Restore All System Databases

Feb 8, 2007

Hi All,

I need to do a restore of all my system databases, master, msdb and model, and of course my production database.

The Windows 2003 OS and Sql Server 2005 have both been reinstalled on the server.

I understand I need to be in Single User Mode to restore the master database and I just wanted to clarify the procedure for a successful restore.

I've found this page: which has instructions for restoring a master database.

So, all I have to do is:

1. Be in single user mode

2. Using SQLCMD run:
C:> sqlcmd
1> RESTORE DATABASE master FROM DISK = 'Z:MyBackLocationmaster.bak';
2> GO

From the instructions:
"After master is restored, the instance of SQL Server shuts down and terminates the sqlcmd process"

My Questions:
When I've restored the master do I repeat the steps above to restore the msdb and model databases? 

Are there any other pitfalls?

Thanks for any advice


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Restore SMK And System Databases (credentials And Linked Servers)

Apr 28, 2008

Hi there

I have a concern about restore whole SQL server environment.

1st server:

x86 SQL Server 2005 EE SP2 + hotfix 3159 is installed on Windows 2003 SP1 R2. SQL Server is running under Local System Account. Server is not part of AD.

2nd server

Win XP SP2, x86 SQL Server 2005 DE SP2 + hotfix 3159. SQL Server is running under Local Admin Account. Server is part of AD. Server has Credentials and linked servers

I'm trying to move all databases from server 2 to server 1

For this I am doing:

1) Create backup SMK

2) Detach all user databases

3) Backup all system databases

4) Copy all this stuff to server 1

5) Run Server 1 in single-mode (-m)

6) Restore master database

7) Try to restore backup SMK that was done on step 1 and get this error message:

Msg 15329, Level 16, State 11, Line 2
The current master key cannot be decrypted. If this is a database master key, you should attempt to open it in the session before performing this operation. The FORCE option can be used to ignore this error and continue the operation but the data encrypted by the old master key will be lost.

My understanding is that credential secrets, linked server login passwords are lost and should be recreated. DbMK can be restored using passwords.

As far as I know this can be avoided if the same domain account is using for both servers. But the question still this - if I have stand alone server, using local system account for the SQL Server service and have encrypted objects - I cannot restore SQL Server on another box (say in case disaster lost original one) without loosing credentials and linked servers even if I have all backups including backup of SMK.

Sounds gloomily for me. Any idea what I missed?

PS This links

and all relative topics in BOL were studied very carefully



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SQL Server Admin 2014 :: How To Do System Restore To Previous Restore Point

Dec 31, 2014

In Windows Server 2012. How do I do a System Restore to a previous restore point?I need to install the 64 bit and 32 bit Oracle Client Install for connections in SSIS and to create Oracle Linked Servers.

If you make a mistake it is not fun removing it. Sometimes it corrupts the machine and it is difficult to uninstall since there is not an Oracle Universal installer for Oracle 11g.If you install the 32 bit before the 64 you mess up the to create a restore point.

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System Databases

Jun 21, 2004

I want to split the data and log files of the system databases to separate hard disks. How can i accomplish this and is this a good idea to do so ?

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System Databases

Jun 18, 2008

How do I check he data file size, transaction log size and autogrowth setting of each of the system databases please?
I am not sure if sp_helpdb works for these?


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Move System Databases?

Apr 16, 2002


I would like to move system databases (master, model, and tempdb) from one disk to another. What would be the best way to do it?

your help is appriciated.


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System Databases Not Showing

Oct 25, 2000


I installed desktop edition of SQL Server7.0 but System databases are not displaying.only showing pubs and northwind only.any body help me.

Thank you


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Backup System Databases

Feb 1, 2005


I have just started a new job and they have nightly backups of the master, msdb and model databases.

But why would you need a nightly backup of the model database? surely the model database never changes, so would a one time backup not be sufficient?

Please advise me if I am incorrect


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Shrink System Databases

Apr 28, 2015

I have some questions :

1.Is it OK to shrink Master, model ? the transaction log for those databases are full .
2.Is it OK to set the Recovery model of Database MODEL as SIMPLE ? at the moment it is in FULL recovery model and the transaction log is Full too

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Do System Databases Need To Be Restored?

Sep 11, 2007

The consultant hired as our Remote DBA for SQL Server 2005 recently changed the recovery model on our user database from Full to Simple. He explained this was necessary because the transaction log was growing very large and backing up the database when the model was set to Full was not shrinking it. Now, the master database and the msdb database are backed up daily along with our user database.

