Return All Databases Names Using Query?

Jun 17, 2006

Hi, I am trying to get all the databases from MS SQL into a dropdownlist. However, I am not sure how to do that in query ... is there a way to retrieve all databases name using  a query in MS SQL? Thanks.

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Transact SQL :: Use Dynamic Table Names And Get Return Value From The Query

Sep 16, 2015

I don't know why this is so difficult. What I want to do is take a table name as a parameter to build a query and get an integer value from the result of the query. But from all of the research I have been doing, Dynamic SQL is bad in SQL server because of SQL Injections. But my users are not going to be supplying the table names.

Things I have learned:

 - SQL Functions cannot use Exec to execute query strings.
 - SQL Functions can return a concatenated string that could be used by a stored procedure to Exec the query string.

So how can I write a stored procedure that will
1. take a parameter
2. Pass the parameter to a function that will return a string
3. Execute that string as SQL
4. Get a return value from that SQL statement
5. Then finally, from a View, how can I pass a parameter to the stored procedure and get the returned value from the stored procedure to be used as a field in the View?

Numbers 3, 4, and 5 are where I am really stuck. I guess I don't know the proper syntax and limitations of SQL Server.

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Return Field Names

Jun 1, 2005

Howdy all,I'm wishing to write a stored proc to return only the field names from a table.  What I've tried gets the field names but also returns all of the data in each row.  I only want the field names.  Is this possible?Thanks!JP

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Return Table Names - How?

Feb 3, 2004

In a stored procedure returning several tables how can I assign a name to each table.

I wish to select the table in my app using DataSet.Tables("MyTable") rather than DataSet.Tables(0)

Create Procedure myProc As

Select * from table1

Select * from table2

Select * from table3


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Return Db Names On Server

Sep 8, 2007

Does anyone know how to return the name of all the databases except the system databases on a server for SQL Server 2005?

Thank you

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How To Get Names Of All Databases Using Sql Statements?

Jun 15, 2004

How can i get names of all databases using sql statements or system stored procedures? Thanks in advance!

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Using Qualified Names Of Databases

Apr 29, 2004

I have databases a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ... an.
Each has a table t1 .

I am writing a stored proc which compares the t1 table between any given two databases.
I want to pass the database name as a variable ..
so the SPROC looks like

exec sp_comparetable 'a3' , 'a7'

My question is , inside the SPROC ,how do I refer to the tables in the a3 and a7 databases.


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Look Up For DB Owner And Return Names Of DB's Not Owned By 'Sa'.....

Oct 10, 2001

I need to write a stored procedure,that look's up the owner of each database on an server and returns the names of the databases which are not owned by SA.
Can we do this..if so how??


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Return Tables That Have Certain Column Names

Feb 28, 2008

Hi all,

From the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES view I want to return the TABLE_NAME of tables that have columns say, named Email and EmailStatusId. Is it possible to do this with a single select statement or would I have to use two selects for this?

Please advise.

Thanks in advance.

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How To Prevent Displaying All Names Of Databases?

May 15, 2004

I get an issue, that is: Once i expand databases from SQL Enterprise Manager, it takes a long time to wait displaying all names of databases. How should i do to prevent displaying all names of databases?

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How To Get The List Of Names Of The Databases Of A Server Using OleDbConnection In C#.......?

Mar 13, 2008

I want to get the names of the databases of the server using OleDbConnection in c# which i have to add in to a combobox.....the same task i achieved using SqlConnection where in there is a Class SqlClientCollectionNames...the code is as followsusing (SqlConnection connection =new SqlConnection("Data Source=server;User ID=username;Password=passwd")) {                connection.Open();                DataTable myData = connection.GetSchema(SqlClientMetaDataCollectionNames.Databases);                foreach (DataRow row in myData.Rows)                   comboBox1.Items.Add(row[0]);               connection.Close();}   but the same i did for OleDbConnection it is not working using (OleDbConnection connection =new OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=server;User ID=username;Password=passwd"))
                DataTable myData = connection.GetSchema(SqlClientMetaDataCollectionNames.Databases);//no such method Databases  present in OleDb namespace
                               foreach (DataRow row in myData.Rows)
}    is there any other way to do this using OleDbConnection........??Please help 

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SELECT Statement To Return Table Column Names

Aug 16, 2004

Is there a SELECT statement that will return a the column names of a given table?

