Retrieve Data From Web Services Using DTS (SQL Server 2000)

May 2, 2006

The project I'm currently working on involves combining data from one SQL Server 2000 databases and XML returned from a web service into a 3rd SQL Server 2000 database.

This process must be scheduled to happen once a day. If it weren't for the Web Service, I'd say that this is a no-brainer and I'd use DTS. However, I'm not sure if I can even access a Web Service with DTS. Has anyone done this or have any tips?

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How To Retrieve Data From SQL SERVER 2000 ?

Nov 25, 2005

Im using Visual Studio 2005 to code ASP.NET
How to query my MS SQL SERVER 2000 to retrieve data from my DataBase?
Ive tried some tutorials, but i kept giving me errorsCan you put a simple source code to retrieve something like "select userID, Name, Age from Users"
Thank you,

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Creating A View To Retrieve Data From More Than One Database Sql Server 2000

Jul 26, 2007

Hi everyone,

we have some reference tables in in a specific database. that other applications need to have access to them. Is it possible to create a view in the application's database to retrive data from ref database while users just have access to the application Database not the view's underlying tables?


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TSQL + VBA - Retrieve SQL SERVER 2000 Data Trough Excel 2003 - Time Out Error 80040e31

Sep 17, 2007

Hi guys,
When I thought everything is okay with this script, I got a new problem...
I have a VBA's script from Excel 2003 that builds sql script and retrieves data from SQL SERVER 2000.
in order to make the sql running, I need to use a multi - batch processing, to pass and execute every command line once a time.

Up to here, I am using a test case with Account number = '123456' and getting the desire results.
The code below is running okay with the test case, but when changing the account number (mark as yellow in the code) to include all the accounts (or just one other account), I am getting the following ERROR:
run - time error '-2147217871 (80040e31)' - [Microsoft] [ODBC SQL Server Driver] time out expired.

Now, if I take the same code, with the condition that generates the ERROR, and try it into SQL Server, I get the results without errors.
Thanks in advance,

Below the code:

Code Snippet
Function QuerySalesAging()
'MUST !!! References: Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 2.1 Library

Dim ConnString As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RecordSet As New ADODB.RecordSet

'Setting Connection String
Driver = "{SQL Server}"
ServerName = "SERVER"
DB_Name = CompanyName

ConnString = "Driver=" & Driver & ";" & "Server=" & ServerName & ";" _
& "Database=" & DB_Name & ";" & "Uid=" & SQLLoginName & ";" & "Pwd=" & SQLPassword & ";"

'Report Criterias
Criteria05 = " AND " & "Accounts.ACCOUNTKEY Between " & AccountKeyAsRange
' -- ==> With AccountKeyAsRange = '123456' AND '123456' it works okay.
' -- ==> With any other value, in example AccountKeyAsRange = '123456' AND '9999999999' it get's ERROR.

CmdLine01 = " USE " & CompanyName

' Check and drop temporary table
TemporaryTableName = "CTE" ' The table is a regular one
CmdLine02 = " if object_id('" & TemporaryTableName & "') is not null exec('DROP TABLE " & TemporaryTableName & "') "

CmdLine03 = " SELECT ..."
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " INTO " & TemporaryTableName
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " FROM ..."
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " WHERE " & "(" & Replace(Criteria05, "AND", "") & ")"
CmdLine03 = CmdLine03 & " ORDER BY ..."

CmdLine04 = CmdLine04 & " ALTER TABLE " & TemporaryTableName ...

CmdLine05 = CmdLine05 & " UPDATE " & TemporaryTableName ...

CmdLine06 = CmdLine06 & " SELECT ..."
CmdLine06 = CmdLine06 & " FROM ..."

ConnString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02

RecordSet.Open CmdLine01, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine02, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine03, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine04, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine05, ConnString
RecordSet.Open CmdLine06, ConnString

ConnString.Execute CmdLine01
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02 ' The debbuger stops here:" if object_id('CTE') is not null exec('DROP TABLE CTE') "
ConnString.Execute CmdLine03
ConnString.Execute CmdLine04
ConnString.Execute CmdLine05
ConnString.Execute CmdLine06
ConnString.Execute CmdLine02

'Retrieve Field titles
For ColNr = 1 To RecordSet.Fields.Count
ActiveSheet.Cells(1, ColNr).Value = RecordSet.Fields(ColNr - 1).Name

ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset RecordSet

'Cleanup & Close ADO objects
ConnString.Execute "USE master"
Set RecordSet = Nothing
Set ConnString = Nothing
End Function

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How Can I Retrieve Sql 2000 Encrypted Column Data From SQL 2005 Stored Proc?????

