Retrieving Data Based On Value In A Field
May 29, 2008
Hi I hop i make sense with this, i have a page where you can update a products price based on the year, so for instance some products will still have prices set in 2007, while some may have prices which will be set in 2008, what i am trying to do is if the price has been set in 2008 it shows this value. The fields in the table which control the values are Rate(controls 2007), and Rate2007Period2. What i am trying to do is if Rate2007Period2 is null or 0, then display the 2007 rate, and if Rate2007Period2 is greater than 0 then display that value. Here is the view which displays the rates;
SELECT dbo.tblRateSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SWT,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Tstamp, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateSchedule_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleUnit_ID,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleType_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit,
dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description, dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Work_Type_Description AS Expr1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate_Active, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
FROM dbo.tblRateSchedule INNER JOIN
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.MA_Code = dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.MA_Code LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblRateScheduleType ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleType_ID = dbo.tblRateScheduleType.RateScheduleType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblWorkType ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID = dbo.tblWorkType.WorkType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN
dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleUnit_ID = dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.RateScheduleUnit_ID
WHERE (dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate_Active = '1')
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May 31, 2008
Hi I hope i make sense this time around, I have a page in which a customer can either add a new product and its rate as well as update an existing product. What i am trying to achieve is get the live rate of the product, when a user goes to order the product. Each existing product can be updated twice in a year either in period 1 or period 2, therefore there is a possibility that a rate hasnt been updated which means the price should be the alst updated rate. Therefore the following are the possible rates which the product can have;
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate - This will be the rate when a product is new and has just been added, therefore no previous rates.
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2- Most existing products are still having this rate as their latest rate.
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 1
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 2
What i am trying to do is get the latest rate as it stands in the system, based on the above scenarios. This what I have so far, i tried to use the ISNULL, however that didnt work for probably because there are four instances. The following is the "view" which returns the rates.
SELECT dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Survey_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.ScheduleStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description,
dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID, ISNULL(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Valuation, 0) AS Valuation, dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_DateTime,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION ELSE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description END AS DESCRIPTION,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN tblRateSchedule.SWT ELSE tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID END AS SWT, dbo.tblCategory.Category,
dbo.tblScheduleStatus.Schedule_Status, CASE isnull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)
WHEN 0 THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate ELSE tblWorkSchedule.Rate END AS Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate AS UPLIFTED_RATE,
CASE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID WHEN 1 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID)
END WHEN 2 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID) END END AS UpliftedRate,
CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) ELSE CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) END AS Total, dbo.tblCompany.IsContractor, dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Constructor_Percentage,
dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Contractor_Percentage, CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) ELSE ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) END AS After_Lift, ISNULL(dbo.tblSurvey.Survey_Completed, 0)
AS Survey_Completed, LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Title)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Forename))
+ ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Surname)) AS Inserted_By, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_By AS InsertedBy_ID,
ISNULL(dbo.tblUploadedFile.File_Name, '') AS File_Name, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Variation_ID,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2008Period1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate
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May 31, 2008
Hi this is my first post i am hoping its the write place. I have a page in which a customer can either add a new product and its rate as well as update an existing product. What i am trying to achieve is get the live rate of the product, when a user goes to order the product. Each existing product can be updated twice in a year either in period 1 or period 2, therefore there is a possibility that a rate hasnt been updated which means the price should be the alst updated rate. Therefore the following are the possible rates which the product can have;
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate - This will be the rate when a product is new and has just been added, therefore no previous rates.
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2- Most existing products are still having this rate as their latest rate.
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 1
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 2
What i am trying to do is get the latest rate as it stands in the system, based on the above scenarios. This what I have so far, i tried to use the ISNULL, however that didnt work for probably because there are four instances. The following is the "view" which returns the rates.
