Retrieve The 1st 15 Words Of A Field

Nov 29, 2004


i need a select statement that will retrieve only the 1st 15 words of a text field.

is it possible?


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2-3 Words In Field Name

Dec 20, 2006

Can I define field names with more words in Access and SQL Server likefield: "Bus station" instead "BusStation" or "Bus_Station"? I have hadproblems because of this in VB6. Can I have problems in VB 2005 or C# 2005and SQL Server?

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Exception When Field Has Two Words Or A Space

Sep 21, 2014

Win 7, VS 2013 Express for Desktop, C #

I get exception 80131904 when there basically says Syntax error near 'Checking" when field is '[My Checking]' or the second word if other than checking.

I am writing a checkbook program that adds accounts as tables to the database. The create table sql works fine.

After the table is created I want to enter the first transaction as the opening balance and amount and have the Category be the Account Name in brackets. [oneword] = no exception and the line is entered. [one word] gets an exception.

Here is the sql just before execute:

insert into My Checking(Id, Date, CheckNr, Payee, [Category], Payment, Clr, Deposit, Balance)values(1,'1/1/2014','','Opening Balance',[My Checking],'','','1500.',0)

I have had the code so it says '[My Checking]' in the sql get same results. I have tried it by "[" + Name + "]" and get the same thing.

Here is the Function:

private void AddOpenBal(string Name, string open, string bal) //OFFENDING FUNCTION FOR MULTIPLE WORDS IN TABLE NAME
string connetionString = null;
SqlConnection connection;
SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter();
string sql = null;

[Code] .....

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Stop Inserting 2 Same Words In One Database Field

Jun 30, 2007

See my code below... it nicely insert in database data...

but I wish: if user of program in field "txtPozicija" try insert in
database same data detail like is in "Pozicija" field in database that
he be stopped and informed by message: you can not insert TWO SAME data
in the "Pozicija" table.

any advice here?

using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.Data.SqlClient;

public partial class adminpanel_Default : System.Web.UI.Page
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        lblHR.Text = txtPozicija.Text;
        lblEN.Text = txtLinkZaViseoMjestu.Text;
        lblIT.Text = ddRegija.Text;


    // On dropbox in the html added OnDataBound="MyDataBound" Occurs after the server control binds to a data source.

    protected void myDataBound(Object sender, EventArgs e)
        ddRegija.Items.Insert(0, "--- Selektiraj ---");

    void SaveDataDB()
        string ConnStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["croestate_dbConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
        SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(ConnStr);


            String sqlQuery = "INSERT INTO PozicijaObjekta VALUES(@Pozicija, @LinkzaViseoMjestu, @Regija)";
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, Conn);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Pozicija", txtPozicija.Text);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@LinkzaViseoMjestu", txtLinkZaViseoMjestu.Text);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Regija", ddRegija.SelectedValue);

        catch (Exception ex)
            Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex = 0;


    protected void Wizard1_NextButtonClick(object sender, WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
        if (e.CurrentStepIndex == 0)

        if (e.CurrentStepIndex == 1)
            //Register user into the database not hear because wizard have one step only
            // SaveDataDB();
    protected void CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
        if (ddRegija.SelectedIndex == 0)
            args.IsValid = false;
    protected void CustomValidatorPozicija_ServerValidate(object source, ServerValidateEventArgs args)
        string ConnStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["croestate_dbConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
        SqlConnection Conn = new SqlConnection(ConnStr);


            String sqlQuery = "SELECT Pozicija FROM PozicijaObjekta WHERE Pozicija='" + txtPozicija.TemplateControl + "'";
            SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, Conn);
            SqlDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();
            if (dr.Read() == true)
                args.IsValid = false;

        catch (Exception ex)
            Wizard1.ActiveStepIndex = 0;

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Trigger To Count Words In Field On Update,insert

Aug 28, 2007

I want to create a trigger that, when a field is updated or a record is inserted, counts the number of words in "field1", inserting this numeric value into another field in the same table. What would be the most efficient, fastest method for doing this?

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Really Urgent - Data Field Retrieve And Store

Jul 2, 2006

Basically i make use of FormView in Web Developer Express Edition to create and store information to the database .... what i want to do further is to capture the value within the primary key of the newly created recordset that I set it become auto increament .....this value would be stored within a session string in global condition that allowed any page able to access it .....

