Retrieve XML From Sysdtspackages90

Mar 1, 2006

Is there a way to translate the packagedata field data to XML on the sysdtspackages90 table on msdb?

I want to be able to programmatically analyze and potentially modify the XML of Integration Services packages that reside on the server.

Thanks for your help.

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Retrieve AM Or PM

Aug 10, 2006

HI Chaps

very simple question this time

Is there any method availabe to retrieve AM or PM value from date, IN TSQL

hoping will get answer shortly



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Jun 29, 2007

I am using an SQLDataSource to add a product, this works fine, but I would like to know what syntax is used to retrieve the product ID in this case which is return by the SPROC

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Retrieve Data

Jan 18, 2008

I need to retrieve points column from my database for the specific user that is signed on and sum all of them. How can I do it using the Gridview and also code in vb for a label? Thanks.  

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Retrieve Bit Type Value

May 7, 2004

I am trying to populate some controls on a web page with values retrieved from a sql server database recordset. The text type controls work fine. However I have a Check Box on my form. I get a runtime error when I try to write into it. So tried wrting the value into a text control and was suprised to see the value retrieved was "S00817". Heres the relevant line of code


I would expect this to come up with a 1 or a 0. I get S00817 if the database record holds a 1 or a 0. So what is going on here?

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Retrieve A Particular Row From A Result Set

Aug 21, 2004

Hi all,

Is it possible to retrieve a particular row from a result set? For eg if my query returns 5 rows and i want to just retrieve the 3rd row from the it possible? If yes...can someone tell me the syntax for it....would appreciate the gr8 help...

SQL Novice

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How Can I Retrieve Data?

Nov 19, 2005

Here is my sql procedure:
ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.SoftWareShow /* ( @parameter1 int = 5, @parameter2 datatype OUTPUT ) */ @SoftID uniqueidentifierAS SELECT [SoftID], [SoftName], [SoftJoinDate], [SoftSize], [SoftMode], [SoftRoof], [SoftHome], [SoftDemo], [SoftFirstClassID], [SoftSecondClassID], [SoftDesc], [SoftReadCount], [SoftDownCount],ltrim(rtrim([SoftUrlOne])) SoftUrlOne, ltrim(rtrim([SoftUrlTwo])) SoftUrlTwo, ltrim(rtrim([SoftUrlThree])) SoftUrlThree, ltrim(rtrim([SoftUrlFour])) SoftUrlFour FROM [SoftWare] WHERE ([SoftID] = @SoftID) RETURNwhere I retrieve data using sqldatasource, an error appear. how can do ?

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Best Way To Retrieve One Row For Use In Code

Mar 14, 2006

i have a SQL backend and some of the data in my tables is more or less configuration data and some times i only want to pull one row of data which i can do just fine with a SQL query but whats the best method to pull it. 
assume i have a query like this.
Select A, B, C from Table1 where ID=xyz
whats the easiest way to get A, B and C in to string variables?
I know i can use the sqldatasource control but i just feel there is too much overhead there.
whats your suggestions?

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How To I Retrieve The First Value From A Table In T-SQL?

May 21, 2006

I want to do something similar to ExecuteScalar in but instead in T-SQL.Basically I want to do a query that will return the first value in the table queried and put it into a variable.  How do I do this?Thanks in advance.

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How Can I Retrieve Nth Record Only?

Jul 6, 2001

Could you help me out?

I am interested in retrieving certain record among outputs.

For example, if I use the following sql,

select * from info order by name asc

then I can retrieve 25 rows from info table.

What I want to do is that I want to retrieve 15th record only among possible 25 records.

How can I solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Retrieve Even If No Hits?

Apr 29, 2005


is it possible to have the count(*) to display 0 when there is no matching hits for that n_id?

my query looks like this but only displays the n_id and it's respective count(*) when count(*) is more than 0...

select n_id, count(*) from tblTable
where nSomething > nSomethingElse AND nSomething IS NOT NULL
group by n_id

any idaes?