When we need to restore our user database, do we need to restore the master database and the msdb database too? What order should the databases be restored in?

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How To Detach System Databases...

Jul 20, 2005

We have C:, D: and E: drives on our server box. C: drive ispartitioned and is big enough only to hold Operating system files. D:and E: drives are what were supposed to be used by developers / dba'sto store / create SQL Server (system and user databases).Well, some developers installed the entire SQL Server named instanceand their system and user defined databases on the C: drive. Is thereany way to move the system databases (master, msdb, distributionetc.,) from the C: to the D: / E: drives?Appreciate any feedback.ThanksJagannathan Santhanam

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Rebuilding System Databases

Nov 29, 2007

As an effort to rebuild system databases, I ran following command

start/wait C:Setup.exe /qn INSTANCENAME="DEV$SQL02" REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 SAPWD="strongpassword"

I brought setup.exe file from installation cd to c drive of the server. My SQL Server is DEV and SQL Instance is SQL02. While running above command in command prompt (from C: prompt) I have an error masage that said 'setup failed' without any specific cause given for the failure.

I am doing above as part of disaster/recovery procedure in test environment.

Could anyone please shed some lights on what are the steps or what went wrong above while rebuilding master databases.

Thanks a lot


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How Can I Move The System Databases?

Oct 26, 2005

I have been attempting to detach and reattach the model database.  I tried to set the Trace Flag 3608, but it is having no effect.

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Restore Databases Under SQL 6.5

May 18, 2004


I'm running SQL 6.5 on an old NT4 server. I built a new W2K server with SQL 6.5.

When I tried to restore a database to the new server I got the following error: "The database you are attempting to LOAD was DUMPed under a different sort order ID (52) than the one currently running on this server (32), and at least one of them is a non-binary sort order."
Since SQL 6.5 is no longer supported by Microsoft, I have a hard time finding information related to that error. Can someone help me and tell me what's wrong?


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Restore Databases 7.0

May 17, 2007

I have taken backups of 3 datbases



msdb,model databases on drive d: but not taken master datbases then i had to format the c: on which sql server installed.

can i take full restore in this case or i have to create datbases and then sp_attach and sp_detach databases pls help me.

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Restore System Dbs From SP3 To SP3a?

Jan 14, 2005

Can system databases (master, model, msdb) backed up from SQL2k SP3 be restored to an instance of SP3a? Can they be restored from SP3a to SP3? TIA!

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System Databases & Truncate Log On Checkpoint

Jul 7, 1999

I am new to SQL Server 7 and have inherited a server built by a consultant that is no longer here. I have noticed that the system databases (master, msdb & model) are completed backed up on a nightly basis and are all set with truncate log on checkpoint. Is this the proper way to have things set up?



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Identifying System/User Databases

Nov 12, 2002


i�m looking for TSQL-Code (7.0/2000) to identify, if a SQL Server Database ist a SystemDatabase or a UserDatabase. In the sysdatabases there is no information abount that.


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SQL 2012 :: System Databases Moving

Jan 11, 2014

whenever we are moving system databases from one drive to another, do we need to move the path physically? or it automatically moves.I want to try the rebuild the sql server. So I want to corrupt the master database so, I deleted the master mdf file and restore it back but instead of database corruption it is giving the following error message. How can I corrupt the master database and can practice the rebuild the server.

And one more thing when I try to use the repair option I couldn't able to get all the things back to normal. The database engine service, replication is not working but SSAS, SSRS things are showing successfully repaired.

2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server Error: 26055, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server The SQL Server failed to initialize VIA support library [QLVipl.dll]. This normally indicates the VIA support library does not exist or is corrupted. Please repair or disable the VIA network protocol. Error: 0x7e.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server Error: 17182, Severity: 16, State: 1.
2014-01-10 21:34:26.44 Server TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x7e, status code 0x60. Reason: Unable to initialize the VIA listener. The specified module could not be found.


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System Databases On Different Disk Partition

Aug 19, 2007

Hi all,

I'm having some performance-wise thoughts about my new sql-server 2005 installation ...
I have my SQL installed on one partition (the system dbs are also on that partition by default), my regular databases (non system dbs) are on different partition.

The question is - if my sys dbs are on different partition, could I experience some performance issues ?

