Reportviewer Toolbar Hidden Behind Window Titlebar

Jul 24, 2007

We have a reportviewer on a webpage to display a report.

All works perfectly until the users interact with the web page. i.e. expand/collapse or sort sections of the report. When the page is re-drawn the reportviewer toolbar (or parameter area if used) is hidden behind the webpage's titlebar.

Has anyone else had this problem ?

Is there a solution ?

Please help.

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How To Launch SQL Server 2005 ReportViewer In A New Browser Window.

Dec 26, 2006

Hi all,

I am trying to launch ReportViewer in a new browser window, using the attribute: target='_blank'.

Can someone tell me how?

Here is the complete URL for the report .

http://SServer1/ReportServer?/Primary Members/Detail Report&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=HTML4.0&rc:Parameters=false&UserName=sobo1

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Analysis :: Hidden Power Pivot KPIs - Not Hidden In SSAS

Aug 20, 2015

Given a model in Power Pivot with a number of KPIs that are hidden with the 'hide from client tools' option. After restoring the model in SSAS and connecting to the model from Excel, the KPIs are visible under a separate category/table "KPIs".

Other hidden items in the model like columns and measures remain invisible.

Is this normal behavior and what can I do about this?

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Referencing One Item's Hidden Property In Order To Set Another's Hidden Property

Feb 15, 2007


I have a group I'll call G4.

The header table row for G4 contains 3 textboxes containing the sums of the contents within G4. The header table row for G4 is visible while it's contents, including the G4 footer table row, is kept invisible until the report user drills down into the group.

When the report user drills down into G4 the footer table row becomes visible and the sums of the contents of the group are displayed for a second time.

At this point I want the sums in the header to be set to invisible when the sums in the footer are made visible by the drilldown.

When I try to reference the hidden property of textbox66 in the G4 footer in order to set the hidden property of header textbox57 in the G4 header I get to this point...


When it fails to give me an option of choosing the .Hidden property and instead only gives me a .Value.

If I complete the IIF statement manually so that it spells out .....

=IIF(ReportItems!Textbox66.Hidden = False, True, False)

...the report chokes on it.

So my question is, how do I reference the hidden property of one or more textboxes in a group to use as condition checks to set the hidden property of another textbox in that same group?

Thank you for any help you can provide. We are only now beginning to implement reporting services and I have not yet had the chance to research this in greater detail for lack of time.

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How To Connect To Sql Server As Other's Window Login Rather Than User's Window Login Thorugh ASP.NET.

Dec 14, 2006

Dear members,

In MSDN, it says that it is recommended to use windows authentication to connect to SQL Server rather than use mixed authentication.

I create user deltasqluser on windows OS, and I specify in my webform ASP.NET script below :

protected System.Web.UI.WebControls.Label Label1;
private string _connString = @"data source=deltasql2000;initial catalog=northwind;integrated security=false;user id=deltasqluser";
comment : I login to my windows as deltakoronx, and I want to every user (including me), connected to sql server through IIS, will be identified as deltasqluser not as user's login (impersonate)
private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(_connString);
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
cmd.Connection = conn;
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text;
cmd.CommandText = "select suser_sname()";


string userName = cmd.ExecuteScalar() as string;
Label1.Text = userName;

at web.config, I add :
<identity impersonate="false" userName="deltasqluser" password="" />

at IIS webApplication1's properties, tab "Directory Security", at "Authentication and access control" section, I checked "enable anonymous access" with user : DELTAIUSR_DELTA and checked "Integrated Windows Authentication",

at query analyzer, I login as "sa" and execute script below :
exec sp_grantdbaccess 'deltasqluser','northwind'

when I run the ASP.NET script, error at conn.Open(); with error message :
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE'.

What should I do so that IIS login to SQL Server as user deltasqluser not as "NT AUTHORITYNETWORK SERVICE" ?



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Open Report In New Window: Method Gives Error

Jun 26, 2006


I am using SSRS Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services Designers
Version 9.00.1399.00. I want to open linked report in new window.

I tried whats mentioned in but i get an error on Window.Open method.

How do I solve the problem?


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Toolbar Missing!

Sep 24, 2003

In the console, when right clicking on a table name...then selecting 'open table', the toolbar at the top of the page is not displaying. This is the graphical bar with the 'SQL' button that lets you filter the results.

How do I get the toolbar back, is it a setting?