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Retrieve Second Max Value In A Sql Table

Feb 25, 2004

Hi all,
I want to retrieve the second maximum value of a column data present in SQL table.Please help....


here I want 23 as the result.

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Retrieve Insertiondate

Nov 23, 2004

Hi folks,

Does anyone know how to retrieve the date when data has been inserted

thnx in advance

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Retrieve Only 1 Row For Each ID (was Help On SQL! Urgent..)

Feb 3, 2005

i have a table called tblpictures which look something like this..

1 |p1
2 |p1
3 |p2
4 |p2
5 |p3

is there a way to retrieve only 1 row for each ID? how will the select statement looks like?? please help me..

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Retrieve Using Bcp-urgent

Feb 25, 2005

hi gurus,
how to get " using bcp
select '"'+name+'"' from sysobjects

I want to get the same using bcp ,so that i can populate into a file
something like

set @cmd='BCP "select '"' +name +'"' ,uid from sysobjects" QUERYOUT "' + 'vrs.txt' + '" -w -T -S -t , '
-- Executing the BCP Command

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How To Retrieve One Record

May 23, 2006

I have a question, one user made mistake that she delete one record from a database. How can i retrieve this only one record. I just know how to restore the database.


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How To Retrieve Timestamp

Apr 28, 2004

Can any one please tell me how to retrieve values from timestamp column.
I am getting 1900-01-01 00:02:09.457. It is not storing current timestamp when record is created or modified.

Is there anything I need to set it up.


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ADO Doesn't Retrieve Value From This Sp..why?

May 12, 2004

Hi, all.
I tried to get result of sp.
Dim rst As Recordset
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open sp, cnn

doesn't get result.
when i call rst.EOF, it thows error: Can do this since rst is closed...

I found it's problem of sp which is little complex.
But, still I think it should work!
My question is how can I get the returned value from following sp in VB?

--- return list of tables that needed to update
--- list is one string separated by '&' delimeter
--- @listOfUpdateTime: [TableName=UpdateTime]&[...] eg) tblDeptList=12/25/2004&tblHoliday=12/24/2004&...
CREATE procedure spGetListOfTableToDownLoad
@listOfUpdateTime varchar(500)
Declare @listOfTable varchar(300), @item varchar(300)
Declare @tbl varchar(50), @uptime datetime
Declare @list varchar(500)
Declare @sep varchar(1)
SET @list = ''
SET @sep = '&'
SELECT * FROM fnSplit(@listOfUpdateTime, @sep)

OPEN cur

FROM cur
INTO @item

Declare @re bit, @tp varchar(50)

-- get tablename, update time
SELECT * FROM fnSplit(@item, '=')
OPEN cur2
Print @tbl
print 'tp:' + @tp
SET @uptime = CAST(@tp as datetime)
print @uptime
-- @re =1: true, 0: false
EXEC spIsUpdate @tbl, @uptime, @re output
IF @re = 1
SET @list = @list + @tbl + @sep
CLOSE cur2

FROM cur
INTO @item
if LEN(@list) > 0
SET @list = LEFT(@list, Len(@list)-Len(@sep))

SELECT @list as Result


--- PARAM:: @tbl: table name,
--- @uptime : update time (passed from local db) that will be compared on HQ table
--- return 1 if Max(UpdateTime) of @table > @uptime
--- otherwise return 0
CREATE Procedure spIsUpdate
@tbl varchar(50), @uptime datetime, @result bit output
Declare @bit bit

DECLARE @ParmDefinition NVARCHAR(500)
declare @uptimeHQ datetime
/* Build the SQL string once.*/
SET @SQLString = N'SELECT @tp = MAX(UpdateTime) FROM ' + @tbl
SET @ParmDefinition = N'@tp datetime OUTPUT'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLString, @ParmDefinition
,@uptimeHQ OUTPUT

If @uptimeHQ > @uptime
SET @result = 1
SET @result = 0
--RETURN @bit


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Retrieve Value From A Table With The Value From So

Apr 11, 2008

I am trying t get output for the following querry but I know am missing something. Can anyone help me out with it.