One senario that I can think of is when the SQL looks for SPs starting with sp_ in the master DB, the disk will have to check a different partition. Perhaps such senario was solved using some kind of caching methods on the sql server itself.

Hope my thread is in the right forum.

Cheers everyone.

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Rebuilding System Databases On A Cluster

Jan 5, 2007

I am having trouble rebuilding the SQL 2005 system databases on my cluster.

The Cluster hardware failed completely and I am recovering from scratch (but only 1 node at this time)

The Win2K3 OS is recovered and communicating with the domain.
Cluster services have started and the quorum is online.
The clustered SQL instance is offline because there is no master.mdf present.

I run the setup command as per BOL:

start /wait setup.exe /qn VS=<VSName> INSTANCENAME=<InstanceName> REINSTALL=SQL_Engine REBUILDDATABASE=1 ADMINPASSWORD=<StrongPassword> SAPWD=<NewStrongPassword> SQLACCOUNT=<domainuser> SQLPASSWORD=<DomainUserPassword> AGTACCOUNT=<domainuser> AGTPASSWORD=<DomainUserPassword>

The Summary.log reports the following:
Machine : CLUSTER1
Product : Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Product Version: 9.00.1399.06
Install : Successful
Log File : C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerSetup BootstrapLOGFilesSQLSetup0001_CLUSTERSVR1_SQL.log

Setup succeeded with the installation, inspect the log file completely for status on all the components.

However the Microsoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATA directory is empty. There are no system databases.

Without a rebuilt Master I cannot bring the clustered SQL instance online to then restore my database backups.

Any ideas?


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Moving System Databases SQL 2005

Mar 16, 2007

I am in the process of moving my system databases to another volume. I have accommplished the first section pertaining to master database.

I have reached step 3 in the Resource database move section down below.

It states to change the FILENAME path to match the new location of the master database. Do not change the name of the database or the file names.

ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource
MODIFY FILE (NAME=data, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_mastermssqlsystemresource.mdf');

I changed the query to point ot the new location of the master, (E:MSSQLData)

ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource
MODIFY FILE (NAME=data, FILENAME= E:MSSQLDatamssqlsystemresource.mdf');

I get the following error when I run the query:

Could not locate entry in sysdatabases for database mssqlsystemresource. No entry found with that name. Make sure that the name is entered correctly.

What am I doing wrong? My syntax must be incorrect. But I can't figure it. Anybody done this before.

These are the steps per msdn.
To move the master database, follow these steps.
1. From the Start menu, point to All Programs, point to Microsoft SQL Server 2005, point to Configuration Tools, and then click SQL Server Configuration Manager.
2. In the SQL Server 2005 Services node, right-click the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service and choose Properties.
3. In the SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Properties dialog box, click the Advanced tab.
4. Edit the startup parameters values to point to the planned location for the master database data and log files and click Apply. Moving the error log file is optional.
The parameter value for the data file must follow the -d parameter and the value for the log file must follow the -l parameter. The following example shows the parameter values for the default location of the master data and log files.
-dC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmaster.mdf;-eC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG;-lC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLDATAmastlog.ldf
If the planned relocation for the master data file is E:SQLData and the planned relocation for the log file is F:SQLLog, the parameter values would be changed as follows:
-dE:SQLDatamaster.mdf;-eC:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLLOGERRORLOG;-lF:SQLLogmastlog.ldf
5. Stop the MSSQLSERVER service.
6. Physically move the files to the new location.
7. Restart the MSSQLSERVER service.
8. Verify the file change.
SELECT name, physical_name, state_desc
FROM sys.master_files
WHERE database_id = DB_ID('master');

To move the Resource database, follow these steps.

1. Stop the MSSQLSERVER service if it is started.
2. Start the service in minimal mode. To do this, at the command prompt, enter <SQLPath>innsqlservr -c -f -T3608 where <SQLPath> is the path for the instance of ssNoVersion. For example, C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQL. This will start the instance of ssNoVersion for master-only recovery.
3. Run these queries. Change the FILENAME path to match the new location of the master database. Do not change the name of the database or the file names.

ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource MODIFY FILE (NAME=data, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_mastermssqlsystemresource.mdf');

ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource MODIFY FILE (NAME=log, FILENAME= 'new_path_of_mastermssqlsystemresource.ldf');
4. Make sure the Resource database is set to read-only by running this query:
ALTER DATABASE mssqlsystemresource SET READ_ONLY;
5. Physically move the files to the new location.
6. Restart the MSSQLSERVER service.

