I'm calling a PHP page that run a stored procedure. The SP contains a xp_cmdshell command that runs a DTS package. This DTS package is HUGE and will take many hours to import tables from an Oracle database to SQL Server. But I don't want my PHP page to "hang" in the process...
How can I execute my PHP page and refresh it every 30 seconds to see if the importation is done ? In my actual code, I create a "start_file.txt" when I begin the importation and a "end_file.txt" when it's done. I want to refresh every 30 seconds to see if the "end_file.txt" is created and display a "Importation Done!" message.
To be able to do that, I need the DTS Package to run in the background of the web server, or asynchronously from my PHP page.
Simple (stupid) question: is it possible to create a SP to call my main SP so it will run independently ??
Let's review some of my code here.
Part of my PHP page:
$DTS_result = $dbj->Execute(mssql_query("EXECUTE Run_DTS_Packages"));
My Stored procedure (without username & password...):
exec master.dbo.xp_cmdshell 'C:Progra~1Micros~380ToolsBinnISQL.EXE -S RHEA -U user -P pwd -Q "ISQL_Batch ''D:DDFIImporteIMPICAFI.bat''" -n -d DDFI'
If I start a long running query running on a background thread is there a way to abort the query so that it does not continue running on SQL server?
The query would be running on SQL Server 2005 from a Windows form application using the Background worker component. So the query would have been started from the background workers DoWork event using ado.net. If the user clicks an abort button in the UI I would want the query to die so that it does not continue to use sql server resources.
I am running two jobs background using SQL agent. There was a power shut down and the two job i was running in back groung were cancelled leaving the below message
The job was stopped prior to completion by Shutdown Sequence 0.
Can any one tell me why this happened although I am running them in back ground.
I am not sure where the servers are located and if they are located in the same bulding .. do u think it is bcoz of tis power shut down only?
I am a bit hazy on what exactly are background jobs with respect to SQL. Can someone provide or point me to an example which will help me return some results for the view "sys.dm_exec_background_job_queue". I understand that because background jobs may be short lived it is not quite easy to view or capture them. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks, Karun
I would like to know how can I put some static text in the background of my report. I thought that it should be as easy as placing textbox, fillling it with text value and setting ZIndex. Everything is OK in ReportViewer control and when I save rendered report as PDF file (text is behind other fields, for example behind table). But when I save my report in Excel format (*.xls) text is placed below other objects, not behind them as it should be.
We are developing a embedded system based on Windows CE 5 and SQL Server CE 3 in C++ where we need to do merge replication in background while the front end application still need to perform operations on the database. A solution would be to run the merge replication on a separate thread while the application thread still can access the database to do inserts and updates. I have been researching if it is possible to access the database with queries during a merge replication, but I can not find an answere. Does anyone have experience of this and generally know if it is possible to implement with SQL Server CE 3 in the native API?
I have a strong SQL background, but have never worked on MS SQL 2000. I have a deadline to create a file by the end of the week.
I need to extract data from a table within one of the data files on our server. I need to then output that data into a text format and place it into a folder under the C: Drive.
I have been able to create my SQL statements using the Query Analyzer and have had success in generating the results into a crude text file using the Print Statement with a variable that contains the concatenated data fields and the results to file option. Now that the SQL produces the data required, I need to know how to automate the SQL to run every night and how to achieve the "results to file" when executing the SQL.
I did figure out somewhat how to schedule a job, however I am unsure if in the Command box for the step I can just enter my SQL Text. In addition, I could not find any way to indicate where I want the results to go.
Any thing from suggestions of what to read to outright step by step directions would be greatly appreciated.
SQL Server 2000 Ent, PowerBuilder 6.5 Ent, Window 2000 ProHi,My only experience is with Oracle,so please bear with me...We have some new clients that require our pricing data be importedinto their Sql Server databases. The price lists are in Excel files,which we recieve from numerous vendors on a quarterly basis.In Oracle we take the following steps:1. Import this data into tempory tables using bulk import utilitycalled sqlLoader.2. Then we have procedures that parse in the data to our various pricetables.3. Next we export the tables to a '.dmp' file. (contains table dataand table definitions I think).4. Then the clients download the .dmp file5. Our client application is then used to drop the price tables ontheir local db. and import the .dmp file.Can anyone point me in the right direction by telling me how toapproach this using SQL Server?Thanks,Karen
I am trying to do something where I say look through the row. When you come across the word "Start" color that box green and color all other boxes to the right in that row green as well until you come upon the word "stop". Is this possible? If I am not making sense just let me know and I will try to explain better. Thanks in advance for any help that I get.
I have a DTS Package that I am running from a command line via .bat file. Does anyone know if there is a command to have the command window minimized or running in the background? I used the /Rep N command but that still leaves the window open until the package has executed.
Has anyone been successful in background printing of reports? I have set up the Printer Delivery Sample and get as far as attempting to schedule a report. I get a message that the printer is not installed. The printer in question is the default printer on my report server. Are there any other methods available for background printing of reports using RS 2000 and Windows 2003.
