Return Single Records By Joining Multiple Tables
Jun 4, 2008
I would like to know if it's possible to return a single record by joining the tables below. [Persons]
PersonID [int] | PageViewed [int]
=============== =================
1 10
2 5
3 2
4 12
[PersonNames] - PersonID JOINS Persons.PersonID
PersonID [int] | NameID [int] | PersonName [nvarchar] | PopularVotes [int]
=============== ============== ======================= ===================
1 1 Samantha Brown 5
1 2 Samantha Green 10
2 3 Richard T 10
3 4 Riko T 0
4 5 Sammie H 0
[AltNames] - backup for searches caused by common spelling mistakes
AltNameID [int] | AltNames [nvarchar]
================ =============================
1 Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
2 Riko, Rico
[PersonAllNames] - JOINS [PersonNames.NameID] ON [AltNames.AltNameID]
NameID [int] | AltNameID [int]
============= ================
1 1
4 1
3 2
This is ideally what I'd like to have returned: PersonID | PageViewed | MostPopularName | NameSearch
========= ============ ================= =================
1 10 Samantha Green Samantha Brown, Samantha Green, Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
2 5 Richard T Richard T
3 2 Riko T Riko T, Riko, Rico
4 12 Sammie H Sammie H, Sam, Samantha, Sammie, Sammy
[MostPopularName] is [PersonNames.PopularVotes DESC].
[NameSearch] combines all records from [PersonNames.PersonName] and [AltNames.AltNames].
The purpose for this is that I'd like to cache the results table so that all searches can just perform a lookup against the NameSearch field.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Pete.
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May 3, 2007
I have two tables
TermID, Term
1--- Abc
2--- Test
4--- Tunic
TermID, RelatedTermID
1 --- 2
1--- 4
2--- 4
I need to get back something like this
TermID, Term, RelatedTermsInformation
1--- test--- test,tunic#1,4
that above was my solution, get the relatedterms information and comma separate, and then put a # and get all the ids comma separate them and then put the in one field. then I can later parse it in the client
this does not seem like a very good solution ( or is it?)
If posible it would be nice to get something like this
TermID, Term, RelatedTermsInformation
1 test RelatedTermsTwoDimentionalArray
but I am not sure how this idea could be implemented using the capabilities of SQL.
my other option is have the client make one call to the database to get the terms and then lots of another calls to get the relatedTerms, but that will mean one trip to the DB for the list term, and one call for every single term found.
any ideas in how to make this better ?
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Jul 14, 2014
I have tried joining several tables and the result displays duplicate rows of virtually every line/row. I have tried using distinct but this didn't work. I know it could because there's several columns from some of the tables named the same.
select purchaseorders.traderid,
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Mar 6, 2008
I have received some data out of a relational database that is incomplete and I need to find where the holes are. Essentially, I have three tables. One table has a primary key of PID. The other two tables have PID as a foreign key. Each table should have at least one instance of every available PID.
I need to find out which ones are in the second and third table that do not show up in the first one,
which ones are in the first and third but not in the second,
and which ones are in the first and second but not in the third.
I've come up with quite a few ways of working it but they all involve multiple union statements (or dumping to temp tables) that are joining back to the original tables and then unioning and sorting the results. It just seems like there should be a clean elegant way to do this.
Here is an example:
create table TBL1(PID int, info1 varchar(10) )
Create table TBL2(TID int,PID int)
Create table TBL3(XID int,PID int)
insert into TBL1
select '1','Someone' union all
select '2','Will ' union all
select '4','Have' union all
select '7','An' union all
select '8','Answer' union all
select '9','ForMe'
insert into TBL2
select '1','1' union all
select '2','1' union all
select '3','8' union all
select '4','2' union all
select '5','3' union all
select '6','3' union all
select '7','5' union all
select '8','9'
insert into TBL3
select '1','10' union all
select '2','10' union all
select '3','8' union all
select '4','6' union all
select '5','7' union all
select '6','3' union all
select '7','5' union all
select '8','9'
I need to find the PID and the table it is missing from. So the results should look like:
Thanks all.
