I do not want to rollback child procedure when i am rollbacking parent procedure after execution of child procedure. in child procedure i am committing transaction and in parent rollbacking transaction. Is it possible. Is there any solution to avoid rollbacking child procedure when i rollbacking parent procedure.
I don't specify the following statements in SP. begin transaction commit transaction rollback
In sp, there are a lot of insert and update. If i execute SP and stop it in half way. will it rollback all update and insert statement? also, will it rollback if it fails?
Hi all, I have a program that needs to delete records, then re-insert new records to a table. But I need to rollback the transaction IF the insert is not success (error occured). The delete and insert are in 2 difference stored procedure (which have rollback transaction) that calling from 1 stored procedure. My problem is that if Insert is not successful, but the records already deleted previously. How can we rollback the delete transaction when insert is not successful? Note: if possible, I don't want to delete the records AFTER the insert is successful, or create a temp table to stored the deleted records ======================================= create stored procedure combine_sp as begin call delete_sp -- have rollback transaction in the delete_sp -- what to do if following has error occured, but we already deleted the records above? call insert_sp -- have rollback transaction in the insert_sp end go ======================================= Thanks a lot.
begin try declare @param2 int begin transaction exec proc2 @param2 commit transaction end try begin catch if @@trancount > 0 rollback transaction end catch
i haven't had an opportunity to do this before. I have nested stored proc and both inserts values into different tables. To maintain atomicity i want to be able to rollback everything if an error occurs in the inner or outer stored procedure.
In general as understand if we have a stored procedure that does operations like inserts or updates, it makes perfect sense to use a rollback operation within a transaction.
So, if something goes wrong and the transaction does not complete, all changes will be reverted and an error description will be thrown for example.
Nevertheless, does using a rollback within a try catch statement, make sense in a read only stored procedure, that practically executes some dynamic sql just to select data from some tables?
I have around 100 Stored procedures, all of them read only. Today a colleague suggested adding try-catch blocks with rollback to all of them. But since they are just selecting data, I don't see a clear benefit of doing so, compared to the hassle of changing such a big number of SP's.
I'm trying to use the Ratio to Parent sproc - [URL] .... The problem is that the stored proc appears to be pegged at 4 decimal places (which translates to ##.##%). This is losing precision and isn't adding up to 100% when the ratios are summed individually.
Can this be fixed within SSAS or will i need to modify the assp code? .NET decimals are meant to automagically scale, so not sure why it's coming out as (5,4) but my .net coding knowledge is fairly poor.I get the correct behaviour if hardcode a ratio to parent MDX calc (the resulting ratio has as many decimal points as are required)
Folks,Using NorthWind as Example: Parent Table derived from: Categories. I added a new Column E-Mail and Selecting rows where Category Id <=3. Here is my Data.
