Reports Behind A Domain With SSL

Dec 15, 2006


SSL was recently applied to the domain the reports are behind. I have been trying to get the "unsecure dialog" to not appear when viewing a RS report.

The report is embeded in a div tag in the aspx page. When accessing the site via https everything still works, if left unchanged, except the "unsecure content" dialog is displayed before the report renders.

When I change the URL of the div tag to https:\<RSSERVER><REPORTCOMMAND>, I get the following error:

"Content was blocked because it was not signed by a valid security certificate."

Anyone know what I need to do to make this work?

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User On Trusted Domain Does Have Permission To Access Linked Server On AD Deployed In Another Domain

Sep 28, 2007

We have the followoing:

-A "master domain" AD, a "sub domain" AD, a trust relationship between the two (sub trust master)
-A sql server 2005 on a win server 2003 in "sub domain" AD
-A linked server to "sub domain" AD
-A linked server login using a "sub domain" admin acccount
-A view to this linked server
-A grant on masterDomain/Domain Users to the database
-A grant on subDomain/Domain Users to the database
-We want all connections done through "Windows Authentication" not "Database Authentication".

Queries on the view work fine using "sub domain" user accounts.
Queries on the view fail using "master domain" user accounts (including master domain admin accounts)

"Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI" reported an error. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation."

All connections are done through "Windows Authentication" not "Database Authentication".

Can we establish cross domain connectivity with "Windows Authentication" ?

Below are details of the implementation:

'SELECT displayname, givenName, sn, cn (etc...)
FROM ''LDAP://OU=PEOPLE,DC=subDomain,DC=com''
WHERE objectCategory = ''Person'' AND objectClass = ''user'' ')

EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin @rmtsrvname ='ADSI', @useself='false',
@rmtuser='subDomainAdminAccnt', @rmtpassword='sunDomainAdminAccntPassword';

In SQL Server Mngt Studio in Server Objects/Linked Servers/Providers/ ADSI properties security tab I have:

"connections will: <be made using this security context> Remote login:'subDomainAdminAccnt' With password: 'subDomainAdminAccntPassword'

Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

The OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI" reported an error. The provider indicates that the user did not have the permission to perform the operation.

Msg 7320, Level 16, State 2, Line 1

Cannot execute the query "SELECT displayname, givenName, sn, cn

FROM 'LDAP://OU=PEOPLE,DC=subDomain,DC=com'


objectCategory = 'Person'

AND objectClass = 'user'

" against OLE DB provider "ADsDSOObject" for linked server "ADSI".

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Problems With Change Sql Permissions After Migrating Domain User/group Accounts Into Root Domain

Apr 5, 2007

I have a root domain and child domain.

After using ADMT to migrate the domain user or group into the root domain, when I use enterprise manager to try and change the permissions allocated to that domain user/group, i get the 'Error 15401 NT user or Group not found'.

This is a correct error as the user is now in the root domain, however sql (in sysxlogins) still thinks its in the child domain.

Is there a simpler way, other than collecting the users permissions, deleting the user from SQL then adding back in with the correct domainusername format, then adding the permissions back?

I tried renaming the 'name' in sysxlogins (not recommended) and while that worked, whenever I tried to add the migrated user to another database, the login name was missing and would not resolve.

I believe it is something to do with the SID not matching.

Any ideas on how to fix this ?

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SQL Security :: Domain Migration Altered SA Or Domain Admin Access To DBs

Jun 19, 2015

we recently migrated from our in-house domain to the Enterprise domain. Everything went smooth except for the fact that I can no longer accept my dBs using my SA or my domain admin account. There is only 1 account I can get into the management studio with but it has no admin privileges, so I can't make any  password changes or add accounts. I don't have a test environment so kind of hesitant to experiment with our production system.

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None-Domain Server Cannot Access SQL2005 Data On Windows 2003 Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I'm trying to run a test from my test environment which is a non-domain Windows 2000 server to access my domain 2003 with SQL2005. I have install 2005 tools to try to access the SQL server.

