Retriving Deleted Record From Database

Aug 2, 2007

Hi friends

I have a bit problem here

Just I want to get back all deleted record of database

How do I perform this task?
If It is possible then plz help me out?

Thanks in Advance


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Retriving The ID Of The Last Record Inserted

Apr 23, 2006

 I would appreciate help with retriving the ID of the last record inserted. Have spent considerable time in forums and google but can't find anything that works for me.
Here is my VB Code
   Dim queryString As String = "INSERT INTO [DUALML] ([UseriD], [Company]) VALUES (@UseriD, @Company)"        Dim dbCommand As System.Data.IDbCommand = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand        dbCommand.CommandText = queryString        dbCommand.Connection = dbConnection
        Dim dbParam_useriD As System.Data.IDataParameter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter        dbParam_useriD.ParameterName = "@UseriD"        dbParam_useriD.Value = useriD        dbParam_useriD.DbType = System.Data.DbType.Int32        dbCommand.Parameters.Add(dbParam_useriD)        Dim dbParam_company As System.Data.IDataParameter = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter        dbParam_company.ParameterName = "@Company"        dbParam_company.Value = company        dbParam_company.DbType = System.Data.DbType.[String]        dbCommand.Parameters.Add(dbParam_company)            
        Dim rowsAffected As Integer = 0        dbConnection.Open        Try            rowsAffected = dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery        Finally            dbConnection.Close        End Try
        Return rowsAffected    End Function

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Retriving Previous 5 Rows And Next 5 Rows And The Searched Record

Mar 30, 2008

Dear All

I have a table with the following structure in sql server 2005

create table app(
sno int,
name varchar(50),
add varchar(50),
city varchar(50),
state varchar(50)

it contains the follwing data
sno name add city state
1 mark street no1 newcity newstate
2 mark street no1 newcity newstate
3 mark street no1 newcity newstate
4 mark street no1 newcity newstate
5 mark street no1 newcity newstate
6 mark street no1 newcity newstate
7 mark street no1 newcity newstate
8 mark street no1 newcity newstate
9 mark street no1 newcity newstate
10 mark street no1 newcity newstate
11 mark street no1 newcity newstate
12 mark street no1 newcity newstate
13 mark street no1 newcity newstate
14 mark street no1 newcity newstate
15 mark street no1 newcity newstate
16 mark street no1 newcity newstate
17 mark street no1 newcity newstate
18 mark street no1 newcity newstate
19 mark street no1 newcity newstate
20 mark street no1 newcity newstate


I want to retrive previous 5 records, next 5 records and the record that meet the where condition of a select query.

When I run

select sno,add,name,city,state from app where sno=7

I want the following result

sno name add city state
2 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
3 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
4 mark street no1 newcity newstate | -- previous 5 records
5 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
6 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
7 mark street no1 newcity newstate --- searched record
8 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
9 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
10 mark street no1 newcity newstate |--- next 5 records
11 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
12 mark street no1 newcity newstate |

if there is a method to get the above result set, kindly post the query.

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#Deleted When A Record Is Changed

Feb 1, 2008

First of all, let me apoligize if this is a stupid question, but just a few days ago I decided to change my FE/BE database from Ms Access to SQL Server Express. Now I have a FE in ACC2002 and a BE in SQL SERVER (the two connected via ODBC). Anyway, this is my question:

When everything was in Access I had a form retreiving a series of records based on a filter - for understanding purpose let's say that a field must have been 'Not Null'. The operator then filled that field with data. With Access everything was static, and the operator could see all the records, the ones already changed and the ones not changed. With SQL now: everytime the operator fills in the field, the record changes to #Deleted. I assume that that is happening because the query - someway - is "alive" and is "filtering data alive"... or is updating records instantly. Just to make things more clear: is the record changed immediately so it is not considered part of the filtered data by the query, thus being change to #Deleted? What could I do to prevent this?