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Transact SQL :: How To Get All Databases Names With Its Owners In Server Instance

Jul 23, 2013

I want to get all databases with it's owner Name ,I think I need to join following script result with sys.databases or sys.sysdatabases.I want a result set  like this:

DatabaseName    db_Owner

master                  sa
pubs                     valia
pubs                     eli
pubs                    maryam
AdentureWork      eli

this script get all owners of the database that is in use:

Use DatabaseName

SELECT MemberName, RoleName,roles.type_desc,members.type_desc

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Return Column Names Where Values Were Not Found [stored Procedure]

Sep 5, 2004

I need to check whether procedure found any matches or not. If not it has to return the column name where matching value was not found. For example, if there was no record found in the table "Addresses" column "customer" with the value @username, it should return "street". If id with value @prod_id was not found in the table "Products", the "productname" must be returned as well.

@id INT,
@username VARCHAR(50),
@prod_id INT

SELECT name FROM Customers WHERE id=@id
SELECT street FROM Addresses WHERE customer=@username
SELECT productname FROM Products WHERE id=@prod_id

It is kind of check, which has to find out if users have inserted all the necessary values or not.
Thanks for any advice.

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SQL Server 2008 :: Logical And Physical File Names Of All Databases

Apr 3, 2011

Is there a query or sp that I can pull all databases on the server along with their logical file names and physical file names?

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T-SQL (SS2K8) :: Multiple Databases - Return A Single Table With Three Columns

Jan 13, 2015

I have multiple databases in the server and all my databases have tables: stdVersions, stdChangeLog. The stdVersions table have field called DatabaseVersion which stored the version of the database. The stdChangeLog table have a field called ChangedOn which stored the date of any change made in the database.

I need to write a query/stored procedure/function that will return all the database names, version and the date changed on. The results should look something like this:

DatabaseName DatabaseVersion DateChangedOn
OK5_AAGLASS 2015/01/12
OK5_SHOPRITE 2015/01/10
OK5_SALDANHA 2014/12/23

The results should be ordered by DateChangedOn.

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SQL Server 2012 :: Return A Table Of Table-names Dynamically?

Sep 14, 2015

I have a function that returns a table from a comma-delimited string.

I want to take this a step further and create a function that will return a set of tablenames in a table based on a 'group' parameter which is a simple integer...1->9, etc.Obviously, what I am doing is not working out.

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnReturnTablesForGroup
@whichgroup int


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SQL Query Help With Names

Jan 5, 2008

hi i have one field in employee table
where the field name is employeename
where firstname + ' ' + lastname is stored in that field
how can i break them in 2 pieces so that i can store in 2 different fields and some reacords has got
firstname+ ' ' + middlename+ ' '+ lastname and i want to store them in temp tables how can i do that.

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Get Table Names From Query

Mar 15, 1999

Using VB5|6/ADO/MSSQL6.5. I want to get the names of tables in a query. I.e. if query is "Select Name, Title from Employee inner join job on employee.empid = job.empid" I want a way to get "Name, Title"
In VB 3 we used the VBSQL.VBX which had 2 functions for this: SQLTabCount and SQLTabName.

Thanks in advance

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How To Get All The Table Names By Query

Apr 5, 2008


I have a database that have two handred tables.I want to get all the table name list.

Would you please help me if you know how to do this (query or build-in stored procedure).



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Using Variables For Table Names In Query

Mar 19, 2006

Is it possible to use variable name to dynamically define a query in a stored procedure?  EX:

@Column = 'COUNT(*)'
@Category = 'Products'
@Table = 'Items. + @Category

SELECT @Column
FROM @Table

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Retrieving User Names Through SQL Query

Feb 20, 2000

I am trying to retrieve the user names of all users within a database. The problem is, that I have only created a login within SQL 7.0 for the NT group that the users belong to.

As such, when I try to query the syslogins table I only get the NT group.

Is there any way of retrieving the users that belong to this NT group.

Any help or suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.



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I Want A Query That Returns Only The Column Names

Dec 16, 2007

I want a query that returns only the column names

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How To Get All Field Names In A Table Using Sql Query?

Sep 11, 2006


How canI get all field names in a table using sql query? Now I am not interested in the data in this table, what I am interested in is just the schema, i.e. all field names. Thanks.

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A Strange Problem With SQL Query Fro Getting Field Names

Aug 9, 2004

Hello All,

I have been trying to get this code work, but I could not. Every thing seems going well. However, The result of running the sql query is strange. It shows the field names twice.
Eg:) if you have a table called "newtable" that has two fields[Custnumber, Custname], you will get somthing like this [Custnumber, Custname Custnumber, Custname]. I have tried many times, but I couldn't fix it.

