Restore Database Via Automated Order

Jul 20, 2005

Hi folks,

I got a script which restores a database. It works fine
if it is running in my Query Analyzer.

It fails when I put this script in an automated schedule using the
SQL agent.

This is my script

FROM DISK = N'E:sqlbakRestoreTest.BAK'

and this is the error message from the scheduler (Sorry its in German)

Executing as User dbo. Exclusiv access to database not possible
it is in use (which is not).. Rest may be clear ;-))

Ausführt als Benutzer: dbo. Exklusiver Zugriff auf die Datenbank ist
nicht möglich, da die Datenbank gerade verwendet wird. [SQLSTATE
42000] (Fehler 3101) RESTORE DATABASE wird fehlerbedingt beendet.
[SQLSTATE 42000] (Fehler 3013). Fehler bei Schritt

Do you have any suggestion to me ?

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Automated Restore

Oct 17, 2005


I have 2 databases, one called "ManagementDB" and the other called "ManagementDBYesterday".

Basically I get asked very frequently to look at yesterdays data for various reasons and I thought it'd be a good idea to always have yesterdays data to hand instead of restoring all the time.

I have tried DTS but this takes too long, I've also thought of replication however the database is modified too frequently for this to be easliy implemented.

Restoring from a backup is quite quick so I thought if I could somehow automate this, I'd have a readily available copy of yesterdays data to hand.

I have a mon-sun daily backup so I need to write some SQL script to restore from the correct backup to the "yesterday" database.

I've only used restore via the enterprise manager and I was wondering if anyone here could help.

kind regards,


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Stop Automated Restore

Aug 3, 2006

We have automated the process of backing up and restoring the databases. But the problem is One database is restoring from several hrs ..though it is supposed to take only a few mins. So there is some issue with it and I want to find out how I can stop the restoring process.
Its not a command am running in query analyser or Enterprise manager, but its automated so i cant see the command to stop it.
 Any ideas?

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Automated Restore Procedue

Nov 28, 2007

Every Month I have to restore Database Northwind (Using this as an example) into Database Northwindtest. I Am trying to automate this process using a Job Agent. My Code is:

FROM DISK = 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPGold_db_200711120300.bak'

The problem is I do a back up of this Database for day for a week. So I have:


How would I tell the Job agent to restore the most Current Full backup?



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Automated Database Copy

Jan 16, 2008

I have a database (actually several of them) on a production server. I want to be able to create an automatic process so every evening the production database is copied to a different server that runs staging sites.

I know that this is possible through database mirroring, but I don't want the database to be constantly mirrored. I would prefer to have a script that ran every night that just make an exact copy over to the staging server.

Is there any way to automate this, possibly through the copy database wizard? Does anyone have any good suggestions as to how I can make this work? If not, does anyone know of a good straight forward article on database mirroring that will get me started quick?


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Database Automated Part-archiving

Apr 16, 2007

Hi all,
i am a student doing my final year project and i have the duty to develop a automated part-archiving for our MsSql Server 2000 Database, but its not so simple :eek: .

the environment:
- MsSql Server 2000
- Suns App-Server Glasfish
- Java (J2EE)
- Hibernate

the requirements:
Some tables should be synchronized and redundant (the same data in both databases)

If the maindatabase is changing the schema the archivedatabse must do the same changes.

The datas in some tables (the ones that aren't synchronized) which are older then 2 Years should be moving (copy, paste) to the archivedatabase every 24 hours.

If there are is a access for a data which are not in the maindatabase, it is necassary to get it from the archivedatabase.

I don't find a way to realise this ...
can some one give me a hint?

... Sorry for my bad english, i hope i explained my problem good enough.

Thanks for ur answers

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Need To Create Custom Function For Enterting Automated Database Records

May 12, 2007

Hi All,I need help in creating a function in VB for my ASP.NET application where I want to add records to database on the first day of every month.I have got no idea about what I have to do for achieving this goal.Its basically for a customer based application where Interest will be paid into customers' account and I need to implement this for every customer on 1st day of every monthThe thing I am not sure about is how can I get the application to add a record for each customer on the first day of each month, i.e. how can I get the application to check that its 1st day of month and then the application adds records automatically for each customer based on my specified rules.If any of you could help me with this, I'll really appreciate it.Thank you.

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SQL 2012 :: Possible To Send Pivot Query Results As Automated Database Email?

Nov 26, 2014

possible to send Pivot query results as automated database email ?

