Retrieving Data From Stored Procedure

May 25, 2008


For a particular application i retrieve records using stored procedure and bind the same to the data grid and display the same. The data are fetched from a table say A joined with couple of tables to staisfy the requirement. Now this table A has around 3700000 + records. The Select statement is as

Select column1, column 2, column 3...................... column 25
from table A

inner join hash table D
on A.Column3 = D.Column3
and A.Column4 = D.Column4
and a.nColumn1 = @ParameterVariable
Inner join table B
on a.nColumn1 =b.nColumn1
inner join table C
on A.column2 = C.column2

Indices defined on A are
IDX1 : Column 3, Column 4
IDX2 : Column 1

Around 350 records per second are inserted into the table A during the peak operation time. During this time when executing the procedure, it takes around 4 mins to fetch just 25000 records.

I need to fine tune the procedure. Please suggest me on same.


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Retrieving Data Using A Stored Procedure

Mar 31, 2007

I have created the following stored procedure and tried to retrieve it's output value in C#, however I am getting exceptions. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong? Thanks!  1 ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCustomerById]
3 @CustId NCHAR(5),
4 @CustomerName NVARCHAR(50) OUTPUT
6 AS
9 SELECT @CustomerName = ContactName
10 FROM Customers
11 WHERE CustomerId = @CustId
13 END
22 SqlConnection conn = GetConnection(); //retrieves a new SqlConnection
23 SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();
24 cmd.Connection = conn;
25 cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
26 cmd.CommandText = "GetCustomerById";
28 SqlParameter paramCustId = new SqlParameter();
29 paramCustId.ParameterName = "@CustId";
30 paramCustId.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NChar;
31 paramCustId.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
32 paramCustId.Value = "ALFKI";
34 SqlParameter paramCustomerName = new SqlParameter();
35 paramCustomerName.ParameterName = "@CustomerName";
36 paramCustomerName.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar;
37 paramCustomerName.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
39 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramReturn);
40 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramCustId);
41 cmd.Parameters.Add(paramCustomerName);
43 conn.Open();
44 SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader();
46 string custName = cmd.Parameters["@CustomerName"].Value.ToString();

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Getting Error When Retrieving Data From Stored Procedure

Jan 9, 2008

I'm at my wit's end with this. I have a simple stored procedure:
PROCEDURE [dbo].[PayWeb_getUserProfile] ( @user_id_str varchar(36), @f_name varchar(50) OUTPUT)AS
BEGINDECLARE @user_id uniqueidentifier;
SELECT @user_id = CONVERT(uniqueidentifier, @user_id_str);
select @f_name=f_name FROM dbo.tbl_user_profile WHERE user_id = @user_id;
The proc runs perfectly from the Management Console. In my form (C#), the following always results in: "Invalid attempt to read when no data is present." (I'll highlight the line where the error results):
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(<connection string data>);SqlDataReader reader;
SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("dbo.PayWeb_getUserProfile", conn);comm.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlParameter f_name = new SqlParameter("@f_name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50);
f_name.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;comm.Parameters.Add(f_name);
comm.Parameters.Add("@user_id_str", SqlDbType.VarChar, 36).Value = Membership.GetUser().ProviderUserKey.ToString().ToUpper();reader = comm.ExecuteReader();Response.Write("Num: " + reader["@f_name"].ToString()); // ERROR: Invalid attempt to read when no data is present.
The data is there. When I put a watch on 'Reader', I see the correct first_name data there.
Your help is appreciated.

