Say you have a table that contains 1000 rows, you create a simple select statement with a where clause that returns 100 or so of those rows. Easy enough.
Now, let's say that you wish to modify that select so that out of the 100 rows that match the where clause criteria, you only wish to return 10 rows randomly (i.e., you could run this query multiple times and get different results). How exactly would you go about doing this, efficiently?
I've thought about creating a stored procedure that will query the initial 100 rows into a temp table with an additional column (to number the rows from 1 to 100). Then setting up a loop (10 iterations) that will then generate a random number from 1 to 100 and select that row number into another temp table. At the end of the loop I'll have my table of randomly selected records. I am sure there is probably a better way to do this...
"select * from sample order by newid()" im getting a set of rows. On refreshing this query i need the same set of rows to validate.(provided sufficient data in the table).
I need to randomly order the selected rows from my table. Is this better to do on the Application level or in a stored procedure using "orderby NewID()"?
Which is faster? There will be about 100 rows returned with 10 columns.
I have an external process that polls message rows from a table. apon taking them, it also needs to mark them as taken. there is a status column in the table. marking messages as taken will change the value of status.
How can i perform both these operations in one command? Select the top x rows where their status is equal 1, then update the status of those same rows to a value of 5 for example.
I could iterate through the result of hte intial select and change the status 1 by 1 using a cursor, but this seems like a slow option.
I am trying to run a query against the time & resourceorganization tables that returns selected entries from the time table, the date of the first day of the work week, and the current department. The query returns an "Exists" error. When I add exists or where exists I get error near From. The main query and the sub query each run by themselves I just can;t seem to combine them. Here is what I have:
i have a stored procedure that has parameters. this dataset is used in a crystal report. the parameters are in the sp and will return records if a value is selected. i would like to return records if one parameter or all parameters are selected. there are 3 parameters, date range, receipt, po # if i select a distinct value and leave the others null, or 2 values 1 null etc, i would like to return the records, i am having trouble with the syntax. thank you
I would like randomly change the order of the rows in my table. Is there any way to do that? I also have a question about random generator. Is it possible to get a repeatable sequence of random numbers between 1 and 10 in T-SQL? (for example 2,7,6,5,8,9,3,2,....each state with the same probability). But i need the same sequence every time i run my procedure. I know this is just a pseudo generator. I tried to use function rand([seed]) and change the seed value, but I got some strange results...(floor(rand([seed])*100))
I have to dts rows by timestamp. For example if my dts downloaded at 10 am then in the next run i want to grab rows updated in the AS400 after 10am. what is the best way to go in ssis?
This is my SQL : Select p.patientid,p.patientname,p.patientIc,pvi.DateOfAdmission,pvi.visitid,pvi.ward,pvi.bedno,pf.status,pvi.SurgeonName,(f.Title + ' ( Ver ' + (CAST(f.Version as Char(10))) + ')') as Title FROM patient p, patientvarianceinfo pvi,patientForm pf,Form f where (p.PatientName LIKE '%" & Name & "%' or p.PatientIc LIKE '%" & ic & "%' or pvi.Ward LIKE '%" & ward & "%' or pvi.Bedno LIKE '%" & bed & "%') and (p.patientid = pvi.patientid) and (p.patientid = pf.patientid) and (pvi.patientid = pf.patientid) and (pf.FormID = f.FormID)and p.patientid in (select patientid from patientform pf)how do i get the number of rows?
Hi!I'm a new T-SQL developer and just hit a roadblock.I have a scenario that goes like this: I have 2 stored procedures,spInner and spOuter. spInner has a SELECT statement which wouldnormally be used by a class using MS Enterprise Library and that outputgoes into a DataSet. However, I need to get the output of the SELECTstatement to go into spOuter and that's what I can't seem to figureout.I know I may be asked to use functions that return tables in replies tothis post, but I can't do that as some parts of my application have anEXEC(string) for dynamic SQL, instead of spInner.Any help appreciated.Cheers,N.I.T.I.N.