Thanks a lot for your help.

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How To Find How A Record Was Deleted

Jul 23, 2005

Is there a way to tell who or what process deleted a record in a SQL table.I know you can setup triggers or Profiler - but is there a way to see how arecord was deleted if you DO NOT have a trigger or Profiler already running?This is SQL 2000 Standard, sp3a with default options and configuration.Thanks

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Stopping A Single Record From Being Deleted

Sep 26, 2006

 I am using a drop down list box to select values from an SQL 2000 DB.  I have put a record into the table which says"...Select Item"I used the dots so that It will apear at the top of the list and therefore display at startup.  I also have a gridview to allow users to edit and delete from the same table.I am worried that a user may accidently delete the "...Select Item" row from the table.Can anyone think of a way round this?  Is it possible with SQL Server 2000 to stop a single record from being deleted?Any help would be most appreciated.ThanksPaul     

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How To Add Record With Same Primarykey That User Deleted

Feb 28, 2007

I have a sql server database that she deleted a record with ID as 2873. I would like to try to add this record manually, but the primary key can't be edit. How can i add this record with the same ID as she deleted?

Many thanks.

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How To Retrieve Deleted Record In Table?

Feb 20, 2008


i have deleted 5 to 10 records in a table. is there any way to retrieve the deleted records?

please help me in this regards.

Thanks in Advance.


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Retriving Varchar(max) Value From Database

Jan 22, 2008

I am using datareader to retrive the varchar (max) value from the database. But it is reteriving only 8000 why ? I am not using normal varchar datatype.
Below is the sample code.
where _oDr is the datareader
MyVar is defined of type varchar (max) in the sql 2005 database.
Any help will be appreciated.

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Manipulate The 'deleted Record' Flag On DBF Files

May 7, 2007


I am using OLE DB provider for Foxpro (VFPOLEDB.1) to query DBF files. I need to migrate the content of these files to a SQL Server 2005 database.

These DBF files have some (actually a lot) records marked as deleted using the DBF 'deleted' flag. When I submit a SELECT command to the OLE DB Provider, it returns me all the non-deleted records from the file.

It is very Ok as long as the 'deleted' rows actually have no more business value, but in my case, I need to do some processing on them, and even to migrate their data.

What are the options available for me to be able to query and differentiate the 'deleted' records ?

Thank you in advance,

Bertrand Larsy

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Record Not Updated Or Deleted When Any Column Consists The Null Value

Oct 23, 2007

Hi All  In My application when i want to work with sqldatasource for updation and delteion tasks it is working properly when all the columns consists the data. If any of the column consists the null values its not updating and deleting. Advices are needed.Thank uBaba 

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Does The UPDATE Trigger Fire When A Record Is Updated Or Only When It Is Deleted?

Jun 15, 2004

I've gotten conflicting info about this in the past so I thought I'd try to get clarification.

When a record is deleted, I'm sure it fires the delete trigger. Does it also fire the update trigger?


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Please Correct This Error While I Retriving Image From Database

Sep 4, 2007

private void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e){    // Put user code to initialize the page here    MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream ();    SqlConnection connection = new       SqlConnection (@"...");    try    {        connection.Open ();        SqlCommand command = new           SqlCommand ("select Picture from Image", connection);        byte[] image = (byte[]) command.ExecuteScalar ();           stream.Write (image, 0, image.Length);        Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap (stream);        Response.ContentType = "image/gif";        bitmap.Save (Response.OutputStream, ImageFormat.Gif);    }     finally    {        connection.Close ();        stream.Close ();    }
Error:       byte[] image = (byte[]) command.ExecuteScalar ();   
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.Byte[]'.

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Retriving Gender From Database In A Radio Button

Mar 10, 2006

i am storing gender in the database.i want to retrive it in one of the radiobuttons for male and female already present on the form . how can i?

