Rows Insert Out Of Order
Oct 30, 2000
I am currently trying to insert or import some rows into a table and sql server always seems to sort it by one of the columns in a different order that I insert the data. I would appreciate any feedback on this issue. Here is my table structure.
columnA columnB columnC columnD columnE columnF columnG
char char int int int smallint char
it keeps sorting by column F and seperates them by odds and evens. Does any have a clue why this is happening? I am just using these two inserts.
insert into tableNAME values('AA', 'A55', 0, 31, 1, 1, 3)
insert into tableNAME values('AA', 'A55', 0, 31, 1, 2, 2)
These two rows would be seperated by any other rows already contained in the table. If I add more rows. It lumps them by odds and evens.
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Dec 21, 2006
Hi ,
i am dealing with around 14000 rows which need to be put into the sql destination.,But what i see is that the order of the rows in the desination is not the same as in the source,
However it is same for smaller number of rows.
Please help ...i want the order to be same.
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May 19, 2015
I never paid much attention to this before but I noticed this today in a new table I was creating.
For tables defined in the tabular model the table properties have something like SELECT Blah FROM TableName ORDER BY Blah Then in the tabular model the table's data is in the same order it was ordered by in the data source for the table.
I have a date table I setup and I noticed it is NOT respecting the sort order.
I have it sorted by DateID which sorts with the oldest date first and newest date as last row.However, the table that is imported and stored in the data model is not in that order.
I can of course manually sort the rows in BIDS/DataTools, but I find this discrepancy odd.
Would this have negative impacts on the EARLIER function for example if the data rows are not in the order specified?
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Apr 6, 2006
Running this code on my PC via VS 2005
.Net version 2.0.50727 on the server (shown in IIS)
Code is in ASP.NET 2.0 and is a VB.NET Console application
SSIS 2005
Problem & Info:
I am bringing in an Excel file. I need to first strip out any non-detail rows such as the breaks you see with totals and what not. I should in the end have only detail rows left before I start moving them into my SQL Table. I'm not sure how to first strip this information out in SSIS specfically how down to the right component and how to actually code the component to do this based on my Excel file here:
Then, I assume I just use a Flat File Source coponent or something to actually take the columns in the Excel and split into an OLE DB Datasource to shove each column into a corresponding column in my SQL Server Table. I have used a Flat File Source in the past to do so with a comma delimited txt file but never tried with an Excel.
Desired Help:
How to perform
1) stripping out all undesired rows
2) importing each column into sql table
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Feb 22, 2008
Hi All
I decided to change over from Microsoft Access Database file to the New SQLServerCe Compact edition. Although the reading of data from the database is greatly improved, the inserting of the new rows is extremely slow.
I was getting between 60 to 70 rows per sec using OLEDB and an Access Database but now only getting 14 to 27 rows per sec using SQLServerCe.
I have tried the below code changes and nothing seams to increase the speed, any help as I would prefer to use SQLServerCe as the database is much smaller and I€™m use to SQL Commands.
VB2008 Pro
.NET Frameworks 2.0
SQL Compact Edition V3.5
Encryption = Engine Default
Database Size = 128Mb (But needs to be changes to 999Mbs)
Where Backup_On_Next_Run, OverWriteQuick, CompressAns are Booleans, all other column sizes are nvarchar and size 10 to 30 expect for Full Folder Address size 260
Direct Insert Using Data Adapter.