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Query To Retrieve Records That Sum To A Field In Another Table

May 18, 2012

I really need creating a query that will retreive all records from a table where the dbo.CorpAdv.AcctNum field equals a specific value (for this example "0023"), the TranCode = "R" and the sum of the records, starting with the latest, equals the value of a field in another table (dbo.Master.TotalAdv)

dbo.Master.TotalAdv is numeric (dollar amount) and in this example the value is $1,850.00

dbo.CorpAdv.pID is an integer and unique ID for each record, later records have higher numbers
dbo.CorpAdv.AcctNum is text field
dbo.CorpAdv.AdvAmt is numeric (dollar amounts)


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Retrieve A Recordset From One Table Based On The CSV Values In The Field Of Another

Feb 6, 2007


I have 2 tables, one that contains a set of codes and their definitions, and another where each record has a field that contains several of these codes separated by commas:


SubCode | Definition
S100 | Def of S100
S101 | Def of S101
S102 | Def of S102


DepID | Purpcode |SubCodes
1 | P100 | S100,S101,S102
1 | P101 | S100, S101
2 | P101 | S100,S102

I'm trying to create a query against Tab1 so that it retrieves a recordset of Subcodes and definitions based on the contents of the Subcodes field for a record in Tab2. I've tried this using a subquery, as follows:

SELECT SubCode ,Definition
WHERE SubjectCode IN
(SELECT CHAR(39) + REPLACE(SubjectCodes, CHAR(44), CHAR(39 + CHAR(44)+ CHAR(39)) + CHAR(39)
WHERE DepID = 1 AND PurposeCode = 'P101')

The subquery will return: 'S100','S101' and I expect the final recordset to be:

SubCode | Definition
S100 | Def of S100
S101 | Def of S101

However, it's not returning any records. If I execute the subquery separately and then plug its results into the main query e.g.

SELECT SubCode ,Definition
WHERE SubjectCode IN ('S100','S101')

it returns the expected recordset. Does anyone have any pointers? It's driving me nuts..


Complete DDL, Sample Data, and Query below:

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[SubjectCodeDefinition]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[SubjectCodeDefinition]

if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[DepartmentReturn]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[DepartmentReturn]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[SubjectCodeDefinition] (
[SubjectCode] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Definition] [varchar] (100) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DepartmentReturn] (
[DeptID] [int] NULL ,
[PurposeCode] [varchar] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[SubjectCodes] [varchar] (250) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

INSERT INTO SubjectCodeDefinition(SubjectCode, Definition)
SELECT 'S100', 'Definition of Code S100' UNION ALL
SELECT 'S101', 'Definition of Code S101' UNION ALL
SELECT 'S102', 'Definition of Code S102' UNION ALL
SELECT 'S103', 'Definition of Code S103' UNION ALL
SELECT 'S104', 'Definition of Code S104' UNION ALL
SELECT 'S105', 'Definition of Code S105'

INSERT INTO DepartmentReturn(DeptID,PurposeCode,SubjectCodes)
SELECT 1,'P100','S100,S101,S104' UNION ALL
SELECT 1,'P101','S102,S103' UNION ALL
SELECT 1,'P102','S100,S101,S105' UNION ALL
SELECT 2,'P100','S100,S101,S104,S105' UNION ALL
SELECT 2,'P103','S103,S104,S105' UNION ALL
SELECT 3,'P100','S100,S102,S104'

SELECT SubjectCode ,Definition
FROM SubjectCodeDefinition
WHERE SubjectCode IN
(SELECT CHAR(39) + REPLACE(SubjectCodes, CHAR(44), CHAR(39)+ CHAR(44)+ CHAR(39)) + CHAR(39)
FROM DepartmentReturn
WHERE DeptID = 1 AND PurposeCode = 'P102')

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How To Retrieve Query Results With Now Field Names, Dotted Line Or Footer

Oct 5, 2006

Hi folks,I'm trying to write a simple SELECT statement that will execute inquery analyser but will just have the data with no column names, or thedotted line between them and the data. I also want to avoid thestatement at the end which says nnn rows affected. any ideas? I want todo this because I intend to write the results to a flat file.Thanks for your helpDanny....

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Retrieve Data From Properties Field In Prifile Table In Aspnetdb.mdf For Multi Users ?

Mar 12, 2008

I want retrieve data from properties field in prifile table in aspnetdb.mdf for multi users,what do i ?

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In Code Behind, What Is Proper Select Statement Syntax To Retrieve The @BName Field From A Table?

