certainly be capable of doing so. I wanted to know if this is correct and if this is a bug?
Browser Support for ReportViewer "The ReportViewer Web server control is used to embed report functionality in an ASP.NET Web application. The type of browser used to view the application determines the kind of functionality that you can provide in a report. Use the table provided in this topic to find out which of the supported browsers are subject to report functionality restrictions."
The page mentions that the following wont be supported by other browsers The following features are not supported in third-party browsers:
Document mapSearching within the reportZoomFixed table headersThe progress indicator for report processing (a green spinning wheel) is not available for server reports, or for locally processed reports that are configured for asynchronous processing.
I am creating a SSRS report using a SSAS cube as it data source. The user would like to select multiple values from a reporting parameter that is then used as a filter on the MDX statement. I am bale to have the report work successfully when only one value is selected but not when multiple values are selected; the report uses only the first value from the reporting parameter when it contains multiple values. How do I filter an MDX query using a SSRS report parameter with multiple values?
A customer use SCSM 2012 RTM and recently they changed the password of the account that connects with the datasources that use Service Manager to generate reports. There are several datasources namely DWStagingAndConfig, ConfigurationManager, DWDataMart and other ones.The process to change the password of the account, done via web in the SSRS URL instance of Service Manager, requires to enter in the Manage option of each DataSource and replace the password with the right one in the Properties section; is a really simple step. However, after the change, the only Datasource that not allows to access again to the Manage option is DWStagingAndConfig (appears a message that points out to a report server internal error);I append a extract of the SSRS log related to the problem with this Datasource.
library!ReportServer_0-109!3024!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(/SystemCenter/ServiceManager/DWStagingAndConfig). library!ReportServer_0-109!8820!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction(). library!ReportServer_0-109!8820!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction(). library!ReportServer_0-109!8ab8!01/22/2014-14:54:15:: Call to GetDataSourceContentsAction(/SystemCenter/ServiceManager/DWStagingAndConfig). library!ReportServer_0-109!8ab8!01/22/2014-14:54:15:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException:
I am modifying a report that sets this variable at the beginning of every dataset:
declare @current_minute int set @current_minute = DATEPART(N, GETDATE()) % 3
My idea is to set this variable in the Report Properties instead. When I do set this variable it in a Text Box or a Dataset, I get errors such as:
The expression used for the calculated field '=Variables!report_var.Value' includes a variable reference. Variable values cannot be used in calculated field expressions.
The Variable(report_var) expression for the report ‘body’ contains an error: [BC30451] Name 'N' is not declared.
What other strategies can I use to set a variable globally, instead of at the beginning of each dataset?
Have installed SQL 2008 on Windows 2008 and have come across a strange issue.
When connecting to the Report Server cvia SSMS to enable "My Reports" (for example) the Report Server Properties are greyed out and we cannot alter them. This occurs when logged on both locally & remotely to the Win 2008 server.
Interestingly, we have another (XP Pro) box with SQL 2008 on it. If we connect to the Win 2008 SQL report server from the XP machine's SSMS, then we have full control and can access and change the report server properties on the Win 2008 server.
The relevant domain accounts are in the Admin group on the Win 2008 server and the XP Server so we are confused as to why we cannot edit the Win 2008 report server properties locally.
I tried creating one simple bar chart report in SSRS, with background fill with pattern "UpwardDiagonal", the stripes on the column when viewed insider report viewer control is quite prominently visible, whereas when exporting the same report to PDF the lines are very thin and dense and hence makes it very difficult to differentiate between one column with pattern inside and one without. I have even tried various other pattern like "LightUpwardDiagonal" and "WideUpwardDiagonal" but all have same result when exported to PDF.why?
I'm using a bullet chart in a SSRS report and I want to set the Maximum value in the Linear Scale properties to highest value of the following 4 fields. Is there any way to do this?? This will make all charts line up properly.
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?
Currently i am setting up a report. The data source comes from pre-defined custom datasets where i've pre-entered the parameters for both Month and Year.
I already have one table up and working, but now i need a new table below it with a % column for each month so it gives visibility for the trend in recent months. As the interactive parameters are already in place; when i try to create the table it comes through with the specific month that the parameters are set too, and change when the parameters are altered.Is there a way to ignore the parameters for this table; or get around it?
