Rollback Based On # Of Rows Changed
Jul 10, 2001
I am trying to create a stored proc that will update exactly one row. Simple. For insurance purposes, I want to create some logic that will rollback the entire transaction if more than one row is updated.
I know that I could force the primary key into the WHERE clause, but I was looking for some logic that will allow me to bypass that.
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Aug 17, 2007
Hi i tried designing a SSIS package which loads only those rows which were different from existing rows in the table , i need to timestamp the existing row with an inactive date when a update of that row is inserted (ex: same studentID )
and the newly inserted row with a insert time stamp
so as to indicate the new row as currently active, in short i need to maintain history and current rows in same table , i tried using slowly changing dimension but could not figure out, anyone experience or knowledge regarding the Data loads please respond.
example of Data would be like
exisiting data
12 DDS 14 M XYZ ST 2/4/06 NULL
14 hgS 17 M ABC ST 3/4/07 NULL
New row to insert would be
12 DDS 15 M DFG ST 4/5/07
the data should reflect
12 DDS 14 M XYZ ST 2/4/06 4/5/07
12 DDS 15 M DFG ST 4/5/07 NULL
14 hgS 17 M ABC ST 3/4/07 NULL
Please provide your input as much as you can even though it might not be a 100% solution.
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Feb 9, 2008
Hi there,
Today I tried out Integration Services and after a couple of hours of confusion I am impressed by the power of this product. I was wondering if I might get some help on the 'best practice' for the following requirements:
I have a foreach container that scans a directory and calls a data flow task for each file in the directory. The files import to the database fine, but I want to modify the procedure so it only imports files that have not yet been imported. There are a couple of scenarios:
- a file is created in the directory
- a file is modified in the directory
In both cases I want to insert (or reinsert) the file. How can I modify my package to accomodate this behaviour? Storing the filename is an option, but I am not sure how to also bring in the file creation/modified dates.
Is this the right approach?
Any other ideas?
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Nov 16, 2007
there doesnt seem to be an object id associated with variable prompt phrases. Does this mean they cannot be localized based on language choice?
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Oct 5, 2015
In t-sql 2012, I have the following sql that I would like the following to occur:
1. commit or rollback a transaction based upon the results of a calculation listed below,
2. I would like to have a message appear if the commit was successful or the rollback needed to occur. I basically want a way to be able to tell from messages if a rollback occurred or a commit happened.
DECLARE @TransactionName varchar(20) = 'Transaction1';
schoolID int NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
Thus can you modify the sql I just listed above so that I meet the goals that I just listed above?
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi experts,I have been trying to limit the table rows in the following situation,any suggestions will be appreciated.we have table called tempTb has columns id, c_id, c_name, rating, is an identity is a datetime column, the rest are varchar datatype.Here is the table structure with sample data,idc_idc_nameratingdate1aoamer onli11/1/20022aoamer onli13/1/20023aoamer onli16/1/20024aoamer onli39/1/20025aoamer onli312/1/20026aoamer onli33/1/20037aoamer onli36/1/20038aoamer onli39/1/20039aoamer onli212/1/200310aoamer onli16/1/200411aoamer onli112/1/200412xyxabs yasd11/1/200213xyxabs yasd23/1/200214xyxabs yasd26/1/200215xyxabs yasd29/1/200216xyxabs yasd112/1/200217xyxabs yasd13/1/200318xyxabs yasd36/1/200319xyxabs yasd39/1/200320xyxabs yasd212/1/200321xyxabs yasd16/1/200422xyxabs yasd112/1/2004[color=blue]>From this table I need to select the rows with rating changes only,[/color]i.e if two or three consecutive rows have same rating only the firstrow should be selected.the selection should look like...idc_idc_nameratingdate1aoamer onli11/1/20024aoamer onli39/1/20029aoamer onli212/1/200310aoamer onli16/1/200412xyxabs yasd11/1/200213xyxabs yasd23/1/200216xyxabs yasd112/1/200218xyxabs yasd36/1/200320xyxabs yasd212/1/200321xyxabs yasd16/1/2004I was trying to do this by self-joining the table t1.* from tempTb t1, tempTb t2where!,t1.c_id=t2.c_id,t1.c_name=t2.c_name,t1.rating!=t2.rating.But this is generating cartesian products,I have tried some other combinations after where clause with date colmnwtc,but none seems to give the required if anybody can guide me in the right direction I would appreciateit.Thanks alot,Remote
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Mar 12, 2013
I am writing a db conversion for a retail grocery chain. This chain uses pricing zones to designate what stores get a certain price
Zone A: $2.79
Zone B: $2.89
The pricing data in the tables is listed by zone. However, the new product uses pricing by store.
