Reporting Services :: Unable To See Design Page In SSRS
May 20, 2015
when I try to open the SSRS in BIDS ( VS 2008), it is displaying the code portion alone. If i click 'View Designer', it prompts me like "....already opened. Do you want to close?" Only XML content of report is displaying. if I click 'Viee Code' then it displays error like "There is no editor available for 'c: eport Sample. rdl'.Make sure the application for the file type (.rdl) is installed."how to correct this issue by installing or by upgrading?
I have a Report In that report I need to break out company code and export this report on excel and each company code shown its own tab in excel .I just add image about report details.I tried this issue but i cant get the exact names on excel sheet.
Example: A sales report that details and summarizes each Salesperson’s total sales within a company’s stores that reside in each state.
The report has 3 levels of groupings where the highest 2 levels require summary counts on a separate page and the lowest level produces a summary count in the midst of the detail lines of the report.
The data consumed by the report is ordered by State, Store ID, and Salesperson.
The header of each page lists the State and Store ID. The detail lines of the report list items sold and the associated sales amount for each item sold by each store’s salesperson.
At the end of each Salesperson’s items sold, a summary line is listed on the next line in the report showing the total amount and total count of items sold by that Salesperson.
The very next line on the report lists items sold and the associated sales amount for the next Salesperson within that particular store.
Summary lines will be produced for each Salesperson within each particular store on the next line of detail in the report.
At the end of all sales data for each store, a summary page is produced on a separate page listing the summary of each Salesperson’s totals.
Each line of the summary page contains the same counts for each Salesperson that was embedded in the detail section of the report.
The summary page also contains a grand total line listing the total count and sales for all salesmen within each given store.
At the end of all sales data for each state a summary page is produced on a separate page listing the summary of each store’s totals.
Each line of the summary page contains the grand totals of all sales for each store within a given state.
The summary page also contains a grand total line listing the total count and sales for all stores within each given state.
The simple breakdown is the groupings and totals for each state and store must be listed on a separate page in the report.
The grouping and totals for each Salesperson must be listed on the next line within the detail section of the report.
Current issue: The requirement is for no page break at the end of each salesperson’s sales data because the page breaks produce too many extra pages in the report.
Disabling the page break at the Salesperson level produces format issues such as page headers printing on the next line in the report before each Salesperson’s summary line.
Disabling the page breaks at this level also produces the problem of suppressing the page break for the summary page that comes at the end of each store.
Question:The report has 3 levels of grouping with Salesperson at the lowest level, Store ID being the parent group of Salesperson, and State being the parent group of Store ID. Is it possible to format the Salesperson summary line (lowest level grouping) as just another detail line in the report without impacting the report format that requires page breaks at the parent group levels?
A sample report layout of what we are trying to achieve is on the next page.
I have a report which shows around 8 columns. The report is in landscape mode(Width -11in and Height-8.5 in). I want to display only header in the first page means basically I want to add a cover page.
I have used tablix to display data. To display an empty page, I have added a rectangle before tablix and made add a page break after true. But while exporting to pdf, I am getting 2 blank pages with header. But I need only one.
I am using the rectangle for the physical page break and set the page break option as "Add a page break after" for each rectangle except for the last key summary page in the RDL
Other Report details Report Paper Size is A4, Landscape, Width = 29.7cm, Height = 21cm Report Margins - Left=0.2cm, Right=0.2cm, Top=0.25cm, Bottom=0.25cm
Rectangle size in the report body in each page as Width=28.7cm, Height=17.5cm, Header Height= 2cm Footer Height = 1cm
Now, the issue is when I add the Tablix with the rectangle to display the details data, it also adds the blank page after the page and when I remove the Tablix and only keep the graphs within the rectangle then blank page issue get fixed.
I am having SQL query which has inner join table from another Database. The below highlighted query shows its values.
/*Trend and Capacity Report*/ SELECT MEA.DisplayName AS Cloud, MEB.DisplayName AS VM, OS.PropertyValue AS OS, CONVERT(varchar(17),PD.DateTime,113) AS Date, VM3.VirtualCPUCount AS VCPU FROM Perf.vPerfDaily AS PD INNER JOIN vPerformanceRuleInstance AS PRI ON PD.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId = PRI.PerformanceRuleInstanceRowId INNER JOIN vPerformanceRule AS PR ON PRI.RuleRowId = PR.RuleRowId
My request is to calculate total capacity of all available Virtual CPUs, Memory and Storage from 4 separate clouds: 'cloud1','cloud2','cloud3','cloud4'
Whenever I select =Sum(Fields!VCPU.Value) expression in Report Properties and assign it to a variable and assign that variable to a Text Box field I get the value as VCPU * (Number of VMs) which is not correct.
