i have a problem that i don't understand why it occurs: i have a package like this (resumed and ordered by its correspondingdata flow):
1. move data files to a path through by a file system task
2. import data of data files to a sqlserver database (each file through its own data flow). The origin of data is in files that have been moved to the path of step 1
3. execute a procedure of database (sql task) to manipulate data and finally export resume (data flow) to a new file in the path (moved by other file system task)
PROBLEM: if i execute the package task by task (one by one), it runs ok, but then when i build and run package as a whole (debug), it produces an error in the data flow such as it doesnt' find the path to take data of data flow (it doesn't find the source). Really it doesn't find source because the data files aren't in its correct path (like step 1 had failed). In summary, it looks like if the order of the task of package aren't correct when i execute the entire package, because the log doesn't thread any error about step 1 (file system task).
ERROR MESSAGE: an OLE DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37
I am trying to write a program that creates packages on the fly depending on the variables you pass. for eg. It should create connection managers on the fly specific to a certain file in the variable (eg. sample.csv). the package has a dataflow task and it has flat file source and oledb destination.The problem I am facing is the flat file source when assigned to a flat file connection manager(dynamically), it is not giving any source output columns. i.e, the value for DFSource.OutputCollection(0).OutputColumnCollection.Count is Zero. But when I use the same code and reverse the source and destination(oledb as source and flatfile as destination), it is working fine. I searched everywhere for resources on how to develop packages programmatically, but could not find any except one example on msdn. If anyone knows about this prob or any useful resources on this subject, it would be really helpful.
I created a simple SSIS package that downloads a file from an FTP server and does some processing on it. I scheduled it as a job step with the Sql Job Agent. The problem is that this file is not always available for pick up, but when it is I need it very quickly. I'm setting the schedule to look for it every minute. Anytime the file is not there, the package fails and shows up in the job history in red.
Is there any way to prevent an error in this task from registering a package failure?
I have created a DTS package that pulls data from one column (varchar,600) in a table and exports it to a text file. The max length in this field is only 285 characters long, however, the end of one of the records is being truncated in the text file. Data is tab delimited in the table and is being exported that way.
I need to search all of the tables in a DB for a specific number (say, 123456). I am unsure of which tables may have this number in it. Is there a way to search an entire DB for a specific criteria?
This is what I want:
Select * From [db] where [column] like '%123456%'
I understand why this dosen't work (the DB doesn't have column names), but is there a way to display table names where this number exists? If I had that, then I could search the tables individually.
What is the best way to create a blank copy of my database? I really want some of the tables to keep the data in them, these are some of the lookup table. I appreciate your help.
Hi, I'm a noob who sucks at programming, and sucks even more when it comes to database.
I'm operating a small website with an SQL Server database that drives my shopping cart. I want to close this website down, but I don't want to lose all the data in the database in case I want to do something in the future.
How do you backup the entire database into a file so i might be able to import it at later times? Do I have to do this with SQL, T-SQL, or the manager?
I have a long TEXT column and it cuts off at a certain point in the Query Analyzer. I tried copying and pasting to notepad but it is still half the actual string. How do i get the whole TEXT string from a given column?
Could anybody tell me how to make a copy of an entire database on the same server? The copy wizard won't allow the a copy to be made on the same server.
And I believe I won't be able to detach the database and re-attach it to a newly created database with a different name.
I have built a template database which I'm finally pleased with, however I want to periodically duplicate the design - not data into a new database. How can I duplicate a database? I was hoping to right mouse, copy, then right mouse, paste, and then be prompted for the new name but no such luck.
Is there any way to do a complete database search in SQL server? For instance, if I have a criteria "DBFORUMS", I would like to scan through all user tables in my database to get all records with the word "DBFORUMS" stored, just like want we are doing in "Quick Search" in dbforums site.
Hi, this is my first post on these forums, so please excuse me if this topic has already been covered.
I'm currently working in a power station for student vacation work placement. I need to export data from a database that gets it's data from machinery and inputs out in the plant. The machines that provide this input put it into a database, and I need to find the relevant data to export.
My problem is that, in some cases, the sample data that i'm given may be under different field names, in a completely unrelated table. I was looking for a way to search the entire database (250+ tables) for a certain string, so I can find where it is in the database, and run queries on the table it originates from. For example:
My sample data shows me that I have an object with the ID Y03A3DEA_TH1. I know this ID will occur somewhere else in the database, but i'm just not sure where.
If anyone knows of any way that I can search the entire database for specific data, either using tools in MS SQL 2000, or 3rd party apps, i would greatly appreciate their help.
Hi! I've some data in a table, and I want to add these records to another table, but I tried yet with select ... Into ... and I lose all the data from this one. I need to ADD the data from table to table. Any suggestion? Thx
Hi,I need to lock a table so that Inserts are prevented as well as deleted andupdates. At present I'm thinking this might do it:SELECT * FROM myTable WITH(UPLOCK)but then again I'm not sure whether this will cover the insert case.Thanks,Robin
Is it possible to copy a database from the existing database. I mean to say creating a duplicating database.
Note: I can do it by using "Generate SQL Server Script Wizard" or "Database Publishing Wizard" which saves a some filename.sql and later executing this will create another database by assigning some xyzdatabase name.
My main motive is copying a database in a single line script without using this lengthy sciprt.
Im building a site on my pc using SQLExpress and i have a question about something. The database im working on has data inside the tables and i was wondering how i would move that to a different server though a script with all the data in the table.
