Rounding To The Nearest Thousand
May 11, 2007Hi
Which parameter value for the Round function do I need to pass to get it to round to the nearest thousand ?
Which parameter value for the Round function do I need to pass to get it to round to the nearest thousand ?
I have a field with seconds in it and I need to disply it in hours which I can do by dividing it by 3600, but I am trying to figure out how to round it up to the nearest 15 minutes. I have tried a couple of things with ROUND and CEILING, but am not getting the right numbers back. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow to round the nearest value after round of decimal and return integer.
declare @data decimal(18,2)
set @data = 5.55
-- output
select '5'
set @data = 5.58
-- output
select '6'
I am getting the time difference between two dates using
DATEDIFF(second,Information.[Start Time],Information.[End Time]) / 60.00 / 60.00 AS hours,
My output looks like
I'd like to round to the nearest quarter hour
I found in another forum that if I take the seconds and divide them by 15 then round up and multiply them by 4 I can get this done, but I can't figure out how to work it into my select statement. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated. dbo.SLPTRANS.TimeSpent is the field I am trying to convert.
SELECT dbo.SLPTRANS.ClientID, SUM(dbo.SLPTRANS.TransValue) AS Expr1, dbo.SLPTRANS.TimeSpent AS Expr2
dbo.INVOICE ON dbo.SLPTRANS.InvoiceID = dbo.INVOICE.RecordID
HAVING (dbo.SLPTRANS.ClientID = 405)
Can you tell me the query for selecting the amount with thousand separator format?
for example : select 1234.678 is need to show the output line 1,234.68
I am running a query in SQL 2000 SP4, Windows 2000 Serverthat is not being shared with any other users or any sqlconnections users. The db involves a lot of tables,JOINs, LEFT JOINs, UNIONS etc... Ok it's not a prettycode and my job is to make it better.But for now one thing I would like to understand with yourhelp is why the same SP on the same server and everythingthe same without me changing anything at all in terms ofSQL Server (configuration, code change, ...) runs inQuery Analyzer in 1:05 minute and i see one table get ahit of 15 million logical reads:Table 'TABLE1'. Scan count 2070, logical reads 15516368,physical reads 147, read-ahead reads 0.This 'TABLE1' has about 400,000 recordsThe second time i ran right after in Query Analyzer again:Table 'TABLE1'. Scan count 2070, logical reads 15516368,physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.I can see now the physical reads being 0 as it isunderstandable that SQL is now fetching the data frommemory.But now the third time I ran:Table 'TABLE1'. Scan count 28, logical reads 87784,physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0.The Scan count went down from 2070 to 28. I don'tknow what the Scan count is actually. It scanned thetable 28 times?The logical reads went down to 87,784 reads from 15million and 2 seconds execution time!Anybody has any ideas why this number change?The problem is i tried various repeats of my test, irebooted the SQL Server, dropped the database, restoredit, ran the same exact query and it took 3-4-5 secondswith 87,784 reads vs 15 million.Why i don't see 15 million now?Well i kept working during the day and i happen to run intoanother set of seeing 15 million again. A few runs wouldkeep running at the paste of 15 million over 1 minute andeventually the numbers went back down to 87,784 and 2seconds.Is it my way of using the computer? Maybe i was openingtoo many applications, SQL was fighting for memory?Would that explain the 15 million reads?I went and changed my SQL Server to used a fixed memoryof 100 megs, restarted it and tested again the samequery but it continued to show 87,784 reads with 2 secondsexecution time.I opened all kinds of applications redid the same testand i was never able to see 15 million reads again.Can someone help me with suggestions on what could bethis problem and what if i could find a way to come tosee 15 million reads again?By the way with the limited info you have here about thedatabase I am using, is 87,784 reads a terrible number ofreads, average or normal when the max records in the manytables involved in this SP is 400,000 records?I am guessing it is a terrible number, am I correct?I would appreciate your help.Thank you
View 4 Replies View RelatedHi
How do I get a nearest distance of a point? For example, I have two tables A and B and I want to find the nearest distance between the records of the two tables. In addition, one of the tables should also give me the distance. The data I have geo spatial data. Can this be done in SQL
Help will be appreciated
Hi, I'm making a birthdays database where I want to list everyone in it ordered by the firstcoming birthdays according to the current date.