Zone A contains stores 1,2,4,6,7....
Zone B contains stores 10,11,12,14.....
I need to be able to duplicate the rows in a manner that I can take the row containing a price for Zone A and duplicate it for each store in the zone. I have a table of stores with corresponding zones.
So I'm looking to go from:
Zone UPC Price
A 1234500000 2.79
B 1234500000 2.89
Store UPC Price
1 1234500000 2.79
2 1234500000 2.79
10 1234500000 2.89
11 1234500000 2.89
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Jul 22, 2014
I have a table (represented by #Events) that holds modifications made to another table. I do have some control over the table structure and indexing. I want to pull all of the change records that were made between two dates.
The tricky part is to include the previous version of each record, which will usually be found prior to the start date in question.
The code that I have provided below works. So you can use it to easily see what should be returned. But it's very slow in production.
Any better method to pull this data together?
-- Production version of this table has 4.5 million rows (roughly 1,000 rows per day)
-- Primary key is on L4Ident (clustered)
-- nonclustered index on ProcessDate, LinkRL4
DROP TABLE dbo.#Events;
DROP TABLE dbo.#Results;
CREATE TABLE dbo.#Events (
L4Ident int IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
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Aug 29, 2006
I created a simple type 1 slowly changing dimension, setting all the columns to "Changing Attibute". The first time I run the package it sees all rows as new and imports them into the dim as it should. Next time I run it put 100% of the rows into the "Changing Attribute Updates" and runs an update on all 90,000 rows - updating the rows to exactly what they were before
If I take the DIM and the Source in SQL and join on every row the join succeeds (meaning the rows match perfectly).
Shouldn't the SCD object just ignore the rows if they match? Or does it assume that ALL incoming rows are either new or changed? (if so why is there an output called "Unchanged Output"?). Is there some "gotcha" I am missing??
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May 8, 2008
I have the following variables VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime, OdometerReading, TransactCity, TransactState.
VehicleID is the unique vehicle ID, OdometerReading is the Odometer Reading, and the others are information related to the transaction time and location of the fuel card (similar to a credit card).
The records will be first grouped and sorted by VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime and OdometerReading. Then all records where the Vehicle ID and TransactDate is same for consecutive rows, AND TransactCity or TransactState are different for consecutive rows should be printed.
I also would like to add two derived variables.
1. Miles will be a derived variable that is the difference between consecutive odometer readings for the same Vehicle ID.
2. TimeDiff will be the second derived variable that will categorize the time difference for a particular vehicle on the same day.
My report should look like:
VehID TrDt TrTime TimeDiff Odometer Miles TrCity TrState
1296 1/30/2008 08:22:42 0:00:00 18301 000 Omaha NE
1296 1/30/2008 15:22:46 7:00:04 18560 259 KEARNEY NE
Can someone please help me here?
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Mar 25, 2002
I'm stuck. I have a table that I want to pull some info from that I don''t know how to.
There are two colomuns, one is the call_id column which is not unique and the other is the call_status column which again is not unique. The call_status column can have several values, they are ('1 NEW','3 3RD RESPONDED','7 3RD RESOLVED','6 PENDING','3 SEC RESPONDED','7 SEC RESOLVED').
i.e example, this is the existing data.