- I have try following the KB265808 - no success.
- Reading alot of blogs and it seems all are pointing to the same problem. "Remote access" but the settign is enabled.Error Message:

TITLE: Connect to Server

Cannot connect to ardsqldatawh.


An error has occurred while establishing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 53)

For help, click:

Question: Could Windows 2003 security be blocking access? I'm using sa account to access.

Also, sa account does not seems to work for remote access. It is ok when accessing locally.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,it happen to me a strange problem:i have a mdb file (in Access 2K) with SQL Server 2K linked tables whoruns on a workstation which is on a different domain that the SQLServer. It works.If i create a mdb file from a workstation which is a the domain of theSQL Server and then i run it a my non-domain workstation i have errormessage:Login failed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trustedSQL Server connectionBut if i reattached my tables it works.If someone have an idea....PS: same ODBC on both machines

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Migrating SQL 2000 From A 2000 Domain To 2003 Domain

Mar 2, 2006

Currently running a SQL 2000 server in 2000 domain and want to migrate it to a new 2003 domain of the same name.

How do I go about it and is there any problems with this plan?

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Comparison Of SQL Server Reporting Services To Access Reports, Crystal Reports, Cognos Or Other Options

Nov 5, 2007

Hello SQL Server Experts, Data Analysts, and Report Writers et al:

re: Reporting Options with SQL Server

I wanted to propose an offshoot to the pryor thread:

Would anyone take a stab at comparing Access Reports, Crystal Reports,
Cognos or other options to all the Reporting Services and its components offered as part ofSQL Server, especially as to extracting data from SQL Server into a report format?

I guess this is a far as capabilites, ease of use, limitations, and especially formatting
or presentation of the end report product?

Thank you to all, and I hope this is a beneficial discussion to others.



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Reports Usage Frequency For All The Existing Reports On SSRS 2000

Mar 18, 2008

I have an already published application running several MS SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services report.
I need a way to find from either the reporting services log or the application server (IIS) logs or windows log
to know the frequency of each report being used.

Based on this info, the business needs to know which reports are being used and to what extend?
How can I acheive this?

I have already got the IIS logs and it did not give the required info.
I have looked into the Reporting Services logs but it does not provide the info either.

Any help is appreciated

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Reports Usage Frequency For All The Existing Reports On SSRS 2000

Mar 18, 2008

I have an already published application running several MS SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services report.
I need a way to find from either the reporting services log or the application server (IIS) logs or windows log
to know the frequency of each report being used.

Based on this info, the business needs to know which reports are being used and to what extend?
How can I acheive this?

I have already got the IIS logs and it did not give the required info.
I have looked into the Reporting Services logs but it does not provide the info either.

Any help is appreciated

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Remove All Reports ( Not Data Sources) From Reports Server

Jan 23, 2007

Hi does anyone know how to do the above with out going through reportserver url?

Preferably by using a cmd tool ? such rs.exe

or through the backend in the reportserver DB?



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Migration Of SQL Reports 2000 To SQL Reports 2005

Feb 13, 2008

Hi Friends,

Could I migrate the reports which are developed on SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. If Yes then How ...

Could anyone explain me. How it works.


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Converting Crystal Reports To SSRS Reports

Mar 27, 2008

My issue is with converting multi-value parameters:

In Crystal Reports, you can set a parameter to accept multiple vales (Discrete, Range or Discrete and Range).

As an example:

I have a database table with a column called ID.
I can create a parameter called param_id and set the options of the parameter to "Allow multiple range values".

With this setup, I can limit the result set of the report by comparing the param_id parameter to the ID column in the database. Because param_id is a multi-value range parameter, I can pass it the following data:
1 - 50
60 - 80
150 - 127

This will only return results within those ranges.

Does anyone know if SSRS provides this kind of functionality?


Patrick Conway

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Copy Reports From Other Users My Reports Folder

Aug 7, 2007

Is there a way to copy reports from other users "My reports" folder? I am logging onto the management studio reporting services using an administrative account and I am able to view the reports from all users' "My Reports" folder. But I am not able to export them as an rdl file. I am able to export reports from other common folders, but not from the "My Reports" folder.

