Retrieving SQL Data From VC++(using VC++ 2005)

Oct 23, 2006

Hi to all,I made a database using SQL Server 2005 and now I want to interact with that database through VC++ 2005. Is that possible?? If so, how can I do it?

Thanks in advance!!!

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Retrieving Data

Jun 15, 2004


I've got a module that contains the following function.
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Module SQL_Sprocs
Function ListUsers()

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("DBConn"))

Dim cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("list_users", conn)
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

Dim dr As SqlDataReader

dr = cmd.ExecuteReader

ListUsers = dr


End Function
End Module

I then want to call this function from my webform. So I'm using the following

Dim dr As SqlClient.SqlDataReader

dr = Timetracker.SQLProcs.ListUsers()

Do While dr.Read
Label1.Text &= dr("first_name") & " " & dr("last_name") & ", "


But it's not working. I want to have a module that contains all my sprocs and be able to call them from the individual webpages.

What am I doing wrong?


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Retrieving Data

Dec 21, 2006

Faculty member writes:

"I meant to delete just one assignment, doing which was giving me difficulty.

I deleted a whole category by accident which had most of my daily grades in it for a course with quite a few of them. I was negligent in backing them up, so I cannot restore them. I have an XLS file from the midterm, but am missing about 6 grades after that.

Is there any way to recover the grades I had in the deleted category. It has been a couple of days since I entered any new grades. HELP!"

My current backup strategy is to do a full backup 5 pm, differentials every 2 hours, logs every 30 min, all so they arenot simultaneous. Backing these all to same backup device via three different jobs.

Then the server is backed up to tape shortly after the 5 pm full backup.

Obviously, I can't restore from the backup for this situation because it would hurt other data.

But - is there a way I can take last night's backup from tape and restore it to a different database than our production database? (Such a database doesn't at this time exist. Would I detach, copy over the files, and then reattach on prod and attach on the devl side, and then restore from the backup device to the devl copy?)

I've never had to perform this kind of rescue and am wondering if my backup strategy is flawed since it isn't immediately evident how I can easily do this.

I needed a similar thing from our Oracle DBA yesterday, and he went to tape, copied out a table and put it on the Oracle database under a different owner, and I easily fixed the few records that I had botched.

That's exactly what I need to do now with MS SQL 2000.

As the faculty dude said, "HELP!"

And Thanks.

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Retrieving Data

Oct 26, 2005


I was hoping someone would be able to help me, I trying to go through several databases, 111 to be exact, and get the data out of a particular table which is present in all the databases on the same server.

I know how to get the names of the databases from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA, but how can use the name for it to cycle through all the databases and get data out of the one particular table.

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Retrieving Data From SQL

Apr 23, 2007

Hi, I need some help. I have this query where i need to pull up students that have more than or equal to 3 absences in a row. Now I am getting all those students that are absent but not in a row. But i was wondering if there is a way to tell if a student was absent three days in a row . There is a date field that is being used to identify the day of the class and a status field that identifies if the student was absent or present. Please help someone.


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Retrieving Data From .MDF???

Jun 26, 2006

Dear fellows,

Up to the moment I've got enough knowledge for read data stored into .LDF files by dbcc log and so on. It's very useful and interesting. Now, I wonder how to retrieve the same information but on MDF files.

At first, I want to make sure that is not possible by mean of traditional methods (dbcc or something like that) I suppose so but I'd like to hear opinions regarding that.

Thanks in advance for any idea, though or further information.

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Retrieving The First N Records From A SQL Query In VS 2005

Apr 6, 2006

first off, I'm a TOTAL novice at this stuff, I'm just currently blundering my way through a complex site to learn stuff.
I'm trying to call the newest addition to a SQL database into a webpage, in this case, it'll be 'newest user', one result only. I've done several other data retrival sections using a datatable, but the guy who was helping me though it is unavailable at the moment and I get the feeling I've jumped into the deepend slightly.
Could anyone give me an example of how retrieving the First N Records from SQL should look in VS? Does it need to be in a data table or can it go in a label?
Sorry if this is somewhat vague, but as I said, I've really only been using VS for a week!

