Running Dynamic Queries

Jan 1, 2006

I'm creating a search function right now and I'm running into a problem where my search function doesn't know what fields the user will search for, and therefore doesn't know whether or not to put quote marks around specific values or not.

For example, somebody might search for somebody else with year of birth in which case I might have a query:

SELECT userid FROM users WHERE yob = 1970

but somebody else might search for a name, in which case I need

SELECT userid FROM users WHERE first_name = 'Andrew'

or somebody else might search for both and need

SELECT userid FROM users WHERE yob = 1970 AND first_name = 'Andrew'

I'm accomplishing this by having the function (this is in PHP) take an array as an argument, where the key is the MySQL column and the value is the required value for that column. So in the 3rd example, it would be a 2-item array:

yob => 1970
first_name => 'Andrew'

And then cycling through that and dynamically creating a MySQL query based on the received array.

So... my problem is finding a way to specify when quote marks are required and when they're not. Is there any way to just have MySQL default to the format of the column? Also, if anybody thinks this isn't the right way to create a search function, let me know because I'm new at this .


PS: Right now what I'm doing is I'm creating arrays that include names of columns that do and don't need quote marks. Then in construcing the MySQL statement I'm checking to see which array a column is in, and making the quote decision based on that.

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Dynamic Queries

Dec 8, 2006


This question has been asked probably million times, but it sems that I cannod find right answer on search engines.

I need to send parameters to my stored procedure, but not only parameters. For example in where clause I have something like:

where myID = 12

I need to be able to filter results on myID, but one time I need it to be eqal to 12 and other time I need it to be different (<>)  from 12. Some time I even need to add another condition like myID2 = 1. Can I solve this without additional procedures?

 I believe that I saw solution in 3-Tier ArchitectureTutorial Series few weeks ago but it seems that something changed, and I cannot find it anymore. Can anyone help?

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SUM Of Dynamic Queries

Mar 29, 2005

I am trying to get the sum of two dynamic queriesThat is:EXEC('SELECT COUNT(id) as subtotal1...) + EXEC('SELECT COUNT(id) as subtotal2...)If I assign to a variable, say @total, I get errors or NULLs.  Is there a workaround?Thanks in advance for your comments

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Dynamic Queries

Mar 19, 2007


I have a parameter in the url to the report. According to that parameter, I need to change the query. For example, url = http://localhost/reportserver?param1=A

if Param1=A, then I need to use query1 for the report

if param1 = B, then I need to use query2 for the report.

I would like to know if I can do this. If not, is there any other way to build query dynamically in the report.


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How Can I See Which Queries Are Currently Running?

Feb 5, 2008

Looking at perfmon, I can see that SQL Server 2005 is running the CPU near 100% -- but I don't know what it's doing. How can I see a list of the queries that are currently executing?

Better yet, is there a more general "what is the database busy with right now" diagnostic tool somewhere? (I know I can capture a trace, but that won't show me what's already running, AFAIK.)

Thanks for any help...

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Parameterized Queries Running Slower Than Non-parameterized Queries

