Returning Records That Exclude Top 10% Of Values
Mar 6, 2008
I have data that looks like below (columns are Timestamp, Offered, Answered and Delay). I'm looking to exclude returning records that have a value for Delay that are within the top 10% of values of that column. Are there any 2005 tricks where this can be accomplished in a simple statement?
2008-02-18 08:30:002322173
2008-02-18 08:45:002120174
2008-02-18 09:00:002425230
2008-02-18 09:15:002828277
2008-02-18 09:30:002522159
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Jan 10, 2007
I'm developing my fist Integration Service and I have this operations:
Reading from a XML
Check for duplicate records and discard them
Insert the result into the database
The XML I don't control and could came with duplicate records that I have to discard. How can I find them?
I want to find the duplicates in the XML and not in database.
tkx for the help
Paulo Aboim Pinto
Odivelas - Portugal
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Feb 9, 2005
I have a datagrid with a “sort� field I want to use to sort the rows in ascending order. However, I want values with a 0 or NULL value to be displayed last. I can’t figure out how to do a sort (preferably in the SQL) that returns the empty values last. Is this possible?
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Oct 24, 2013
exclude values when Account have different values (rooms both A and B), i.e
Account Room
10122 A
10122 B
10130 B
10131 C
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Jun 20, 2014
Using MS ACCESS I have:
which works fine. I want to look at the query SAP_CALD and disclude any record in the field 'department' that has a record of any {DPSG, System, Dealer, DealerIT, Inbound}..I can do this by piggybacking a another query that removes these but wondered if it would be easier to exclude them in the crosstab code.
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Dec 26, 2007
I am creating a query which will show patients that are enrolled in more than one program, but I need to exclude those patients that enrolled more than once in the same program. Here's part of the code:
SELECT member_id, service_id
FROM pat_prg_info ppi
This query produces results like the following:
member_id service_id
1001 1
1001 2
1003 9
1003 9
1004 2
1004 9
I would like to exclude 1003, since this member_id is enrolled twice in service_id 9. How can I accomplish this?
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Jun 28, 2007
Hi all,
is it possible to exclude empty records from an ADSI QuerySelect?
I got a query like
Code SnippetSELECT objectGUID FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT objectGUID FROM ''LDAP://DC=whatever,DC=domain,DC=org'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory = ''Person''')
and would like to have it like
Code Snippet
SELECT objectGUID FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT objectGUID FROM ''LDAP://DC=whatever,DC=domain,DC=org'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory = ''Person'' AND homeDirectory IS NOT NULL')
Code SnippetSELECT objectGUID FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT objectGUID FROM ''LDAP://DC=whatever,DC=domain,DC=org'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory = ''Person'' AND NOT(homeDirectory = NULL) ')
The problem is that I can only perform a query like
Code SnippetSELECT objectGUID FROM OpenQuery(ADSI, 'SELECT objectGUID FROM ''LDAP://DC=whatever,DC=domain,DC=org'' where objectClass = ''User'' AND objectCategory = ''Person'' AND NOT(homeDirectory = '''')')
which results in the error
"Could not fetch a row from OLE DB provider 'ADSDSOObject'."
There are many objects which do have a homedirectory, though, and therefore should be fetched.
Any comments or hints on where my error hides?
I know I could go on fetching all objects and exclude the unwanted ones later on but I'd simply run into the limitation of data records LDAP would provide me with.
Thanks in advance!
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May 28, 2015
I have customers named Alex (Cid=1), Bob (Cid=2), and Carrie (Cid=3) in a table customer.
I have products name Gin (Pid=1), Scotch (Pid=2) and Vodka (Pid=3) in a table products.
And I have a table that holds purchase called Customer_Purchases that contain the following records:
I would like to make a marketing list for all customers that purchased Gin or Scotch but exclude customers that purchased Vodka. The result I am looking for would return only 2 records: Cid’s 1 (Alex) and 3 (Carrie) but not 2 (because Bob bought Vodka).
