Rows Gone Missing ?????
Jan 31, 2008
Just thought I would ask the question on here with regards a problem we have. We have PDA based auditing tool which use SQL Compact to store information via on Compact Framework application. Now we have a user who swears blind they have carried out an audit but there is no trace of it anywhere on the database even though there are audits on there prior to the said date and after and there is no other faciity to delete data from the app other than a complete wipe of the database hence everything would of gone!
Now, the data is stored over 4 tables from which there are no traces of any unrelated data between the tables etc. so its dissappeared, anybody any experience of data simply vanishing into thin air??
Thanks in advance
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Apr 2, 2008
Hi, I need to write a query which I have never attempted before and could do with some help.... I have a Groups table and a Users_Groups look up table. In this model, users can only be assigned to 1 group. If a group is deleted, a trigger should fire and delete any rows in User_Groups having a matching Groups.Ref. Unfortunately, the trigger hasn't been firing and I now have a load of defunct rows in Users_Groups relating users to groups which do not exist.I now need to find all of these defunct rows in Users_Groups so that I can delete them. How can I find rows in Users_Groups where the parent rows and refs in Groups are null? I've tried searching the net for something similar but don't even know how to word the search properly to get any half relevant results. Cheers PS, I do realise I need to tighten the constraints on my database
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Jan 20, 2004
I have a sql 2000 database in which reports are generated on a monthly basis from the data inside on of my tables. The reports have been working fine, until some of the rows seemed to have disappered!
I know the data use to be in the table, since it is showing on the old reports, however, when I try to pull that same data, it is not in the database at all.
Does anyone have any ideas on what could have caused this or how I can resolve??
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Jun 27, 2007
I have enabled drillthrough on a cube (AS 2005) and selected the columns required. This worked. When I use the drillthrough option in Excel, drillthrough queries return less rows than expected. For example, for a cells combinations (pivot table) I saw 21198 rows, but after access to detail, query return just 21106 rows. Less rows than expected.
Any ideas what causes this?
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Aug 7, 2006
Iam using:
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.2039 (Intel X86) May 3 2005 23:18:38
Copyright (c) 1988-2003 Microsoft Corporation
Desktop Engine on Windows NT 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 2)
I am using BULK INSERT to import some pipe-delimited flat files into a database.
I am firstly converting the file using VB.NET, to ensure each line of the file has a carriage return (by using streamwriter.writeline), and I am also ensuring there is no blank line at the end of the file (by using streamwriter.write).
Once I have done this, my BULK INSERT command appears to work OK. This is how I am using the statement:
NB: The first row in the file is a header row.
This appears to work OK, however, I have found that certain files seem to miss the final line of the file! I have analysed these files incase they have an inconsistant number of columns but they don't.
I have also found that if I knock off the last column of the tempHISTORY table, the correct number of rows are imported. However, of course, I can't just discard one of the columns from the file, I need to import the entire file.
I cannot understand why BULK INSERT is choosing to miss the final line in the file, when the schema of the destination table matches the structure of the file.
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May 24, 2007
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to create a performant script to copy records from a table in a source database, to an identical table in a destination database.
In SQL 2000, I used to create a little lookup which did a count using certain fields. If the record was missing, I executed an INSERT query, otherwise an UPDATE query. The result was that the table on the destination side was always up to date. Duplicate rows were out of the question.
This was, if I'm not mistaking, a Data Transformation, using a bit of custom VBA code to govern the transfer. For each source row, the custom code was executed. Depending on the result of the custom code, a different query was launched.
Now I'm trying to do the same using SSIS in SQL 2005. Is there a task which does this for me, or do I have to script again? In the latter case, which type of task would I use?
(I thought of the Script Task, but then I would need to set up quite a bit myself.)
Thank you,
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Mar 12, 1999
Hi, I used the /e in my bcp code. yet did not get all the rows from the main frame into the sql talbes... here is the case I have 11 million rows in an ftp server I use this code to bcp into sql server can anyonecheck if this code is good for the process, I am missing one million row in the bcp process and do not know why??? I put the /e to see if there is any error but could not see any error file in my hard drive?