SELECT dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Survey_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.ScheduleStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description,
dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID, ISNULL(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Valuation, 0) AS Valuation, dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_DateTime,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION ELSE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description END AS DESCRIPTION,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN tblRateSchedule.SWT ELSE tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID END AS SWT, dbo.tblCategory.Category,
dbo.tblScheduleStatus.Schedule_Status, CASE isnull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)
WHEN 0 THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate ELSE tblWorkSchedule.Rate END AS Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate AS UPLIFTED_RATE,
CASE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID WHEN 1 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID)
END WHEN 2 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID) END END AS UpliftedRate,
CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) ELSE CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) END AS Total, dbo.tblCompany.IsContractor, dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Constructor_Percentage,
dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Contractor_Percentage, CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) ELSE ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) END AS After_Lift, ISNULL(dbo.tblSurvey.Survey_Completed, 0)
AS Survey_Completed, LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Title)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Forename))
+ ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Surname)) AS Inserted_By, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_By AS InsertedBy_ID,
ISNULL(dbo.tblUploadedFile.File_Name, '') AS File_Name, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Variation_ID,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2008Period1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate
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Sep 5, 2007
This is probably an easy question, and I just can't find the solution. I've searched extensively, but I am probably just not searching for exactly what I need.
Basically, I have a Conditional Split. What I need to do is for each row coming out of my split, I need to SELECT some data from another database based on one of the fields and then place the data from the DB into a file for later processing.
Seems pretty simple, considering the power of SSIS. Using tools such as OLE DB Command didn't help - the data that comes out of the OLE DB Command is the input data, not the data returned by the command.
How can I do this?
Thank you!
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Aug 21, 2007
I need to send an email when my 'LastRunDate' field is 30 days old (i.e. It should send an email if the LastRunField = 7/21/2007).
I would need to include the matching fields in the database (i.e. MachineID, Description, etc.) then update that field to todays date.
I have a few values in the 'Frequency' field such as Daily, Monthly, Yearly. Daily would be 24 hrs, monthly 30 days, yearly 365 days from the lastrundate.
I am new to T-SQL & need a good p[lace to start.
Any sugesstions.
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Nov 18, 2007
Hellow Folks.
Here is the Original Data in my single SQL 2005 Table:
Department: Sells:
1 Meat
1 Rice
1 Orange
2 Orange
2 Apple
3 Pears
The Data I would like read separated by Semi-colon:
Department: Sells:
1 Meat;Rice;Orange
2 Orange;Apple
3 Pears
I would like to read my data via SP or VStudio 2005 Page . Any help will be appreciated. Thanks..
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Feb 24, 2008
Hi all,I have a table with this structure:Customer ID | Transaction date | Transaction type1 | 1/2/2008 | F1 | 1/4/2007 | M1 | 1/2/2008 | R2 | 1//5/2007 | M2 | 1/6/2007 | RFor each customer ID, I need to retrive only the records with the mostrecent transaction date, and I did:Customer ID | Transaction date | Transaction type1 | 1/2/2008 | F1 | 1/2/2008 | R2 | 1/6/2007 | RThe problem is, each customer can make more than one transaction inthe same day (see above). In these cases, I need to retrieve only onerecord per customer, based on the importance of the transaction: F ismore "important" than R which is more "important" than M. So, in theexample above, I would only retrieve transaction F for customer 1 anddisregard transaction R: they were made on the same date, but I ammore interested in F than in R.Do you have any suggestions on how I could achieve this in SQL?I use Microsoft SQL server 2005.Thank you for your help!
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May 18, 2008
I am having trouble returning the correct record with my stored procedure.
my problem is that i don't know how to structure the sql statement to do the following:
given a set of records that have the same loankey, i need to
1. find the record that has most recent date (lockExprDt)
2. for all records with that date, find the highest Lock Number (LockNo)
3. for the all the records with that date and that LockNo, find the highest extension number (Ext)
currently my sql statement returns a record that has the most recent date. i don't now how to write the sql to further define my query to return the record that has the most recent date with highest lock number, and finally the highest extension number.
any suggestions as to what i am doing wrong. below is my slq statement. please note that i need to add the sql that will query for the max LockNo, and max Ext. Any help is greatly appreciated. thx!
