Returning A Value From A Subreport To The Main Report For Calculation
Feb 27, 2008
I have a need to complete the following:
Main Report (Group level) Sum(FinalPayment) ** Completed
SubReport Sum(PaymentAdvances) ** Completed (passing parameters)
This is the part that I need help. I need to use an original value from the main report and a "return" value from the subreport.
Main Report (Footer) Sum(FinalPayment) + SubReport.Sum(PaymentAdances)
Is it possible to pass a return value back to the main report from a subreport?
Any help or direction on this?
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Apr 21, 2008
I need to share the result of a calculation from a subreport to the main report
I need to group data from a secondary dataset the same and the primary dataset.
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Mar 22, 2007
How can I carry a value over from a subreport to a main report?
If I have a total in a sub report, I want to use that total in expression on the main report.
Any ideas?
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Oct 10, 2006
I was wondering if anyone knew how to take a value from a subreport and
compare it to a value iwthin the main report. We are trying to see if
the value in the subreport is greater than the value returned in the
main report. We want to make the value test red if it is greater than.
I know how to compare these values if they were in the same report, but
when it comes to subreports I am lost. Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
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Apr 1, 2008
Hi All,
I have 2 reports where 1 is a subreport and the other one is a main report.
Can i change or refer to a control(item) in the main report depending on the value of an item in the subreport, when the subreport is being run?
Any comments are appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 11, 2008
Is there anyway that i can access subreport field in main report? I just want it to be displayed. Thats it. I can not put subreport field in main report bcz it is based on the parameter passed by main report.
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Jun 5, 2007
Here's my problem. I have a subreport that shows data and labels if data is returned. However, if no data is returned, the subreport doesn't show at all. I have a message on the subreport I would like to show if no data is returned, but the subreport won't show at all. Any ideas??
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Sep 28, 2006
Name ABC-12345
Address line 1 DEF-12345
Address line 2 GH1-12345
City, State Zipcode
The data is from one table and looks like this. Both the main report and subreport use a shared data souce.
Name Address line 1 City State Zipcode License
------------- ------------------- ------------- --------- ---------- ---------
Joe Schmoe 123 Maple Street Clearwater Florida 33777 ABC-12345
Joe Schmoe 123 Maple Street Clearwater Florida 33777 DEF-12345
Joe Schmoe 123 Maple Street Clearwater Florida 33777 GHI-12345
All lines are header lines. Subreport has been placed in top header line.
Name ABC-12345
Address line 1
Address line 2
City, State Zipcode
ISSUE: I would like the subreport to PRINT ALONG WITH the address information to its left. In Crystal Report a subreport could "Underlay Following Sections" - a wonderful feature Microsoft maybe should have copied. Is there a way to duplicate "underlay" behavior in SQL Reporting ? Thanks.
UPDATE: Coworker found workaround. Can concatenate Name, Adress line 1, Address line 2, City, State and Zipcode into one field. Would still like to know a more straightforward way.
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Sep 21, 2007
I need to convert a Crystal report that contains three subreports. Each of these subreports uses a different stored procedure to obtain data. The main report uses data from these subreports to calculate averages in the footer etc.
How do i get the data contained in these subreports so i can use it in my main report??
Thanks in advance
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Jul 24, 2007
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to pass the values of a subreport matrix to my main report.
For example, I have a matrix subreport like this:
Client1Sales $100 $200
Client2Sales $600 $50 $300
What I would like to do is to pass the USA Sales Amount of Client1 (e.g $100) to my main report.
Is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advance for your answers!
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Jul 27, 2007
I have a main report and a subreport. If the subreport doesn't have any data then I hide it, but the main report still shows the white space of where the subreport would show up if it had data. So how can I get rid of the extra white space in the main report?
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Nov 27, 2015
I have a main report and 2 sub reports. I would like to pass the total Premium Paid from 2nd Sub report , and Total Bonus received from 3rd Sub report back to main report.
My scenario is actualy much more complicated than what i had attached below, which i cannot join the query for the 3 different reports together. But for demo purpose, i created the following sample scenario.
My main report is to display the sales summary by person by location.
A person may have more than 1 account number, and each account number is entitly for bonuses. As illustrated below.
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Apr 16, 2013
I've been reading a lot of posts on this subject. I understand that the issue is due to the fact that the subreport is only rendered once. So after the main report is sorted on another column, the cell with the subreport produces an error.
What I want to know is whether or not this is considered a defect. And if it is a defect, is it fixed in another version?
I am currently running SSRS SQL2008R2 SP2 (20.50.4000.0)
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Aug 28, 2007
I have embedded a subreport in the detail section of my report. When I view the subreport in page preview mode it renders with three columns, but when it is rendered w/in the main report in page preview mode the 3 column layout is rendered as a single verticle column.
I've defined the columns in the Body/Columns. I have also set the report inteactivesize and pagesize heights in an attempt to remedy the issue. Margins are set to 0.
Any help is appreciated.
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May 4, 2015
How to display the subreport Headers/footers in Main report (in SSRS SQL server 2008 r2)?