This SQL statement, though carefully written to delete only selected rows, deletes the entire A_Shift_Times table:
DELETE FROM A_Shift_Times WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM Users WHERE (A_Shift_Times.time_in >= CONVERT(DATETIME, '2000-05-29 00:00:00', 102)) AND ((Users.User_Password LIKE N'mrr%') OR (Users.User_Password LIKE N'work%')))
Recently I had an application developer approach me and asked if I could provided him with a list of sprocs by returned row count. We had an issue where the application passed in a number of parameters which attempted to return 200k plus rows of data and the application was timing out. He changed the required parameters in the application and a reasonable number of rows were returned as expected. Short term solution to this one problem.
However there are always timeout issues with this particular application and we got to thinking that maybe other sprocs that were called using parameters would also fail at some point in time because too much data was being returned.
I have to write a couple scripts that will update a couple columns in two separate tables and also insert a new row with the same data except for a few calculated or provided values ...... see specs below ...
1. tGradeHist Table Script One (Needs to be run first)
a. Read tGradeHist Table and Select rows with GradeEndDate = NULL and GradeStartDate = '1/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
b. Calculate New Step Amount = StepAmount * Incr% (Round To Nearest Whole Dollar)
c. Create New Row for this table using information from row read above and insert new information where indicated :
GradeCode - Same
GradeLocationCode - Same
Step - Same
GradeStartDate - '7/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
GradeEndDate - NULL
GradeCurrencyCode - Same
StepAmount - Result of b (above)
GradeFrequencyCode - Same
RangeMaximumAmount - Same
RangeMidAmount - Same
RangeMinimumAmount - Same
GradeCurrentFlag - 'True'
MarketMaximumAmount - Same
MarketMidAmount - Same
MarketMinimumAmount - Same
GradeGUID - Same
TSCOL - Same
d. Update Row read in a (above) with GradeEndDate = '6/30/2007 12:00:00 A.M.' and GradeCurrentFlag = 'False'
2. tPersonBasePayHist Table Script Two (Needs to be run second)
a. Read tPersonBasePayHist Table and Select rows with PersonBasePayEndDate = NULL
b. Calculate New PersonBasePayAmount = PersonBasePayAmount * Incr% (Round To Nearest Whole Dollar)
c. Create New Row for this table using information from row read above and insert new information where indicated :
PersonGUID - Same
PersonBasePayStartDate - '7/1/2007 12:00:00 A.M.'
PersonBasePayEndDate - NULL
PersonBasePayCurrencyCode - Same
PersonBasePayAmount - Result of b (above)
PersonBasePayFrequency - Same
PersonBasePayPayrollFrequencyCode - Same
BasePayReasonCode - 'SA'
ConductedBasePayReviewDate - Same
ScheduledBasePayReviewDate - Same
PayrollCode - Same
PersonBasePayCurrentFlag - 'True'
ApprovedByPersonGUID - Same
PersonBasePayGUID - Same
TSCol - Same
d. Update Row read in a (above) with PersonBasePayEndDate = '6/30/2007 12:00:00 A.M.' and PersonBasePayCurrentFlag = 'False'
The columns in my excel source contain data of different types with the column name being a string and the data in those columns being integers. Is there any way to only extract numeric data , in short I want column names to be omitted. Also the data is distributed unevenly , beggining at various rows in each column.
Using SSRS 2008 r2...I have a report with a single-value parameter and three multi-value parameters, Class1, Name2 and Name3. I'm hoping for an explanation to one thing that I'm seeing and information on a second thing.
Class1 and Name2 both have the (Select All) parameter selected but Class1 is displaying the concatenated parameter variable list whereas Name2 is showing Null. Why is that? If anything, how can I get Class1 to be similar to Name2 and show Null?But my desired wish is to have Class1, Name2 and Name3 display the text"All Selected" when the parameter (Select All) is chosen.
I need to run a select statement that only returns 50 rows. How do I limit the amount of rows returned? Normally the query will return hundreds of rows but all I need is the first 50 it retrieves. I have looked in the BOL and can only find help with a block cursor not just a query.
Is there a way to create a query that will return only 1 row within a join for example:
select a,b,c,d from tbl1 inner join tbl2 on top 1 tbl2.a = tbl1.a <-- return only the top record here...
