Anybody noticed that SQL Server rounds up if the value is half waybetween two rounded values, but C#'s Decimal.Round(Decimal,Int32)rounds to nearest even number?[color=blue]>From MSDN: "When d is exactly halfway between two rounded values, the[/color]result is the rounded value that has an even digit in the far rightdecimal position. For example, when rounded to two decimals, the value2.345 becomes 2.34 and the value 2.355 becomes 2.36. This process isknown as rounding toward even, or rounding to nearest."I perform the same calculation sometimes on the web server in C# andsometimes at the database in T-SQL, but want to get the same resultfrom both calculations. Could anybody offer any strategies for dealingwith this?Thanks ~ Matt
I want to do a simple thing but it seems to be behaving not as i am expectingI want to round number either up or down....e.g: 4.3 should round to 4 4.7 should round to 5when i use the round function like this: 83/17=4.88round( 83/17 , 0 ) it gives the answer as 4....when i was expecting it to be 5.... i know there is a ceiling function...but depending on the value of the division sometimes i want it to round up and sometimes round down. how can i do this? hope this makes sense. thanks
Has anyone been experiencing problems with rounding to 2 decimal places in SQL 7? I have a bunch of queries that generate web reports. Under 6.5 everything was fine. Now under 7.0 any number that needs to be rounded to 2 decimals is actually giving me several decimal places.
Here is a simplified version of what I am doing: DECLARE @x real DECLARE @y real SELECT @x = 223.1 SELECT @y = 59.7
SELECT ROUND((@x/@y),2)
Result should be 3.74. But instead I am getting 3.7400000000000002
If anybody has heard if Microsoft has declared this as a known bug please let me know.
if if i have time as 1:15 min means it has to show 1:15,if i have 1:20 min it has too be rounded and it has to show 1:30 min. can any one give me query for this thanks in anvance
There is a filed in a table of type decimal(12, 8)
when running a select query on this table for this field i.e. select field1 from table1
the data is shown like: 102.12500000 104.12500000
And therefore the report shows the same figure.
How do I get this field to show up in the report as 4 decimal places. i.e. 102.1250 104.1250
Tried the properties of the cell to format the text into a number but there is only 2 decimal places there. Even tried the expression by using Rnd(field1). This does not seem to do what I am after.
How do I write sql syntax to round the last digit. For example, 12.152 should be 12.15. My current sql syntax does not round the last digit as follows:
Select tblARInvoiceDetail.UnitPrice * tblARInvoiceDetail.Quantity AS ChargeBeforeDiscount FROM tblARInvoices INNER JOIN tblARInvoiceDetail ON tblARInvoices.ARInvoiceID = tblARInvoiceDetail.ARInvoiceID
The tblARInvoiceDetail.UnitPrice column is numeric;length 9;precision 18 The Quantity column is integer;length 4; precision 10;scale 0
I am using sql statement to save data in SQL SERVER but even i did not apply any round function it is automatically rounding up. e.g. 3.56 when i see it in database it is 4 how can i avoid this rounding? I am using MS Access as front end.
I have already summed the values and this below query sum the values and returns zero if there are no values. How can I roundoff the values for these columns.
I understand that when you use ROUND(8.5,1), I would get 9 but no matter how hard I try, I get 8.
I had this code that suppose to get the round of a quotient. I wanted to update a number of records by converting them via multiplication and/or division.
UPDATE Length SET inchTOcm = inchTOcm*2.5, metricTOton = ROUND(metricTOton/1.1,1);
supposing the original value of inchTOcm are in inch and in metricTOton are in metric ton.
There is a value in the metricTOton that when I divide it with 1.1, it's 345.81818. However, when I round it, it displays 345 instead of 346.
Is there wrong? How can I do this without using the CASE statement?
/*********** Script 1 **************/ declare @nr_1 as decimal (10,2) declare @nr_2 as decimal (10,2) set @nr_1=5 set @nr_2=3 select round(@nr_1/@nr_2,0)
Has any of you ever had problems with the ROUND command? I have this operation: ROUND((FIELD1 / 360 * FIELD5),3) AS FIELD7 (I want the result to be rounded at the third decimal). SQL makes mistakes in rounding. It seems to me that the problem relies in the quantity of decimals taken into account in any single step of the operation. Thank you in advance. Anna - Verona (Italy)
I am using a select statement to obtain a result set back with aggregateddata. The problem is that I am seeing column data with 11 to 13 digitsafter the decimal point. I tried using the STR function, but then the OrderBy clause does not sort properly because there are negative numbers in theaggregated data... I tried using Round, but that does no good either - itstill ends up displaying too many digits after the decimal point. Right nowI'm just using Query Analyzer to display the data, so I can live with it fornow. But, in the future, my app will be getting a result set back and Iwould prefer not to have to go through each row and do a round on it fromthe program. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?Thanks for any help,Bob
w/ SqlServer, is there anyway to pack a number of calls to the same stored procedure into a single round-trip to the DB short of dynamically writing a T-SQL block? For example, if I'm calling a procedure "Update Contact" which takes 2 params @Campaign, @Contact 20 times how would I pass in the values for those 20 diffrent versions?