In an existing ssrs 2012 report, I want to basically add the following logic to a new dataset that will be used by a new parameter called 'Inventory'.
SELECT DISTINCT Inv_number as value, Inv_name as label FROM s.dbo.fnUser( @endYear, 0, 0, 0) WHERE (@report is not null) order by label,value
In this ssrs report, there are 15 reports that can automatically be generated. I basically want this new parameter called 'Inventory' to only be active when the 4th report is selected to be generated. Thus in the query I listed above, how can I change the query to only be active when the 4th report is selected?
I tried to change the where clause to (@report(4) is not null), but that did not work.
I have created ssrs report which has a parameter for start date. I want another parameter which shows time-frame of 6months,12 months,18 months,24 months which calculate dynamically from my start date
select distinct [dbo].[MSP_EpmResource_UserView].[ResourceName], [dbo].[MSP_EpmProject_UserView].[ProjectUID],[dbo].[MSP_EpmProject_UserView].[ProjectManagerName] , [dbo].[MSP_EpmTask_UserView].[TaskStartDate],[dbo].[MSP_EpmTask_UserView].[TaskFinishDate], [dbo].[MSP_EpmTask_UserView].[TaskPercentCompleted],[dbo].[MSP_EpmProject_UserView].[Project Status] AS StatusForExecutiveReporting,
In my report I have two parameters PID and patientName, but user want to enter either PID or patientName. When I preview the report user can only enter one parameter not both. Is there any way to create two parameter available but users can enter only one parameter value?Here is my report layout and query I used for that report. These two parameters comes from one column 'String_NVC' as from query and column name 'Description' as from the report layout.
SELECT Username_NVC AS Username, String_NVC, Time_DT AS UserActionDateandTime, FROM test
I am working on SSRS 2008 R2 in BIDS. The report's data source is from Stored Procedure which is running good in SQL Server 2008 R2.
The stored procedure has an output parameter, which I don't know how to set in BIDS, so when I try to add the data source to the report, a mistake is shown up.
So my problem is: 1. How to set the output parameter correctly, so the data source(stored procedure) can be run as good as it were in SQL Server 2008 R2. 2. How to get the output parameter value in BIDS which will be used to set the title of table dynamically.
I have a ssrs report with Name, phone ,state and city as columns. I have check box as one of my parameter(optional). If user checks that checkbox then it should group by state, if checkbox is left blank no need to do any grouping. How can i do this in ssrs 2012.
I'm using SSRS 2005 which connects to SQL Server 2005. I need to pass Multi valus for single parameter...
E.g. Command type : Text SELECT * FROM COUNTRY where CountryId IN ( @CountryID)
If i tried to preview using single parameter, it shows the record without any problem. However when i tried to put multi values, it gives error message?? I read somewhere which says, need to set to multivalue. But, i could not find the place to set the multi value option...
How to solve it?? Your suggestion/recommendations greatly appreciated.
In an existing SSRS 2012 report, I have a requirement for a user to be able to select by multiple school(s) and/or multiple grade(s). This is fine except certain schools like elementary have grade levels of KG to 06, Middle school has grades of 06 to 09 and high school has grades of 10 to 12. Thus for example, if a user has initially selected grades 11 and 12 and then they select an elementary school that has grades KG through 06, the 'grade level' selection would need to change.In other words, I am thinking of initially having the available and default values for the parameter called 'Grade' set to KG through 12. However if a school is selected that only has specific grade levels like elementary school, how can I override the original grade level and only allow the user to select grades that the particular school contains?
I have two parameters, lets say P1 and P2. P2 is cascaded with P1. P1 -> P2.
For the parameter P2, the following proterty set are
1. Multi Select 2. The default value is all the available value selected (Same dataset is assigned to both "Available Values" and "Default Values")
The data relation be, P1 P2 A a A b A c A d B a
Now the issue is,
Step 1 : When i choose A in P1 first time, a,b,c and d in P2 are selected Step 2 : When i change B in P1, a is selected Step 3 : When i change back to A in P1, only a is selected in P2 (a,b,c and d should be selected)
Is there any possibility to have the Defaultvalue of a Parameter in Bold fonts and rest of it as Default parametervalue=Defaultvalue ,"Bold","Default".So for example in drop down of parameter if the C is the current value it would look like this:
I am facing an Issue with my SSRS-Reports. I have a stacked column chart in my report and the columns are linked to another report, a sub-report with 6 parameters. Right now after clicking the columns, the sub-report get opened in the same IE-Tab, with relevant parameters and it works out correctly. Challenge is, to open the new report in a new tab / window.
