Runtime Destination.

Mar 31, 2008

Is it possible to create Flat file as runtime destination ?

For Ex:
Data retriew from SQL Server, in the fly destination flat file need to create along with timestamp (abcyyyymmdd.txt).


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How To Configure A Dataflow Task Having A Runtime Source Table Name And A Runtime Destination Table Name

Apr 18, 2008


I am having a Data flow task in For each loop which will gets 100 sourcetable names and 100 target table names...

am having a simpleData flow task which trasferes from OLEDBSource to OLEDBDestination.
I am repeating the Dataflow task which transfers from sourcetablename extracted from for loop to a destination table var.

The problem am gettting is for the first table it is able to transfer correcly because I did mapping for those tables at design time...but for the next coming sourcetable-desttable (which r having different no of cols,datatypes) its giving Validation failed...and...needs to refresh metadata....

is there any way to refresh the metadata of Data flow task (I set the property of OLEDBSource validate external meta to false then also same error is coming)


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Beginer Problem: Is There Any Way To Create The Destination File At Runtime?

Feb 13, 2007

I have to generate flat files from SQL Server tables. Its a backup package for few tables which will be run daily.  I want the names of the destination flat files to be automatically generated at run time.

I created an expression for the Flat file destination connection and appended the date and the time to the flat file name.  For today my file name is 'table02-12-2007.txt'. for tomorrow it should be 'table02-13-2007'. When I evaluate the expression it shows the correct value.

But when i run the package, I receive an error indicating -  Destination file is not found. Error is because the destination file is not present at runtime and I was hoping that the package will be create the file on the fly.

Is there any way to create the destination file at runtime? Or Am I missing a step?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.




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OLE DB DESTINATION And SQL Server Destination

Jul 4, 2007

Hey All:

I was totally confused.

When designing the SSIS dataflow part, firstly , i tried SQL Server Destination because my target server is a sql server.

then execute the task with failure.

Then i tried to use OLE DB DESTINATION instead of SQL Server Destination.

This Dataflow worked.

i can not figour out why.

By the way , i used the connection is OLE DB.And i choosed OLE DB source as the datasource cuz i can not find SQL server datasource.

Who can tell me some reasons for this?

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SQL Runtime

Nov 30, 2007

Is there an SQL db that can function as a runtime stand alone app, inconjunction with a VB interface?

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Runtime DLL

Sep 18, 2007

Hello. I am trying to write a application to call our SSIS packages. I have seen several tutorials, including this one:

Which calls for me to import:
However, I don't have this DST Runtime DLL installed on my machine. I have installed "everything" in SQL Server Developer Edition and Visual Studio. Any idea how I can get this?


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Runtime Analysis

Jul 10, 2006

I just ran a testbed of 4 types of SQL queries:1. inline SQL with a StringBuilder2. managed sql3. SQL text processing (@SQL as varchar(5000); SET @SQL = 'SELECT ' + @var...)4. a regular sproc that has the columns and table name hard coded1,2, and 4 always end up at about the same time given the averages.3 is always at last 1.5 times slower, and usually closed to 2 times.1 and 2 both use StringBuilders, the code is a direct copy, and 3 is a copy as well.My managed SQL is:    [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlProcedure]    public static void usp_Items_Select_Managed(SqlString table, SqlString name,         SqlString value)    {        // sql          StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();        stringBuilder.AppendFormat(            "SELECT {0}.* FROM {0} WHERE {0}.{1} = {2}",            table,            col,            value            );        SqlConnection sqlConnection = new SqlConnection("context connection=true");        SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(stringBuilder.ToString(), sqlConnection);        sqlConnection.Open();        SqlContext.Pipe.Send(sqlCommand.ExecuteReader());        sqlConnection.Close();    }Is there anything wrong with my Managed SQL, or is this just the way that it is?Thanks

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DTS Runtime Error

May 2, 2001

I'm running a package on SQL Server 7, SP2 created in the same environment.
When running a package from DTS Designer, I get an execution status of "Error Occurred" in the Package Execution Status dialog on one of the data pump tasks I'm running along with the number of rows inserted. When I double-click on the task, I get the following message: " The Connection is currently being used by a task. The connection cannot be closed or reused".

Both the exception log for the task and the package, specified for error output, indicate the task ran successfully and the clients confirm that the appropriate number of rows have been inserted in the table. Has anyone encountered this error that can explain the cause/cure?

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Installshield And Sql Runtime

Jun 4, 2001


When I'm using installshield to install sql runtime, I get the message "The Workstation service has not been started" during Configure SQL Server Agent. Does someone know what it means and how to solve it?

Thank you

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DTS Runtime Parameter

May 12, 2000

Hi Everyone,

I've an DTS package, which has an Execute SQL Task. I'm doing the operations based on a parameter. I need to pass that in runtime. Is there any way to do that in Execute SQL Task? BOL says that the runtime parameter can be set by giving a question mark(?). But when I tried this, it says, value not passed.

Thanks in advance.

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Database Runtime

Sep 4, 2007

I am Using Sql Server 2005 enterprise edition to develop an accounting system.
now i want to distribute this software to other cleints.
I have created a setup which includes all the components required for the run time of the software but i dont know how to include the sql server database in it.
as i know that i have created access based software i used to include the database file in the setup and it would work but in the case of sql server i dont know how to do it .
is there any runtime of sql server which needs to be downloaded or any other way out.