I dont have too much of a problem with joins... however I was wondering if there was a mechanism to just specify what would be the top most record from a join clause.
I have a query set up that returns the data that I would like, but Iwould only like the latest data for each vehicle number. The query Ihave set up isSELECT TOP 100 PERCENT dbo.vwEvents.EventName,dbo.luSessionAll.SessionName, dbo.luOuting.OutingNumber,dbo.luVehicle.VehicleName, dbo.luOuting.OutingID,dbo.tblOutings.OutingStartTime,dbo.tblSessions.Ses sionDate,dbo.tblSessions.SessionStartTimeFROM dbo.vwSessions INNER JOIN dbo.vwEvents ONdbo.vwSessions.Event = dbo.vwEvents.EventIDINNER JOINdbo.luSessionAll ON dbo.vwEvents.EventID =dbo.luSessionAll.Event INNER JOINdbo.luOuting ON dbo.luSessionAll.SessionID =dbo.luOuting.SessionID INNER JOINdbo.luVehicle ON dbo.luSessionAll.Vehicle =dbo.luVehicle.VehicleID INNER JOINdbo.tblOutings ON dbo.luOuting.OutingID =dbo.tblOutings.OutingID INNER JOINdbo.tblSessions ON dbo.tblOutings.[Session] =dbo.tblSessions.SessionIDGROUP BY dbo.vwEvents.EventName, dbo.luSessionAll.SessionName,dbo.luOuting.OutingNumber, dbo.luVehicle.VehicleName,dbo.luOuting.OutingID, dbo.tblOutings.OutingStartTime,dbo.tblSessions.SessionStartTime, dbo.tblSessions.SessionDateORDER BY dbo.luVehicle.VehicleName, dbo.tblSessions.SessionDate,dbo.tblSessions.SessionStartTime, dbo.tblOutings.OutingStartTimethis returns all the outings. I would like the outing that has, inorder of importance, the latest session date, latest session time andlatest outing start time. Outing start time can sometimes be <<Null>>but the other two always have values. How would I go about doing this?thanks in advance for any help
I have created a Transactional Replication Publication on my SQL 2012 server.When I log into another server on the domain running 2008R2 and try to subscribe to the 2012 Publication, I get the following error when clicking on "Add SQL Server Subscriber": "The selected Subscriber does not satisfy the minimum version compatibility level of the selected publication"
The 2012 DB is set as 2008 Compatibility Mode?Am I not able to Publish from 2012 to 2008?.I was using SSMS 2008 to connect to my 2012 Instance, thats why it didn't work...
I have a stored procedure below that returns a table of coaches. It worked before now it does not. It returns nothing, in vistual studio 2005 and on my webpage. But when I execute it in query analyzer with just SELECT * FROM Coaches it returns the rows. There is no error just will not return what I need. I recreated the database and stored procedure still doing the same thing. Any ideas? Would this be on my server hosting side? ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCo]ASSELECT * FROM Coaches
Hi All: My below sub in application is returning only the Header Row instead of the relevant rows I guess therez problem in my "str" Syntax. However I fail to understand where exactly is it faultering. Private Sub btnSearch_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSearch.Click Try con.Open()Dim empID As String = txtEmpID.Text Dim FName As String = txtFName.Text Dim LName As String = txtLName.TextDim str As String = "Select Emp_ID, Emp_FName,Emp_LName,Emp_Address1,Emp_HNo,Emp_MNo from Emp_Details where Emp_ID='" & empID & " ' Or Emp_LName='" & LName & " ' Or Emp_FName=' " & FName & "'"""Dim da1 As New SqlDataAdapter(str, con) da1.Fill(ds, "Emp_Details") dgEmp.DataSource = ds dgEmp.DataMember = "Emp_Details" dgEmp.DataBind() Finally con.Close() End Try End Sub
Thanks in Advance for your quick help. Regards, Brandy
TotalSelected.Value = SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblNews";
the reason i am tring to do this is so if i can find out the amount of rows before sqldatasource selects for details view then i can make the sqldataesource select depends on total minus 5 so e.g. if total 200 then - 5 so i can select bottom 195 so it misses top 5 for details view any1 any ideas? Thanks Andy,
I was racking my brains trying to figure out why SomeCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() was not returning any rows... SQL Server 2005 likes to put the SET NOCOUNT ON statement in every stored procedure you write. By hiding the count of records touched by your query, you also disable the results to be consumed by your application. So I don't recommend using this statement for your stored procedures and ASP.NET applications, as this functionality is fairly critical for error trapping.