I know how to make a SELECT DISTINCT statement but as soon as I include Pid=2 This clearly doesn’t work :
WHEREÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â (Cid = 1) OR
(Cid = 3) OR
(Cid <> 2)
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Feb 4, 2014
I wrote a select statement, I only want to see orders with max lastUpdatedOn date of 14 days and older. Now my results show dates with all orders of 14 days and older (which is OK), but all others are displayed in the "Uitgifte" column as "NULL". But those orders should not be displayed at all.
selectdistinct ProductionHeader.ProdHeaderOrdNr,
(select max (ProdStatusLog.ProdStatusCode)
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Nov 7, 2006
I'm using SQL server 200
Table A has columns CompressedProduct, Tool, Operation
Table B in a differnt database has columns ID, Product, Tool Operation
I cannot edit table A. I can select records from A and insert into B. And I can select only the records that are in both tables.
But I want to be able to select any records that are in table A but not in Table B.
ie. I want to select records from A where the combination of Product, Tool and Operaton does not appear in Table B, even if all 3 on their own do appear.
This code return all the records from A. I need to filter out the records found in Table B.
SELECT ID, CompressedProduct, oq.Tool, oq.Operation FROM OPENQUERY (Lisa_Link,
'SELECT DISTINCT CompressedProduct, Tool, Operation FROM tblToolStatus ts
JOIN tblProduct p ON ts.ProductID = p.ProductID
JOIN tblTool t ON ts.ToolID = t.ToolID
JOIN tblOperation o ON ts.OperationID = o.OperationID
WHERE ts.ToolID=66
') oq
LEFT JOIN Family f on oq.CompressedProduct = f.Product and oq.Tool = f.Tool and oq.Operation = f.Operation
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Nov 12, 2012
I am trying to exclude records from a table where the ID column is the same but the Mail code Column is multi-valued.For Example: (the table looks like....)
ID Mail_code
111111 XNT
111111 N11
111111 XNC
222222 XNC
222222 XNL
333333 XNC
So, if there is any ID that has a value of XNC, I want to exclude the ID all together from my output regardless of the other values.
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Jul 30, 2007
I have a stored procedure that does all the dirty work for me. I'm just having one issue. I need it to run the total number of RECORDS, and I need it to return the total number of new records for TODAY. Here is part of the code:SELECT COUNT(ID) AS TotalCount FROM CounterSELECT COUNT(*) AS TodayCount FROM Counter WHERE DATEPART(YEAR, visitdate) = Year(GetDate()) AND DATEPART(MONTH, visitdate) = Month(GetDate()) AND DATEPART(DAY, visitdate) = Day(GetDate())The statement works great, I just need to return TotalCount and TodayCount in one query. Is this possible?
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Feb 18, 2008
Hi All
I have a stored procedure that returns a numeric value. I wish to call this procedure from within another one and have the returned value stored against a declared variable. I'm struggling with the syntax!!
Any help out there?
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Sep 13, 2006
can i return value(bool) from a sp based on the result and receive in my vb code.
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Nov 20, 2007
Hello,im having a problem integrating an SQL statement with my program,it works fine when theres a result but throws an error when there isno result,is there anyway in SQL to make up a row if there isnt one that matchesthe query for example in this i could put indicator values in thereturned fields then a simple check to see if its a proper field of myindicator fieldI know ISNULL works with single values but that only works if there isa row returnedDoes anyone know of any SQL syntax for MS SQL that when no row isreturned it makes on up and parses it backThank you in advance for your help!!Ben
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Dec 7, 2006
I'm writing a page that will return data from my database to the user based on their search paramaters, over several pages with 20 matching records showing per page, and a next button on the bottom. Similar to the format of any search engine.
However, I'd like to write this into the query, and I'm not sure how I would go about doing so. For example:
"SELECT TOP 20 to 40 * FROM Northwind"
Hopefully this makes sense. Is there any way of doing this?
Thanks in advance,Russ
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Feb 13, 2007
My query is as follows:Dim CurrentDate As DateCurrentDate = "09/02/2007" MyCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT RegisterID FROM Registers WHERE RegisterDate = @RegisterDate AND IsMorningRegister = 1", MyConn)MyCommand.Parameters.Add("@RegisterDate", Data.SqlDbType.DateTime)MyCommand.Parameters("@RegisterDate").Value = CurrentDate My DB table is called RegisterDate and is of type DateTime. The record that should be matched is: Register ID: 13 RegisterDate: 09/02/2007 09:00:00IsMorningRegister: TrueIsAfternoonRegister: False But no records are returned. Any idea why?
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Feb 27, 2002
Any information as to how to handle this?
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Jul 14, 2005
I have a SQL question which I suspect is very easy to answer but can't seem to find one for.
