Reports Web Page Continually Challenges For Authentication, But Never Accepts Credentials

May 14, 2008

I am installing a new instance of SQL 2005 including reporting services and have a serious problem. All looks fine from the Reporting Services Configurations system, however, when attempting to browse to http://servername/reports I get an authentication challenge. All forms of credentials are rejected. The server is a Member server in the domain and SQL Server and the reporting services are installed on this server.

Any help would be appreciated as this is holding up the server installation and I have conducted exhaustive searches for a solution.

This problem is also reported in this thread, although, no solutions have been provided for a long time, so I am re-posting:


Shane Michelon

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Datasource Credentials And Linked Reports

Feb 21, 2007


we have a problem with linked reports. We are using the same reports that are run on about 70 different Oracle schemas. The credential information is passed when calling the report. This works fine for reports and reports with subreports. But when linking to another reports, the credential information is lost.

Is the a possibuility to pass the datasource credential information to a linked report?

Thanks in advance for your help


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Challenges For Performance Tuning

May 5, 2008


I have a stored procedure, I really need some one to help me for performance.

This stored procedure will generate dynamic sql and then paging depending on the @orderbystatement
@orderbystatement could be one column or multiple columns.

Join fields have indexes but execution plan still have hash match on Register table because a lot of duplicate records on
the columns of CalendarAcademicYearId and Worker.

The bottleneck is execution for dynamic sql statement with paging functionality. because all statement after set rowcount 0 only has 10 rows.

This performance task took me a few days and I still didn't get a good idea. Any tip will be appreciated.


Code Snippet

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[usp_MyProc]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_MyProc]

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[usp_MyProc]
@CtrlWorkerNo NVARCHAR(20) = NULL,
@Position VARCHAR(25) = NULL,
@Gender NVARCHAR(10) = NULL,
@Year uniqueidentifier = NULL,
@FamilyName NVARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@GivenNames NVARCHAR(50) = NULL,
@FirstRow INT = NULL,
@MaxRows INT = NULL,
@IsWorker INT = NULL,
@IsAcStaff INT = NULL,
@Order NVARCHAR(255) = 'FamName , FirstName , DOB',
@RegisterStatus NVARCHAR(255) = NULL,
@PersonGuid VARCHAR(36) = NULL,
@IncludeStarted BIT = 0,
@IncludeHistorical BIT = 0,
@IncludeNoRegisters BIT = 0


(Id INT Identity(1,1),EntityId uniqueidentifier)

SELECT @Factory = REPLACE(@Factory,',',''',''')
SELECT @RegisterStatus = REPLACE(@RegisterStatus,',',''',''')

DECLARE @RegisterYears INT
SET @RegisterYears = NULL

IF (@Factory IS NOT NULL )
OR (@Position IS NOT NULL)
OR (@RegisterStatus IS NOT NULL)
OR (@IsWorker = 1)
SELECT @RegisterYears = (SELECT DATEPART(year, getDate()))
DECLARE @RegisterYearsHistorical INT
SET @RegisterYearsHistorical = (SELECT HistoricalYears FROM Organisation)
IF (@IncludeHistorical = 0 AND @RegisterYearsHistorical IS NOT NULL AND @IsWorker = 1)
SET @RegisterYears = @RegisterYears - @RegisterYearsHistorical
ELSE IF (@IncludeHistorical = 1 OR @IsWorker IS NULL OR @IsWorker = 0)
SET @RegisterYears = NULL

DECLARE @OrderByStatement NVARCHAR(255)
SET @OrderByStatement = @Order
DECLARE @FactoryJoin nvarchar(1000)
SET @FactoryJoin = ''
IF (PATINDEX('%School%', @Order) > 0 OR @Factory IS NOT NULL)
SET @FactoryJoin = 'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Factory AS Factory ON Worker.School = Factory.Code '
SET @OrderByStatement = REPLACE(@OrderByStatement, 'School', 'Factory.Code')