Me.BackupDatabaseTableAdapter1.Insert(Group_Name1, Full_Folder_Address1, File1, File_Size_KB1, Schedule_To_Run1, Backup_Time1, Last_Run1, Result1, Last_Modfied1, Last_Modfied1, Backup_On_Next_Run1, Total_Backup_Times1, Server_File_Number1, Server_Number1, File_Break_Down1, No_Of_Servers1, Full_File_Address1, OverWriteQuick, CompressAns)
14 to 20 rows per second (Was 60 to 70 when using OLEDB Access)
Using Record Sets
Private Sub InsertRecordsIntoSQLServerce(ByVal Group_Name1 As String, ByVal Full_Folder_Address1 As String, ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File_Size_KB1 As String, ByVal Schedule_To_Run1 As String, ByVal Backup_Time1 As String, ByVal Last_Run1 As String, ByVal Result1 As String, ByVal Last_Modfied1 As String, ByVal Latest_Modfied1 As String, ByVal Backup_On_Next_Run1 As Boolean, ByVal Total_Backup_Times1 As String, ByVal Server_File_Number1 As String, ByVal Server_Number1 As String, ByVal File_Break_Down1 As String, ByVal No_Of_Servers1 As String, ByVal Full_File_Address1 As String, ByVal OverWriteQuick As Boolean, ByVal CompressAns As Boolean)
Dim conn As SqlCeConnection = Nothing
Dim CommandText1 As String = "INSERT INTO BackupDatabase (Group_Name, Full_Full_Folder_Adress, File1,File_Size_KB, Schedule_To_Run, Backup_Time, Last_Run, Result, Last_Modfied, Latest_Modfied, Backup_On_Next_Run, Total_Backup_Times, Server_File_Number, Server_Number, File_Break_Down, No_Of_Servers, Full_File_Address, OverWrite, Compressed) VALUES ('" & Group_Name1 & "', '" & Full_Folder_Address1 & "', '" & File1 & "', '" & File_Size_KB1 & "', '" & Schedule_To_Run1 & "', '" & Backup_Time1 & "', '" & Last_Run1 & "', '" & Result1 & "', '" & Last_Modfied1 & "', '" & Latest_Modfied1 & "', '" & CStr(Backup_On_Next_Run1) & "', '" & Total_Backup_Times1 & "', '" & Server_File_Number1 & "', '" & Server_Number1 & "', '" & File_Break_Down1 & "', '" & No_Of_Servers1 & "', '" & Full_File_Address1 & "', '" & CStr(OverWriteQuick) & "', '" & CStr(CompressAns) & "')"
conn = New SqlCeConnection(strConn)
Dim cmd As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM BackupDatabase"
Dim rs As SqlCeResultSet = cmd.ExecuteResultSet(ResultSetOptions.Updatable Or ResultSetOptions.Scrollable)
Dim rec As SqlCeUpdatableRecord = rs.CreateRecord()
rec.SetString(1, Group_Name1)
rec.SetString(2, Full_Folder_Address1)
rec.SetString(3, File1)
rec.SetSqlString(4, File_Size_KB1)
rec.SetSqlString(5, Schedule_To_Run1)
rec.SetSqlString(6, Backup_Time1)
rec.SetSqlString(7, Last_Run1)
rec.SetSqlString(8, Result1)
rec.SetSqlString(9, Last_Modfied1)
rec.SetSqlString(10, Latest_Modfied1)
rec.SetSqlBoolean(11, Backup_On_Next_Run1)
rec.SetSqlString(12, Total_Backup_Times1)
rec.SetSqlString(13, Server_File_Number1)
rec.SetSqlString(14, Server_Number1)
rec.SetSqlString(15, File_Break_Down1)
rec.SetSqlString(16, No_Of_Servers1)
rec.SetSqlString(17, Full_File_Address1)
rec.SetSqlBoolean(18, OverWriteQuick)
rec.SetSqlBoolean(19, CompressAns)
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
€™20 to 24 rows per sec
Using SQL Commands Direct