select distinct productnum, (SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM orderlineitem w WHERE w.productnum = e.productnum) as Quantity
from orderlineitem e where parentOrderlineitemid is null order by Quantity desc)

In the above query am getting the productnum and quanity and it looks like this

productnum quantity
abc 6
ttt 3
sss 1

What am tring to do to this query is that . From another table 'product' i want all the data to be retrieved with this productnum(the table 'product' has a column called prductnum). I don't know how to write a query for this.

my query is
select * from product where productnum in (
select distinct productnum, (SELECT SUM(quantity) FROM orderlineitem w WHERE w.productnum = e.productnum) as Quantity
from orderlineitem e where parentOrderlineitemid is null order by Quantity desc)


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Retrieve Records

Jun 5, 2008

Hi all

I've two tables
community, community_related.

I need to get community names for comm_relatedID from community table
where comm_id = 21 , please see my tables below

Community table Community Related
commID, comm_name comm_id comm_relatedID
21 test1 21 24
22 test2 21 22
23 test3 21 26
24 test 5 21 27
26 test6
27 test7

result am trying to display from community related table after joining community table on COMM_ID = 21 is

comm_id comm_relatedID comm_name
21 24 test5
21 22 test2
21 26 test6
21 27 test7

can anybody please help..with a query, am stuck at this point.

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How To Retrieve MAX Record

Jul 9, 2013

I have retrieved the data using CTE . But still need the retrieve the latest row number record from my result.

;with cte as
Select ROW_NUMBER() over ( PARTITION by [T7S1_PRODUCT_CDE_original],[T7S1_BR_NO_original] order by [sql_updated] ) rn , [sql_updated]
,[T7S1_BR_NO_original] from [interface_i084].[dbo].[tb_i084_ds_CeresTLStageFileDocDetail](nolock)
Select * from cte

My Query result:

12012-06-26 00:17:32.007703A0200030OOO 00066
22012-06-27 12:30:21.803703A0200030OOO 00066
32012-07-13 01:15:36.073703A0200030OOO 00066
12012-06-27 12:45:30.653703A0200030OOO 00083
12012-06-25 07:45:33.907703A0200030OOO 00090
22012-08-16 12:45:22.227703A0200030OOO 00090

Now Expecting:

32012-07-13 01:15:36.073703A0200030OOO 00066
12012-06-27 12:45:30.653703A0200030OOO 00083
22012-08-16 12:45:22.227703A0200030OOO 00090

I want to retrieve the MAX rn record..

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Don't Want To Retrieve 'unity'

Sep 19, 2006

declare @TempAddressParsingTable table(
id_voter int null,
id_town varchar(10) null,
full_address varchar(200) null,
ad_num int null,
ad_str1 varchar(100) null,
ad_num_suffix_a varchar (10) null,
ad_num_suffix_b varchar (10) null,
ad_unit varchar(100) null)

insert @TempAddressParsingTable (ad_str1)
select 'apple UNITY RD' union all
select 'watermelon UNITY RD unit#32' union all
select 'currency UNITY RD unit# 99' union all
select 'marrakesh UNITY RD unit #32'

select * from @TempAddressParsingTable where ad_str1 like '%unit%'
select * from @TempAddressParsingTable where ad_str1 like '%unit%'
and ad_str1 not in (select ad_str1 from @TempAddressParsingTable where ad_str1 like '% unity %')


trying to write a code to display record sets where there are only "units". "apple unity rd" should not be shown.

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Retrieve The Record.