I have all the birthday records stored in a table called bursdager and the person name is stored in the navn column and the persons birthday date is stored in the dato column.
I'm having some problems, currently I have this statement:
SELECT navn, dato FROM bursdager
WHERE DATEPART(month, dato) >= DATEPART(month, getdate())
ORDER BY DATEPART(month, dato), DATEPART(day, dato)
INSERT INTO @tbl -- those are the one who allready have had birthday this year
SELECT navn, dato FROM bursdager
WHERE DATEPART(month, dato) < DATEPART(month, getdate())
ORDER BY DATEPART(month, dato), DATEPART(day, dato)
It works *allmost* as it should-- except, it still lists the last persons who had birthday first, even the days after their birthday if the month is still the same.
I thought about adding an additional check:
AND DATEPART(day, dato) >= DATEPART(day, getdate())
in the WHERE clause of the SELECT statement but that won't be correct either because it then just lists everyone based on whether the day number the person was born is higher or less than the day number of the current date.
Anyone have any suggestions? Is there an easier way to do it?
I have a column called as NDM$ What I want do it round it the nearest value example I am giving below
35.4->35 some thing like that.
T-SQL:How to round to the nearest WHOLE number ?sofrom -- to-------------170 --17096.58 --97thanks
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow would I match datetimes in records structured as follows:
Record1 AccountNo StartDateTime EndDateTime
1 1234 4/30/2012 8:00 AM NULL
2 1234 NULL 5/15/2012 8:00 AM
Desired Result:
AccountNo StartDateTime EndDateTime
1234 4/30/2012 8:00 AM 5/15/2012 8:00 AM
Of course there are multiple accounts, about 2100 in this case but they very by time periods, and multiple start and stop dates for an account. I need to get the start times and match them w/ the nearest end times but AFTER the value of the start time. Nearest end times must be forced to correspond to the nearest start time but there are some start times w/o end times and end times w/o start times due to user data entry errors. I need a solution that handles this. It is ok w/ the customer to make the assumption of nearest times supposedly going together so they can show the users the errors. I am on SQL Server 2008 R2.
how to round a datetime variable to the nearest second. The solution must NOT just strip off the milliseconds, it needs to round.
Also, the solution should not be too cumbersome because it will be used in a high volume environment.
I have the following tableCREATE TABLE Readings(ReadingTime DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT(GETDATE()) PRIMARY KEY,Reading int NOT NULL)INSERT INTO Readings (ReadingTime, Reading) VALUES ('20050101', 1)INSERT INTO Readings (ReadingTime, Reading) VALUES ('20050201', 12)INSERT INTO Readings (ReadingTime, Reading) VALUES ('20050301', 15)INSERT INTO Readings (ReadingTime, Reading) VALUES ('20050401', 31)INSERT INTO Readings (ReadingTime, Reading) VALUES ('20050801', 51)INSERT INTO Readings (ReadingTime, Reading) VALUES ('20051101', 106)GO-- list the tableSELECT ReadingTime, Reading FROM ReadingsGOIt is a table of readings of a free-running counter that istime-stamped. I need to determine the value of the reading thatcorresponds to the closest date to the supplied dateAre there more optimal/efficient ways of accomplishing this than thefollowing?DECLARE @when DATETIMESET @when = '20050505'SELECT TOP 1 ReadingTime, Reading FROM ReadingsORDER BY abs(DATEDIFF(minute, ReadingTime, @when))The above gives me the desired result of ('20050401', 31).Any suggestions would be appreciated
View 1 Replies View RelatedHi,
I have such a scenario:
- two tables with record containing car vehicle number, datetime of message and other data like weight ect.
- first table contains only two messages for one car per one day
- second has many messages for one car for one day
I would like to get a list of messages from first table but joined with the nearest (previous) record for the same car from second table.
OK, this is the scenario. I have a database with many columns ( each a mean value and a standard deviation, and with it a set of coordinates that i want to retrieve ).
Then i have a value that i want to query with the database, by comparing it with the mean and its standard deviation, and it should return a few sets (lets say 2) of coordinates whereby the the value of the mean is closet to the one in the database, in order of nearest value. How should i do it, since i am not using the exact value of the mean in the database?