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Stored Procedure Retrieving Duplicate Data

Apr 17, 2008

Hi i have the following stored procedure which should retrieve data, the problem is that when the user enters a name into the textbox and chooses an option from the dropdownlist it brings back duplicate data and data which should be appearing because the user has entered the exact name they are looking for into the textbox. For instance
Pmillio Jones
Pmillio Jones
Pmillio Jones
Robert Walsh
Here is my stored procedure;
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[stream_UserFind]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@userName varchar(100),
@subCategoryID INT,@regionID INT
SELECT DISTINCT SubCategories.subCategoryID, SubCategories.subCategoryName,
Users.userName ,UserSubCategories.userIDFROM Users INNER JOIN UserSubCategoriesON
Users.userID= UserSubCategories.userIDINNER JOIN
SubCategories ON UserSubCategories.subCategoryID = SubCategories.subCategoryID WHEREuserName LIKE COALESCE(@userName, userName) OR
SubCategories.subCategoryID = COALESCE(@subCategoryID,SubCategories.subCategoryID);

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Retrieving Return Value From Stored Procedure Declaratively

Nov 1, 2007

I have a stored procedure "sp1" which returns a value (with the sql statement Return @ReturnValue).
Is it possible for my page to retrieve this return value, and to do it declaratively (meaning without writing code to connect to the database in the code behind). If it is possible to do it like this please tell me how, and if not please tell me how to do it with code.
Thanks in advance .

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Retrieving Output Parameter From A Stored Procedure

Feb 28, 2008

Lets say I have the following stored procedure


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Retrieving Parameter List For A Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2004

Is there a way to retrieve the parameter list for a given stored procedure?

I am trying to create a program that will autogenerate a list of stored procedures and their parameters so that changes to the database can be accurately reflected in code.

Allen K.

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Retrieving Server Time Using Stored Procedure

Jul 21, 2000

Hello all,

We have a domain where all computers are on GMT(Greenwitch Mean Time). We have an access front end that timestamps certain fields according to the client time that the program is running on, but we will be moving our client workstations off of GMT time and keep our SQL Server on GMT time, and want to keep the timestamps GMT.

So, I wanted to know if it was possible to create a stored procedure that gets the Server's time and returns it to the Access frontend for entry into the timestamp fields?

Or, if anyone has a better idea of how to get the time from the server to use on the clients, I would greatly appreciate it!!!

Kevin Kraus

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Retrieving Values From Stored Procedure Using FormView && SqlDataSource

Mar 3, 2008

Please excuse me if this question has been asked before; I couldn’t find it.  Perhaps someone could point me to the solution.
A few years ago I wrote an order-entry application in classic ASP that I am now re-writing in ASP.NET 2.0.  I am having very good success however I can’t figure out how to retrieve data from a stored procedure.
I am using the FormView & SqlDataSource controls with a stored procedure to insert items into an order.  Every time an item is inserted into the order the stored procedure does all kinds of business logic to figure out if the order qualifies for pricing promotions, free shipping, etc.  If something happens that the user needs to know about the stored procedure returns a message with this line (last line in the SP)
 SELECT @MessageCode AS MessageCode, @MessageText AS MessageText 
I need to retrieve both the @MessageCode and the @MessageText values in my application.  In classic ASP I retrieved these values by executing the SP with a MyRecordset.Open() and accessing them as normal fields in the recordset.
In ASP.NET I have specified the SP as the InsertCommand for the SqlDataSource control.  I have supplied all the parameters required by my SP and told the SqlDataSource that the insert command is a “StoredProcedureâ€?.  Everything actuly works just fine.  The items are added to the order and the business logic in the SP works fine.  I just have no way of telling the user that something important has happened.
Does anyone know how I can pickup these values so that I can show them to my users?  Bassicly if @MessageCode <> 0 I want to show @MessageText on the screen.

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Retrieving Default Values For Parameters In A Stored Procedure.

Jul 23, 2005

I'm generating a list of parameters needed by stored procedures, and
I'd like to know which ones have default values assigned to them.
To retrieve the parameter information I use:

sp_sproc_columns @Procedure_Name='InsertUser''

However, the column that is supposed to give the default value,
'COLUMN_DEF' always returns as NULL, even when that column has a
default value assigned to it.
CREATE PROCEDURE InsertUser@UserID INT = 10,.....

And then if I do a sp_sproc_columns @Procedure_Name='InsertUser'', the COLUMN_DEF value for the @UserID column is still NULL.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong and how I can retrieve the default value?