DECLARE @AddressJoin nvarchar(1000)
SET @AddressJoin = ''
IF (PATINDEX('%Suburb%', @Order) > 0)
SET @AddressJoin = 'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjEntityAddress EntityAddress ON Worker.EntityId=EntityAddress.EntityId AND(EntityAddress.AddressType=''Local'' ) ' +
'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjAddress [Address] ON EntityAddress.AddressId=[Address].AddressId '
SET @OrderByStatement = REPLACE(@OrderByStatement, 'Suburb', '[Address].Suburb')

DECLARE @MainContactJoin nvarchar(1000)
SET @MainContactJoin = ''
IF (PATINDEX('%MainContact%', @Order) > 0)
IF (PATINDEX('%DESC%', @Order) > 0)
SET @Order = REPLACE(@Order, ',MainContact', ' DESC,MainContact')
SET @OrderByStatement = @Order
SET @MainContactJoin = 'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjRelationship Related ON Person.EntityId = Related.EntityID1 AND Related.MainContact=1 AND Related.Active = 1 ' +
'LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjPerson MainContact ON Related.EntityID2 = MainContact.EntityID '
SET @OrderByStatement = REPLACE(@OrderByStatement, 'MainContact', 'MainContact.')

SET @IncNoRegister = ''
IF (@IncludeNoRegisters = 0)
SET @IncNoRegister = '
INNER JOIN dbo.Register ON dbo.hjWorker.WorkerNo = dbo.Register.Worker
INNER JOIN dbo.YearTable ON dbo.YearTable.CalendarAcademicYearId = dbo.Register.

WHERE (dbo.Register.Factory IN ('''+ISNULL(@Factory, '')+'''))
AND ((dbo.Register.[CalendarAcademicYearId] = @CalendarAcademicYearId_) OR
(@CalendarAcademicYearId_ IS NULL))
AND ((dbo.Register.Position = @Position_) OR (@Position_ IS NULL))
AND ((DATEPART(yy, dbo.YearTable.StartDate) >= @RegisterYears_) OR (@RegisterYears_ IS
NULL) OR (dbo.YearTable.StartDate IS NULL))
AND ((dbo.Register.RegisterStatus IN ('''+ISNULL(@RegisterStatus, '')+''')) OR (@RegisterStatus_
SET @IncNoRegister = '
LEFT JOIN dbo.Register ON dbo.hjWorker.WorkerNo = dbo.Register.Worker
LEFT JOIN dbo.YearTable ON dbo.YearTable.CalendarAcademicYearId = dbo.Register.

WHERE (dbo.Register.RegisterID IS NULL)
((dbo.Register.Factory IN ('''+ISNULL(@Factory, '')+''')) OR (@Factory_ IS NULL) )
AND ((dbo.Register.[CalendarAcademicYearId] = @CalendarAcademicYearId_) OR
(@CalendarAcademicYearId_ IS NULL))
AND ((dbo.Register.Position = @Position_) OR (@Position_ IS NULL))
AND ((DATEPART(yy, dbo.YearTable.StartDate) >= @RegisterYears_) OR (@RegisterYears_ IS
NULL) OR (dbo.YearTable.StartDate IS NULL))
AND ((dbo.Register.RegisterStatus IN ('''+ISNULL(@RegisterStatus, '')+''')) OR (@RegisterStatus_


DECLARE @StartedClause NVARCHAR(100)
SELECT @StartedClause = ''
IF @IncludeStarted = 0
SELECT @StartedClause = ' (Person.StartedDate IS NULL ) AND '

