Reporting Tools To Use With SQL Server 2000... HELP URGENT !!!

May 22, 2001


I am currently working on a project which requires reports that need multi-pass queries. I am currently using Crystal Report 8.5 and am not sure how to use multi-pass queries.

Here's some explanation about what I need :

A report has 10 different columns (counters). However, to get the values in all the columns, the filters (WHERE clause) are different for all the columns.
The only way I can think of doing this in Crystal Reports 8.5 is using Sub-reports (that will kill my performance) or then write stored procedures to populate an intermediate table on which the report will be based on.

Is there any reporting tool in the market that will help me pass multiple queries (with different WHERE clauses) in the same report.

I would appreciate your help on the above the earliest.

Thank you.

-- Parag

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Urgent SQL Server Client Tools Question

Oct 11, 2007

I have to go back east.. I am going to be working remotely.
We still used SQL Server 2000 at work..
Will I be able to use SQL Server 2005 Express edition to remotely connect to and modify stored procs and tables?
what are all my options??

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SQL Server 2000/05 Tools??

Mar 18, 2008

I am looking for best blogs/articles on Debugging, performance for SQL server 2000/2005.

Please provide me links

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SQL Server 2000 Client Tools

Jul 20, 2005

According to MS Knowledge Base Article 269824, "[SQL Server 2000 ClientTools] ... must be installed ... on any computer on which someone may makedesign changes in an Access project to a SQL Server 2000 database".This is the situation I'm facing. Can I download these Client Tools andinstall them for free, or are they only available on the SQL Server 2000Installation CD?Thanks for any help!

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SQL Server 2000 DTS Tools Web Download

Nov 3, 2005

Is the Web Download to install SQL Server 2000 DTS tools available yet? If so where?

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SQL Mobile Server Tools Install On SQL 2000 SP4

Sep 16, 2005

I am trying to install SQL Mobile Server Tools (beta 1) on my SQL

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SQL Tools :: MDF File Not Attached In 2000 Server

May 19, 2015

the mdf file is attached successfully in sql 2005 while i attached in sql server 2000 it shows some error

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Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Developer Edition Tools?

Oct 7, 2005

Ok so i am thinking of get the Microsoft SQL server 2000 Developer Edition, i have some questions. -  Does it include the server and tools?-  What tools does it include? The same as the Enterprise Version?-  Will it positively work on Windows XP Pro?-  Will you need to install anything else? Does it come with the Microsoft Server Desktop Edition as the server or something?-  Will this version allow me to use it to make databases for websites? I searched this forums but i can seem to find what " is prohitbited in production..." that means?Thank you and i have tried to search the forums but have gotten no real answers Hope you can read my questions clearly. Thanks!!!!

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Can't Start Sql Server 2000, Error: Use Sql 2005 Management Tools !!!!

Aug 20, 2006

hi .everyone !
i have ms visual studio 2005 with sql sever 2005 management tools

anyway .. i want to use and install sql server 2000 in this machine .. i tried to install it, but when i tried to connect to the server .. it gives me this error:
"you must use sql server 2005 management tools to connect to this server"

can you help me ? plz !?

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Problem Installing SSQL Server 2000 Client Tools

Sep 13, 2007


I'm trying to re-install SQL Server 2000 Desktop Engine andSQL Server client tools. I have succesfully re-installed the desktop engine,but I am getting the following error message when attempting to re-install theclient tools.

"Setup has detected an existing client tools only installation.
Please use the maintenance mode to add client components"

Unfortunately the Upgrade/Add/Remove option is greyed out as
an install option.

I attempted the registry hive rebuild option and the install appeared
to succeed. However, I cannot access any tools (Enterprise Manager
comes up with the message "The selected file cannot be found").

At this point, the desktop engine appears in Add/Remove programs
Window, but no other SQL Server components.

Any help very much appreciated!

Eric Yeoman.

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Sql Server 2000 Client Tools W/ Sql Server 7 Backend

Jun 22, 2000

A quick Q for all the Sql Server 2000 beta testers out there. Does anyone know of any problems associated with using SS2000 Enterprise Manager with a SS7 backend running SP2? In particular, I'm keen to try out the Tsql debugger features, if they'll work with SS7.