Aug 4, 2006


I want to retrieve SQL 2000 Encrypted Column Data From SQL 2005 strored proc. My Stored Procedure was on SQL 2000 and it works fine....Then I restore Database From SQL 2000 to SQL 2005. The Following Statement is on my store proce.

select user_id , Encrypt(user_pass) from OpenRowset('SQLOLEDB','myserver';'sa';'mypass',databasename.dbo.users) as a

The Following Error I get When I execute the above statement.

Msg 195, Level 15, State 10, Line 1

'Encrypt' is not a recognized built-in function name.

Thank you.


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Reporting Services :: Map Parameter In Report Builder 3.0 Into Query To Retrieve Data From Database

May 29, 2015

Currently, I want to get images of an item in my report for illustration purpose.

Below is my query to get image for item 'GL-10000' in the database. However, I would like to pass a parameter value, '@sItem', from my report so that it would get all related pics of items.  

SQL Query:

Select top 1 item_picture_mst.picture from item_picture_mst
where item_picture_mst.item in (select item_all.item from item_all where item_all.item = 'GL-10000')
ORDER BY item_picture_mst.picture DESC;

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SQL Server 2000 Meta Data Services Packages

Dec 5, 2006

Would someone help me how to Move existing Meta Data Services packages to SQL Server storage (in the msdb database) or to structured storage files before you upgrade from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005? This is a before action recommendation by Upgrade Advisor.

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Reporting Services 2000 With SQL Server 2005 Data Sources

Jul 23, 2007


I apologize for not doing the legwork to see if i can answer my own question, but I am close to a loosely planned SQL 2005 migration and don't have time and resources to test my own theories.

Is there a way for a Reporting Services 2000 server to connect to SQL server 2005 databases? I've tried creating a new data source and changing a report to this data source, but it seems like the report is still using the old data source. I'm guessing i might need to register new data providers on the 2000 RS server and then change the existsing data sources.


Thx in advance,


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How Do I Retrieve Table Properties In MS SQL Server 2000

Nov 29, 2004

I have looked on google and haven't found a query (as of yet) to perform this function.

Essentially I am using VB.NET with Excel and have a mapping between a worksheet and a table in my database. I wrote an import function to pull the data out of excel and put it into SQL Server but I want to try catching errors before i do that.

What is the SQL query to get column sizes from a table. Meaning in a table I have column1 that is allowed a size of int(5). How do i retrieve that information from a query opposed to just looking at it in SQL Server EM??

any help would be appreciated

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Right Way To Retrieve Data From Sql-server

Mar 19, 2007

Last night I face performace problems in web site. I got like 100 000 users and site fails because of sql-connections.
Currently I'm making a new connection for every query, and my code looks like this:Public Shared Function executeQueryReturnDataset(ByVal strsql As String) As DataSet
Dim sqlConnection As New SqlConnection(Connstr)
Dim sqlCommand As New SqlCommand(strsql, sqlConnection)
Dim sqlDataSet As New DataSet

Dim myDataAdapter As New SqlDataAdapter
myDataAdapter.SelectCommand = sqlCommand
Catch e As Exception
End Try
Return sqlDataSet
End Function I was wondering would it be better to save an instance from connection object to memory and use that same connection for all querys?

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How To Retrieve Data From SQL Server?

Mar 14, 2006

Let us suppose that there are 900 rows in One table, and that table contains neither primary key, nor Identity column.
How can I retrieve all the roows from 201 to 250?(like the middle limits)
In oracle there is a property called RowID, but is there any such item in SQL server?

