Return Bottom 10 Rows Not Working.

Feb 1, 2007

Ok so this is more then likely very easy for most. But for me it's hard. I have a stored proc that I've been able to get to retun just the top 10 rows and have been able to order it asending. But it will only return the top 10 and I need to bottom 10 of the selection.


ALTER proc [dbo].[proj_ListFiles](@project_id int)
select top 10(@project_id) id, project_id, filename, contenttype, length
from proj_file
where project_id=@project_id

How can I make it return to bottom 10. On a side note about this, when it returns the recordset they all have the 'id' of the 'project_id' that I selected. Not that the side note really bothers me as it will not be returning the ID's to be visible.

Any help would be great,

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Selecting Bottom Rows From A Table

Dec 15, 1999

I need to select the last 6 rows from a table... I was doing it like this:

select * from table where id > (select max(id)-6 as id from table)

But if one of the records is deleted it will only show 5.... Is there any easy way to make it show the bottom 6 records?

much thanks sql gods...

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Rows Skipped Out In Stored Procedure While Return All Rows If Query Executed Seprate

Nov 8, 2007

Hi All,

I am using sql server 2005. I stuck out in a strange problem.
I am using view in my stored procedure, when I run the stored procedure some of the rows get skipped out means if select query have to return 10 rows then it is returning 5 rows or any other but not all, also the records displyaing is randomly coming, some time it is displaying reords 12345 next time 5678, other time 2468.

But if I run seperately the querys written in SP then it returns all the rows. Please give me solution why it is happening like this.

There are indexes in the tables.

Once I shrink the database and rebuild the indexes, from then this problem is happening. I have rebuild the indexes several time, also updated the statistics but nothing improving.

But nothing is improving

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IIF Return Value Not Working.

Apr 18, 2008

I am very new to SSRS and need help. I know this is most likely silly simple but its just not working for me.

What I need is the value of Fields!PayAmt.Value displayed if Fields!ID.Value = 606182. I know the PayAmt.Value is 15.0000 but what is displayed is 0.0000.

=IIF(Fields!ID.Value = 606182,Fields!PayAmt.Value,Fields!PayAmt.Value)

Thank you in advance from this SSRS newbie!!

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Return Result Not Working With IN Clause

Feb 28, 2008

I have a form that has many checkboxes (more than 40) that provide information about companies.

For example. Company ABC
Checkbox 1 (Windows XP)
Checkbox 2 (Windows Vista)
Checkbox 3 (Windows NT4)

I save these in a SQL table like the following
Row 1 - Col 1 (CompanyID), col2 (checkbox value)
Row 2 - Col 1 (CompanyID), col2 (checkbox value)
etc.. so a comapany can have multiple checkbox selected..

I am currently developing a report where the end user can select one or many of the checkbox to see if the company exist.

This is where I get stuck - I only want to return the results of the companies that meet the report selections. So if I want to see all the companies that current have Windows NT and Windows would I build that querry based on the data model above.

I have tried using the IN clause - however that use the OR connector and doesnt show ONLY the compaines that meet. I have tried using a UNION and INTERSECT, and running the select statement many times.. (SELECT CompanyID from xx WHERE CheckboxVal = xx)
(SELECT CompanyID from xx WHERE CheckboxVal = xx)
etc.. howevert this creates a very large quesry that is unable to be handled by SQL 2005. I get a error message asking to minimize the query.

Any suggestions on this please...this is my 4th day working on this..

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Return Two Rows From One Rows Data

Jul 20, 2005

I know this table is designed wrong for what I am doing but I hope Ican do it. I have a table like this.Prod_A_Jan, Prod_A_Feb, Prod_B_Jan, Prod_B_FebI want a query that returns data like this (two rows of data)"ProdA", Prod_A_Jan, Prod_A_Feb"ProdB", Prod_B_Jan, Prod_B_FebI know two queries can get it but I want one. Any Help would begreat!!!Sheila T.

