Running Create Replication Script

Feb 25, 2006

I am about to replace a SQL Server which is replicated to about 25 computers. The replacement PC (and SQL Server) will have the same name. I intend to generate a Create Replication Script before shutting down the old PC and to run it on the new one.

Should I also create and use a Remove Replication script and run it on the old PC before shutting it down? I am thinking that I might need to do this to remove Replication infromation from the subcribers before running the Create script.

In other words, is it OK (or not OK) to run the Create script with the subcribers already in existence? Is there possibly a way to run the Create script on the sever and skip updating of the subcribers?


Dick Campbell

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Replication Issues After A Database Restore - Unable To Drop Or Create Transactional Replication

Sep 13, 2007

Hi,I have transactional replication set up on on of our MS SQL 2000 (SP4)Std Edition database serverBecause of an unfortunate scenario, I had to restore one of thepublication databases. I scripted the replication module and droppedthe publication first. Then did a full restore.When I try to set up the replication thru the script, it created thepublication with the following error messageServer: Msg 2714, Level 16, State 5, Procedure SYNC_FCR ToGPRPTS_GL00100, Line 1There is already an object named 'SYNC_FCR To GPRPTS_GL00100' in thedatabase.It seems the previous replication has set up these system viewsSYNC_FCR To GPRPTS_GL00100. And I have tried dropping the replicationmodule again to see if it drops the views but it didn't.The replication fails with some wired error & complains about thisviews when I try to run the synch..I even tried running the sp_removedbreplication to drop thereplication module, but the views do not seem to disappear.My question is how do I remove these system views or how do I make thereplication work without using these views or create new views.. Whyis this creating those system views in the first place?I would appreciate if anyone can help me fix this issue. Please feelfree to let me know if any additional information or scripts needed.Thanks in advance..Regards,Aravin Rajendra.

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Publisher Is Empty Under Replication Monitor - Publisher.! But Replication Is Still Running Fine..

Nov 9, 2006

I have a wired situation..!I set up transactional replication on one of my development server (SQL2000 Dev Edition with sp4).It is running fine without any issues and all of a sudden, i noticed inmy repication monitor tab under Publisher where I usually see thepublication is empty now.I do see the snapshot agent, log reader and distribution agent under myagents inside the replication Monitor. But its usefull to see all 3agents in one window under publisher before. What happend? Is there anyway to get that inside that monitor? Has someone encountered thissitation before? Please advise....After that I tried to create a new set of replication on differentdatabase on the same server and i dont see those either underReplication Monitor - Publishers....All it says is (No Items)....I would appreciate any help to correct this issue... Thanks in advance..

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Running Replication Jobs

Oct 27, 2005

Hi all,

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C#: Running DDL To Create Functions.

Jul 23, 2005

Greetings All, I was hoping that someone out there has seen a problemsimilar to the one I am seeing. I have one file with several "createfunction" statements in it. When I try to run it through C# I geterrors because it does not like the "GO" statements.Second, when I break them up into individual files and then call themfrom C# and try to execute them I get funky results if there is avariable in an update statement. C# gets back to me that the variablemust be declared?TFD

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Running Out Of Disk Space With Replication

Jun 22, 2004

We've got an internal database that replicates with another database server for our website.

Not all tables are replicated, some use merge and the others are snapshot based and published regularly to the public website facing server.

However, there's a lot of data (well, large textual data) that's being transferred and it seems to be generating massive log files that continue to grow and grow.

I'm fairly new to adminning an SQL Server box, so was wondering if anyone can tell me what the best way to keep it under control is? I've heard its possible to truncate the logs, effectively deleting any data that has already been processed by subscribing servers etc.?

As I said, I'm very much new to this and would really appreciate some guidance, if only to the right part of the SQL Server Books Online :)


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SQL 2012 :: Replication Log Reader Not Running

Apr 30, 2015

In ReplMon, some Log Reader agent jobs display as "not running". Rigt-clicking on it the only option is to "Stop" the agent. Seems to me if it's NOT RUNNING you should be able to Start it but that option is disabled. Also, looking at the Agent Job Activity Monitor on the distribution server it says that the job is currently executing.