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Problem With Stored Procedure And Retrieving Inserted Identity Value

Jul 11, 2006

Hello!I use a procedure to insert a new row into a table with an identitycolumn. The procedure has an output parameter which gives me theinserted identity value. This worked well for a long time. Now theidentity value is over 700.000 and I get errors whiles retrieving theinserted identitiy value. If I delete rows and reset the identityeverything works well again. So I think it is a data type problem.My Procedure:create procedure InsertProduct@NEWID int outputasbeginset nocount oninsert into PRODUCT(D_CREATED)values(getdate()+'')set nocount offselect @NEWID = @@IDENTITYendMy C# code:SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("InsertProduct", sqlCon);comm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;comm.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@NEWID",System.Data.SqlDbType.Int)).Direction =System.Data.ParameterDirection.Output;try{SqlDataReader sqlRead = comm.ExecuteReader();object o = comm.Parameters["@NEWID"].Value;//...}catch ( Exception ex ){throw ex;}The object o is alwaya System.DbNull. I also tried to use bigint.Any hints are welcomeCiaoSusanne

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Procedure For Retrieving Data From SQL Tables With VBA

Oct 24, 2005

Hi All;

I'm new to SQL, the long and short is I am trying to access some data from an SQL Table to use in my VBA Code in my MS Access front-end.

Here is what I am doing now;

HSTUHoursPriorPeriods = CDbl(Nz(DLookup("[Hours]", "dbo_TIMS_HSTU_HoursHist_Insync", "[eeLink] =" & EmployeeLink), 0))

I am accessing data (YTD Hours for a selected employee) through the view "dbo_TIMS_HSTU_HoursHist_Insync" which is connected by ODBC to my application. The result "HSTUHoursPriorPeriods" is used to determine the rate of pay for a specific employee and is run literall each time a user enters a pay record at data entry.

Because the view itself returns about 1,000 records, before I select the specific record and associated Hours, it is a little slow from a data entry standpoint.

I understand I can achieve the same result through an SQL Procedure, but
for the life of me I don't know how.

ANY thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: One Stored Procedure Return Data (select Statement) Into Another Stored Procedure

Nov 14, 2014

I am new to work on Sql server,

I have One Stored procedure Sp_Process1, it's returns no of columns dynamically.

Now the Question is i wanted to get the "Sp_Process1" procedure return data into Temporary table in another procedure or some thing.

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How Can I Assign A Stored Procedure As Cursor's Data Source In AStored Procedure?

Oct 8, 2007

How can I create a Cursor into a Stored Procedure, with another Stored Procedure as data source?

Something like this:


FOR Exec xp_FixedDrives
-- The cursor needs a SELECT Statement and no accepts an Stored Procedure as Data Source

OPEN CURSOR HardDisk_Cursor

INTO @Drive, @Space



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Getting Data From A Storeed Procedure In A Stored Procedure

Jul 23, 2005

What I am looking to do is use a complicated stored procedure to getdata for me while in another stored procedure.Its like a view, but a view you can't pass parameters to.In essence I would like a sproc that would be like thisCreate Procedure NewSprocASSelect * from MAIN_SPROC 'a','b',.....WHERE .........Or Delcare Table @TEMP@Temp = MAIN_SPROC 'a','b',.....Any ideas how I could return rows of data from a sproc into anothersproc and then run a WHERE clause on that data?ThanksChris Auer

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How Do I Call A Stored Procedure To Insert Data In SQL Server In SSIS Data Flow Task

Jan 29, 2008

I need to call a stored procedure to insert data into a table in SQL Server from SSIS data flow task.
I am currently trying to use OLe Db Destination, but I am not sure how to map inputs to OLE DB Destination to my stored procedure insert.

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Error Retrieving Result From CLR Procedure

May 15, 2007


We are using a simple CLR sp where an SQL statement is executed inside the same. THe execution happens in a server of different context that is connected inside CLR sp. The result set is returned in tabular format using pipe. But, when we access the result as below

create table #t(c1 int, c2 int, c3 int)
insert #t exec TestProc
select * from #t

it give the following error. Any help is appreciated. It seems to be some error with distibuted transaction. We tried adding BEgin Distributed trnasaction, but still the error comes.