Please check it out and let me know
Exec master..xp_cmdshell "bcp dbname..tablename in c:ftprootNbtorder.txt /fd:ftprootformatfileablename.fmt /Servername /Usa /Password /b250000 /a8000 /eerrfileORD"
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Feb 8, 2007
SQL 2k, DDL below.I have a simple table with the following data:fldYear fldCode1 fldCode22000 ABC1 ABC122000 ABC1 ABC132001 ABC1 ABC122002 ABC1 ABC122002 ABC1 ABC13I need to know, for every distinct combination of fldCode1 andfldCode2, if there are any years missing.For example,SELECT DISTINCT fldCode1, fldCode2 FROM MyTablereturnsABC1 ABC12ABC1 ABC13I need to know that in 2001 there was no entry for ABC1/ABC13Thanks!Edwardif exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[MyTable]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)drop table [dbo].[MyTable]GOCREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable] ([fldYear] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[fldCode1] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,[fldCode2] [char] (10) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL) ON [PRIMARY]GO
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Feb 12, 2008
I have written a reporting application which has a SQL2005 backend. An import routine into SQL, written by a 3rd party, frequently fails. The main problems are missing rows in certain tables.
I am going to write an SP that will accepts a from and to date. I then want to search for rows of type X between those dates that do not exist so we then know between a date range, we have no data for these XYZ days.
I have this working by returning all rows between the dates into a dataset, sorted by date, and then running through the rows and testing if the next rows date is the next expected date. This works but I think is a very poor solution. This is all done on the client in C#.
I want to learn and implement the most efficent way of doing this. My only solution in a SP was to make a temporary table of all dates between the date range for row type X and then do a right outer join against the data table, returning all rows which are missing.
Something like this:
FROM #temp_table_with_all_dates ttwad
RIGHT OUTER JOIN table_with_missing_date twmd
ON =
Would this be a good, efficent solution, or should I just stick to my processing of a dataset in C#?
Many thanks in advance,
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Oct 20, 2015
I have a table of languages, identified by a lang_id column as follows:
I also have a RESOURCES table of phrases (for translation purposes) similar to this:
res_id res_lang res_phrase
AccessDenied en Access Denied
For some rows in the resources table I do not have all language codes present so am missing some translations for a given res_id.My question is what query can I use to determine the RESOURCE.RES_IDs for which I do not have a translation for.
For example I might have a de, en, cz translation for a phrase but not a pl phrase and I need to identofy those rows in order that I can obtain translations for the missing RESOURCE rows.
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Jul 18, 2007
Hi all,
We are using a mix of SQL 2005 and 2000 servers and our "main" database server is running SQL 2005 x64 (SP2 ver. 3042).
Our system has run perfectly for months, then subsequent to an SP2 update we are seeing several instances where the data record counts are different for several tables among all the servers.
We are using Merge Replication, with no filters and published every 2 minutes.
Any ideas?
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Feb 6, 2008
I was using the MDX Query Builder to create MDX queries for a SSRS report. I'm not sure what happened, but when I tried to create another dataset against the cube, the "Drop Column Fields Here" and "Drop Row Fields Here" areas were no longer available for me to drop attributes onto.
I have restarted VS, rebooted, you name it, I've tried it (short of re-installing). Has anyone encountered this and how did you "fix" it.
BTW: In order to continue working, I decided to use ProClarity to build the MDX for me and when I tried to paste it into the MDX editor, I get the following error: "The query cannot be prepared: The query must have at least one axis. ..". So, as I've seen from other posts, you can't use "any" MDX in the MDX Query Builder.
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Nov 27, 2007
Hi all,
I have access to a stored procedure that was written previously for a process that uses the output from the stored procedure to provide input to a BCP operation in a bat file that builds a flat text file for use in a different system.
To continue with the set up, here is the stored procedure in question:
select top 15
cast ( f.priceclose as decimal(10,2)) as PriceClose,
cast ( f.pricechg as decimal(10,2)) as pricechg,
from dailydata f, snames s
where f.tendcash = 0
and f.status = 1
and f.typ = 1
and f.osid = s.osid) tt
order by rating desc, rank desc
The code in the calling bat file is:
REM *************************
REM *************************
bcp "exec dailydb.[dbo].[HE_GetStks]" queryout "d:TABLESINPUTHE_GetStks.WRK" -S(local) -c -U<uname> -P<upass>
This works just peachy in the process for which it was designed, but I need to use the same stored procedure to grab the same data in order to store it in a historical table in the database. I know I could duplicate the code in a separate stored procedure that does the inserting into my database table, but I would like to avoid that and use this stored procedure in case the select statement is changed at some point in the future.
Am I missing something obvious in how to utilize this stored procedure from inside an insert statement in order to use the data it outputs? I know I cannot use an EXECUTE HE_GetStks as a subquery in my insert statement, but that is, in essence, what I am trying to accomplish.