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Apr 2, 2007
Hi All,
I am having a main report having two subreports, say M1,S1 and S2 respectively.
The issue is S2 normally tend to go beyond one page, for all pages except first page of the of the subreport I am getting the page header and footer blank,
Actually this is not loading the ReportItems that are used in main report but it shows text boxes containing strings for eg . "My Name" and date functions eg Today()
Any Solution?
Thanks and Regards
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Nov 22, 2007
What we've found is that when you have two reports where one navigates to the other, if you click on the second page of the second report, it takes you to the second page of the original report. If you navigate over to the subreport again and click for the second page, it works appropriately. This is definitely a no-go for production code and this may delay our ship date because I would think this is definitely undesirable.
ASP.NET Report Viewer using Remote Reports
Report that links to another report
Both reports return more than one page
Reporting Services installed
Steps to Reproduce:
Download the source code here.
Follow the directions (near the bottom of the post) to get the project set up.
Run it and click on a link in the first report to go to the second report.
Click the arrow for page 2 of the second report.
Notice how it takes you back to page 2 of the first report (this doesn't happen when you are in preview mode in the Reporting Services project and I don't believe it does this in a smart client application).
Click on a link in the first report to go back to the second report.
Click the arrow for page 2.
Notice how it takes you to page 2 of the second report.
Here is a link with source code and a more detailed explanation:
So what I am looking for is both a workaround for now and if this is determined to be a bug, to be fixed in the next service pack.
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Apr 28, 2006
Hi, can anyone help?
I have created a Report using Visual studio-the report displays a subreport within it.
On the Subjective Report I have 12 values for each month of the year.
For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value), and I
have named this text box ��SubRepM1��
The name of the subreport is ��subreport1'.
On my Main Report, again I have 12 values for each month of the year.
For the first month the value is =sum(Fields! Month_1.Value)*-1, and I
have named this text box 'MainRepM1'
The name of the main report is 'GMSHA Budget Adjustment Differentials'
The report displays both of the subreport and main report values
but I now need to total these values together for each month in order to
produce a grand total.
I have tried using the following to add the totals for Month 1 together,
=subreport1.Report.SubRepM1 + MainRepM1
but this does not work and I get the following error message ��The value expression for the text box 'textbox18'contains an error [BC30451] Name subreport1 is not declared'.
I feel that it should be a simple matter of adding the two sets of values together but I��m having major problems trying to get these totals to work.
Can anyone help, thanks
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Feb 25, 2008
I have constructed my main report using the table item from the toolbox. In maintable I have two groupings.
In the maintable I have grouping2 set for a page break after each grouping.
I have set the subreport parameter to the field value of the maintable grouping2.
I want to display the contents of the subreport after grouping1 of the maintable on the same page.
I have achieved a result by placing the subreport in maintable_group2 footer. However when I save it as an excel sheet it says "Subreports within table/matrix cells are ignored".
I really don't like how the report displays like this in the report server however I will need to export this report to excel.
Have I explained my issue well enough?
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Nov 3, 2015
I am trying to create a report with a sub report in Sql Server 2012 using Report Builder Version 3. I can run the subreport without any problems. I read where using a shared connection can cause this error so both the main report and the subreport use a connection that is embedded in my report.
For testing, I created the subreport without a parameter and added it to the main report. When I ran it that way, the report worked and sub report displayed the data. So I know it can read from the database.It seems to only give me this error when I am trying to tie the two reports together using a parameter.
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Jul 14, 2015
Using SSRS 2014 and VS2013 rc5.
How do I hide a subreport if the parent report row containing the subreport is a certain value? I am attempting to create a statement with ageing buckets. In the main body of the report I have to display payments and invoices. If the invoice row is blank, I need to hide the row containing the subreport.
First, Is this even possible?
Second, How?
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Mar 17, 2008
Can we include a subreport which aslo has another subreport in a master report? (assuming all three reports have parameters too)
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Sep 9, 2015
I just created a report builder. I have a main report and i wanted to create a sub report. why i cant or i cant view the path or the folder of my .rdl file to be use as my sub report.
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Sep 16, 2015
I am trying to develop a report from cube,and it has one drill through report.when i click on sales amount field on main report,then it open the drill through report with details.Here i passed the **(category,subcat,product)parameters(Cascaded)** to drill through report in action part of main report.In my main report i have two columns .
columns are **Level** and **Salesamount**.
Values are like
**[-]category** **100**
**[-]subcat** **50**
**product** **30**
when i click on 100, parameters are passed & it open the detail report correctly, but when i click on 50,the values for subcat parameter is not getting values in detail report and same as the product also.
Here i used the expressions in parameter values
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Oct 6, 2015
How do I get data on my linked report based on my grouped subtotal and grand total from the main report. The subtotal and grand total are calculated columns.
I have a 3 columns in my matrix in the SSRS summary report. Actn_COAST, ActnCITY and NumbOfAccts.
The following is code for my summary report. The results are shown below.