I am looking to get the value of VCPU from all 4 clouds above.
I have designed a report in which there are 6-7 charts. I want to print each chart in a new page. For this I have inserted page break after each chart. After this the report is populating fine but when I am exporting the report in pdf the page break are not working.
I have integrated my SSRS Drill though report in Web page and i could not able to find back button to go back to the original report. Unfortunately, i am not controlling the report viewer tool bar.Do we need to write some code to get it working.
I have one requirement. We have one application in banking and they have developer that application using c# and .Net code so For Business Users--when they enter their details and when they want to check Reports--it should take to a another UI or web page where Users will see all the reports--- and clicking the report he/she should be get able to export it into different formats..
i know that we can give report manager URL--but due to various issues-- we have choosen to built a web[age where they can see the reports work-flow:
so--user opens bank site--enters his details-goes into reports--it should open new webpage or UI, he should see all reports--he should export these reports..
After that based upon security levels each user can see their individual reports.
I've had a SSL wildcard certificate successfully in use, unless it had to be replaced because of its age. Now I've imported a new certificate, but unfortunately I'm unable to set it up in the SSRS Configuration Manager Console (Web Service URL / Report Manager URL), because "We were unable to create the certificate binding".
Here is the Error Message:
Microsoft.ReportingServices.WmiProvider.WMIProviderException: An unknown error has occurred in the WMI Provider. Error Code 80070520 ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80070520): A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070520) --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
I've also deleted the existing bond in the netsh console with "netsh>http delete sslcert ipport=", but this still doesn't fix the issue.
When I click on the DataSet Query Desginer there is an Error Source:.NetSqlClient Data Provider. why this error comes and I have executed the SQL query in SSMS succesfully and the result comes. However this is causing the report from the report manager to fail.
We are facing problem in doing page break with column grouping. Our column group contains years e.g 2011, 2013 . We want to show a complete page for a year.
Suppose 2011 has 10 records(horizontal) and 2013 has 12 records(horizontal) in column. The output should be 10 records of 2011 in first page, 12 records of 2013 in second page.
We cannot change the report layout to make column to row and vice versa.
I have created the matrix report which has dynamic column, it grow columns(18) based on the 'MCU' field in PRD.MI table. I have added the 'MCU'(A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,...Q) on 'Columns' in matrix table, to create matrix report and I have added 'mcst' on 'Data' in matrix table and I have added the 'msp2' on 'Rows' in matrix table. I have created new column after row and I added USP2DS.Final output is as given below.I need the split the matrix column per page.
I have added the 'MCU' on "Column group and 'msp2' on Row group.
Query: select mi.*, SUBSTR(SM.USP2DS,6,9)AS DESC from (SELECT a.mcu , a.msp2, SUM(a.mcst) AS Cost FROM PRD.MI as A WHERE a.myr=2015 and a.mpr=7 GROUP BY a.MCU, a.msp2 order by a.mcu, a.msp2 ) mi, (SELECT DISTINCT U_SP2, USP2DS FROM UM.SM) SM WHERE A.MSP2=SM.USP2 ORDER BY MCU,msp2
I have tried the below post, but I am not able achieve my output. [URL] ....
I created the report, which has 4 pages. Each page contains bunch of tables and charts, which display data in scope of dataset, created for each page and reflecting certain subject. Each page also has Header and Footer.
My users requested, the report has possibility to include or not include data on Page #4.
Other words, report should display 3 or 4 pages based on the entered parameter.
1. I created parameter named “Include #### metrics”, which contains options: Y, N 2. For each object on the page 4 I added dependency on the selected parameter in the visibility option.
Now if user select parameter Not include Page #4, report displays 3 pages as expected and page #4 is empty, but with Header and Footer.
The problem: Their preference is to not to show page 4 at all if someone chooses to not to include #### metrics.
My question is how to force the report to display just 3 selected pages.
In SSRS reports i have multiple charts and tables. per page i have to display one chart and one table. How to put page break after the chart and table. I have not used rectangle. I created all the charts and tables in the body area.