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Mar 19, 2015
I have four tables:
a, b, c and d
table a is related to table b by a foreign key. table b is related to c and so on.
I used the sql statement below to join the tables:
$result = mysql_query("SELECT a.colum1, a.column2,
b.column, c.column, d.column FROM a
JOIN b ON a.pkey = b.foreign key
JOIN c ON b.pkey = c.fkey
JOIN d ON c.pkey = d.fkey ")
or die(mysql_error());
[Code] .....
I succeeded in printing out the first record where the four tables are joined, but not other print out is this:
But there are about ten instances where the joining conditions are met. How do I print out all the records that have met the condition?
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Mar 20, 2014
writing the query for the following, I need to collapse the continuity. If the termdate for an ID is one day less than the effdate of the next id (for the same ID) i need to collapse the records. See below example should i write the query which will give me the desired output. i.e., get min(effdate) and max(termdate) if termdate is one day less than the effdate of next record.
ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-06-30
556868 1999-07-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-01-31
556872 2004-02-01 2004-02-29
output should be ......
ID effdate termdate
556868 1999-01-01 1999-10-31
556869 2002-10-01 2004-01-31
556872 1999-02-01 2000-08-31
556872 2000-11-01 2004-02-29
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Oct 5, 2015
I am joining on two tables, and returning the values that do not exist in #topoftheline -- well now I see that their are multiple calltimes so I want to return ONLY the most recent call time. What would I change in my syntax to only return that most recent datetime?
Create Table #topoftheline
callreceived datetime,
callerfirstname varchar(100),
callerlastname varchar(100),
callnotes varchar(4000)
[Code] ...
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May 7, 2012
I have 3 tables I'm trying to join:
Table 1: Contains ID, Name, Description
Table 2: Contains ID, Keyword
Table 3: Is lookup table for tables 1 & 2
I need a query to return a table having columns of:
Name, Description, Keyword for every record ID in Table 1
The issue is that table 2 contains multiple keywords for each key ID and my query returns an error: Subquery returned more than 1 value.
When I run this query using a specific key, it returns the correct information the way I want it:
SET @ServiceID = '35'
SELECT @Name = [DefService].[Name],@Desc = [DefService].[Description],@Keywords = COALESCE(@Keywords + ', ', '') + [DefKeyword].[Name] FROM [DefService] INNER JOIN [DefKeywordServices] ON [DefService].serviceid = [DefKeywordServices].[ServiceID] INNER JOIN [DefKeyword] ON [DefKeyword].[KeywordID] = [DefKeywordServices].[KeywordID] WHERE [DefService].[ServiceID] = @ServiceID PRINT @Name + ' | ' + @Desc + ' | ' + @Keywords
SELECT @Name AS Name,@Desc AS Description,@Keywords AS Keywords
GoToMyPC - Account RequestRequest a Citrix GoToMyPC account.GTMPC, GoTo, application, software, install, Installation, applications
When I run the same query without a specific key it fails. The results only return a single row containing Name, Description and then ALL keywords for every key ID...very odd behavior.
BTW, I need to do this in a single SQL query and not a stored proc or other method.
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Mar 21, 2008
Hi! I have a general SQL CE v3.5 design question related to table/file layout. I have an system that has multiple tables that fall into categories of data access. The 3 categories of data access are:
1 is for configuration-related data. There is one application that will read/write to the data, and a second application that will read the data on startup.
1 is for high-performance temporal storage of data. The data objects are all the same type, but they are our own custom object and not just simple types.
1 is for logging where the data will be permanent - unless the configured size/recycling settings cause a resize or cleanup. There will be one application writing alot [potentially] of data depending on log settings, and another application searching/reading sections of data.
