Reporting Services :: Unable To Run Scheduled Reports From SharePoint In Manage Shared Schedules
Jul 16, 2015
We are running into an issue where we are unable to run scheduled reports from SharePoint in the "Manage Shared Schedules" sections of any given site in our site collection (<site url>/_layouts/15/ReportServer/ScheduleList.aspx).  Reports are able to be generated manually, but never run when scheduled from SharePoint.We are encountering the following error in the SharePoint logs for our server. Â
 Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.InvalidReportServerDatabaseException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.InvalidReportServerDatabaseException:
The version of the report server database is either in a format that is not valid, or it cannot be read. The found version is 'Unknown'. The expected version is '162'.; Â Â Â Here is the background in our environment:
SharePoint App Server  - Server 2012 R2 running SharePoint 2013 Application server - running SSRS SharePoint Integrated configured through Central Admin.SharePoint SQL Server - Server 2012 R2 running SQL 2012 SP1 for the SharePoint farm - hosts the Reporting Services databases.I have run the script within the Central Admin > Provision Subscriptions and Alerts to give appropriate permissions the the account in use.  Also the reporting services databases were created new as part of the install, so they were not migrated from a previous version.
We have a Report Server integrated with SharePoint. A month ago we deployed a report (rdl file) in SharePoint, but the person who deployed it was no longer connected with us. So we decided to deactivate it in our Active Directory. Yesterday, our users returned issues regarding they are unable to access their report. I believe the issue was "object reference not set to an instance of an object".
So I tried to download the rdl file and redeployed it but i am getting error upon deploying to SharePoint. My workaround is to delete the rdl file in SharePoint, redeploy the shared datasource and shared datasets and the rdl file. It went and was now able to run the report in SharePoint.
Is there something relation/happened when deactivating the account in AD that users unable to access the report in SharePoint?
I have published SSRS reports to sharepoint and used the Reporting Services Report viewer to present the reports on a Page.  Everything works fine for the day, however in the morning, when I go to view the page, I get an error messageÂ
The report server cannot process the report. The data source connection information has been deleted. (rsInvalidDataSourceReference)
So I get the basics, have a script that can deploy a single report to a single server. I have other simple scripts that work as well. Now I want a script that can deploy a single report to multiple Sharepoint servers. I have about 30. I know we are probably doing this wrong, as in, we shouldn't be deploying the same report to 30 sites, as they are all all technically all on the same server however they are all independent site collections so as far as I know there is no way to deploy them to a central location and then link to them from each site.
So I tried to copy elements of my single report deploy script and duplicate the Sub Main() to Sub Main1() and Sub Main2() with multiple "ParentPath1" dims, yes I know I'm stupid. That obviously didn't work. So looking at some other scripts including my own subscription updater and I'm sure I need to do some kind of "For Each item in X" but where to start. The other lists I've seen all come from rs.Something. My list is just 30 variables in the script, how can I say for each site in this list, Publish this report?
Here's the simple script that works fine. I just don't know how to modify it to make it deploy this to multiple sites. After I figure that out, I was going to accept the challenge of deploying multiple reports to multiple sites in a single script...
Dim warnings As Warning() = Nothing Dim parentFolder As String = "Reports" Dim filePath As String = "filepath" Dim reportName As String = "Report file name" Dim parentPath As String = "Sharepoint site URL" Public Sub Main()
We have created and scheduled some test reports via Idera performance tool but we are unable to delete the reports. These are not custom reports and reports created with Schedule Email option in Idera. Unfortunately, I dera does not have any option to delete these reports and support is asking me if I tried this by deleting from SQL Server Reporting Services.I looked at the Reporting services but can't find any place to delete these reports. This link does not provide any support because I don't have these (Or Report Manager)----> Configuration Manager console, navigate to System Center Configuration Manager / Site Database / Computer Management / Reporting / Reporting Services.
URL....All I have is "Reporting Services Configuration Manager" under "Configuration Tools". How can I delete these reports from SQL Server Reporting services ?. Can I delete them from some tables in Reports databases ?. If so, what are the tables ?. I delete the jobs from SQL Server but the jobs are automatically created the next day emailing the reports again..
I get the following error when I try to navigate to a report/model/data source, stored in a Sharepoint Document Library using a Sharepoint URL based on an Extranet or Intranet zone - but it works OK using the url for the Default zone:
System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The specified path refers to a SharePoint zone that is not supported. The default zone path must be used. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.SecurityZoneNotSupportedException: The specified path refers to a SharePoint zone that is not supported. The default zone path must be used.
Is this a limitation of the SQLRS-WSS3 integration or is there a workaround?