Apr 8, 2006

In Code Behind, What is proper select statement syntax to retrieve the @BName field from a table?Using Visual Studio 2003SQL Server DB
I created the following parameter:Dim strName As String        Dim parameterBName As SqlParameter = New SqlParameter("@BName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50)        parameterBName.Value = strName        myCommand.Parameters.Add(parameterBName)
I tried the following but get error:Dim strSql As String = "select @BName from Borrower where BName= DOROTHY V FOWLER "
error is:Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'V'. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'V'.
Source Error:
Line 59: Line 60: Line 61:         myCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()   'Execute the query

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How To Use LIKE For 2 Or More Words

May 5, 2008

Hello i need to know hoy to use the LIKE operator to find results that contains 2 or more words.
================TABLE EXAMPLE======================

Good Bike
Good Mountain Bike
Klein Bike Mountain

Good Bike

What to code i need to write if i want to get that results for QUERY: "Good Bike" returns
Good Bike
Good Mountain Bike

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Wildcards In Words

Apr 28, 2005

Hi I'm using the full-text indexing on a table and I'm trying to implement a search where users can search for words and use wildcards themselves. However I'm working on a method so that can enter a wildcard in the middle of a word to get records where they are unsure of the spelling etc.
For instance, a search of 'Ste*en' should return results like 'Steven' and 'Stephen' etc. So if they are searching for word 'establishment' they can search for 'estab*ment' and it should return all the records using this query:
SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE CONTAINS(myField,'"estab*ment"')
If I do a wildcard at the end e.g: SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE CONTAINS(myField,'"estab*"')
I get the results I am looking for. But the middle wildcard does not seem to work as expected even though it is the syntax used on MSDN and other SQL info sites.
Is there something I am not doing properly?

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Searching Words

May 25, 2005

hi i  am working on sql server200.I m using  "LIKE" to search the records.There is freetexttable and containstable table also.just like to know the difference between them.Could anyone provide me a good link regarding this??Thanks

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Ignored Words Nightmare!

Jan 10, 2006

Hi There,
I've created a couple of search pages which look at sql server. whenever words or values like "?@~:&£^" etc, or words like for, the and so forth, the page the nasrty error page:
Execution of a full-text operation failed. A clause of the query contained only ignored words
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Execution of a full-text operation failed. A clause of the query contained only ignored words.
In short: is there a way I can stop it doing this. It looks rather horrible. I've looked at form validation but cant find anything that seems to fit. I would imagine there is a simple solution, but I haven't been able to find it so far.
Many thanks

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Number To Words

Jul 23, 2004


I want to know how convert number to words or words to number

for example. if i give input 100, i have to get the output "one hundred"

is there any built in function available. need solution immediately.


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Searching For Whole Words?

Dec 21, 2005

How can you search for the occurance of a whole word in a string? but not return any results that have the word as a substring.

For instance, if I search for the term 'scene' in a column. Then it will only return rows that have the word 'scene' and not those with the word 'scenery'. I've tried the following sql, but it relies on having text either side of the word as well. If the word 'scene' is on the begining or end of the cell then it is not returned.

SELECT Name, Description
FROM tblWine
WHERE Name LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z]scene[^a-zA-Z]%'
OR Description LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z]scene[^a-zA-Z]%'

Any ideas?


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Numbers To Words

Aug 27, 2004

is there is any method to convert numeric ecpression to words ie 110 to "one humdred ten"
Pawandeep Singh

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Japanese Words

Jul 20, 2005

Hi,I'm trying to read a varchar(50) field writed in Japanese using thissentence:is = rset.getBinaryStream(num);at that sentence the JDBC driver shows the following error:java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver forJDBC]Unsupported data conversion.Does anybody know why?Thank you,--__________________________________________Emilio PerezJoin Bytes!SINERGIA TECNOLÓGICAC/ Eusebio Sempere 1, Entreplanta A30003 AlicanteTel. 965 136 191www.sinergiatec.com__________________________________________La información incluida en el presente correo electrónico es CONFIDENCIAL,siendo para el uso exclusivo del destinatario arriba mencionado. Si ustedlee este mensaje y no es el destinatario señalado, el empleado o el agenteresponsable de entregar el mensaje al destinatario, o ha recibido estacomunicación por error, le informamos que está totalmente prohibidacualquier divulgación, distribución o reproducción de esta comunicación, yle rogamos que nos lo notifique, nos devuelva el mensaje original a ladirección arriba mencionada y borre el mensaje. Gracias.

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Searching With Ignored Words

Oct 24, 2007


Is it possible with SQL Server 2005 to include ignored words in a full-text search? For example, searching for "in force as of"? This gives the same results as searching for "force" only. I've tried to empty the ignored words list (noiseENG.txt), but this does not seem to have any effect.

Also we want to be able to search for strings such as "205/1305-2". Searching with punctuation characters in a query seems to be a problem.

What are the possibillities in SQL Server 2005 with regard to these problems?

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Select First 10 Words

Aug 28, 2007

Can someone point me in the right direction to write a select query to return the first 10 whole words from a table?