Call_id Call_Status
555555 3 3RD RESPONDED
555555 7 3RD RESOLVED
325252 6 PENDING
555555 6 PENDING
555555 1 NEW
This is the data I want...
Call_id Call_Status
555555 3 3RD RESPONDED
555555 6 PENDING
555555 7 3RD RESOLVED
The call_id could be any number, I only want the 6 PENDING rows where there are other rows for that call_id which have either 3 3RD RESPONDED or 7 3RD RESOLVED. If someone knows how it would be a great help.
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Jul 25, 2007
Hi All,
I have the following Table
Type Name Value
x M1 5
x M2 10
x M3 20
y M1 10
y M2 15
y M3 30
Now, i need to add four more rows to the table
Type Name Value
x M1 5
x M2 10
x M3 20
y M1 10
y M2 15
y M3 35
z1 Total 15 (xM1+XM2)
z1 Diff 5 (xM3-xM1+XM2)
z2 Total 25 (yM1+yM2)
z2 Diff 10 (yM3-yM1+yM2)
Please help me.
Many Thanks,
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Feb 3, 2008
I know this may have been asked before but can someone pls hel mw out here. i even tried to use the Crosstab SP that i found out on this site but it is not for what i need.
I have a Table/View called [Shipment] with the data below.
ShipNo Supplier
I want the following as my result.
ShipNo Supplier1 Supplier2
3 AB
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Oct 4, 2006
I am a beginner at SQL so thanks ahead of time.....How do I get unique rows based on studentID? Distinct and group by don't seem to workDESIRED RESULTSStudentID First Name Last Name Other Columns...............................................634565491 MARINA BALDERAZ 640484566 TERE BALDERAZCURRENT SQL AND RESULTS.....SELECT ClassRosterRecID, StudentDataRecID, StudentDataKey, StudentID, FirstName, LastName, CurrentGrade, Gender, Ethnicity, EconDisadvantaged, TitleI, Migrant, LEP, Bilingual, ESL, SpecialEducation, GiftedTalented, AtRisk, CareerTech, Dyslexia, LastName + ', ' + FirstName AS LastNameFirstName, EconDisadvantagedSort, TitleISort, MigrantSort, LEPSort, BilingualSort, ESLSort, SpecialEducationSort, GiftedTalentedSort, AtRiskSort, CareerTechSort, DyslexiaSort, DistrictID, CampusID FROM vClassDemographicsDetail WHERE (DistrictID = '057910') AND (CampusID = '057910101') AND (LastName LIKE '%BALDERAZ%')StudentID First Name Last Name Other Columns...............................................634565491 MARINA BALDERAZ 634565491 MARINA BALDERAZ 634565491 MARINA BALDERAZ 640484566 TERE BALDERAZ640484566 TERE BALDERAZ640484566 TERE BALDERAZ
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Jun 22, 2014
Currently I have the below style data:
Name, StartPostion, EndPosition, Height
Person1, 10, 15, 5
Person2, 14,14,0
Person3, 20,21,1
What I am looking to do is, run through my table of data and create a record for each Name for each Position it takes up. For example
For Person1 the data will look like,
Name, StartPosition, EndPosition, Heigh, Position
Person1, 10,15,5, 10
Person1, 10,15,5, 11
Person1, 10,15,5, 12
Person1, 10,15,5, 13
Person1, 10,15,5, 14
Person1, 10,15,5, 15
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Jun 9, 2008
I'll show my schema first, then I'll explain what I'm doing:
ID | E_Title
ID | EOG_EventID | EOG_OptionGroupID
ID | OG_Title
ID | O_OptionGroupID | O_Description
ID | ER_EventID | ER_Name
ID | RO_EventRegistrationID | RO_OptionGroupID | RO_Selection
There are several events. Each event has several different sessions (stored in EventOptionGroups), and each session has a certain number of options (stored in Options).
A user can sign up for an event, and their information is stored in EventRegistration. They can choose an option for each session in the event. For each option they choose, a new row is added to RegistrantOptions.