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Url Access Toolbar

Dec 11, 2007


When I am trying to view the report using 'URL Access', on one particular machine, all items in toolbar is shown on separate lines. It almost looks like the report viewing area and toolbar width is shrunk. I have same installation on 4 different servers but only one server is giving problem.

SQL Server - 2005

Not much help available on wen.Only a couple of posts with similar problem.

Thanks for any and all help.


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Toolbar Available With Web Service?

Jan 29, 2007

Hello -

I am trying to find out whether the Toolbar is available when using the Reporting Services Web Service interface.

Right now, I am using the Web Service to render a report, but the Toolbar does not appear. I have set the <Toolbar> element in the DeviceInfo string to true.


- will

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Weird Toolbar

Aug 31, 2006

I have just installed my server with server2003 enterprise edition, everything is working fine. However, after I make it online for awhile, I found a weird thing on the tool bar just beside the clock. There are 2 hidden icons, when I move the pointer to these 2 icons, it shows the IP address of my server. Just wanna know if there is anything wrong with that.



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Database Toolbar Information

Apr 5, 2001

I work with multiple servers and I have system administrator rights on all server. My question is, why on some server when I click on a database it shows the General, Table & Index, Space Allocated tool bar, than if I go to a different server, click a database it does not show? I would like to see this toolbar on all my servers when I click a database.
Thanks Reggie

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Report Parameter Toolbar

Aug 29, 2007

Good day everyone...

I created a simple report in SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services. Its about getting the sales from specific date and store. My parameters are date and storename, the report works fine as I view it in the reportserver. But, when we incorporate the report in a custom webpage using a reportviewer, the parameter toolbar occupies half the space, now that's my problem. Is there anyway I can create a custom Toolbar in Visual Studio so I can just set the parameter property to hidden so the default parameter toolbar wont show?

Thanks in advance guys... c",)

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Toolbar Customization For URL Access

May 24, 2007

I see how I can turn the toolbar on and off with:



but this turns off the entire toolbar.

Is there a way to customize which options within the toolbar to keep and which ones to eliminate?

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How To Enable The Query Designer Toolbar

Dec 6, 2007

How is the Query Designer toolbar enabled?

Clicking Query, Dsign Query in Editor opens a Query designer in a model window that does not use the query tool bar. Oening a New Query pane does not enable it.

The nly way I have found to activate the query tool bar is to:

1. Right click a table then click open table.
2. Stop retreving data. (if it is a large table)

Now the Query Designer toolbar is enabled.

What is the correct way to enable the Query Designer toolbar?

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Reporting Services Toolbar &&amp; Version

Aug 9, 2007

Hi All,

1. Whether I'm working on in Layout, Data or Preview (Reporting Services 2005) for any report
the toolbars I select disappear when I click on close. In Tools, Customize, I have check marks by: Formatting, Query designer, Layou,Build and Standard among a few others. I tried the reset button but no help as well.
What am I missing? Should they be visible and not grayed out?

2. Also, Is there an easy way to tell what verion/service pack level SQl server 2005 and of MSSRS 2005 I am running?

Thanks in Advance !


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Integration Services :: SSIS ToolBar Empty

Jun 8, 2015

I have installed VS community edition 2013 on a widows 7 PC. When I try to create a ssis package the ssis tool bar comes up empty.It just says "loading" on the panel .

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Report Toolbar/header Default Collapsed?

Jan 8, 2008

Is there a way to have the Report Manager show the header/toolbar in the collapsed state instead of full screen by default? (i.e. the top of the report starts with "New Subscription" instead of "SQL Server Reporting Services")
These are Report Server reports, and I need to show several reports in one view (I'm using T-dog ibrowse to do this in a Powerpoint slide show). It looks cluttered to have the headers show repeatedly.

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Reporting Services :: Hiding Toolbar In SSRS?

May 28, 2015

I need to hide the toolbar on report. my client accessing the report on Reportmanager URL.

I have tried this way ; passed the parameters to My report manger URL :  &rc:Toolbar=false,But it's not working. I am using Visualstudio 2010.or another quetion Can I make Parameter is to be Read only !

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SQL 2012 :: Query Toolbar Does Not Display For Files Opened From TFS

Feb 18, 2015

When I open a new query or a file that is not under source control, I get a tool bar like the first image below.

When I open a query from a TFS project (second image), the toolbar is not available, and I cannot find a way to turn it on.

How to control this feature?

