Reporting Services :: SSRS Hide Tablix Based On Parameter Input
Oct 19, 2015
I have 2 tables in my report, a multi value parameter (tp_title) is passed to the report. I am trying to hide the first tablix with this expression in the visiblity option of the tablix properties.
=IIF(Parameters!tp_Title.value = "Financial Years" or Parameters!tp_Title.value="ALL", False,True )
I get the error: The Hidden expression for the tablix ‘Tablix1’ contains an error: Overload resolution failed because no Public '=' can be called with these arguments:
'Public Shared Operator =(a As String, b As String) As Boolean':
Argument matching parameter 'a' cannot convert from 'Object()' to 'String'.
When I render the report. How the tablix can be made invisible based on the parameter?
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Apr 23, 2015
Can we do the auto hide of parameter window in ssrs as soon as user select the input and click on view report and once the data comes, that parameter window should hide automatically.
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Oct 18, 2015
I am using reporting services 2012, Can we make visibility of report parameter dynamic, ie can we make parameter visible or hide on certain condition or its visibility depends on other parameters Is this feature available in any other updated version of ssrs?
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Sep 10, 2015
I thought the built in expression Level() would show me be drill down level. I can't see to get that to work. I'd like to determine my drill down level so I can hide columns based on that.
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Jun 25, 2015
I'm modifying a report that uses a date parameter as a report filter. The original report had no restrictions on what dates may be entered, so it displayed a neat Calendar picker tool for use in selecting the date for the parameter.
Thing is, this new version needs to have the dates limited to only those available in the source data. So, when I provide a query to describe the available values in the parameter properties window, instead of the nifty Calendar picker, I get a texbox dropdown list. [insert sad sound here]
I was hoping that it would still provide the Calendar picker, but with available dates highlighted in bold or some color or the unavailable dates greyed out, something along those lines; not an unimaginative dropdown list. To define the available values, I use a very simple query;
FROM Census
ORDER BY Load_Date
Is there a way to get it to display a Calendar tool rather than the dropdown list, if the parameter is given a list of available dates?
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Mar 9, 2015
I created the report, which has 4 pages. Each page contains bunch of tables and charts, which display data in scope of dataset, created for each page and reflecting certain subject. Each page also has Header and Footer.
My users requested, the report has possibility to include or not include data on Page #4.
Other words, report should display 3 or 4 pages based on the entered parameter.
1. I created parameter named “Include #### metrics”, which contains options: Y, N
2. For each object on the page 4 I added dependency on the selected parameter in the visibility option.
Now if user select parameter Not include Page #4, report displays 3 pages as expected and page #4 is empty, but with Header and Footer.
The problem: Their preference is to not to show page 4 at all if someone chooses to not to include #### metrics.
My question is how to force the report to display just 3 selected pages.
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Apr 19, 2013
i have below table in DB
DB Table
Row data
Supplier CODE
Supplier Name
now I create one report parameter order1 IF I will give order1.value=1,2,3 then Report will come like this :--
Supplier Name
IF I will give order1.value=3,2,1 then Report will come like this :--
Supplier Name
IF I will give order1.value=1,3 then Report will come like this :--
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Nov 19, 2015
I have a SSRS report with data in below format.
ID Name Date
1 A null
2 B 01/01/2012
3 C 01/02/2013
Also, I have a sort parameter @sort and values are (Name, ID, Date)
I want to apply page break whenever @sort=Name. There should be no page break when user selects @sort = ID or Date. Page break should happen only when @sort value = Name
it should be like this...
Page 1:
ID Name Date
1 A null
Page 2:
ID Name Date
2 B 01/01/2012
Page 3:
ID Name Date
3 C 01/02/2013
I need achieving the above task.
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Jul 6, 2015
I have simplified my question. For complex presentations of data it appears to me that the best practice is to put complicated code into a stored procedure that will make most of the formatting decisions, and keep the SSRS work in the report designer as simple as possible.
The following text is from the original question. I have an SSRS report which contains 2 tablixes. Each tablix has a different dataset coming from separate stored procedures. Currently, everything works good; the user selects one customer (customer A) to display the one page report for; data for customer A for the 1st tablix may contain 7 rows, and data for customer A for the 2nd tablix may contain 4 rows. User prints report, then chooses customer B which may have a different number of rows for each tablix.
I would like to give the user the option to select "All Customers" to display the report for all customers, one page per customer and I currently do not perceive that there is a way to paginate the report; one page per customer. When I pass in "All Customers" to the 2 stored procedures I get all of the correct data back; sorted by customer; so I can do some sort of page break on a row group on the customer name column, but I have 2 tablixes of data.
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Oct 16, 2015
I have a report I'm trying to modify for a client that has two auto-grow tablix. We want the second tablix to start after the first one completes, however the first tablix will overwrite the second one if it contains multiple rows, rather than pushing it down. How can I control this?
