Reporting Services SP2 CTP Select All Back In Preview But Not On Web

Nov 21, 2006


I've installed SQL Server Express 2005 SP2 CTP specifically because I require the "Select All" checkbox to reappear in multi-value parameters.

This was successful in Business Intelligence Studio and when i preview the report the MV params have Select All options.

However, when I deploy to the web the MV params do not have Select All options.

Why would this be?

Adam Whitehead

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Reporting Services :: Run Two Reports Back To Back Without Page Eject?

Jun 9, 2015

I need to run two reports each of A5 Size to run back to page and print on single A4 paper means in 1st half Sale bill will be printed and in second half Gate Pass Will Be Printed both report will be on same page and size and shape should be maintained. How to do it.

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How To Edit A Textbox In Preview Mode In Reporting Services?

Oct 22, 2007

Hi everybody!
I've created a report in reporting services and in it i need to have a dynamic textbox.
Let me describe more.I have two reports ,in first report i have manegers' names .After that users see first report and manegers' informations for example their names and saleries , they want to select manegers on base of for example their saleries ,i mean she/he must see informations then decide and select manegers who their employees will be shown in second report ,in this case i need a textbox that the user can write Yes or No in it,and i need multiple select.
After that users select their manegers they can see manegers' employees in second report.
I need a textbox that has two values (Yes and No) and these values must be shown in textbox in preview mode to select by users or user can select Yes or No .
Can anybody help me?

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Reporting Services :: Blank Pages In Report Preview?

Aug 1, 2005

I wrote a report today containing one grouping.  Everything appears all right in the report preview, except that every other page is "blank", i.e., shows only the page header and page footer; all grouping and detail information is missing. 

The data on the page following the blank page seems to pick up where the previous non-blank page left off, so all information seems to be present within the report.The report width and height properties are typical portrait-style  -- 8.5 x 11 inches.  The columns do not "run off the edge" of the report page boundary.  I haven't selected any page break for the grouping, as the grouping detail is typically only a few rows long, and would otherwise result in a very large number of pages. 

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Reporting Services Preview View Different From Print Layout

Sep 7, 2007

I'm currently using Sql server 2005 Reporting Services. I'm trying to take data and fill in a form that I'm making a background image. When I go to preview all the textboxes filled with data align with the fields in the background image form. When I go to print they are off by a inch or so horizontally. Can anyone help me on this topic.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2008 - Print Preview In IE 11

Nov 16, 2015

I'm using SQL Server 2008 SP3 with Reporting Services 2008 SP3.

By opening my web application in IE9 and running report, i can print and show then print preview by clicking the "Print preview" button in printing dialog.

By opening my web application in IE11 and running report, i can print the report but if I click on the print preview on the print dialog nothing appears... Why?

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Reporting Services Error When Preview/publish A Report Containing SAP BI Hierarchy

Jan 28, 2008

Hi SSRS Experts

I'm trying to create a report using a SAP BI InfoCube as my datasource.
One of the fields in the InfoCube (GL Account) consist of a 3 level hierarchy, which need to be reported on.
The query that I built using QueryBuilder executes fine and displays the hierarchies correctly, but when I preview the report, i get the following error:

An error occurred during local report processing
An error has occurred during report processing
Query execution failed for data set "SAPBWD"
The "0GL_ACCOUNT 1000IE" Object was not found.

0GL_ACCOUNT is the GL account field to report on
1000IE is the selected GL Account Hierarchy to be displayed

Here's the query that was generated using query builder:


I hope you would be able to assist.

Kind Regards
Utian Goliath

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Reporting Services :: Date And Partial Time Expands In Vs Preview But Not On Server

May 13, 2015

We run std 2008 r2.  I downloaded an rdl whose 2 date/partial time cols used to expand on the server to accommodate times with two digits in hr.  When I preview in vs 2008, everything is ok.  But when I copy back to the server, these longer date strings now wrap to next line.  Why is this?  Only change was to a param's drop down ds query.  expression for one of the cols is

=Format(Fields!LoginDt.Value, "MM/dd/yy" &
" " &
"h:mm tt") 

height is currently allowed to increase.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS 2012 Multi Value Parameter Value To Be Hidden When Other Values Are Selected From Preview Of Report

Jul 7, 2015

There is a multi value parameter called  "include" in the report where "Allow Multiple Values" is checked and it has 4 Available values as shown in the attached screen shots and preview of the report is also shown .There is no data set for this parameter and the values  will get displayed on the report based on the visibility condition set in the report.Example : If first value  is selected  then 1 is passed and based on the visibility condition set in the report - the report output is displayed.None is default value and has value 4  and when the report is run with this option i.e. "None" then rest three parameter values are not applicable .