Many thanks in advance,
Jon Reade,
Sql Server 7 DBA
NEC Technologies (UK) Ltd
Telford, Shropshire.

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SQL Tools :: How To Disable Customer Improvement Program From Menu For Server MGMT Tools 2012

Mar 25, 2014

Am customizing SQL server MGMT tools 2012 for Mass deployment.Client had asked to remove Customer Feedback option from help to disable that.

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Sql Server 2000--urgent

Jun 16, 2007

i want to create fulltext search for that i have started Microsoft Search component but when i am tring to open SQL server Enterprise manager, i am getting sql server group but it showing "no items" not any database or any other data. what to do.

please help me out.

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Design Tools / Sql Server Mgt Tools Cause Login Fail

Sep 20, 2007

Login failed for user 'TOSHIBA-USERASPNET'
I know that the file persmission for the web application have to include aspnet, so i keep resetting the folder permission for aspnet in file manager, but the login failed keeps coming back every day or two
problem is after working with VS05 Pro, SQL Server Management Studio CTP, somehow the aspnet persmission get changed, use alot of sqldatasource wizards and often there is a conflict/hang between the datasource wizard and the need to have the mdf in a dettached state within VS server explorer,
not sure but the procedure to fix this seems to be to reboot, detach and re-attach the mdf in the Sql server Studio tool, re-apply the aspnet file permission on the web app folders (wonder should i be doing this in IIS instead), make sure the mdf within server explorer is detached, the it works
anyway, getting real tired of the resulting delays and design time derailment, clues greatly appreciated, thanks
 sometimes i can use View in Browser when in VS05 form view and i wont get the aspnet folder permission error and other times i do.
last thing, is it a bad idea to give aspnet full permission for the entire web applicaiton??

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SQL 2000 Server ASP.NET Error (Urgent)

Jan 7, 2007

Hello All,
I am not sure what is going on, but ever since I installed my ASP.NET shopping cart I keep getting the following error message in my Event Viewer under Application.
If anyone out there has any idea why this is happening please let me know because it seems to be crashing my other sites on my web server.
I have a Web Server which connects to a separate SQL 2000 Server. This error message is on my Web Server.
Thank you all in advance for your help!
Event code: 3005 Event message: An unhandled exception has occurred. Event time: 1/6/2007 1:07:17 PM Event time (UTC): 1/6/2007 6:07:17 PM Event ID: 518a9db199214e3e807dd676e85f3d5a Event sequence: 103 Event occurrence: 6 Event detail code: 0  Application information:     Application domain: /LM/W3SVC/1309570491/Root-1-128125656181152736     Trust level: Full     Application Virtual Path: /     Application Path: C:InetpubStoreV7     Machine name: CDMLWEB  Process information:     Process ID: 2376     Process name: w3wp.exe     Account name: NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE  Exception information:     Exception type: SqlException     Exception message: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.  Request information:     Request URL:     Request path: /default.aspx     User host address:     User: c2e1ff27-e0ea-4c7f-ac61-5b1716651d3b     Is authenticated: True     Authentication Type: Forms     Thread account name: NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE  Thread information:     Thread ID: 10     Thread account name: NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE     Is impersonating: False     Stack trace:    at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.ThrowExceptionAndWarning(TdsParserStateObject stateObj)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadSniError(TdsParserStateObject stateObj, UInt32 error)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadSni(DbAsyncResult asyncResult, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadPacket(Int32 bytesExpected)   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadBuffer()   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParserStateObject.ReadByte()   at System.Data.SqlClient.TdsParser.Run(RunBehavior runBehavior, SqlCommand cmdHandler, SqlDataReader dataStream, BulkCopySimpleResultSet bulkCopyHandler, TdsParserStateObject stateObj)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.CompleteLogin(Boolean enlistOK)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.OpenLoginEnlist(SqlConnection owningObject, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, String newPassword, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds..ctor(DbConnectionPoolIdentity identity, SqlConnectionString connectionOptions, Object providerInfo, String newPassword, SqlConnection owningObject, Boolean redirectedUserInstance)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnectionFactory.CreateConnection(DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningConnection)   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreatePooledConnection(DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnectionOptions options)   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.CreateObject(DbConnection owningObject)   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.UserCreateRequest(DbConnection owningObject)   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject)   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)   at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)   at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()   at AspDotNetStorefrontCommon.DB.GetRS(String Sql)   at AspDotNetStorefrontCommon.DB.GetSqlN(String Sql)   at AspDotNetStorefrontCommon.AppLogic.IPIsRestricted(String IPAddress)   at AspDotNetStorefront.Global.Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:InetpubStoreV7App_CodeGlobal.asax.vb:line 103   at System.Web.HttpApplication.SyncEventExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute()   at System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously)  Custom event details:
For more information, see Help and Support Center at