Nov 9, 2006

I'm trying to compare the fields if they are equal, retrieve it.
Because null <> null.
i cant retrieve the record. Is there anyway to retrive the records by comparing all the fields?

declare @table table(
ad_num int null,
ad_str1 varchar(50) null,
ad_num_suffix_a varchar (10) null,
ad_num_suffix_b varchar (10) null,
ad_unit varchar(10) null,

ad_num_test int null,
ad_str1_test varchar(50) null,
ad_num_suffix_a_test varchar (10) null,
ad_num_suffix_b_test varchar (10) null,
ad_unit_test varchar(10) null,
passed bit)

insert @table (ad_str1, ad_str1_test)
select 'apple road orad RD' , 'apple road orad RD'

select ad_num , ad_num_test,
ad_str1 , ad_str1_test,
ad_num_suffix_a , ad_num_suffix_a_test ,
ad_num_suffix_b , ad_num_suffix_b_test ,
ad_unit , ad_unit_test,
passed from @table

select * from @table
where ad_num = ad_num_test
and ad_str1 = ad_str1_test ad_num_suffix_a = ad_num_suffix_a_test
and ad_num_suffix_b = ad_num_suffix_b_test
and ad_unit = ad_unit_test

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Retrieve 1 Column

Apr 19, 2007

i have a table that has 9 columns that belongs to other tables.
i need to retrieve one column from this table. In order to do this, do i have to join all the other tables that has similar columns?

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How To Retrieve Value From Table

Jan 10, 2008

Hi every one,

here is my table: MVPTABLE
columnName: Accsno JanMail JanVisit JanPhone JanComments FebMail..upto DecMail DecVisit DecPhone DecComments.

eg: table with values:
Accsno JanMail JanVisit JanPhone JanComments FebMAil FebVisit
A234 1 2 3 yes jim 0 2
A234 0 2 0 No Comments 1 2
As34 0 0 0 No Comments 1 2
A235 1 2 3 yes jim 0 2
A235 0 2 0 No Comments 1 2
As35 0 0 0 No Comments 1 2

am sending 2 parameter as
1> @param1= A234
2> @param2= 'JanMail,JanVisit,JanPhone,FebMail,FebVisit,FebPhone,MarMail,MarVisit,MarPhone,AprMail,AprVisit,AprPhone,MayMail,MayVisit,MayPhone,JunMail,JunVisit,JunPhone,JulyMail,JulyVisit,JulyPhone,AugMail,AugVisit,AugPhone,SepMail,SepVisit,SepPhone,OctMail,OctVisit,OctPhone,NovMail,NovVisit,NovPhone,DecMail,DecVisit,DecPhone

based on these 2 parameter i wanted to retrieve respective Comments
say, if @param1 Ac234
@param2= JanMail,JanVisit,JanPhone,MarMail
if the value of JanMail or FebMAil....DecMail = 1,then retieve respective comments
if the value of JanVisit,FebVisit..........DecVisit=2,then retrieve respective comments
if the value of JanPhone,or FebPhone,.....DecPhone=3 then retive respective comments

thanks in advance

love all

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Retrieve Value From Table

Jan 17, 2008

Here's my table:

OrderID | Total

I'd like to get the Total value out of the table if I'm given the OrderID, and store it in a variable. I'm using C# and ASP.NET 2.0.

It's probably really simple, and I think I need to use a stored procedure and ExecuteScalar(), but I'm not sure how to do it.

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Retrieve Data

Mar 18, 2008


Before I ask a question, I am visually impaired and cannot read printed words only on a screen. I am 51 years old and have been coding professionally since I was 23 (yes that long). I have four apps on the market and run a small consultancy company in the UK and my SQL knowledge is scant. I have read two books on the subject and thought I had an idea on how SQL works.

I used to belong to another forum but they gave me a hard time so please go easy on me.

I developed an ADO app ages ago and remembered some of it ...

I have four tables (the following is a simplified version of the real thing)

MainTable (Contact data like name address etc. 23 fields)
Towns (Two fields TownUIN and TownName)
Counties (Two fields CountyUIN and CountyName)
Countries (Two fields CountryUIN and CountryName)

My database is normalised to 3NF and contains no duplicate or redundant data.

My problem ...

Sample data

MainUIN MainName MainTown
1000 Fred Bloggs 1
1001 Fred Smith 2

TownUIN TownName
1 Bradford
2 Leeds

SELECT MainName,MainTown FROM Main WHERE MainUIN=1000 returns
'Fred Bloggs' 1 (the TownUIN)

I want ...
'Fred Bloggs' 'Bradford'

It was suggested I use
SELECT MainName,MainTown FROM Main,Towns WHERE MainUIN=1000 AND TownUIN=MainTown
This returned 'Fred Bloggs' 'Bradford' but was slow.