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Transact SQL :: Set Child Records To Inactive When Parent Record Deleted From Table

Oct 16, 2015

I need to create a trigger to meet following conditions.

When parent record is deleted from UI record becomes inactive in table. i need to create a trigger when this happens.

When parent record is deleted child records needs to be inactivated in table.

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Inserting And Retriving Datetime Field In Database MSSQL 2000

Jan 10, 2006

Hi, Assume I have a table name "myTime". This table is simply only have 1 (one) DATETIME field "MyTestTime" (also serve as a primary number).Table MyTime- MyTestTime : SQLTYPE DATETIMETo insert a new row into this field, I simply wrote :SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand("insert into MyTime values('2006-01-09')", sqlConnection);
I got the value of "2006-01-09" from a textbox or other relevan control.I realize when I try to use "SELECT * FROM MyTime" statement, MSSQL server 2000 automatically convert my date value from "2006-01-09" to "01/09/2006" (from YYYY-MM-DD to MM/DD/YYYY). I don't know why this one must be converted to MM/DD/YYYY automatically (I believe this behavior is depend on some "setting option" in my MSSQL server - but I don't know which one).The challenge is :In my country, the actual date format is like German Date format (DD-MM-YYY). Well I know this is only "Customization" problem. But how insert datetime value given from sql query to a datetime variable?// Connect to database, make a query, get the datareader result, and bla bla blaDateTime aDateTime = new DateTime;aDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(myDataReader["PostDate"].ToString());// close connectionMy question isHow can I make sure that aDateTime's day is 09 not 01. How my program know that 09 is day not month. I can't use string.split() method because it's possible that my database setting will change from "mm-dd-yyyy" to "dd-mm-yyyy"thanks

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Retriving Data From A Remote Sql Server Database And Storing It In A Local Sqlserver Db

Aug 1, 2001

Is it possible for retriving data from a remote Sql server database and storing it in a local sqlserver database.

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Creating Database Where Each Record Is Required To Have Twin Record In Database

May 12, 2014

,I am creating a database where each record is required to have a twin record in the database.These is a type a value and a type b value and both must be present for the record to be valid.

Customer_ID, Order_Type, Product_Code
54, a, 00345
54, b, 00356

Is this something that would have to be done programmatically, or is it possible to create a constraint of some sort to ensure this?

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To Know Who Deleted The Database

Dec 11, 2000

Is it possible to know that who has deleted the database

Thanks in advance

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Deleted Database

Jan 21, 2005

Our past CIO deleted a SQL Server database because he didn't know what it was or if we needed it. Guess what we do! We were able to undelete the backup files but when we try to restore from it we get the error "No a valid backup" Any ideas?

Thank you for any help. :eek:

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Records Don't Get Deleted From The Database!

Sep 17, 2007

I am using this code to delete records from a table in the database that has two fields (both are primary keys) I am not getting any error, but nothing gets deleted. Thanks for the help.
Code:protected void btnRemove_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
}protected void Remove()
//update database with filename
//Save Changes
connection.Open();using (SqlTransaction trans = connection.BeginTransaction())
{ SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(trans, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "spRemoveCompany", new SqlParameter("@Userid", getGdUserID(Profile.UserName)),new SqlParameter("@BusinessID", getBusinessID());
}catch (Exception err)
// throw exception
 lblStatus.Text = "An error has occurred in the delete process. Please try again.";
 Here is the stored procedure:ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spRemoveCompany]
@Userid uniqueidentifier OUTPUT,
@BusinessID uniqueidentifier OUTPUT
ASDELETE FROM Associations2 WHERE Userid = @Userid AND BusinessID = @BusinessID

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Deleted The Database But Have A Backup .

Apr 9, 2007

i backed up the database d1 and deleted it off my sql server.
when i innitiate the sql server instante is supposed to run the d1 DB. But since i deleted it, it pops up an error. How can i fix it?