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Auto Hide Parameters Toolbar Without Making It Disappear

Jun 5, 2007


anyone has any idea how to make the parameters toolbar to be automatically hidden when the report is first being accessed and subsequently to show the parameters when clicked on the arrows ? I have some users who complained that the parameters list is too long, so they wish to hide it first when accessing the report. I know there's this called rc: Parameters=false but this will permanently hide the toolbar which i don't want.

By the way, i am using sql 2000 reporting services

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Reporting Services :: Report Viewer Toolbar Wraps

Dec 23, 2010

Have an ASP page using AJAX - have embedded the latest Microsoft Report Viewer control.  The page access various SSRS reports. The application works fine for most users, but in certain cases, the toolbar wraps and occupies about ten lines - using about half of the visible area.  Users affected by the problem are using IE7 and IE8.  When the toolbar is distorted like this, the buttons (Page, Export, etc) also seem inop. The problem does not seem to be related to the RDL; either all the reports work or none of the reports work.

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Reporting Services :: Report Viewer Toolbar Expanding

Nov 9, 2011

I have a reportviewer on a master page in a VS2008 ASP.NET application. When I originally created the page, I did not use a master page. When I moved the code to a master page, the Toolbar is 6 line long instead of 1. Each of the individual components of the ReportViewer toolbar is placed on it's own line. (i.e Navagation, Print, Zoom, Etc.) The same control worked correctly on it's own page.

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Report Toolbar Inactive - Suspect RsClientPrint ActiveX Problem

Mar 15, 2007


I€™m hoping someone might be able to help me.

I have a Development Machine running Windows XP Professional SP2, with SQL Server 2005 including Reporting Services. I am developing an ASP.NET application using VS 2005, and am including Server Side Reports from SQL Server. Everything is working well, except when viewing the Reports.

The Reports when viewed from Reporting Services€™ Report Manager or from within the ASP.NET application only display the first page of the report, displaying the total number of pages as 0. As well, most of the functions on the report toolbar appear to be disabled. This occurs for any report viewed, even sample reports such as the Adventure Works Samples.

The problem only occurs when viewed from within Internet Explorer on the Development Machine. To overcome the problem, I have upgraded SQLServer to SP2, and removed and reinstalled Internet Explorer, but it made no difference. It appears to be related to the rsClientPrint ActiveX addon which should have been installed when the print icon was first selected. It appears not to have installed properly, but up to that point everything worked OK. Selecting the Print icon (or any other icon) since nothing happens. I€™m guessing here, but I suspect that the rsClientPrint addon needs to be reinstalled, but I don€™t know how to go about it. It is not listed within IE addon (where it is on other machines connecting to the Development Machine), nor is it listed within the €œC:WindowsDownloaded Program Files€?. But it is not being downloaded when the Print Icon is selected. I have checked all the Security settings for the environment to ensure that ActiveX programs are downloaded, and everything appears to be in order.

Would anyone be familiar with this problem or have any suggestions on how to go about resolving it? Any help would be appreciated as it is causing significant problems. Strange though, the reports appear fine when viewed from within the Server Manager.

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Administrator Cannot See Administration Toolbar, Buttons And Shortcuts On Report Manager

Dec 23, 2006

Hy everybody.

I have recently installed from scratch RS 2003 on a WIN2003 SRV and got that the problem that the administrator cannot access or even see the regular administration toolbar and links at the Report Manager, such as Site Configuration, Upload New File, the common 'Contents | Properties ' tab, among other stuff. The only options available are 'Home', 'My Subscriptions' and 'Help', in the right superior link bar. I find this behaviour very strange, since the RS comes right out of the box configured with full access to administrator, but right now I CAN'T do any administration task on the RS Server.

Another strange behaviours I've found:
- The few links that appear redirect to the internal ip address of the server.
- When you call the '/ReportServer/ReportingService.asmx' it returns an XML document, not the usual browsing interface.

There's some information about the server configuration I think it might help:
- IIS is running more than one website, and the RS server is not installed on the Default WebSite, wich is stopped.
- SharePoint Services is running in the server, but not in the DefaultWebSite.
- The security settings of the virtual directory of the Report Manager are configured to use Windows Authentication and are NOT configured to use anonymous authentication.
- The server is published to the Internet.

There's some stuff that I tried and for now didn't worked:
- Create the virtual directories in other websites.
- Switch the attributes of the 'impersonate' attribute in Web.config file between true and false.
- Enable anonymous authentication and use the administrator account to impersonate.
- The steps described in the help article 'Troubleshooting a Side-by-Side Installation of Reporting Services and Windows SharePoint Services'
- Reinstalling the RS product.

