how can i create a report like this format in SSRS ? In this format grouping will be applied on Phase code and tablix/matrix will be repeated the same way like shown above.The headers must repeat on the next pages too.Web Developer / Web Designer / Software Developer / UI Designer
In ssrs, I want to create an expression for the row visibility. But, the expression will contain 2 conditions from different 2 datasets (DealStarts & RowofTrendingVisibility). I have applied a solution from online, but got an error message is
"The Visibility.Hidden expression for the tablix ‘Tablix9’ contains an error: [BC30451] Name 'launchdate' is not declared. "
I think that there is a minor issue in my syntax.
=iif ((Last(MonthName("DealStarts"))=monthname(month(today())) or launchdate ("RowofTrendingVisibility")<Parameters!StartDate.Value),true, false)
i need to create a 32 tile Heatmap in SSRS 2008 R2,I am not too concerned with adjusting colours by values, I just need to get the 32 tiles in place in the report initially, then extend it with more functionality later on.
how to create indented child rows under the parent, in SSRS report. I am quite new to SSRS, the group by function works in a different (and obvious) way then what I want.I have a sample dataset as below.
Declare @Employee Table(Code varchar(10), Name varchar(500), Organization varchar(100), IsChild bit, ParentId varchar(10)) insert into @Employee Values('BR456','Brandon','XYZ',0,NULL) insert into @Employee Values('CR674','Carolina','ABC',0,NULL) insert into @Employee Values('ME230','Melissa','PQR',1,'CR674') insert into @Employee Values('JR987','Jerome','LMN',0,NULL) insert into @Employee Values('JO435','Joseph','IJK',0,NULL) insert into @Employee Values('ME321','Meghan','UVW',1,'JO435')
Is it possible to make this using some formatting options?
We want to create interactive dashboards using SSRS 2008 R2. We currently has Report Server installed in Native mode. I see that we can build some good dashboards using SSRS, SharePoint 2010 and PerformancePoint. But I wanted to find out if we can build that level of dashboard using just SSRS. We are still convincing the management for getting SharePoint license. In case if they don't agree for the Sharepoint license, can we build some good dashboards just using SSRS?
I need to create an report from SSRS and then exported it in excel for the user. It has dynamic header/footer and dynamic excel sheet name. The developer told that it is not possible to have both the things dynamic.
where uidate is a calculated field in my dataset that always has the value of 05/29/2012 (using formatdatetime("05/29/2012",dateformat.ShortDate))
Everything else is set to Auto, with stripwidth=0
I'm trying to display a single vertical line at the x-axis value of 05/29/2012
I have previously tried setting the interval offset to "05/29/2012" but that didn't work. I've also tried setting the value of a hidden text box on the report to "05/29/2012" and setting the interval offset to the value of that text box, but that gave me a "text box not declared" error.
How I can simply display a vertical stripline on my line graph at the x-axis value of 05/29/2012 ?
We've got a requirement to build the real time report. user can browse report at any point of time and need to see the latest data(stock market) in the report.
I've few options down...
1. Directly point to OLTP database as source and write stored procedure to show result set.
2. Replicate the database and write the SP's to reports. To avoid pointing directly to OLTP db.
3. To build the datawarehouse with dim & facts to show it in reports. I prefer this as a standard method, but this would have some latency depending on trasaction load which will differ from the requirement.
We built our prod server [vm] with SQL Server 2008 R2 on Server 2008 R2. It works nicely. Then we made a copy of the VM and renamed it (so our test environment would be IDENTICAL to production). After that, SSRS was broken: I get "HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable." I can't connect via http, or SSMS.
We have tried:
* Running SSRS config tool (several times)
* Running with/without the IIS Server Role
* Dropping & recreating the SSRS keys
* Recreating the ReportServer database, etc
* Checking all of the accounts, permissions, etc
* Running SQL Repair
* Going through the registry to fix any references to the machine's old name
* Uninstalling, reinstalling SSRS
* Completely uninstalling ALL of the parts of SQL Server 2008 R2, deleting all directories, removing references to SQL Server from the registry, rebooting, reinstalling everything.
None of this has worked. SSRS [R2] is still 503 on our test box.
the SSRS [NT] service seems to run, without error. The Event Viewer doesn't seem to be recording any errors. The SSRS logs say that the default URL is wrong, but we get the same error in Prod, and Prod works fine. The other SQL Logs say something about not being able to contact the service. However, as I said, the [NT] service seems to be working fine.
Hey everyone...I'm completely new to SQL Server and I'm trying to learn the Reporting Services tool. I just installed SQL Server 2005 and selected to install all the options, atleast I'm 99.99% sure I did.
When I go to launch Report Services Configuration, I get "No report servers were found on the specified machine. Details: Invalid namespace". Do I need IIS for this to work?
Also, I do not think the AdventureWorks database was installed, I cannot seem to find it anywhere. I have tried to go back through and reinstall it, but it says that it is already installed.
Also, is there a certain order that you are supposed to install things? i.e. SQL Server before Visual Studios?
Thanks in advance.