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How To Automated Send Email To Inform The Status Number Of Data In Database Using Stored Procedures?

Feb 23, 2008

Hi ,

I'm just new in this SQL 2005, and I do not reallly sure the subject is right or not but as example in this link below

I want updated to few of person of any changes in database just by sending to their emails in every 2 hours as an example. I go through the example given but I do not know the step how to run stored procedures. The Information that I want to give to them is like as:

Date From : 23/02/2008
Date To: 24/02/2008
Number of user : 3

My draft table is like this

Sequence_No Submitted_Dt Name
-------------------- ------------------- ------------------------

1 2/21/2008 4:16:45 PM John
2 2/22/2008 4:16:45 PM Dean
3 2/23/2008 4:16:45 PM Rick
4 2/24/2008 4:16:45 PM Van

thanks to all of your corcern to help me


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Recordset's Order And Database's Physical Order?

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,guys!I have a table below:CREATE TABLE rsccategory(categoryid NUMERIC(2) IDENTITY(1,1),categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY(categoryid))Then I do:INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('url')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('document')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('book')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('software')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('casus')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('project')INSERT rsccategory(categoryname) VALUES('disert')Then SELECT * FROM rsccategory in ,I can get a recordeset with the'categoryid' in order(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)But If I change the table definition this way:categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE,The select result is in this order (3,5,7,2,6,4,1),and 'categoryname 'in alphabetic.Q:why the recordset's order is not the same as the first time since'categoryid' is clustered indexed.If I change the table definition again:categoryname VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL UNIQUE CLUSTEREDthe result is the same as the first time.Q:'categoryname' is clustered indexed this time,why isn't in alphabeticorder?I am a newbie in ms-sqlserver,or actually in database,and I do havesought for the answer for some time,but more confused,Thanks for yourkind help in advance!

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Database Restore Failed, Now Inaccessible And Can Not Restore.

Apr 27, 2007

I have seen this before. A 2000 restore fails, leaving the database thinking it is being restored but the restore job failed and errors when it is restarted. EM is clueless. I believe there is a proc to reset some flag. Can you share it with me???


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How To Load A Unicode File Into The Database In The Same Order As The File Order

Jul 23, 2005

The data file is a simple Unicode file with lines of text. BCPapparently doesn't guarantee this ordering, and neither does theimport tool. I want to be able to load the data either sequentially oradd line numbering to large Unicode file (1 million lines). I don'twant to deal with another programming language if possible and Iwonder if there's a trick in SQL Server to get this accomplished.Thanks for any help.Mark Leary----== Posted via Newsfeeds.Com - Unlimited-Uncensored-Secure Usenet News==---- The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World! >100,000 Newsgroups---= East/West-Coast Server Farms - Total Privacy via Encryption =---

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RESTORE Database - Database In Use, Restore Fails

Nov 19, 1999


Trying to keep out sysadmins & sa during/between database RESTORE

WINNT Server Enterprise 4.0 w/SP5
SQL Server 7 Enterprise & SP1

2 SQL Servers:
Production Server
Standby server

I Backup (full backup) databases to disk on primary server (logical backup devices are physicaly located on a Standby server (dedicated gigabit NIC in each server for this process). Transaction logs are applied to the Standby server throughout the day.

How to keep out "sa" and sysadmins from a database while I'm restoring (or between restores) to a standby server?
The database being restored cannot be in use during a restore.
If a DBA forgets that this process is happening, the statement fails (RESTORE)for the database they happen to be in at the time of the restore.

Example restore statement:
Standby Server -
RESTORE DATABASE databasename FROM database_dd WITH DBO_ONLY, REPLACE, STANDBY = 'g:Mssql7FromPrimaryDatabaseName_undo.ldf'

I could restrict Domain sysadmin access and change sa password. I could also put the database in "Single user" mode, however this could become problem if my process disconnects and then someone else connects - then my process is locked out. What I'm really looking for is to lock out all activity for a database that is in "standby mode" except for RESTORE processes.

Any ideas??


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Read Only Database Restore Bringing Database In Single User Mode?

May 9, 2012

I'm taking a database(read-only) backup from one server and restoring it on other server. As soon as restore is done it is bringing database into single-user read-only mode.

why it is bringing the database into single user mode ?

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I Want To Revert Back To Original State Of Database Before I Performed Restore Database

Nov 15, 2006

Hello,i am in great trouble. I want to revert back to original state ofdatabase before i performed restore database on my sql server 2KDatabase. Accidently i didn't take backup of my Database and i didrestore, so is there any way to get the original state back of myDatabase?Any suggestion will be highly appriciated.Regards,S. Domadia.