Private Sub InsertRecordsIntoSQLServerce(ByVal Group_Name1 As String, ByVal Full_Folder_Address1 As String, ByVal File1 As String, ByVal File_Size_KB1 As String, ByVal Schedule_To_Run1 As String, ByVal Backup_Time1 As String, ByVal Last_Run1 As String, ByVal Result1 As String, ByVal Last_Modfied1 As String, ByVal Latest_Modfied1 As String, ByVal Backup_On_Next_Run1 As Boolean, ByVal Total_Backup_Times1 As String, ByVal Server_File_Number1 As String, ByVal Server_Number1 As String, ByVal File_Break_Down1 As String, ByVal No_Of_Servers1 As String, ByVal Full_File_Address1 As String, ByVal OverWriteQuick As Boolean, ByVal CompressAns As Boolean)
Dim conn As SqlCeConnection = Nothing
Dim CommandText1 As String = "INSERT INTO BackupDatabase (Group_Name, Full_Full_Folder_Adress, File1,File_Size_KB, Schedule_To_Run, Backup_Time, Last_Run, Result, Last_Modfied, Latest_Modfied, Backup_On_Next_Run, Total_Backup_Times, Server_File_Number, Server_Number, File_Break_Down, No_Of_Servers, Full_File_Address, OverWrite, Compressed) VALUES ('" & Group_Name1 & "', '" & Full_Folder_Address1 & "', '" & File1 & "', '" & File_Size_KB1 & "', '" & Schedule_To_Run1 & "', '" & Backup_Time1 & "', '" & Last_Run1 & "', '" & Result1 & "', '" & Last_Modfied1 & "', '" & Latest_Modfied1 & "', '" & CStr(Backup_On_Next_Run1) & "', '" & Total_Backup_Times1 & "', '" & Server_File_Number1 & "', '" & Server_Number1 & "', '" & File_Break_Down1 & "', '" & No_Of_Servers1 & "', '" & Full_File_Address1 & "', '" & CStr(OverWriteQuick) & "', '" & CStr(CompressAns) & "')"
conn = New SqlCeConnection(strConn)
Dim cmd As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText = CommandText1
'cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO BackupDatabase (€¦"
Catch e As Exception
End Try
End Sub
€˜ 25 to 30 but mostly holds around 27 rows per sec I
Is this the best you can get or is there a better way. Any help would be greatly appericated
Kind Regards
John Galvin
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Sep 20, 2001
I have two similar servers (hardware) with
SQL Server 2000 (SP1) on Win2000 (SP2).
(sp_helpsort - default)
When I run the same SELECT statement from Query Analyzer on each machine
I get different rows order in result Grid
(the order of rows stays the same for each machine but different for
machine1 and machine2)
SELECT table1.a,
FROM table2,
WHERE table2.nTestDefnId = 1034
AND table2.nDefnId = table1.nDefnId
AND table3.szClinDiscType = 'X'
AND table2.nDiscId = table3.nDiscId
What is a reason for such behavior and how I can fix it?
Thank you in advance,
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Nov 5, 2012
I would like to do a SELECT query and have the return set ordered by the order which the rows are physically stored in the table.
Specifically, something like:
Select a.*, b.normalizedColumn
FROM table a
JOIN table b
( =
ORDER BY "Physical order of table a rows"
I believe if there is a clustered index on the table, I can just order by that index and it SHOULD be the physical order of the table.
(I would like to see this as I am generating mock data and would like to verify the "randomness" of the data inserted).
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Jun 12, 2007
I noticed something strange today. I created a pkg that reads a flat file and writes the rows to a table.
In checking the data in the file against what's in the table, I noticed that the rows were inserted in a different order than they are in the file.
All the rows appear to be in the table correctly, but they're just not in the same order as in the file. I've never seen this before. But I checked very carefully, and this is indeed the case.
Is this normal??