Running the Replication Agents Checkup job yields nothing and those jobs are still "not running". I can easily Stop/Start the Log Reader in ReplMon or insert a tracer token and then all looks fine. I'm just puzzled by the inconsistency and wondering how I can programmatically check and resolve it.

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Problem On Running Replication On Pocket Pc

Mar 14, 2006

hi i tried to view a replication on a pocket pc app that i created. and i used the following code

private void Sync()
public string AppPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase);
SqlCeReplication repl = new SqlCeReplication();

repl.InternetUrl = @"http://naomi/sqlmobile/sqlcesa30.dll";
repl.Publisher = @"Naomi";
repl.PublisherDatabase = @"SQLMobile";
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.DBAuthentication;
repl.PublisherLogin = @"sa";
repl.PublisherPassword = @"<...>";
repl.Publication = @"SQLMobile";
repl.Subscriber = @"SQLMobile";
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = @"Data Source=""" + AppPath + @"SqlMobile.sdf"";Max Database Size=128;Default Lock Escalation =100;";
catch (SqlCeException e)

when i run it i keep on getting the error:
The SQL Mobile Subscription already exists. Publisher, PublisherDatabase, and Publication for this subscription should be different from any existing subscription.

However, i can still view the contents of the datagrid that refers to the database subscription.

1. What should i do in order to stop getting the error above?
2. If i edit the contents of the datagrid in the pocket pc app how will i update the replication in the sql server? thanks

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Viewing Change To The Subscriber Database While Replication Is Running

Oct 18, 2007

I am doing replication through after creating the publication in server and subscription in client. But i want to know how can we view the transactions that are happening to the both databases through the code...If anybody knows please help me....

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Running Create Scripts For Database, Tables And Procedures

Jul 7, 2005

Hi there,I am trying to create a Sql Server 2005 Express database by running Sql Scripts. I have a script that has CREATE statements for tables and procedures. What I'd like it to do is create a new database with a name and a file location I specify.I searched high and low, tried lots of options with the SqlCmd tool but I keep getting authentication or other errors.Is this even possible? If so, does someone know of a good reference? I know I can create a new database and tables from within VWD but I need to create this database based on a .sql file....Thanks in advance....Imar

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Using Log Shipping. Is It Safe To Create Normal Backups While It's Running?

May 8, 2007


I plan to use Log Shipping on SQL 2000 to have warm standby database. I understand current procedure but have a question wether I can do full normal backups of my database server without screwing up my Log Shipping process? Also can I do transaction log backups as well (separate from the ones used for log shipping)?

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Data Synchronization Accross Multiple Servers Running Replication

Apr 19, 2007


We have an environment with 7 servers that are running replication with one another and I'm wondering if there are any tools or experiences that any of you might have that may assist in the auditing of these servers. The data should be in synch accross the boards for all tables, but sometimes problems can arise such as replication not being set up properly, stored procedure's being out of synch, or data gliches etc.

In dealing with these issues we have an in-house written program which analises each table on each server and takes a snapshot and does column by column compare. We also have another program that will synch the data up (basically a delete/insert statement on the publisher). This process can take up to 3 weeks for our quarterly update of every table. I'm wondering if anybody has used any tools such as in SSIS or a third party tool and has done or is doing something similar to what we are doing now. If so, are there any tips you wouldn't mind sharing on how our process might be sped up?



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Create Store Procedure To Put Information Of Running Code Into New Table?

Jan 20, 2012

I have a code that is working, and want to create a store procedure in order to put the information of the running code into a new table.

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Replication Problem After Running For 24 Hours With Action Msg Could Not Query Row Metadata At The 'Subscriber'

Sep 9, 2006

We are currently using a Merged replication and Push subscriber to replicate the databse from DB1 to DB2 every hours. The replication process successed for first 20 hours but we found that the replication process cannot be completed after 20 hours with the following error codes:

Action Code Last Action Msg

4 The process could not query row metadata at the 'Subscriber'

363 The process could not deliver insert(s) at the 'Subscriber'.

Thanks million for your kindly help!!!