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Retrieving Data From SQL Table

Feb 5, 2008

 this is a simple problem but it's just driving me mad as it's not reading from my dB. basically, I've have reviews stored in my dB and want to display them in a textbox by clicking on a button called btnReviews. I think the problem might be that there is too much text stored per row of the table (as it is a review), but I have the datatype set as text in sql. here's the simple un-errorred code I have behind the button. any ideas where I went wrong. i've a feeling it's something small but it's just taken too long to figure out.protected void btnReviews_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)    {        String strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["conLocalDatabase"].ConnectionString;        SqlConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection(strConn);        SqlCommand dbCommand = new SqlCommand("Select [ReviewC] From [Review])", dbConnection);          dbCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("Review", txtReviewView.Text);        try        {            dbConnection.Open();            dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery();        }        catch (SqlException ex)        {            Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString());        }        finally        {            if (dbConnection != null)            {                dbConnection.Close();            }        }            }

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Retrieving Data From More Than One Table

Apr 28, 2008

  I ve a datagrid . And Two Database table in sqlServer2005.  The name of the tables are 'Property' and 'userid'.
  My datagrid wants to retrive all records from Property table and one record from userid table. The Property table contains Propertycode, lastdate , departmentname.   
  The userid table contains so many record along with 'id'  record  which my datagrid wants to retrieve.
pl tel me how 2 write code for that? 

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Retrieving Sorted Data

Jul 18, 2005

I have four tables that need to be loaded into an ASP.NET application. They need to be loaded together into one result set and sorted. Is it possible to load four tables together and sort them using an SQL statement?

To clarify, say I have the following data:

Table1: Anglesey, Cardiff, Ceredigion
Table2: London, Dorset, Lancashire
Table3: Antrim, Armagh
Table4: Glasgow, Berwick, Edinburgh

I'd want the data retrieved from all four tables and sorted so that the data retrieved would be:

Anglesey, Antrim, Armagh, Berwick, Cardiff, Ceredigion, Dorset, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Lancashire, London

I am aware of and am using the SELECT ... ORDER BY feature of MSSQL in my present ASP.NET application to retrieve from single database tables. I'm using merged datasets and a sort method to solve the above problem at the moment.

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Using COALESCE And Retrieving Data

May 16, 2012

I'm preparing a report that will display provider number, provider name, and a single field that will show all the counties that specific provider serves. I realize from researching the coalesce posts that this can be done. However, when I try to retrieve data in the same select statement as my coalesce, I get the error: "A SELECT statement that assigns a value to a variable must not be combined with data-retrieval operations."The listing of the counties must be specific to the provider, so my original code was:

DECLARE @Counties varchar(1000)
SET @Counties = ''
@Counties=coalesce(@Counties,'') + b.COUNTY + ','
from ECBH.dbo.tbl_PROVIDERS a inner join ECBH.dbo.tbl_Provider_Serv_Regions c
on a.PROV_ID = c.PROV_ID
inner join ECBH.dbo.tbl_Regions b
where c.PROV_ID = a.PROV_ID
and a.MASTER = 1

I thought about creating a table to hold the coalesced values (need to coalesce two other fields as well), but wouldn't an insert to a table fail for the same reason?The counties table does not relate to the provider table, but does relate to a provider_county table (which in turn relates to the provider table).

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Need Help With Retrieving Deleted Data

Mar 4, 2008


Thank you for reading this. I am faced with a problem where there is no storage of deleted or updated information in an OLTP DB. I am mostly concerned about retrieving the deleted data from a table when an update occurs so as to make the deleted data show as an error. Is there a way to retrieve these kind of data from a DB, if so how? Can these data be retrieved by dates? Also how much time do you have before the data can no longer be retrieved? Assuming that the data can be retrieved.

