Hello, I am a newbie to SQL 7.0. I have a 14 gig database, that this moring i accidently deleted rows out of a major table. I never issued a commit and the current log is 12gig. I tred the following -
I assume the above will restore the db from the trans log, since no commit was issed. Anyway, the error message I received was DATABASE MUST BE IN EXCLUSIVE MODE. I think its, since I have restricted users to just the sa. What is the proper produre to recover this database??
When I have tried to restore a Backup Database from Tape, I get this message :
The DataBase your are attemping to restore was backed up under a different sort order ID (146) than the one currently running on this server (52), and at least one of them is non-binary sort order.
I've database in both server of same structure, I'm trying to take backup of database on share drive and trying to restore from the another server, On another server I've mapped that drive as G: and I'm running the restore statement as restore database Indices from disk = 'G:Indices.bak' with replace, Move 'Indices_Data' to 'C:MSSQL7DataIndices_Data.MDF', Move 'Indices_Log' to 'C:MSSQL7DataIndices_Log.MDF'
It gives me error Server: Msg 3201, level 16, state 2, line 1 cannot open backup device 'G:Indices.Bak'. Device error or device off-line.
On Share drive permission, I've given full control to everyone Can anyone pls help me.
Hi, my live database just crashed, and i restored to point in time. the restore claimed it was successful, but the database has remained in LOADING status for a long time now. does this ever go away, or am i in big trouble here? how long should i let this thing "load" before i just delete the database and recreate and restore again? thank you
Someone, I don't know who, deleted an important table in my database. I've only been able to find restore routines on full databases. Is there any way to restore just a single table?
I have a 95GB database (dump file is 73 GB) and I want to restore it on a different server. I have created 95GB devices and tried to restore it, but it failed because of reason " page xxx had non-log objectid xxx while checking in syslogs" . I tried locating the object on that page but it showed page is in cache.
Hi all - I may be showing my ignorance here but I am in desparate need for some help on restoring my databases. Is there a way to restore/import/recreate a database directly from the .mdf/.ldf files. What has happened it that my hard drive containing my SQL data crashed and cannot be recovered. The only backup that I have of my SQL data is a direct copy of my entire DATA directory from the now ruined SQL install. I need to be able to restore those .mdf and .ldf files into a new instance of SQL. Is there a way to do this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
i have a db ABC and want to restore it as ABCbak, I am taking the backup of the db ABC and restoring it on ABCbak, i am also seeing that the physical names are different but logical names remains the same. Will this cause any kind of problem to db ABC.
Muhammad Qasim writes "i hav query that i was just taking the backup of the database n by mistake i just clicked restore as the wizards are similar so i just restored the database to 10days old backup n now i have no latest backup so how can i just undo this restore if u hav any idea of how to overcome this plz reply as early possible lookin for replies"
I'm having a serious problem while trying to restore a database backup. Before concluding the process, the following error apear's:
MICROSOFT SQL - DMO (ODBC SQLSTATE: 42000) The media family on device €œd:ackupdbprinc.bak€? is incorrectly formed. This SQL Server cannot process media family. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
When I try €œto attach€? the database, the following message apear's: LOADING€¦. but the tables didn't open. I'll be grateful if somebody could help me, because I need to restore this database urgently.
Can someone please help urgently. I have a number of databases that I have set maintenance plans for. I am trying to restore these databases by using a stored proceedure. It was successful on my testing server, but when i try it on the production servers i have an error:
Server: Msg 913, Level 16, State 8, Line 1 Could not find database ID 65535. Database may not be activated yet or may be in transition. Server: Msg 3013, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.
If I do the following on the production machine it works:
restore database CPROD FROM DISK ='E:SQL_TEST_RestoreCPROD_db_200608220410.BAK' with recovery, Move 'CPROD_Data' to 'E:SQL_DATAMSSQLDataCPROD_Data.MDF', Move 'CPROD_Log' to 'E:SQL_DATAMSSQLLogCPROD_Log.LDF'
But this is not the point as the maintenance plan is set to have 15minute backups and if this was to be done manually It would take forever to restore all the databases.
I did find one differnece with the test and production servers:
The collation for my test box is LATIN1_GENERAL_CP1_CI_CS
and the production machine is LATIN1_GENERAL_CP850_CS_AS
Dont know if that helps. I can post the script if necessary
Hi Is there a way to restore only one table from a DB backup. I need restore one table not database because I have update others tables in this database. thanks in advance kinds regards Abdel
I have inherited a project from a co-worker who has had a family tradegy, and I am trying to get up to speed with her project.