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How Can I Create Replication

Jul 15, 2005


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Replication :: Cannot Create Snapshot

Jun 3, 2015

We have a database which was replicated with merge replication. we added a few table and a field to another. When I try to create the snapshot I get:

An error was raised during trigger execution. The batch has been aborted and the user transaction, if any, has been rolled back. 

I have detached and re-attached the db, removed all triggers from the tables, and still I cannot recreate the snapshot the last step before the error as listed in the monitor is generating all procedures for all table articles 49%.

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Replication Error With Sqlserver Mobile:A Request To Send Data To The Computer Running IIS Is Failed, See Hrresult

Jan 27, 2006

I have smilar kind of an issue with replication. I had sucessfully done replication with Sqlce2.0 on sql server 2000. In development machine I had VS 2003, sqlce development tools.

Now I use the same code done in VS 2003 into VS2005, it sucessfully converted the code.

In server machine (win 2003) I installed sql server 2000, sql server 2000 service pack 4, SP4 merge replication components, sql server 2005 mobile server tools and .Net framework 2.0. Created pubication sucessfuly. In this machine I configured IIS as per the web synchronization wizard. Gave anyonymous permissions. Virual direcory is created sucessfully. I tested the server agent in IE http://myservername/aliasname/sqlcesa30.dll.

 SQL Server Mobile Server Agent 3.0 is shown

My application opened successfuly in windows mobile 5.0 Pocket PC emulator. When try to sync its dislays error "A request to send data to the computer running IIS is failed, see Hrresult"

No firewall in both development and server machines.

The same code works if its sqlce20 perfectly with vs2003 code. Not in this

Can anyone tell me whats wrong in this?



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Replication - Can Not Create Publication Database

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,I am trying to use Enterprise Manager Wizard to create a newPublication database but I got the following message.Error 2812: Could not find stored procedureMyDB.dbo.sp_MSadd_logreader_agentThere seems that some replication stored procedures.Any help?Thanks in Advance

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Can Not Create New Replication After Changing Server Name

Dec 5, 2005

After i changed my computer's name(eg. the original computer name is 'SERVER-1',I has changed it to 'SERVER-2'),I can not create a new replication in SQL Server 2005.The error message :

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Replication :: Not Create New Constraint Range For Subscriber

Jul 14, 2015

I have a merge replication in place.  I increased the identity_range to 100000 for a table.  I have done this both ways, via the properties of the publication on SSMS, and via TSQL.  I have call sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange.  Then I recreated the sanpshot.  EXEC sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange @table_name = N'Label', @table_owner = N'caseup';but after synchronization, the range defined in the table's constraint has not changed and now all of the identity values are used up.  All inserts are failing.What needs to be done to force the publisher to recreate the identity range on a subscriber(s).

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Unable To Create Replication Publisher W2k3sql2000sp3a

Nov 27, 2006


I`m trying to setup our sql2000 sp3a sql server as a Publisher.When i use the wizard to config Publishing and Distribution wizard. I recieve the following error:

Sql Enterprise manager could not configure server as the distributor. Error 14133 Could not execute instdist.sql. Check instdist.out in the install directory.

I`ve checked the install directory and cannot find the file instdist.out file. I assume that it failed before completeing this stage.

Has anyone come across this error before and any ideas on how to resolve would be appreciated.
Thanks in Advance,


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How To Create Merge Replication With Latest Update Always From Subscribers

May 13, 2006

Hi ,

I am trying to create Replication Topology (Merge Replication) like below.

Subscriber1 --> Publisher <-- Subscriber2.

I have created both subscribers with Subscription Type as Server with Priority as 75. I am updating the Column A of Row_10 in Subscriber1 on time say 11 am. After i am running the Starting synchronizing agent from Subscriber1. The value propagated to Publisher now publisher contains the latest value in Column A. Uptonow the Subscriber2 is not synchronized with Publisher.

Now in Subscriber2 also Column A of Row_10 is updated say at 11.10 am. Actually now Publisher contains the value from Subscriber1 for that Column and in Subscriber2 we have the same column updated.