When working with data and designing the layout, I like to approach things from a data-centric mindset, because this seems to result in a better performing system. That said, I am thinking about using 3 individual SDF files for the above data access scenarios - as opposed to a single SDF with multiple tables. I'm thinking this would provide better performance in SQL CE because the query engine will not have alot of different types of queries going against the same database file. For instance, the temporal storage is basically reading/writing/deleting various amounts of data. And, this is different from the logging, where the log can grow pretty large - definitely bigger than the default 128 MB. So, it seems logical to manage them separately.
I would greatly appreciate any suggestions from the SQL CE experts with regard to my approach. If there are any tips/tricks with respect to different data access scenarios - taking into account performance, type of data access, etc. - I would love to take a look at that.
Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions,
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Mar 5, 2007
table - employee
empdcno name
1 jon
2 peter
3 john
4 n1
5 n2
6 n3
7 n4
8 n5
9 n6
10 n7
table - personalinfo
empdcno telno address
1 111 aaa
2 222 bbb
3 333 ccc
4 444 ddd
5 555 eee
6 666 fff
7 777 ggg
8 888 hhh
9 999 iii
10 000 jjj
table - hrappempeducs
empdcno schoolcode degree
5 A3 degree1
9 A3 degree2
10 A2 degree3
table - hrsetschools
schoolcode schname schaddress
A1 Harvard usa
A2 LaSalle philippines
A3 UP india
A4 s1 peru
A5 s2 japan
Result expected:
name telno address degree schname
jon 111 aaa BSCS Harvard
peter 222 bbb null null
john 333 ccc BSIT LaSalle
n1 444 ddd null null
n2 555 eee degree1 UP
n3 666 fff null null
n4 777 ggg null null
n5 888 hhh null null
n6 999 iii degree2 UP
n7 000 jjj degree3 LaSalle
I am not quite familiar with joins.
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Dec 5, 2005
I have three tables
1st table is Student
StudnetID (pk)
Other fields…
2nd table is PhoneType
PhoneTypeID (pk)
3rd table is StudentHasPhone
SHPID (pk)
StudnetID (fk)
PhoneTypeID (fk)
PhoneType is an auxiliary table that has 5 records in it Home phone, Cell phone, Work phone, Pager, and Fax. Is there a way to do a join or maybe make a view of a view that would allow me to ultimately end up with…
StudnetID: 1
Name: John
HomePhone: 123-456-7890
WorkPhone: 123-456-7890
Pager: 123-456-7890
Memo: This is one student record.
Some students will have no phone number, some will have all 5 most will have one or two. If possible I would like to do a setup like this in my database to keep from having to have null fields for 4 phone numbers that the majority of records won’t have.
Thanks in advanced,
Nathan Rover
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Dec 14, 2004
This seems like a basic problem but I can't figure out how to resolve it.
I have a query :
SELECT PR.WBS2, SUM(LedgerAR.Amount * - 1) AS Expr5, LB.AmtBud AS budget
WHERE (PR.WBS2 <> '9001') AND (PR.WBS2 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '98') AND (PR.WBS3 <> 'zzz') AND (PR.WBS2 <> '') AND (PR.WBS1 = '001-298')
The output of the above query:
I want to sum up the middle column and last column grouping by wbs2. However, when I do SUM(lb.amtbud) the budget column is not summing correctly it is summing the column as if the data appeared like this:
So as a result I am getting 9000 where wbs2 = '0141'
I figure that in my top query I am not joining something correctly. Could someone point out what I am doing wrong?
Thank You.
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Dec 9, 2014
We have Three Tables in sqlserver2012
Master Table
OrderID PackageID CustomerName
1 1 Abc
2 2 Bcd
3 1 xyz
Child1 Table
OrderID ControlName
1 Row1COlumn1 (It Means Pant in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
1 Row3Column1 (It Means Gown in Blue Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
1 Row4Column3 (It Means T Shirt in White Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
2 Row1Column2 (It Means Tie in Green Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
2 Row3Column1 (It Means Bow in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
Child2 Table
PackageID Product Color1 Color2 Color3
1 Pant Red Green Blue
1 Shirt Blue Pink Purple
1 Gown Blue Black Yellow
1 T Shirt Red Green White
2 Tie Red Green White
2 Socks Red Green White
2 Bow Red Green White
We want to have result like
OrderID PackageID CustomerName Pant Gown T Shirt Tie Bow
1 1 ABC Red Blue White x x
2 2 Bcd x x x Green Red
I have tried
;with mycte as (
select ms.OrderID,ms.PackageID
, Replace(stuff([ControlName], charindex('Column',ControlName),len(ControlName),' '),'Row','') rowNum
,Replace(stuff([ControlName], 1, charindex('Column',ControlName)-1 ,''),'Column','') columnNum
[Code] .....