I know the good stuff about datawarehousing but unfortunately we have no DW. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Retrieving A Portion Of PK Data

Mar 27, 2008

I want to extract a particular portion of primary key field data.For example- suppose there are fifty data in PK field starting from 1...50.Now I want only to extract data from 25 to 50.It is bcos I want to retrieve only the new data that is inserted after a specified time.For example-today there is data starting from 1 to 25 which I have retrieved and saved elsewhere.By tomorrow there will be new data starting from 26 to 50 or more.Now I just want to extract this additional data from the database so that I dont need to extract all data again.Could anybody pls tell me how to do this.How can I do it using common SQL bcos I have to make a program for it.

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Retrieving A Portion Of PK Data

Mar 27, 2008

I want to extract a particular portion of primary key field data.For example- suppose there are fifty data in PK field starting from 1...50.Now I want only to extract data from 25 to 50.It is bcos I want to retrieve only the new data that is inserted after a specified time.For example-today there is data starting from 1 to 25 which I have retrieved and saved elsewhere.By tomorrow there will be new data starting from 26 to 50 or more.Now I just want to extract this additional data from the database so that I dont need to extract all data again.Could anybody pls tell me how to do this.How can I do it using common SQL bcos I have to make a program for it.

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Retrieving Data From SQL2000

Mar 15, 2007

I am trying to retrieve data that has been inserted into the database but only half the text is being displayed.
The field is varchar(8000)

In the Enterprise Manager I can view the data, then I copy and paste it into MS Word and everything is there.
851 Characters with spaces.

However, when I enter the SQL code into SQL Query Analyzer only half the text shows, about 257 characters are displayed with spaces.

When I display the information on the webpage only half the text is displayed (running IIS/PHP 5)

I don't know why this is doing this and not sure what I can do to display the full text.

Please help.

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Retrieving Data From Database...

Jun 4, 2006

Hi all,

I am working on a project on PocketPC in which it is required to reteive data from database. I have created database on simulator as .sdf file. I want to retreive data from eVC++ code. How i can do so?


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Help With Retrieving String Data

Aug 30, 2007


I am trying to retrieve only the first few characters (12 to be precise) from this string that is coming in from FoxPro to SQL Server 2005 and I am coding in C#. I have tried these methods (after reading it in a book, as I am new to this) but it still gives me an error saying that the field cannot exceed 12 characters.

autoClaimSalvage.Phone = "Select LEFT ('" + (string)(drInputDataSource["OWNPHN"]) + "',12) From '" + entityManager.TargetTable + "'";
autoClaimSalvage.Phone = "Select LTRIM(RTRIM(OWNPHN)) From '" + entityManager.TargetTable + "'";
autoClaimSalvage.Phone = "Select LTRIM(RTRIM('" + ((string)(drInputDataSource["OWNPHN"])) + "'))" + entityManager.TargetTable + "'";

Please let me know what i am doing wrong and if anyone has a sample code or if you can point me in the right direction, I will appreciate it.

Thanks for your help in advance.

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Retrieving UDT Data In Non .NET Languages. ?

Jan 9, 2007

I have been thinking of using SQL server 2005 as i would like the flexibility i get through UDT. Retrieving the UDT data in managed could is ok but i would like to retrieve it in non .NET languages too.

For example lets say i create a UDT "Point". I insert data in a table that has some columns of type point.

Now is there a way i can get the data of the type point in a point object in non .NET languages like perl, python...

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Problem Retrieving Data From SQL CE

Feb 21, 2008


I am using Visual Studio 2008 with .NET 3.5 Visual Basic. I'm having a problem retrieving data from my SQL CE database.
I have a function that imports a file, parses it and writes the contents to a database. When I then query the database from my code, the data I have just written doesnt seem to be there. Even when i close and re-run the program. Only when I first view the table contents through Visual Studio then re-run the program does the data show up.

The things I know are. When I insert data there is no problem. I can view the data through visual studio server explorer. only when I view data through the server explorer can my code retrieve it.