Msg 6522, Level 16, State 1, Procedure TestProc, Line 0
A .NET Framework error occurred during execution of user-defined routine or aggregate "TestProc":
System.Transactions.TransactionException: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D025) ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: The partner transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D025)
at System.Transactions.Oletx.ITransactionShim.Export(UInt32 whereaboutsSize, Byte[] whereabouts, Int32& cookieIndex, UInt32& cookieSize, CoTaskMemHandle& cookieBuffer)
at System.Transactions.TransactionInterop.GetExportCookie(Transaction transaction, Byte[] whereabouts)
at System.Transactions.Oletx.OletxTransactionManager.ProxyException(COMException comException)
at System.Transactions.TransactionInterop.GetExportCookie(Transaction transaction, Byte[] whereabouts)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.EnlistNonNull(Transaction tx)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.Enlist(Transaction tx)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnectionTds.Activate(Transaction transaction)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionInternal.ActivateConnection(Transaction transaction)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionPool.GetConnection(DbConnection owningObject)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection(DbConnection owningConnection)
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection(DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.Open()

at Class1.RunRemoteMetalProc()



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Retrieving Output Parameter From Stored Proc

Oct 2, 2006

I have difficulty reading back the value of an output parameter that I use in a stored procedure. I searched through other posts and found that this is quite a common problem but couldn't find an answer to it. Maybe now there is a knowledgeable person who could help out many people with a good answer.The problem is that  cmd.Parameters["@UserExists"].Value evaluates to null. If I call the stored procedure externally from the Server Management Studio Express everything works fine.Here is my code:using (SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection(this.ConnectionString))
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("mys_ExistsPersonWithUserName", cn);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar).Value = userName;
cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserExists", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd.Parameters["@UserExists"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
int x = (int)cmd.Parameters["@UserExists"].Value;
return (x>1);
}  And the corresponding stored procedure: ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.mys_Spieler_ExistsPersonWithUserName
@UserName varchar(16),
@UserExists int OUTPUT
SELECT @UserExists = count(*)
FROM mys_Profiles
WHERE UserName = @UserName


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Tables, Stored Procedures, Inserting, :-)

Apr 8, 2008

Hello there!
I've been sitting here thinking how to work through this problem but I am stuck. First off I have two tables I am working with.
Request TablerqstKey (this is the primary key and has the identity set to yes)entryDte                  datetimesummary                 nvarchar(50)etryUserID               nvarchar(50)rqstStatusCdeKey    bigint
ReqStatusCode TablerqstStatusCdeKey   bigintstatusCode             nvarchar(50)
I have webforms that are using Session variables to store information from the webpages into those variables and insert them into these tables. However, I am wanting to insert the rqstStatusCdeKey (from the ReqStatusCode Table) value into the Request Table. The rqstStatusCdeKey value i am wanting to insert is '3' which stands for "in Design" (((this is going to be the default value))). I need help :-/ If you need me to explain more/ clarify, and show more information I can. Thank you so much!!!

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Help Retrieving Values From 2 Similar Stored Procs

May 1, 2006

I created one stored proc, then copied it to create another similar stored proc with just some filtering changes in the second.  Now I want to obtain the results from both like this:

ProjFee   ProjGross  DailyRunRate  Var1  InHouse1  InHouse2  GrossGoal  Group Name  PostedAmount
Row# 1 from current stored proc
Row # 2 from called stored proc

so something like this I should get in the end for example when both results are combined:

ProjFee   ProjGross  DailyRunRate  Var1  InHouse1  InHouse2  GrossGoal  Group Name  PostedAmount
100000   33455        200                 300    345555      4455555    5666666     Arizona           56000
103400   22455        900                 700    777555      3333555    5444666     Illinois            660000

The first stored proc (CurrentMonthCollections_AZ) attempts to include the results of the second stored proc at the end (CurrentMonthCollections_IL) by calling it and inserting the fields into a temp table.