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SqlCommand Return And Output Parameters Not Working, But Input Does?

Feb 18, 2006

The foolowing code I cannot seem to get working right. There is an open connection c0 and a SqlCommand k0 persisting in class.The data in r0 is correct and gets the input arguments at r0=k0->ExecuteReader(), but nothing I do seems to get the output values. What am I missing about this?

System::Boolean rs::sp(System::String ^ ssp){

System::String ^ k0s0; bool bOK;

System::Data::SqlClient::SqlParameter ^ parami0;

System::Data::SqlClient::SqlParameter ^ parami1;

System::Data::SqlClient::SqlParameter ^ parami2;

System::Data::SqlClient::SqlParameter ^ paramz0;

System::Data::SqlClient::SqlParameter ^ paramz1;

System::Int32 pz0=0;System::Int32 pz1=0;

k0s = ssp;



paramz0=k0->Parameters->Add("@RETURN_VALUE", System::Data::SqlDbType::Int);




















ndx = -1;


if (ndx == -1){





for (iG1_20=0;iG1_20<r0nf;iG1_20++){





if (psv0[iG1_20]=="int") {pai0[ndx,pai0ndx]=System::Convert::ToInt32(r0->GetValue(iG1_20));pai0ndx++;}

if (psv0[iG1_20]=="float") {pad0[ndx,pad0ndx]=System::Convert::ToDouble(r0->GetValue(iG1_20));pad0ndx++;}



else {



for (iG1_20=0;iG1_20<r0nf;iG1_20++)

{ this->pas0[ndx,iG1_20]=System::Convert::ToString(this->r0->GetValue(iG1_20));

if (psv0[iG1_20]=="int") {pai0[ndx,pai0ndx]=System::Convert::ToInt32(r0->GetValue(iG1_20));pai0ndx++;}

if (psv0[iG1_20]=="float") {pad0[ndx,pad0ndx]=System::Convert::ToDouble(r0->GetValue(iG1_20));pad0ndx++;}











return true;


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Rendering A Working RDL Report Fails To Return Any Results - Maybe My Steps Will Help Someone

Mar 7, 2007

Microsoft could not have made SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services any harder given the wacky way you have to add web references in Visual Studio 2005 and then when you finally get the report services working as well as the C# program compiling and seeing the

Here are the steps for you poor souls like me:

When you create you C# program Maybe its the same thing for vb rightclick on the project
and click add Web Reference
To the right of the go button you must put in a path to:

If you used the default ReportServer settings this should work You will need to make sure you have ReportServices working first but by entering this exact URL and press the go button allows you to acess the ReportExecutionServcie object ofcourse you need to properly rename it in the text box in the lower right labled: Web Reference Name: I renamed it to ReportExecution2005

Note us must add a using <myclassname>.ReportExecution2005; which allows access to the the components and allos compiling.


object correctly and want to use them in C# program Microsoft makes you suffer further with problems getting the path in rs.LoadReport(ReportPath,HistoryID) function

I believe I have the correct path string from trial and error when I go to my report services site
It shows me which as a guess I thought might be derived from the webpage:
SQL Server Reporting Services

Home > Report Project2 >

/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport but that failed to work. Next I tried:
The RichTextBox stored:

The item '/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport' cannot be found. ---> The item '/home/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport' cannot be found.
/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport
??t was all that was returned when I tried this path so I believe but am (Not Sure) this is the reportpath to be used in rs.LoadReport function.

In the browser: I believe the catalog based reportpath should be
/Report Project2/KSConcordanceErrorReport

I set up a form with 3 fields:
TextBox: ReportPath so I could play with the path I provide
RichTextBox To store the output from rs.render.
RunButton1 to call up the render code see below:

Please note when I start the program in debug mode I get an error of:

Note the following message proceeds the execution:
The Project cannot be deployed because no target server
is specified. Provide a value for the TargetServerURL
property in the property pages for this project

Any help in getting output on this render function would be appreciated
Perhaps some of my work will help others struggling with this poorly documented service. Even the three poor books I had to work with did not help much. Does Microsoft really expect people to use this?