My question is what am I doing wrong?

I am using SQL Server 2005 Express with VB.Net 2005 on Vista Business and XP.

I am sorry my SQL knowledge is weak please dont get angry just tell me the basic thing that I do not know.

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Retrieve One Row At A Time

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I am going to be difficult here... How do I retrieve one row at atime from a table without using a cursor?For example, I have a table with 100 rows. I want to retrieve thedata from row 1, do some stuff to it and send it on to anther table,then I want to grabrow 2, do some stuff to it and send it to another table.Here is how I am envisioning it:WHILE arg1 < arg2 {arg1 is my initial row, arg2 would be by totalrowcount)BEGINSELECT * FROM [TABLE] BUT ONLY ONE ROW.... MANIPULATE THE DATAINSERT into another tableENDOther notes, I am using SQL Sever 2000....Thanks and in advance and as always the help is greatly appreciated.Regards,CLR

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Cannot Retrieve Data In Utf-8 From Php

Jul 20, 2005

Hi.I have a IIS server with php3 installed. I have SQL server databaseand data stored in unicode format (nvarchar fields). In header of myphp I have the meta: <meta HTTP-EQUIV="content-type"CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">.I have the following problem:- I trie to do a query using ODBC (version 3.525.1022.0) and SQLServer odbc driver (version 200.85.1022.00). The query doesn'tretrieve information in utf format and accents and extra charactersaren't showed correctly.- I trie to di the query usin native OLE DB. I use mssql funtions andthe problem is the same.If I install php4 and I use "newCOM("ADODB.Connection",NULL,CP_UTF8);", then it works correctly.Anybody knows if its posible to retrieve data from sql-server in utf-8format using php3?I see in other postings that odbc driver only accept utf-8 in version3.7 or higher? Is it true? If is true, where I can download odbcdriver 3.7?Thank's in advance.Miki.

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Retrieve First Row Only In Many-to-many Relationship

Jul 20, 2005

I have a db with three tables - books, sections, and a joining table.The normal way of getting a many to many relationship (i.e. one bookmay belong to many sections, and one section may contain many books)I want to extract the data with a single row for each book so that Ionly retrieve the first section description for any book. (e.g. title,author, section, description)Structure as follows:tbl_bookbook_id, title, author, description etc...tbl_sectionsection_id, section_desctbl_book_sectionbook_id, section_idDBA is away and I can't figure this out at all...any help gratefullyreceived.

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Retrieve Pdf Using UNC Path

Oct 11, 2007


I am trying to retrieve pdf(s) from our server using a UNC path. I created a textbox with the value

=Fields!DisplayLink.Value. I coded my Action property with a constant to test to see how it works in "Jump to URL" \RALEIGHPurchase179104620071017910461001070724.pdf and the pdf is not showing up. Does anyone have any ideas?

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How Can I Retrieve Some Rows ...

Oct 18, 2007

I have a table with a column 'value' as nvarchar
I want to select some rows from this table that the value of 'value' can be converted to decimal ...
it's possible that value of 'Value' contains some other characters other than digits .

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How To Retrieve The Name Of The Columns??

May 3, 2007

Hi everyone,

On daily basis I need to generate excerpts by mean of Excel. Prior to sql25k I used to play with Enterprise Manager and pick up the name of all the columns for a table very easily doing this

select top 1 f1,f2,-.. from table

name age
enric 80

How do I such thing from Sql Management Studio??
It's a silly thing, I know, but it's very useful for me because when I've got those columns then I can do paste them perfectly into .XLS.
Otherwise I see forced to write one by one and sometimes tables have more than 60 columns

It's not useful generate a CREATE TABLE script or launch SP_HELP <MYTABLE> because I obtain the name of the columns in vertical no horizontal.

Thanks a lot!!!

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