I was told by Angel to instead convert the second stored proc into a UDF...but having trouble with this.

What is the best approach to get the desired 2 rows back that I need in that fasion?

Here is the code for the 2 stored procs (very long so I will post as as links):

Look at the end of CurrentMonthCollections_AZ.txt to see where I'm stuck in trying to select the results (ProjFee   ProjGross   DailyRunRate   Var1   InHouse1   InHouse2   GrossGoal   Var1   PostedAmount
) from both stored procs.

I don't think UNION is what I want because it will combine stuff...I just want 2 separated rows

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Calling A Stored Procedure Inside Another Stored Procedure (or Nested Stored Procedures)

Nov 1, 2007

Hi all - I'm trying to optimized my stored procedures to be a bit easier to maintain, and am sure this is possible, not am very unclear on the syntax to doing this correctly.  For example, I have a simple stored procedure that takes a string as a parameter, and returns its resolved index that corresponds to a record in my database. ie
exec dbo.DeriveStatusID 'Created'
returns an int value as 1
(performed by "SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName= 'Created') 
but I also have a second stored procedure that needs to make reference to this procedure first, in order to resolve an id - ie:
exec dbo.AddProduct_Insert 'widget1'
which currently performs:SET @statusID = (SELECT statusID FROM statusList WHERE statusName='Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
I want to simply the insert to perform (in one sproc):
SET @statusID = EXEC deriveStatusID ('Created')INSERT INTO Products (productname, statusID) VALUES (''widget1', @statusID)
This works fine if I call this stored procedure in code first, then pass it to the second stored procedure, but NOT if it is reference in the second stored procedure directly (I end up with an empty value for @statusID in this example).
My actual "Insert" stored procedures are far more complicated, but I am working towards lightening the business logic in my application ( it shouldn't have to pre-vet the data prior to executing a valid insert). 
Hopefully this makes some sense - it doesn't seem right to me that this is impossible, and am fairly sure I'm just missing some simple syntax - can anyone assist?

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End Stored Procedure If No Data

Oct 15, 2013

I have written the following stored procedure to export a csv file. I am wanting to put a If statement in here so if view UDEF_DISPATCHER_INTERFACE_ORDER_HEADER_VIEW returns nothing then the procedure does not run.



DECLARE @BcpHeader AS VARCHAR (2000)

[Code] ....

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Retrieving Scalar Or Calculated Values From Stored Procedures With C#

Feb 4, 2007

I am trying to build an Sql page hit provider.  I am having trouble getting a count back from the database.  If I use ExecuteScalar it doesn't see any value in the returned R1C1.  If I use ExecuteNonQuery with a @ReturnValue, the return value parameter value is always zero.  Ideally I would like to use a dynamic stored proceudre if there are any suggestions for using them with C#.  My table has rvPathName, userName and a date.  I have the AddWebPageHit method working so I know data connection and sql support code in provider is working.  I think the problem is either in how I am writing the stored procedures or how I am trying to retrieve the data in C#.  Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

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Getting Text Data Into XML Stored Procedure

Jan 16, 2008

Hi,I've got some XML which exists as a text variable in a temp table in SQL Server 2000.I need to pass this XML into sp_xml_preparedocument so I can rebuild a table out of it. But I can't figure out the syntax.If I try doing this:declare @idoc intexec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, (select XmlResult from #cache)I get an error, with or without the brackets round the select statement.The temp table is created using an SP, but I can't call that directly either. This:declare @idoc intexec sp_xml_preparedocument @idoc output, exec Search$GetCache @searchIDAlso throws an error.I can't put it into a
local variable because they can't be of type text. I can't pass it into
the SP somewhere as it's being generated on the fly.How can I get my xml into sp_xml_preparedocument?Cheers,Matt

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Data Repeating In Stored Procedure