Requirement :
-When the end user selects (Select All) Check box then (None)
-check box must be disabled or must not appear for selection for the end user
-When the end user selects check boxes either of the first three except None then also None check box must be disabled or must not appear for -selection for the end user
-when the end user selects a combination of first three then also None check box must be disabled or must not appear for selection for the end user
-The None is set as default with a value as 4 and is applicable only when the user does not select either of the first three values and the report will run.

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Reporting Services :: Report Exported To Excel - In Print Preview Footer Text Box Data Truncated

May 6, 2015

I am exporting SSRS report to Excel I am aware that excel doesn't show footer , It shows in print preview but my footer has text box which have text disclaimer more than 255 characters, the data getting truncated.

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Reporting Services :: Preview Has One Extra Parameter Than Parameter List - SSRS

Aug 21, 2015

I am working on existing ssrs report. When I see the preview I could see the extra parameter than the actual parameter. 

How do I know , when this parameter is coming in the preview ?

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How To Back Up Integration & Reporting Services?

May 7, 2008

Im pretty confused on this one.I have developed and deployed 10 packages on my Report Manager.Currently these packages are saved on a share drive in our company and are saved in the MSDB folder in SSIS Integration Services in Mngt Studio.Thses packages are also scheduled as jobs on the server itself.Our db is being backed up daily as well.

My question:

Is there any other way for me to backup the packages in the SSIS Integration Services?

Read on msdn, it states that the MSDB db stores SSIS and DTS packages.Does that mean in case my server goes down and I restore my database which includes the MSDB db.This means that when I connect to the SSIS Integration Services after the restore I would be able to see my saved packages on the server as before the restore.

Anyone out there who did a db restore and noticed if the saved packages where made available in the SSIS Integration Services after the restore.

What are the other possible solutions to ensure my packages are safe?

Is doing a FULL db backup, include saving SSIS packages on SSIS Integration Services.

Another Question: What about the reports that are made available in the Reporting Services,the subscription of these reports,the Roles that I have created and the scheduling being done for the reports.How can I backup all of these?How to ensure after a db restore all these would be made available in the Reporting Services as well?

Help me....Im extremely confused

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Reporting Services Add (browser) Back Button

Jun 7, 2007

Dear all,

I have a client that has 4 reports; 1 main, and 3 that are rendered when the user clicks the report data on the main report (which passes parameters to generate the other 3).

They would like to have a back button in the report header of the 3 reports (they don't want to use the browser back button).

Is this possible using a text box, then editing the navigation properties and does anyone have an example? Or am I missing something quite obvious?

Any help would be gratefully received!!


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Reporting Services :: ReportViewer 10.0 - Pressing Browser Back Button

Jan 31, 2011

We recently upgraded from ReportViewer 9.0 to 10.0 Control in our ASP.NET application, and face some strange issues after the upgrade. When we press the Back button to go to a page that was rendering a report with one or more single-select drop down lists, the selected index in the drop down is reduced by 1, and the report doesn't render until I press "View Report". I verified that exact same setup works well with ReportViewer 9.0.

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Drill Through Back Button In Web Page

Oct 1, 2015

I have integrated my SSRS Drill though report in Web page and i could not able to find back button to go back to the original report. Unfortunately, i am not controlling the report viewer tool bar.Do we need to write some code to get it working.

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Reporting Services :: Missing Arrow To Navigate Back To Parent Report

Aug 5, 2008

I have a series of drill-through reports from a parent report. While in BIDS I get a blue arrow that allows we to get back to the parent report from the drill-through report.  I do not see this feature available on the RS web interface.  How are users expected to navigate back to the parent report?