I just wanted to bounce the issue of y'all before I go to The Boss and ask him to change the procedure to SET the data into a database table directly (change the select in the proc to an INSERT to a local table) then have the external BAT file use a GET procedure that just does the select from the local table. This is the method most of our similar jobs use when faced with this type of "intercept" task.
Any thoughts?
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Jul 29, 2015
In a t-sql 2012 sql update script listed below, it only works for a few records since the value of TST.dbo.LockCombination.seq only contains the value of 1 in most cases. Basically for every join listed below, there should be 5 records where each record has a distinct seq value of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Thus my goal is to determine how to add the missing rows to the TST.dbo.LockCombination where there are no rows for seq values of between 2 to 5. I would like to know how to insert the missing rows and then do the following update statement. Thus can you show me the sql on how to add the rows for at least one of the missing sequence numbers?
SET LKC.combo = lockCombo2
FROM [LockerPopulation] A
JOIN TST.dbo.School SCH ON A.schoolnumber = SCH.type
JOIN TST.dbo.Locker LKR ON SCH.schoolID = LKR.schoolID AND A.lockerNumber = LKR.number
[Code] ....
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Jun 9, 2006
We have SQL Server 2000 with merge replication at a Publisher and subscriber.
We have some records getting deleted at Publisher and Subscriber and no conflicts are logged.
We have tried the compensate_for_errors setting and this has had no effect.
This is causing serious data corruption and has now become an URGENT issue. Out tech team are almost out of ideas.
Has anyone experienced this or have any ideas as to what to check next?
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Oct 28, 2014
I have 3 tables...
JobRequirements (A)
JobID int
QualificationTypeID int
EmployeeQualifications (B)
EmployeeID int
QualificationTypeID int
Employee (C)
EmployeeID int
EmployeeName int
I need to return a list of all employees fit for a specific job ... The criteria is that only employees who have all the JobRequirements are returned. So if a job had 3 requirements and the employee had just 2 of those qualifications, they would not be returned. Likewise, the employee might have more qualifications than the job requires, but unless the employee has all the specific qualifications the job requires they are not included. If an employee has all the job qualifications plus they have extra qualifications then they should be returned...
How to only return those records where all the child records are present in the other table..
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Nov 8, 2007
Hi All,
I am using sql server 2005. I stuck out in a strange problem.
I am using view in my stored procedure, when I run the stored procedure some of the rows get skipped out means if select query have to return 10 rows then it is returning 5 rows or any other but not all, also the records displyaing is randomly coming, some time it is displaying reords 12345 next time 5678, other time 2468.
But if I run seperately the querys written in SP then it returns all the rows. Please give me solution why it is happening like this.
There are indexes in the tables.
Once I shrink the database and rebuild the indexes, from then this problem is happening. I have rebuild the indexes several time, also updated the statistics but nothing improving.
But nothing is improving
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Feb 20, 2008
When expoting data from excel to sql server table, using SSIS package, after exporting is done, how would i check source rows are equal to destination rows. If not to throw an error message.
How can we handle transactions in SSIS
1. when some error/something happens during export and the # of rows are not exported fully to destination, how to rollback the transaction in SSIS.
Any sort of help would be highly appreciated.
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Sep 11, 2015
I have a conditional split in an SSIS package - one split is where if rows are returned according to a specific rule, then insert those rows into to a Recordset Destinationm which points to a variable of Object type.
How I can use this variable to email fellow users. For example, what I would like is if ANY rows are returned to the Object variable (1 or more), then I would like to execute an email SP that we have on our server.
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Feb 20, 2008
When expoting data from excel to sql server table, using SSIS package, after exporting is done, how would i check source rows are equal to destination rows. If not to throw an error message.
Any sort of help would be highly appreciated.
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Dec 25, 2005
I have a survey (30 questions) application in a SQL server db. The application uses several relational tables. The results are arranged so that each answer is on a seperate row:
user1 answer1user1 answer2user1 answer3user2 answer1user2 answer2user2 answer3
For statistical analysis I need to transfer the results to an Excel spreadsheet (for later use in SPSS). In the spreadsheet I need the results to appear so that each user will be on a single row with all of that user's answers on that single row (A column for each answer):
user1 answer1 answer2 answer3user2 answer1 answer2 answer3
How can this be done? How can all answers of a user appear on a single row
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Aug 17, 2007
Hi i tried designing a SSIS package which loads only those rows which were different from existing rows in the table , i need to timestamp the existing row with an inactive date when a update of that row is inserted (ex: same studentID )
and the newly inserted row with a insert time stamp
so as to indicate the new row as currently active, in short i need to maintain history and current rows in same table , i tried using slowly changing dimension but could not figure out, anyone experience or knowledge regarding the Data loads please respond.