SELECT @sql = N'
set rowcount ' + convert(varchar,@FirstRow + @MaxRows -1) + '
SELECT Entity.EntityId
FROM dbo.hjEntity Entity
INNER JOIN dbo.hjPerson Person ON Entity.EntityId=Person.EntityId
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjWorker Worker ON Worker.EntityId=Entity.EntityId '
+ @FactoryJoin
+ @MainContactJoin
+ @AddressJoin
+ '
WHERE Entity.EntityID IN
SELECT dbo.hjEntity.EntityID
FROM dbo.hjEntity
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjWorker ON dbo.hjWorker.EntityId=dbo.hjEntity.EntityId
' + @IncNoRegister + '
(' + @StartedClause + '((Person.IsWorker=@IsWorker_ )OR (@IsWorker_ IS NULL))
AND((Person.IsAcStaff=@IsAcStaff_) OR (@IsAcStaff_ IS NULL))
AND((Person.FamName like @FamilyName_) OR (@FamilyName_ IS NULL) )
AND((Person.FirstName like @GivenNames_) OR (Person.PrefName LIKE @GivenNames_) OR
(Person.SecName LIKE @GivenNames_) OR (@GivenNames_ IS NULL) )
AND((Person.DOB LIKE @Dob_) OR (@Dob_ IS NULL) )
AND((Worker.CtrlWorkerNo like @CtrlWorkerNo_) OR (@CtrlWorkerNo_ IS NULL) )
AND((Person.Gender LIKE @Gender_) OR (@Gender_ IS NULL) )
AND((Person.EntityId != @PersonGuid_) OR (@PersonGuid_ IS NULL) )
) ORDER BY ' + @OrderByStatement

print @sql

EXEC sp_executesql @sql,N'@Factory_ NVARCHAR(10),@CalendarAcademicYearId_ uniqueidentifier,@RegisterStatus_ VARCHAR(50),@IsWorker_ INT,@IsAcStaff_ INT,@FamilyName_ NVARCHAR(50),@GivenNames_ NVARCHAR(50),@Dob_ DATETIME,@CtrlWorkerNo_ NVARCHAR(20),@Gender_ NVARCHAR(10),@PersonGuid_ VARCHAR(36),@FirstRow_ INT, @MaxRows_ INT, @RegisterYears_ INT, @Position_ VARCHAR(25)

set rowcount 0

Factory.Name as SchoolName,
RelPerson.FamName as MainContactFamName,
RelPerson.FirstName as MainContactFirstName,
RelPerson.SecName as MainContactSecName,
RelPerson.PrefName as MainContactPrefName,
RelPerson.Title as MainContactTitle,
(SELECT COUNT(dbo.hjContactMethod.ContactMethodID) FROM dbo.hjContactMethod WHERE Worker.EntityId=dbo.hjContactMethod.EntityId AND(dbo.hjContactMethod.Priority='1' )) as ContactMethods,
FROM dbo.hjEntity Entity
INNER JOIN #t t on Entity.EntityId = t.EntityId
INNER JOIN dbo.hjPerson Person ON Entity.EntityId=Person.EntityId
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjWorker Worker ON Worker.EntityId=Entity.EntityId
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjRelationship Relationship ON Worker.EntityId=Relationship.EntityId1 AND(Relationship.MainContact=1 )
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjEntity RelEntity ON Relationship.EntityId2=RelEntity.EntityId
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjPerson RelPerson ON RelEntity.EntityId=RelPerson.EntityId
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjEntityAddress EntityAddress ON Entity.EntityId=EntityAddress.EntityId AND(EntityAddress.AddressType='Local' )
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hjAddress [Address] ON EntityAddress.AddressId=[Address].AddressId
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Factory ON Factory.Code = Worker.School

WHERE (t.Id BETWEEN @FirstRow AND (@FirstRow + @MaxRows -1))
Order by t.Id


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How To Get Rid Of Authentication Page

May 1, 2008


I have a problem when accessing the reports in SSRS 2005. I have set up several security roles for Domain Users,BUILTINAdministrators for the main folder and the reports in this folder inherited the roles. And I created a ASP.Net application there is a button to link to these reports using URL Access method. But the SSRS 2005 alaways pop up a window to authentication. After I input user name and password and the reports can run. Is any one know why to get rid of the authentication page. Thanks in advance.


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Start Reports From IE Without Authentication

Apr 11, 2008

Already link http://<reportserver_name>/ReportServer
requires authenticate. Next running reports and connection
on data is troublefree.
How must be start reports from IE without authentication ?