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Cannot Retrieve Data From DB When Using SQL Server Authentication

Apr 14, 2008

I am developing a commercial solution for scheduling problems, using different databases. Several of our clients don't have a database server installed in their systems networks, so we thought we would simply use SQL Server Express as a no-cost solution. However, I have come across a MAJOR difficulty:
When I try to log on using SQL Server Authentication (for example, name: "sa" pass: "sa") instead of Windows Authentication, I am simply unable to view any data that does not come directly from a table! No data from queries(!), no data from stored procedures(!!), no data from functions(!!!), only from tables!!!!
And it's not like the queries don't return a dataset, because they do, for a user logged on using Windows Authentication!
And this is not 'simply' a problem of remotely connecting to SQL Server Express, this is also true locally!
There is nothing wrong with my own system, this problem occurs on at least four different windows platforms, vista included. And it is not related to our program, I am having the same difficulty with the Management Studio Express.
I have tried to use several different users, each with different permissions and roles, to no avail.
This is truly a frustrating problem.
It can be solved in one of two ways:
1. Get a non-windows-authenticated user to see the data (get more than 0 rows in the dataset).
2. Manage to log on remotely using Windows authentication.

I am unable to do either one of those, and not for lack of trying. I have been at this for the past week without results.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, Can anyone HELP?!?!?!?

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How To Retrieve And Display Data From SQL-server?

Feb 15, 2008


I need to retrieve data from a SQL-server table using a stored procedure. I want to retrieve the values from the table and add them to labels on a form. What is the easiest way to do this? Is dataset the solution?

I appreciate any help!

string sCN = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString;

SqlConnection sqlConnection2 = new SqlConnection(sCN);

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();

cmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;

cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userID", userID);

Int32 rowsAffected;

cmd.CommandText = "get_user"; //Stored procedure to get user data. Takes UserID as parameter

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

cmd.Connection = sqlConnection2;


rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();


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Problem To Retrieve Data From SQL Server 7.0 Via Stored Procedure

Jun 16, 2001

I'm writing VB 6.0 codes to retrieve data from SQL Server 7.0. if the sql code is embedded in VB, everything works fine. But when I tried to use stored procedure, one error called "invalid object name 'author'" occurs. author is a table in my database and obviously is in the database. what's wrong?

appreciate for any suggestion!

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Can't Retrieve Data Through ODBC In Assembly (dll) Deployed On Server

Jun 14, 2007


In SSRS 2005, I have an assembly(dll) which is included in a report in order to retrieve data ( OdbcConnection) from database as special condition while the runtime of report. This assembly works FINE in the preview of VS development tools. But it is NOT working when deploying to server, it ONLY returns default value instead of database's value.

Anyone knows how to solve it ? Many Many thanks

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Linked Server Query To Retrieve Data From Two Different Instances

May 12, 2015

I know how to use Linked server query to retrieve data from two different sql on premise instances.I would like to try the same on sql server instances hosted on azure.When I connect to sql instance, I don't see ServerOBjects->Linked server. I just see Database and security.Is this possible on sql azure, if so how can we achieve it

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Using Openrowset To Retrieve Data From A Server Under Windows Authentication

Oct 5, 2007


I am getting an error

'Server: Msg 7416, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists'

when i run the below code,

SELECT a.* from
'Data Source=SA3KNX;
Integrated Security=SSPI;
Initial Catalog=[Mis Mart];
Persist Security Info=False;
Initial Catalog=Mis Mart;',
'select * from [Mis Mart].dbo.Dim_Cus') as a

Can you please help resolve this. The server SA3KNX uses windows authentication and I run this code in another serer 'SEBDTD3' which uses SQL server authentication. How can i retrieve data from a server that uses windows authentication.


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Using Custom Query To Retrieve And Update Data From Sql Server In SharePoint

Apr 5, 2007

is it possible to make a custom query to fetch and update data from sql server 2005 in SharePoint designer

i make a new data source library and use a custom query to get data but don€™t know how to configure update custom command
can any buddy help me out

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Analysis Services 2000 (data Mining)

Sep 8, 2006

i create a model mining

( [Cusid] LONG KEY ,
[Orderdetails] TABLE PREDICT ([Productid] LONG KEY )
) USING Microsoft_Decision_Trees

i can show for customer some products other when he choise a product.

ect: he choise A, i show he B, C, D ....

but for that, i must know his cusid.

now i want show B,C,D when one man choise A ( i don't know his cusid). how i do that.

( i'm using sql server and analysis service 2000)

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Access Denied To Data Source Reporting Services 2000

Dec 19, 2006

I have data on server A and the report server on server B.

I have created reports that I can run through report manager (on server B).

I have depolyed the reports but when I try to run the reports on client computers I get the following error:

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Get Online Help

Cannot create a connection to data source 'ABCD'. (rsErrorOpeningConnection) Get Online Help

SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

I have tried setting different credentials ... windows security, specified username and password to credentials not required ...