We have an SQL server 7 database which is getting backed up every night (by SQL itself) into a .BAK file. I need to know if it is possible to restore this file from the command line (a DOS prompt.) I know (or think I know) how to do it from within SQL Enterprise Manager, however the specific needs of this project require it be done from a command line on the machine.
I really am not an SQL guru...I don't even think I qualify as "knowing what I am doing" at all, so any advice you can offer will be greatly appreciated. This is kind og urgent, so your thoughts are welcome!
I made a backup of a production database and copied that backup over to a development server and restored the database. Now I have users saying that the application is failing on development. I have users that have NT authentication and some with SQL authentication.
What is the best way to get everything to sync up again?????
Hi all, I have created a new database from a backup. When I run the application, it seems like it is not getting the right indexes but it is in Development environment. So, I ran a script to recreate the index by DBCC DBREINDEX(TABLENAME). Still not getting it right. mainly it is not using the primary key index. I believe that dbcc dbrenindex will also reindex primarykey indexes. Any one know, how to overcome this problem. It is a production issue and I would appreciate for your prompt advise. Note: Does anyone has any script to drop the primarykey index and to recreate it. Thanks, Joe
I have lost a table's contents and need to restore them urgently. I backed up the database. I selected the backup set in order to restore it, but the "Point in time restore " was disabled and I couldn't select it to set the time to which to restore.Could anyone tell me the reason behing that? Another interesting thing is that when I backup a database, I only have two options for backing it up, 1. database complete 2. database differential
Hi all, I have created a new database from a backup. When I run the application, it seems like it is not getting the right indexes but it is in Development environment. So, I ran a script to recreate the index by DBCC DBREINDEX(TABLENAME). Still not getting it right. mainly it is not using the primary key index. I believe that dbcc dbrenindex will also reindex primarykey indexes. Any one know, how to overcome this problem. It is a production issue and I would appreciate for your prompt advise. I have also ran the update statistics on all tables but with no luck Note: Does anyone has any script to drop the primarykey index and to recreate it. Thanks, Joe
I accidentally restore an old database backup to my current database!! The worst is I don't have any new backup for my current database....:eek:
So ... does anybody here know how to solve this problem?? Can I undo the transaction log?? if it is possible.. could you please teach me the way to undo it?? I'm desperate.....
I'd greatly appreciate if you can answer me....
Thanks in advance... __________________ Best Regards, Debbie
Hi all i create a setup project with visual studio 2005. In this project i install cassini, sqlexpress, ajax and my site. After this i have to restore a database i use for my application.
if i try to restore it in two machines (XP-Vista) where i have already installed sql server it works fine but when i try to restore it in a virgin machine i have a "Restore failed for Server 'MyServer' " error
So i suppose it's a problem of permission for user or is locked something in sqlexpress while it isn't in sql server I try to change "Built-in account" in Configuration Manager from Network service to Local System but nothig someone can help me? thanks Marco
There is a database located at remote location we wanted the same on the local server..so we backed it up then restored the same on the local server everything went successfull.
When i tried to create user it says the user is already existing, but nither can i see the user nor drop the one..(ofcourse not existing) it gives me an error 15023.
The other problem is that when i check the storedprocedures i can see and open them when i try to look for permissions or assign it by clicking permissions tab it says the specific stored procedure doesnot exist and gives me a sql-dmo error 21770.
We have an order posting stored procedure that's been executing for 14 hours now. This procedure has simple update statements but all the tables updated have triggers which update other tables with triggers and so on. This procedure hasn't commited yet. I have a full database backup from last night and transaction log backup from this morning while it was running. I want to kill this job and restore database from last backup. Only thing I am afraid of is that it will take too long to roll back which I have no estimate of time. Is there any faster way to get rid of all the uncommited transactions? Has anybody rolled back such a massive transaction? Any idea on how long it can take? Can it affect the overall server performance as this is the main production ERP server. I can see in profiler that this procedure is still running and not hung.
I was having problems on myt PC so i did a fresh installation. However I had backed up my SQL database (I only have the MDF file and not the log file).
I have tried restoring and attaching options but nothing works :(
I also get the error saying
"Can not open backup device.... Device error or device off-line. See the SQL server error log for more details. RESTORE database is terminating abnormally".
Please this is urgent. WIll be VERY grateful for your urgent reply.
I was having problems on myt PC so i did a fresh installation. However I had backed up my SQL database (I only have the MDF file and not the log file).
I have tried restoring and attaching options but nothing works :(
I also get the error saying
"Can not open backup device.... Device error or device off-line. See the SQL server error log for more details. RESTORE database is terminating abnormally".
Please this is really urgent. Will be VERY grateful for your urgent reply.