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Restore Of Database Backup To Another Database Makes Users DBO

May 7, 1999

Anybody figure a way around this:

In a development server you take a backup and you want to move the entire database to a production server. The production server does not contain the database, users, or logins in master.

When you restore the backup to production in 7.0, the users get moved to DBO because the logins do not exist and then you cannot delete them.

We are having to drop the users from the database on development, back up the database and restore it to production, then recreate the users on production.

This is bogus and did not happen in 6.5 because of the aliases.

Anybody come up with a better way?

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How To Backup CE Database Tables And Restore To Newer Database?

Jul 3, 2007

I am fairly new to VS 2005 and SQL Server CE. I have developed a Desktop Windows application using VB 2005 and the SQL Compact Edition Database. This application will sell to users via web download.

When they download a service patch, or updated version, I wish for them to retain the data in their present database. In other words, fill the new database with the old data. The new table structures will remain intact except for added columns at the end.

Question is how to save the old data and update the new database with it. Is there an easy way to do this, or do I need to write a module to save a database copy, and update the new database with content at install time?

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The Backup Set Holds A Backup Of A Database Other Than Existing Database. Restore Database Is Terminating Abnormally

Apr 9, 2008

I have a problem when i restore my .DAT_BAK file. I am getting error like "The backup set holds a backup of a database other than existing database. Restore Database is terminating abnormally".

I tried by using


And also i tried like



When i use like this,

RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = 'D:DATAMYTEST.DAT_BAK'. I am able to get the output as LogicalName, PhysicalName, Type, FileGroupName, Size, etc.

Can i anyone please help me out?

Thanks in Advance,
Anand Rajagopal

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SQL 2012 :: Restore Master Database For A New Database?

Jul 29, 2014

Sometime during the night last night some user account permissions were "lost". Am I right to think that restoring the master database would be the way to go? We have a 2 node 2012 cluster and I stop the cluster resource and start the db in single user mode from the active node. Somehow the sharepoint farm is still trying to connect so I can't get logged in single user. What method could I use to stop users from connecting when I don't have access to the sharepoint farm.

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Is It Possible To Restore A Database But Preserve The Security Of The Database?

Apr 26, 2007

i have a development database that has updates and changes to a production database. rather than go through individually and alter all relevant tables and stored procedures, id like to back up the database on the development side and restore it on the production side as the production database. is there a way to restore the database on the production server but preserve all the security settings (ie logins and such)? i noticed on our development server, that if i try to restore the database with my development database, it overwrites the users and/or if the user is the same on both, it removes the login name for that user.

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How To Restore Backup Database To A Different Database? Please Its Urgent

Aug 10, 2007


I was wondering how I could restore a bkp file into a database with a different name. For example, I made a backup of T1.mdf and i want to restore t1.bkp to T2.mdf.

I am using VB.Net to do the backup and restore.

Is there any way of doing it?


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Possible To Restore Database From Raw MDF And LDF Files Of Old To New Database Instance

Aug 19, 2015

I have a client that has POS software called Restaurant Pro Express (RPE) from [URL] ...

Their old POS computer had a hardware failure, but I was able to attach the hard-drive to another computer and recover the data. RPE uses a MSSQL database system. However, my client doesn't seem to make backups very often

- the last one is dated January 5, 2015. I was able to copy the C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL Server folder over which contained the instance as well as all the data files - and has up-to-date information. The instance in the recovered Microsoft SQL Server folder was called MSSQL.1. I installed the RPE software on their new computer, and it too now has an instance called MSSQL10_50.PCAMERICA. The new computer is using MSSQL 2008 R2, while I believe the old computer would have been using MSSQL 2005.

I am no DBA expert, especially when it comes to MSSQL. Is is possible to 'restore' the database from the 'raw' .mdf and .ldf files of the old computer to the new computer / database instance? If so, how should I proceed?

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Order Which Mirroring Database Get Up

Feb 7, 2007


I have 3 server configured with mirroring. When the automatic failover occur, I use alter event generate by Sql Agent to rebuild user account (problem witch
orphan user). My application use multiple database and I set up mirroring to multiple database. A question is the order which database get up after automatic failover. When event occur all database are ready to use, or maybe one database get up and sql agent send me event , secound database get up and sql agent send me event. What is the order?