I know its a bit confusing the way i wrote, but anyone understand wat i am trying to say and can help, i am very grateful. I had googled around for answers but cannot find. Thanks.
I have a date (my birthday). I would like to find the closest birthdays to mine, both before and after my birthday. I would like to list the people in my database who are the closest age to me, but in that order. So sorting my table by age and taking a row below and above my birthday is not going to work. This is because the three people below me may all have their birthday the next day, while those above me may have theirs years before mine.
Birthdays sorted by date:
05/10/1979 jim
12/01/1980 bob
10/04/1983 mike
10/05/1983 larry
11/21/1983 dan
12/07/1984 josh
05/07/1999 dylan
The order I wish to achieve is:
10/05/1983 larry
11/21/1983 dan
12/07/1984 josh
12/01/1980 bob
05/10/1979 jim
05/07/1999 dylan
Thanks in advance.
I have a table with 257 mil records with latitude and longitude data.
My goal is to find the closest intersecting values from a locations table (88 rows) and update any of the 257 mil records that are applicable with the location_Name and Location_Group_Name.
The query I have works but doesn't perform well on such a big data set.
CREATE TABLE #Positions -- Base table 257 mil rows. Actual table has 20 columns
[Code] ....
Attached you will find the tables, test data, a function to measure distance and some queries that work but are too slow for this much data.
Table :
ChangeID ChangeDate EquipmentID ModuleID EquipStatus
1 12/9/08 230 1789 Normal
2 13/9/08 450 1245 Normal
3 17/9/08 230 1789 Open
4 21/9/08 230 1899 Open
5 21/9/08 450 1674 Normal
6 22/9/08 450 2364 Normal
Given a date, what module was each equipment item in on that date?How do I get the date of the nearest previous event from a list like this? I got a query from one of the post in this Forum only using Cross Apply to find the nearest record from the above table based on Date i.e.
SELECT outerT.*
FROM your_table AS outerT
, change_date
FROM your_table AS innerT
WHERE innerT.change_date <= @point_in_time
AND innerT.equipment_id = outerT.equipment_id
ORDER BY change_date DESC
) AS applicable_records
WHERE applicable_records.change_date = outerT.change_date
The problem is I need to get this query without using Cross Apply as i need to use the same for the LINQ which doesn't support Cross Apply.
Is there a way that I can do this at the table level to automatically handle the rounding of seconds, etc. down to the minute automatically without having to use a trigger?
Here is a very basic example of what I am trying to do:
--example: '09-22-2007 15:07:18.850' this is the value inserted into the table by the code
select getdate()
--example: '2007-09-22 15:07:00.000' this is the value I want to store in the table
select dateadd(mi, datediff(mi, 0, getdate()), 0)
I have the following code that retreives the current value of the item price. however it always rounds up. If I manually enter a return value like so:return (decimal)12.47 It returns the correct value, however if I set it with an expression like this:return (decimal)arParam[1].Value;It rounds the number up: How can I get it to not round up when insertign a value based ona expression?
public decimal GetCreditPrice(string CustomerSecurityKey)
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter prmCrnt;
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[] arParam = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter[2];
prmCrnt = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@CustomerSecurityKey", SqlDbType.VarChar,25);
prmCrnt.Value = CustomerSecurityKey;
arParam[0] = prmCrnt;
prmCrnt = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlParameter("@Price", SqlDbType.Decimal);
prmCrnt.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
arParam[1] = prmCrnt;
SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(stConnection, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "GetCreditPrice", arParam);
return (decimal)arParam[1].Value;
catch(System.Exception ex)
throw ex;
I have the following statement and I want to round the final value(gbkmut.bdr_hfl)two decimal places.
UPDATE gbkmut
SET gbkmut.bdr_hfl = gbkmut.bdr_hfl - (SELECT SUM(inserted.bdr_hfl) FROM inserted WHERE inserted.freefield3 = 'Rebate')
WHERE reknr = ' 1040'
i want to round a number, for example 8.50 be 9
i use math.round
it works when it's like math.Round(8.50)
the result would be 9
but if i do this math.Round(max(Fields)) or max(math.Round(Fields))
> assume the Fields value's 8.50, the result is 8
anybody know how to solve this?
I'm passing a value from an app to an sql stored procedure which stores it in a table.