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Reporting Services :: Design Pattern For Holding Back Subscriptions When ETL Hasn't Completed

Jun 19, 2015

I'm working on an application that allows users to set up scheduled time based reports. Each scheduled report creates a SQL Agent job associated with a schedule.The default time to fire these off is 8:00 AM. There are several hundred. DWH and it has no trouble running hundreds of reports all fired off at the same time.

There are several ETL processes and occasionally they don't complete before our verbal SLA of 8:00 AM.

My problem is on days where the ETL runs past 8:00 AM I wan't to hold these scheduled jobs from firing off.

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Reporting Services :: Select Text Field Dataset Based On User Select Option?

Aug 4, 2015

I have a report that uses different datasets based on the year selected by a user.

I have a year_id parameter that sets a report variable named dataset_chosen. I have varified that these are working correctly together.

I have attempted populating table cell data to display from the chosen dataset. As yet to no avail.

How could I display data from the dataset a user selects via the year_id options?

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Does Reporting Services Allow You To Select A Dataset Dynamically?

Apr 30, 2007

I have a remote report ...
I need to call one of two stored procedures depending on which parameters were passed to the report. (Both stored procedures return the same fields.)
Does SQL Reporting Services allow you to switch the dataset or stored procedure name dynamically? If so, where do I put the logic? Right now I have it working with one stored procedure.
I'm thinking that I should just make one stored procedure that takes all parameters and calls one of the other two stored procedures. Do I have any options besides this?

Thanks in advance!

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Reporting Services :: Select A Certain Row From Dataset Based On ID?

Oct 9, 2015

If I want to select a value from a certain row in my Dataset.

I have a dataset called labels in my Report. in this data set I have diffrent row and in each row I have a label with an

ID. For example:
ID                        Text
TEXT0001            Hi
TEXT0002            Good Morning
TEXT0003            Good bye

Is this is the right way to get the second row?

=First(Fields!ID.Value="TEXT0002", "Labels")

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Integration Services :: Error When Preview Data On SSIS?

Jun 3, 2015

error[42000][mysql][odbc 5.3 (a) driver] mysqld-5.6.21 -log] where preview a data

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How To Select Maximum Of Year-month In Reporting Services ?

Sep 28, 2007


How to select max of year-month in the Reporting Services. For example I have 3 fields :
1. Year-Month (format : yyyy-mm)
2. City
3. Amount Sales

In the bar chart graph, I have put the City as X-Categories, Amount Sales as Data
And I want to filter only the lastest year month in the database.

Can we do this without going to database and set the filter there ?

best regards,

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Reporting Services :: Multiple Select Parameter Only Selecting First Value?

Sep 8, 2015

I have a SSRS report with a Parameter that lets you choose the name of an employee. The report lists their Name, Number, User ID etc.

When you select a single employee, the filter on the Dataset works perfectly. However once you select two or more employee names, it only returns the first result. 

The parameter, Field, and Filter are text. 

The Filter is EmployeeName IN @EmployeeName

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Multi Select Doing Strange Things In Reporting Services

Mar 18, 2008

Hi All,

I've got the following situation.

I've got a report that has 3 multiselect parameter selection dropdowns in my report.

Dropdown 3 is depending on the selected values of dropdown 2.
Dropdown 2 is depending on the selected values of dropdown 1.

For example:

In dropdown 1 the values A1 and A2 are available

when I select a value A 1 in dropdown 1 values A1_B1 and A1_B2 are available in dropdown 2

when I select A1 and A2 in dropdown1 values A1_B1, A1_B2, A2_B1 and A2_B2 are available in dropdown 2

when i select A1_B1 in dropdown 2 values A1_B1_C1,A1_B1_C2 are available in dropdown 3
when i select A1_B1 AND A1_B2 IN dropdown2 values A1_B1_C1,A1_B1_C2, A1_B2_C1,A1_B2_C2 are available in dropdown 3

dropdown 1 | dropdown 2 | dropdown 3
A1 | A1_B1 | A1_B1_C1

| | A1_B1_C2
| A1_B2 | A1_B2_C1
| | A1_B2_C2

in the "picture" above I describe the selection i make in the report

in dropdown 1 I select A1
in dropdown 2 I select A1_B1,A1_B2
in dropdown 3 I select A1_B1_C1,A1_B1_C2,A1_B2_C1, A1_B2_C2

then the strang happens.