Now i am running the Synchronization in Subscriber2, i am getting the result which is not expected. Here Publisher's value is propagated to Subscriber2. But as per real scenario Subscriber2 has the Latest value which is updated on 11.10 AM.

I don't know what am i missing here. Actually merge replication should see the time stamp and it has to decide winner. But here it always considers publisher as a winner and puts the data to Subscriber.

Can anyone help ?

Thanks in advance

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Application Locks Up When Trying To Write To Db After A Replication Where I Create The Database.

Jan 3, 2008

Hello all,

When I create a new database and replicate to it using BeginMonitoredBackgroundSync :

Code Block

public void BeginMonitoredBackgroundSync(string User)

private void CreateReplicationInstance(string User)
repl = new SqlCeReplication();
string host = repl.HostName;
repl.HostName = User;
string dbFilePath = "";

dbFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase) +
"\" + repl.HostName + ".sdf";
string myConnectionString = string.Format("Data Source = {0};PWD = {1}", dbFilePath, sqlSettings.Items["SqlPassword"]);

repl.InternetUrl = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["InternetUrl"];
repl.PublisherSecurityMode = SecurityType.DBAuthentication;
repl.Publisher = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["Publisher"];
repl.PublisherDatabase = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["PublisherDatabase"];
repl.PublisherLogin = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["PublisherLogin"];
repl.PublisherPassword = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["PublisherPassword"];
repl.Publication = dynamicsReplicationSettings.ReplicationSettingsItems["Publication"];

repl.Subscriber = "RemoteSubscription" + repl.HostName;
repl.SubscriberConnectionString = myConnectionString;

repl.ConnectionRetryTimeout = 120;
repl.LoginTimeout = 120;
repl.CompressionLevel = 6;

if (File.Exists(dbFilePath))
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(dbFilePath);
if (info.Length <= 20480)


After the replication finishes, I dispose the replication object like so:

Code Block

void OnAsyncSynchronizeComplete(IAsyncResult asyncResult)

if (repl != null)
repl = null;

if (ReplicationComplete != null) ReplicationComplete(this, true);
catch(Exception ex)
if (ReplicationComplete != null) ReplicationComplete(ex, false);


Then later, if I try to update, insert or delete to the database, the application will hang. I can read from it, but I cannot write. If I close the application down and open it back up without replicating, I will not get any lockups. It also will not hang up after any replications prior to the create replication. I think I am doing something wrong in the initial replication that is holding on to some connection to the DB causing it to lock up. Has anyone seen anything like this before?

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Replication :: Failing To Create Subscription For One Node But Working For Other Nodes

Oct 12, 2015

Merge replication fails on one node with error. The merge process could not update the list of subscriptions.

(Source: MSSQL_REPL, Error number: MSSQL_ REPL-2147201010)
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.sysmergepublications' with unique index 'nc1sysmergepublications'.

The duplicate key value is . (Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 2601)The subscription could not be created.

(Source: MSSQLServer, Error number: 14057) works fine on other subscribers.

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Setting Up Replication On SQL Server 2000 Using Distributor Running On SQL Server 2005

Jul 6, 2006


I have a setup where I need to replicate the database which is actually subscribing from another database. The current setup is all in SQL Server 2000. I need to now setup a Distrbutor on a SQL server 2005 and publish the database using this distributor to another server on SQL server 2000.

Has anybody done this before. If yes what will I need to check. Can you please let me know :-

1) SQL Server 2000 which SP should be installed to support this enviroment.

2) SQL Server 2005 which SP should be installed to support this environment.

3) Any thing that I need to look out for.

Thanks for any inputs on this.


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TempDB Log File Running Out Of Free Space While Running DBCC CheckDB On Large Database

May 28, 2015

In my environment, there is maintenance plan configured on one of the server and while running DBCC checkdb on a database of size around 200GB, log file usage of tempdb is increasing and causing the maintenance job to fail.

What can I do to make the maintenance job run successfully, size of the tempdb database is only 50GB and recovery model is set to simple. It cannot be increased as the mount point on which it is residing is 50GB.

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How To Kill A Long Running Query Running On A Background Thread.