example of Data would be like
exisiting data
12 DDS 14 M XYZ ST 2/4/06 NULL
14 hgS 17 M ABC ST 3/4/07 NULL
New row to insert would be
12 DDS 15 M DFG ST 4/5/07
the data should reflect
12 DDS 14 M XYZ ST 2/4/06 4/5/07
12 DDS 15 M DFG ST 4/5/07 NULL
14 hgS 17 M ABC ST 3/4/07 NULL
Please provide your input as much as you can even though it might not be a 100% solution.
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Mar 12, 2007
I had created a trigger which sees that whether a database is updated if it is its copy the values of the updated row into another control table now I want to read the content of control_table into BIzTalk and after reading I want to delete it.Can any one suggest the suitable ay to do this?
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May 8, 2008
I have the following variables VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime, OdometerReading, TransactCity, TransactState.
VehicleID is the unique vehicle ID, OdometerReading is the Odometer Reading, and the others are information related to the transaction time and location of the fuel card (similar to a credit card).
The records will be first grouped and sorted by VehicleID, TransactDate, TransactTime and OdometerReading. Then all records where the Vehicle ID and TransactDate is same for consecutive rows, AND TransactCity or TransactState are different for consecutive rows should be printed.
I also would like to add two derived variables.
1. Miles will be a derived variable that is the difference between consecutive odometer readings for the same Vehicle ID.
2. TimeDiff will be the second derived variable that will categorize the time difference for a particular vehicle on the same day.
My report should look like:
VehID TrDt TrTime TimeDiff Odometer Miles TrCity TrState
1296 1/30/2008 08:22:42 0:00:00 18301 000 Omaha NE
1296 1/30/2008 15:22:46 7:00:04 18560 259 KEARNEY NE
Can someone please help me here?
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Apr 6, 2006
Running this code on my PC via VS 2005
.Net version 2.0.50727 on the server (shown in IIS)
Code is in ASP.NET 2.0 and is a VB.NET Console application
SSIS 2005
Problem & Info:
I am bringing in an Excel file. I need to first strip out any non-detail rows such as the breaks you see with totals and what not. I should in the end have only detail rows left before I start moving them into my SQL Table. I'm not sure how to first strip this information out in SSIS specfically how down to the right component and how to actually code the component to do this based on my Excel file here:
Then, I assume I just use a Flat File Source coponent or something to actually take the columns in the Excel and split into an OLE DB Datasource to shove each column into a corresponding column in my SQL Server Table. I have used a Flat File Source in the past to do so with a comma delimited txt file but never tried with an Excel.
Desired Help:
How to perform
1) stripping out all undesired rows
2) importing each column into sql table
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Oct 13, 2015
I am facing an issue that Data flow task failing after loading 29000 rows out of 2lakhs rows.
I am loading data from .csv file to OLE DB Destination.
This data flow task is placed inside For each loop container.
is this issue because of any performance issue in SSIS packages such as buffer size.
find the error below:
DFT Load Data from FlatFile:Error: The conditional operation failed.
The "DER Add Calc Columns" failed because error code 0xC0049063 occurred, and the error row disposition on "DER Add Calc Columns.Outputs[Derived Column Output].Columns[M_VALUE_NUM]" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
DFT Load Data from FlatFile:Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PROCESSINPUTFAILED. The ProcessInput method on component "DER Add Calc Columns" (48) failed with error code 0xC0209029 while processing input "Derived Column Input" (49). The identified component returned an error from the ProcessInput method. The error is specific to the component, but the error is fatal and will cause the Data Flow task to stop running. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
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Aug 5, 2014
I managed to transpose rows into columns.
ctePreAgg AS
select top 500 act_reference "ActivityRef",
row_number() over (partition by act_reference order by act_reference) as rowno,
t3.s_initials "Initials"
from mytablestuff
order by act_reference
But what I would love to do next is take each of the above rows - and return the initials either in one column with all the nulls and duplicate values removed, separated by a comma ..
ref, initials
At-2x SAS,CW
At-3x SAS,CW
OR the above but using variable number of columns based on the maximum number of different initials for each row.this is not strictly required, but maybe neater for further work on the view
ref, init1,init2
At-2x SAS,CW
At-3x SAS,CW
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Jul 24, 2015
I have a SQL script to insert data into a table as below:
INSERT into [SRV1INS2].BB.dbo.Agents2
select * from [SRV2INS14].DD.dbo.Agents
I just want to set a Trigger on Agents2 Table, which could delete all rows in the table , before carry out any Insert operation using above statement.I had below Table Trigger on [SRV1INS2].BB.dbo.Agents2 Table as below: But it did not perform what I intend to do.