Regards Marian

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Report Continually Refreshing

Jul 19, 2007

Hi All,

I had an interesting problem come up today. I have a report that when you preview on vs or click view report on the report server, the report continually refreshes itself. I cannot see that I have written anything different in this report than any other report.

I saw one other append here on a continually refreshing report but that was linked to a document map and this report has not document map.

Has anyone seen this problem of a continually refreshing report?

It's not a big deal as I figure I will just have to write it from scratch again, but I am interested to see if I can stop it before I re-write it.

Thanks in Advance


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Forms Authentication --&&> Redirect To Login Page

May 8, 2008

We've successfully set up SSRS with forms Authentication (yea - wasn't easy!)

If we browse to the default web site, we get the login page. Once we authenticate, we can move around the site and run reports.

If however, we try to access a page (other than the login page) while we're not authenticated we get an exception instead of being redirected to the login page:

Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.GlobalApp.Application_AuthenticateRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e)

If we set the Reportmanagerweb.config file to use Windows authentication, we get a 401 Access Denied page instead.

My first inclination would be to override the Global.asax file for SSRS, swallow the exception and redirect to the Login page. Not sure how to do this since the Global.asax.cs page isn't in the folder (I assume the compiled version hidden away somewhere).

It's not just the intial login either, timeouts are especially frustrating because, instead of being redirected to the login page, the users get the exception.

Any idea what might be causing the exception in the first place?


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Data Display In Reports Based On Windows Authentication ID

Aug 30, 2007

Hi Experts,

I have a reporting scenario, where the reports are fetched from Analysis Services.
The reports should display data only spcecific to that user.
All users except those in admin roles should be validated using the Windows Authentication ID and data specific to them has to be displayed.

Any pointers/suggestions on how to implement this in Reporting services/ Analysis Services 2005 would be highly appreciated


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Error When Writing To SQL Server Through Asp Page Using Windows Authentication

Jul 20, 2005

I have an asp drive web page that writes a row to a table on sqlserver 2000. The web site is set to use windows authenication and thesql server is set to use windows authentication.This process works fine on windows xp sp 1 machines but on win2k sp4machines logged in as the same user i get the errorAn error occurred making the change -2147217843 Error connection toSQL Server: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Loginfailed for user '(null)'. Reason: Not associated with a trusted SQLServer connection.can anyone explain why win2k client would have this issue and notwinxp clients?Glenn

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How To Make Indentity Column Continually?

Nov 16, 2004

Hello, everyone:

I have a table with an indentity column as first column. At beginning it is continue such as 0-50. I delete last 20 columns by hand. The 0-31 is left. When the new data is inserted, I hope the new indentity column begin from 32. How to do that? Now the indentity column begin from 51 as the new data is inserted.

Thanks a lot


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Two Reports In One Page

Jul 11, 2007


it's possible to create two reports in one page,

the Render function of the WebService take one name of a report

any know other way to show two reports in one page

thanks, and sory about my english

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Reports Problem In UI Page

Apr 2, 2007

Hi all,

I developed a report using sql server2005.In my report is working good in server.when i call the report in UI page the alignment is changed.

In my report i used subreport... I developed some other reports in that reports am not getting the problem(without subreport).How to solve this one.

Can u guys help to solve the problem

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Can't Open Reports Page?

Aug 22, 2007

I have problem and I can't open http://localhost/reports. I get error "The request failed with HTTP status 400: Bad Request." When I try open page http://localhost/reportserver he open OK.


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Sub-reports Don't Start In The First Page

Jun 10, 2005

Hi all,

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My Reports Are Page Breaking When I Don't Want Them To.

Dec 20, 2007

Hi, I have a report that is frustrating me. I've built this report, and it is not yet used in production. What it does is page break in places that I don't understand.

The FIRST area it would break after a line that had wrapped text to the line below. Even though there was plenty of room to fit it, and the entire rest of the group on the page.

