Hello!How can I Restore rows which are accidentaly modified.I forgetted to put where condition in "Update" Query.Now I want my data back. I have not taken back up manually yet.I am using SQL Server 2000.Please help.Thank you,
Hello,I have 2 tables, Table1 and Table2. I have copied all data from Table1to Table2.However Table1 is dynamic it has new rows added and some old rowsmodified everyday or every other day...How can I continue to keep Table2 up to date without always having tocopy everything from Table1?Basically from now on I would only like to copy new rows or modifiedrows in Table1 to Table2 and skip rows that are already present andhave not been modified in Table1. I would like to not do anything forany rows that were removed in Table1 and continue to keep a copy ofthem in Table2.Is using a DTS package the best way to automate this update of Table2to make sure Table2 is always up-to-date with Table1?Thanks for any help or advise :-)Yas
I've a table with more columns and 1 identifier. I need to write this table when a modified row is detecting respect to the columns not to the identifier.
So I've created a temporary table to put the potential rows to write on the real table, but I want to detect the modified rows. I've thought to use the checksum function, but I don't know how to use it and if it could be useful in this scenario.
Moreover, in the temporary table I've collected daily the rows to write: the first day a row could have a value respect to his columns, the next day a different value and the next one the same value respect to the first day.
I did a full backup of a db from one server(Express2005) and trying to restore it to a different instance of SQL2005 on the same development machine. (Also had some fulltext columns if that means anything)
Many failures but finally got it to report all was successful except the icon in Object Explorer shows (Restoring...) with no indication of any real activity going on. It's a tiny database with hardly any data in it.
Just not sure what the heck is going on there. It also won't let me into the database until this the (Restoring...) goes away.
Is there any way for me to return the row that was last entered? If so, how do I go about accomplishing this?
For example,
Column1-Plant NameColumn2-Creation DateColumn3-Comments Bayport 12305/24/01 2:51 AMAirflow became unstable Bayport 12305/24/01 4:00 AM Bayport 12305/24/01 5:36 AMNo events Bayport 12305/24/01 1:00 PM Bayport 12305/26/01 2:45 PMNo events Bayport 12305/26/01 3:12 PMStarted liquifier 25% LIN Bayport 405/24/01 2:51 AMSwung liquifier 0% to LIN Bayport 405/26/01 5:45 AM Bayport 405/26/01 5:15 PMLiquifuer @ 25% LIN Coatesville05/24/01 9:32 AM Coatesville05/26/01 4:25 PMNo events
If I were to query against 5/26, I would want my result to return as: Bayport 123 5/26/01 3:12 PM (because this was the last row entered on the 26th) Started liquifier 25% LIN. Bayport 4 5/26/01 5:15 PM (because this was the last row entered on the 26th) Liquifier @ 35% LIN. Coatesville 5/26/01 4:25 PM No events.
I am taking a "complete backup" of my production db every day using Backupagent of Arcserver 2000. But the Modified Date of .mdf and .ldf files show an older date. Is it normal? Thanks Wilson
Here's an updated version of bigtables.sql that also displays the ratio of index size to data size and the percentage of unused space per table. I've found the index to data ratio particularly helpful for finding and fixing over-indexing.
-- Create a cursor to loop through the user tables declare c_tables cursor for selectid fromsysobjects wherextype = 'U'
open c_tables
fetch next from c_tables into @id
while @@fetch_status = 0 begin
/* Code from sp_spaceused */ insert into #spt_space (objid, reserved) select objid = @id, sum(reserved) from sysindexes where indid in (0, 1, 255) and id = @id
select @pages = sum(dpages) from sysindexes where indid < 2 and id = @id select @pages = @pages + isnull(sum(used), 0) from sysindexes where indid = 255 and id = @id update #spt_space set data = @pages where objid = @id
/* index: sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) - data */ update #spt_space set indexp = (select sum(used) from sysindexes where indid in (0, 1, 255) and id = @id) - data where objid = @id
/* unused: sum(reserved) - sum(used) where indid in (0, 1, 255) */ update #spt_space set unused = reserved - (select sum(used) from sysindexes where indid in (0, 1, 255) and id = @id) where objid = @id
update #spt_space set rows = i.rows from sysindexes i where i.indid < 2 and i.id = @id and objid = @id
Hello,Is there a way in MSSQL server to find all the objects in the databasebased on the modified date rather than the created date.Thanks in advanceKumu
I have stored procedure to show 10 new record from table:SELECT TOP 10 *FROM tableWHERE (id = @id)ORDER BY id DESC and work fine.I'd like to show 10 new record and include modified record as new record. Wo to do that?