I really hope you guys can help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

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Adding A Button, Image Or A Hyperlink To The Reporting Services Toolbar

Aug 23, 2007


I wouls like to have a custom button called "Set" in the report toolbar in addition to the "View Report" button. I am aware of the fact that the look and feel of the existing controls on the toolbar can be customised or can be hidden using HtmlViewer.css. Is there any code which I can tweak to add buttons or images on the report toolbar?


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New Title In Thread : Error/bug In ASMX ? - Parameters And Toolbar Property In DevInfo

Apr 20, 2007

Hi all,

I am trying to build a reportviewer so that I could use reporting services (due to company's security policy).

I am getting a VERY weird error here.

Before I get on ahead, here is the scenario.

I had created a rdl that will give a certain report based on two parameters. At the moment, I didn't assign the parameters to any default values since i don't want the report to start running. These two parameters are run based on stored procedures to get the starting date and an ending date.

I had tried to view this report on Report Manager and it works.

I had set the parameters this way. NOTE: ReportingServer is the disgused name of the reportserver I am using for privacy purposes

Code Snippet

Dim rs As New ReportingServer.ReportingService

rs.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials

'Render arguments

Dim results() As Byte

Dim format As String = "HTML4.0"

Dim historyID As String = Nothing

'PDF Rendering extensions don't have any useful DeviceInfo settings

'the toolbar shown below only affects HTML rendering

Dim devInfo As String = "<DeviceInfo><HTMLFragment>True</HTMLFragment><JavaScript>True</JavaScript><Toolbar>True</Toolbar><Parameters>True</Parameters></DeviceInfo>"

Dim credentials() As ReportingServer.DataSourceCredentials = New ReportingServer.DataSourceCredentials() {}

Dim showHideToggle As String = ""

Dim encoding As String = ""

Dim mimeType As String = ""

Dim warnings() As ReportingServer.Warning = New ReportingServer.Warning(0) {}

Dim reportHistoryParameters() As ReportingServer.ParameterValue = New ReportingServer.ParameterValue() {}

Dim streamIDs() As String = Nothing

Dim sh As ReportingServer.SessionHeader = New ReportingServer.SessionHeader

rs.SessionHeaderValue = sh

But when I started building this reportviewer.aspx, it gives me this error on the following line:-

Code Snippet

results = rs.Render(ReportPath, format, historyID, devInfo, Parameters, credentials, _

showHideToggle, encoding, mimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, streamIDs)

with the error

{"This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter 'start_date'. To run or subscribe to this report, you must provide a parameter value. --> This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter 'start_date'. To run or subscribe to this report, you must provide a parameter value. --> This report requires a default or user-defined value for the report parameter 'start_date'. To run or subscribe to this report, you must provide a parameter value."}

this is occuring on the line where it needs to render the report.

As simple as it is, i tried the following:-

NOTE: some variables has been changed to protect some identity.

Code Snippet

Dim ReportRenderer As New RenderSQLReports

Dim Parameters As int.rrd.sqlreporting_test.ParameterValue() = Nothing

ReportRenderer.RenderReport(Parameters, "/Folder/reportname", "pdffilename.pdf")

What I don't get is that i made sure that it doesn't have any default values.

So I went into this scenario and tried teh following:-

Code Snippet

Dim ReportRenderer As New RenderSQLReports

Dim Parameters() As Reportingservices.ParameterValue = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue(1) {}

Parameters(0) = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue

Parameters(0).Label = "start_date"

Parameters(0).Name = "start_date"

Parameters(0).Value = "10/1/1999 12:00:00 AM"

Parameters(1) = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue

Parameters(1).Label = "end_date"

Parameters(1).Name = "end_date"

Parameters(1).Value = "11/1/1999 12:00:00 AM"

ReportRenderer.RenderReport(Parameters, "/Folder/reportname", "pdffilename.pdf")

And this is what happens. It blows up on this line again. with this error.

Code Snippet

results = rs.Render(ReportPath, format, historyID, devInfo, Parameters, credentials, _

showHideToggle, encoding, mimeType, reportHistoryParameters, warnings, streamIDs)

With the errors

{"Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'start_date' is not a valid value. --> Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'start_date' is not a valid value. --> Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'start_date' is not a valid value."}

This is probably occuring because the date I had provided is not found in the list of dates. I really don't want to default a date at the moment, to allow the user to select a date.