For each row in EventRegistration, I want to output the user's information, and then the option they chose for each session in the event. Like this:
E_Title | ER_Name | OG_Title1 | OG_Title2 | OG_Title3
Event | Bob | O_Description1 | O_Description2 | O_Description3
So in that example, that event had 3 sessions.
Right now, I can only output E_Title and ER_Name, I don't know how to output the session information
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Mar 17, 2015
Here's my current SQL:
MAX(RN_EXECUTION_DATE) AS 'Last Execution Date',
RN_DURATION AS 'Run Duration'
Here's a sample of data returned:
Test IDLast Execution DateExecution TimeRun Duration
86722/9/2015 0:0012:08:16180
86822/9/2015 0:0011:29:06181
86842/9/2015 0:0008:29:17119
105252/3/2015 0:0019:03:4089
105252/3/2015 0:0019:10:13305
106682/3/2015 0:0018:55:43103
106682/6/2015 0:0018:10:50123
114572/3/2015 0:0011:40:0726
What I need are two things:
1. The query should only return one record for each test id
2. The record returned should be the most recent. By most recent I mean the RN_EXECUTION_DATE and RN_EXECUTION_TIME of the returned row should be the most recent in time.
For example, in the sample data there are multiple rows with the same test id (for example 10668 and 10525. The 10525 is even more problematic since its execution date is the same for both rows returned - the execution times differ. Again, I want one record per test id and that record should be the most recent in time.
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Mar 13, 2006
I am unable to figure out how to proceed after trying for more than a day. Should I add a parameter to the stored proc? How do I proceed?
I need to be able to show data for EdgeID 2,3,5,6,20,21 and so on...Right now I am showing data for 1, 4, 19 and so on based on the ReltTotID based on the result set below. This is because the table that the query below is selecting from adds up all common EdgeIDs to give one row for example
EdgeID Desc TermType ReltTotID
1Global Edge Model w/ Fwd Earn II T 1
2Short Term Global Edge Model w Fwd Earn IIS 1
3Long Term Global Edge Model w Fwd Earn IIL 1
4Emerging Market Edge Model w Fwd Earn T 4
5Short Term EM Edge Model w Fwd Earn S 4
6Long Term EM Edge Model w Fwd Earn L 4
19SmallCap Edge Model w/ Fwd Earn T 19
20SmallCap Short Term Edge Model w/ Fwd EarnS 19
21SmallCap Long Term Edge Model w/ Fwd EarnL 19
35Global+EM Edge Model w Fwd Earn T 35
The final query result is :
EdgeID Description Short Desc PerID UnivID DefID
1Global Edge Global Developed 500622355938
4Emerging Market Emerging Markets 500632356039
19SmallCap Edge Small Cap Edge 500642364244
I would like it to be :
1Global Edge Global Developed 500622355938
2Short Term Global Developed NULL2355938
3Long TermGlobal Developed NULL2355938
4Emerging Market Emerging Markets 500632356039
5Short Term Emerging Markets NULL2356039
6Long Term Emerging Markets NULL2356039
19SmallCap Edge Small Cap Edge 500642364244
19Short Term Small Cap Edge NULL2364244
19Long Term Small Cap Edge NULL2364244
The stored proc query is as below:
EdgeModelID = em.EdgeModelID
--, EdgeModelID = em.EdgeModelID
, Description = m.Description
, ShortDescription = ISNULL(emdn.ParameterValue, m.ShortDescription)
, ViewPermissionID = emdp_perm.ParameterValue
, EdgeUniverseID = univ.UniverseID
, EdgeDefinitionID = univ.MemberID
FROM OptMod..GO_EdgeModels em
JOIN OptMod..GO_Models m
ON em.EdgeModelID = m.ModelID
AND m.ModelType = 'E'
AND Status = 1
JOIN OptMod..GO_EdgeModelDisplayParameters emdp
ON emdp.EdgeModelID = em.EdgeModelID
AND emdp.ParameterName = 'NewEdge32 Screening'
LEFT JOIN OptMod..GO_EdgeModelDisplayParameters emdn
ON emdn.EdgeModelID = em.EdgeModelID
AND emdn.ParameterName = 'NewEdge32 Display Name'
LEFT JOIN OptMod..GO_ModelUniverses mu
ON em.EdgeModelID = mu.ModelID
LEFT JOIN OptMod..vUniverses univ
ON mu.UniverseID = univ.UniverseID
LEFT JOIN OptMod..GO_EdgeModelDisplayParameters emdp_perm
ON emdp_perm.EdgeModelID = em.EdgeModelID
AND emdp_perm.ParameterName = 'NewEdge32 Permissions'
WHERE em.EdgeModelID = em.RelatedTotalEdgeModelID
Thanks in advance!!!
