RowSampling: How To Dynamically Populate The Number Of Rows

Jan 24, 2006

I'm using the row sampling Transform to perform an A/B split on some data.

Is there anyway that I can dynamically populate the number of rows box ?

I currenlty have to find out the count, then divide it by 2 and manually enter this in to the box. It would be nice if there was a property associated with this that so that I could populate a variable with a count from a SQL query then associate this with the box using an expression.

Has anyone have any ideas how I can do this?

Also is there any other way of getting an A/B split of my data using SSIS or taking it one step further getting an A/B/C split..

Thanks for your help

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Populate Schema Name Dynamically

Jun 30, 2006

We are designing a server where functions and procedures are to be kept in a single database. Our other databases will call these functions. The functions will need to reference tables in the schema being called from. Is it possible to pass a schema name to a function? If so, then how?

I tried passing something like:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getPaymentReceived2](@inSchema CHAR(30), @inAraccountid CHAR(15), @inInvoicestart SMALLDATETIME)




DECLARE @outAmt money

DECLARE @arinvoiceid char(15)

SET @arinvoiceid = (SELECT ai.arinvoiceid

FROM @inSchema.dbo.arinvoice ai

WHERE ai.araccountid = @inAraccountid

AND ai.invoicestart = DATEADD(month, - 1, @inInvoicestart))

I get an incorrrect syntax error.

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Dynamically Populate Flat File Connection String

Mar 12, 2008

I tried to follow the widely talked about method to dynamically populate the connection string property of my flatfileconnection manager from a variable. I keep getting the following non-fatal error.

TITLE: Microsoft Visual Studio

Nonfatal errors occurred while saving the package:
Error at Package [Connection manager "FFCM"]: The file name ""C:ProjectsSSISHLoadTOutputOut.csv"" specified in the connection was not valid.

Error at Package: The result of the expression "@[User::CsvFullFileName]" on property "ConnectionString" cannot be written to the property. The expression was evaluated, but cannot be set on the property.

Here is what I am trying to do.
I have a foreach loop that iterates through a list of xml config files and reads the config information including the destination csv file name and does a data transformation.
So I created a flatfile connection to a csv file did my data mappings.
Created a package level variable to hold the destination file path
In the Flat file conn. manager's properties -> expression -> set the @[User::CsvFullFileName] (which even evaluates fine)

When I try to run the package I keep getting the above mentioned non-fatal error..I checked the path and it is valid. I even tried

the c:\projects\...notation and the UNC path notation...all seem to give the same error

Anyone experience this before ? any thoughts would be appreciated.


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Re-populate A Unique Number Into Multiple Fields

Oct 14, 2004

What I need to do is re-populate a unique number into multiple fields,

Let me explain, An employee can appear in the first table only once but can be in the second table multiple times with multiple employee numbers .There is a field called TFN that is unique and we are using it to create a unique id called KRid so what I have done is created 2 tables namely TEST_TBL and TEST2_TBL . In TEST_TBL I am populating a KRid with a unique no being produced by the TFN field only once i.e 12345 being the resulting unique id number. If an employee has 2 employee numbers i.e empno 1 and empno 1000,only employee no 1 will have the unique KRid created but nothing for 1000 because the record already exists , so what has me stumped is that the TFN for employee empno 1 and the TFN for empno 1000 are the same. How do I get the KRid (12345 from empno 1) to populate empno 1000 in TEST2_TBL , The second table has all records in so I can group the second table by TFN id but how do I populate employee 1000 in the second table with the KRid 12345.

Please help!!!!! Below are how the tables are set up and an example of the result.


if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TEST_TBL]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[TEST_TBL]

[Empl_Num] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Surname] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[First_Name] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Mid_Name] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Hours_Day] [numeric](18, 2) NULL ,
[Hours_Wk] [numeric](18, 2) NULL ,
[KR_ID] [bigint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[TFN] [char] (32) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,
[Date_Term] [datetime] NULL ,
[Empl_Type] [int] NULL ,
[Cost_Centre] [char] (32) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[Empl_Status] [int] NULL


if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[TEST2_TBL]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[TEST2_TBL]

[EmpNumber] [char] (32) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,
[TFN] [char] (32) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,
[KR_ID] [char] (10) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,
[EmpStatus] [int] NULL ,
[EmpType] [int] NULL ,
[CommonName] [char] (32) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL

Query goes as follows for table 1:

SELECT NPE000.EmpNumber, NPET00.RecordStatus, NPE000.KR_ID, NPE000.Surname, NPE000.FirstName, NPE000.SecondName, NPE000.Class, NPE000.DateEmployed, NPE000.DateOfBirth, NPE000.HoursPerDay, NPE000.HoursPerWeek, NPE000.PassportNo, NPE000.AwardCode, NPE000.EmailPayslipTo, NPE000.Location, NPE000.Grade, NPE000.DateTerminated, NPE000.EmploymentType, NPE000.DistCode, NPE000.EmpStatus, NPET00.TaxRefNo FROM NPE000 NPE000, NPET00 NPET00 WHERE NPET00.RecordStatus = 0 and NPET00.TaxRefNo <> ' 111111111' and NPET00.TaxRefNo <> ' 000000000' AND LENGTH(NPET00.TaxRefNo) >= 9 AND LENGTH(NPE000.KR_ID) >= 0 AND NPE000.EmpNumber = NPET00.EmpNumber

Query goes as follows for table 2:

SELECT NPE000.EmpNumber, NPE000.FirstName, NPE000.Surname, NPE000.Class, NPE000.Location, NPE000.EmploymentType, NPE000.EmpStatus, NPET00.TaxRefNo, NPE000.Paypoint, NPE000.KR_ID, FROM NPE000, NPET00 WHERE Recordstatus = 0 and (EmploymentType = 1 AND EmpStatus = 1 AND NPE000.EmpNumber = NPET00.EmpNumber

From this you can see that in table 1 it will only create 1 KR_ID for only one employee number but in table 2 I am bringing through all employee records. In table 2 I can group by NPET00.TaxRefNo which will bring all NPET00.TaxRefNo's togeather. From that I would like to populate the other employee numbers with the unique KR_ID.

Example:Table 1


Example:Table 2


I hope this helps

Thanks in advance

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Is It Possible To Dynamically Populate A Parameter List With Values Based On Another Parameter Value?

Aug 11, 2005

Is it possible to fill a parameter list with values based on another parameter value?
Here's what I have so far (which hasn't worked)...
I'd like to generate a report listing information for a student.  The report viewer would first select a school from the first drop-down menu, and then the second drop-down menu would populate with the list of students at that school.
I have a dataset that calls a sp which returns a list of schools (SchoolID and SchoolName fields from the database table).
I have another dataset that calls a sp (with SchoolID as the parameter) which returns a list of students for that school.
Both datasets return the appropriate data when tested individually, but when I set up the Report Parameters and build the report, these errors come up...
The value expression for the query parameter '@SchoolID' refers to a non-existing report parameter 'SchoolID'.
The report parameter 'Student' has a DefaultValue or a ValidValue that depends on the report parameter "SchoolID".  Forward dependencies are not valid.
...Is it possible for the reoprt to generate a list of available parameter values based on the value selected for another parameter?
Any help you can give me would be great!!  Thank you

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SQL 2012 :: Populate Number With Leading Zeros To Make It As 5 Digits

Jan 23, 2015

Logic:ensure the Docket number is 5 digits and populate with leading zeros if not.I have to check input number field is 5 digits, if not I have to populate with leading zeros to make it as 5 digits.

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Populate Server Table Via HTTP Address And Port Number

Oct 15, 2015

How do I populate a SQL Server express 2014 table from an impinj speedway reader via http address and port number...

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SQL Server 2012 :: Populate Number Table Variation With Inline Tally?

Dec 27, 2014

I have to create a table like this across a bunch of servers. I'm thinking that I'm overlooking something with needing two additional CTEs, but maybe not. I have it at 17 seconds, which isn't much faster than a while loop solution that's currently in place.

@msg NVARCHAR(MAX) = N''
USE tempdb
CREATE TABLE dbo.EulerSource ( [SID] INT, Euler BIGINT )

[Code] ....

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How Do I Automatically Populate New Rows In 15 Child Tables?

Jun 20, 2006

When creating a new row or record in the Master table (by an Adapter update), how do I then populate new records in 15 different Child tables?

These Child tables are attributes of the Master table. I am sure there is more than one way to do this...