Sep 1, 2006

If I start a long running query running on a background thread is there a way to abort the query so that it does not continue running on SQL server?

The query would be running on SQL Server 2005 from a Windows form application using the Background worker component. So the query would have been started from the background workers DoWork event using If the user clicks an abort button in the UI I would want the query to die so that it does not continue to use sql server resources.

Is there a way to do this?


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Stored Proc Is Running Much Slower Than Running The Script Directly

Mar 14, 2008

One of my stored procs, taking one parameter, is running about 2+ minutes. But if I run the same script in the stored proc with the same parameter hardcoded, the query only runs in a couple of seconds. The execution plans are different as well. Any reason why this could happen? TIA.

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Can Not Get Sqlcmd And Unable To Create Peer-to-peer Replication.

Sep 12, 2007

Hi, Pros,

I am new to SQL server 2005. We have installed SQL server 2005 cluster. I tried to setup peer-to-peer replication with another standard server. Unfortunately, when I creating publication, I got error message : SQL server cound not configure "MyServer" as a Distributor [New publication Wizard] Additional information: An exception occurred whild executing a Transact_SQL statement or batch.
The Server "Myserveris already defined as a Distributor. To reconfigure the server as a Distributor, you must first uninstall the exisitingDistributor. Use the stored procedure sp_dropdistributor, or use the Disable Publishing and Distribution Wizard. Changed database context to 'master'. [Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 14099]

I tried to use sqlcmd and I got another error message:
HResult 0x2, Level 16, State 1
Named Pipes Provider: Could not open a connection to SQL Server [2].
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : An error has occurred while establi
shing a connection to the server. When connecting to SQL Server 2005, this failu
re may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not
allow remote connections..
Sqlcmd: Error: Microsoft SQL Native Client : Login timeout expired.

Does anyone have any idea how to get the sqlcmd work?

Thank you in advance.

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SQL 2005 Error: Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: Agent (null) Failed.

Jun 15, 2007

I'm getting this, after upgrading from 2000 to 2005.Replication-Replication Distribution Subsystem: agent (null) failed.The subscription to publication '(null)' has expired or does notexist.The only suggestions I've seen are to dump all subscriptions. Sincewe have several dozen publications to several servers, is there adecent way to script it all out, if that's the only suggestion?Thanks in advance.

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Adding New Table In Replication And Changing One Column Replication Database

Jan 17, 2002


In my production box is running on SQL7.0 with Merge replication and i want add one more table and i want add one more column existing replication table. Any body guide me how to add .This is very urgent

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DBCC OPENTRAN Shows REPLICATION On A Server That Is Not Configured For Replication

Aug 22, 2007


I have this problem on a Production database.

DBCC OPENTRAN shows "REPLICATION" on a server that is not configured for replication. The transaction log is almost as large as the database (40GB) with a Simple recovery model. I would like to find out how the log can be truncated in such a situation.

Thank you.

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Identity Range Managed By Replication Is Full And Must Be Updated By A Replication Agent. Error Message Makes NO SENSE.

Mar 6, 2007

Hello,I'm getting the following error message when I try add a row using aStored Procedure."The identity range managed by replication is full and must be updatedby a replication agent".I read up on the subject and have tried the following solutionsaccording to MSDN without any luck.( )sp_adjustpublisheridentityrange ( ) has no effectFor Testing:I've reloaded everything from scratch, created the pulications from byrunning the sql scripts generated,created replication snapshots andstarted the agents.I've checked the current Identity values in the Agent Table:DBCC CHECKIDENT ('Agent', NORESEED)Checking identity information: current identity value '18606', currentcolumn value '18606'.I check the Table to make sure there will be no conflicts with theprimary key:SELECT AgentID FROM Agent ORDER BY AgentID DESC18603 is the largest AgentID in the table.Using the Table Article Properties in the Publications PropertiesDialog, I can see values of:Range Size at Publisher: 100,000Range Size at Subscribers: 100New range @ percentage: 80In my mind this means that the Publisher will assign a new range whenthe Current Indentity value goes over 80,000?The Identity range for this table cannot be exhausted! I'm not surewhat to try next.Please! any insight will be of great help!Regards,Bm

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