select a.loankey, a.lockrate, a.investor, a.price, a.ext, a.cost, a.lockno, a.lockstatus , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10)='12:00:00 AM' THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),a.lockdate,10) END as 'LockDate' , CASE WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)='12:00:00 AM' THEN NULL ELSE CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10) END as 'LockExprDt' , Case WHEN CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)>= CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10) THEN datediff(day, CONVERT(CHAR(8),GETDATE(),10), CONVERT(CHAR(8),b.lockExprDt,10)) ELSE NULL END as 'Days'
from cfcdb..locktable ainner join (select loankey, max(lockExprDt) as lockExprDtfrom cfcdb..locktablegroup by loankey) bON a.loankey = b.loankey AND a.lockExprDt = b.lockExprDt
where a.loankey = @LoanKey
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a table called BidItem which has another table calledBidAddendum related to it by foreign key. I have another table calledBidFolder which is related to both BidItem and BidAddendum, based on acolumn called RefId and one called Type, i.e. type 1 is a relationshipto BidItem and type 2 is a relationship to BidAddendum.Is there any way to specify a foreign key that will allow for thedifferent types indicating which table the relationship should existon? Or do I have to have two separate tables with identical columns(and remove the type column) ?? I would prefer not to have multipleidentical tables.
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Jul 20, 2005
I know there has to be a way to do this, but I've gone brain dead. Thescenario..a varchar field in a table contains a date range (i.e. June 1,2004 - June 15, 2004 or September 1, 2004 - September 30, 2004 or...). Theusers have decided thats a bad way to do this (!) so they want to split thatfield into two new fields. Everything before the space/dash ( -) goes intoa 'FromDate' field, everything after the dash/space goes into the 'ToDate'field. I've played around with STRING commands, but haven't stumbled on ityet. Any help at all would be appreciated! DTS?
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Feb 29, 2008
I have 2 tables - tblOrders and tblOrderDetails. Every time an order is placed, 2 INSERT statements are executed. The first one enters the general order and customer information in the tblOrders table:INSERT INTO tblOrders (custname, custdetails, orderdate) VALUES (@custname, @custdetails, @orderdate)The primary key in this table is OrderID which is an Identity column. This is the foreign key in the tblOrderDetails table.I'm trying to get the Identity value from the first INSERT statement to use in the second INSERT statement:INSERT INTO tblOrderDetails (orderid, productid, productcost) VALUES (@orderid, @productid, @productcost) How do i obtain this value and how would I supply it to the second INSERT statement?
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Jul 30, 2007
Hello all,
(This was previously posted @, I transferred it here because it's more relevant)
I have an Access database that contains (for the purpose of my application) a lot of information (15,000+ records in one of the tables).
I use C++ non-.NET ADO in order to access that database (msado15.dll).
My application suffers from slow performance because of the size of the tables (this is because the data has to be compared to data on a Palm device).
I have done a lot of optimizations to the code, but I haven't found a way to implement the best optimization for my case: Getting row- and field-level modification dates.
That way I can only compare relevant data and not the whole database.
For example, I wish there was a way to filter out rows from a table that were modified before January 1st, 2007.
Another example: Filter out rows that their Address column was modified in the last two weeks.
I know that a partial solution will be to implement this on my own: adding a Modified column to all my tables.
But, as I said, this is only a partial solution because it saves only the row's modification date, and not for each of the fields. Plus, this is a really ugly solution, having this column standing out everywhere.
Is there a chance this is implemented inside Access (or SQL server, for that matter)?
The closest I came was finding out that there's a field in msysobjects that specifies when a table was last modified. But not a row or a field in a row.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
P.S. The weird thing is that this "modified" bit that I'm looking for is implemented on Palm devices and is very easy to use... Seems ironic that there won't be a simple way to do this on a PC.
P.P.S. I guess row- and field-level modification dates are the same... of course, Modified(row) = MAX(Modified(field1), Modified(field2), ...)
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Jan 22, 2008
Hello Friends,
I have two tables, And also I have Sample data in them.
create table X
(y int,
m int,
v int)
insert into X select 2007,1,5
insert into X select 2007,1,3
insert into X select 2007,2,9
insert into X select 2007,2,1
select * from X
Create table Y
(fy int,
fm int,
v int)
insert into Y select 2007,1,0
insert into Y select 2007,2,0
insert into Y select 2007,3,0
select * from X
select * from Y
I want to update the Table Y with the Sum of the Fields V from X based on the Criteria Y.fy = X.y and = X.m
Using temporary table cannot be done.