The reason I need to do this is some of the users have created some reports in one environment and the reports are available in their respective "My Reports" folder. I need to move these reports to their corresponding "My Reports" folder in another environment.

Is there a way to do this?

Thanks for your help.

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Replication From Machine Not In Domain To Machine In A Domain

Jul 11, 2007


I'm trying to set up replication from one SQL server to another.

The publishing server is not a member of a domain and is located in a hosting center (but we have full control over the server). I can set up a Snapshot publication just fine.

The subscribing server is located in another remote location and is a member of a domain. Here I can also set up the subscription without errors.

The errors, I think, comes when the snapshot is about to be created, the error is, on the publisher server:

[298] SQLServer Error: 18456, Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON'. [SQLSTATE 28000]

And the snapshot is not created.

Is it even possible to set up replication like this. I need to transfer the data from one sql server to another so we have a working "backup" so to speek if the other server does not respond.

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How To Show ChartFX Reports In ReportServer And How To Show Tooltips For Reports Using Chart Properties

Dec 31, 2007

Hi all,

I have two problems.

1. I downloaded ChartFXRSTrial and created one chart, and able to deploy it in ReportServer, but the problem is the reports are not showing there, i checked the configuration of .dll files in the help provided by chartFX, but couldn't get anything, so could help me on this.

2. How to give Tooltip for the X- axis or Y- axis values in the ReportServer , i tried using chartproperties of .rdl file, but didnt understand it. can help me on this, and one more i tried with Dundas too, If im giving tooltip as #valy then, it is showing samething in reportserver instead the values of 'Y-axis'.

Mahesh Manthena

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Reports About The Reports Usage

Apr 18, 2007


We just deployed a report solution and I would like to know when and how much each report is used. Is there a report for it ?

With regards,

Constantijn Enders

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Can We See The Domain?

May 10, 2001

I have problem in adding the user. The domain name "scs" that I am logged on a machine with user name "rao", But I am not able this user to SQL Server as scs/rao, it gives that the not found.

Your suggestions greatly appreciated.


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Domain Name

Jun 13, 2007

Hi All,

I am in the process of installing SQL Server 2005. Under Service Account I am selecting the domain user account option. It asks for the username, password and the domain name. How can I find out what the domain name is?


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Specify Domain Name

Jan 26, 2004

In mssql-ds.xml, we have attribute <datasources>
and in
<connection- url>jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://localhost:1433;DatabaseName=DEV01</connection-url>

I also have a domain name "test" in which i have a table "loginTest", how do i specify domain name in <connection-url>


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Jun 18, 2008

How do I get the domain name of a sql server 2005 instance please?

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Log On Outside The Domain

Nov 7, 2007

A while back I asked this in the SQL security forum, but did not receive any replies. I feel that this is a fairly basic, common question, so I am posting it here in the hopes that this forum has higher traffic and that someone here will know the answer.

I am trying to connect as follows:

Server: Windows 2003, SQL 2005, on a domain
Client: Windows 2008 Beta, not on any domain

I created an account with the same user name as the domain user on the client machine. And then I logged in as that user and went to Manage Network Password. I entered the correct domain credentials. Verified that this worked for file shares. However, SQL does not appear to be recognizing this and it tells me:

Login failed for user ''. The user is not associated with a trusted SQL Server connection.

I have verified that this domain account is working properly with SQL when the client is also on the domain.

Q: How can I get this Windows authentication scenario to work where the client is not on the domain and the SQL server is on the domain?

(Note: A similar case that can also occur frequently is that the server and client are on different domains.)

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Domain Admin And Sa

Dec 13, 1999

A couple of newbie questions:

1) Do Domain Admins have SA rights by default in SQL7? If so, is there a way to keep domain admins out of particular databases.

2) Is it possible to create a database or table that even SA can't get into?