Could this be something to do with caching? Any help would be appreciated. The (stripped down) code I use to insert data is below


Dim rowsAffected = 0

Dim connection As New SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection(connectionstring)
Dim transaction As SqlCeTransaction

' command objects for inserting a ContactList and retrieving its last identity
Dim cmdInsertContactList As New SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO ContactLists (Name, FolderID) VALUES (@Name,@FolderID)")
cmdInsertContactList.Parameters.Add("@Name", SqlDbType.NVarChar)
cmdInsertContactList.Parameters.Add("@FolderID", SqlDbType.NVarChar)


transaction = connection.BeginTransaction()

cmdInsertContactList.Connection = connection
cmdInsertContactList.Transaction = transaction

' insert a new list
cmdInsertContactList.Parameters("@Name").Value = list.Name
cmdInsertContactList.Parameters("@FolderID").Value = folder.ID
rowsAffected += CInt(cmdInsertContactList.ExecuteScalar())


End Try

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Retrieving Data Using A Stored Procedure

Mar 31, 2007

I have created the following stored procedure and tried to retrieve it's output value in C#, however I am getting exceptions. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks!  1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCustomerById]
3 @CustId NCHAR(5),
4 @CustomerName NVARCHAR(50) OUTPUT
6 AS
9 SELECT @CustomerName = ContactName
10 FROM Customers
11 WHERE CustomerId = @CustId
13 END
22 SqlConnection conn = GetConnection(); //retrieves a new SqlConnection
23 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
24 cmd.Connection = conn;
25 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
26 cmd.CommandText = "GetCustomerById";
28 SqlParameter paramCustId = new SqlParameter();
29 paramCustId.ParameterName = "@CustId";
30 paramCustId.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NChar;
31 paramCustId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
32 paramCustId.Value = "ALFKI";
34 SqlParameter paramCustomerName = new SqlParameter();
35 paramCustomerName.ParameterName = "@CustomerName";
36 paramCustomerName.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar;
37 paramCustomerName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
39 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramReturn);
40 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramCustId);
41 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramCustomerName);
43 conn.Open();
44 SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
46 string custName = cmd.Parameters["@CustomerName"].Value.ToString();

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Retrieving Data From An Attached Mdf File

Apr 13, 2007

I attach my SQL Server Express data file to my host. I would like to copy all of my member information back to my local computer. How can I do this? My host won't allow my to physically copy the data file over.  My host is   Thanks,Jeff

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Data Retrieving Or Querying Problem

May 10, 2007

Hi, I am using visual web developer 2005 express edition and Microsoft SQL 2005 to develop a fast-food ordering website and I am having trouble in retrieving data from a database table into a form. Can some one please teach me the way to write the syntax for retrieving or selecting a inserted value from the database? I have only know the syntax to insert data value from a form which is something like this:
'Create a New Connection to our daabase
Dim test As SqlDataSource = New SqlDataSource()
test.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("Connectionstring1").ToString
'This is the SQL Insert Command
test.InsertCommand = "Insert into Customer([Initial],[Correspondent_Name],[Correspondent_No],[Payment_Type]) VALUES (@Initial,@Correspondent_Name,@Correspondent_No,@Payment_Type)"
'Each of this insert a value into the appropriate command
test.InsertParameters.Add("Initial", DropDownList4.SelectedValue) 'This is the selected "Initial" DropDownList value
test.InsertParameters.Add("Correspondent_Name", TextBox10.Text) 'This is the Correspondent_Name value
test.InsertParameters.Add("Correspondent_No", TextBox3.Text) 'This is correspondent_no value
test.InsertParameters.Add("Payment_Type", "Pay upon delivery") 'This indicates that the payment is made with credit card
 But I have no idea the syntax to retrieve a data. Please help me with this matter as it is important to me. Thanks in advance!