Jan 31, 2008

Can someone tell me why my stored procedure is repeating the Name in the same column?
Here's my stored procedure and output:
select distinct libraryrequest.loanrequestID, titles.title, requestors.fname + ' ' + requestors.lname as [Name],
Cast(DATEPART(m, libraryrequest.requestDate) as Varchar(5)) + '/' + Cast(DATEPART(d, libraryrequest.requestDate) as Varchar(5)) + '/' + Cast(DATEPART(yy, libraryrequest.RequestDate) as Varchar(5)) as RequestDate,
Cast(DATEPART(m, libraryrequest.shipdate) as Varchar(5)) + '/' + Cast(DATEPART(d, libraryrequest.shipdate) as Varchar(5)) + '/' + Cast(DATEPART(yy, libraryrequest.shipdate) as Varchar(5)) as ShipDate
from LibraryRequest
join requestors on requestors.requestorid=libraryrequest.requestoridjoin titles on titles.titleid = requestors.titleidwhere shipdate is not null 
ID      Title                      Name                   Request Date     Ship Date
29     Heads, You Win     Brenda Smith        1/18/2008          1/18/200835     Still More Games    Brenda Smith        1/22/2008          1/22/200851     The Key to..           Brenda Smith  Brenda Smith 1/29/2008 1/29/200852     PASSION...           Brenda Smith  Brenda Smith  1/29/2008 1/29/200853     LEADERSHIP       Brenda Smith   Brenda Smith  1/29/2008  1/29/2008
Going crazy ugh... 

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How To Get The ID Of An Inserted Data In A Stored Procedure

Feb 14, 2008

hi iam working for a stored procedure where i am inserting data for a table in a database and after inserting i must get the ID in the same procedure.later i want to insert that output ID into another table inthe same stored procedure.
for example:
alter procedure [dbo].[AddDetails]
@IndustryName nvarchar(50),
@CompanyName nvarchar(50),
@PlantName nvarchar(50),
@Address nvarchar(100),
@Createdby int,
@CreatedOn datetime
insert into Industry(Industry_Name,Creadted_by,Creadted_On) OUTPUT inserted.Ind_ID_PK values(@IndustryName,@Createdby,@CreatedOn)
insert into Company(Company_Name,Company_Address,Created_by,Created_On,Ind_ID_FK) OUTPUT inserted.Cmp_ID_PK values(@CompanyName,@Address,@Createdby,@CreatedOn)
insert into Plant(Plant_Name,Created_by,Creadted_On,Ind_ID_FK,Cmp_ID_FK)values(@PlantName,@Createdby,@CreatedOn,@intReturnValueInd,@intReturnValueComp)
Here iam getting the output ID of the inserted data as OUTPUT inserted.Ind_ID_PK and later i want to insert this to the company table into Ind_ID_FK can i do this.
Please help me, i need the solution soon.

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Stored Procedure For Getting Data Into Dropdownlist

Feb 27, 2008

Hi iam working with two dropdownlists,one gets the data dynamically when the pageload.later after selecting particular item in the dropdownlist1 i must get data to the dropdownlist2 depending on 1.
For example:
Dropdownlist1 is for industry and 2 is for company.
when i select particual industry in ddl1 i must get companies based on this industry in ddl2.Both the Industry name and company name are maintained in two different tables industry and company with common field ID.please help me with a stored procedure to sort out this problem...

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Retrieve Data From A Stored Procedure

Jul 27, 2004

Hello Group
I am new to stored procedures and I have been fighting this for a while and I hope someone can help. In my sp it checks username and password and returns an integer value. I would like to retrieve some data from the same database about the user (the users first and last name and the password of the user). I can’t retrieve the data. Here is my code.
CREATE PROCEDURE stpMyAuthentication
@fldUsername varchar( 50 ),
@fldPassword Char( 25 )--,
--@fldFirstName char( 30 ) OUTPUT,
--@fldLastName char( 30 ) OUTPUT
DECLARE @actualPassword Char( 25 )
@actualPassword = fldPassword
fldUsername = @fldUsername
IF @actualPassword IS NOT NULL
IF @fldPassword = @actualPassword

fldUsername = @fldUsername
############### login page ################
Sub Login_Click(ByVal s As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If IsValid Then
If MyAuthentication(Trim(txtuserID.Text), Trim(txtpaswrd.Text)) > 0 Then
FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(Trim(txtuserID.Text), False)
End If
End If
End Sub