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Mar 26, 2006
I would like randomly change the order of the rows in my table. Is there any way to do that? I also have a question about random generator. Is it possible to get a repeatable sequence of random numbers between 1 and 10 in T-SQL? (for example 2,7,6,5,8,9,3,2,....each state with the same probability). But i need the same sequence every time i run my procedure. I know this is just a pseudo generator. I tried to use function rand([seed]) and change the seed value, but I got some strange results...(floor(rand([seed])*100))
Thanx for any idea,
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Jan 12, 2005
i have a table and a column called req_id, i have it set as the primary key.. so if i just do SELECT * FROM table, shouldnt the rows returned be sorted by the order that the rows were inserted?
this database was improted from an access database.. when i did that in access it would return the rows in sorted order by the order the row was inserted.. but now in MS SQL, its not sorted in that order.. i can't really tell what type of order it's in
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Apr 15, 2004
the table is like :
ID F1 F2 F3
--- --- --- ---
1 A 1 VR
2 B 2 VR
3 A 3 VF
4 A 2 VF
5 B 1 VF
the rules is:
if there are rows with same values of F3 field,then choose the top 1 row order by F1,F2 in the group,and delete other rows.
how can I delete rows with ID in (2 , 3 , 5)?
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Aug 15, 2007
I have a table that sometimes has modifications to column(s) comprising the primary key [usually "end_date"]. I need to audit changes on this table, and naturally, turned to after triggers.
The problem is that for updates, when the primary key composition changes, I'm not able to relate/join using the primary key - obviously, it no longer matches across INSERTED and DELETED. Now, for a single row update, it's easy to check for updates on PK columns and then deduce what changes were made...
So the real question is: are rows in INSERTED and DELETED always in matching order (1st row in INSERTED corresponds to the 1st row in DELETED...)?
I don't want to put a surrogate key (GUID nor IDENTITY) on the base table if at all possible. INSERT... SELECT from the inserted/deleted tables into a temp table with identity column is fine, and is what I'm currently doing; I would like MVP or product engineer level confirmation that my ordering assumption is correct.
Testing using an identity surrogate key on base table, and selecting from the Ins/del tables, and the temp tables without an order by clause seems to always return in proper order (proper for my purposes). I've tested under SQL 2005 RTM, SP1, SP2, and SP2 "3152".
FYI, I've lost the debate that such auditing is better handled by the application, not the database server...
Aside: why doesn't the ROW_NUMBER() function allow an empty OVER( ORDER BY() ) clause? Will SQL ever expose an internal row_id, at least in the pseudo tables, so we can work around this situation?
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Apr 23, 2007
Hi Everyone,
I want to insert data in the table in the sorted order itself.
my qry is :
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM table1
SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM table2
ORDER BY col1, col2, col3
The order by clause doesn't work in this manner.
Can anyone help me.
Thanks in advance.
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Apr 25, 2007
Hi All,
From what I know, when you execute an
INSERT INTO table1 (field0)
SELECT field0 FROM table 2 ORDER BY field0
the rows are inserted in whatever order the server engine thinks is better at that moment. Is it any way I can have field0 in table1 inserted in the order I need?
My problem is that I can not touch table1, it is used by a legacy application which I am not allowed to modify. I was thinking about creating a clustered index, adding an id field, etc, but I can not know how this will affect the front end application.
table1 and table2 have only a few hundred records.
table1 =
CREATE TABLE [FinalPlasma] ([name] [varchar] (2000) NULL )
table2 =
CREATE TABLE [Test_FinalPlasma] ([nameID] [int] NOT NULL ,
[name] [varchar] (2000) NULL
The update that is not giving the "good" order =
INSERT INTO FinalPlasma SELECT name from dbo.Test_FinalPlasma
Unfortunately I can not order the [name] field after the update, because it looks something like
Donald McQ. Shaver
Mark Sheilds
R.J. Shirley
W.E. Sills
Kenneth A. Smee
A. Britton Smith
LCol Edward W. Smith
Harry V. Smith
M. E. Southern
Timothy A. Sparling
Spectrum Investment Management Limited
Thank you,
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Mar 30, 2015
In Outer join, I would like to add the outer columns that don't exist in the right table for each order number. So currently the columns that don't exist in the right table only appear once for the entire set. How can I go about adding PCity, PState to each order group, so that PCity and PState would be added as null rows to each group of orders?