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Saving Data And Retrieving It From The Database

Sep 18, 2007

Heres my requirement from a financial analysis im doing...I have just calculated an industry averages on financial ratios...Now i wanna upload this industry average to the that I can compare it to the individual companies' averages after calculating a particular company's average; meaning i wanna be able to call the industry average of a particular ratio (eg Current Ratio) after calculating a company's corresponding ratio...Is there a code fragment i can use for this ?? Thanks in advance...Adam 

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Retrieving Data From A Junction Table

Jan 30, 2008

Hi i have a junction table(UserGroups) which is linking my users table with my groups table, however when the information is coming back in the format below, instead i want the group names to appear in only one field, instead of repeating the same data, could someone please tell me what i need to change

UserName: Edwin CarolsUserAge: 28JobTitle: ManagerGroupName: MUFC

UserName: Edwin CarolsUserAge: 28JobTitle: ManagerGroupName: AFC
Below is my SQL statement; 
SELECT Users.UserName,Users.UserAge, Users.JobTitle, Groups.GroupName FROM Users INNER JOIN UserGroups ON Users.UserID = UserGroups.UserID INNER JOIN Groups ON UserGroups.GroupID = Groups.GroupID WHERE (Users.UserID = '5')

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Retrieving Data Based On Value In A Field

May 29, 2008

Hi I hop i make sense with this, i have a page where you can update a products price based on the year, so for instance some products will still have prices set in 2007, while some may have prices which will be set in 2008, what i am trying to do is if the price has been set in 2008 it shows this value. The fields in the table which control the values are Rate(controls 2007), and Rate2007Period2. What i am trying to do is if Rate2007Period2 is null or 0, then display the 2007 rate, and if Rate2007Period2 is greater than 0 then display that value. Here is the view which displays the rates;
SELECT     dbo.tblRateSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SWT,                       dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Tstamp, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateSchedule_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleUnit_ID,                       dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleType_ID, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit,                       dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description, dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblRateSchedule.Work_Type_Description AS Expr1,                       dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate_Active, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,                       dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2FROM         dbo.tblRateSchedule INNER JOIN                      dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.MA_Code = dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.MA_Code LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblRateScheduleType ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleType_ID = dbo.tblRateScheduleType.RateScheduleType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblWorkType ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID = dbo.tblWorkType.WorkType_ID LEFT OUTER JOIN                      dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit ON dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleUnit_ID = dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.RateScheduleUnit_IDWHERE     (dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate_Active = '1')

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Retrieving Data From SqlDataSource (old School)

Jan 27, 2006

I need to retrieve info from a database and display it using a repeater control. No problems there! But, I need to add data before displaying it, and I don't mean add data to the database but rather to the repeater control. For eaxample:
I have a simple database containing two fields: [date] and [event]. The repeater will display these events in a monthly view. That is: the repeater will have 31 rows and the events will be displayed next to the day it happens. Now if there's nothing happening a certain day then I need to add that day manually because it will not be bound, right! See my problem?
In other words, how do i loop through a records when using the SqlDataSource?
Thanks,Björn Andersson 

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Retrieving Data Based On Criteria

May 31, 2008

Hi I hope i make sense this time around, I have a page in which a customer can either add a new product and its rate as well as update an existing product. What i am trying to achieve is get the live rate of the product, when a user goes to order the product. Each existing product can be updated twice in a year either in period 1 or period 2, therefore there is a possibility that a rate hasnt been updated which means the price should be the alst updated rate. Therefore the following are the possible rates which the product can have;

dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate - This will be the rate when a product is new and has just been added, therefore no previous rates.

dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2- Most existing products are still having this rate as their latest rate.

dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 1

dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 2

What i am trying to do is get the latest rate as it stands in the system, based on the above scenarios. This what I have so far, i tried to use the ISNULL, however that didnt work for probably because there are four instances. The following is the "view" which returns the rates.