it works if we have a product in one color only. like if we have pant in red and blue then its showing just first record
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Oct 14, 2013
I have two tables a and b, where I want to add columns from b to a with a criteria. The columns will be added by month criteria. There is a column in b table called stat_month which ranges from 1 (Jan) to 12 (Dec). I want to keep all the records in a, and join columns from b for each month. I do not want to loose any row from a if there is no data for that row in b.
Here is table a:
naics INT,
ust_code INT,
port INT,
all_qty_1_yr FLOAT,
[Code] ....
And here is table b:
naics INT,
ust_code INT,
port INT,
stat_month INT,
Cum_qty_1_mo FLOAT,
[Code] ....
I do not know how to have the multiple joins for 12 different months and what join I have to use. I used left join but still I am loosing not all but few rows in a, I would also like to know how in one script I can columns separately from stat_mont =’01’ to stat_month =’12’
/****** Script for SelectTopNRows command from SSMS ******/
SELECT a.[naics]
[Code] ....
output should have all columns from a and join columns from b when the months = '01' (for Jan) , '02' (for FEB), ...'12' (for Dec): Output table should be something like
* columns from a AND JAN_Cum_qty_1_mo JAN_Cum_qty_2_mo JAN_Cum_all_val_mo JAN_Cum_air_val_mo JAN_Cum_air_wgt_mo JAN_Cum_ves_val_mo FEB_Cum_qty_1_mo FEB_Cum_qty_2_mo FEB_Cum_all_val_mo FEB_Cum_air_val_mo FEB_Cum_air_wgt_mo FEB_Cum_ves_val_mo .....DEC_Cum_qty_1_mo DEC_Cum_qty_2_mo DEC_Cum_all_val_mo DEC_Cum_air_val_mo DEC_Cum_air_wgt_mo DEC_Cum_ves_val_mo (FROM TABLE b)
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Jun 9, 2014
I have a straight-forward select query to show work orders for a particular customer as below. I want to add a field value from another table, deltickitem diwhich contains contract records. I need to include the field di.weekchg to show the weekly hire rate, but the joined query must ensure that the both the contract number matches that in the original select and that the item number matches that in the actual select. Additionally, there is the problem that the item can appear more than once in the deltickitem table against a particular contract (if item has been off-hired and then re-hired on the same contract number) - in this case the query must select the record with the highest di.counter number, which I haven't worked out how to put in my query.
This is my basic code, but I keep ending up with duplicate work order lines in my result set.
Select wh.worknumber, wh.custnum, wh.contract, wh.sitename, wh.itemcode, wh.regnum,, di.weekchg,
wh.date_created, wh.task_descr, wh.actual_labour_sale+wh.actual_parts_sale as [Repair Cost]
From worksorderhdr wh Left Join
inventory iv On iv.item = wh.itemcode inner Join
models m On = iv.model_id left join deltickitem di on di.dticket = wh.contract
where wh.custnum = 'BARRATNE' and wh.rejected <> 1 and wh.charge_to_cust = 1
order by wh.date_created
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Mar 19, 2008
I have a tbl called BANK.
This shows a banking history of transactions and includes a field called TransType and a field called PaymentID.
I also have two other tables called Suppliers and SubContractors.
