Reporting Services :: Defaulting Display Size On One Report To Something Other Than 100%
Aug 20, 2015We run std 2008 r2. Is there a way to default one particular report's display size to either "page width" or 200% instead of 100%?
View 7 RepliesWe run std 2008 r2. Is there a way to default one particular report's display size to either "page width" or 200% instead of 100%?
View 7 RepliesHow to display the logo in middle of report header , The logo is embedded in the Image folder . The column of the report  are static. we are using SSRS 2008
View 6 Replies View Related I would like to display different addresses in the same list:
I have the query for married couples working, Also, I have a separate query of non-married people working.I would like to create a separate datasets for unmarried people in the same report.-Is there way to setup another the second data set without duplicating the fields from the first datasource. I tried to use alias on the second datasets and it did not work okay.
I have a table that has an image datatype column and I also have acontant type column in that same table to define which type of data isstored in that table.In this case a screen shot or may be a word document may be stored inthat table....!I am trying to use that image datatype field in my report and when theyclick some button I needed the reporting service report to open awindow based on the content type and display that image.Has anyone done this? Any help will be much appreciated...Thanks in advance....
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have designed plenty of reports in VS 2005 and have been deployed on the reporting server. I have been designed one web page which shows UI through which user can access which ever reports he/she wants. I have kept some buttons on UI. When button is clicked appropriate report accessed and displayed on the browser.
Problem is that, report width is about 40 - 50 % of the screen and report viewer shows the report on the left align of the screen. I just want to show the report at the center of the screen. Also, any property I can use to set the report size in the proportion of screen in Percentage(%).
ExecutionTime gives server time, How can I get local time ? I'm planning to create a report part and use it across all the reports to display report execution time.
- Reports are being opened in Citrix
-MS SQL Server 2008 R2
For my report I am trying to display images that are pulled from a database. Images are from separate records. I have the records I need in a dataset and now I want to set a Table Cell value to the field corresponding to the image. However, the next images/(records) are displayed on the next row (as expected i guess). How do I set the the records/values to be displayed across a single row?
What I have:
What i want:Â
We are planning to develop weekly report in SSRS.For this we wants each day as column & some expenses[Numeric figure in row]we have dataset likeÂ
There are some other filters are there that i have applied in my report tablix property.
How do you write an expression in report builder to only display the results that start with a certain string Project Number - CUP1501, DPR1502, ENG1507 etc. These values will all get returned but I only want the Project Number that has CUP and DPR in it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a requirement to display a disclaimer message before going to the content of a particular report. The workflow would be:
go to report folder e.g. Reports/Pages/Folder.aspx?ItemPath=%2fMyFolder%2fReports&ViewMode=ListClick on Report xDisplay DisclaimerPress 'ok' on disclaimerContinue to report
This is SSRS 2012 native.
I had contemplated injecting JavaScript into the report, but this appears virtually impossible to do i a simple manner.
How to display the subreport Headers/footers in Main report (in SSRS SQL server 2008 r2)?
View 4 Replies View RelatedHow do I design reports so they look good when viewed online?
Is there anyway for it to render nicely on a particular resolution or screen? Never done any web dev, so not sure if I am missing something.
At the moment I am just designing the report so it looks right on my box.
However by trying to maximise the space when viewed online, it means exporting to pdf ends up being a disaster.
sample records
How to achieve This
I have a Reporting Services report available in a Windows Sharepoint Services webpart. The report is too large to display in the webpart window requiring the user to use the scroll bars. Is there any way to reduce the size of the report so that fits completely within the webpart without using scroll bars?
Thank you.
In one of my SSRS report under body properties default size (width = 34.54712cm , height = 20.92853cm ). I've tried to reduce the size to width = 26cm ,height = 18 . once i changed. the width its going to the same orginal size again.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am displaying the red line in the beginning of the current week column in the matrix table. But for few resources the red line is missing. For Example in below screenshot, refer the 'Adrian Larkin' resource. Here is the SSRS report border expression which is comparing the [TimeByDay] with the current Week First Monday Date to display the red bar -
=IIf(Fields!TimeByDay.Value = DATEADD("d", -(WeekDay(Today(),2))+1, Today()), "Red", "Black")"
Here is the dataset result set. If you refer the column [TimeByDay], it has no record for the date 11/05/2015 for the Adrian resource as he has no assignment for the date 11-05-2015.display the red missing line red bar using the expression or any other solution.
Hi All,
For developing a report I'm using SQL Server 2000 with SP4 & MS Visual Studio .Net 2003. After expoting a report in excel format file, the size of the excel file is so much big that while openning the report file it seemed to be hanged the PC.
Is there any way to reduce the size of the excel in reporting services?
Uttam Kr. Dhar
Medi Assist India Pvt. Ltd.
How to make SSRS report page size dynamic, or in a way where viewer can set it to the size they want?Â
Set to 0
I am working on complex invoice document that handles various types of invoicing, credit, and progress bill customer facing documents. Â I am faced with same problem I see many SSRS devs posting on. Â And that is extra blank pages, being generated because the report width exceeds the width of the page.
My problem is I cannot shrink the horizontal width of the tablix and therefore the report width either...