I have a table which contains about 500 records. i would like to display these records on a web page, but paginated, showing only 20 records per page. I have in the past returned a recordset containing all the records and paginated programmatically in ASP. In this instance I would like to be able to pass an upper and lower bound into my stored proc and return only those records I want to display. So on page 4 I would want to display only records 61-80. I can pass in the upper and lower bound to the SP as parameters but is there some T-SQL i can use to return this range of records only.
So, the SP would for example accept the parameters
@Upperbound = 80
@Lowerbound = 61
and would return a recordset of 20 records being the 61st thru 80th record from the queried table.
Thanks for the help
PS. I asked someone at work and they suggested using OFFSET and LIMIT. It seems to me as if these are only available in PostgreSQL or MySQL and not T-SQL. I guess I am looking for an equivalent I can use with SQL Server.
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Nov 17, 2006
Following Proc is returning all records.I have passed any value to parameters but no luck.
@persontype varchar(100)="",
@name varchar(100)="",
@adddatetime datetime="",
@activeaccount int =-1,
@country varchar (20)=""
declare @cond varchar(1000) ;
if @persontype<>""
set @cond= @cond+"and persontype="+@persontype
if @name<>""
set @cond= @cond+"and (charindex("+@name+",x_firstname)>0 or charindex("+@name+",x_lastname)>0 or charindex("+@name+",x_email)>0) "
if @activeaccount<>-1
set @cond= @cond+'and activeaccount='+@activeaccount
if @adddatetime<>""
set @cond= @cond+'and adddatetime='+@adddatetime
if @country<>""
set @cond= @cond+'and x_country='+@country
print @cond
exec( " select * from users where 1=1 "+@cond)
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a view that will return say 5000 records when I do a simpleselect query on that view *from vw_test_viewHow can I set up my query to only return a certain # of records, saythe first 300?Here is what is going on, we have a large amount of data that returnsin a view and we need to work with all of it eventually, However wewant to do it in chunks. So my thoughts were as follows:1. To run a query to return X amount of the total data for us to workwith.2. Update these records with a flag in a table that the vw_test_viewfilters out.3. The next time I run the query to pull data from the view it willskip the records that I have already looked at (because of step 2) andpull the next X amount of records.Thanks in advance,Mike
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May 15, 2008
Hello -
I'm trying to write a select statement that will return only "billable" records.
A record is billable if:
- it is the only record for a Case (Case is an FKey ID column in my records table)
- the last billable record for Case X has a DateTime > 24 hours before the record in question.
Getting records for the first condition is easy:
LEFT OUTER JOIN Records r2 ON r2.[Case] = r.[Case]
It's the second part I'm having trouble with.
WHERE DATEDIFF(hh, r.DateTime, r2.DateTime) > 24 ??
I have to assume there can be any number of records for a case.
Thanks in advance!
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Sep 27, 2007
If i have the following data
Code Block
Create Table #Request (
[requestid] int ,
[customername] Varchar(30) ,
[age] int ,
[sex] char(1) ,
[address] Varchar(30) ,
[status] int
Insert Into #request Values('2342','Jack','23','M','Texas','0');
Insert Into #request Values('223452','Tom','45','M','Ohio','1');
Insert Into #request Values('22353','Bobby','23','M','Austin','0');
Insert Into #request Values('22362','Guck','23','M','Austin','0');
Insert Into #request Values('22392','Luck','23','M','Austin','1');
Insert Into #request Values('22362','Buck','23','M','Austin','0');
Insert Into #request Values('2564392','Jim','23','M','Austin','1');
Insert Into #request Values('2342','Jasm','23','M','Austin','0');
Insert Into #request Values('2765492','Chuck','23','M','Austin','1');
How can i return 30% random requestid's from this table?
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Aug 18, 2006
I'm building a db to collect equip fault data in SQL 2005 and need to modify my query to be able to select/display "ALL" records. I'm currently using a sp to assign a shift to each record and then have a query to select all records by shift. I'd like to add an option to the query to be able to select ALL records, regardless of shift. I've included the sp & query I am currently using. Any help would be appreciated.
