Reporting Services :: Create Report From SSRS And Then Export It In Excel For User?
Nov 4, 2015
I need to create an report from SSRS and then exported it in excel for the user. It has dynamic header/footer and dynamic excel sheet name. The developer told that it is not possible to have both the things dynamic.
I am exporting the ssrs report with Execl sheet but iam getting this error in excel sheet"The number in this cell is formatted as text or preceded by an apostrophe ".
I have a ssrs report having 2 tables in with 4 columns in each. When I go to export option in preview I can see all data coming in one excel sheet, But I am trying to get 2 tables in 2 different pages in Excel when I export.First page of excel comes with first table data with 4 columns and second page of excel comes with second table data with 4 columns .
I am having difficulty in exporting a report to Excel that has drill-down grouping created in SSRS 2008 R2. I can export with the report expanded or with just the summary and both look fine, but when it gets to Excel it looses the toggle ability which I need for it to retain.
I have a SSRS 2012 report which have few columns with long text. They appear good when viewed in browser. However, when I export it to excel data is shrinking. How can I avoid the data shrinking in excel.
I have a report in that report having some Text boxes and below tables.But the problem is when i export the report into excel textboxes are merged, not getting properly.
I am facing some issue in rendering my SSRS report(2012 version) to excel sheet with color codes. i am using conditional formatting to display the colors. So what is happening is ,take the below expression as an example, for the id = 0, we are not getting white back ground, we are getting some other colors. But the same thing is working fine in SSRS 2008R2.
We mark cells in a report using color names like red, pink, and transparent in the fill expression. In the browser it works correctly. When exported to Excel the colors go to the wrong cells. This worked correctly in SSRS 2008.
<detail><ErrorCode xmlns="">rrRenderingError</ErrorCode><HttpStatus xmlns="">400</HttpStatus><Message xmlns="">An error occurred during rendering of the report.</Message><HelpLink xmlns=""></HelpLink><ProductName
I have one Matrix Report developed in BIDS(2008R2). If I export this report into Excel sheet exact structure what i developed in BIDS its coming. But If I exported into CSV I am loosing Structure and Columns showing as Rows.
I developed one dynamic column (matrix) report. while export to excel it 's show same output as SSRS have. but while exporting CSV pivot column not coming as same as Excel and SSRS screen. data is moving to rows.
I'm trying to use SQL Server Reporting Services (SQL Server 2008 R2) to produce a CSV file. Row 1 in the CSV has to be a summary row with 8 columns. The detail rows which follow have 24 columns. The data in the summary row is "static" except for a date, a count of detail rows, and a total amount due based on the detail rows that follow. Here's an example of what we need it to look like:
HDR,4242,0,1,20150203,25,I,25823.18,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, DTL,4242,0,1,20150203,255092,20150129,989,C,Net 0,Due Upon Receipt,12703,Some Super Customer,1001 Grandview Dr,,SomeCity,TX,US,75012,9729990000,,,, DTL,4242,0,1,20150203,255093,20150129,1360,C,Net 0,Due Upon Receipt,23774,Another Awesome Customer,52 Six Flags Dr,,DeepInTheHeart,TX,US,76006,8174445555,,,,
I've been able to get the report itself to render correctly in Visual Studio or from a browser using several different approaches but they all fail in one way or another when I try to save it as a CSV (eg, a header is prepended to each detail so they end up side by side, header and detail end up with extra columns, etc).
I have a report with 2 tablixes, both the tablixes can be hidden based on the parameter selection. The 1st tablix has a drill through action on one of the columns, that calls the 2nd tablix in the SAME report. Once you click on the drill through, the 1st tablix is no longer visible, only the 2nd one is.
The report is working fine, until you export it to CSV file. Once you are on the 2nd tablix (1st one is NOT visible at this time in the report), and then when you export it to CSV, BOTH, the 1st tablix as well as 2nd tablix are visible in the CSV file. Why does the 1st tablix come up in CSV IF you just exported 2nd tablix to CSV?
Is there a workaround to NOT show the parent/1st tablix at all if the 2nd tablix is exported? Excel works fine!I know sub-reports instead of multiple tablixes might solve this issue.
I am trying to get my ssrs report in an excel. I want the report to be displayed in a single excel sheet, however, I am getting multiple sheets. I have even tried the page break functionality and used the
expression(=IIF(Globals!RenderFormat.Name="EXCEL",TRUE,FALSE) in the tablix properties--> pagebreak--->disabled option.