Problem is if, for example, the value is 2.81 the value is ending up as 2.08999... in my table, but if i do say 6.3 it's fine.
Ive tried having the variable in asp and the field where its stored in sql as a number of types but all with the same result.
Any ideas?
Looking for a way to round numbers to a specified number of significant digits. The ROUND function rounds to a specific decimal place but does not take into account the level of significance of the remaining numbers. (i.e.
ROUND(7.12435,2)=7.12000) The type of function I need would round the number in the following manner: SigFigRound(7.12435,3)=7.12 or
Any solutions?
I have rounding problems when editing or inserting a new record in float type fields.
e.g. I have a cursor running an agrregate SQL statement. I have a calculated field Sum(DFactor*Cost). DFactor gets values -1,1 and values of Cost in the table have 2 digits. I get these values in a variable e.g. @FCost. Then I round @FCost=Round(@FCost,2).
When I try to inert this value to a new record again I'using Round(@FCost,2).
However in a lot of records a lot of digits are stored.
I have the same probelm when trying to insert values from MSAccess by ODBC. Although I'm using CLng(@FCost*100)/100 in order to have 2 digits, a lot of demical values are created.
What is the best practise in order to solve this problem?
I have just converted some Access VBA code to a sproc. I'm finding that for some reason the rounding is different:
ROUND(17 * 97995 / 1000,2) = 1665.915 before Rounding
SQL SProc: 1665.91 Rounds down
ADP VBA: 1665.92 Rounds up
Does this make sense?
I need to add 3% to my prices
UPDATE prices SET price = price * 1.03
But I also need to round up to the nearest 99p so for example 1.13 becomes 1.99
How can I do this, I presume I need to round up to the nearest whole number, i.e. Math.Ceiling and then -0.01 but I dont know the syntax in SQL.
Thank you
I need help on this query. I'm trying to have a number rounded, so I can truncate the decimal. The reason I want to do this is that it is for a planning function and I need it to round to a number that is divisible by an order minimum qty. Example: I show a need for 2611 items, but the item is only ordered in qtys of 100, so I'd need 2600 instead of 2611, because the vendor won't let me order out of qty. So, my query would take 2611 / minimum order qty (100) which would be 26.11 somehow take off the .11 then multiply back by 100, which would give me 2600.
use mas500test_app
-- UPDATE timItem
-- SET UserFld3 = 1
Select distinct I.ItemID, V.VendID, D.ShortDesc, B.Name as ItemBuyer, BV.Name as VendorBuyer,
IC.ItemClassID, PPL.PurchProdLineID, isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) AS QtyOnHand,
IV.QtyOnPO, IV.QtyONSo, IV.QtyONBo, W.WhseID, ((IV.QtyOnPO + isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) - IV.QtyOnSO - IV.QtyOnBO)) as Available,
IV.MaxStockQty, IV.MinStockQty, IV.MaxStockQty - IV.MinStockQty AS SafetyStock, I.UserFld6 as Rank, I.UserFld3,
-- Case
-- WHEN I.UserFld3 = 0
-- THEN '1'
-- ELSE I.UserFld3
-- END
-- as PackQty,
WHEN (IV.MaxStockQty - IV.MinStockQty) <> 0
THEN ((IV.QtyOnPO + isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) - IV.QtyOnSO - IV.QtyOnBO) / (IV.MaxStockQty - IV.MinStockQty))
AS MonthsOnHand,
WHEN ((IV.QtyOnPO + isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) - IV.QtyOnSO - IV.QtyOnBO)) < IV.MinStockQty
THEN IV.MaxStockQty - ((IV.QtyOnPO + isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) - IV.QtyOnSO - IV.QtyOnBO)) --* I.UserFld3
as QtyNeed, I.StdBinQty,
WHEN ((IV.QtyOnPO + isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) - IV.QtyOnSO - IV.QtyOnBO)) < I.StdBinQty
THEN I.StdBinQty
WHEN ((IV.QtyOnPO + isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) - IV.QtyOnSO - IV.QtyOnBO)) > I.StdBinQty
******This is the number I need rounded *****THEN ROUND(IV.MaxStockQty - (IV.QtyOnPO + isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) - IV.QtyOnSO - IV.QtyOnBO) / I.userfld3), -2)))
AS OrdQty