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#left_table') is not null
drop table #left_table;
if OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#right_table') is not null
drop table #right_table;
create table #left_table
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Jun 22, 2001
Are there any techniques I can use to specify the sort order on an insert statement.
I want to insert data from tableA to tableB in a certain order .
I know I can do it with a cursor, but I'm sure theres a better way
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Jun 13, 2000
Without inserting an additional column with a timestamp or adding an IDENTITY column, can you tell which row was inserted first in a table?
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Mar 27, 2006
I have the following basic statements being executed:Create a temp table, #TempPagingInsert Into #TempPaging (Col1, Col2)Select Col1, Col2 From SomeOtherTable Order By Col2, Col1Select * from #TempPagingI can't provide a reproduceable scenario right now without making thisinto a 200K post, so I'm hoping someone will know what the issue is.. Ican't find anything regarding this in BOL.Basically the order is off a little bit every now and then when thereare large amounts of data, like more than a couple hundred rows. Isthere something I need to do to guarantee the originally selectedorder?This is very important that it be in order from the original selectstatement as this is for paging. Adding an order by in the secondselect from the temp table will not fix the problem. In this particularinstance that I have reproduced we are using SQL 2005 but have alsoseen this on SQL 2000 servers. I had previously asked this question asI was using a SELECT INTO statement, but now we are manually creatingthe temp table (Pain in the ass) and still having the same issue. Bestcase scenario is for it to work for a SELECT INTO.Any ideas?
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Aug 1, 2006
This may sound like a dumb question, but I need to be certain of the answer.
If I have a query like this:
(col1, col2, col3, ... )
SELECT col4, col5, col6, ...
FROM table2
ORDER BY col7, col8, col9, ...
and table1 has an identity column that increments by 1 each time, am I gauranteed that the records inserted into table1 will always be inserted in the order as specified in the ORDER BY clause and hence the increasing identity column in table1 will reflect the same order as that of the ORDER BY clause?
Seems like it should be the case but I need to be sure.
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Jun 21, 2012
I need to randomly order the selected rows from my table. Is this better to do on the Application level or in a stored procedure using "orderby NewID()"?
Which is faster? There will be about 100 rows returned with 10 columns.
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Jun 19, 2007
I'm reading values from a named range within an Excel spreadsheet using the Excel ODBC driver. If I ask for all columns within a range, using e.g. select * from 'named range', does the driver ensure that the returned rowset has the same column and row ordering as in the spreadsheet? In other words, if a named range on a spreadsheet is the block of cells:
name age
richard 54
jemima 27
I want to make sure that my returned rowset is not going to be:
age name
jemima 27
richard 54
I know that proper databases do not guarantee the order of returned values (unless you specify it) but since Excel is a fixed view of data I was hoping that a returned rowset of values would retain their spreadsheet ordering.
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Aug 23, 2007
I want to check sorted data option for bulk insert task on DTS Package. I want to sort data on 1st column. How can I put order by clause on sorted data option? I put ORDER (SSNo) but I am getting error.
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Jan 8, 2008
I have a table with column name starts from col1 to col20. IS their anyway to insert the data and sort the table by col1 and col2 and SAVE IT.
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Mar 18, 2008
Hello All,
I have a Conditional Split, where there are two outputs.
First output is a dataset which is to be inserted into the database.
Second output is a dataset for which the data already exists in the DB. I just need to update those data.
I have a doubt here. I want the insertion to be done first and then updation.
Is there any property to be set for insertion or updation, something that maintains the order of execution or priority of execution.
Please do ask me if you need any further clarification.
Kapadia Shalin P.