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How To Retrieve All Columns Of All Databases With System Sp.

Apr 27, 2008

i want to retrieve all columns for all tables (for all databases) by this system sp :
Code Snippetexec sp_msforeachtable 'exec sp_columns ''?''' but when i execute this script, sql server return number of empty result set, how to solve this problem ?

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Test Restore Databases

May 19, 2003

Hi all:-

I administer about 100 databases. I back them up to a file on the server hard drive everynight. Once a month I would like to test restore the backups . Due to the huge number of databases now its almost impossible to manually test restore them one by one so I came up with an automated script to do it. I have a database called testrestore and I restore each backup file to it get the count on certain crucial tables, throw it in a different table for later comparison and replace the database with the next backup file. I need to run this script on production, do you think its okay to test restore 100 databases one after the other using the 'replace' parameter ? Can it cause any memeory issues ? Is there any other way to test restore such a huge number of databases ? Suggestions are welcome.


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Restore Of Databases - URGENT

Sep 4, 2001

Hi all - I may be showing my ignorance here but I am in desparate need for some help on restoring my databases. Is there a way to restore/import/recreate a database directly from the .mdf/.ldf files. What has happened it that my hard drive containing my SQL data crashed and cannot be recovered. The only backup that I have of my SQL data is a direct copy of my entire DATA directory from the now ruined SQL install. I need to be able to restore those .mdf and .ldf files into a new instance of SQL. Is there a way to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Steve Mueller

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Help Me Restore Lost Databases! :(

Nov 6, 2007

Ok guys, I do a regular daily ntbackup of my entire server. I thought I had sql backups going daily but I think a admin password change stopped that and well those backups are a LONG time ago. The ntbackup is just 1 lost half day.

Windows crashed and had to be reinstalled, so I have all the files in the database folder and what I've done so far was reinstall windows, sql, and all that stuff so now windows is back up and going. I used sql admin and created the database ncdsm. Then I took the folder from the backup of the database for ncdsm and copied it to the new sql install (after stopping the service) and then turned it back on, and it shows that the tables do not exist, but it shows the list of tables in red.

How can I fix this and get all my databases back to normal? Thanks.

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HELP Lost DB, Restore From System Backup Not SQL

Sep 3, 1999

I have to restore a database from a directory structure backup run by NT SERVER not SQL SERVER. I am not sure of the database size structure or whethter it has a log device. I am desperate for any advice on methods of restoring this in a safe manner.(it is a live production DB)

Thanks in advance.

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Question On System And Data Restore

Sep 20, 2006

new to SQL Server 2000. We have an obsolete database that we need tosave off for x number of years. DB2 has utilities (DB2Look/Export)that allows for the export of the data along with a schema and scriptthat enables the future recreation of the structure of the databasesand tables to include RI etc. You can save off the architecture andrelationships of the tables as well as the data.Does SQL Server have anything similar?Thanks in advance.Gerry

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Prevent Backup And Restore On Different System

Sep 24, 2007

How do I prevent someone from backing up the data / copying the mdf and then mounting it from a different server or instance to gain access to the DB.

I do not have control over the physical file.

Basically, I want to make sure that only authorized applications and users can access the data.

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How Do You Hide The Default System Databases (i.e., Master)?

Feb 5, 2001

How do you hide the default system databases so that they cannot be viewed? Also when it it time for me to access them how do I unhide the databases?

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System Databases In Full Recovery Mode

Mar 6, 2006


What are the pros and cons of putting the system databases in full recovery mode
I am asked by my manager to keep everything simple and uniform.We have all the user databases in Full recovery mode and he wants all the system databases as well to be full recovery mode.
I would like to get the points where in i can argue that, there is no point in having the system databases in full recovery mode.Unfortunately i dont see anything related to this in BOL or internet.

Plz help


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SQL Server 2008 :: Shrink System Databases

Apr 28, 2015

I have some questions :

1.Is it OK to shrink Master, model ? the transaction log for those databases are full .
2.Is it OK to set the Recovery model of Database MODEL as SIMPLE ? at the moment it is in FULL recovery model and the transaction log is Full too

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Move Mdf Files For System Databases To Another Location

Mar 18, 2008

Hello there,
I've been told that it is good practice to keep mdf and ldf files in another location... We have it in place for all our user databases, however mdf and ldf files for our system dbs are still at the same location. I was wondering what is the right way of splitting those should be?

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