from timwhsepurchprodln WPL
INNER JOIN TAPvENDOR v ON WPL.PrimaryVendKey = V.VendKey
INNER JOIN timPurchProdLine PPL ON WPL.PurchProdLineKey = PPL.PurchProdLinekey
inner join timInventory IV ON PPL.PurchProdLinekey = IV.PurchProdLinekey
INNER Join timBuyer B ON IV.BuyerKey = B.BuyerKey
INNER Join timBuyer BV ON V.BuyerKey = BV.BuyerKey
INNER JOIN timItem I ON I.ItemKey = IV.ItemKey
INNER JOIN timItemClass IC ON I.ItemClassKey = IC.ItemClassKey
INNER JOIN timWarehouse W ON W.WhseKey = IV.WhseKey
INNER JOIN timItemDescription D ON I.ItemKey = D.ItemKey
INNER JOIN timItemUnitOfMeas IUOM ON I.ItemKey = IUOM.ItemKey
INNER JOIN tciUnitMeasure UM ON IUOM.TargetUnitMeasKey = UM.UnitMeasKey
(SELECT ItemKey, SUM(QtyOnHand) AS QtyOnHand
FROM timWhseBinInvt
GROUP BY ItemKey) BI ON BI.ItemKey = I.ItemKey
where IV.WhseKey = 22
and I.Status = 1
and ((IV.QtyOnPO + isNUll(BI.QtyOnHand,0) - IV.QtyOnSO - IV.QtyOnBO)) < IV.MinStockQty
order by VendID
I have the following sp which is appending records into my table. However the values appended are being round up eg
SC_PrimaryPupilPrice is 1.5
but when it is inserted into the sql table it is 2
The field in the sql table is numeric.
CREATE PROCEDURE spSM_AddWeeksandMealPrices
@dteWeekEnding datetime
select convert(varchar,@dteWeekEnding ,103) + '*' + cast(SC_SchoolNumber as varchar(10)) , convert(datetime,@dteWeekEnding ,106),
from tblSM_Schools
I have a problem...Data transformation rounds or truncate decimals!I have an ODBC source in witch is a table with float numbers (ODBC Driverpublish it as float).If I build a query form access or from excel with Query Analizer, I see alldecimal places, but when I try to insert data using DTS, float numbers willbe converted to its integer values.A "select * from table", with table ODBC table, gives integer value whenrunned from DTS to transform data from ODBC to MS-SQL Server table, andgives float values from Access or other tools.Where I can fix my problem?Thanks.Giorgio
View 1 Replies View RelatedWhen ISELECT CAST(96.58 AS DECIMAL(10 , 0)), it returns 97.When ISELECT CAST(575629 / 54 AS DECIMAL(10 , 0)), why it returns 10659? Itshould return 10660, right?What am I missing?Thanks,Faye Larson
View 1 Replies View RelatedPerhaps someone can settle an arguement for me ?I have a set of data that I need to group together. SQL Script below.CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CommTransactions] ([ID] [id_type] NOT NULL ,[TransactionID] [id_type] NULL ,[ClientID] [id_type] NULL ,[AccountCode] [varchar] (10) NULL ,[Amount] [float] NULL ,[CreateDateTime] [datetime] NULLFor the records I want to group the following applies.The ID is unique and distinct.The TransactionId is the same.The ClientId is the same.The AccountCode is different.The Amount will be the same.The CreateDateTime field is different by a few milliseconds.I want to create a single line showing two account codes in differentfields. i.e. Staff and Manager (where their ID is the account code).These can be entered in any order in the table mentioned.The problem I have is I need to link two records together (that's theproblem in it's most simplistic terms). However, there may beadditional records with the same TransactionId, ClientId, AccountCodeand Amount, but happened at a slightly different time. It could bedone on the same day.Now, the arguement is that we can group using the CreateDateTimefield. I argue that we can't as it will show down to the millisecondand any rounding will not always allow for a match. If we added thematching records once per day, then I can extract the date and groupon it, but if more than one group is added per day, then this wouldcause the logic to fail.So, are there any reliable methods for grouping date/time fieldsreliably if there is a small difference (I suspect not)?Is there anything I have missed ?Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.ThanksRyan
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