The second area I honestly have NO idea why it breaks.

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Reports Prints 1 Page Only

Jul 11, 2007

I am getting an error "An error occured during printing (0x80004005)" - when i am trying to print - and the i still am able to print - but only 1 page.

Thre registry key - Reporting services was not there - so i created it at

[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftMicrosoft SQL Server80Reporting Services]

Please help - what should i do now ?

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How To Display Reports In One Page

Aug 22, 2006

Hi All,

Is there any way to display reports in one page? My reports has 3 pages by default.


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Blank Page In PDF Reports

Mar 10, 2008

Hi,I am facing a problem with page breaking, I have PDF Reports,there i need to show particular data under one group ,when ever new group starts i need to show in new page,for this i took LIst Box Control, there i kept a the problem is In list Box Properties,i selected EDIT DETAILS GROUP, there i selected Page Break at End.Finally it is fine ;But giving page break when new group starts,at last it is giving Blank Page,any one can help me.......

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Reports Page Not Displaying Properly.

Mar 15, 2007

I've installed Report Server 2005 Express on my XP Pro workstation. When I try to pring up the reports page (http://localhost/Reports) all I get is the following:

"<%@ Page language="c#" Codebehind="Home.aspx.cs" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI.HomePage" %>
<%@ Register TagPrefix="MSRS" Namespace="Microsoft.ReportingServices.UI" Assembly="ReportingServicesWebUserInterface" %>"

I've been trying to go through the Video training from MSDN, and followed the install as they did it, but my page won't come up. Very new to this so any and all help would be greatly apprecicated. My IIS knowledge is beginner.



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Empty Page 1 On Short Reports?

Mar 16, 2007

I have a suite of several SSRS reports that differ essentially on the stored procedure called. All have very the same one-page header block and all have a footer. Those where a large number of pages are produced, page without fault when printed or converted to PDF. 

Two page reports often break down on printing, so that page 1 only has the header and a footer and all the detail lines are printed on page2 (together with the footer). However on the screen the report paged correctly.

I have checked all the obvious problems such as page dimensions exceeding that of the print medium. (A series of such problems was fixed earlier in development.)

I have observed this behaviour with SQL2005 SP1 and SP2 (i.e. SP2 did not provide any fix in this area). The host OS for development and production is Windows 2003 server. The tests were done by viewing in IE6 and the fault only became apparent when going to print preview, printing or in PDF production.

This has the appearance of a bug in SSRS hereby intermediate length reports are not handled correctly. It appears to happen when the amount of detail lines just fills page 2. As soon as the report has sufficient lines to be 3 pages long (page 1 is header plus some details lines plus footer, page 2 is full of detail lines plus footer and page 3 is remaining detail lines plus footer then the problem is no longer seen! Where the detail lines will all fit on page 1, then the problem is not seen.

I observe this variation in behaviour since I am able to switch between different sized datasets and thus switch between the different scenarios described above. I should also note that the reports are in landscape mode.

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Probem In Calling Reports From ASP.Net Page

Feb 20, 2007


I am integrating RS2005 reports with page(VS 2005).the scenario is that i have created a

home page with a button.when i clicked on button it redirect to another page which contain report viewer control.This control is linked with report server report.Although report is showing when i directly execute the page but when i execute the home page and clicked on button it gives messege

The permissions granted to user 'GGNHTEL866ASPNET' are insufficient for performing this operation. (rsAccessDenied) "

although i have given full control to ASPNET on app folder and report server.

Pls suggest me.

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Cant Get Reports Server Page To Work

Jan 19, 2007

hi I have sql 2005 Standard on WinXP and i cant get http://localhost/ReportServer to work.
I get the web page error
Server Application Error
The server has encountered an error while loading an application during the
processing of your request. Please refer to the event log for more detail
information. Please contact the server administrator for assistance.

I have re-installed sql 2005, reinstalled IIS .
I have run the aspnet_regiis -i and still nothing.