Here the relevant code. I will assume knowledge of Forms development I provide two pieces: 1 the calling function from the button presss event: and the method called:


public static string GetReportXML2005(string
ReportingServicesURL,string ReportPath)
ReportExecutionService rs = new
//windows authentication
rs.Credentials =
rs.Url = ReportingServicesURL;
byte[] result = null;
ParameterValue[] parameters = new
parameters[0] = new ParameterValue();
parameters[0].Value = "%";
string encoding, mimetype, extension;
Warning[] warnings = null;
string[] streamIDs = null;
try {
rs.LoadReport(ReportPath, null);

result = rs.Render("XML", null, out extension, out encoding,
out mimetype, out warnings, out streamIDs);
catch (SoapException e) {
return e.Message;

return System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(result);

Any help anyone could give me regarding this would be most appreciated:

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Exec SQL Task: Capture Return Code Of Stored Proc Not Working

May 19, 2006

I am just trying to capture the return code from a stored proc as follows and if I get a 1 I want the SQL Task to follow a failure(red) constrainst workflow and send a SMTP mail task warning the customer. How do I achieve the Exec SQL Task portion of this, i get a strange error message [Execute SQL Task] Error: There is an invalid number of result bindings returned for the ResultSetType: "ResultSetType_SingleRow".

Using OLEDB connection, I utilize SQL: EXEC ? = dbo.CheckCatLog

EXEC SQL Task Editer settings:

PS-Not sure if I need my variable giBatchID which is an INT32 but I thought it is a good idea to feed the output into here just in case there is no way that the EXEC SQL TASK can chose the failure constrainst workflow if I get a 1 returned or success constraint workflow if I get a 0 returned from stored proceedure

@OutSuccess INT

-- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from
-- interfering with SELECT statements.

---these totals should match
SELECT @RowCountCAT = (SELECT Count(*) FROM mydb_Staging.dbo.S_CAT)
SELECT @RowCountLOG = (SELECT Count(*) FROM mydb_Staging.dbo.S_LOG)
--PRINT @RowCountCAT
--PRINT @RowCountLOG
IF @RowCountCAT <> @RowCountLOG
--PRINT 'Volume of jobs from the CAT file does not match volume of jobs from the LOG file'
SET @OutSuccess = 1

Thanks in advance


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Need Help In Return How Many Rows

Dec 14, 2004

HI All,
I need help in sp. I have the sp that return the result but then i also want count how many rows are the result. Does anyone know how to do that?

This is my sp, and when it returns the data i also want it to return the how many rows are the result.

CREATE procedure dbo.ph_getphonebookoption

@country nvarchar(100),
@company nvarchar(100),
@office nvarchar(100)



where country =@country
and company=@company
and office =@office

select count (*)

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How To Return A Specified # Of Rows

Oct 29, 1999

Trying to do a paging scheme without using #Temp tables in MS SQL 7.0

Client calls a sp passing 1 and sql returns the first 100 records.
Client sends a sp passing 100 and gets the next 100 records.

Process continues till @@fetch_status <> 0 or the client can stop sending requests.

I implemented it easily using fetch absolute into a #temp table but this has dissaster potential in a multiuser environment since everyone will be using this query continously and there is no user limit.

What other options do I have?



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O Rows Return

Feb 19, 2008

is there is any way to find out whether my query return 0 rows inside a stored procedure.