Function MyAuthentication(ByVal strUsername As String, ByVal strPassword As String) As Integer
Dim myConn As SqlConnection
Dim myCmd As SqlCommand
Dim myReturn As SqlParameter
Dim intResult As Integer
Dim sqlConn As String
Dim strFirstName, strLastName As String

sqlConn = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("sqlConnStr")
myConn = New SqlConnection(sqlConn)

myCmd = New SqlCommand("stpMyAuthentication", myConn)
myCmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

myReturn = myCmd.Parameters.Add("RETURN_VALUE", SqlDbType.Int)
myReturn.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue

myCmd.Parameters.Add(Trim("@fldUsername"), Trim(strUsername))
myCmd.Parameters.Add(Trim("@fldPassword"), Trim(strPassword))
myCmd.Parameters.Add("@fldFirstName", strFirstName)
myCmd.Parameters.Add("@fldLastName", strLastName)
myCmd.Parameters.Add("@fldPassword", strPassword)

intResult = myCmd.Parameters("RETURN_VALUE").Value


'If strPassword = 55555555 Then
' Session("intDefaultPass") = 1
'End If

Session("strFullName") = strFirstName & " " & strLastName
Session("strPassword") = strPassword

If intResult < 0 Then
If intResult = -1 Then
lblMessage.Text = "Username Not Registered!<br><br>"
lblMessage.Text = "Invalid Password!<br><br>"
End If
End If

Return intResult
End FunctionAt this time I am not getting any errors. How can I retrieve the data that I am after?

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Export XML Data - Stored Procedure

Feb 26, 2006

I have an SQL query that can generate XML file.  However, it does not seemed to work as a stored procedure.  Basically, i want to be able to generate an XML file based on the data stored in a SQL table and be able to do this using script...Also, if there is a script (or stored procedure) that will allow me to generate the XML file with the specification of an XML schema would even be better...
e.g Sample XML file required...<Person><Name>Raymond</Name><NickName>The Legend</NickName></Person><Person><Name>Peter</Name><NickName>The King</NickName></Person>
sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1;GORECONFIGURE;GOsp_configure 'Web Assistant Procedures', 1;GORECONFIGUREGOsp_makewebtask @outputfile = 'C:MyExportFile.xml', @query = 'SELECT * FROM MyTableName for XML AUTO, TYPE, ELEMENTS', @templatefile = 'C:Template.tpl'

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Processing Data From Stored Procedure

Aug 22, 2001

I want to capture and process data inside of a stored procedure by executing another stored procedure. If proc1 calls proc2 and proc2 returns 1 or more rows, consisting of 2 or more columns, what is the best way to do this?

Currently, I know I'm returning 1 row of 3 columns, so I concatenate the data and either return it with an OUTPUT parameter or using the RETURN stmt.


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Stored Procedure To Insert Data

Nov 30, 2000

I have a table that has data and is indexed by the Visit #. Each month I receive new data from a text file that I have to import into this table. On all occasions the text file will have one of the existing Visit #'s contained in it.

I wrote a simple stored procedure that has the INSERT/SELECT statement but the problem I am having is when I execute the Stored Procedure and I run into a record from the text file that already exist in my table the stored procedure errors and stops at that point.

How do I write a stored procedure that will ignore that text record and continue reading the text file and insert records that do not exist?

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DATA Retrieval Stored Procedure

Mar 29, 2001

Is there a stored proceduire that grabs all the data from a specified table and places it in a file.

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Storing Out Put Of Data From Stored Procedure In A

Jul 5, 2007

i m new in sqlserver databases
i need to know how to "store output of data from stored procedure in a text file "
suppose i have a stored procedure which has to cuculate some out put from some tables and in the end i want that all out put in comma delimited text file.
my databse name is check1
i need help please
thanks in advance
take care

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