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Default Database Deleted

Sep 3, 2007

Dear All,
i'm using sql server 2005.
I've one default database named testdb. unexpectedly that was deleted. now i was unable to connect to the server. what is the solution for this

Even you learn 1%, Learn it with 100% confidence.

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Recover Deleted Database

Oct 5, 2007

I have accidentally deleted a Database from SQL server 2005 instance. Is there any chance for me to recover the Database. If yes do let me know the method.

Thanks in advance

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Data Gets Deleted From Database

Apr 20, 2015

I have created a web api hosted on Azure. A couple of times a day all data from my database get deleted and I see these errors in the log. I have tried to reinstall microsoft sql server spatial types from nuget, but that didnt work. Could not load assembly 'D:homesitewwwrootbinSqlServerT ypesx86SqlServerSpatial110.dll'.

Error received: 'Could not load file or assembly 'file:///D:homesitewwwrootbinSqlServerTypesx86SqlServerSpatial110.dll' or one of its dependencies. The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.'. 

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Recovering A Deleted Database.

Aug 2, 2007

I accidentally deleted at SQL 2005 database. Is there any way I can get it back? No, there is no backup.

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Recover Deleted Database On Sql Server

Feb 12, 2008

Can any body provide me any idea that how to recover database data if i have deleted that database

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Recover A Deleted SQL Express Database

Mar 22, 2006

One of my SQL Express databases was deleted by mistake through MS SQL Server Management Studio Express.  It is not in the Recycle Bin and I have tried to use a tool such a Active@ Undelete to recover the file but it cannot find the deleted file.
I have a backup file *.bak in the ....MSSQLBackup folder I made using MS SQL Server Management Studio Express.   When I try to use the restore database feature in SSMSE I get various errors.
Any Suggestions on how to recover the deleted file or
Any suggestions or documentation on using the restore feature in SSMSE?
Any help at all?

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Purging Deleted Database Names

Jul 1, 2002

When connecting to an SQL Server (v7 in this case) the log file shows that old and deleted databases are still being opened as part of the process. Further, these db names are now reserved and cannot be reused, even thought I've deleted them.

Is there any way I can purge all traces of these deleted db names?

You might have guessed, I'm a newbie, which is why there are a few dozen deleted DBs.

Thanks for any help

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How To Find Who Is Deleted The Database Or Object?

Aug 5, 2003

I wanted find the log information if anybody deleted my database or bojects in my server.
Is it possible we can able to find this details in my previous log or any sys tables ?

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How To Recover Deleted Database Data?

Oct 18, 2006

I accidentally deleted some useful data in my database. I have both .LDF and .MDF files for this database.
Is there a way to recover this database to a point of time?

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Deleted My Database Log File, Can't Reattach

Jul 20, 2005

Hello,A utility I was running caused our database's log file to run out ofhard drive.So, I detached the database, deleted the log file, and tried toreattach.SQL server fails to reattach because it cant find the log file. (Whyit cant just create a new default one is beyond me...but...)EXEC sp_attach_single_file_db @dbname = 'sgvault',@physname = 'c:Program FilesMicrosoft SQLServerMSSQLDatasgvault.mdf''Could not open new database 'sgvault'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.Device activation error. The physical file name 'C:ProgramFilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLdatasgvault_log.LDF' may beincorrect.Do you know how I can fix this dilemma? Thanks!

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How Do I Clean Up Database Deleted By ClickOnce With T-SQL?

May 12, 2006

I posted this in the SQL Server Express forum as well...

My app deployed via ClickOnce. It ships with a database creation script which creates the database in the ClickOnce data directory. Upon uninstall, the entire data folder is deleted successfully. But if you then reinstall the app, SQL Server Express still thinks the database exists. Right now, to get a re-install to work, I have to go into Management Studio Express, click on the db (get an pop-up error as the physical db file is no longer there) and then click delete.

So my question is... what system proc should I execute in the db creation script before I run the CREATE DATABASE command?

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