Restore Data From .Mdf And .Ldf For SQLserver 7.0

Dec 23, 1999

Hi all,

Since my daily backup failed, I need to restore a database
from .mdf and .ldf files so that i can get all the transactions.

Thanks for your help

Sanjeev Kumar

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SQLServer Restore (HELP PLEASE)

Feb 20, 2004

Hello Guys

We΄re in a big deep problem...

We lost some data from our SQLServer and now we discover that the SQLServer agent was not running and the backup was not being performed.

Is that any way to recover the lost data from the log files, even if we have to retype everything?


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Problem Unicode Data 0x2300 In SQLServer 2000 SQLServer 2005 Express

Sep 20, 2006

Hi experts;
I have a problem with unicode character 0x2300
I created this table
create table testunicode (Bez nchar(128))

Insert Data
insert into testunicode (Bez)values('Œ€„’')
with 2 Unicode characters
Œ€ = 0x2300
„’ = 0x2122

Selecting the data
select Bez from testunicode
I see

„’ = 0x2122 is ok but instead of 0x2300 there is 0x3f

When I modify the insert statement like that ( 8960 = 0x2300 )
insert into testunicode (Bez)values(NCHAR(8960)+'„’')

and select again voila i see
Does anyone have an idea?


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Can't Restore A Backup From File On Sqlserver 6.5

Oct 14, 1999

I have a production SQLServer 6.5 on Nt 3.51 SP4
that had problems two weeks ago, an I had
to restore the backup of the previous night.

we are testing our disaster recovery procedures
on another server, identical to the production

We have installed NT 3.51 SP 4 and SQLServer 6.5
in the same order and with the same configuration
of the production server,
but i can't restore on the test server the
backup files that i have succesfully resotred
on the production server.

we make the SQLServer back up on file ( and
then we backup those files on tape with
NT backup) so I don't think is a problem
of HW Tape Bios or Compression because
i have tried to resotre directly the
files without taking them from a tape.

I have created a new database , without data,
with the same devices, in megabyte, that I
have on the production server.
than from enterprise manager I have started
the restore from file, and after two seconds
everything stops, and I can't even shutdown
the task but i MUST turn the server off
using the power button.

when I start the server again there are
no specific errors in the event log nor
in the SQLServer error log.
The db i was trying to restore is marked
"loading" and it is not available.

This same procedure works perfectly
on the production server.

I have then created another db on the test
server, and I have succesfully tranferred
( but not resotred) the produciont db
onto the test one, using the transfer menu
on SQLEnterprise manager.

another strange thing is that I have tryed
to expand the tempdb, which is only 2 mega
by default, but whenever i try to expand it,
using enterprise manager, only the LOG area
of tempdb sucessfully expands, not the data area.
I don't know if this behaviour is related
to the unsuccesfull restore or if
it is another problem.

i have checked the sort order and character set
of the 2 servers and they are the same.

thanks in advance for any help.

Eugenio La Mesa

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How To Grant Backup And Restore ONLY To A Sqlserver Login

Apr 15, 2008

Hi guys! When it comes to writing sql statements, I do ok.  But I just know the basics on sql server dba stuff.I need to create a sql server login account that has the ability to backup and restore databases, BUT NOTHING ELSE.No ability to change anything other than via the restore process. I figured out how to do the backup portion of my requirement, but not the restore part.Any ideas? Thanks in advance! 

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Restore (migrate) Database From MS SQLserver 2005

Nov 1, 2007

can we restore (migrate) database from MS SQLserver 2005 to MS SQLserver 2000

Pls reply.

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Restore Readonly Filegroup Sqlserver 2000

Sep 26, 2007


I have a database running on sqlserver 2000. This database (let's call it TestDatabase) has 2 filegroups called 'PRIMARY' and 'SECONDARY', and is bulk-logged. The 'SECONDARY' filegroup is set to readonly since no data gets changed there by the applications, it is read-only data. Sometimes this read-only data needs an update, so I need to update the data in the 'SECONDARY' filegroup by running some long data-operations. These data-operations are executed and checked on a another database (which is a backup of TestDatabase) called TestDatabaseDemo. When everything is correct in TestDatabaseDemo we can copy all objects from the 'SECONDARY'-filegroup of TestDatabaseDemo to the 'SECONDARY'-filegroup of TestDatabase using DTS. This takes a long time and I want to try if I could speed up things by using the following strategy:

Take a full backup of TestDatabase

Restore full backup as TestDatabaseDemo

Run long-running data-operations on TestDatabaseDemo

Take a backup of TestDatabaseDemo

Restore only the 'SECONDARY'-filegroup from TestDatabaseDemo to TestDatabase, and keeping the 'PRIMARY' filegroup from TestDatabase as it was at that moment.
Suppose we arrived at step 5, I am executing the following commands:

Code Snippet
--make full backup of TestDatabase
backup database TestDatabase to DISK='G: emp estdatabase.bak' with init
--make full backup of TestDatabaseDemo
backup database TestDatabaseDemo to DISK='G: emp estdatabasedemo.bak' with init

backup log TestDatabase to DISK='g: emp estdatabase.log'

--restore secondary filegroup from TestDatabasedemo-backup
restore database TestDatabase FILEGROUP='SECONDARY' FROM DISK='G: emp estdatabasedemo.bak'
with move 'TestDatabase_Data_Secondary' to 'G: empTestDatabase_Data_secondary.ndf', NORECOVERY
--restore primary filegroup from Testdatabase-backup
restore database TestDatabase FILEGROUP='PRIMARY' FROM DISK='G: emp estdatabase.bak'
with move 'TestDatabase_Data' to 'G: empTestDatabase_Data.mdf', NORECOVERY
--restore log and try to get db onlin
restore log TestDatabase FROM DISK='g: emp estdatabase.log' with recovery

I get the following error:
The log in this backup set terminates at LSN 6000000021500001, which is too early to apply to the database. A more recent log backup that includes LSN 6000000022400003 can be restored.

When trying to execute "RESTORE DATABASE TestDatabase WITH RECOVERY; " as last statement
I get error:
The database cannot be recovered because the files have been restored to inconsistent points in time.

How i can restore the read-only filegroup correctly?

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Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo Backup And Restore Classes

Jan 10, 2006


Hopefully someone out there will be able to help me with this question. I'm trying to setup my C# program to use the Backup and Restore classes to perform backups and restores on an SQL Express 2005 database.

From the documentation I've read... it seems that when you go to restore the database, it's a good idea to backup the current transaction log. But when I do this using the Backup.SqlBackup method I get an error saying that no database backup is detected so a log backup can't occur. I'm not sure if this has something to do with the fact that I moved my backup files from the default SQL Express/Server Backup folder to a different location. Shouldn't it know I've already performed a backup though?

And does anyone know how to set a parameter to backup to a different file location than the default? I've been doing a backup then a file move. Works the same, but it would be nice to have everything together in the Backup object.


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Restore Database From Evaluation Version Sqlserver 2005

Apr 3, 2008


I have an sqlserver 2005 Enterprise edition (Evaluation version) installed on one of my servers.It got expired after 180days and now i want to transfer the database that was residing on that Evaluation version sqlserver to a new Development server.

Do we have any way to restore the database from a already expired Sqlserver trail version to a new Development server.
I dont want make an upgrade.
Please suggest me.


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Error 3205 Restore SQLServer 2005 Express To MSDE

Aug 27, 2007

I am trying to restore a database backed up using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to a server using MSDE. I get an error 3205 "Too many backup devices specified...64 max..."

I'm only specifying one file for the restore.


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Restore Failed For Server '...SQLEXPRESS'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)

Jan 29, 2008


System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The operating system returned the error '5(Access is denied.)' while attempting 'RestoreContainer::ValidateTargetForCreation' on 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.1MSSQLAlamoDB.mdf'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Express.Smo)



I got this error while trying to restore my database (which was running on SQL Server 2005 Express Edition) onto another machine's SQL Server 2005 Express Edition.

Can anyone plz. help me out with this error.

Thanks & Regards
Trinadh P.

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How To Transfer Data From A SqlServer Database To A SqlServer Express Database

Mar 29, 2006

Is there a way to transfer data from a SqlServer db to a SqlServer Express db. I tried to use the backup file of SqlServer, but this file is not valid for SqlServer Express. Or there any alternatives?



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SqlServer 2005 String Or Binary Data Would Be Truncated When Data Is OK

Feb 21, 2006

When using AquaData or JDBC (inet tds driver), when doing an insert using SqlServer 2005, I get error "String or binary data would be truncated" when the data is actually OK. There are no triggers, etc. that would confuse the situation. It works fine in SqlServer 2000.

The scenario is as follows:

Create table:
create table test3 (
name varchar (18) ,
tbname varchar (18)

Create and populate table:
create table maxtable (
tablename varchar (18) not null,

Try to insert into test3:
insert into test3 (name, tbname)
from dbo.sysindexes i, sysobjects o, maxtable m
where i.indid > 0 and i.indid < 255
and = and i.indid = 1
and = lower(m.tablename)

And I get the error "String or binary data would be truncated." The values being selected for and have maximum length of 18. There are other rows in sysindexes and sysobjects with longer values, but they are not being selected.