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[p_dtu_Store_Line_Fault_Data]
-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here
@AssetID int,
@Timestamp datetime,
@FaultCode int,
@State int
IF @State = 3
INSERT LineFaultData (FaultCode, AssetID, StartTime, Duration, Shift)
VALUES (@FaultCode, @AssetID, @Timestamp, 0,
IF @State <> 3
DECLARE @Count int
SET @Count = (SELECT Count(*) FROM LineFaultData WHERE AssetID = @AssetID AND Duration = 0)
IF @Count <> 0
DECLARE @StartTime datetime
SET @StartTime = (SELECT Top 1 StartTime FROM LineFaultData WHERE AssetID = @AssetID and Duration = 0)
UPDATE LineFaultData
SET Duration = DateDiff(s,@StartTime, @Timestamp)
WHERE AssetID = @AssetID and Duration = 0 and StartTime = @StartTime
SELECT TOP (1000) dbo.LineFaultDescription.Station, dbo.LineFaultData.StartTime, dbo.LineFaultData.Duration, dbo.LineFaultDescription.FaultDescription,
dbo.LineFaultDescription.FaultCategory, dbo.LineFaultData.Shift
FROM dbo.LineFaultDescription INNER JOIN
dbo.LineFaultData ON dbo.LineFaultDescription.FaultCode = dbo.LineFaultData.FaultCode AND
dbo.LineFaultDescription.AssetID = dbo.LineFaultData.AssetID
and (StartTime < '{@End Date}' and StartTime > '{@Start Date}')
WHERE (dbo.LineFaultData.AssetID = {Asset_ID})
AND (dbo.LineFaultData.Shift = '{@Shift}')
ORDER BY dbo.LineFaultData.StartTime DESC
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Jun 4, 2007
I have a simple table on my webpage which shows data from my database.
It all worked fine apart from one part. I wanted the select statement to select only NULL values from a column, as these are classed as open queries. Once I have closed the query a 0 or 1 will automatically be posted and will no longer have a NULL value.
I have a simple select statement (which I will post on here when I log in with my work computer) and at the end I have a WHERE Column = NULL. I have also tried WHERE column <> 0.0 AND column <>1.0 and that did not work.
If I only did WHERE column <> 1.0, i only get the 0.0 results and none of the NULL results, but if I have no WHERE statement I get all the results including the NULL values.
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Aug 31, 2000
I have a table that contains an identity column. This column is updated in a stored procedure that has a linked trigger that updates another 'backup' table. How can I ensure that the value of the new row added in the table with the identity is passed back to calling client. ?
The value of @@identity is incorrect as it reflects the value in the 'backup table' not the original table. and use select max() on the original table within the stored procedure could be violated by other users attempting the same operation
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Feb 19, 2006
I have an accounting database which contains data from various years.The frontend is a VB.Net program. At the year end, the program createsnew voucher and transaction tables and creates new stored procedures forthem.I just append the 'new year' at the end and create themie, Vouchers2001, Vouchers2002, Vouchers2003Similarly Transactions2001, Transactions2002.The data for all the years is in the same database.Also, I maintain a table called 'Books' which contains the Years forwhich data is present in the Database. The Structure of the Books tableisBookID BookYear1 20012 20023 20034 2004My Problem is that i need to know the current balance of any ledger forany year. The method to calculate the balance for any year is to startfrom the Minimum year in the Books table and continue upto the requiredyear. The SQL is as follows.DECLARE @iLedgerID AS INT --will be passed as parameterDECLARE @iYear as INT --will be passed as parameterDECLARE @CurrentBalance as MONEYSET @iLedgerID =1DECLARE @MinBook as INTEGERDECLARE @String nVarchar(4000)SELECT @MinBook = Min(BookYear)FROM BooksWHILE @MinBook <= @iYearBEGINSET @String = ' DECLARE @TT Money ' + char(13) +' SELECT @TT = ISNULL( SUM( ISNULL(Debit,0) - ISNULL(Credit,0) ),0 )'+ ' FROM transactions' + CAST(@MinBook AS CHAR(4)) + ' LEFT OUTER JOINdbo.Vouchers' + CAST(@MinBook AS CHAR(4)) + ' ON dbo.Transactions' +CAST(@MinBook AS CHAR(4)) + '.VoucherID' + ' = dbo.Vouchers' +CAST(@MinBook AS CHAR(4)) + '.VoucherID ' +'WHERE (LedgerID = @iLedgerID)'EXEC sp_executesql @String, N'@iLedgerID Int', @iLedgerID */SET @MinBook = @MinBook + 1ENDNow this is just a sample code. It may have a few glitches. My questionisa) Do I have to create a dynamic sql if the name of the database is notknown ahead of time. If No thenb) I need to add the balance of each year to the grand total. How do ireturn a value from a dynamic sql.TIA*** Sent via Developersdex ***
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Nov 13, 2006
I am fairly sure that I am just overlooking something, but the following command is returning some incorrect fields.