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How To Enter More Number Of Rows In A Table Having More Number Of Columns At A Time

Sep 24, 2007


I want to enter rows into a table having more number of columns

For example : I have one employee table having columns (name ,address,salary etc )
then, how can i enter 100 employees data at a time ?

Suppose i am having my data in .txt file (or ) in .xls

( SQL Server 2005)

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SQL Server 2014 :: How To Split Phone Number Based On Symbol Dynamically

Jul 16, 2015

I would like to know how to split the phone number into two columns based on - symbol Dynamically.

for example

Phone Number

so output should be

code number
123 12323
1234 1222

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Dynamically Select Rows From Last Month

Nov 9, 2014

This is my Statement.

a.INHALT AS Cardnr,

[Code] .....

But it deliver me also rows which are not in valid. I need only rows from last month from 01.10 until 31.10 and this rows are over the time. How can i select dynamically all row between 01.10 and 31.10 ?

13980211DU9572014111220321231000043000957xxxxx xxxxxx
13990211DU9552014110120321231000010000955xxxxx xxxx

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Dynamically Trasnpose Rows Into Columns

Dec 10, 2005

I've seen several posts that begin to address this problem, but havenot found a simple, elegant solution that will accomplish this goal.The important part of this solution is that it must be completelydynamic - I have over 40 different categories of devices, each withdifferent fields, and each search will return only one category. Ihave no knowledge of the number or datatype of these field namesbeforehand and must use the sp to dynamically create the table and thentranspose the data.Here is an exampleI have normalized data in this format (this is a simplification)deviceId fieldName fieldValue1 color red1 shape square1 weight(kg) 2.02 shape round2 weight(kg) 1.53 color blue3 shape oval3 weight(kg) 1.0I would like to convert this to the format: (note that it must handlenulls - deviceId 2)deviceId color shape weight(kg)1 red square 2.02 round 1.53 blue oval 1.0Anyone with any thoughts on how best to accomplish this?thanks,Matt

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Column Name Or Number Of Supplied Values Does Not Match Table Definition When Trying To Populate Temp Table

Jun 6, 2005


I am receiving the following error:

Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition

I am trying to insert values into a temp table, using values from the table I copied the structure from, like this:

SELECT TOP 1 * INTO #tbl_User_Temp FROM tbl_User

INSERT INTO #tbl_User_Temp EXECUTE UserPersist_GetUserByCriteria @Gender = 'Male', @Culture = 'en-GB'

The SP UserPersist_GetByCriteria does a
"SELECT * FROM tbl_User WHERE gender = @Gender AND culture = @Culture",
so why am I receiving this error when both tables have the same

The error is being reported as coming from UserPersist_GetByCriteria on the "SELECT * FROM tbl_User" line.


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Dynamically Binding Button And Controls On Table Rows.

Jun 15, 2007


I am new to .NET world. I am using visual studio express.

I am developing website using ASP.NET and C#.

I want to add buttons dynamically on a table row on my web page.

For this I have written this code in "example.aspx" file

<asp:Table ID="tblExample" GridLines="Both" BorderWidth="1" runat="server" >


In my corresponding "example.aspx.cs" file i have written

TableRow tr = new TableRow();



TableCell tc3 = new TableCell();

tc3.Width = 120;

Button bt = new Button();

bt.Text = btnStop.Text;

bt.Width = 120;

bt.CommandArgument = lrs.IpAddress + ":" + lrs.PortNo;

bt.Click += new EventHandler(cmdStop_Click);




In my EventHandler "cmdStop_Click" I am trying to perform some action but on that particular row's data.

My page is also reloading after every 5 secs.

After clicking a button in a row, when page refreshes, I am getting this message in popup error message. also that entry is ommited(as per code in EventHandler)


"The Page cannot be refreshed without resending the information.

Click retry to resend the information again.

or click Cancel to return to the page that you were trying to view"

resetButton cancelButton


How to bind that button to particular row so that when I click on a button the action should be performed on that particular row's data.


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Integration Services :: Generate CSV File Dynamically With A Fixed Amount Of Rows

Jun 5, 2015

I need to generate a csv file from another csv file, seems to be simple but let's go the trick thing:

Needs to have maximum 1000 lines, if I reach to this, I need to create another csv and fill that new one.


I have a csv file called fileA and this has 2000 lines and another csv called fileB with 1500 lines.