Jul 20, 2005

HelloWhen I use a PreparedStatement (in jdbc) with the following query:SELECT store_groups_idFROM store_groupsWHERE store_groups_id IS NOT NULLAND type = ?ORDER BY group_nameIt takes a significantly longer time to run (the time it takes forexecuteQuery() to return ) than if I useSELECT store_groups_idFROM store_groupsWHERE store_groups_id IS NOT NULLAND type = 'M'ORDER BY group_nameAfter tracing the problem down, it appears that this is not preciselya java issue, but rather has to do with the underlying cost of runningparameterized queries.When I open up MS Enterprise Manager and type the same query in - italso takes far longer for the parameterized query to run when I usethe version of the query with bind (?) parameters.This only happens when the table in question is large - I am seeingthis behaviour for a table with > 1,000,000 records. It doesn't makesense to me why a parameterized query would run SLOWER than acompletely ad-hoc query when it is supposed to be more efficient.Furthermore, if one were to say that the reason for this behaviour isthat the query is first getting compliled and then the parameters aregetting sent over - thus resulting in a longer percieved executiontime - I would respond that if this were the case then A) it shouldn'tbe any different if it were run against a large or small table B) thisperformance hit should only be experienced the first time that thequery is run C) the performance hit should only be 2x the time for thenon-parameterized query takes to run - the difference in response timeis more like 4-10 times the time it takes for the non parameterizedversion to run!!!Is this a sql-server specific problem or something that would pertainto other databases as well? I there something about the coorect use ofbind parameters that I overall don't understand?If I can provide some hints in Java then this would be great..otherwise, do I need to turn/off certain settings on the databaseitself?If nothing else works, I will have to either find or write a wrapperaround the Statement object that acts like a prepared statement but inreality sends regular Statement objects to the JDBC driver. I wouldthen put some inteligence in the database layer for deciding whetherto use this special -hack- object or a regular prepared statementdepending on the expected overhead. (Obviously this logic would onlybe written in once place.. etc.. IoC.. ) HOWEVER, I would desperatelywant to avoid doing this.Please help :)

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Best Way To Construct Dynamic Queries

Apr 17, 2008

I am working with a form that I wish to construct a dynamic query from the results of. The forum has a date range and two radio buttons. Each radio button enables a list of items that can be clicked. So for example, if we assume the question,

"What is your favorite food, and what toppings do you like on it?" where the radio buttons are foods, the list boxes are toppings. Assuming the user can choose a Hamburger or a Salad with generic toppings, their choices are as such:

They can choose a Hamburger, with every topping
They can choose a Hamburger with a single topping.
They can choose a Hamburger with multiple toppings.
They can choose a Salad with the same combinations as above.
They cannot choose both a Hamburger and a Salad - mutually exclusive items.

Then, I wish to construct a query that, based on the conditions above, retrieves information relavent to their criteria, such a the number of food items to choose from, their price, etc. - basic information. What is the most efficient way to do this? Should I write a stored procedure with numerous conditionals and all available parameters, constructing the sproc as such:

Code Snippet

@from datetime,
@to datetime,
@FoodType varchar(20),

@toppings varchar(20)


DECLARE @query varchar(300)
SET @query = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT ' + @FoodType + ') '

IF @FoodType = 'Hamburger'
SET @query = @query + 'FROM Hamburgers '

SET @query = @query + 'FROM Salads '

IF @toppings <> 'ALL'

SET @query = @query ' WHERE Toppings = ' + @toppings

EXEC (@query)

Apologies of this syntax is incorrect, but you get the general idea. Of course, this is a small example - in reality, I would have 5-10 conditional requirements Or, should I generate a stored procedure (or simple query) for each operation? For example, assuming each is a stored procedure:

GetHamburgers <-- would get Hamburgers with all toppings

What is the best method for what I wish to achieve? What is fastest? Is there a better way than I have listed? Thank you.

Again, this is a small example, but I hope someone can help.

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Select Into Using Dynamic Queries

May 5, 2008

I need to create a temporary table using dynamic queries and then i have to use the temporary table for data manipulatuion.

Can someone help me out on this.

sp_executesql N'Select top 1 * into #tmp from table1'
select * from #tmp

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Long Running Queries

Apr 3, 2008

1. could any one tell me in a simple way how to troubleshoot long running queries.
2.what is the default recovery model

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Long Running Queries

May 9, 2008


I want to find long running queries?

Can any one help me?

Prashant Hirani

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Running Series Of Queries At Once

Mar 27, 2015

I have a large number of relatively simple sql queries that each perform tests on different tables returning different columns and rows for each test.

I would like to be able to run all of these at once and get the output in a usable format.

Would it be possible to run a single query or store procedure which could perform each test then output the results from each test to a new sheet in excel?

Could it output the results of each test to individual csvs?

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Automation Of Running Queries

Jul 20, 2005

I have written quite a complex query in Query Analyser, now need toknow how to automate the running of the query to dump the results intoa flat file at scheduled times. Am an experienced Unix user, where itwould be quite simple but new to sql server, is there a relativelysimple way to do this?