Category ID Category Name Category E-mail
1 Beverages Beverages.com
2 Condiments Condiments.com
3 Confections Child Table derived from: Products. I am Selecting rows where Category Id <=3. Here is my Sample Data.
Category ID Product Name Quantity Per Unit
1 Chang 24 - 12 oz bottles
1 Côte de Blaye 12 - 75 cl bottles
1 Ipoh Coffee 16 - 500 g tins
1 Outback Lager 24 - 355 ml bottles
2 Aniseed Syrup 12 - 550 ml bottles
2 Chef Anton's Gumbo Mix 36 boxes
2 Louisiana Hot Spiced Okra 24 - 8 oz jars
2 Northwoods Cranberry Sauce 12 - 12 oz jars
3 Chocolade 10 pkgs.
3 Gumbär Gummibärchen 100 - 250 g bags
3 Maxilaku 24 - 50 g pkgs.
3 Scottish Longbreads 10 boxes x 8 pieces
3 Sir Rodney's Scones 24 pkgs. x 4 pieces
3 Tarte au sucre 48 piesI would like to read 1st Category Id, Category E-Mail from Categories Table (ie. Category Id = 1), find that in Products Table. If match, extract matching records for that Category from Both Tables (Categories.CategoryID, Products.ProductName, Products.QuantityPerUnit) and e-mail them based on E-Mail Address from Parent (Categories ) Table. If no E-Mail Address is listed, do not create output file. In this instance Category Id = 3.Basically I want to select 1st record from Parent Table (Here is Category) and search for all matching Products in Products Table. And Create an E-mail and sending just those matching records. Repeat the same process for remaining rows from Categories Table. I am expecting my E-Mail Output like this: For Category Id: 1
2 Northwoods Cranberry Sauce 12 - 12 oz jarsI am not extracting the Data for any user Interface (ie. Grid View/Form View Etc). I will just create a Command Button in an ASP.NET 2.0 form to extract Data. My Tables are in SQL 2005. I was thinking to read the Category records in a Data Reader and within the While Loop, call a SP to retrieve the matching records from Products Table. If matching records found, call System SP_Mail to send the E-mail. The drawback with that for every category records (Within While Loop) I need to call my SP to get Products Data. Will be OVERKILL? Ideally I would like extract my records with one call to a SP. Is there any way I can run a while loop inside the SP and extract Child Data based on Parent Record? Any Help or sample URL, Tutorial Page will be appreciated. Thanks
I have a stored procedure 'ChangeUser' in which there is a call to another stored procedure 'LogChange'. The transaction is started in 'ChangeUser'. and the last statement in the transaction is 'EXEC LogChange @p1, @p2'. My questions is if it would be correct to check in 'LogChange' the following about this transaction: 'IF @@trancount >0 BEGIN Rollback tran' END Else BEGIN Commit END. Any help on this would be appreciated.
I have the below query which in turn goes in the where clause
SELECT CASE WHEN EXISTS (SELECT child.id FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE parent.id = child.parentId AND parent.code = 'INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129) THEN (SELECT child.id FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE parent.id = child.parentId AND parent.code ='INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129) ELSE (SELECT id FROM InspectionType WHERE code = 'INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND zoneId = 10129) END
I am getting below error
Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.
I tried to solve this problem with If and else but it is not going well with in-clause
Code: select * from InspectionType where id in (select IF EXISTS (SELECT child.id FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE parent.id = child.parentId AND parent.code = 'INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129) BEGIN (SELECT child.id FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE parent.id = child.parentId AND parent.code ='INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129) END ELSE (SELECT id FROM InspectionType WHERE code = 'INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND zoneId = 10129) )
I am using select * from InspectionType where id in() for illustation only. The sub-query results will go another query
Code: SELECT child.id FROM InspectionType parent, InspectionType child WHERE parent.id = child.parentId AND parent.code ='INSPECTION_TYPE_SAFETY_LIFE' AND parent.zoneId = 10129
This returns more than one row.I know why is the error message but need to achieve this functionality.
Given the sample data and query below, I would like to know if it is possible to have the outcome be a single row, with the ChildTypeId, c.StartDate, c.EndDate being contained in the parent row. So, the outcome I'm hoping for based on the data below for ParentId = 1 would be:
1 2015-01-01 2015-12-31 AA 2015-01-01 2015-03-31 BB 2016-01-01 2016-03-31 CC 2017-01-01 2017-03-31 DD 2017-01-01 2017-03-31
declare @parent table (Id int not null primary key, StartDate date, EndDate date) declare @child table (Id int not null primary key, ParentId int not null, ChildTypeId char(2) not null, StartDate date, EndDate date) insert @parent select 1, '1/1/2015', '12/31/2015' insert @child select 1, 1, 'AA', '1/1/2015', '3/31/2015'
Hello experts, I made a huge mistake on a production server, ran an update without the WHERE clause. UPDATE myTableSET Field1 = 'SOmetext',Field2 = 'sometext2'Is there a way to rollback? I read something a while ago about transaction logs.SOS!Thanks
HI, Suppose I execute any transaction say inserted some rows. I want to delete my previous transaction using rollback. What is the proper syntax for that. In Query Window: Insert ---------- executed rollback. it was asking for name of the transaction. How to give that. Help me out Thanks Bye
This is my stored procedure. Problem is that a rollback does not happen when there is an error ? How can this be, am starting and ending the transaction?
I have rollback on one of the users. I tried killing her process through Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer, but I still can see her process on the screen. However, her login is grayed out after I execute the kill query.
I have encountered this problem several times, and the only way I can get clear the rollback is by rebooting the server.
Does anyone have a sugeestion on how to clear the rollback without rebooting.