While I would have done things differently if developing from scratch, the tablix in question has only one column and objects contained in rectangles are placed in the row/column cell.....The link to the image below shows the row I am currently working on. Â Essentially all the client wants a columnar report with column lines, closed footers, etc... Â so rather redoing the whole tablix, which I still might do, I am using rectangles with the column then lining them up. Â Anyway, that is a whole 'nuther post. Â My specific questions are: Â
Invoice in Report Builder
1. In the image I have selected the parent rectangle. Â The children are other rectangles and the data is with grandchildren textboxes that exist within those rectangles. Â I clearly have a bit of right side white space in the main parent rectangle, but there is no sizing tool on a hover... just move tool. Â And if I change the rectangle size in the prop form it just snaps back to the cell width. Â How do I size the parent rectangle and keep if from expanding.
Here I am guessing that to actually reduce the horizontal width of tablix and then the report, I have to first decrease the parent width of the rectangles that occur in each row?
I am creating a simple SSRS table report through Report Builder. My dataset is looking for the stored procedure . When I execute the Stored procedure through SSMS I get resutset for certain parameters. I execute the dataset  (Store procedure) through query designer in dataset properties and I get results back. But when I try to run the report and see the preview, I do not get any results displayed. I been looking on the same issue form last 3-4 days and have not found any clue.
Following is the stored procedure I am using. Also I am passing multivalued parameter through report as well, and I am using spilt function to seperate the libraryid I am reading from parameter values. This works fine. I have similar kind of four other reports and with different stored procedure which exactly follow the same method , like multivalue parameters and other criteria are also very similar. All other reports works just fine.. This perticular report has issue for displying results, following is the stored procedure I am usingÂ
I would like to display a portion of report where there is data or no data
There is data subreport  display  Â
   Product Name Latex Gloves Â
   Product ID   Â
 There NO data in the subReport
  Product Name             Â
  Product ID  Â
I am using VS 2010 and the SSRS that came with it. I am sure its SSRS 2008. Anyway, I added a report file to the project, added an ObjectDataSource and connected this to SQLServer 2008, and display the dataset on the report. The report is using ScriptManager, ReportViewer1, and Report1.rdlc file. I preview the dataset and I have multiple row returned. The problem is I only have one row displayed on the report. Maybe I did a quick and dirty report? What setting of properties did I missed?
View 8 Replies View Related
I have a file directory of tiff images that I need to display dynamically with reporting services. I receive the following error message: "The value of the MIMEType property for the image €˜image1€™ is €œimage/tiff€?, which is not a valid MIMEType." After looking it up sure enough tiff is not a valide type. Does anyone know of a way to display tiff images in reporting services.
I have a database that yield 50 different reason codes
Each reasons code yields a total
Appeal 4
Loss 5
Won 0
How can I display all 50 rows of data regardless if there is a total value.
I have Successfully deployed the report in Report Server.
And i also successfully called it from Web application using VS 2005.
But the problem is,I am able to view only half of the report in Web Browser.It was Shrinked to Left side of the browser.
I am getting total report when i browse from Report Server URL directly.
Any body pls help me to solve this.
I have a report created in Business Intelligence Project.I want to trigger my report result. If it has no returned value, it creates error message displayed on the screen. How could I do this?
Any guidance please.
I have created a table and want to display a datset. One of the fields in the dataset is 'month' which I need displayed across the top of the report. The other information should make up the rows.
How do I get it to list the Month across the page rather than down?
I want a ssrs report with two tables adjacent,using same data set. I want to start row number/records in second table where rownumber of first table ends.and in second page first table should start where second table of first page ends.
View 10 Replies View RelatedHi,
We have stored some chinese characters in SQL database with datatype as nvarchar, but they are displayed in RS as some weird characters.
like this: 耹±Ã¥€¢€ 耹±Ã§¾Å½Ã¨¸Ã¨€°Ã¥€¢€ Ã¥€¹„¢(耚¡)Ã¥€¦¬Ã¥¸Ã¥°Ã§£Ã¥Ë†€ Ã¥€¦¬Ã¥¸
When we code the asp pages, we put the following on each page to display the chinese characters properly.
<meta http-equiv="CONTENT-TYPE" content="TEXT/HTML; CHARSET=UTF-8">
So my question is what do I need to do in RS in order to show the chinese characters properly as well ?
Many thanks!
Hi all,
I have one problem to display report.
I have 6 fileds in my Dataset.I have to display 4 fileds in one row.
After that I have to display other 2 fields in next row.
Second row may have more than one record based on last field of the first Row.
How can i place my fields at the time of Design.
suppose x,y,z,p,s,t are fields
x y z p(1st row)
in this row values for x,y,z,p fileds
s t
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx(2 records)
yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy
x y z p
in this row values for x,y,z,p fileds
s t
xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx(1 Record)
x y z p
in this row values for x,y,z,p fileds
s t
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx(3 Records)
yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyyy
zzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzz
How can i display this.
Thanks and Regards
Hi ,
How can I hide the URL information when I open a report, some with parameters and some do not have
parameters. Is there anyway or properties in RS that I can set to have it hide all the important information,
like datasource, credentials, parameters, and display the report like a aspx page instead?
Or does this need to have special programming to make this happen? and if so, what do I need to do?
thanks very much
I have a doubt ,while doing report, I have month column, I have passed 11 in  month parameter, but I want to display month column as NOV not 11.Â
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a table that contains some data.Â
I have a pie chart and a bar chart.
In the pie chart I want to plot only TotalForRetire and TotalForDisability and TotalForOrange
In the bar chart I want to plot only TotalForRetire,dummy1,TotalForRelatives.
Also, here I want the horizontal axis not to show the label  for dummy1 as the value is 0. How can i do that for each chart?