SELECT Distinct ActnCITY, Count(ACCT) as NumbOfAccts,
FROM tbl1
where ACTNDATE between @STARTDT and @EndDT
Code for my detail report contains the following SQL
SELECT * FROM tbl1 where ACTNDATE between @STARTDT and @EndDT AND @ActnCITY = ActnCITY
I have linked my report based on the NumbOfAccts column. I am able to get data if I click any of the NumbOfAccts values related to the state I want. However when I am not sure how to make the subtotal and grand total work. I want when I click on the subtotal of either coast, I should be able to see records of that coast e.g., if I select 37 I should be able to see all the records in East Coast. If I click on the Grand Total, I only want data related to those 2 coasts.
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Apr 21, 2015
I have a SSRS report with 4 sub reports embedded. Previously i faced a situation where sub reports was getting displayed with static data even if there is no data being pulled from data set. I solved this problem according to solution provided in my previous post here. Now blank space is getting displayed in place of empty sub report. But still the main report that hosts empty sub report (Which has a header with header name coming from main data set) is getting displayed. Is there any way wherein the whole main report can be suppressed when the sub report has no data?
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Jun 26, 2014
I have 11 records in the Main report.I want to make Imagebutton for only the 11 record.If click on Imagebutton then the subreport show in the below.But there is no relationship between MainReport and SubReport.
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Nov 28, 2007
Good morning, all
I have a really cool Budget report which has two matrices on it. One is used/visible if the user selects four levels of grouping, and one is used if the user selects only three levels of grouping. The four choices for grouping are four fields, Par, FERC, Point, and Resource.
Since grouping is optional, I need a way to pass the parameter for a field that is not grouped on from the main report to the drillthrough report. For example if the user chooses to group on all fields but Point, I need to pass the report parameter that was used by the main report for Point to the drillthrough report as a report parameter.
So, I tried testing the three grouping levels values and if none were equal to "Point" then pass in the parameter by putting the following expression in the Parameter Value box for the Point parameter on the Navigation tab of the datacell of the main report that is the drillthrough link:
Parameters!GroupLevel1.Value <> "Point"
But this is not working; the drillthrough report shows a blank dropdown for the Point parameter and I have to manually set it. Does anyone see an error in the syntax of the iif statement?
Any references, links, resources or good clean jokes would be greatly appreciated.
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Dec 27, 2006
Does anyone know a way to display the header of a sub report when the sub report is part of a main report? Im able to get the main report and the sub report to display properly, but the header of the previously developed/tested sub report will not display when embedded in a main report.
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Apr 17, 2008
Don't know if this is possible or not - Need to produce a report and the main report has a grid in it.
For every row in the main report, in one of the grid fields there are n images. So to do this, I am using a sub-report. But there is a problem with going to the database for every row to fetch images that if the user does a report spanning more than about 6 months, there will be thousands of records each with the potential to have many images and the constant round trips to the db server would probably kill it.
So what I want to achieve is to fetch the dataset in the main report with just one trip to the database and then pass the dataset filtered by a uniqueidentifier to each row of the subreport.
Could someone please let me know if this or something like it is possible and how to go about it?
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Jul 17, 2006
I have a main report that has 17 sub-reports in it. I have had some problems with additional space in the main report, after sub-reports that have no data in them. In the actual sub reports I have expressions set up for each line in the tables to hide the row if there is an empty string in it. (IIF(Fields!FieldName.Value = "", True, False)).
Is there a way to set up in the main report is the sub report has no data in it to hide the sub-report, and not show the additional space in them. I have tried putting the sub reports in the main report by themselves, and also put them into a table, and have encountered the same results each time.
I did find a site that suggests referencing a Field in the expression for that row, but this would involve us changing the stored procedure and adding additional Fields into the main report stored procedure. Also each sub-report has its own stored procedure to return the data needed for that sub report.
Any ideas?
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Feb 4, 2008
I have un report(mainreport) within a subreport(subreport).
With reporting services, how to pass the value from Sub report to main report?
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Oct 5, 2007
I have created several reports using SSRS which is installed in my local machine. But source data base is in the main server. Data source connection works properly. Report manager is also configured to local machine.
Now I tried to deploy these reports to main server. So I changed the target URL to http://mainservername/reportsserver in the internal report property change box. But it was not succeeded. I get a error message like this.
------ Build started: Project: Partner Reports -Internal, Configuration: Production ------
Build complete -- 0 errors, 0 warnings
------ Deploy started: Project: Partner Reports -Internal, Configuration: Production ------
Deploying to http://derby/ReportServer
Error rsRPCError : The report server cannot decrypt the symmetric key used to access sensitive or encrypted data in a report server database. You must either restore a backup key or delete all encrypted content. Check the documentation for more information. (rsReportServerDisabled)
Deploy complete -- 1 errors, 0 warnings
========== Build: 1 succeeded or up-to-date, 0 failed, 0 skipped ==========
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========
Reporting services was already installed in main server. Do I have to change settings of report configuration manager in my local machine?
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