All give above error.


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Meta Data Services SQL 2000 Msdb Database Could Not Be Opened

May 26, 2006

Hello anyone / everyone,

If you are having trouble accessing Meta Data Services on W2k3 and SQL 2000 and get the error that the "msdb database could not be opened" I found that hot fix 912812 on the operating system is the culprit. Remove it and Meta Data goes back to working, although I am being asked to approve the ActiveX control every time the page refreshes.

Hope this helps somebody, to took me long enough to track it down.

If anyone has a resolution to the ActiveX question I'd love to know the answer.

Thank you,

Uncle Davy

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Bit-data From SQL Server 2000 (2005 Working, 2000 Doesn't)

May 19, 2008

 Hi, I am trying to edit some data from a SQL2000-datasource in ASP.NET 2.0 and have a problem with a column that has bit-data and is used for selection. SQL2005 works fine when declaring             <SelectParameters>                <asp:Parameter DefaultValue="TRUE" Name="APL" Type="boolean" />            </SelectParameters>When running this code with SQL2000, there are no error-msgs, but after editing a record the "APL"-column looses its value of 1 and is set to 0. Looks like an issue with type-conversion, we've hit incompatibilities between SQL200 and 2005 with bit/boolean several times before. So, how is this done correctly with SQL2000?  (I've tried setting the Type to "int16" -> err. Also setting Defval="1" gave an err) ThanksMichael   

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Converting Data From Access 2000 To SQL Server 2000

Oct 18, 2004

I worked on a project in ASP.NET using SQL server 2000 as the back end. Its a conversion application that I rewrote in ASP.NET using C#. I need to import the old data in Access db into SQL server 2000 and I have very little knowledge about doing it. The data in not a direct one -one transformation. There are considerable changes to the Database design and data types. Any help and suggestions wud be really helpful. Also, any article links wud be great.


View 1 Replies View Related Page Is Unable To Retrieve The Right Data Calling The Store Procedure From The Dataset/data Adapter

Apr 11, 2007

I'm trying to figure this out
 I have a store procedure that return the userId if a user exists in my table, return 0 otherwise
 Create Procedure spUpdatePasswordByUserId
@userName varchar(20),
@password varchar(20)
Declare @userId int
Select @userId = (Select userId from userInfo Where userName = @userName and password = @password)
if (@userId > 0)
return @userId
return 0
I create a function called UpdatePasswordByUserId in my dataset with the above stored procedure that returns a scalar value. When I preview the data from the table adapter in my dataset, it spits out the right value.
But when I call this UpdatepasswordByUserId from an page, it returns null/blank/0
 passport.UserInfoTableAdapters oUserInfo = new UserInfoTableAdapters();
Response.Write("userId: " + oUserInfo.UpdatePasswordByUserId(txtUserName.text, txtPassword.text) );
 Do you guys have any idea why?

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How?retrieve Data From Table1 Then Save The Retrive Data To Table2...

May 8, 2008

Good day., please help me,in a formview control, i set it in Insert Mode, so it should display info from table 1 but when i click on the insert button, it will insert it in table 2.btw, table 1 and table 2 are in the same database?? how about if they are not in the same database?how?please help me,Thanks.,SALAMAT PO., 

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Retrieve Text File Data In SSE For Data Acquisition System

Oct 24, 2007

Hey All,
I am developing a data acquistion system which monitors the amount of energy that a user consumes in different parts of a house and displays the information in real time on their computer screen. I am collecting the data through tranducers attached to the circuit breakers in the breaker box and sending the data to analog-to-digital converter channels in a MCU. I am retrieving the data from the serial port and storing it to a text file. Each line of data in the text file represents three fields which are separated by commas. I will be reading data from multiple data collection boxes so the first field is the unit number, the second fied represents the analog-to-digital converter channel number from each unit, and the third field is the data that is collected from the ATD channel. I am trying to use SSE to retrieve the data from the text file, and parse each line of data into individual columns in a databse. Then I want to be able to extract the data associated with a particular ATD channel number from the databse and display it in the appropriate text field on a windows form.
I've got the MCU programmed. I have no problem collecting the data from the serial port, and I can do the visual basic programming okay. I have absolutely no clue how to read the data into the database, continuosly read new values into the databse, and then access the stored data to update the text fields on the form. Please help if you can, I've been working on this specific problem for a couple of weeks and I'm not making any progress. Thanks.