I'm having a serious problem in SQL 2000 SP3 Database which is used Business Applications. Today, I tryied to take backup in service time by the Enterprize Manager, the following error occured and could not take backup. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Error 926 : Database '[database name]' cannot opened. It has been marked SUSPECT by recovery. See the SQL Server errorlog for more information. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that, we tried same operation 3 times. But result is same.
After sometime, end-user report us that they can not log-in to database.
So we tried to dettach this database and attached it. We success to dettach, but we can not attached it.
Also we tried to restore this database from Yesterday's backup file by using Enterprize Manager, but the following error occured, and could not complete. This backup file was generated daily backup task in Maintenance Plan in Enterprize Manager. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Microsoft SQl-DMO(ODBC SQLState:42000) The media family on device "E:ccd......xxx.bak" is incorrectly formed. SQL Server cannot process this media family. RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
We need to recover the database immediately not to stop the end-user business process. Please help us.
I am having difficulty restoring a database (DB_1) with 2 datafiles and one log file, DB Structure is as following:
Filegroup PRIMARY with file name 'fnm_data' with physical file name and location D:dbfile_1.mdf, Filegroup 'FG1' with file name 'fgnm1_data1' with physical file name and location F:dbfile_FG1.mdf, One log file with file name 'fnm_log' with physical file name and location (E:loglog_db.ldf)
{Note} Logfile resides on E drive whereas Datafiles reside on several other drives.
I need to restore the DB on another machine. And I need to move the log file to a drive other than E.In this case it is K drive. Hence I have used the following code,
restore log DB_1 from disk='M:kupccciclog.txt'
TO 'K:DBlog_db.ldf', recovery, replace,RESTART
When I try to restore from backup files, I keep error message saying "Physical file name E:loglog_db.ldf may be incorrect." 'fnm_log' cannot be restored. Use Move command to identify a valid location for the file.
Even though I am using Move command to move the log file.
Then I found that if I create a drive with E: and a folder named 'log' then restore program runs alright. That is, when E:log exists then code does run smoothly. All the restore code is looking for the presence of path of the log file from where it is been backed up. In this case it is E:log folder. Once the database is restored I could kill that directory and nothing happens. Also log file has been restored on K:DB only.
Why the restore code is looking for the initial drive letter and path even though I have used Move command? Is there an issue in my code?
We have received a backup of a database from an external company for a project that we are taking over. We have attempted to restore the database and it fails giving us the error: "Internal consistency error occurred."
We have run the restore verifyonly command with the results: "The backup set is valid." However, I don't have confidence that the verify is telling the complete story.
It appears that the database is restored and the overall restore is failing on the transaction log file.
I was wondering how I could restore a bkp file into a database with a different name. For example, I made a backup of T1.mdf and i want to restore t1.bkp to T2.mdf.
This morning I can not connect to our SQL Server 7.0 whatever from client or server. The error message which I list below:
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A connection could not be estabished to server--Timeout expired Please verfy SQL Server is running and check your SQL Server registration properties and try again. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
We use windows NT authentication. We did not do any change on NT. The SQL Server daily schedule job usally stoped at 10:00AM, but today from the Window NT Task Manager, we can see that the SQL Server is still running untill now.
While migrating Report services in SQL Server 2005 to 2014, I am trying to restore the Encryption Key in RS Configuration Manager in2014. But I cannot click the 'Restore' button in RS Configuration Manager. So if I should be grant more right to do so or any other action?
In Windows Server 2012. How do I do a System Restore to a previous restore point?I need to install the 64 bit and 32 bit Oracle Client Install for connections in SSIS and to create Oracle Linked Servers.
If you make a mistake it is not fun removing it. Sometimes it corrupts the machine and it is difficult to uninstall since there is not an Oracle Universal installer for Oracle 11g.If you install the 32 bit before the 64 you mess up the machine.how to create a restore point.
I am looking for a SQL Backup/Restore tools which can restore multiple environments. Here is high level requirements.
1. We have 4 DBs, range from 1 TB - 1.5 TB Each Database. When we restore to QA, DEV, or Staging, we usually restore 4 of them. 2. I am looking for the speed to complete restoring between 1 - 2 hours for 4 DBs.
I am evaluating the Dephix Software but the setup is very complex and its given us a lot of issues with Windows Authentions, and failure in the middle of the backup. I used Guess Software many years ago but can't find it on the web site any more. Speed is very important for us mean complete restoring as fast as possible. We are on SQL 2012 and SQL 2008 R2.We are currently using NETAPP Technology and I have Redgate Backup Tool but I am mainly looking for fast Restore Process.