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Jul 23, 2005
Hi,I wish to create new rows of data based on a source table. Example: Ihave a file that contains a SESSION (time roughly a calendar quarterfor a University), START_DT, END_DT.I want to create rows that would be for each session and each day, sofor session 200102 that starts 09/10/2000 and ends 12/15/2000 I want 96rows, with 200102 for Session, and the 96 days in DAY.-- Source table:CREATE TABLE [F___Example_Date] ([SESSION_ID] [numeric](19, 0) NOT NULL ,[START_DT] [datetime] NULL ,[END_DT] [datetime] NULL) ON [PRIMARY]-- Sample data :INSERT INTO [DS_V5_Source].[dbo].[F___Example_Date]([SESSION_ID],[START_DT], [END_DT])VALUES(200102, '2000-09-10', '2000-12-15')INSERT INTO [DS_V5_Source].[dbo].[F___Example_Date]([SESSION_ID],[START_DT], [END_DT])VALUES(200103, '2001-01-04', '2001-03-26')-- Example Target file to be populated:CREATE TABLE [Target_Date] ([SESSION_ID] [numeric](19, 0) NOT NULL ,[Day] [datetime] not null) ON [PRIMARY]GO-- Example of inserts to that represent the desired results (my insertif for illustration only, not intended to be elegant)INSERT INTO [DS_V5_Source].[dbo].[Target_Date]([SESSION_ID], [Day])VALUES(200102,'2000-09-10')INSERT INTO [DS_V5_Source].[dbo].[Target_Date]([SESSION_ID], [Day])VALUES(200102,'2000-09-11')INSERT INTO [DS_V5_Source].[dbo].[Target_Date]([SESSION_ID], [Day])VALUES(200102,'2000-09-12')INSERT INTO [DS_V5_Source].[dbo].[Target_Date]([SESSION_ID], [Day])VALUES(200102,'2000-09-13')-- <... and so forth for all days between 9/10/2000 and 12/15/2000...>INSERT INTO [DS_V5_Source].[dbo].[Target_Date]([SESSION_ID], [Day])VALUES(200102,'2000-12-15')My need is getting into a new area of my SQL experiance and I'm notsure how to approach solving this problem. I'm confident once I learnhow to solve this, I will be able to do a lot more with SQL.TIARob
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Aug 20, 2007
I have two tables : Students and StuHistory. The structure of the Student table is as follows :
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Student]') AND type in (N'U'))
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Student](
[RID] [int] NOT NULL,
[Class] [int] NULL,
[Section] [char](1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL,
[SubSection] [int] NULL,
[RollNo] [int] NULL,
[DesiredRoll] [int] NULL,
[TrackingNo] [int] NULL,
[Original_rollno] [int] NULL,
[StudentStatus] [int] NULL
A section has subsections where students are allocated rollno's. Every student has a unique roll no in that subsection. However he is also given a choice to enter his desired roll no. If more than one student choose the same desired roll no in that subsection/section, there is a [TrackingNo] field that then starts keeping a count. For the first unique desired roll no in that subsection/section the tracking no is always 0.