Hello, I have a configuration where my SharePoint services are running on a web machine and the SQL server reporting services are running on a different machine. I installed SQL SP2 and the SQL Server Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint by following all the instructions listed in €œConfiguring Reporting Services for SharePoint 3.0 Integration€? ( My issue is that when I Deploy a report from a VS Report Server project by running Visual Studio on the machine where reporting servicers is running, everything works fine. But if I try the same thing on any other machine on the network, I get a €œThe file you are attempting to save or retrieve has been blocked from this Web site by the server administrators.€? message.
I€™m sure I€™m missing something on the configuration but I can€™t tell what.
I am presently working on a project which handles much larger amount of data. The application demands extensive reporting from the SharePoint data. I'd like to know how I can generate reports from the SharePoint lists using Reporting Services.
I have installed SP2 on my report server and configured for Sharepoint access.
This is all ok.
I am able to use the webpart to create a report view but it wants the report. Is there a way to manage the report server (they way I did with reportmanager) in sharepoint. If so I have not found out how.
any ideas or links to show how I can have teh reports listed in Sharepoint?
We are building a site with Windows sharepoint services and want to integrate reports from Reporting services. We know this can be done with the Report Explorer and Report viewer web parts. Our requirement is to make the site and also the reports (that are being displayed in the Report viewer web part) multilingual i.e. depending on the user's language preference, all the labels and texts on the report should get changed.
Is there some support within Reporting services to do this, or are there other ways (resource files, custom code etc.) through which this can be achieved.
I have some problem about reporting service add-in.
After I install reporting service add-in for SharePoint, reporting service menu does not appear in Application Management Tab in SharePoint Central Administration.
I try to uninstall and re-install again, it remain not work.
Hi, I have just install SQL 2005 SP2 and trying to get Window SharePoint Services V3 integrated with SQL 2005 SP2 reporting services. In SharePoint Central Administration, I select the Reporting Services Integration page and have setup the Report Server Web Service URL and Authentication Mode. I then goto Grant database access, specify the SQL server name, get promted for a username and password that has access SQL Reportserver and get the following error "The group name could not be found" Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks
I've just recently tried to upload a report to my organisations local SharePoint site (2010) has reporting servers functionality and works fine otherwise. I have site ownership but have no control over the SharePoint Farm etc.
The trouble i've ran into is that the new report i've created is being pulled from a third party company's own server, with the shared dataset on their reporting works fine when i run it on my computer or on their software system but it needs to be on the SharePoint site as well. For some bizzare reason it's against their policy to connect direcrtly to the database meaning i can't just create a data-source to sort this mess out.
The report server cannot process the report. The reference for the shared dataset 'DischargePerformancefull' is not valid. (rsInvalidDataSetReference)Â
I've tried uploading the dataset into the same sharepoint library as the report but it just comes up with XML errors when i try to open it and it won't let me point the dataset to it from the SharePoint options.
I am trying to create a basic report in SSRS, with 6 columns but then we receive an excel spreadsheet with different account numbers daily and I am requested to create a report based on those account numbers. so how can I create a shared folder for the users to drop their excel spreadsheet there and make my SSRS only filter the result set based only on those account numbers?
Hello SQL Server Experts, Data Analysts, and Report Writers et al:
re: Reporting Options with SQL Server
I wanted to propose an offshoot to the pryor thread:
Would anyone take a stab at comparing Access Reports, Crystal Reports, Cognos or other options to all the Reporting Services and its components offered as part ofSQL Server, especially as to extracting data from SQL Server into a report format?
I guess this is a far as capabilites, ease of use, limitations, and especially formatting or presentation of the end report product?
Thank you to all, and I hope this is a beneficial discussion to others.
A customer use SCSM 2012 RTM and recently they changed the password of the account that connects with the datasources that use Service Manager to generate reports. There are several datasources namely DWStagingAndConfig, ConfigurationManager, DWDataMart and other ones.The process to change the password of the account, done via web in the SSRS URL instance of Service Manager, requires to enter in the Manage option of each DataSource and replace the password with the right one in the Properties section; is a really simple step. However, after the change, the only Datasource that not allows to access again to the Manage option is DWStagingAndConfig (appears a message that points out to a report server internal error);I append a extract of the SSRS log related to the problem with this Datasource.
library!ReportServer_0-109!3024!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetPermissionsAction(/SystemCenter/ServiceManager/DWStagingAndConfig). library!ReportServer_0-109!8820!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetSystemPermissionsAction(). library!ReportServer_0-109!8820!01/22/2014-14:54:14:: Call to GetSystemPropertiesAction(). library!ReportServer_0-109!8ab8!01/22/2014-14:54:15:: Call to GetDataSourceContentsAction(/SystemCenter/ServiceManager/DWStagingAndConfig). library!ReportServer_0-109!8ab8!01/22/2014-14:54:15:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InternalCatalogException:
In the Project Web Access (PWA 2010), I have created Report Library which contains .rdl files --> Manage Subscription --> Add Subscription --> Email subscription is missing
Did i missed out some thing but other email functionalities like notifications, Approval workflow are working fine so no issue with SMTP.