For example, table "testtable" contains a field named "description" with value "here is some test data in order to select the first full ten words from."

The SELECT statement would return the value "here is some test data in order to select the".

Thanks in advance!

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Searching For A List Of Words

Oct 21, 2005

I need to build a search function for my site. So there is a single text box for the users to type in their search string. I have been asked that I need to break the user's search string into separate words. So if the user enters: "This is my search query", I need to break it into: "This" "is" "my" "search" "query" and then search for all these words.- Can I break a string into separet words using SQL?- How do I remove funny / dangerous characters from the search string?- If I have to break the search string using a programming language, I would have to run the search query for each word. If I run the search query for each word, How do I combine the search result for the user. For instance, if I search for "my" and find some result, then search for "search" and find some results, how do I display a SINGLE search result to the user.thanks

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Regular Expression For Whole Words

Feb 8, 2006

I am try to build a query which only matches whole words and so far I've got this.


FROM tblSearchWords
WHERE CorrectSpelling LIKE '%[^a-zA-Z0-9]blah[^a-zA-Z0-9]%'

This will return rows which contain the string 'blah' without any numeric or alphanumeric characters beside it. However it doesn't return the rows where 'blah' is either at the start or end of the string as it expects any character except a-zA-Z0-0.

Is there any way to accept string when there is nothing on either side as well?


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Unique Words Statement

Sep 22, 2004

Hello all. I've been pulling my hair out for the last few weeks trying to come up with a statement that will do what I want. I'm hoping someone can lend some help.

Basically I have a table of articles with titles. I want to go thru the titles and find out what words show up the most. For example, if I had these two article titles in two records:

Microsoft develops new software for NASA
NASA blames software problem on Microsoft

I would get the following results - the word and the number of times it appears:

Microsoft 2
Software 2

The statement should ignore those words that only appear once. It would be nice to skip static words like the, and, a, etc.. (Or words 3 characters or less)

I have fulltext query enabled on the table which works great for searching, but not for what I want it to do.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

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Need Table Of Words/glossary/etc.

Mar 3, 2005


I have a client who wants to have a function to have a system create a validation system for users who register for a system. It would email them a registration code, which they want to be two or three random words strewn together.

So, I'm looking for a big table of words - random, glossary terms, etc. Does anyone have anything like this? (A flat file that I can import would be fine.)


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How To Convert Numbers Into Words

Mar 1, 2006

hi could u help me in suggesting how to convert number given in Rs or in $ to words as normal we spell.. ther's is no limit it can be billions or millions.. thanks in advance..


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Counting No Of Words In A Column

Sep 13, 2006


for some reason, i had to write a function to count the number of words in a particular column in a table. (pl find the attachment). i would like to know whether there is any other mechanism with which we can count the number of words in a particular column.

for example, if the column data is,'This Is A Test', the function, will return 4.
pl suggest any other efficient strategies to accomplish this


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Is There A Way To Have List Of NOT Words With Containstable?

Nov 6, 2007

This works when @searchString is used in containstable (provided searchString has value)...

set @searchStringNoneOfWords = 'not(Airplane)'
SET @searchString = @searchString + ' AND ' + @searchStringNoneOfWords

This does NOT work when @searchString is used in containstable...

set @searchStringNoneOfWords = 'not(Airplane)'
SET @searchString = @searchStringNoneOfWords

I understand it is because the syntax is AND NOT, but what if I have a list of words that I do not want included? How do I start out with a NOT using containstable? It is kind of like Google's advanced search except that if you enter a word in the "without words" section with the other fields blank it would return everything under the sun except for things found with those words.

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How To Convert Rupees Into Words

Feb 23, 2008

hi ,
I want to create a function in sql server 2000 which can display the given input currency into words but in indian format eg , '12345678.50' should display as One crore twenty lacs fourty five thousand six hundred and seventy eight rs fifty paise only . Can anybody help pls

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Convert Int Values Into Words..??

Apr 15, 2004


I'm doing an online invoice system with ASP and MS SQL.

So you got the price and total amount.

And let say the amount is $4000.00 , there is also a portion where the invoice needs to mention it in words, "Fourty Thousand"

Can it be "cast" ? "conver" ? or anything?
Or is there any workaround????

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Display Rupees In Words?

Aug 29, 2013

In the below query i need display the amount in words also. How to do that in sql server?


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Translate Numbers To Words?

Aug 30, 2013

In the below query i need to display the amount in words also. How to do that in sql server 2008 R2?


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Convert Rupees To Words

May 2, 2007

Dear Experts, can you please guide me how can i convert rupees into words?

ex: 345.20............three hundred and fourty five rupee and twenty paise.....


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