For each record in the bank, I need to match up a record in either the suppliers or subcontractors tbl based on the PaymentID value. I know if the record relates to either a Supplier or Subcontractor based on the value of the TransType field which will be either SUPPLIER or SUBCONTRACTOR or Null (in which case a match doesn't matter)
I have a working query based on joining just the Supplier tbl.. but how do I do the join to the other tbl aswell?
So overall, for each record in the bank, if the transtype is SUPPLIER I need to look in the supplier tbl for a match for that paymentID, and if the transtype is SUBCONTRACTOR, I need to do the same but in SUBCONTRACTOR tbl.
How would I best write that?
thanks for any help!
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Oct 8, 2014
I’m trying to return data in a single row.Here’s what my table looks like:
Employee #,Hours Type,Total Hours
I need the results of my query to total each hours type and group together:
EmpNo,Sum Of Regular, Sum of Overtime,Sum of Doubletime
I don’t know how to get the data returned in a single row.
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Aug 6, 2007
Hi Gurus,
I have a table having sales records and there are more than one record per one customer. The sales table has a reference number like below.
I need to do a query and generate the following query.
CustomerID Ref
2 H_1123,H_2344,H_4322
Could someone help me on this.
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Nov 1, 2005
I need to return multiple rows into one single string
Declare @String varchar(1000)
Create table Cus (CusId Int,CusName varchar(10))
Insert into Cus Select 1,'John'
Union All
Select 2,'Bob'
Select * from Cus returns
2 Bob
I need to return the all the rows from Cus table into a single string. The return is dynamic.
I do not know the number of rows returned
My result should be
@String = 1,John,2,Bob
How can i do that ?
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Oct 7, 2007
I have a table having Style Nos (VarChar Col), how I can return values from multiple rows in a single string.
for Example if table is having 3 records :-
1. Style 1
2. Style 2
3. Style 3
It should return single value in this way
Style 1, Style 2, Style 3
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Mar 9, 2008
I have FirstName,LastName columns in the database.I need to return FirstName,LastName as Name to client(as a single column).
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Dec 9, 2014
We have Three Tables in sqlserver2012
Master Table
OrderID PackageID CustomerName
1 1 Abc
2 2 Bcd
3 1 xyz
Child1 Table
OrderID ControlName
1 Row1COlumn1 (It Means Pant in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
1 Row3Column1 (It Means Gown in Blue Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
1 Row4Column3 (It Means T Shirt in White Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
2 Row1Column2 (It Means Tie in Green Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
2 Row3Column1 (It Means Bow in Red Color is selected by user(relation with Child2 Table))
Child2 Table
PackageID Product Color1 Color2 Color3
1 Pant Red Green Blue
1 Shirt Blue Pink Purple
1 Gown Blue Black Yellow
1 T Shirt Red Green White
2 Tie Red Green White
2 Socks Red Green White
2 Bow Red Green White
We want to have result like
OrderID PackageID CustomerName Pant Gown T Shirt Tie Bow
1 1 ABC Red Blue White x x
2 2 Bcd x x x Green Red
I have tried
;with mycte as (
select ms.OrderID,ms.PackageID
, Replace(stuff([ControlName], charindex('Column',ControlName),len(ControlName),''),'Row','') rowNum
,Replace(stuff([ControlName], 1, charindex('Column',ControlName)-1 ,''),'Column','') columnNum
From child1 c inner join MasterTable ms on c.Orderid=ms.orderid)
it works if we have a product in one color only. like if we have pant in red and blue then its showing just first record
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May 17, 2013
I'm joining several tables and when I add the last one I get duplicate results. How can I get just one for each?
select a.field, b.field, c.field
from atblname as a inner join btblname as b on = b.parent_id
left outer join ctblname as c on = c.parent_id
There are more than one result when joining tbl a and c, but I'm getting a reult for each of them for all results from joining a and b.
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Jan 13, 2015
I have multiple databases in the server and all my databases have tables: stdVersions, stdChangeLog. The stdVersions table have field called DatabaseVersion which stored the version of the database. The stdChangeLog table have a field called ChangedOn which stored the date of any change made in the database.