I need to loop a folder and get the fileA, create an output called FileAOutput and start to fill that, if I reach to 1000 lines, I need to create a FileAOutput_2 and fill the other 1000 I'll go to fileB and do the same thing, but in the second case, I'll have 500 lines in the second output.

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Getting Number Of Rows

Sep 16, 2006

Is there a simple way to get the number of rows of a table besides going through and counting all of the rows programmatically?

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Number Rows

Mar 14, 2007

I have wrote a query that returns product details for all orders that are at stage 6. Is there a way to number the product lines in each order no?!

Order 1
Product 1 - 1
Product 2 - 2
Product 3 - 3

--counter restarts
Order 2
Product 1 - 1
Product 2 -2


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Number Of Rows.

Jun 20, 2008

I have the following issue:

Here is my query:
The result is below:
(SELECT 'Succesful' AS metric_value,
SUM(CASE WHEN Product_Cat_Tier_3__2_ IN ('S Infr', 'S Entitl', 'S Provi') THEN 1 ELSE 0 end) AS S,
SUM(CASE WHEN Product_Cat_Tier_3__2_ IN ('Ading', 'Bending Floor', 'Net Ops' ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 end) AS N,
SUM(CASE WHEN Product_Cat_Tier_3__2_ IN ('Management NET', 'erprise') THEN 1 ELSE 0 end) AS ENTERP,
SUM(CASE WHEN Product_Cat_Tier_3__2_ LIKE '%Sector%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 end) AS TS,
SUM(CASE WHEN Product_Cat_Tier_3__2_ LIKE '%NMS%' THEN 1 ELSE 0 end) AS MS,
SUM(CASE WHEN Product_Cat_Tier_3__2_ = 'Fading' ) AR TS,
month(DATEADD(second, Actual_End_Date, '1969-12-31 8:00:00 PM')) as month
FROM Change

WHERE YEAR(DATEADD(second, Actual_End_Date, '1969-12-31 8:00:00 PM')) = YEAR(GETDATE()) AND

Product_Cat_Tier_1_2_ = 'Network' AND
Product_Cat_Tier_2__2_ = 'RFC' AND (Change_Request_Status = 11 and Status_Reason = 6000) AND
Product_Cat_Tier_3__2_ NOT IN ('Installation', 'Voice AND Video')
GROUP BY YEAR(DATEADD(second, Actual_End_Date, '1969-12-31 8:00:00 PM')), month(DATEADD(second, Actual_End_Date, '1969-12-31 8:00:00 PM'))

metric_value S N ENTERP TS MS AR month
------------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- ----
Succesful 0 1 0 0 0 0 5
Succesful 0 1 1 0 0 0 6

And I want the following output, because now is June so month is equal to 6.
metric_value S N ENTERP TS MS AR month
------------ -- -- ------ -- -- -- ----
Succesful N N N N N N 1
Succesful N N N N N N 2
Succesful N N N N N N 3
Succesful N N N N N N 4
Succesful 0 1 1 0 0 0 5
Succesful 0 1 1 0 0 0 6


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Number Of Rows

Dec 27, 2006


I try to figure out how to change the number of rows at each page, but I'm stuck.

I have no page break , but I get a number of pages when I view my report. Is there any way to set the number of rows shown at each page?


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Sql Help With Number Of Rows Return Value

May 14, 2008

hi,i have a stored procedure like this in SQL server ,it returns proper value if data is there for a given id.But if there is no data,it returns row/rows of NULL value and that is counted towards "number of row returned"..Shouldn't it be like,if there are null values in a row,that row should not be counted towards rows returned value .?Rightnow if no value returned from either of the select,it still returns as 2 rows instead of 0 rows.How do handle this situation in SQL? thanks for your help
SELECT     SUM(col1) AS SUM_COL1, SUM(col2) AS SUM_COL2, SUM(col3) AS SUM_COL3, SUM(col4) AS SUM_COL4FROM         TABLE1WHERE     (ID = nn)     UNION all
 SELECT      SUM(col22) AS SUM_COL22 ,cast(null as int) as c1,cast(null as int)as c2,cast(null as int) as c3FROM         table2WHERE     TABLE2 = nn)

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Set Number Of Returned Rows !!! Please Help Me.

Jun 3, 2004

I want to select data from a table with 5.000.000 rows. It's very slowly. Do you now, how I can select only a XY number of rows? I can't use TOP in select query. User see only 20-30 rows on his page, but he can use page_up, page_down. Is possible to something as lazy load?