How can I do in order that a table show all its rows in a page?And if the table can only show a number of rows cause arrive to the end of the page show the table in the next page?
I am giving the following statement outside the begin tran block in a stored procedure: select * from table1 with (holdlock) where column1 = @colValue I have the following two questions regarding above situation:
Being outside the begin tran block, will the select statement cause a lock to be held or it has to be within the begin tran block for the lock to be held? Will the select statement hold a lock only on the row or rows matching the where clause, or it may lock a page or even the entire table in this situation? Thanks
I need to move everything from one 6.5 server to another. I have already installed 6.5 to the new server. (The new server has a new drive configuration) How can I move the Master Database and all other databases including sp's and logins?
I have tried searching all over and have not been able to find what I need, but this is what I have pieced together.
Background: I need to move an entire instance of SQL Server 2000 SP3 running on Windows Server 2000 to a new physical server running SQL Server 2000 SP4 running on Windows Server 2003. I guess my biggest question is how do I move system databases (master,msdb,tempdb,model), I don't particularly like the idea of using sp_detach/sp_attach on system databases?
This is what I had in mind. -Install SP4 on the source server -Backup source to tape -Restore from tape to destination server (restore system dbs as re_master,re_msdb) -Shut SQL services down on destination server. -Replace the system dbs .mdf and .ldf with the re_master & re_msdb .mdf and .ldf -Restart SQL services -Restore User databases from tape.
Ultimately, I'm asking can you change the undlying .mdf & .ldf files for system databases?
Also, are there any issues going from Windows Server 2000 to Windows Server 2003?
Has anyone here been having issues where SQL Server Management Server will sometimes ignore selected text and run all scripts on the current tab?
This has been happening most recently after a connection times out or is forced shut. From a disconnected tab, if I add "Use Master" at the bottom of a page full of script, it will often run ALL statements starting from the first line.
I have SP2 installed which rolls management server to 9.00.2047.00 - but this has been an issue for me even before SP1 & SP2.
I can find nothing in the knowledge base regarding this, but perhaps my search string wasn't very thorough.
I'd just like to know if others are experience this issue so I can report to MS.
I want to replace every single 1/1/1900 date I have in my system with null, on an entire database level. I never want them, they cause multiple issues, and I need them gone.
I have made a trigger on a test table that works for inserts, but not updates:
CREATE TRIGGER UpdateDate ON test FOR INSERT AS IF EXISTS (select * FROM inserted WHERE CheckDate ='1/1/1900') BEGIN UPDATE test SET CheckDate=Null FROM test T INNER JOIN inserted I ON T.AutoID=I.AutoID WHERE I.CheckDate='1/1/1900' END
Also, it only works on this table, and the specific field mentioned.
I am looking for a global, databse level trigger that will replace 1/1/1900 with null whenever it appears from an insert, or an update statement.
I'm a newbie to script writing. I'm trying to write a script to copy alldata from a table to the same table in a 2nd database. Both databases areon the same server and are identical in design. I can do this with DTS butwanted a script I could email to a user to run in Query Analyzer.Example:Copy entire table called 'Customers' in the 'Data01' database totable 'Customers' in the 'Data02' databaseI want to overwrite all data in the destination table.Thanks
I'm using the following query to look in a log file and show somestatistics. It counts the total number of views and the total numberof unique users who have viewed a particular item (the "id" and"title" fields are associated with the item).SELECT title, COUNT(id) AS NumberViews, COUNT(DISTINCT UID) ASNumberUniqueUsers, Type, idFROM ActivityLogWHERE dtTime >= 'Nov 1 2004 12:00AM' AND DtTime <= 'Nov 1 200512:00AM'GROUP BY Title, Type, hdnIdORDER BY TopViewed descThis works fine on SQL Server 2000 (our development machine), but onSQL Server 7 (our production machine), the title column has the samevalue for every row. The other columns show the correct values.If I remove the "ORDER BY" clause, then it works fine. If I removethe "COUNT(DISTINCT UID)" column, it works fine. If I totally removethe WHERE clause, it works fine.Any ideas? It seems like a bug since it works fine on sql2k. I'vetried adding OPTION (MAXDOP 1) to the end of the query, but thatdidn't help.We're using SQL Server 7.0 sp1, and my boss doesn't want to riskupgrading to sp4 because it might screw up all of our otherapplications. I looked through all of the sp2 through sp4 bug fixes,and I didn't see anything specifically mentioning this.Thanks.
The problem that I am having is that I am not getting the results from an entire table, just a small subset. The sql command is "Select * from login", which has always implied to me, get everything, to end of table, or, until I tell you to stop. I am getting exactly, 10 items as input, and then it stops. I am including the code below in the hopes that someone can spot what it is that I am doing wrong.
The purpose of the routine is to convert a user login database into a new, expanded format.
TIA, Tom
Imports Common.Utility.Utils
Partial Class UserDatabaseConversion
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim sqlConn As SqlConnection = getSQLConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("utilityDbName"))
Dim sqlConnN As SqlConnection = getSQLConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("utilityDbName"))
Dim sqlStringOld As String = "Select * from login"
Dim sqlStringNew As String = "usp_UT_AddNewUser"
Dim buildCnt As Integer = 0
Dim oldUserCnt As Integer = 0
Dim newUserCnt As Integer = 0
Dim oLocation As String = Nothing
Dim errors As Integer = 0
Dim mesg As String = Nothing
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load