The error does not occur with SQL Server Management Studio, and does not occur using SqlServer 2000.

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Feb 26, 2008

I have a custom (dataset) destination component from ms samples and it has an input holds DT_NTEXT value.

Whenever I try to retrieve data from this it returns "Microsoft.SqlServer.Dts.Pipeline.BlobColumn" as value.

I try this but didn't work:

String sValue = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(this.dataSet.Tables[0].Rows["Data"].ToString()));

It throws an execption "invalid character in.."

Please help how I can convert this?

Thanks in advance

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Joining MS SqlServer Data With Oracle Data

Nov 7, 2007

OK so there is some data in an Oracle DB that I need to query and analyze.  Unfortunately, the criteria for selecting/grouping the data is stored in a MS Sql Server DB.  This cannot be changed. 
SqlServerGroup Name       ID#      Item     ConditionAAA123              1         a              1AAA123              2         a              1AAA123              3         a              1AAA123              4         a              2AAA123              5         a              2AAA123              1         b              3AAA123              2         b              4AAA123              3         b              3AAA123              4         b              4AAA123              5         b              3BBB123              1         a              1BBB123              2         a              1BBB123              3         a              2BBB123              4         a              2BBB123              5         a              2
OracleGroup Name       ID#     ValueAAA123              1          50%AAA123              2          55%AAA123              3          60%AAA123              4          80%AAA123              5          70%BBB123              1          35%BBB123              2          45%BBB123              3          50%BBB123              4          50%BBB123              5          80%
 I need to be able to get this:Group Name  Item   Condition ValueAAA123          a           1          55%AAA123          a           2          75%AAA123          b           3          60%AAA123          b           4          67.5%BBB123          a           1          40%BBB123          a           2          60%
 Any idea how I can get the data from these two DBs to talk to each other?  Thanks.

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Asp.Net And SqlServer Data

Oct 19, 2004


can anybody tell me that:
1)How can i retrieve a binary field (image field) that stored in SqlServer2000 with Vb.Net and save
it again in my hard disk that i have again that file?
2)can SqlServer itself convert image field to file with its store procedures?
3)can sqlserver run an exe file on local computer from its storeprocedure?

Best Regards

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How Do I Get My Data Into SqlServer?

Mar 16, 2006

I have a development machine that I have prototyped with access.  I don't know how to get the access data into Sql Server on the Internet.  Can you help me?  I'm not sure where to start.  Thank you for any help.

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Saving Data Into SQLServer

Nov 6, 2007

Here is a structure of my table 
create table events( event_id integer primary key identity(1,1), event_name varchar(200), event_date datetime,)
Note: The event_id is a automacally and we don't need to insert record in this field.
for example
i have inserted 10 records in a table
then i deleted all records manually from sql server
but when again I save the record the event_id field shows started from 11 even the table was empty,
although it should be start from 1?

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Fatch The Data With Two Different Sqlserver.

Aug 11, 2005

Can i fatch the data with to different sqlserver.i want a query i.e  select query fatch the data this different database and diff.table.i.e. sqlserver to sqlserver  and oracle to sqlserver

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About Accessing Data From Sqlserver

Sep 15, 2005

Hello sir,I have installed .net1.1version on windows2003 operating system.I have also installed sqlserver2000  on the same system.My problem is that when i am trying to get data from sqlserver from program i am getting error as 'access denied to user NT AUTHORITY/NETWORK USER'.I request you to kindly suggest me with an appropriate solution.Thanking you.Please email me

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Import Data To Sqlserver

Feb 5, 2008

How to expor data from Filemaker to Sqlserver? From the Filemaker, I am exporting data into Tab File(values are separated by tab). How to put data from that file into Sqlserver tables?


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How To Export Data From Sqlserver To Excel

May 22, 2007

how to export data from sqlserver to excel

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Data Access From Sqlserver 2000

Sep 7, 2007

      i have one prob . i m using   sql server 2000 . and i have write a store procedure to fetch data from multiple table using cursor  .  this query exculate in sql server .  but i can't fetch this data from  in our page . how to fetch data from using multiple table  .plz help

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How To Use Xml Data From A Sqlserver Table In A Gridview