[StudentStatus] represents the following : (-1 for deleted, 0 for edited, 1 for newly inserted).
After every fortnight, i have to run a batchquery that does the following:
1. all students marked with -1 are moved to a table called StuHistory which has the same structure as that of Student.
2. Now oncethe -1 status students are moved, there will be a gap in the roll no. I want to reallocate the rollnos now, where rollnos = desired roll no taking into consideration the trackingno
So if 4 students have chosen the desired roll no as 5 and their current roll no is scattered in a subsection lets say 7, 10, 14,16, then while rearranging they will be together(grouped by subsection/section) and will be allocated roll no's 5,6,7,8. The other students will be moved down based on their desired roll nos. Over here i have to also fill the gaps caused because of the students who were deleted.
How do i write query for this? I have been struggling.
I thought of posting this as a new post as it was mixed in the previous post.
Script :
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (1, 1, N'A', 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (2, 1, N'A', 1, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (3, 1, N'A', 1, 3, 1, 1,0,1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (4, 1, N'A', 12, 1, 1, 0,-1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (5, 1, N'A', 12, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (6, 1, N'A', 12, 3, 2, 0, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (7, 1, N'B', 5, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (8, 1, N'B', 5, 2, 3, 1, 0 ,1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (9, 1, N'B', 5, 3, 3, 2, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (10, 1, N'B', 5, 4, 2, 0, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (11, 1, N'B', 5, 5, 2, 1, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (12, 1, N'B', 10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (13, 1, N'B', 10, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1 )
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (14, 1, N'B', 10, 3, 1, 2, 0, -1)
INSERT [dbo].[Student] ([RID], [Class], [Section], [SubSection], [RollNo], [DesiredRoll], [TrackingNo], [Original_rollno], [StudentStatus] )
VALUES (15, 1, N'B', 10, 4, 2, 0, 0, 1)
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May 24, 2006
I have a table that, among other columns, has two datetime columns which indicate the initial and the final time. This would be an exemple of data in this table:
initial_time: 2006-05-24 8:00:00
final_time: 2006-05-24 8:30:00
initial_time: 2006-05-24 8:35:00
final_time: 2006-05-24 9:15:00
I would like to split a row in two new rows if final time's hour is different of initial time's hour, so I would like to split row2 into:
initial_time: 2006-05-24 8:35:00
initial_time: 2006-05-24 8:59:59
initial_time: 2006-05-24 9:00:00
initial_time: 2006-05-24 9:15:00
Is it possible to do it in a query, I mean, without using procedures?
Thank you!
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Mar 18, 2007
Hi there, im still learning SQL so thanks in advance.I have a table with columns of customer's information, [customerID], [customerFirst], [customerLast], , [program] ... other columns ... There will be entries where there can be duplicate customerFirst and customerLast names. I would like to just return a single entry of the duplicate names and all associated row information. IE: [customerID], [customerFirst], [customerLast], [ email], [program] 01 Bill Smith ymca 02 Bill Smith Sports 03 jon doe AAA 04 jon doe Ebay 05 Paul Sprite Rec Desired Returned result: 01 Bill Smith ymca 03 jon doe AAA
05 Paul Sprite Rec So in my code i have this:dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "] WHERE (SELECT DISTINCT [CustomerLastName], [CustomerFirstName], [CustomerEmail] FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "])", cnStr); dAdapter.Fill(pocDS, "Data Set"); However this is throwing up an error when i build the app: An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a condition is expected, near ')'.
Description: An
unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web
request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the
error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException:
An expression of non-boolean type specified in a context where a
condition is expected, near ')'.