When I look in profiler to see what happens, is that for dropdown 2 the second value for the parameter of dropdown 2 is
and for dropdown 3 all except the first one is missing.

The values from the dropdownboxes are passed through to a subreport. When the selected values from dropdown boxes are passed though directly to the datasets this problem doesn't occur.

Is this normal behaviour? Or do I miss something.

Thanks for your help,


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Reporting Services :: Automatically Select All In Parameter After Refresh

Apr 20, 2015

Is it possible to set the parameter option to "Select all" after the options in the parameter have been filtered by another parameter? For example:

Parameter Area contains Europe, North America, South America.
Parameter Country contains the country's that are in Europe, North America and South America.

When the Area Parameter is set to Europe, the country parameter only contains the country's that are in Europe. When you want to see the complete dataset in the report again, you change the Area Parameter to Europe, North America and South America again, and press view report.

Then the Country Parameter only has the country's that are in Europe selected, so the dataset is still filtered to the European country's. Is it possible to automatically set the country parameter to select all after the Area parameter has been se back to all Area's again?

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Reporting Services :: Parameter That Filters And Also Select ALL At Same Time

Apr 26, 2015

I have a situation

1. I have a parameter @Param1 that accepts multiple values

2. I have to display data based on selected values of @Param1 

Here comes the tricky part.

3. I have to aggregate on all the available values of the @Param1
Do I need to take a hidden parameter just for aggregation? Or is there any other way?

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Reporting Services :: Multi-value Parameters - How To Not Select One Of Options

May 14, 2015

I have a multivalue parameter that has X options. Is it possible to implement a solution that when I go into the report through an action, to have one option (in this case is the first) not selected all all the others are checked?

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Integration Services :: Excel Column Doesn't Show In Preview

Oct 26, 2015

We are running 2014 enterprise. I noticed recently that my spreadsheet's column A, while not being used by user, doesn't show up in excel source preview. F1 is column B and so on. 

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Reporting Services :: Select Query - Formatting A Date Affecting MIN

Sep 2, 2015

In my SELECT query I have: MIN(a.orderdue) AS 'Oldest order date'

This works in that it brings through the oldest order date, however it brings through a date format like: 2015-06-11 11:30.000

So I amended the SELECT query to:

MIN (CONVERT(varchar(17),a.orderdue,103)) AS 'Oldest order date'

This brings the date through as 11/06/2015, which is preferable.

But I have noticed that doing this has affected the output: the MIN function no longer returns the first (oldest) date, but a completely different value.

Obviously my changing the formatting for the date has affected the MIN output. Is there any way I can amend the formatting of the date without this happening?

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Reporting Services :: Select Between From And To Dates In Multiple Parameter Report

Oct 26, 2015

I have a report that uses several filters including a from and to date filter, I have  a field named TimeLastMod which is a Timestamp. I am extracting the From and To dates from this field using Select format(TimeLastMod,'MMM') as FromMonth,format(TimeLastMod,'MMM') as ToMonth From Eventlogs syntax.

These I pass on to a parameter and eventually to a tablix filter in an between opeartion. When I run the report, the records returned by the report is not what is expected as it sometimes returns an extra months data e.g., using between Aug and Sept will return october data as well.

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Reporting Services :: Create A Directory Based On Select Statement

Oct 21, 2015

I have the below script to create directories based on my select statement.

create table students
f_name varchar(100),
l_name varchar(100)
insert into students values ('John','Smith'),

[Code] ...

The result I am getting is truncating the directory names as in the below:

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Reporting Services :: Report Parameter Shows (Select A Value) Only For First Selection

Jun 11, 2015

I have a rdl where its working fine while report preview, for parameter  it shows <Select a value> only first select . for next select its just showing dropdown list of values .

How can i get <select a value> for all selections. I referred few links which says only for first select you will get <select a value> ,from second select it just shows dropdown.

If we want <select a value> again then we should go back design part and then preview again. But I don't want. What is the possible way to see <select a value> for every select without going back to design.

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Reporting Services :: Select 10 Random Records From Past 30 Days For Each User

May 18, 2015

I have these columns. TicketID, User, Date...I want to select 10 random tickets for each user for the past 30 days. I not sure whether to do this via sql or using VB in the report design.

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