Jan 6, 2008

I have a products table in a Sql Server 2005 database.  One of the fields contains the products attributes in xml.  The most commonly used attribute is color.  An element of color is inventory.  This is the only way I could think of to maintain inventory numbers of each color of each product using someone else's (opensource) code.  An example of an attribute field would be <?xml version="1.0"?> <ArrayOfAttribute
xmlns:xsd=""> <Attribute>
<Name>Color</Name> <Description>Shown in
Black</Description> <Selections> <AttributeSelection>
<FormattedValue>483 - Black</FormattedValue> <Value>483 -
Black</Value> <Inventory>25</Inventory>
</AttributeSelection> <AttributeSelection> <FormattedValue>484
- Lt. Tan</FormattedValue> <Value>484 - Lt. Tan</Value>
<Inventory>15</Inventory> </AttributeSelection>
<AttributeSelection> <FormattedValue>485 -
Pink</FormattedValue> <Value>485 - Pink</Value>
<Inventory>17</Inventory> </AttributeSelection>
</Selections> <SelectionType>SingleSelection</SelectionType>
</Attribute> </ArrayOfAttribute> How can I read this into the gridview control so that it makes sense to the user?Diane 

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Import Data From Excel To SQLserver

Aug 2, 2004

Hi all!

I need to import data from excel file to SQLserver. What is the best way to do this?
Please give as much explanations as possible (code example would be very-very helpful).

Any ideas are wellcome.

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Doubt About Sqlserver Data Types

Mar 21, 2005

I'm working with sqlserver express 2005, and I have a lot of doubts about what sqlserver data types use. More exactly my doubt is about text types... nchar, nvarchar, varchar... what are the differences???


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Question About Data Type Sqlserver ?

May 13, 2005

I have two problem :
+ The first, This is table store all items in bookshop system
tblItems:        IDItem         Identity(Auto number)       Namebook    nvarchar2       Price            nvarchar2       Chapters       nvarchar2       Weight         nvarchar2  (weight of book)       .....  I design data type for Chapter,or Price,Weight is nvarchar2 ? <-----I wrong ? (I want to refer to principle of design the database)
+ The second ,When i design Price is the int datatype ! The default value is 0 ( I don't want to have this value ,i want to it is a empty field )
I really sorry because i ask too much ! Because i am a new programming !
Any Help or Advice would like appreciately ! Thanks u !

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Import Data From Excel To SqlServer

Dec 28, 2004


I want to import data from an excel sheet to SqlServer....
I use a linked server...
I execute the following code:

EXEC sp_addlinkedserver 'ExcelSource',
'Jet 4.0',
'Excel 5.0'

sp_addlinkedsrvlogin N'ExcelSource', false, sa, N'ADMIN', NULL

SELECT * FROM ExcelSource...Sheet1$

and I get the error:

Server: Msg 7314, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
OLE DB provider 'ExcelSource' does not contain table 'Sheet1$'. The table either does not exist or the current user does not have permissions on that table.
OLE DB error trace [Non-interface error: OLE DB provider does not contain the table: ProviderName='ExcelSource', TableName='Sheet1$'].

When I execute the command:

select * from OpenRowset('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'Excel 8.0;Database=c:ook1.xls',Sheet1$)

I get the same error...

Can anyone help me?


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Numeric Data Types In Sqlserver

Jan 17, 2005

Whats the difference between int,float and decimal in sql server.

WHich data type takes how many bytes?

What data type i should use to store the following sets of data



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SQLserver 2005 -data Length 'max'

Jan 11, 2007

Hi all,

I ve few queries regarding SQLServer 2005, kindly help me to understand the things,

1. Datatypes like nvarchar, varchar, varbinary use 'max' to define their datalength,

a. is this 'max' always has the value of 2^31-1 ?
b. what other data types in sqlserver 2005 can use 'max' to define their datalength?

2. I defined a table (say 't') with a column 'name' of datatype nvarchar(max), now tried to execute the below query in the SQLServer client,

select column_name, data_type, character_maximum_length from information_schema.columns where table_name='t'

the result is,

| column_name | data_type | character_maximum_length |
| name | nvarchar | -1 |

The question is why the datatype length is returned as -1, what happened to 'max'?
is there any other way to retrieve the actual data length (ie., 'max') from the table definition?


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SQLServer To Teradata Data Load Via DTS

Feb 24, 2004

I am extracting data from an SQLServer database to load into Teradata using DTS. The performance is abysmal. The same data in a text file loads quickly via multiload. I can move the data to other DBMSs via DTS quickly as well. Is there some way for me to improve the elapsed time/performance while using DTS? If not, what is the best way to move data from SQLServer into Teradata?

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How To Have Data Stored In UTF 8 Format In SQLServer

Apr 6, 2004

Dear friends,
In SQLServer, it seems to make data stored in Unicode, you need to go to each column type and change it from varchar to nvarchar.

Apart from this, is there a direct way of Setting Unicode for the whole database at once, which would set all coulns to the unicode equivalent.
It seems there is such an option in Oracle

Please comment on this..



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Removing Data From A Sqlserver Database.

Sep 10, 2007

I would like to remove data from a sqlserver database but keep the structure the the db. How would I do this?

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