My Current situation: A Chart report, with Action “go to report” on series properties with 6 parametersChallenge: open linked sub-report in a new tab.Info 1: new path of sub-report looks like this:
I am trying to test the concept of passing multi value parameters from one report using the Action Property of a textbox to open another report is a new Window with the Multi Value parameter values already passed. The test involves the following:
Report 1:
1. Multi Value Parameter @ReportParameter1 has three Values: Value1, Value2, Value3
2. Has a text box with the Action Property set to Go to URL with the following Expression: ="javascript:void('http://reportserver/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fReports%2fReport2&rs:Command=Render&ReportParameter1=" + JOIN(Parameters!ReportParameter1.Value,"&ReportParameter1=") + "'))"
Report 2:
1. Has Two Parameters @ReportParameter1 and @ReportParameter2
2. @ReportParameter1 has Available Values as follows: Value1, Value2, Value3
Does not have any default Values.
When I click on the textbox on Report1, it does navigate to Report2 but none of the Values are being set.
we are using SSRS 2012.Oracle 9i as back end database. Select A,B,C from view where A in (Param1) in above query when I am passing 1 value getting output in 30 sec. when I passed two values getting time out error in SSRS. how to pass multiple values in Oracle 9i in SSRS report.
I'm modifying a report that uses a date parameter as a report filter. The original report had no restrictions on what dates may be entered, so it displayed a neat Calendar picker tool for use in selecting the date for the parameter.
Thing is, this new version needs to have the dates limited to only those available in the source data. So, when I provide a query to describe the available values in the parameter properties window, instead of the nifty Calendar picker, I get a texbox dropdown list. [insert sad sound here]
I was hoping that it would still provide the Calendar picker, but with available dates highlighted in bold or some color or the unavailable dates greyed out, something along those lines; not an unimaginative dropdown list. To define the available values, I use a very simple query;
Is there a way to get it to display a Calendar tool rather than the dropdown list, if the parameter is given a list of available dates?
I have 2 tables in my report, a multi value parameter (tp_title) is passed to the report. I am trying to hide the first tablix with this expression in the visiblity option of the tablix properties.
=IIF(Parameters!tp_Title.value = "Financial Years" or Parameters!tp_Title.value="ALL", False,True )
I get the error: The Hidden expression for the tablix ‘Tablix1’ contains an error: Overload resolution failed because no Public '=' can be called with these arguments: 'Public Shared Operator =(a As String, b As String) As Boolean': Argument matching parameter 'a' cannot convert from 'Object()' to 'String'.
When I render the report. How the tablix can be made invisible based on the parameter?
I have an SSRS report with several variables, some of which are multi-valued. The main query that feeds the report uses some table value functions. For example, the query looks something like this:
select tv1.a, tv1.b, tv2.x, tv2.y, tbl.m, tbl.n from tableValueFunction1(@MultiValueParam) as tv1 inner join tableValueFunction2(@MultiValueParam) as tv2 on = inner join regularTable as tbl on =
where in (@MultiValueParam).When I try to run this, I get an error saying that I'm feeding the wrong number of parameters into the table value functions. I've fed multi-valued parameters to stored procedures before and used a splitter function to split out the comma separated values, so I was planning to do the same thing in this scenario. However, this is different. When I look at the query in SQL Profiler, it shows discrete values for the multi value parameter. For example, the same query above looks like this when viewed through the profiler (using 1,2,3 as my multi-value selection):
select tv1.a, tv1.b, tv2.x, tv3.y, tbl.m, tbl.n from tableValueFunction1(1,2,3) as tv1 inner join tableValueFunction2(1,2,3) as tv2 on = inner join regularTable as tbl on = where in (1,2,3)
In other words, SSRS isn't converting the multi-value parameter to a comma separated string, like it normally does.