Thanks in Advance,
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Mar 30, 2007
I am trying to create a report using Reporting Services.
My problem right now is that the way the table is constructed, I am trying to pull 3 seperate values i.e. One is the number of Hours, One is the type of work, and the 3rd is the Grade, out of one column and place them in 3 seperate columns in the report.
I can currently get one value but how to get the information I need to be able to use in my reports.
So far what I've been working with SQL Reporting Services 2005 I love it and have made several reports, but this one has got me stumped.
Any help would be appreciated.
I might not have made my problem quite clear enough. My table has one column labeled value. The value in that table is linked through an ID field to another table where the ID's are broken down to one ID =Number of Hours, One ID = Grade and One ID= type of work.
What I'm trying to do is when using these ID's and seperate the value related to those ID's into 3 seperate columns in a query for using in Reporting Services to create the report
As you can see, I'm attempting to change the name of the same column 3 times to reflect the correct information and then link them all to the person, where one person might have several entries in the other fields.
As you can see I can change the names individually in queries and pull the information seperately, it's when roll them altogether is where I'm running into my problem
Thanks for the suggestions that were made, I apoligize for not making the problem clearer.
Here is a copy of what I'm attempting to accomplish. I didn't have it with me last night when posting.
--Pulls the Service Opportunity
SELECT cs.value AS "Service Opportunity"
FROM Cstudent cs
INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid
WHERE = 'Service Opportunity'
--Pulls the Number of Hours
SELECT cs.value AS 'Number of Hours'
FROM Cstudent cs
INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid
WHERE ='Num of Hours'
--Pulls the Person Grade Level
SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'
FROM Cstudent cs
INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid =cs.attributeid
WHERE ='Grade'
--Pulls the Person Number, First and Last Name and Grade Level
SELECT s.personnumber, s.lastname, s.firstname, cs.value as "Grade"
FROM student s
INNER JOIN cperson cs ON cs.personid = s.personid
INNER JOIN cattribute ca ON ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid
WHERE cs.value =(SELECT cs.value AS 'Grade'
WHERE ca.attributeid = cs.attributeid AND'Grade')
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Oct 7, 2006
I would like to transfer selected data from an ODBC-based table to a OLEDB-based table. However, there isn't a data flow source on the Data Flow Design screen to accomodate such an action. Please help!
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Oct 10, 2005
Hey all.
I'm looking around for a solution on how to pull records back based on legnth.
So, if field A is more then 2 characters, return that row.
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Apr 18, 2008
Hi All,
For one of my reports, I need a expression smthing like this.
=IIf(Fields!Category.Value = "Decisioned" , THEN SHOW SUMMATION OF TOTAL APPLICATIONS WHERE Catergory = "Decisioned ," ")
Can anyone help me to write this expression.
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May 29, 2008
I have a report. I want to display title according to the following combination of two parameter values.
Line of Business
Product Type
Report Title
Line, Loan
13 Month Home Equity Portfolio - Total
Line, Loan
13 Month Regional Bank Portfolio - Total
Line, Loan
13 Month Direct to Consumer Portfolio - Total
Line, Loan
13 Month Equity Direct Portfolio - Total
Line, Loan
13 Month Institutional Lending Portfolio - Total
13 Month Home Equity Portfolio - Lines
13 Month Regional Bank Portfolio - Lines
Line of Business and product type are two parameters.
Product type is a muliple parameter. i.e you can select Line, Loand or Line and Loan.
can any one tell me how to write a proceedure to get this result(i.e report title)
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Jun 15, 2004
I've got a module that contains the following function.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Module SQL_Sprocs
Function ListUsers()
Dim conn As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DBConn"))
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("list_users", conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim dr As SqlDataReader
dr = cmd.ExecuteReader
ListUsers = dr
End Function
End Module
I then want to call this function from my webform. So I'm using the following
Dim dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader
dr = Timetracker.SQLProcs.ListUsers()
Do While dr.Read
Label1.Text &= dr("first_name") & " " & dr("last_name") & ", "
But it's not working. I want to have a module that contains all my sprocs and be able to call them from the individual webpages.