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Urgent: SQL Server 2000 Bogging Down On XP

Feb 17, 2008

Hi Experts,

I have an urgent situation expecting your advice. I have a .net front end application running against SQL 2000 DB in a XP box, it has been working fine for two years, recently when the .Net app starts, it works still ok getting data from sql database on the first form (dislpay data retreived from a table and view in a master-client grid), while I often get timeout error when I proceed with other processes that need sql database and I noticed that the HD light on SQL server machine (XP) kept flashing when timeout error occured, seems it kept reading/writing disk. I could not even close enterprise manager from SQL Server box when the HD was busy, and it also took a considerable long time to reboot the machine. sometimes I just shut down the machine (power off) and turn on the power again, then the sql server came back to life and could work stable for a couple of days.

Do I need reindex? reinstall sql server? or might it be relating to hardware issue?

Thanks so much!


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Replication Using SQL Server 2000 (SP4) .. Urgent...

Mar 1, 2007


We have few branches with individual dbs are sitting in the branches itself. Periodically all the data need to be updated to a single HQ database. At the moment, all the tables's primary key are unique and each branch will have branch ID's in the transaction tables.

e.g. Branch1 data need to be updated to HQ db. However, HQ db records which are related to Branch 1 data only need to be updated back to Branch 1. other branch records should not goto Branch1.

Similaryly other branch records need to be updated/replicated back to HQ database. And only records related to the particular branch need to be updated from HQ (if any changes made)..

At the moment, i can do simple replication from one db to another db only... Can anyone guide/give suggestions on how to go about doing this?? If possible, please give steps involved...


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Sum Of Time Field In SQL Server 2000 - Very Urgent

Feb 13, 2007

Hello all. I have a nvarchar field in the format dd:hh:mm:ss I need to get a sum of these fields in the same format. So for example if the values are 01:23:00:00 and 00:01:00:00 then the sum of these fields should be 02:00:00:00. Can someone help me? Thanks.

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Urgent, Dot Net 2005 Cannot Connect To SQL Server 2000

Oct 19, 2007

I am using VS .net 2005 to  develop a web application with sql server 2000, but the SQL servrer 2000 is setup on other computer,so, my web server is setup on A machine and SQL servr is setup on B machine.I got a problem when i try to connect to SQL server through the Web form as following error."An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server.  When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)"
I had try to  setup the MDAC 2.8 on my Web Server, but i got a setup error sth like "MDAC 2.8 cannot install on your machine because it is not support your windows version.........."
Why i can't connect to SQL 2000 through the Web server??? 
It is a urgent case, Please help thx a lot.

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Sql Server 2000 DTS Problem Urgent Help Needed Pls

May 14, 2006

Hi every one
I am new meber of this community with an urgent new problem with SQL server DTS process:) pls HELP!

My data base(db) is on main frame(flat file with hierarchical db format) I used vb script to get that db and split it in to three files so processing is easy after this I use dts PROCESS WITH EXECUTE SQL TASK in combination of some bulk insert scripts to pick these files from server directory and import it in to sql server tables. I know I could have use bulk insert task in dts but my formate file was giving me a problem while I try to develop it through that process so I ended up using tsql bulk insert statment with formate file in the EXECUTE SQL TASK .

My problem is I have to manually activate VB script where as I want this to be part of my DTS packet so it can be automated.