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Jul 20, 2005
hi there,i am using sql server 7. below is the stored procedure that is givingme grief. its purpose it two-fold, depending on how it is called:either to return a pageset (based on page number and page size), or toreturn IDs of previous and next records (based on current record id).the problem is, that the order in which records are inserted into thetemp table is inconsistent, even though the calling statement and theorder by is always the same: sometimes records are ordered correctly,by project_number, and sometimes the order is broken starting at somerecord (which is always the same).i have no idea what is wrong here, i would appreciate any help!thanks so is the calling statement:EXECUTE spProjects 2,null,'project_number','asc','',6,50here is the proc:CREATE PROCEDURE spProjects@action int,@currID int,@sortBy varchar(50),@sortDir varchar(4),@searchBy varchar(255),@Page int,@RecsPerPage intASSET NOCOUNT ONDECLARE @nextID intDECLARE @prevID intDECLARE @currRow intDECLARE @rowCount intDECLARE @firstRec intDECLARE @lastRec intDECLARE @total intDECLARE @more intDECLARE @sortBy2 varchar(50)-- setup temp tableSELECT as row, r.*, agr_type, purpose, sponsor, prime,p.lname p_lname, p.fname p_fname, p.mname p_mi, p.emailp_email, org,convert(varchar(10), r.created_date, 101) adddate_c,convert(varchar(10), r.updated_date, 101) upddate_cINTO #project_temp_tableFROM spm_projects r, spm_agreement_types a, spm_purpose_typespu, spm_sponsors sp, spm_sponsors pr, spm_pis p, spm_orgs oWHERE 1 = 0IF @sortBy IS NULL SELECT @sortBy = 'project_number'IF @sortBy = '' SELECT @sortBy = 'project_number'SELECT @sortBy2 = @sortBy + ' ' + @sortDirIF @sortBy NOT LIKE '%project_number%' SELECT @sortBy2 = @sortBy2 +', project_number'-- get projectsEXEC ('INSERT INTO #project_temp_tableSELECT as row, r.*, agr_type, purpose, sponsor, prime,p.lname p_lname, p.fname p_fname, p.mname p_mi, p.emailp_email, org,convert(varchar(10), r.created_date, 101) adddate_c,convert(varchar(10), r.updated_date, 101) upddate_cFROM spm_projects r, spm_agreement_types a, spm_purpose_typespu, spm_sponsors sp, spm_sponsors pr, spm_pis p, spm_orgs oWHERE r.agreement_type_id = a.idAND r.purpose_type_id = pu.idAND r.sponsor_id = sp.idAND r.prime_id *= pr.idAND r.pi_id = p.idAND r.org_id =' + @searchBy + 'ORDER BY ' + @sortBy2)SET @rowCount = 0-- number recordsUPDATE #project_temp_table SET @rowCount = row = @rowCount + 1-- prev/nextSELECT @currRow = row FROM #project_temp_table WHERE id = @currIDSELECT @prevID = id FROM #project_temp_table WHERE row = @currRow -1SELECT @nextID = id FROM #project_temp_table WHERE row = @currRow +1-- pagingSELECT @firstRec = (@Page - 1) * @RecsPerPageSELECT @lastRec = (@Page * @RecsPerPage + 1)SELECT @more = COUNT(*) FROM #project_temp_table WHERE row >=@LastRecSELECT @total = COUNT(*) FROM #project_temp_tableSET NOCOUNT OFF-- prev/nextIF @action = 1 SELECT @prevID as prevID, @nextID as nextID--pagingIF @action = 2SELECT *, @more as more, @total as totalFROM #project_temp_tableWHERE row > @firstRec AND row < @lastRecDROP TABLE #project_temp_table
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Apr 22, 2015
I am using SQL 2012 SE. I have 2 databases say A and B with same structure and relationships. There are 65 tables in each database. A is already replicating data to database C for 35 tables. Now I need to move data from A to B which is greater than getdate()-1 everyday  for all the tables and once the move is done I need to delete this data from A. And samething the next day. Since this is for 65 tables its challenging to identify the insert order. Once the insert order is identified the delete order will be the reverse of it.