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Aug 6, 2015
I am facing an issue in TABLIX FILTER . I have a table having a column with dates like
I need to add a filter in SSRS tablix to get the dates < 01Mar2015
How can I add it in tablix filter as if i directly use my column name and filter value as 01Mar2015 it is not giving results
Secondly, I have another column with date like : 2015-02-04 00:00:00.000
I need to filter the same in another tablix for dates < 01-Mar-2015
I tried this in expression to convert it into string
=Format(Fields!Last_Date.Value, "YYYY-MM-DD")
And used 2015-03-01 in filter but it did not work
If I dont use format, ssrs gives error that tablix cannot compare datetime and string...
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Aug 24, 2015
I am design a tablix report where i have proper row grouping but when i am trying to column grouping also unable to fetch proper what exactly i am trying.
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Apr 26, 2012
I am using SSRS 2012 RC0 in Visual Studio 2010 sp1 to build this tabular report. I had inadvertently removed the initial header row from my tablix before adding numerous nested groupings to move the column headers to the header section so they would show up on each page.
I would like to reverse that decision, but I seem to be unable to now re-add that header row back to my tablix. In older versions of SSRS, I was able to right click on the table and then click on insert row-->Header row but that does not seem to be possible in ssrs 2012.. I tried adding a outer row to my top most grouping, but that option was grayed out.
How I can add my header row back to my table.
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Oct 14, 2015
I am facing whitespace issue in my SSRS report. I have simple tablix report with 10 columns. I am trying to toggle column 5 to 8 using on column 4. The problem I am facing is the whitespace. Now column 5 to 8 are only visible when we expand column 4. When the report is rendered on the screen, there is a huge gap between column 4 and 9.
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Sep 24, 2015
I have created a report with following data
Age_Category Count
31-40 10
41-50 20
51-60 30
61 and Over 40
Under 30 50
Now I want to order "Age_Category" column in SSRS like below
Age_Category Count
Under 30 50
31-40 10
41-50 20
51-60 30
61 and Over 40
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Nov 3, 2008
I have created a new report & add a table to it. When I select "Tablix Properties" and check on Columns Headers -> "Repeat Cheader columns on each page" the header columns do not repeat on each page. I also tried "Repeat header rows on each page". "Add page break before" seems to work ok. I am using VS 2008 9.0.30729.1 SP..I also tried deploying but it still does not work on the deployed version.
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May 15, 2015
Using a single multi select parameter I want to show/hide 5 tablix's I have in my SSRS 2008 report. Inside the parameter I want to give each tablix a value a have user control which tablix he wants to see. If user selects all 5 he should be able to see all 5 or if he selects only 4 then display only the 4 tablix's user selected or select's only 3 then display only 3 so on so forth.
How to configure the parameter and hidden expression of the tablix.
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Jun 11, 2010
I have two charts which are based on their own separate datasets. One chart shows data aggregated by MONTH, the other chart shows data aggregated by WEEK. I have put both of these charts inside a rectangle and set their visibility based on whether or not there is data returned by their respective datasets. This part is working just fine.
However, I have added a tablix to the report, deleted all columns and rows leaving only one remaining row/column so it looks like a textbox. This tablix is sitting on top of the two charts. The problem i'm having is that when both charts return no data and they do not show up in the report, the tablix still remains visible. I need to set the visibility but based on a condition between the two different datasets behind each chart.
Here's what I need: If ONE of the charts returns data, then I need the tablix to be visible. If neither chart returns data, then I need the tablix to be invisible. I'm trying to write an IIF statement comparing the two datasets but I get inscope errors. Isn't it possible to compare values which are contained in two separate datasets in SSRS?
Seems like something like the following logic should work:
IIF(CountRows("Monthly_DataSet") > 0 OR CountRows("Weekly_DataSet") > 0 , FALSE, TRUE)
Obviously the above expression will return syntax errors, but you'll get the point as to how i'm thinking. How can I set the visibility of the tablix based on these two charts?
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Aug 26, 2015
I has developed one report in SSRS in SSRS 2008 R2 and when I preview the report in report viewer in all pages Report Header is repeating, whereas when I export the same report to PDF strange for some pages header is missing.
When I searched in google for SSRS 2008 Microsoft agreed that it is a bug and they provided the hotfix. And this hotfix is not working for SSRS 2008 R2 as it is a higher edition but still I facing the same issue.
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Mar 27, 2012
We have a report that was created in SSRS 2008 R2 that has 3 tables with different datasets that share a common ID that I want to use to group them.
If we run the report passing only a single value for the grouped parameter then the report works perfectly. What we need is for this report to allow multiple values to be selected for this parameter and for the report to run as if the user had selected each value one at a time and run the report with page breaks in between. Currently, when we pass multiple selected values for the grouping parameter the report displays all values for table 1, then all values for table 2, then all values for table three as below:
Table 1:
Detail rows for Group Param Value 1 ...
Detail rows for Group Param Value 2 ...
Detail rows for Group Param Value 3 ...
Table 3:
Detail rows for Group Param Value 1 ...
Detail rows for Group Param Value 2 ...