Please someone, anyone , help.

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Who Knows How To Generate A Contents Page Consisting Of Sub Reports?

Feb 13, 2007

Is this possible?, i hope it is:). Your help is very much appreciated.

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Report Manager - Blank Reports Page

May 21, 2006


I'm getting blank page when I open the Report Manager: I've got a header - "...Reporting... HOME", and then just empty space.

I had it working fine a week ago. Any ideas?

The RS runs on Win2003 Std, SQL 2005 Std.


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Javascript Error On Reports Page When There Is No Data

Dec 20, 2007

hi ,

i am using sql server reporting services 2005.

When ever report is blank it gives me javascript error. In IE on bottom left it shows js error icon. Details of error are

Line: 13
Char: 692
error: Object Required
Code: 0

kindly guide me ...


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Page Break Problem In SQL Server Reports 2003

Mar 26, 2007

I am trying to find a way to make a page break after each statement in a report, but the page break after table does not seem to work.

Any ideas?

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Reporting Services :: Master Detail Reports On Same Page

Mar 3, 2014

I have a master detail reports in one page. Master report displays all the products and details report shows their orders... What I want is, when user clicks on products graph its detail graph show the orders of that particular record on the same page. Both reports would remain visible on the same page side by side.

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How To Generate A Report Containing Multiple Single Page Reports

Mar 14, 2006

I am using SS 2005 RS. I am able to generate single page pdf reports by passing "id" as a parameter. Now I need to send multiple ids as parameter and generate one big report which would contain reports for all the ids supplied on separate pages. Is this possible? If yes, then how do i do this.

What I have tried so far is, I created new report with a list control and added single page report as a subreport to this list control and grouped this list control using id parameter. When i send multiple ids in the parameter, for example 3 ids, it generates 3 page report but only for the first id. So it generates report for the first id and repeats same report 3 times.

Thanks for your help,

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Reporting Services :: SSRS Reports To Be Displayed In New UI Based Web Page

Aug 5, 2015

I have one requirement. We have one application in banking and they have developer that application using c# and .Net code so For Business Users--when they enter their details and when they want to check Reports--it should take to a another UI or web page where Users will see all the reports--- and clicking the report he/she should be get able to export it into different formats..

i know that we can give report manager URL--but due to various issues-- we have choosen to built a web[age where they can see the reports work-flow:

so--user opens bank site--enters his details-goes into reports--it should open new webpage or UI, he should see all reports--he should export these reports..

After that based upon security levels each user can see their individual reports.

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Matrix Reports Spawn Extra Page - Enclosing In List Fixes This.

Apr 20, 2007

We really like using the Matrix reports, but we were finding that every Matrix report that we created would spawn an extraneous blank page. We tried putting the matrix in a rectangle, which works well for positioning other items on reports, but this had no effect on the problem.

Then we tried placing the matrix in a list with the list group details set to "=Nothing". It worked great - no more extra pages. Looked and didn't see this tip mentioned elsewhere so thought it might be worth sharing.

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Reporting Services :: Page Break After Charts And Tables In SSRS Reports

Aug 2, 2015

In SSRS reports i have multiple charts and tables. per page i have to display one chart and one table. How to put page break after the chart and table. I have not used rectangle. I created all the charts and tables in the body area.

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Can I Use Reporting Services 2005 Reports On An ASP.NET Page Created With Visual Studio 2003?

Oct 15, 2007


I've seen this question floating around, but I have not been able to find a definitive answer.

Can this be done, and if so, what do I need to install into Visual Studio 2003?

Thank you.


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.net 1.1 SqlDbType Accepts Varchar(MAX)

Jun 15, 2007

My app uses .net 1.1 and MS SQL 2005 as backend.  How to add a SqlParamter that is varchar(MAX)?SqlParameter myParameter = new SqlParameter("@Description",SqlDbType.VarChar,whatToPutHere?,ParameterDirection.Input,                 true,0,0,"Whatever",DataRowVersion.Current,"Whatever");  

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