I know there is Active x scripting task in DTS but have not used it can some one please tell me if this script can be put in to Active X scripting task with or with out any modifications and also what are the modifications I need to do so it can run before other DTS task (which picks the file and insert it in three different tables after format file application.

this is the VB SCRIPT:Const

ForReading = 1,ForWriting = 2
Dim fso, SourceFile, TargetFile, retstring,Level1No, Level2No, Level3No, Level1Str, Level2Str, Level3Str

Level1No = 0
Level2No = 0
Level3No = 0

Set fso = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'Set SourceFile = fso.OpenTextFile("C:SourceWGEE.NONX.GMM220D.UNLOAD.G00178888V00", ForReading)
Set SourceFile = fso.OpenTextFile("C:SourceDataNotepad.txt", ForReading)

set l1 = fso.OpenTextFile("C:SourceLevel1.txt", ForWriting,True)
set l2 = fso.OpenTextFile("C:SourceLevel2.txt", ForWriting,True)
set l3 = fso.OpenTextFile("C:SourceLevel3.txt", ForWriting,True)

Do While SourceFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
retstring = SourceFile.ReadLine

if Instr(1,retstring,"PACM",0) > 0 then
Level1No = Level1No + 1
Level1Str = Rpad(Level1No," ",10)
l1.WriteLine(Level1Str & retstring)
End if

if Instr(1,retstring,"PACPRS",0) > 0 then
Level2No = Level2No + 1
Level2Str = Rpad(Level2No," ",10)
l2.WriteLine(Level1Str & Level2Str & retstring)
End if

if Instr(1,retstring,"PACACC",0) > 0 then
Level3No = Level3No + 1
Level3Str = Rpad(Level3No," ",10)
l3.WriteLine(Level1Str & Level2Str & Level3Str & retstring)
End if


Function Rpad (MyValue, MyPadChar, MyPaddedLength)
Rpad = MyValue & string(MyPaddedLength - Len(MyValue), MyPadChar)
End Function


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URGENT - Link Server 2005 To 2000

Jul 18, 2006

I've a database in 2000 which needs to be accessed from 2005 via linkedserver. I've tried the GUI options and it is failing. One thins is that ourboth servers have hyphen('-' not underscore, could that be a problem) in thenames, like 2k-srv and 2k5-srv as hosts, but the instances are default.Can anyone give me the steps please.TIANasir

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Urgent: Finding Sessions In SQL Server 2000

Feb 9, 2006


Can you help me how to find out sessions in SQL Server 2000.

Also is there any way to see the outstanding sessions for a database?

Thanks in advance,


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Urgent Login Problem With 2000 Server

Nov 6, 2007

I was using detach & attach method to move few 2000 databases to the instance 2005 on the same server...After moving a couple of databases which worked fine...Now i am not able to log into 2000 database...i guess the default database which i was connected had been moved at so its not letting me in to 2000 server..

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to SQL-CENTRAL-DEV.


Cannot open user default database. Login failed.
Login failed for user 'test est'. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 4064)

For help, click:



how do i fix the problem

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Reporting Tools

Jun 15, 2000


What are the best tools for web reporting that can extract data from sql
server and also draw graphs.


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Help Needed Urgent. Delete Is Not Working MFC And MS SQL Server 2000

Jul 21, 2004


if i try to delete data via MFC from Microsofts SQL Server 2000
i get following message: Data can be read only.. Weird i can write and read already. do i have to setup anything in Micrsofts SQL Server 2000 ??

please help its urgent.


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URGENT Plz ! Pivot Rows To Columns In SQL Server 2000

May 16, 2007


I have the following data in a table called "Products" :

Product Qty LHinging RHinging
-------- ----- -------- --------
Panel_1 1 R
Panel_1 1 L
Panel_1 1 R
Panel_1 1 R
Panel_2 1
Panel_2 1 L

I need to group this data like this :

Product Qty LHinging RHinging
-------- ----- -------- --------
Panel_1 3 L R
Panel_2 1
Panel_2 1 L

How can I do that ???

Thanks !