We have recently upgraded to SP1 of SSRS 2008. As a result, when we export a blank report to CSV, we now get a line of commas below the headings. Or found a way to not include the commas?
I have done the following and a domain user would not access report created a login to the SQL server to the user (this SQL Server is where data source DB is)went to site setting in Report Manager and made this use a system userright clicked on report folder and made this user in the browser roleeven checked that in the report in question, the user is already in the browser role Still the user would not access the report! "User .......... does not have required permission" is the error message I am getting.
how can i create a report like this format in SSRS ? In this format grouping will be applied on Phase code and tablix/matrix will be repeated the same way like shown above.The headers must repeat on the next pages too.Web Developer / Web Designer / Software Developer / UI Designer
I need to know is there any way to end user customization with SSRS, we are using ASP.Net page, we need to create SSRS report with end user customization like mail merge, but we don't want end user to use Report Builder or Report Designer.
I have one SSRS report which uses drill down "+" approach. The records will be opening only when you click on the "+" sign. There are 3 levels of "+" sign in the report. All records are included when exporting to excel. Is it possible to exclude all the records? Can we show only the opened records.?
I have one SSRS report which contains indents but it is not included when exporting to excel sheet. Is it possible to include indents when exporting to excel?I have included indent in the textbox property of a field-->Alignment-->Padding Options-->Left-->Exp-->
This is working fine in the SSRS report but its not applied when exporting to excel.
I am getting extra column while exporting SSRS report into excel but those columns not in my report. How to avoid these columns please find the attached screen shot with red circle.
I have a report with three subreport, i want to hide data of subreport while exporting reporting in to excel. I have used this function (=IFF Globals! Render foramt.IsInteractive,False,True) but didnt work.
I have report which has 5 columns. User want to export report file in Excel format. when exported report then by default 2 columns will be hidden in excel and user can unhide columns after export in excel.I did column hide on report level and show in result set in excel sheet by using Global render format.
how to create indented child rows under the parent, in SSRS report. I am quite new to SSRS, the group by function works in a different (and obvious) way then what I want.I have a sample dataset as below.
Declare @Employee Table(Code varchar(10), Name varchar(500), Organization varchar(100), IsChild bit, ParentId varchar(10)) insert into @Employee Values('BR456','Brandon','XYZ',0,NULL) insert into @Employee Values('CR674','Carolina','ABC',0,NULL) insert into @Employee Values('ME230','Melissa','PQR',1,'CR674') insert into @Employee Values('JR987','Jerome','LMN',0,NULL) insert into @Employee Values('JO435','Joseph','IJK',0,NULL) insert into @Employee Values('ME321','Meghan','UVW',1,'JO435')
Is it possible to make this using some formatting options?
After publishing report on server and accessing it from URL its prompting for the USER ID and pAssword of Admin user of the server. Have tried to find the Virtual Directory of the Reporting server on IIS - which is not available. or unable to find the same. Apart from this have saved the Database credential in the report itself.
When a user runs the report after a minute or 3 the user gets a timeout message, if an administrator runs te same report he will get the results. No errors in log. report timeout on 1800 seconds
We are showing hovering data in the report. When we hover the pointer of the mouse over cell, it shows the data. But when we export the report in excel, hover functionality is not working in exported report. Finding the solution to ensure hovering should work in the exported excel report.
I have a drill down report which need to be exported to excel. But, when exporting to excel it shows many unwanted blank rows for a particular record due to the drill down option.
Is it possible to remove it?
I need to exclude the rows in yellow color when exporting to excel.
I have a report in SSRS2012. It was copied from SSRS2005 quite recently, as we have upgraded. The SQL developer said that it didn't need any code changes, as he had some kind of tool to test code problems between the two versions. The report has a table, with 5 row groups, and one detail row. The table is setup as follows:
Name Sales Costs Profit
Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 Group5 DetailsRow
When I run this report using the Report Manager website from SSRS2005, and then export to Excel 2013, I get the 6 row groups in Excel, no problem whatsoever. I can drill into each group in Excel, using the group drilldown column on the left hand side. This works the same as the Report Manager website.
If I run the exact same report from the Report Manager website in SSRS2012, the Report Manager result is the same as SSRS2005 - all the row groups are present, and the drilldown works fine. However, the export to Excel has issues with the groups. There are only 3 row groups showing in Excel, along with a column group added for no apparent reason.
Drilling into each group shows inconsistent details, and there is no apparent logic as to what is shown within each group. I should also mention, that this issue with groups is seen on all my reports which have groups, not just this report.