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Delay In Running Queries

May 2, 2007

I have a problem in running queries.

I developed an application uses sqlserver 2005 express edition

I create all queries in storedprocedures.every things work perfect but some times I get long delay in running queries. but after some minutes it comes regular . I coudlnt find any relation between delay and time of comes by chance . also I set timeout for running query for 30 sec. but some times it took more than minutes.

what should I do?

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Help Using Dynamic Queries In Temp Table

Nov 20, 2006

The dynamic sql is used for link server. Can someone help. Im getting an error
( @LinkCompany nvarchar(50), @Page int, @RecsPerPage int )
--Create temp table
( ID int IDENTITY, Company nvarchar(50), AcctID int, IsActive bit )
INSERT INTO #TempTable (Name, AccountID, Active)
--dynamic sql
DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)
SET @sql = 'SELECT a.Name, a.AccountID, a.Active
                   FROM CRMSBALINK.' + @LinkCompany + '.dbo.AccountTable a
                   LEFT OUTER JOIN CRM2OA.dbo.GSCCustomer b
                   ON a.AccountID = b.oaAccountID
                   WHERE oaAccountID IS NULL
                   ORDER BY Name ASC'
EXEC sp_executesql @sql
--Find out the first and last record
DECLARE @FirstRec int
DECLARE @LastRec int
SELECT @FirstRec = (@Page - 1) * @RecsPerPage
SELECT @LastRec = (@Page * @RecsPerPage + 1)
--Return the set of paged records, plus an indication of more records or not
SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #TempTable TI WHERE TI.ID >= @LastRec) AS MoreRecords
FROM #TempTable
WHERE ID > @FirstRec AND ID < @LastRec
Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure GSCLink, Line 22
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'DECLARE'.

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Help In Writing Queries For The Dynamic Values

Mar 18, 2008

Hello, I really have a problem writing queries for the dynamic values.  i follow the below mentioned method to write the queries but its really confusing. ex:  str = "SELECT SO.Description,SO.DiscountPct,SO.Type,SO.Category,SO.StartDate,SO.EndDate,SO.MinQty,SO.MaxQty," +                       "S.Name AS ProductSubCategory,P.Name AS ProductName, C.Name AS ProductCategory FROM Production.Product P " +                       "INNER JOIN Production.ProductSubcategory S ON P.ProductSubcategoryID = S.ProductSubcategoryID " +                       "INNER JOIN Production.ProductCategory C ON S.ProductCategoryID = C.ProductCategoryID " +                       "INNER JOIN Sales.SpecialOfferProduct SOP ON P.ProductID = SOP.ProductID " +                       "INNER JOIN Sales.SpecialOffer SO ON SOP.SpecialOfferID = SO.SpecialOfferID " +                       "WHERE '" + txtStartDate.Text + "' between SO.StartDate AND SO.EndDate AND '" + txtEndDate.Text + "' BETWEEN SO.StartDate AND SO.EndDate " +                       "AND SO.Description Like '" + txtSpecialDesc.Text + "%'";  can anybody help me in writing the queries for dynamic values in an easy way. Thank you Sandeep Chavva  

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Help With Stored Procedures / Dynamic Queries

Jun 12, 2006

Hello, I'm trying to create a Stored Procedure who receives the table name as a parameter, then uses a cursor to obtain every column name and then builds a string like SELECT col1, col2, ... from TABLE

In fact that would be the same as SELECT * FROM table; but I can't do this, because I'll be using this stored procedure to loop through many tables that has different quantity of columns with a DTS, and if a specify the *, then the DTS wouldn't let me do the select with tables with different quantity of fields.