Hi All A question on DTS ROLLBACK CAPABILITY. Is it possible to setup a DTS pkg to roll back the loaded files if a step fails? If a step fail records inserted by Data Pump to a table should be removed. Is this possible? If so how can we achieve this?
is it possible to roll back a transaction here? i heard that it will be possible only if we wrote the code only in certain block.please tell me the block.
The code inserts into table TABLES. TABLES has a primary key. If the insert statement has no error it should insert 'ROWS INSERTED' to table CONTROL and update table DATETRACKING else insert 'ROWS NOT INSERTED' to table CONTROL and do not update table DATETRACKING. 1- I will like to improve my code if it is possible. 2- Can I use a rollback?
SET @LASTDT =GETDATE() BEGIN TRAN insert tables select 4
I have SQL server 2000 with SP4, 1.Some of the reason,I want roll back SP4 and I want replace SP3. 2.Is it true SP4 slow down the Quey performance compare with SP3.
My rollback does not work In my SP I want any of cmdS,cmdS2,cmdS3,cmdS4 produces error Rollback must be executed for all of cmdS,cmdS2,cmdS3,cmdS4 . I tested for error producing situation but no rollbak occured. How can I solve this problem. Thanks. Below is my SP . .......... .......... .......... begin transaction .......... ..........If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS)))>0 execute(@cmdS) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS2)))>0 execute(@cmdS2) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS3)))>0 execute(@cmdS3) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS4)))>0 execute(@cmdS4) If Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS2)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS3)))>0 or Len(ltrim(rtrim(@cmdS4)))>0 Beginif @@ERROR <>0 begin rollback transaction set @Hata = 'Error !' end Else Beginset @Hata = 'Sucessfully executed :)' End End commit transaction RETURN
I just made a transaction which writes and reads some data from a database as one unit. Now, I would like to know, what happens, if this transaction does not commit, but instead performs a rollback? Should I use a boolean loop which keeps on trying the transaction until it commits or is there an alternative? I would appreciate any suggestions or help!
I am just starting to falmiliarize myself with SQL transactions... I just created an SQL transaction... The first statement gets a value, if the value equals "" then the second statement executes... So if the value <> "" Then the second statement wont execute... What would happen in this scenario if the .Rollback is triggered? Heres my code:
Try conSqlConnect.Open() objTransaction = conSqlConnect.BeginTransaction cmdSelect.Transaction = objTransaction cmdInsert.Transaction = objTransaction dtrdatareader = cmdSelect.ExecuteReader() While dtrdatareader.Read() varCheckNumber1 = dtrdatareader("Status") End While dtrdatareader.Close() If varCheckNumber1 = "" Then cmdInsert.ExecuteNonQuery() End If objTransaction.Commit Catch objTransaction.RollBack Return "00" Finally If conSQLConnect.State = ConnectionState.Open Then conSqlConnect.Close() End If End Try
I've some problem in SQL Server 7.0 and hope some one out there will help me with it. The problem is as follows:
When I view a proces in the process info screen, I see one process says "Rollback" in the status window and the spid is greyed out like a system process. In the command window it says, Select and wait type is "Exchange". This is taking too much cpu cycles and causing much of the server to perform very slow.
I tried to kill this session from the ISQL and Enterprise manager, But to still see this process running on with out getting killed. Also this process keeps coming.
Please advice me how to get rid of this and why is it ocurring again and again.
I am getting an automatic rollback in a transaction that fails to insert a row, via a trigger, due to a duplicate key. The transaction is automatically rolled back and unless the error correctly handled a 'partial update' occurs. Why in the example below is the transaction automatically rolled back (statements 1 to 3) and is there any way of knowing what errors generate an auto rollback. For example if the duplicate key error occurs on the insert into table B below, and not the triggered update, then no auto rollback occurs.
Begin Tran -- 1 insert into A values ('A1') -- 2 updates OK insert into B values ('B1') -- 3 updates OK -- triggers insert into B_Hist -- 4 Fails with Duplicate Key error insert into C values ('C1') -- 5 updates OK Commit Tran -- 6 3902 error No corresponding Begin
I have this weird situation on one of the production database. Somebody ran a sql script couple days ago and must have hit cancelled. Somehow this script is still rolling back. The script is actually very simple statement..should not take more than couple miliseconds to run. Is there any way to see whether rollback is really in process or this process has simply hung? is there any other way to get rid of this rollback without stopping and restarting sql server services? Can it cause problems in getting sql server up again if I restart sql server services?