Is there a tool or any SP that could generate the insert order script? The generate scripts data only is generating the entire data and these databases are almost 400GB. So I thought of generating a schema only script and then create an empty database with it and then generate data only to identify the order of insert. But it wont generate anything since there is no data.
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Dec 13, 2007
Hi there,
This appears to be a change in behaviour between SQL 2000 & 2005. Can anyone confirm?
We have two tables with same schema but different column orders. In Sql 2000, the statement
Insert Into table1 select * from table2
appears to map the column names between the two tables. There is one column out of order, however Sql 2000 doesn't seem to care and correctly inserts the data.
In Sql 2005 the behaviour is to return the columns in the order of table2, rather than mapping column names. This results in incorrect values being added to the columns. (Column shift)
The Sql 2005 behaviour seems to be correct, and select * is bad practice anyway, however I would like to confirm why this was changed and whether there is a service pack/hotfix in 2000 that would have the same result.
We are running compatibility mode in Sql 2005 v9.0.3042.
Sql 2000 is 8.0.2187
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Feb 26, 2015
I am writing a query to return some production data. Basically i need to insert either 1 or 2 rows into a Table variable based on a decision as to does the production part make 1 or 2 items ( The Raw data does not allow for this it comes from a look up in my database)
I can retrieve all the source data i need easily but when i come to insert it into the table variable i need to insert 1 record if its a single part or 2 records if its a twin part. I know could use a cursor but im sure there has to be an easier way !
Below is the code i have at the moment
declare @startdate as datetime
declare @enddate as datetime
declare @Line as Integer
set @startdate = '2015-01-01'
set @enddate = '2015-01-31'
[Code] .....
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Jul 23, 2005
I have the following insert statement in place:Insert WPHPayments(constituentID, constituentName, campaignYear, fundID, fundDescription, dateAndTimeEntered, amount)Select gt.constituentID, gt.constituentName, gt.campaignYear, gt.fundID, gt.fundDescription, gt.dateAndTimeEntered, gt.amountFrom GTPROCENTERFUNDPAYMENTEXTRACT gt, WPHExtractWhere gt.constituentID = WPHExtract.wph_constIDI want to insert all of the values that are in the GTPROCENTERFUNDPAYMENTEXTRACT table that have the same constituentID that as the records in the WPHExtract table. Am I just missing something becasue the syntax is showing that everytihing is correct however there is nothing comming back in the result set. Thanks in advance everyone. Regards,RB
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Jul 3, 2007
I need to pass data from a SQL Server data base to an Access data base. To do this I use the OPENROWSET as followed:
INSERT INTO OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0', 'C:Aux.mdb'; 'Admin'; '',Test) (Id, Name, TypeId) SELECT Id,Name,TypeId
On SQL Server 2000 or MSDE the data is transfered as expected, respecting the specified order. But when I run the same clause on a SQL 2005 EE the data is transfered, but the order is not respected.
So my question is if I have to activate an option for the order to be respected or if this is a bug.
Best regards,
Ângelo Vilela
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Sep 26, 2007
Hey guys, i need to insert 10,000 rows into the database and I am wondering what the best way to do that is. Should I create a StringBuilder and build the 10,000 insert statements and execute it in 1 connection. Or should I be looking into creating a dataset and use an adapter to insert? Any ideas? Please only answer from experience and provide a sample in c# Thanks.
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Jul 20, 2005
i have a table with about 40 columns in access 97( terrible i knw, butits not mine and im not allowed normalize or change it) . i have addeda column , which is a number , called year. it will contain 1997,1998, etc. there are about 1600 rows in the table. is there anythinglike a correlated sub query that will allow me to insert this into thedate column of each row??
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Sep 7, 2006
I'm using the SQL Server 2005 Express edition.
I've manually created some rows in a table "Books".
If I right-click on "dbo.Books" and choose "Script Table As --> Create To --> New Query Editor Window", I get the SQL for creating that table.
But how do I get the INSERT-SQL for the rows already inserted?
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