Could you help me please, because my code isn't working:

@tablename AS VARCHAR(50)


DECLARE @columnname varchar(50)
DECLARE @strsql Nvarchar(500)
DECLARE @query varchar(4000)


SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns
WHERE table_name = @tablename
FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @columnname
WHILE @@fetch_status = 0
IF (@strsql is null)
SET @strsql=@columnname
SET @strsql = @strsql + ',' + @columnname

FETCH NEXT FROM c1 INTO @columnname

SELECT @query = 'SELECT ' + @strsql + ' FROM ' + @tablename
EXEC @query


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Gererating Dynamic Queries During Run Time

Jun 26, 2007

How to Gererating Dynamic Queries During Run Time and execute the results

Thanks in advance


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Problem With Dynamic Queries In SQL Tasks

Mar 19, 2008

Hello, i have dynamic queries for example:

DECLARE @query nvarchar(250);
DECLARE @table nvarchar(100);
SET @table = 'table_name';

SET @query=
N'update '+@table+'
set column = 0
where column is null';
EXECUTE sp_executesql @query

SET @query=
N'update '+@table+'
set column2 = 0
where column2 is null';
EXECUTE sp_executesql @query

It is very simple example. My question is: it is possible somehow put these queries in SQL Tasks?
Because if i do like this i get error "The Declare cursor SQL construct or statement is not supported."
Maybe there is other way to solve my problem? Or maybe syntax should be changed?
Thanks for advice

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Problem Running Queries Of A Dataset

Jan 10, 2008

Could you please help me solving this problem?
I have a stored procedure called subscribe for inserting a new row to subscriptions table. Then I added a new query (nonquery) to my dataset called 'Subscribequery' for handling the stored procedure.
now, I want to run the query lke this:
 DataSet1TableAdapters.SubscribeQuery C = new DataSet1TableAdapters.SubscribeQuery();
C.Subscribe(Profile.UserName, Convert.ToInt32(Subscriptions.Rows[1].Cells[1].Text));
but nothing is added to table. what can I do?
Should I be looking for something like Update(dataset) method for my query?
 many thanks in advance

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Error 823 While Running Queries On A Database

Jan 11, 2002

Hi, I have the following error logged in SQL Server's error log whenever I run a query on a particular database :

2002-01-04 22:54:02.46 spid11 Error: 823, Severity: 24, State: 1 2002-01-04 22:54:02.46 spid11 I/O error 1117(The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.) detected during read of BUF pointer = 0x14eac480, page ptr = 0x73c94000, pageid = (0x1:0x158c89), dbid = 8, status = 0x801, file = d:mssql7datamydb.mdf..

2002-01-05 05:54:22.01 kernel SQL Server terminating because of system shutdown. 2002-01-05 05:54:22.14 kernel LogEvent: Failed to report the current event. Operating system error = 31(A device attached to the system is not functioning.).

and get this error in the Results pane of Query analyzer : Server: Msg 823, Level 24, State 1, Line 1 I/O error 1117(The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.) detected during read of BUF pointer = 0x14ace4c0, page ptr = 0x35df6000, pageid = (0x1:0x44b73), dbid = 14, status = 0x801, file = d:MSSQL7DATAmydb.mdf.

Connection Broken

select @@version returns, Microsoft SQL Server 7.00 - 7.00.961 (Intel X86) Oct 24 2000 18:39:12 Copyright (c) 1988-1998 Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition on Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 2)

Books Online Help on Error 823 indicates that it is a disk problem and suggests that DBCC checkdb needs to be run on the database. But, hardware diagnostics on the server do not report any disk problems and dbcc checkdb also returns no errors.

Help on the cause of error 823 would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Praveena

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Reacting To Long Running Queries

Mar 5, 2002

Hello All

I have queries which take over 30 secs to run, which I wish to monitor.
Currently, I am monitoring using sql profiler.
Is there any way of setting up mail to e-mail me when such a query happens.
Could I set up an Alert, or is there some other method.

I want to be able to react to these events faster before the users complain.
I am using sql server 7 enterprise and I have exchange set up.