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Automated Dataimport

Oct 28, 2005

Hi everyone,i'm new to and need some help. My problem:got one DB with real bad tablestructureand one new DB (structured!)i need do do an automated import from the old to the new DB, with check if the data row is new or updated.I try to do it this way-> 2 datasets merged together  ->Problem: new entries in destination dataset have row state unchangedother way  i tryed  add rows from source to destination with add funktion -> problem no check if data exist and maybe is changedSo how can i get the merge working or how can i implemt an effective funktion to solve this problem. Thanks in advance!

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SQL Automated Backup Help

Apr 3, 2000

Hi, looking for some paths to take on this one. I have to backup the database to a LS120 floppy
drive. It has to be automated so the user can just click on a desktop icon and away it goes. Probably
an easy script buy i sure would appreciete some help on this one.


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Automated Export?

Oct 19, 1999

Hi. I am using SQL 7.0.

Here is the situation... there are random (.csv) files being dropped into a specific directory on a daily basis. Is it possible to have SQL server automatically pick up this file and run it through the Import/Export data option so that it creates a SQL table from the original data? I need this whole sequence to be automated. Is this possible? Somebody please help... I will appreciate it greatly. Thanks a lot!


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Automated Installation Of SQL 6.5

Aug 28, 1998

I am trying to automate the installation process of our Help
Desk software `Expert Advisor`. It uses a MS SQL Server 6.5
database. I can figure out the automation of Expert Advisor,
but is it possible to automate the installation of the
SQL drivers for each workstation? I don`t want or need any of the
utilities such as ISQL/w installed along with the driver--just the
SQL driver itself. Is there a runtime version of the database I should
use? I`m fairly new to SQL so please forgive me if I seem naive.

Any suggestions? Any help would be appreciated.

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Automated .txt Import Pt. 2

Jun 29, 2005

I don't know what happened on that first thread, but here it is again.

Thanks for your help.

I have set up a .bat file to automatically export all of my server logs to a directory on my SQL server. From there I am trying to import those files into an event_log table that I have set up. (from there I am going to use Cold Fusion to parse the table each day and e-mail me with anything I should look at) The estimated ROI for my company is roughly $14.5k, it's easy so if you don't already have an error log monitoring solution, check this out!

Anyway I tried to use BCP in my .bat file but it keeps coming back with an unexpected end of file error.

Can I get some help with either:
1. Find a command line tool to import these .txt files with
2. Help me with the BCP issue?

Thanks in advance.

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Automated SQL Documenation?

Jul 2, 2004

I am an intern at a university and we are looking for a way to automatically document tables, queries, etc. ColdFusion is the platform used, and SQL Server 2000. Is there a way to have the documentation performed that will capture tables, constraints, etc.? I have found some, but so far, none are working. Please help if you can!!! :confused:

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Automated Import Of XLS To SQL

Jan 6, 2004

I have a customer who insists on emailing an excel spreadsheet to me to be uploaded to a sql database. I came across a script at one point that laid out how I would script this out. Basically it was in parts, 1. open email program and get attachment. 2.After saving attachment closing email program in order to be used the next day or next time an attachment was sent. 3. import the attached spreadsheet into SQL database. I would also like to be able to schedule this to run with the built in Windows 2000 scheduler.

Can anyone help me out on this one??


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Automated Service

Apr 11, 2006

I'm working on a program that is some kind of organizer for all the tasks that employees have to carry out. A part of this program should check the deadline from the tasks, and send a mail if the deadline is in less than 5 days.
I'm using asp .net 2.0 & sql server 2000
Can anyone tell me how I can do that, or put me on track with some key words to google for?

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Automated CSV Import

Oct 21, 2007

Hi guys,

I'm pretty new in SQL Server and trying to build up a BI Solution for my firm. We have got monthly data about revenue headcounts and so, which should be integrated into a DW.

I was wondering whether there is an automated way to import this csv data in SQL like in a batch, because the users are not familiar with SQL Server at all. The structure of the data will be the same all the time, since it comes from legacy systems.

YOur help would be highly appriciated:)

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Automated Script

Nov 8, 2007

Hi All,

I have around 80 databases in my one of sql server instance.
we hve to regularly send the database wise health report to the client.
The following fields mentioned by the client in excel sheet

Name of database
Logical file name of .MDF
.Mdf File location drive
Size of the file in MB
Physical file location(full path of .mdf file)

Now a days we have to check databases one by one.
Could anyone provide me the script which automatically fetch all of required fields information from all of the databases.

Urgent help will be appreciable.


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