What am I doing wrong?
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Dec 21, 2006
Faculty member writes:
"I meant to delete just one assignment, doing which was giving me difficulty.
I deleted a whole category by accident which had most of my daily grades in it for a course with quite a few of them. I was negligent in backing them up, so I cannot restore them. I have an XLS file from the midterm, but am missing about 6 grades after that.
Is there any way to recover the grades I had in the deleted category. It has been a couple of days since I entered any new grades. HELP!"
My current backup strategy is to do a full backup 5 pm, differentials every 2 hours, logs every 30 min, all so they arenot simultaneous. Backing these all to same backup device via three different jobs.
Then the server is backed up to tape shortly after the 5 pm full backup.
Obviously, I can't restore from the backup for this situation because it would hurt other data.
But - is there a way I can take last night's backup from tape and restore it to a different database than our production database? (Such a database doesn't at this time exist. Would I detach, copy over the files, and then reattach on prod and attach on the devl side, and then restore from the backup device to the devl copy?)
I've never had to perform this kind of rescue and am wondering if my backup strategy is flawed since it isn't immediately evident how I can easily do this.
I needed a similar thing from our Oracle DBA yesterday, and he went to tape, copied out a table and put it on the Oracle database under a different owner, and I easily fixed the few records that I had botched.
That's exactly what I need to do now with MS SQL 2000.
As the faculty dude said, "HELP!"
And Thanks.
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Oct 26, 2005
I was hoping someone would be able to help me, I trying to go through several databases, 111 to be exact, and get the data out of a particular table which is present in all the databases on the same server.
I know how to get the names of the databases from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but how can use the name for it to cycle through all the databases and get data out of the one particular table.
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Apr 23, 2007
Hi, I need some help. I have this query where i need to pull up students that have more than or equal to 3 absences in a row. Now I am getting all those students that are absent but not in a row. But i was wondering if there is a way to tell if a student was absent three days in a row . There is a date field that is being used to identify the day of the class and a status field that identifies if the student was absent or present. Please help someone.
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Jun 26, 2006
Dear fellows,
Up to the moment I've got enough knowledge for read data stored into .LDF files by dbcc log and so on. It's very useful and interesting. Now, I wonder how to retrieve the same information but on MDF files.
At first, I want to make sure that is not possible by mean of traditional methods (dbcc or something like that) I suppose so but I'd like to hear opinions regarding that.
Thanks in advance for any idea, though or further information.
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Dec 28, 2006
I need to update the status of a client when they make a payment of a certine amount. My problem is this, the two pieces of information needed to do this are comming from two tables. For example;
@ClientID Int,
@PmtAmt Money
IF @PmtAmt >= tblSettings.TopAmt THEN
Update tblClients
WHERE ClientID=@ClientID
Update tblClients
WHERE ClientID=@ClientID
How do I do this in a stored procedure? I need to select the TopAmt from the table tblSettings and then update the table tblClients.
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May 20, 2008
I have two tables and they have a foreign key relationship. It will be a 1 to Many realationship.
Table1- the primary key table has the following columns
ContentID - int identity field
DateAdded- datetime
Table2 - The foreign key table, has the following relevant fields
FK - int foreign key
version - int
When an initial record is added there is a record added to each table. The ContentID in Table1 will match the FK field in Table2. Then a user will be able to "edit" the record in Table2, but instead of writing over the record that is already there, a new record will be added to Table2. I would like to calculate the version field where each time a record is added for the particular ContentID/FK it adds 1 to the last version that was added to that particular ContentID/FK.
Does that make sense. I am trying to implement some type of revision tracking for my CMS that I am building and this is the only way I can come up with because my client is worried that somebody will go in and make incorrect changes to their site and they want to be able to roll it back to a previous version.
I would appreciate any ideas.