Any help would be great


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Validation Queries Running Too Long

Aug 30, 2006

I have a table that contains approx 200 thousand records that I need to run validations on. Here's my stored proc:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[uspValidateLoadLeads]
@sQuotes char(1) = null, @sProjectId varchar(10) = null, @sErrorText varchar(1000) out
DECLARE @ProcName sysname, @Error int, @RC int, @lErrorCode bigint, DECLARE @SQL varchar(8000)

IF @sQuotes = '0'
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sPhone = RTrim(LTrim(Convert(varchar(30), Convert(numeric(20, 1), phone))))
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sPhone = phone

--2. Remove quotes
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sphone = REPLACE(sphone,'"' , '')

--3. Remove decimal, comma, dashes, parenthesis
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sphone = replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(sphone,'.',''),',','' ),'-',''), ' ',''), '(', ''), ')', '')

--4. Update failed Validation column if not 10 digits
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sFailedValidation = 'X'
WHERE(Len(RTrim(LTrim(sPhone))) <> 10)

--5. Dedup
SET a.sFailedValidation = 'X'
FROM dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging a (nolock)
INNER JOIN dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging b
ON a.sPhone= b.sPhone
WHERE(a.iList_StagingID > b.iList_StagingID)

--6. Update failed Validation column if not numeric
UPDATE dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
SET sFailedValidation = 'X'
WHERE(IsNumeric(RTrim(LTrim(sPhone))) = 0)

--7. Update time zones
SET s.sTimeZone =z.sTimeZone
FROM dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging s (nolock)
LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.prPhoneTimeZone z
ON left(rtrim(ltrim(s.sphone)),3) = z.sPhoneAreaCode

--8. Insert into dialing table only records that have not failed the validation
INSERT dbo.prProjectDiallingList(iPrProjectId, sPhoneNumber, sTimeZone)
SELECT @sProjectId,sPhone, sTimeZone
FROM dbo.prProjectDiallingList_staging
WHERE ISNULL(sFailedValidation,'1') = '1'

SET d.bProcessReporting = 1
FROM dbo.prProjectDialling d
WHERE d.iPrProjectId = @sProjectId

When I execute this stored proc it runs for more than 5 minutes. Is there anything i can do to speed it up? Maybe there is a faster way of writing these queries?



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Measuring The Progress Of Long Running Queries

Jul 21, 2001

Is there any way to measure the progress of a long running query,
for instance, to find where in a query plan a query is in SQL 7.0?

I have a query I am running that is currently 2 1/2 hours into the
query. Since it's joining three large tables, one with 42 million rows
and two with 7 million rows, I'm expecting the query to take a
while. However, I have no way of estimating exactly how long
it will take. Before I ran it, I optimized it the best I could in
Query Analyzer using an estimated query plan, making sure I had
all the right indexes, etc. I've been trying to use the estimated cost
to project query time, but that hasn't been working since queries
with similar costs can take radically different amounts of time to

Now I'm sitting here waiting, wondering if the query is just taking
too long, and I should stop it and work on optimizing it some more
(since I will have to run a couple more queries like it), or let it
finish. But I have no clue how close it is to finishing. I've tried looking
at the Physical I/O given by sp_who2 and then trying to calculate the
number of pages it would have to read if it had to read everything
from disk, then estimating it's progress by that, but this seems dubious
at best, since I don't know a whole slew of factors (ie: how many
pages are being read from the cache, is my page calculation correct,

So, does anyone know of any way to figure out how soon a long
running query will finish in SQL 7.0?


Trevor Lohrbeer

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Permission Problem W/ Users Running Some Queries

Feb 26, 2002

Permission problem w/ users running some queries

I have a SQL-authenticated user that I want to be able to run a pass-thru query. The user was created solely for this particular job. I've given it appriopriate permissions on all the tables, views, and stored procedures directly involved in the task. BUT, the task fails.
If I have the query perform a simple task, like SELECT * FROM TABLE, it works,
but, not on this:

CREATE PROCEDURE sp_gtn_RunFromAccess AS
EXEC msdb..sp_start_job @job_name='CA_GTN Download From Mainframe'

If I give the user the DB_OWNER role, it fails; however, if I make it a sys admin, it suceeds. That is obviously no good. It also suceeds it I put sa and a password in the ODBC string, but that is unacceptable, as well.

What kinds of permission am I overlooking?
Any thoughts on this?
Michael G

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Running Queries Stored As Text In Database

Jun 28, 2004

An general question.
A database table contains a textfield with queries. Is it possible to run them with another query.