SELECT dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Survey_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.ScheduleStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description,
dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID, ISNULL(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Valuation, 0) AS Valuation, dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_DateTime,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION ELSE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description END AS DESCRIPTION,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN tblRateSchedule.SWT ELSE tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID END AS SWT, dbo.tblCategory.Category,
dbo.tblScheduleStatus.Schedule_Status, CASE isnull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)
WHEN 0 THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate ELSE tblWorkSchedule.Rate END AS Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate AS UPLIFTED_RATE,
CASE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID WHEN 1 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID)
END WHEN 2 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID) END END AS UpliftedRate,
CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) ELSE CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) END AS Total, dbo.tblCompany.IsContractor, dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Constructor_Percentage,
dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Contractor_Percentage, CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) ELSE ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) END AS After_Lift, ISNULL(dbo.tblSurvey.Survey_Completed, 0)
AS Survey_Completed, LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Title)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Forename))
+ ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Surname)) AS Inserted_By, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_By AS InsertedBy_ID,
ISNULL(dbo.tblUploadedFile.File_Name, '') AS File_Name, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Variation_ID,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2008Period1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate

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Procedure For Retrieving Data From SQL Tables With VBA

Oct 24, 2005

Hi All;

I'm new to SQL, the long and short is I am trying to access some data from an SQL Table to use in my VBA Code in my MS Access front-end.

Here is what I am doing now;

HSTUHoursPriorPeriods = CDbl(Nz(DLookup("[Hours]", "dbo_TIMS_HSTU_HoursHist_Insync", "[eeLink] =" & EmployeeLink), 0))

I am accessing data (YTD Hours for a selected employee) through the view "dbo_TIMS_HSTU_HoursHist_Insync" which is connected by ODBC to my application. The result "HSTUHoursPriorPeriods" is used to determine the rate of pay for a specific employee and is run literall each time a user enters a pay record at data entry.

Because the view itself returns about 1,000 records, before I select the specific record and associated Hours, it is a little slow from a data entry standpoint.

I understand I can achieve the same result through an SQL Procedure, but
for the life of me I don't know how.

ANY thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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Retrieving Data Based On Criteria

May 31, 2008

Hi this is my first post i am hoping its the write place. I have a page in which a customer can either add a new product and its rate as well as update an existing product. What i am trying to achieve is get the live rate of the product, when a user goes to order the product. Each existing product can be updated twice in a year either in period 1 or period 2, therefore there is a possibility that a rate hasnt been updated which means the price should be the alst updated rate. Therefore the following are the possible rates which the product can have;

dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate - This will be the rate when a product is new and has just been added, therefore no previous rates.

dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2- Most existing products are still having this rate as their latest rate.

dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 1

dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate - This is the rate when a rate has been updated in 2008 period 2

What i am trying to do is get the latest rate as it stands in the system, based on the above scenarios. This what I have so far, i tried to use the ISNULL, however that didnt work for probably because there are four instances. The following is the "view" which returns the rates.