Source Error:
Line 52: //dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT DISTINCT * FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "] ORDER BY [CustomerLastName]", cnStr); Line 53: dAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "] WHERE (SELECT DISTINCT [CustomerLastName], [CustomerFirstName], [CustomerEmail] FROM [Poc_" + suffix + "])", cnStr); Line 54: dAdapter.Fill(pocDS, "Data Set");Line 55: Line 56: //Dataset for name comparison 1: Can someone explain to me why this error is happening?2: Can soemone confirm that my intentions are correct with my code?3: If I'm completely off, can someone steer me in the right direction?Thanks alot!-Terry
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Mar 21, 2006
Hello again,
Another combining multiple rows teaser, during a few routines I made a mistake and I would like to combine my efforts. Here is my data:
Table A
Both DSNs share the same Patient_id in a seperate table which holds the DSN numbers and their corresponding patients.
Table B
DSN Patient_id
So what I need to do is maintain their unique 'ID' number in Table A but update their DSN numbers to reflect the first instance in Table B. So my data would look like this in both tables.
Table A
Note: The second rows DSN changed to 1 from 2
Table B
DSN Patient_id
(Duplicate row removed with same patient_id)
The result would look like the above but as you noticed I need to remove the duplicate row that had the different DSN in Table B so that only one DSN remains that can map to multiple rows (IDs) in Table A.
Table A:
DSN can map to multiple rows (IDs)
IDs must be unique (aka kept to what they are currently)
Table B:
Second row with same DSN must be removed.
Any takes, ideas? I need to do this on a couple thousand rows....
Thanks, and im happy to clarify if needed.
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Sep 6, 2011
I have a table with two columns refid and name and it has the following values
1 tom
1 jim
2 bob
1 bob
I need a resultset that would have the following values
1 tom, jim, bob
2 bob
I have tried couple of things one being:
DECLARE @namelist VARCHAR(1000)
SELECT @namelist = COALESCE(@namelist +', ' ,'') + name FROM sales where refid = 1
SELECT @namelist
But I am looking for a resultset with a unique refid and all the names comma separated for that refid.
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Apr 15, 2004
I have a table that contains rows that I would like to delete based on a field and it's contents.
What is the correct syntax to script the removal of these rows based field parameter?
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Mar 6, 2014
I have two columns which needs to repeat based on ID and number of distinct rows in that ID.
ID Date Created
1 1/1/2012 Sudheer
1 1/2/2013 Sudheer
1 3/3/2013 Sudheer
2 1/2/2014 Veera
2 2/5/2015 Veera
ID Date Created Date Created Date Created
1 1/1/2012 Sudh 1/2/2013 Sudh 3/3/2013 Sudh
2 1/2/2014 Veera 2/5/2015 Veera
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Sep 3, 2014
I am working on a report and the data source is Teradata. now I have situation where I want to get order id details based on the current quarter and year I am posting this same data. For TD related queries I do not where to post.
595709114ASDASD444447/28/2014 546
2224809440ASDASD444445/2/2012 546
1724031572ASDASD444446/22/2011 546
1702887651ASDASD444447/3/2014 546
1724020508ASDASD444447/16/2012 546
1148151895ASDASD444449/18/2013 546
2125154824ASDASD444449/2/2014 546
1503552723ASDASD4444412/20/2011 546
2224689808ASDASD4444410/4/2010 546
931387698ASDASD4444412/31/2010 546
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Aug 16, 2014
I need to get 3 rows per set based on a date given (must be this date) but I want the rows to be based on this date as...
1 ( row where the date from the date column is the next date after given date )
0 ( row where the date is the closest date prior to the date given )
-1 ( prior to the date at 0 )
And add a column with the relative number.
** The dates for the same name and item will never repeat.
For example, a set of rows...
Row ID, Name, Item, Number, Date
1 Andy, Item1, 12030, 2014-06-30
2 Andy, Item1, 62030, 2014-03-31
3 Andy, Item1, 30300, 2013-12-31
4 Andy, Item1, 40030, 2013-10-31
5 Andy, Item1, 50030, 2013-08-30
6 John, Item2, 50240, 2014-04-30
7 John, Item2, 41400, 2014-03-31
8 John, Item2, 40509, 2014-01-31
9 Andy, Item2, 24004, 2014-03-31
10 Andy, Item2, 20144, 2013-12-31
11 Andy, Item2, 20450, 2013-09-30
12 Andy, Item2, 25515, 2013-06-30
If I have 2014-03-15 as the date and search for 'Andy', I expect...