I am attempting to pull certain bits of information from the content field in the ReportServer.dbo.Catalog. I found this blog post that is nearly perfect :Â URL....However, when I try and bring in the query parameters, I am just getting nulls. All the code is:
--The first CTE gets the content as a varbinary(max) --as well as the other important columns for all reports, --data sources and shared datasets.
WITH ItemContentBinaries AS ( SELECT ItemID , Name , [Type] , CASE Type WHEN 2 THEN 'Report' WHEN 5 THEN 'Data Source'
I've tried various variations on the bit third line up from the bottom without any joy. I been reading lots on XML this morning and thing my head has completely gone out the window.
At the Moment we use SQL Server 2008 R2 Std. with Reporting Services. I want to change the individual schedules (non-shared) for 170 subscriptions without using the web Interface.
I tried to change table entries for dbo.Schedule and dbo.Subscriptions but the reports did not run. I also know that here are Jobs in the SQL Server Agent for the schedules. Now I need to understand how the mechanism works that updates the job entries from database tables. Is there a stored procedure which can be used?
Is there a way to restrict the subscriptions to use Shared Schedule only? We want to make sure that we manage the schedules and they'll only run the subscriptions during the off peak hours.
First off, let me just say that I'm a complete newbie to SQL Reporting Services, and .NET in general. We have a VB 6 application that is trying to launch an SRS 2005 report in a viewer window. This was accomplished by creating A VB.NET "wrapper" window that launches the report, and allows the report to be previewed, exported, etc. I did not write any of this.
The report is using a Shared Data Source, which points to a specific database. My problem is that the users can select which db they want when they launch the VB 6 Application, so I need to find a way to edit the connection string in the report to specify which database to use on the fly. I have the db name in the "wrapper" application, but I can't figure out how to pass it to the report.
I am using MOSS 2007 and Reporting Services 2005. Integration part worked. But my existing report (analysis service report) with cascading parameter doesn't work in sharepoint. Every time you select a parameter you have click "Apply" to see the the cascading parameter. Is this a bug with report viewer webpart, because this works on regular sql 2005 rs viewer.
I was wondering if it's possible to use a sharepoint list as datasource in reporting services ? If yes, what's your trick ? Is it possible to use a directory as datasource in reporting services ?
I configured Reporting Services in SharePoint Integrated Mode at a client and am running into an issue as described in this article: I got the Cumulative Patch 4 (and 5) for SQL Server 2005 SP2 from Microsoft and applied it to the Reporting Services box. However, I€™m still seeing the same issue. Has anyone else run into this issue and resolved it?
I'm trying to install SharePoint 2007 and Reporting Services 2005 on the same server. However after installation Reporting Services will not load at http://localhost/Reports. Instead I get the following error:
Server Error in '/Reports' Application. Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below and modify your configuration file appropriately.
Parser Error Message: Cannot use 'partitionResolver' unless the mode is 'StateServer' or 'SQLServer'.
Source Error:
Line 164: </webParts> Line 165: <machineKey validationKey="DA65D9E6980E9CDB52426BF3C793EBAF7FBA3B866117F3CC" decryptionKey="9D7E984E12AA43FDECAB1E05D1E952822680D27BD1F37439" validation="SHA1" /> Line 166: <sessionState mode="SQLServer" timeout="60" allowCustomSqlDatabase="true" partitionResolverType="Microsoft.Office.Server.Administration.SqlSessionStateResolver, Microsoft.Office.Server, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c" /> Line 167: </system.web> Line 168: <runtime> Source File: C:InetpubwwwrootwssVirtualDirectoriesc76013d9-5b44-4d06-96dd-24fede1ea955web.config Line: 166
Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.42; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.42
I assume that something is wrong with my virtual server set up. I have the Default Web Site stopped and SharePoint (80) running and set Reports and ReportServer using the Report Configuration to SharePoint (80).
I can get to http://localhost/ReportServer but I get this error when running a report from there: Reporting Services Error
An internal error occurred on the report server. See the error log for more details. (rsInternalError) Get Online Help
The type Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal.Analytics.UI.ReportViewerMessages, Microsoft.SharePoint.Portal, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c does not implement IReportViewerMessages or could not be found
Has anyone set these up on the same server? Is there a document around on how to set this up?
I'm trying to create a subscription that places a file (excel or PDF) in sharepoint. I haven't been able to find a path that works. I was wondering if anyone else had had this issue and how they overcame it.
I have a Reporting Services implementation setup to run in Native mode. Reports on the server are being accessed through a Sharepoint website that has a Report Viewer control.
This is posing a problem because after the user logs into Sharepoint, they are again prompted to login to the report server. Is there a way to pass the users Sharepoint credentials to the report server to prevent this double login prompt?