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Nov 9, 2005
Here's a question for the SQL gurus out there:
I have a varchar(20) field DIAGNOSISCODE in a table that can either be null, or contain up to 3 comma-separated codes, each of which relates to a description in another table. For example, some sample rows might be
Now I need to structure a query to return these values from this single field as three fields CODE1, CODE2, CODE3, with NULL as appropriate for example
CODE1=8060, CODE2=4450, CODE3=NULL.
I have been using CASE along with CHARINDEX and PATINDEX but it it becoming extremely messy. Can anyone think of a "neater" way to return three fields from this one field?
Any help very greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Simon.
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Feb 27, 2014
I have one table with text column(varchar50) and 2 value columns(INT)
it looks like this:
c1, c2, c3
1, null, text1
2, null, text2
3, null, text3
4, 3, text4
What i want to do is to combine c3 on row 3 and 4 so the output would look like this:
c1, c2, c3
1, null, text1
2, null, text2
3, null, text3
4, 3, text3 ext4
I have tried to use CASE with no luck.
output like this is also fine
c1, c2, c3
1, null, text1
2, null, text2
3, null, text3
4, 3, text4
5, null, text3 ext4
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Jan 11, 2008
Do triggers work on the field level or only for full table updates, etc...?
I want to have a trigger that will change a field on another table based on the update of a specific field on a table.
Could anyone provide a sample please, if this is possible?
Thank you!
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Jul 23, 2005
Having a brainfart....I need a query that returns a record count, based on two distinct fields.For example:Order Revision Customer001 1 Bob001 2 Bob002 1 John003 1 John004 1 John005 1 Bob006 1 Bob006 2 BobThe query on the above data should return a count of orders, regardless ofthe revision numbers (each order number should only be counted once).So WHERE Customer = 'Bob', it should return OrderCount = 3TIA!Calan
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Jan 24, 2008
I have a table with eight (8) fields, including the primary key (rfpid). Three of the fields are foreign keys, which take their values form lookup tables. They are int fields (pmid, sectorid, officeid). One of the fields in this table is based on putting together the descriptive field in the lookup table for sector (tblsector). The two other fields to be part of this string are the rfpname and rfpid. This creates the following string:
The words rfp, proposals are words that have to be part of string;
the slashes are to also appear.
current_year would be defaulting to datepart = year (2008)
The part that has the last two digits of the current year then the underscore and then the rfpid should be connected by an underscore to the rfpname.
I am at a loss and would greatly appreciate any help.
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Sep 2, 2015
I have a table with two sets of fields, one for PRIMARY Mail Address and the other for ALTERNATE Mail Address. Both sets are five fields long. I will call them PRIMARY & ALTERNATE for this discussion. I want to select the PRIMARY fields if ALTERNATE is either null or zero, and the ALTERNATE fields if data is present.
I have used this syntax but it gives a table with both the PRIMARY & SECONDARY records.
Would a Select Case work? something like
Select PRIMARY when ALTERNATE = 0, and ALTERNATE when ALTERNATE > 0 or is not null.
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Feb 5, 2008
this is a simple problem but it's just driving me mad as it's not reading from my dB. basically, I've have reviews stored in my dB and want to display them in a textbox by clicking on a button called btnReviews. I think the problem might be that there is too much text stored per row of the table (as it is a review), but I have the datatype set as text in sql. here's the simple un-errorred code I have behind the button. any ideas where I went wrong. i've a feeling it's something small but it's just taken too long to figure out.protected void btnReviews_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { String strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conLocalDatabase"].ConnectionString; SqlConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection(strConn); SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand("Select [ReviewC] From [Review])", dbConnection); dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("Review", txtReviewView.Text); try { dbConnection.Open(); dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (SqlException ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } finally { if (dbConnection != null) { dbConnection.Close(); } } }
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Apr 28, 2008
I ve a datagrid . And Two Database table in sqlServer2005. The name of the tables are 'Property' and 'userid'.
My datagrid wants to retrive all records from Property table and one record from userid table. The Property table contains Propertycode, lastdate , departmentname.
The userid table contains so many record along with 'id' record which my datagrid wants to retrieve.
pl tel me how 2 write code for that?
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