0 |"Select * from table0
1 |"Select * from table2 where x = 3

or so?

Does any one know? It would be nice if possible very dynamic but perhaps not so safe?

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Combine Delete Queries Running Separately

May 21, 2014

I have for delete queries which I run separately. Could I have a one statement to run instead.

DELETE FROM dbo.PatientHistory
FROM dbo.PatientHistory INNERJOIN TEST_PATS ON dbo.PatientHistory.PatientGuidDigest = TEST_PATS.PatientGuidDigest

DELETE FROM dbo.PostcodeScores
ON dbo.PostcodeScores.PatientGuidDigest = TEST_PATS.PatientGuidDigest

[Code] ....

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Problems Running Memory Intensive Queries

Jul 23, 2005

Hi,i am having a strange problem running memory intensive queries on SQLserver.I am doing an update on a table with 9 million records from anothertablewith 50 records.the query i am running isupdate table1set var1 = b.var2from table2 bwhere key1=b.key1this query hanges for ever. I had thought that there was a problem withmy machine...but once out of the blue it ran in 16 minutes.I am running a 1 Ghz PIII with 512 MB of memory.Any ideas as to what could be the issue ?RegardsRishi

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Detecting Or Monitoring For Long-running Queries.

Jul 20, 2005

I can't seem to find a step-by-step guide to how to detect orcontinuously monitor for long-running queries that is suitablefor a comparative SQL Server novice. I know that it is possibleto monitor for such with other database products - can anyoneenlighten me as to how this is done with SQL Server? Ideally,I'd like to snapshot running queries (preferably with querytext) at a particular instant via a script, although any helpto show what queries are running at an instant will be muchappreciated. Any ideas?__________________________________________________ ___________Are you Catholic ?http://www.CatholicEmail.com100s of FREE email addresses --->http://www.UltimateEmail.comSend an Online Greeting Card

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Do Queries Running From Clr Stored Procs Tie Up One Available Connection

Aug 14, 2007

I'm wondering if one less external sql server connection is available when my clr stored proc querys my database inside of the db engine.

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Using Stored Procedures Are You Safe From Sql Injection If Your Not Using Dynamic Queries ?

Mar 12, 2008

Im reviewing my stored procedures for a new application and got to thinking about protecting against sql injection. I think im pretty safe since im using stored procedures and none of them use any 'exec' commands within them, but im not sure.
I was reading this article, and again all the examples that list a stored procedure, have an 'exec' command somewhere that is the culprit. So, in my case lets say I was doing something like this:

Im generally using regularexpression validation controls on the client side of the application and limiting the max length of the input there as well.

Am I safe, or do I need further input checking within the procedure ?

Code Snippet

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[get_Uploads]
@app varchar(50)
--Init variables
SET @error_number = 0

SELECT [Logid],[Filename],[Label],[UploadDate],[App]
FROM UploadLog au
WHERE [App]=@app
SET @error_number = -2

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Dynamic Queries With Data Reader Source Adapter

Apr 16, 2008

I am a business user trying to build an incremental ETL package with SSIS. I have a working prototype on SQL Server 2005 where I select the max(ID) from the last successful run and pass that value into a variable. Then, in my Data Flow step, I select an OLE DB source adapter and use this variable in a custom select statement.

Here's my challenge....the live data is actually in a Postgres DB so I have to use a Data Reader Source adapter. When I try to pass my variable to this adapter the job bombs out. Does anyone know how to dynamically update the query text inside a Data Reader source adapter using variables or otherwise?

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Tracking Long Running Queries/stored Procs

Feb 22, 2001

We have just implemented our new app and I need to improve performance. We are the victims of not having a very adequate stress testing tool prior to launch. Is there an easy way to track all queries or stored procs longer than a specified time?

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Tracking Long Running Queries/stored Procs

Feb 26, 2001

We have just implemented our new app and are expericing some slowness but no blocking issues. Is there an easy way to track all queries taking over x seconds to run?

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