/****** Object: Trigger Script Date: 24/07/2015 3:41:38 PM ******/
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Mar 30, 2008
Dear All
I have a table with the following structure in sql server 2005
create table app(
sno int,
name varchar(50),
add varchar(50),
city varchar(50),
state varchar(50)
it contains the follwing data
sno name add city state
1 mark street no1 newcity newstate
2 mark street no1 newcity newstate
3 mark street no1 newcity newstate
4 mark street no1 newcity newstate
5 mark street no1 newcity newstate
6 mark street no1 newcity newstate
7 mark street no1 newcity newstate
8 mark street no1 newcity newstate
9 mark street no1 newcity newstate
10 mark street no1 newcity newstate
11 mark street no1 newcity newstate
12 mark street no1 newcity newstate
13 mark street no1 newcity newstate
14 mark street no1 newcity newstate
15 mark street no1 newcity newstate
16 mark street no1 newcity newstate
17 mark street no1 newcity newstate
18 mark street no1 newcity newstate
19 mark street no1 newcity newstate
20 mark street no1 newcity newstate
I want to retrive previous 5 records, next 5 records and the record that meet the where condition of a select query.
When I run
select sno,add,name,city,state from app where sno=7
I want the following result
sno name add city state
2 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
3 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
4 mark street no1 newcity newstate | -- previous 5 records
5 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
6 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
7 mark street no1 newcity newstate --- searched record
8 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
9 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
10 mark street no1 newcity newstate |--- next 5 records
11 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
12 mark street no1 newcity newstate |
if there is a method to get the above result set, kindly post the query.
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Mar 25, 2002
I'm stuck. I have a table that I want to pull some info from that I don''t know how to.
There are two colomuns, one is the call_id column which is not unique and the other is the call_status column which again is not unique. The call_status column can have several values, they are ('1 NEW','3 3RD RESPONDED','7 3RD RESOLVED','6 PENDING','3 SEC RESPONDED','7 SEC RESOLVED').
i.e example, this is the existing data.
Call_id Call_Status
555555 3 3RD RESPONDED
555555 7 3RD RESOLVED
325252 6 PENDING
555555 6 PENDING
555555 1 NEW
This is the data I want...
Call_id Call_Status
555555 3 3RD RESPONDED
555555 6 PENDING
555555 7 3RD RESOLVED
The call_id could be any number, I only want the 6 PENDING rows where there are other rows for that call_id which have either 3 3RD RESPONDED or 7 3RD RESOLVED. If someone knows how it would be a great help.
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Nov 28, 2007
Dear Gurus,I have table with following entriesTable name = CustomerName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 85Sanjeev 75Rajeev 80Rajeev 45Sandy 35Sandy 30Harry 15Harry 45I need a output as followName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 85Rajeev 80Sandy 30Harry 45ORName Weight------------ -----------Sanjeev 75Rajeev 45Sandy 35Harry 15i.e. only distinct Name should display with only one value of Weight.I tried with 'group by' on Name column but it shows me all rows.Could anyone help me for above.Thanking in Advance.RegardsSanjeevJoin Bytes!
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Mar 30, 2007
I have 100,000 rows in the database and I want to read results for eg: from 5000 to 5050 by DataReader.
I wrote this code to do this but its too slow:
Dim SlctStr As String = "select * from topicstbl where partID like '" & PagePartID & "'"
Dim ReadCom As New SqlClient.SqlCommand
ReadCom.CommandText = SlctStr
ReadCom.Connection = MainLib.MyConnection
Dim MyReader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = ReadCom.ExecuteReader()
Dim StartTNum As Long = 5000
For IR As Long = 0 To StartTNum - 1
Do While MyReader.Read
StartTNum += 1
If StartTNum > 5500 Then Exit Do
is there another way to do the same thing better off than this code?
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Apr 4, 2008
Dear Friends,
Is there any way to display a table data separately like odd rows and even rows?I dont know this is possible or not?If it is possible means how can i achieve it?Please guide me a proper way.
Thanks all!
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