Row ID, Item, Date, Relative Date
2, Item1, 2014-03-31, 1
3, Item1, 2013-12-31, 0
4, Item1, 2013-10-31, -1
9, Item2, 2014-03-31, 1
10, Item2, 2013-12-31, 0
11, Item2, 2013-09-30, -1
This is what I'm using which I have no issues switching if necessary...
DATEDIFF( quarter, 2014-03-31, date )
date BETWEEN DATEADD( quarter, -1, '20140315' ) AND
DATEADD( day, 1 ( DATEADD ( quarter, 2, '20140315' ) )
which returns...
Row ID, Item, Date, Relative Date
2, Item1, 2014-06-30, 1
3, Item1, 2014-03-31, 0
4, Item1, 2013-12-31, -1
9, Item2, 2014-03-31, 0
10, Item2, 2013-12-31, -1
Not sure if date math is the best option here. Perhaps using row_number() in some way?
I'm trying to avoid having to process the entire table programmatically given the size of the data set.
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Sep 5, 2014
I need to split a row into multiple rows based on multiple column values.
time_id = 111
employee_id = 222
time_in = 10:00
time_out = 16:00
break1_in = 12:00
break1_out = 13:00
break2_in = 14:00
break2_out = 15:00
I would like to break this into multiple time_in/time_out based on if they have breaks. Breaks are not required and will come across blank if non are taken.
row 1
time_in 10:00
time_out 12:00
row 2
time_in 13:00
time_out 14:00
row 3
time_in 15:00
time_out 16:00
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Oct 2, 2014
I have two tables that look like this (below). One tells me the name of my product, the Amazon Category it is in & the amount that I want to sell it for. The other tells me the Category & the fee for that category. So far so good. Though it gets tricky in the sense that some categories have two tiers. So in Electronics, the fee for $0.00 - $100.00 is 15%. But from $100 and up it is 8%.
Since it has two columns & both of the new columns pertain to the fee of my product, I can't figure out how to use both at once. For my $599.99 example it would be ($100 * 0.15) + ($499.99 * 0.08) = $55.00. Would I pivot the data? If not, how would I group it to be considered together?
Category Example
Product Example
CREATE TABLE #Amzn_Category_FeeStructure(
[ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[Code] ....
I use Microsoft SQL 2008
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Nov 25, 2014
I want to filter out the duplicate rows based on three columns. I got this quick query from Microsoft site to filter out the duplicate rows, but I am getting the result that filters out the non-duplicate one too. Below is the query
;With Temp as (
SELECT row_number() over (partition by [id],[p_date], order by [id],[p_date],) as Row,
In the above case id is null, but in some rows id is not null . The above is obviously not duplicate.
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Apr 12, 2007
Is it possible to delete multiple rows from multiple tables based on information specified. Can you write a query that would pull the information if you knew what tables it would need to look in? If anyone know I would greatly appreciate any help I am not sure of this.
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Dec 17, 2007
I have a table that holds a number of offers made to a orginization for placements at a lecture. what im wanting to do is have each of the rows for a orginization repeated so that the names of people attending can be put into the database.
The first table would looks something like this:
id___|__orginization_| lecture | offers
1 | orga | lec1 | 5
2 | orgb | lec1 | 3
3 | orga | lec2 | 3
the result im looking to get is something like this where the name of the attendess would be inputed in an application.
id | orginization | lecture | nameofattende
1 | orga | lec1 | j. blog
2 | orga | lec1 | s. smith
3 | orga | lec1 | h. samual
4 | orga | lec1 | j. sams
5 | orga | lec1 | b.j. james
6 | orgb | lec1 | m. curry
7 | orgb | lec1 | k. murry
8 | orgb | lec1 | g. hansen
Can anyone help with this
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