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Urgent : Sql Server Data Trnsfer From 2000 To 2005

May 31, 2008

Hi there,

I got a shared web hosting server with sql server db which is 2k, and now ive got dedicated with godaddy where i installed sql 2005 express edition, now my shared hosting ppl gave me db bkup which i cant restore , so i copied all data from web based enterprise manager into an excel sheet and am trying to copy that data into sql2005 management studio express, however it doesnt let me do that.

I am trying to use openrowset, but my knowledge in sql is minimal so cant run that either.

can you please please please tell me how to do this asap, its very urgent as my contract runs out with shared hosting on 31 and ive to switch this site live by tomorrow.

please let me know asap wat to do, i can pay also for this job?


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Need Info On Tools For MSSQL Reporting Etc.

Sep 8, 2006

Hi All,

Am looking for inputs on tools for MSSQL. Some of my requirements are

1) Database Audits or to audit database settings and Logins
2) Performance Monitoring
3) Query Tuning
4) Data Compare
5) Load Testing - to see how an sql instance/server reacts to higher load/volume.

I am looking for reviews/web-links from any first-hand experience wherever possible.


Warm Regards,

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Urgent!: Upgade MSDE 2000 To Sql Server Express - Authentication Issue

Jul 31, 2006

I am trying to do a unattended upgrade of an MSDE 2000 named instance, say MyInstance, to a SQl Server Express Advanced edition. The set up is Mixed Mode Authentication. ( I can't use Windows Authentication for business reasons).
The error I get is

SQL Server Setup Cannot Upgrade the specified instance by using SQL Server
Creditial. You must use Windows Authentication creditial for the upgrade.

Details are as follows:
OS: Windows XP Prof (SP2).
Original install: MSDE 2000
Instance name: MyInstance
Authentication: SQL
Registry Entry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL ServerMyInstanceMSSQLServer
Key LoginMode has a value of 2 ( corresponding to Mixed Mode Auth)

Upgrade attempted to: SQL Server Express Adv.
Command Line: start /wait setup.exe /qn /settings E:Sql2005SqlTemplate.ini

SqlTemplate.ini Contents:

The error I get in Summary.txt:
Machine : xxxxxXP
Product : SQL Server Database Services
Error : SQL Server Setup cannot upgrade the specified instance by using SQL Server credentials. You must use Windows Authentication credentials for the upgrade.

Can't I use SQL Authentication? I could not find a definitive answer on this one. Here's one thread that seem to indicate the same issue

My questions:
- Can I use SQL Authentication?
- Where am I going wrong?
- I know the error message says to use Windows Authentication but I don't understand why I am I forced into using that.

Any insightsopinions will be highly appreciated.


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HOW To Pull Merge Subscriptions In SQL Server 2000 Using Stored Procedures ??? (URGENT)

Dec 15, 2005

I've successfully carried out pull subscription using Wizard in SQL server 2000.

But NOW its the time to deploy the project & I've to do it programatically........

i tried to use the default stored procedures like "sp_addmergepullsubscription ", "sp_addmergepullsubscription_agent  ", "sp_reinitmergepullsubscription ", with respective parameters.

Then using replmerge.exe i tried to execute the batch file But could not succeed......

Can anyone guide me from the Basics ??? (i knw the Replication Architecture its heirarchy....but have NO idea of performing it Programatically......!!!!!!!!)

by BASICS, i should i execute the resp. stored procedures with what parametes & the order i should follow in order to successfully pull a merge subscription in SQL server 2000.


if a Sample code is mentioned as example, would be better for me to understand....


Thanking all of you in anticipation...........




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Server Tools Or Client Tools?

Jun 16, 2008

Dear All,
how can we know that wether we had server tools or client tools on my machine?

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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SQL 2000 Client Tools On XP

Sep 30, 2004


I am trying to install the SQL Server 2000 client tools on my XP desktop and after the install I get the erroe message:

Snap-in failed to initialize

when I launch the enterprise console.

I applied service pack 3a but I get the exact same error.

Any one know how I can fix this?


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SQL 2000 Admin Tools

Mar 2, 2004


I currently use Toad 7.5 for Oracle as GUI admin tool. Are there any good tools for SQL 2000 like Toad that provide an easy to use GUI.

I did check out Toad for MSSQL and it seems limited compared to the Oracle version.


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