Does anyone know how to get a table's 'last modified date' in SQL 7 ? Sysobjects contains the 'create date', but I can't find a 'last modified date' anywhere......
My manager ask me to provide him with the total number of records which have been added, deleted or modified on a certain database in SQL Server 2000 during the month of September. Is there away to get that information from the transaction log or by any how?
I have data that sometimes will be modify. when modify the new data will be insert and the old data still remain inside the database. The same item have their own unique id. So I want to query the data that last modified. How?
if you all add ID's with your Inserts and Modified (Date) fields. Such as 1 would indicate if the record was inserted manually, whereas 2 might indicate it was update or inserted by a web application.
I want to retrieve the values from store_geofence table where the timeduration exceeds certain interval
the procedure is as below CREATE procedure [dbo].[GeofenceByCustomer] @regno nvarchar(50), @frmdate nvarchar(50), @todate nvarchar(50), @Geofence nvarchar(50), @interval int, @userid nvarchar(50) as begin declare @val int Declare @strSql as nvarchar(3000) Select @val=count(*) from basestation where superuserid=@userid and base_station_name=@Geofence
--if(@val=0) begin create table #templ(registrationno nvarchar(50),basestation nvarchar(50),entry_time datetime,exit_time datetime,duration int) select @strSql=' insert into #templ(registrationno,basestation,entry_time,exit_time,duration) select registrationno,basestation,entry_time,exit_time,datediff(mi,entry_time,exit_time) as duration from store_geofence where entry_time>'+@frmdate+' and exit_time<'+@todate+' and datediff(mi,entry_time,exit_time)>'+@interval+' and basestation in ('+@Geofence+') order by entry_time,registrationno' execute (@strSql) print @strSql select * from #templ drop table #templ end
end GO
I should specify the duration in int to take affect
but i do not know how to rewrite this path i cannot put as datediff(mi,entry_time,exit_time)>'+@interval+'
it returns an error Syntax error converting the nvarchar value ' insert into #templ(registrationno,basestation,entry_time,exit_time,duration) select registrationno,basestation,entry_time,exit_time,datediff(mi,entry_time,exit_time) as duration from store_geofence where entry_time>01/01/2008 and exit_time<01/01/2008 and datediff(mi,entry_time,exit_time)>' to a column of data type int.
If we want to get the changes happened in database we will get through sys.objects or sys.tables .but we are only getting it table name . But how to get by table name and what the column added to that table or what column has been modified (datatype or constraint) .
For example if i added employee table column called deptid it should be shown in changes in geiven date
SELECT modify_date ,type_desc ,name FROM sys.objects WHERE is_ms_shipped=0 --AND modify_date>='yyyy/mm/dd' <--optionally put in your date here ORDER BY 1 DESC
How to get column name of a table which is modified...
the ssis package loops through a folder using a foreach loop container and imports the data inside each .csv file into the database.
Now I would like to add the functionality to first check the modified date of the .csv file. If it is NOT today's date then the package should fail or go to error.
Hi, the ssis package loops through a folder using a foreach loop container and imports the data inside each .csv file into the database. Now I would like to add the functionality to first check the modified date of the .csv file. If it is NOT today's date then the package should fail or go to error. Any thoughts how to do this please? Thanks
I was just thinking about a situation which I have been tasked with in that I have a package that is scheduled to run once a day which will import data from a flat file. The data does not have any distinguishing time that can be used to see whether or not it is beyond a last imported time.
I was wondering, is there a way to access the date modified of the file? If so I could simply append this time to a table which keeps track of all of the files and the modified dates which I have ever imported for this task.
I have store procedure that was created on 9/15/2005. It went through some modificiations since then. How can I find out when was the last updated or last two update on this object?
I have a simple SQL2005 database with a single table that I need to be able stamp a record in a "modifiedon" field to represent when it was modified. It's set to a datetime format, but am unsure how to proceed next.
I am looking for two sql scripts,1. How can i check when a tables structure was last modified? 2. How can i find the structure differences between two databases that were created the same but changed over time individualy?Looking for sql scripts to do this. Any help on either would be great.Thanks