Detail rows for Group Param Value 3 ...
But we want it to render like this:
Table 1:
Detail rows for Group Param Value 1...
Table 2:
Detail rows for Group Param Value 1...
Table 3:
Detail rows for Group Param Value 1...
The page breaks are needed so that when the report is exported to excel each individual report (by group param) will be on its own uniquely named tab.The report must export cleanly to excel and currently does for the single value passed.
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Jun 10, 2015
I am working on complex invoice document that handles various types of invoicing, credit, and progress bill customer facing documents. I am faced with same problem I see many SSRS devs posting on. And that is extra blank pages, being generated because the report width exceeds the width of the page.
My problem is I cannot shrink the horizontal width of the tablix and therefore the report width either...
While I would have done things differently if developing from scratch, the tablix in question has only one column and objects contained in rectangles are placed in the row/column cell.....The link to the image below shows the row I am currently working on. Essentially all the client wants a columnar report with column lines, closed footers, etc... so rather redoing the whole tablix, which I still might do, I am using rectangles with the column then lining them up. Anyway, that is a whole 'nuther post. My specific questions are:
Invoice in Report Builder
1. In the image I have selected the parent rectangle. The children are other rectangles and the data is with grandchildren textboxes that exist within those rectangles. I clearly have a bit of right side white space in the main parent rectangle, but there is no sizing tool on a hover... just move tool. And if I change the rectangle size in the prop form it just snaps back to the cell width. How do I size the parent rectangle and keep if from expanding.
Here I am guessing that to actually reduce the horizontal width of tablix and then the report, I have to first decrease the parent width of the rectangles that occur in each row?
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May 16, 2015
How to hide page number based on tablix availability?
I would like to hide all page number once a specific tablix has data!!
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Nov 3, 2015
I have a parameter "time frame" which contains two value- 6 months ,12 months an 18 months which shows data of 6 months , 12 months and 18 months.
In my ssrs report i have 18 columns :
The first six months will be displayed in each case.
But when i choose 6 months i just want to display first six months only.when i choose 12 months i want to be displayed first 12 months columns only and for 18 months all the columns,.
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Jul 20, 2015
I have a Multivalue parameter with 4 available values and have 4 columns in the report that correspond to each of these values.I apply column visibility to each of the 4 columns with the following expression (the number changes for each column
=IIF(InStr("," & Join(Parameters!KPINAME.Value,",")& ",",",1,")>0),False,True)
What I want to do is that if I select a KPI and the Column value is NULL then to hide the row.Obviously if you select multiple KPIs and only 1 of the columns has null value then I wouldn't want the Row hidden.
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Aug 2, 2015
I need to hide the address bar in the SSRS report pop-up using the JavaScript. I tried using below property
="javascript:void('https://dev/PWA/ProjectBICenter/_vti_bin/reportserver?https://dev/PWA/ProjectBICenter/Report Library/ProjectStatusReport.rdl&rv:Paramode=Hidden&rc:Toolbar=False&rv:HeaderArea=None&vuidProjectUID=Fields!ProjectUID.Value','_blank','location=no,toolbar=no,left=100,top=100,height=600,width=800'))"
What I am missing using this property?
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Aug 9, 2015
I am using the below expression for hidding the zero data labels in ssrs chart.=IIF(Fields!Name.Value=0,False,True). But this expression is working for some other charts. It is not wrking for only charts. I could not find the solution for that. How to hide the zero values.
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Jun 16, 2015
I have a report with three subreport, i want to hide data of subreport while exporting reporting in to excel. I have used this function (=IFF Globals! Render foramt.IsInteractive,False,True) but didnt work.
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May 6, 2015
I have report which has 5 columns. User want to export report file in Excel format. when exported report then by default 2 columns will be hidden in excel and user can unhide columns after export in excel.I did column hide on report level and show in result set in excel sheet by using Global render format.
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Sep 30, 2015
I need to validate my text box value for instance when the user will enter the value if its 6 - 10 character its fine but if it's less than 6 I have to display a message invalid value.
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Aug 10, 2015
I am using report builder 3.0.
I have a report parameter called para1 which is a drop-down list and what I want to do is display another report parameter based on the para1 selection.
So for example, para1 contains a, b, c choices. if a user selects b, I would like para2 to display but if the user selects a or c, I don't want the para2 to display.
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Aug 21, 2015
I am working on existing ssrs report. When I see the preview I could see the extra parameter than the actual parameter.
How do I know , when this parameter is coming in the preview ?
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Sep 11, 2015
I'm using Cube.My DimDate tables Datekey is integer .But client wants a calendar to set date as you see in picture .how can I change calendar value which will be input by user.
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Apr 22, 2015
I'll go to a dataset, open up the query designer, add a new parameter, then refresh the fields, but the parameter won't be added as a report parameter. If I go to the dataset properties under the list of parameters, the value in the dropdown will be blank. However, sometimes this will automatically add.
Is this a bug in Visual Studio? How do I get around this?
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