*Edit* BTW, I'm using Windows XP, SQL Server Enterprise Edition, and VS.NET 2005.
Is it possible to have my pop up SSRS box size according to the size of the returned value? Issue is, i have a text box that returns a note field and depending on the number of notes, it can and will vary in size. I am currently using this code
I have a requirement to convert reports from Crystal Reports to SQLServer Reports. Is there any tool to do this? or Do I need to redesignevery report in SQL Server Reports?Madhivanan
I am using VS 2010 and the SSRS that came with it. I am sure its SSRS 2008. Anyway, I added a report file to the project, added an ObjectDataSource and connected this to SQLServer 2008, and display the dataset on the report. The report is using ScriptManager, ReportViewer1, and Report1.rdlc file. I preview the dataset and I have multiple row returned. The problem is I only have one row displayed on the report. Maybe I did a quick and dirty report? What setting of properties did I missed?
We are trying to use reporting services to execute a url when the SSRS report is executed. For example when I execute a SSRS report I would like the report to automatically access [URL] (as an example). The reason we are doing this is we want to access another reporting application but record the number and times of access via the reporting services execution tables/views. Is this achievable by putting some code in the Report properties. Can you open - execute url and then close report via some code.
I have a Manager dashbord report.In this report 1st page contains some tables and 2nd,3rd page contains line charts with tables.Actually what we need is in 1st page tables are pretty simple,we need to add kpi's and shown these tables in kpi. kpi in ssrs and how to add kpi in ssrs reports?
I have tried different techniques to design the report but no luck,
1) design staff 5 days schedule as a calendar between two dates and 2)each staff can have more than one schedule on the same day. 3)Only one staff per page. 4) week will start based on date ex: for staff 2 calendar will start based on date.
I was trying to have multivalue options in a ssrs report, and I used this query
SELECT {[Measures].[Sales Amount],[Measures].[Tax Amount]} on columns,non empty([Product].[Color].[Color],[Product].[Product Name].[Product Name]) on rows
from ( select (STRTOSET(@color)) on columns from [Analysis Services Tutorial])
But the report only showed the default value as an option(in this format [Product].[Color].&[Multi] whic is not presentable),and what I also noticed in the parameter option is that, the available values option is set to none , also when I try to use get from query , it does not give me the vales for the parameters,and when I right click the designer pane it does not have the show hidden dataset option.I have created the parameter with multivalue option. what can I do to get the multivalue option to work.
When the SSRS report exported to CSV file, all the column headers are added in the first row. The issue here is, I have hidden( thru Visibility property) some of the columns in the report but those columns are also displayed in the header row(first row)CSV file and the blank values for their corresponding data.for example, I have displayed only below 3 columns out of 6 columns in the report.col1, col2, col3but the CSV generated as below:
I have below query which is working fine in SQL but if i use same query in SSRS dataset then it is not working at all.If i put only one condition in where clause then it works but if i put multiple conditions then it does not works in SSRS and through error "data is not available".
SELECT id, DATEDIFF(DAY, Created, BMTRequestReviewDate) AS 'EvaluateDays',
all code goes here
FROM [dbo].[SBWT_Data] WHERE upper(Status) not like '%XX%' AND upper(Status) not like '%DELETED%' upper(Status) not like '%CLOSED%' ---OR WHERE Status NOT IN ('90 - Closed','XX - Rejected','XX - Request Rejected','XX - Deleted')
As you can see in code i have tried with both where conditions but it is not working. It seems that SSRS does not supports multiple conditions for same field.
From the image above, I am totaling the column HHMMSS is SSRS with the below expression:
=CStr(sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(0)))+sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(1)))60) &":"& CStr(sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(1))) mod 60+sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(2)))60) &":"& CStr(sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(2))) mod 60)
I equally tried:
=iif(Fields!HHMMSS.Value = "", "", CStr(sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(0))) +sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(1)))60) &":"& CStr(sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(1))) mod 60+sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(2)))60) &":"& CStr(sum(CInt(split(Fields!HHMMSS.Value,":")(2))) mod 60))
and nothing works. What could be wrong with my expression?
The data source is Fetch XML - so all the values are string.I need to sum the values but getting an error:
Warning 1 [rsAggregateOfNonNumericData] The Value expression for the textrun ‘Textbox25.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ uses a numeric aggregate function on data that is not numeric. Numeric aggregate functions (Sum, Avg, StDev, Var, StDevP, and VarP) can only aggregate numeric data.I tried converting it to INT but it returns a large number which does not match what I'm expecting.
Previously I was using SSRS to create a local website(native mode) for our domain users to access. I wonder whether it is possible to share the website to outside users(just like youtube, everyone can access it). Is there a possible way to achieve that?
I am using SQL Server 2005 and SSRS 2005, and I am trying to display a PDF (image datatype, application/pdf filetype) from a SQL Database. There is no MIME option for PDF, so it seems my options are limited. Is there a way to display the PDF, or maybe convert the binary data at the database level?
Below is my query, it output's a percentage based on some calculations that i've had to make to fit in with requirements.The trouble is that it is also coming with NaN values which i need set to 0%,modify the below query to accomplish this?