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Return Rows Other Than Top 10

Oct 5, 2007

Hi All,

I have a question,
Select top 10 * from employee
the above statement return top 10 row.
but i want the rows from the table other than the top 10. Can any one help me to get it.. iam using SQL server 2005

Thanks for the help


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Sql Help With Number Of Rows Return Value

May 14, 2008

hi,i have a stored procedure like this in SQL server ,it returns proper value if data is there for a given id.But if there is no data,it returns row/rows of NULL value and that is counted towards "number of row returned"..Shouldn't it be like,if there are null values in a row,that row should not be counted towards rows returned value .?Rightnow if no value returned from either of the select,it still returns as 2 rows instead of 0 rows.How do handle this situation in SQL? thanks for your help
SELECT     SUM(col1) AS SUM_COL1, SUM(col2) AS SUM_COL2, SUM(col3) AS SUM_COL3, SUM(col4) AS SUM_COL4FROM         TABLE1WHERE     (ID = nn)     UNION all
 SELECT      SUM(col22) AS SUM_COL22 ,cast(null as int) as c1,cast(null as int)as c2,cast(null as int) as c3FROM         table2WHERE     TABLE2 = nn)

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Exec An SP To Return Rows To Another SP

Apr 8, 2004

Any idea how to write a (T-)SQL Stored Procedure which uses a SubQuery calling
a SELECT query from another SP??

Something like...

CREATE procedure spThisSP(@param varchar(20))

SELECT theColumn FROM theTable WHERE theColumn NOT IN (EXEC spAnotherSP @param)


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What Is Better? Return All Rows Or Nested TOP X?

Feb 24, 2006

I have a database that has 100,000+ records in a table. Am I better off returning all of the records from a search even if it is 50,000 records or is it better to do a SELECT COUNT(*) And nested SELECT TOP x statements to only return 1 page of results? What is the best practice for a situation like this?
SELECT * FROM myTable LEFT OUTER JOIN ... LEFT OUTER JOIN......WHERE something=@something AND another.... AND...
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM myTable LEFT OUTER JOIN ...        LEFT OUTER JOIN......WHERE something=@something AND another...        AND... ORDER BY @OrderAnd
SELECT TOP(@pagesize) FROM      (SELECT TOP(@pagesize * @pagenum) FROM myTable LEFT OUTER JOIN ...        LEFT OUTER JOIN......WHERE something=@something AND another...        AND... ORDER BY @Order)ORDER BY @revOrder

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How To Return Rows 200 - 300 Of A 500 Row Result Set

Sep 6, 2000

What is the easiest way to return rows 200 through to 300 of a 500 row result set using SQL? Is there a simple way of doing this or do I need to write some Transact SQL? Any ideas would be appreciated.



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How Many Rows Will A Query Return?

Apr 8, 2006

Does sql server have a mechanism (aside from count()) that for any given SELECT query will tell you only how many rows it will return without actually returning the data?

The reason for this is that we have a generic lookup form in an application that is used on almost every screen (we have a lot of screens, so it gets a lot of different, sometimes complicted, queries passed to it to use for the lookup, and having to manually edit the query to use count over all the select clauses doesn't seem like the best way to handle this. If we could do a kind of 'trial run' against the server just to get the number of rows and use that to help set up the form, that would be ideal.

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Return A Range Of Rows?

Apr 12, 2007


How does one return a range of rows.
I know that "Top 5" will return rows 0 - 5
but, how do I get 6 - 10?


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Return Count Instead Of Rows?

Oct 23, 2013

The following query returns 2142 rows which is correct.

select COUNT(*), sum(v.currentMarket)
from TRMaster m
inner join TRValue v on v.Year = m.Year and v.Parcel = m.Parcel
inner join TRProp p on P.PropCode = V.PropCode and p.PropType = 'A'
where m.Year = 2013 and m.deleted = 0 and m.ReviewDateTime is null and m.Status = 1
group by m.Year, m.Parcel
having SUM(v.currentmarket) > 0

How can I convert this query so that it returns just the count of 2142?

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Return Certain Number Of Rows

Apr 17, 2008

I have a Dataset that I am populating from a SQL Query. I am then using the dataset to populate a report in Reporting Services. What I want to do is return a standard number of rows in my dataset. (Let's say 10.) Even if my query does not have any rows in it, I want 10 empty rows returned to the dataset. If my query has 7 rows in it then I want to add on 3 empty rows and return it. I will not have more than the standard number of rows.
I cannot get the table in the report to show up if the dataset is empty, but still want the table to display with 10 empty rows. I have searched how to do this online but am getting nowhere. (I know how to add one empty row but not a set number.