I am creating simple report in ssrs and pass one parameter only. It will work perfectly (here user enter the parameter value). but i need that i should select the value in drop down box. i had tried many time and did different ways but I am unable to do it.
First i gave the parameter in my sql query in Data set (like WHERE COUNTRY = @COUNTRY) and i checked the Parameters tab in the data set. Here by default comes the Parameter Name: COUNTRY and Parameter value: [@COUNTRY].
Next i select COUNTRY Parameter in the Report Data Pane. and go to properties Here in General Tab: Name COUNTRY Prompt: COUNTRY, Select Get values from query in available values Tab (and also i tried with Select Get values from query in Default Value Tab) and Select Data set: Data Set1, Value field: COUNTRY and Label Field COUNTRY. And Click Ok
And tried to preview the report, it throwing below error
"An error Occured during local report processing. The definition of the report is invalid. The Report Parameter 'COUNTRY' has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter "COUNTRY". Forward dependencies are not valid.
How can I achieve dropdown list.What i missed? Even i unable to do it Multi valued parameters and Cascading parameters.
Actually i am working on SQL Express 2012 version.
I have a set of SSRS reports published on the server. It can be accessed through a web application or through SharePoint. Most of the reports work fine through both - web app and SharePoint. However, one of the report, which returns large amount of data has some problem:
1. It generates fine from web app 2. It generates fine from SharePoint; only if one or two values selected from Filter dropdown 3. However, if all items (about 20 items) selected from Filter dropdown... and click on View Report, it processes for a while and then shows nothing. The page remains blank.
Did some research and felt the problem is with Distributed Cache Service.
I have a detailed report in ssrs in which data can come from start date and end date parameters.but the problem is. for example i gave startdate as 01/01/2015 and end date as 09/31/2015 then the data must be in displayed in such a way that jan month in one tab and feb month data in one tab and so on to sep month data in new tab when i export to Excel.
ID Name Date 1 A null 2 B 01/01/2012 3 C 01/02/2013
Also, I have a sort parameter @sort and values are (Name, ID, Date)
I want to apply page break whenever @sort=Name. There should be no page break when user selects @sort = ID or Date. Page break should happen only when @sort value = Name
it should be like this...
Page 1: ID Name Date 1 A null Page 2: ID Name Date 2 B 01/01/2012 Page 3: ID Name Date 3 C 01/02/2013
I created a view that i want to use in ssrs.In the view there is a column for running balance.In the table contain transaction of inventory with their quantity.
If i run the query on sql or use the view on ssr. The end qty is not showing accurately.I ran it on another database it works perfectly. Then i noticed that the dex_row_ID of the second database is sequential as the date. But for the initial database it was not sequential as with the date.
We have the customer requirement to display the footer of a SSRS Report fixed at the absolute bottom of a DIN A4 format page. The footer contains information like company address and stuff.
I searched quite a while on this topic and only found workarounds for SQL Server 2005 with Custom Code in the SSRS Report to calculate the size of the body content and then insert some empty lines to get the space needed to push the footer to the bottom of the page. But this won't work in SQL Server 2012. And I wasn't able to figure out how to achieve this yet.
Basically i have 3 images capacity per record in my application. In there i am saving the image path with record id in database and image in my application folder.
Now i am creating SSRS Report in Report builder . In there i have taken one image control to show the images. In the Image properties in report builder i have chosen database under the select the image source field. then inside use this field i have chosen image url and in use this MIME Type i have selected image/jpeg. Now i have saved this report in report server folder.
Now while calling in .net web from through report viewer control. It is opening the report but wont showing the image.
I have done the following and a domain user would not access report created a login to the SQL server to the user (this SQL Server is where data source DB is)went to site setting in Report Manager and made this use a system userright clicked on report folder and made this user in the browser roleeven checked that in the report in question, the user is already in the browser role Still the user would not access the report! "User .......... does not have required permission" is the error message I am getting.
I have created one reports but all the records are displaying on one page.find a solution to display the records page by page. I created the same report without group so the records are displaying in page by page.
I have a report with multiple tables. I need to show each tables in different pages. When there is no data for tables/tables , it is coming with the next table which has data. I have given "Add a page break after" option in the tablix but still the tables are coming together when no data available. How can I show it in different page?