This question has been posted on the site before but I could not find any resolution....I want to return rows 11 - 20 from a query that returns 100 records without using a cursor or temp table.
The closest query I have found is a query that numbers the rows, but I can't seem to use rownumber in a between clause...
Use Pubs SELECT emp_id, lname, fname, job_id, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employee e2 WHERE e2.emp_id <= e.emp_id AND e2.job_id = 10) AS rownumber FROM employee e WHERE job_id = 10 ORDER BY emp_id
I have two tables and I want to return data from both. Currently my select statement is returning just 1 child record for each parent record and I want to return all child records that match the parent record.
I'm trying to write a query that will return rows within a specified range and print to a Crystal Report. When I run the query, it produces 2 row of everything. I would use the SELECT DISTINCT clause, but Crystal Reports will not let me edit the Select statement. But I can edit the FROM, WHERE and ORDER BY clauses. I think the problem is in my INNER JOINS but I'm having a problem figuring it out. Can someone please guide me in the right direction.
SELECT DrawingVouchers."PlayerID", DrawingVoucherNumbers."PromoID", DrawingVoucherNumbers."VoucherNumber", DrawingVoucherNumbers."IssueDate", DrawingVoucherNumbers."UserID", CDS_PLAYER."LastName", CDS_PLAYER."FirstName", CDS_ACCOUNT."Address1A", CDS_ACCOUNT."City1", CDS_ACCOUNT."State1", CDS_ACCOUNT."Zip1" FROM { oj (("WinOasis"."dbo"."DrawingVouchers" DrawingVouchers INNER JOIN "WinOasis"."dbo"."DrawingVoucherNumbers" DrawingVoucherNumbers ON DrawingVouchers."PlayerID" = DrawingVoucherNumbers."PlayerID") INNER JOIN "WinOasis"."dbo"."CDS_PLAYER" CDS_PLAYER ON DrawingVoucherNumbers."PlayerID" = CDS_PLAYER."Player_ID") INNER JOIN "WinOasis"."dbo"."CDS_ACCOUNT" CDS_ACCOUNT ON CDS_PLAYER."Player_ID" = CDS_ACCOUNT."Primary_ID"} WHERE DrawingVoucherNumbers."VoucherNumber" >= 37806 AND DrawingVoucherNumbers."VoucherNumber" <= 37813
SELECT [tblSections].[pageTitle], [tblSections].[sectionURL], [tblSectionContents].[articleID], [tblSectionContents].[fileID], [tblSectionContents].[linkID], [tblCopy].[copyText], [tblFiles].[fileName], [tblFiles].[fileCaption], [tblGroupings].[grouping], [tblLinks].[linkURL] FROM [tblSections] LEFT JOIN [tblSectionContents] ON [tblSectionContents].[sectionID] = [tblSections].[id] LEFT JOIN [tblCopy] ON [tblSectionContents].[articleID] = [tblCopy].[id] LEFT JOIN [tblFiles] ON [tblSectionContents].[fileID] = [tblFiles].[id] LEFT JOIN [tblGroupings] ON [tblFiles].[groupingID] = [tblGroupings].[id] LEFT JOIN [tblLinks] ON [tblSectionContents].[linkID] = [tblLinks].[id] WHERE [tblSections].[id]=2 ORDER BY [tblSectionContents].[articleID], [tblSectionContents].[fileID], [tblSectionContents].[linkID]
If I pass it the ID of a section that has files or copy or [stuff in other tables] attached, then I get a result set that makes sense.
But if I pass it a section ID that doesn't reference any other content tables (ie: the section just has a title and a link URL), I don't get anything back.
Shouldn't it should still get me the fields from the row in tblSections that matches the ID I'm passing it?