Sub Page_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) handles Mybase.Load

if not page.Ispostback then

Sqlconnection = New Sqlconnection (connectionString)

WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'Newtable'"

SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(queryString, Sqlconnection)


dataReader = SqlCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

while dataReader.Read()

Tablefields_txt.text += dataReader.Getstring(0) & ", "

End while

catch ex as Exception

msgbox("An error has occured: " + ex.Message,0, "Error Message")



End try
End if

Any help , please

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Two Different Tables, Each With Identical Column Names... Query Help

Nov 18, 2005

I have two different tables... one for all Staff, and another for all Temp Staff.  I need both to output to a datagrid, and so I need to grab both tables from a SQL query to output to my datagrid, but I can't seem to get the logic right for it to work.  Can someone give me some suggestions on why my results are blank when I'm running this query?  I thought a simple join would allow both sets of identical column names to coexist in peace...SELECT     TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.StaffDirectory.UserName, dbo.StaffDirectory.LastName, dbo.StaffDirectory.FirstName, dbo.StaffDirectory.Dept,                       dbo.StaffDirectory.Title, dbo.StaffDirectory.EMail, dbo.StaffDirectory.LocationFROM         dbo.StaffDirectory INNER JOIN                      dbo.TempStaff ON dbo.StaffDirectory.Location = dbo.TempStaff.Location AND dbo.StaffDirectory.EMail = dbo.TempStaff.Email AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.Title = dbo.TempStaff.Title AND dbo.StaffDirectory.Dept = dbo.TempStaff.Dept AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.FirstName = dbo.TempStaff.FName AND dbo.StaffDirectory.LastName = dbo.TempStaff.LName AND                       dbo.StaffDirectory.UserName = dbo.TempStaff.UName AND dbo.StaffDirectory.MDNo = dbo.TempStaff.MDNoIs something wrong here?  It just doesn't work =(Any suggestions would be really appreciated.Thank you

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How To Query Sys Tables For Index Names And Columns

Nov 12, 2001

I'm looking for a query that will return all index names, the table the index is on and the columns in the index...

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Query For Searching 'names' Based On First Letter

Apr 2, 2004

I would like to search MySQL table for names by selecting the first letter of the name.
eg: SELECT * FROM names WHERE lastName "begins with" M (or Mi, etc)

Right now if I use LIKE I get all names that contain "M".


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Query Help, Get Count Of Names Having Distinct Letters

May 8, 2007

here is a query


select count(d) from (select distinct left(name,9) as d from bscs where region like 'n1' and name like 'Alc_%')

what i am trying to do is to get count of the names, having distinct letters in left 9 positions and some conditions too. How to do it?

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Query To Retrieve First Names Of Person Where Last Name Is John

Dec 16, 2013

I need a query which retrives the firstnames of the person where last name is john. I am considering the performance as the main factor.

Is there any better query than the following?

Select firstname from tablename where lastname='John'

Considering performance as the major factor....

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Query To Understand The Names Of All Available Tables In Database

Aug 31, 2014

SQL query to understand the names of all the available tables in the database , number of records in these tables and size of these tables ?

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Query Returning Duplicate Field Names

Jul 20, 2005

I have a .NET program that can connect to either an Access 97 database or anSQL Server 7 database. In the database I have two tables which have a fieldcalled ID. When I run a query like "SELECT A.*, B.* FROM A, B", the queryreturns those fields as "A.ID" and "B.ID" when connected to Access 97, butas "ID" and "ID" in SQL Server 7. Is there anyway to get SQL Server toprepend the table name to the field name in a case like this and not returnduplicate field names like that without having to specify aliases for thefields?- Don

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Return Result From One Query As A Column In Other Query

Jun 3, 2004

I'm having a bit of a trouble explaining what I'm trying to do here.

I have 3 "source" tables and a "connecting" table that I'm going to use

tblContacts - with contactID, ContactName etc
tblGroups - with GroupID, GroupName
tblSubGroups - with SubGroupID, GroupID and SubGroupName (groupID is the ID for the parent Group from tblGroups)

They are related in a table called
tblContactsGroupConnection - with ContactID, GroupID and SubGroupID

One contact can be related to many subgroups.
What I want is a list of all contacts, with their IDs, names and what groups they are related to:

ContactID, ContactName, [SubGroupName1, SubGroupName2, SubGroupName3]
ContactID, ContactName, [SubGroupName1, SubGroupName3]
ContactID, ContactName, [SubGroupName3]

I'm sure there's a simple solution to this, but I can't find it. Any help appreciated. :)


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