SqlDataSource1.SelectParameters.Add("ddlvndnr", ddl1.SelectedValue)
I have more code to show, if this looks correct. Just let me know.
Thanks in advance.
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Nov 23, 2007
I have a table called DiaryDate2 and a query called DiaryDateOver8 and want to have a sql query to return the records from the table that are not in the query based on two linked fields username and Diarydate1
The SQL I have written however returns all records
SelectCommand="SELECT DiaryDate2.Username, DiaryDate2.DiaryDate1 FROM DiaryDate2
WHERE(DiaryDate2.Username = ?)AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 from DiaryDateover8 where DiaryDateover8.Username=DiaryDate2.Username AND DiaryDateover8.DiaryDate1=DiaryDate2.DiaryDate1)ORDER BY DiaryDate2.DiaryDate1">
Please could someone help
Many thanks Colin
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Jul 8, 2004
I am using ORDER BY NEWID() to return random record from sql database. how do i go about returning only 5 random records instead of all records.
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Jan 25, 2005
Hi guys, I need to know if there is a way to select a range of records from a database. Kind of like using SELECT TOP 1000, but I need to be able to specify which records to return. So I imagine it would look like this:
SELECT TOP 2000-5000 * FROM customers WHERE groupid=2 ORDER BY FirstName DESC
Where this statement would return only records 2000 to 5000 of the returned results.
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Jul 10, 2014
Here is my setup: I have the following tables -
tblPerson - holds basic person data.
tblPersonHistorical - holds a dated snapshot of the fkPersonId, fkInstitutionId, and fkDepartmentId
tblWebUsers - holds login data specific to a web account, but not every person will have a web account
I want to allow my admins to search for users (persons) with web accounts. They need to be able to search by tblPerson.FirstName, tblPerson.LastName, tblInstitutions.Institution, and tblDepartments.Department. The only way a Person record is joined an Institution or Department record is through many -> many junction table tblPersonHistorical.
People place orders and make decisions in our system. Because people can change institutions and departments, we need an historical snapshot of where they worked at the time they placed an order or made a decision. Of course that means some folks will have multiple historical records. That all works fine.
So when an admin user wants to search for webusers, I only want to return data, if possible, from he most recent/current historical records. This is where I am getting bogged down. When I search for a specific webuser I simply do a TOP 1 and ORDER BY DateCreated DESC. That returns only the current historical record for that person/webuser.
But what if I want to return many different webusers, and only want the TOP 1 historical for each returned?
Straight TOP by itself won't do it.
GROUP BY by itself won't do it.
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Oct 31, 2013
This is a follow on from one of my earlier threads where I was trying to return one specific record. In this case I am trying to return multiple records for the same person ID and within a number of days range. Snapshot of my date with same PersonID:
PersonID Arrival_Date Leaving_Date ArrivalID
======== ============ ============ =========
123456 01/12/2012 01/12/2013 arr_56464
123456 10/12/2012 10/12/2013 arr_56474
123456 13/12/2012 13/12/2013 arr_56494
And from this I want to check if one record's leaving date of the record is within 7 days of another record's arrival date. I also want to return the record that had a leaving date within 7 days of the next arrival date.I understand that if I self join on personID with the data above I will get 9 rows, for each row I will get 3 matches, I am using INNER JOIN to join to the same table but with a different alias so I assume this is the self join I should be using.
But then how do I process this? I would want to say for record 1 check the leaving date is within 7 days of arrival date of any other record matching that PersonId but not ArrivalID, and return both records.From my snapahot of code I would eventually want to return:
PersonID Arrival_Date Leaving_Date ArrivalID
======== ============ ============ =========
123456 10/12/2012 10/12/2013 arr_56474
123456 13/12/2012 13/12/2013 arr_56494
But can't seem to get this using a self join query like this:
select a.PersonID, a.Leaving_date,a.Arrival_Date,a.arrivalID
from arrivals a INNER JOIN arrivals b
ON b.personID = a.personID
a.arrivalid != b.arrivalid
and DATEDIFF(DD, b.[Leaving_date], a.[Arrival_Date]) <=7
and DATEDIFF(DD, b.[Leaving_date], a.[Arrival_Date]) >=0
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