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Number Of Rows Returned By Sp

Jul 9, 2004

Is it possible to get the number of Rows returned by a stored procedure in a profiler ?
if yes, what parameters shud I be looking for?



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Count Number Of Rows In

Nov 11, 2005

hey, how would i count the number of rows, with out using a loop??

thanks, Justin

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Get Number Of Rows Deleted

Feb 1, 2006

How do we get the number of rows deleted from a table?

@@rowcount is returning 0

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Discrepancy On Number Of Rows

Sep 18, 2006

Hi There,

Good Day :-)

How could I correct the erroneous value on the property window of an SQL Table.

My problem is that, if I am going to display the property window of Table1, the 'Rows' information displays 115. However, if I am going to execute - Select Count(*) from Table1 then it returns 117. How could I fix this glitch?

Please Help :-)

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Return Certain Number Of Rows

Apr 17, 2008

I have a Dataset that I am populating from a SQL Query. I am then using the dataset to populate a report in Reporting Services. What I want to do is return a standard number of rows in my dataset. (Let's say 10.) Even if my query does not have any rows in it, I want 10 empty rows returned to the dataset. If my query has 7 rows in it then I want to add on 3 empty rows and return it. I will not have more than the standard number of rows.
I cannot get the table in the report to show up if the dataset is empty, but still want the table to display with 10 empty rows. I have searched how to do this online but am getting nowhere. (I know how to add one empty row but not a set number.

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Selecting Top 'x' Number Of Rows Through A Sp

Jun 24, 2008

Hello all.

Im trying to write a stored procedure which i can stipulate the top number of rows it returns. I know i use the following syntax:


And i know i need to pass the number of rows i want as a variable to the stored proceudre like:

@Top as Integer

But when i try and do the following. SQL Server complains about the syntax:


Can anyone advise me how i should be doing this?

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Selecting A Specified Number Of Rows

Jul 30, 2007

I know I can use "First" to specify a number of rows to return from a query but is it possible for the number of rows returned to be based on a parameter, something like this:

SELECT FIRST @someNumber name, age
FROM friends
WHERE age > @ageInput

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Number Of Rows In A Table

Nov 18, 2007

HI! count(*) from sales rows from sysindexes where id=object_id('sales') and indid<2

both queries return number of rows.
can anyone tell me which one is better?

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Very Large Number Of Rows

Jul 23, 2005

We are busy designing a generic analytical system at work that willhold multiple analytic types over time. This system is being developedin SQL 2000.Example of tableIDENTITY intItemId int [PK]AnalyticType int [PK]AnalyticDate DateTime [PK]Value numeric(28,15)ItemId - the item for which the analytic is being storedAnalyticType - an arbitrary typeThe [PK] tag indicates the composite primary key.Our scenario is the following:* For this time series data, we expect around 250 days per year(working days) and the dataset could extend to over 20 years* Up to 50 analytic types* Up to 20,000 itemsLooking at the combined calculation - this comes to roughly somethinglike25 * 20,000 * 50 * 250 or around 5 billion rows.We will be inserting around 50*20,000 or around 1 million rows each day(the inserts will take place in the middle of the night (outside themain query time) - this could be done through something like BCP orBULK INSERT.Our real problem is we have not previously worked with such largetables before and are nervous that our system is going to grind to ahalt. Our biggest tables are around 20 million rows at the moment.Scanning through google and microsoft's own site we have found aparititioning method that is available. experimented with the above system it seems rather quirky andlooking at the available literature it seems that this is not moreeffective than a clustered index as far as queries go.It needs to be optimized for queries like:Given the ItemID and the AnalyticType search for a specific date or aspecific range of dates.If anyone has any experience or helpful suggestions I would reallyappreciate it.ThanksA

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How To Count Number Of Rows

Jul 20, 2005

Hello, DeanTry this:select distinct c1, c2 into #tmp_1 from t1select count(*) as cnt from #tmp_1drop table #tmp_1With best regards.

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Large Number Of Rows.

Apr 3, 2007

Hi all,

A select query returns around 1 million rows. The column in the WHERE condition is indexed. This query takes nearly 1 minute for returning the all the records. Is this normal ?

Does the number of records returned affect the performance inspite of the indexing ?



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