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Change Domain Within SQL

Mar 30, 2000

1. How could I change the Domain within SQL Server.
2. When the NT Server changed to a new domain, Does the SQL server change also? Could someone help me. Thank you.

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Run SQL As Domain User

Sep 10, 2002

SQL2K SP2 on Win2K Server in single native-mode domain

I'm trying to change MSSQLServer and SQLServerAgent to run under a domain account instead of LocalSystem. SQL is not running on the DC. I get Error 22042:xp_SetSQLSecurity() returned error -2147023564, 'No mapping between account names and security ID's was done'.

The SQL machine is part of the domain. I'm logged in as a Domain Admin.

What is the problem?

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Domain Confusion?

Feb 24, 2002

I can map to a domain to the server where I have a sql Server database from my machine which is in another domin.
However, I cannot register the sql server with enterprise manager from the same machine. I am assuming that it is not a permission problem since I could not get the registration to work logging on as SA or with windows authorization. What should be looked at?

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Migration To New Domain

Jul 25, 2012

We have a network setup with two domain controllers, DC1 and DC2, working independently from eachother along with a DBserver1 that runs a BCM database and is a member of DC1. For certain reasons we would like to demote the DBserver1 and join it on the domain of DC2. What are the steps required in order to properly move a BCM Database running on SQL2005 to a new domain, where the security data lies in the active directory of DC1?

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IIS And DB Server On Different Domain.

Mar 15, 2004


I have a IIS server on "A" Domain. My application is hosted on on a machine which is under that domain.

I have a DB server, SQL server 2000 on B Domain. The server is a named instance of SQL Server 2000. I have a default SQL Server 7.0 on that same machine.

For the application i am trying to connect from the IIS to database server, but i am unable to connect to the named instance, but i can connect to the default 7.0 instance.

The connection string used for the application is as follows: "Driver={SQL
Server};Server=server_nameinstance_name;Database= db_name;uid=user_name;pwd=password;"

I am getting SQL Server does not exists error messege on page...

Please help, me if any one knows how to connect to the database server which is on different domain and is a named instance using the connection string in ASP page..

Please help, this is urgent.


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Domain Knowledge

Aug 29, 2006

Dear Friends, please tell me how can i gain domain knowledge in erp related modules?

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Domain Vs Local

Jul 20, 2005

What are gotchas for starting Sql & the agent with a Local system accountversus a system Domain account.

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My Domain Controller

Apr 20, 2007

Novice wants to learn why it is not recommended to install sql 2005 express on to a 2003 domain controller. I have installed sql 2005 express on a 2003 domain controller and when I tried to run management studio it failed to run. there seems to be no problem with the engine, oh I also installed books online I wonder... can there be an issue with the books online and management studio I remember there were problems in the beta era. Now I am wondering if it's a good idea at all I feel like I have been left at train station with all my luggage, I have all this equipment... work stations, a server, printers and no resolution to my problem. most of all I want to learn why I shouldn't install sql on a domain controller... can someone please explain in detail.


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Domain Migration

Feb 15, 2007

I am trying to migrate users accounts from a 2000 Server to 2003 server I am changing domain names and the new domain a is a child domain off a parent domain. I have created a trust on both domain servers and the parent domain and I have created administrative users on each domain I am using the ADMIT migration tool and can get all the way through it then get an access denied when it trys to create the accounts. The knowledge bases on this say I need a Domain Admin user on each domains for the other domain. Being in a child domain it does not let me create this I have created users and added the admistrative group for each user this should give the rights to create the users on the new domain, but still am getting the access denied.

Does anyone know what I am missing on this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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What If Machines Are Not On A Domain?

May 17, 2007

Windows Server 2003
SQL Server 2005 Enterprise SP2

The mirroring wizard insists I enter a fully qualitifeid domain name for my servers. But my servers are not on a domain - I just address them as machinenameinstancename, which the wizard convertrs to TCP://machinename:5022. When I click Start Mirroring it tells me that this is not a FQDN, which is true. How do I make this work?



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