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Return Tables With 0 Rows

Nov 20, 2006

Hello All
Please can anyone advice me how I can fetch list of all tables which have no records in it in sql server


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How To Return A Range Of Rows??

Apr 12, 2007

Hi.How does one return a range of rows.I know that "Top 5" will return rows 0 - 5but, how do I get 6 - 10?thanks

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How To Return A Range Of Rows?

Jul 20, 2005

How can a SQL statement be written to return a specified range ofrows? For example:-- tblContact-- (-- SSN char(9),-- FirstName varchar(50),-- LastName varchar(50)-- )-- This table contains 500 rows.Select * from tblContact -- Return only rows 5 through 10Thanks

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Return Random Rows

May 6, 2006

Are there any way to execute a procedure and return N random rows?

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How Do I Configure An SqlDataSource To Only Return The Top N Rows?

Aug 1, 2006

I have a charting control that is fed from an SqlDataSource. How do I set the SqlDataSource to only return the top N records where N is set by a web form control?The user should have the option to chart the top 3, 5, or 10 items.Is the best approach to switch to an ObjectDataSource?

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Return Only The Rows From A List That Has The Same Value From One Field

Aug 2, 2006

I am in need of help to develop a query
I have two tables Exams and Exams_lab, that are joined by a field id_exame. I want to return The Exams that has all the dependent rows in Exames_lab with the same value in the status_int field of Exames_lab. Can anyone Help Me?
Lets see an example












in this exemple my query must return only id_exame 2 and 3 because id_exame 1 has two different values on id_status on tb_exame_lab
can anyone help me?

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Help With Select To Return Duplicate Rows

Mar 30, 2007

Can someone look at this and tell me where I went wrong? I'm trying to return all duplicate rows that have the same lastName and Address. It returns rows but they don't look like dups.SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT dbo.tblClient.LastName, dbo.tblClientAddresses.Address
FROM dbo.tblClient INNER JOIN
dbo.tblClientAddresses ON dbo.tblClient.Client_ID = dbo.tblClientAddresses.Client_ID
GROUP BY dbo.tblClient.LastName, dbo.tblClientAddresses.Address
HAVING (COUNT(dbo.tblClientAddresses.Address) > 1)
ORDER BY dbo.tblClientAddresses.Address 

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Return Number Of Rows From A Table

Dec 9, 2007

Im am trying to return the number of rows in a table and i only can get a response of true thanks for any help 

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How To Return No Rows If A Variable Is NULL

Apr 1, 2008

I have a stored procedure that accepts a number of different input parameters that populate some variables in my stored procedure.
I want to have this stored procedure return nothing if some of these variables aren't filled out (they are populated by a search page the user fills out).
I'm not very familiar with writing stored procedures, so any help you can give me is appreciated.

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Can Store Procedure Return Rows?

Feb 28, 2006

Can store procedure return rows?
If store procedure can return rows, how to use ASP.NET to receive it? thanks!

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Query - Return All Rows Is Failing

Apr 4, 2001

When querying any of our database tables (returning all rows from within the enterprise manager) we are getting the following error message:
"The query cannot be executed because some files are either missing or not registered" Can anyone help me with this....

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Error Message From RETURN ALL ROWS

Jul 30, 1999

I am new to SQL Server 7 and get the following error message when I go into the Enterprise Manager, select a specific table, right mouse click, open table, return all rows:

"An unexpected error happened during this operation.

[MS Design Tools] - Query designer encountered a MS Design Tools error: Not Implemented"

Can anyone explain what is causing this error?? I can go into SQL Query Analyzer and do a SELECT against any table and bring back data, but not as stated above.

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