SELECT dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Survey_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.ScheduleStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, dbo.tblRateScheduleUnit.Unit, dbo.tblWorkType.Work_Type_Description,
dbo.tblRateScheduleType.Type, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.MA_Code, dbo.tblRateSchedule.SOR_Code, dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID, ISNULL(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Valuation, 0) AS Valuation, dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID,
dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_DateTime,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.DESCRIPTION ELSE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description END AS DESCRIPTION,
CASE IsNull(CONVERT(varchar, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Figure_Description), '')
WHEN '' THEN tblRateSchedule.SWT ELSE tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleLocation_ID END AS SWT, dbo.tblCategory.Category,
dbo.tblScheduleStatus.Schedule_Status, CASE isnull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)
WHEN 0 THEN dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate ELSE tblWorkSchedule.Rate END AS Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID,
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate AS UPLIFTED_RATE,
CASE dbo.tblWorkSchedule.WorkScheduleType_ID WHEN 1 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.WorkScheduleOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID)
END WHEN 2 THEN CASE IsNull(dbo.tblSurvey.VariationOverallStatus_ID, 0)
WHEN 4 THEN dbo.tblWorkSchedule.UpliftedRate ELSE dbo.GetSWT_PropertyYearPeriodRate(IsNull(tblRateSchedule.WorkType_ID, 0),
tblWorkSchedule.WorkSchedule_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyYear_ID, tblSurvey.PropertyPeriod_ID) END END AS UpliftedRate,
CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) ELSE CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0)) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2),
IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty, 0)) END AS Total, dbo.tblCompany.IsContractor, dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Constructor_Percentage,
dbo.tblCompany.Percentage AS Contractor_Percentage, CASE IsNull(dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate, 0) WHEN 0 THEN ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblRateSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) ELSE ((IsNull(tblCompany.Percentage, 0)
/ 100 * (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) + (CONVERT(decimal(18, 2),
dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Rate) * CONVERT(decimal(19, 2), dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Qty))) END AS After_Lift, ISNULL(dbo.tblSurvey.Survey_Completed, 0)
AS Survey_Completed, LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Title)) + ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Forename))
+ ' ' + LTRIM(RTRIM(dbo.tblUser.User_Surname)) AS Inserted_By, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Inserted_By AS InsertedBy_ID,
ISNULL(dbo.tblUploadedFile.File_Name, '') AS File_Name, dbo.tblWorkSchedule.Variation_ID,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period1, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2006Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period1,
dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2007Period2, dbo.tblHistoricalRateSchedule.Rate2008Period1,
dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period1Rate, dbo.tblRateSchedule.RateScheduleYear2008Period2Rate

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Retrieving Data From Stored Procedure

May 25, 2008


For a particular application i retrieve records using stored procedure and bind the same to the data grid and display the same. The data are fetched from a table say A joined with couple of tables to staisfy the requirement. Now this table A has around 3700000 + records. The Select statement is as

Select column1, column 2, column 3...................... column 25
from table A

inner join hash table D
on A.Column3 = D.Column3
and A.Column4 = D.Column4
and a.nColumn1 = @ParameterVariable
Inner join table B
on a.nColumn1 =b.nColumn1
inner join table C
on A.column2 = C.column2

Indices defined on A are
IDX1 : Column 3, Column 4
IDX2 : Column 1

Around 350 records per second are inserted into the table A during the peak operation time. During this time when executing the procedure, it takes around 4 mins to fetch just 25000 records.

I need to fine tune the procedure. Please suggest me on same.


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Retrieving Data Using Fiscal Years

Oct 14, 2007

Hi, I would like to select data from my source system based on fiscal years. I don't want to hard code anything, e.g. select * from person where startdate > 01042005. I want to try and use a store proc or function. The main requirement is to always retrieve data from source tables for the last two fiscal years (based on todays date - getdate). Our fiscal year starts the 1st April. Therefore, If todays date is 14 October 2007, I would like to select all persons whose start date was greater than 01 April 2005. Is there an easy way to do this in sql server 2005 without hard coding dates?


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Storing/Retrieving Flash Files In/from Sql Server 2005

Dec 17, 2007

Hi There,
Can I store flash files in the database. I have a table with one of the columns as varbinary datatype. Previously, I was saving images (as filebytes) into this column. But now I need to implement something to store the flash file. So, is it possible to store flash files in the database and retrieve them and display them in an page?
Thanks a lot for your suggestion!!

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Retrieving Data From Sqldataprovider W/out Presentation Control

Jun 27, 2006

Is there a way to retrieve a returned value from a stored procedure w/out binding do a data presentationi control?  I have the following sqldataprovider...
  <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MyServer %>"
<asp:formparameter name="username" formfield="txtusername" />
<asp:formparameter name="password" formfield="txtpassword" />
 Do I have to make a gridview to get the value that is returned from this stored procedure?  The SP only returns one value (a count of records) and I want to set it to a variable.  Is there a way, similar to a recordset in ASP, that I can access that one value?
here is my stored procedure...
@username varchar(50),
@password varchar(50)

SELECT COUNT(*) AS numusers
FROM f_Users
WHERE username=@username AND password=@password
 I just want to retrieve "numusers" and use it in a conditional....
tia for your help

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