I need to write a query/stored procedure/function that will return all the database names, version and the date changed on. The results should look something like this:
DatabaseName DatabaseVersion DateChangedOn
OK5_AAGLASS 2015/01/12
OK5_SHOPRITE 2015/01/10
OK5_SALDANHA 2014/12/23
The results should be ordered by DateChangedOn.
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Jun 8, 2015
We have the below query which is pulling in Sales and Revenue information. Since the sale is recorded in just one month and the revenue is recorded each month, we need to have the results of this query to only list the Sales amount once, but still have all the other revenue amounts listed for each month. In this example, the sale is record in year 2014 and month 10, but there are revenues in every month as well for the rest of 2014 and the start of 2015 but we only want to the sales amount to appear once on this results set.
[Code] ....
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Sep 3, 2014
How to insert single row/multiple rows into multiple tables by using single insert statement.
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Jan 3, 2012
Id account num acc_type
42 1376200071278 gl
42 1308111111111 ic
42 1291111111111 os
34 1245200000000 gl
34 1132485111111 ic
this is table structure.there are multiple records like this in a table . I need output as
id gl accountnum ic accountnum osaccountnum
42 1376200071278 1308111111111 1291111111111
34 1245200000000 1132485111111 -
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Mar 29, 2007
This is how the data is organized:vID Answer12 Satisfied12 Marketing12 Yes15 Dissatisfied15 Technology15 No32 Strongly Dissatisfied32 Marketing32 YesWhat I need to do is pull a recordset which each vID is a single rowand each of the answers is a different field in the row so it lookssomething like thisvID Answer1 Answer2 Answer312 Saitsfied Marketing Yesetc...I can't quite get my mind wrapped around this one.
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Mar 3, 2004
Got a beginner question here...
Let's say I have a database table that houses server information with four columns: make, model, serial #, ip address. And assume there are ten rows with that information filled out. How could I display all the rows of information on a single webpage (ASP.NET), with all the fields being editable; and a single save button that would send any changes to the database (in reality I guess it would be sending all rows and fields to the database, and just overwrite the previous data).
Could a page such as that be created using FrontPage 2003 or Dreamweaver MX 2004?
This would be strictly for updating information. I would have a separate form for adding a new entry.
Thanks for your help.
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Sep 3, 2014
I'm trying to update a checkbox from "False" to "True" within a single table for multiple records. I can update a single record using the script below. However, I'm having trouble applying additional Id's to the string.
(Works) - Update Name_Demo set KEY_CONTACT = 'true' where ID = 225249
(doesn't work) - Update Name_Demo set KEY_CONTACT = 'true' where ID = '225249, 210014, 216543'
It says query executes successfully but returned no rows.
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Feb 26, 2008
Hi All,
I want to know that how we will be able to update multiple rows in single transaction.
e.g If original database is
S_No Data
1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
S_No Data
1 1
2 3
3 6
4 10
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Mar 13, 2006
I have two tables CompanyTab and OrderTab .CompanyTab table contain one record for each client while OrderTab table contain multiple orders for clients.
I have data in both table like
ID Name
1 name1
2 name2
OrderId CompanyTabID
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
In my query I want to show all orders in single row.
ID Name Orders
1 name1 1,2,3,4
2 name2 null
Is anybody can help on it.
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Nov 9, 2006
I'm trying to retrieve some records from an SQL database.
I've a table named CustomerOrder with three fields - custID , productname and quantity
No keys in the table. it's row based approach. every custID can have multiple entries for different products.
CustID ProductName Quantity
1 Product1 2
1 Product2 3
2 XXX 1
2 Product1 2
1 Product3 4
I would like to write a query that gives the result as follows :
CustID ProductName Quantity
1 Product3 4
2 Product1 2
Meaning that, query has to retrieve only one record per custID based on highest quantity.
select custId,Productname,quantity from customerorder where quantity = (select max(quantity) from customerorder)
the above query returns only one record. (ofcourse..)
Kindly help me to get the desired.
Thank You.
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