So I finally gave it a date...... a valid date.

Code Snippet

Dim ReportRenderer As New RenderSQLReports

Dim Parameters() As Reportingservices.ParameterValue = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue(1) {}

Parameters(0) = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue

Parameters(0).Label = "start_date"

Parameters(0).Name = "start_date"

Parameters(0).Value = "10/1/2004 12:00:00 AM"

Parameters(1) = New Reportingservices.ParameterValue

Parameters(1).Label = "end_date"

Parameters(1).Name = "end_date"

Parameters(1).Value = "11/1/2004 12:00:00 AM"

ReportRenderer.RenderReport(Parameters, "/Folder/reportname", "pdffilename.pdf")

LO and behold, it works BUT . now i get this error in the aspx code.

Runtime error has occured.

Microsoft JScript runtime error: 'Report' is undefined

on this weird line:- (that was generated automatically)

</script><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="?rs:Command=Get&amp;rc:GetImage=8.00.1038.00Report.js">

</script><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">


function OnLoadReport()


var pageHits = null;

var rep = new Report(1, 16, pageHits, false, docMapIds); <-where error is occuring.

if (parent != self) parent.OnLoadReport(rep);




It did show the report, but I don't understand why it is still getting an error here. Moreover, I didn't even get the HTMLViewer too even when I had assigned the devinfo....

Really need some help here, as this is quite urgent.... I am at a loss at this, and maybe that there is an option that I am not seeing or something I am missing. please help .

Bernard-So close yet so far, How cruel are the software bugs-

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HTML Viewer - Toolbar And Parameters Section - No Style Applied In RS2005 Worked In RS2000

Nov 30, 2007

Hi all,

Not sure what's going on here...

I had reports using the HTML Viewer working in RS 2000. The servers were both O/S Windows 2000, SQL Server 2000, IIS 5.0, Reporting Services 2000) The default toolbar and parameters area were formatted and looked fine.

We just migrated to new servers with Windows 2003 Server, SQL Server 2005, IIS 6.0, Reporting Services 2005. I have the reports working fine...except the toolbar and parameters areas look as if there is no formatting at if the style sheet isn't being applied (not even the default one --see below).

Although I don't think this is necessary....I tried the following to resolve the issue....

Updated the RSReportServer.config file.

Driveletter:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.3Reporting ServicesReportServerRSReportServer.config

Checked that the HtmlViewer.css file was in the ...ReportServerStyles folder.

Added the following line between the

<Configuration>.......</Configuration> tags in the RSReportServer.config file.





Select a format XML file with report data CSV (comma delimited) TIFF file Acrobat (PDF) file Web archive Excel


I can't find anyone else having this issue...any ideas?

Hope someone can help...thanks for looking....

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Aug 29, 2000

How do I hide a field on a table?

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Hidden Reports

Feb 22, 2008

Can someone please give a query for getting the list of all hidden reports from "Report Server Database" tables?
I do not have access to this database, thus not able to explore the tables myself.

Many Thanks

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Hidden Parameters

Dec 14, 2005

Is there any way to have a parameter hidden for a report without it being Read-Only? I want the user to be able to select a specific parameter within a report and have another parameter passed via URL.

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Should Hidden Stored Procedures Be Used?

Mar 16, 2004

Should stored produres that are "hidden" from us users be used?
I'm thinking in particular of using sp_MSgetversion to get the SQL Server version number and to be able to run different script if i'm on SQL Server 7.

Why are they not documented in the first place? Is it because they might change and they don't want us to use them?

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Hidden Expression For Table

May 23, 2008

Hi all,

My report has a number of tables.
These table design is as [Total(numeric),Year(numeric),Month(varchar(15)].
Each table on report is populated based on individual tables in Mngt Studio.

My problem is.If table is empty,the table on report does not get populated/displayed.It is hidden.How do I return a message,Example {"No Value for table A"} instead and show the table in report only when the table has some value.

I have written an expression like this.But it just hides the table if its empty,and im not able to return a value "No Value"instead.

=IIF(Fields!Month.Value IS Nothing,"No Value for table A",False)

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WindowStyle Hidden Not Working

Jul 25, 2007

I have a package with an Execute Process task that is running csvde. I need the window style to be "hidden" in order to be able to run the package as a job. However, selecting the "hidden" option is not causing the window to not be displayed. Am I missing something?


Ron Rice

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