I am using toggle visibility feature in one of my reports and I am trying to change the background color of some cells when I toggle the view. Please help, any help will be appreciated.
Hi, i've downloaded a membership and roles provider but i am very new to ado.net. I have come from asp background. Here's my code:public override void AddUsersToRoles(string[] usernames, string[] rolenames) { // Validate arguments foreach (string rolename in rolenames) if (!this.RoleExists(rolename)) throw new ProviderException("Role name not found"); foreach (string username in usernames) { if (username.IndexOf(',') > 0) throw new ArgumentException("User names cannot contain commas."); foreach (string rolename in rolenames) { if (IsUserInRole(username, rolename)) throw new ProviderException("User is already in role."); } } SqlConnection db = this.OpenDatabase(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO UsersInRoles (UserName, RoleName) VALUES (@UserName, @RoleName)", db); cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100); cmd.Parameters.Add("@RoleName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100); SqlTransaction tran = null; try { tran = db.BeginTransaction(); cmd.Transaction = tran; foreach (string username in usernames) { foreach (string rolename in rolenames) { cmd.Parameters["@UserName"].Value = username; cmd.Parameters["@RoleName"].Value = rolename; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } tran.Commit(); } catch { tran.Rollback(); throw; } finally { db.Close(); }}private SqlConnection OpenDatabase() { SqlConnection DB = new SqlConnection(this.connectionString); DB.Open(); return DB;}
On Win2000 server running SQL 2000 Enterprise edition, should the advanced setting on performance options for Win2000 be set for running background services or applications?
I am working with a report created by someone else using SQL Reporting Services. In layout view the background for the body of the report is set ti transparent; however, when I preview the report using print preview the background or margins of the pages are appearing as black - text boxes, tables, etc. appear according to the properties that have been set. As soon as I change the background color to say white the print preview looks fine. Is this normal or is there a setting somewhere that controls this?
Hello, I'd like to use a background picture in my report and I have some problems with its resolution. When it is 72 dpi the quality of printed background picture is very bad and when the resolution is 300 dpi a picture does not hold in one sheet of report. Help me please.
I have a report with a chart that utilizes both colors and background patterns to distinguish various pieces of data.
The background patterns work great (they are very clear and provide excellent contrast) when viewed in the report viewer or printed straight from the report viewer.
However, when I export to PDF, the background patterns become compressed and small, almost to the point of being too small to distinguish that there is a pattern at all. The result ends up being what appears to be just a different shade of the background color. This is particularly a problem when you then print the PDF on paper, since hatching patterns are similar to how printers create different shades in the first place.
I am somewhat suspicious that this might have to do with resolution settings for PDF exports. If I could lower the resolution, perhaps the patterns would not become so tight and compressed. Below are examples of what I'm describing:
Have you ever tried the following: change the background color of your body to any other color than white and deploy it. You will see that that body background color is still white.
I'm working on a dashboard which is black so I really need to get this working.
I have a Matrix report in SSRS and have added the subtotal in the report. Now I would like to change the color of the subtotal to a different color than the matrix report cells. However when I change the color, only the subtotal cell changes color and not the whole row which includes the summarised total. Is it possible to color the entire row in the matrix report?
Is there any way I can set the background colour for an image in a table cell (or even for a non-embedded image for that matter)? I always seem to get a white background.
When you set a row's hidden property to true, RS writes a white row. Is there a way to keep the background color the same is it was before the row was hidden and just not display the data?
I have a background image I'm using as a form within my report. the problem is that I needed to reduce the resolution of the image to 96 dpi in order to work with it and line things up within the ssrs/vs2005 report editor. However because the image is only 96 dpi, it looks awful when I go to print. Is there a way I can make it use a different higher resolution version of this image for printing.. or what would someone suggest I do in order to get around this problem..
I have requirement, In my chart report target(Dased Lines) and Below average lines are there, I want to set below average line values background color Pink color like below diagram. How can we achive the below requirement in SSRS 2012.
Note: Pink Color of Below Average Value based on expression.
This one is driving me crazy. I have followed several steps given in examples both online and in the four SRS books I own to no avail. I have created a new report.rdl template and have all the required features for our company needs, except placing the company logo as a background image in watermark style (similar to the Company Sales report that comes with the SRS report samples). I right-click on the body and in properties set the image name (URHCSlogo), it defaults to external, but I can not get it to be embedded and it will not let me set the mimetype. Could someone please give me a step-by-step method to do this? Thanks!
I have a co-worker who applied build 3161 to SQL Server 2005. The original problem was that the print preview was showing up as black.This is a documented issue with Microsoft here:
Now, when she goes into expression builder, the foreground AND background color for what you type in there appears to be white... so everything shows up as invisible. You can highlight the text you type and it shows up but otherwise it is obviously invisible.