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Reporting Services :: How To Retrieve Computer Name Of The Person Running A Report

Oct 9, 2009

How can I identify the computer of the person running an SRS report?  If I query HOST_NAME() it gives me the host of the reporting server, not the person browsing.So, for example, Melissa opens a browser from computer named AAA to the SRS and pulls up her report.  How do I get that report to show that the user is browsing from AAA?

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Retrieve Fields List From A Published Report Data Model Published On The Reporting Server.

Jul 17, 2007

Can someone please tell me how to retrieve/query the list of fields from an entity of a report data model that has been published on the reporting server programmatically ?

I am trying to upload a report data model to the reporting server and planning to use that model as the data source and consume it through our existing web application?

Thank you ,

Rashid A. Khan

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Hanging Or Lockup Issue With SQL Server And Terminal Services 2000 On NT 4 Domain Server

Jul 20, 2005

Hi all,Have a situation that my company has never run across before. Clientis running NT4 for the domain server, using terminal services 2000 andrunning an application with a SQL Server backend and they areexperiencing locking problems. Once one person gets locked out theneveryone trying to access that tables is also locked out as a result.It is not specific to a certain User, or module within theapplication. It's not a specific time of the day (like when a backupwould be running) and sometimes it's in the middle of the night whenthere are actually less Users on the system.We have 500 customers using this application. Most are using SQLServer backend, alot of the newer customers are using TerminalServices, and the number of Users is not accessive as compared to ourother customers. THe only difference is that I do not specificallyknow of another client with an NT4 Domain server in the mix.We actually switched to SQL Server as the recommended back end due tolocking issues using SQLBase because SQL Server is row locking andSQLBase is page locking. Since making this change we have stoppedseeing the locking for years until now. Is this a SQLServer issue orissue with the NT Domain server?Anyone have any ideas???ThanksA

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Retrieve Text File Data In SSE For Data Acquisitio

Oct 24, 2007

Hey All,
I am developing a data acquistion system which monitors the amount of energy that a user consumes in different parts of a house and displays the information in real time on their computer screen. I am collecting the data through tranducers attached to the circuit breakers in the breaker box and sending the data to analog-to-digital converter channels in a MCU. I am retrieving the data from the serial port and storing it to a text file. Each line of data in the text file represents three fields which are separated by commas. I will be reading data from multiple data collection boxes so the first field is the unit number, the second fied represents the analog-to-digital converter channel number from each unit, and the third field is the data that is collected from the ATD channel. I am trying to use SSE to retrieve the data from the text file, and parse each line of data into individual columns in a databse. Then I want to be able to extract the data associated with a particular ATD channel number from the databse and display it in the appropriate text field on a windows form.
I've got the MCU programmed. I have no problem collecting the data from the serial port, and I can do the visual basic programming okay. I have absolutely no clue how to read the data into the database, continuosly read new values into the databse, and then access the stored data to update the text fields on the form. Please help if you can, I've been working on this specific problem for a couple of weeks and I'm not making any progress. Thanks.

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SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services

Apr 18, 2004

Hi there,

I have installed SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services with the default names for the virtual directories , (ReportServer and Reports). Is there any way i can change the name of these directories by running a script or some thing.

Also is there a way to use the Cascaded Style Sheet used in my ASP.NET application for the reports.


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SQL Server 2000 - Reporting Services

Feb 1, 2006

We had someone leave work and he was responsible for the reports for our company. He used SQL 2000 w/ Reporting Services. The connection to the report server was tied to his userid and password. Since his account was disabled the website will not connect to the reporting database because it was tied to his account. Is there a way to reset the connection creditions? I looked on the server and I can't find the Reporting Services Admin Tool.


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Sql Server 2000 And Reporting Services

Jul 6, 2007

Hello there.

i would like to install Report Services on visual studio 1.1 version

using sql server 2000. i currently have sql server 2005 and visual

studio 2.0 and there is no problems and so i remember how that


With sql server 2000 i saw a link to a trial version of reporting services that i can download and install but after 120 days it's no good. I think that provides the gui interface to install reporting

services like the 2005 version except less robust. But i'm wondering with the proper service packs of sql server 2000 installed if i can

bypass download.

Can somebody help me how to install reporting services with sql server 2000, pre-req and software i need. I currently have the

developer's edition of sql server 2000 already.

Please contact me at

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