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Replace DB Name Runtime??

May 30, 2008


I posted similar stuff in one of my previous topic. what i need to do is parse database name runtime
means sample example is

USE <%1>
SELECT * FROM Table_Name

here instead of <%1> i need to pass Test DB name

USE Test
SELECT * FROM Table_Name

my .sql file contains <%1> so i need to replace it

i tried like

declare @t varchar(50)
declare @chg22 varchar(500)

set @t = 'Test'
set @chg22 = 'USE <%1> GO'
set @chg22 = REPLACE(@chg22,'<%1>',@t)

SELECT * FROM Table_Name

but i am not getting above example i am just took one line select * from table_name but actually in .sql file more that 300 lines are there so i m not able to concatenate it..


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Overflow At Runtime

Nov 30, 2006

We run a regular query through Excel that is linked to a Microsoft SQL Server data source.

We have run this query routinely for the past few years. Suddenly this query has started returning an error message - “[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver] [SQL Server] Difference of two datetime columns caused overflow at runtime�. It seems to be a common error (as per Google search) however I don’t want to go messing around with something I don’t fully understand. Can anyone point me in the direction of what to look out for?

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Using The SQL Query At Runtime..

Mar 28, 2007


Currently im using SQL queries in combination with ASP.NET..

I have currently only one table('Requests'), which has all the user info of name,id,studyrequested etc.. A person can request for any number of studies.

Now the prob is that from now on whenever a user requests for a new study not only should his details be stored in the Request table but also in a new Users table. In the Users table that particular users details must only be loaded once.. i.e. if the same user enrolls for another study his details should only be updated in the requests table and not in the Users table, since his details have already been loaded once in the Users Table..

While this works fine for new users, but what bout the old users already stored in the Requests table before the Users table existed.

Is there any way i could run a sql script only once at runtime, so that all the old legacy users are loaded once in to the Users Table.


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INSER At Runtime?

Oct 2, 2006

Hi!Can anybody tell me what I'm missing here?I'm trying to insert a new record into a sql-database from code atruntime (not stored procedure),but get the following error message:"The 'strUn' is not permitted in this context.Only constants, expressions or variables allowed here.Column names are not permitted."//Create sql connectionSqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("server=LocalHost;database=Users;uid=geir;pwd=geir");//Open database connectioncon.Open();//Create variables to hold values from textboxesstring strUn = txtUsername.Text;string strPw = txtPassword.Text;//Create a sqlCommand to insert textbox values into sql-databaseSqlCommand sqlcmd = new SqlCommand();sqlcmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tblUsers(Username,Password)VALUES(strUn, strPw)";sqlcmd.Connection = con;try{sqlcmd.ExecuteNonQuery();}catch(SqlException ex){lblInfo.Text = "ExecuteNonQuery failed because: " +"" +ex.Message;}finally{con.Close();}

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SQL Server Runtime?

Feb 19, 2007

My boss claims that there is a free SQL server runtime. Is thistrue? I was only aware of MSDE. But I believe the connections arecapped at 5 in MSDE. If there is a free SQL server runtime, are thereany limitations to using it (performance, connection count)? Thanks.

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Can I Specify SubReport Name At Runtime?

Aug 4, 2006

I want to combine a bunch of reports (which are stand alone reports on there own) as subreports in a parent or master report. We have done this in Crystal Reprots in order to get a group of reports out in one file.

The issue with Reporting Services is the header and footers of the subreports are not rendered, so I have to repeat the logo information for each subreport in the body of the parent report. I can do this in a table or list or rectangle, but I have to do this for each subreport. Is there any way that I can specify the name of the subreport at runtime? That way I can put everything into a List and drive it from the database. I noticed that the dropdown to select the report name does not allow you to create an expression for this field.

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How Can I Get The Sql Statement Runtime?

Jan 25, 2008

is that have a function to get it?

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Runtime Parameters

Jan 19, 2006

Does anyone have an idea on how to handle runtime parameters for a package? Ideally I'd like to have the package prompt the user for a date range and then store the 2 dates in package variables for use later in the package.

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Set FontFamily Runtime

Mar 23, 2007

Hey Guyes,

I'm developing SSRS 2005 Reports in multi languages (i.e. regional language like hindi, marathi)

here i'm sending font name from database field with the help of expression in FontFamily Property of textbox as follows

FontFamily =IIF(Fields!DistrictNameRegional.Value<>Nothing,CStr(Fields!FontName.Value),"Tahoma")

It don't work.

But when i'm Writting like this

FontFamily =IIF(Fields!DistrictNameRegional.Value<>Nothing,"Shivaji01","Tahoma")

It works.

Plz tell me where I'm wrong with this.

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Modify Rdl During Runtime

May 8, 2007


I am trying to create a report with unknown number of report items. (as I dont know how many columns the stored proc is going to return).Is there a way to create these type of reports using SSRS other than creating the rdl programatically using or c#?

Let me know if I am not clear.

Thanks in advance.

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Set Variable Value At Runtime

May 20, 2007

I'm trying to create a custom data flow transformation, I need to set the value of a user variable which will be used by a downstream component(for example: a data flow destination) at runtime, is this possible? If possible, in which method should I do that? Thanks.

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Get The URL Of A Report At Runtime

Apr 17, 2008

I uploaded my repot to the report manager.

How can I get the URL of my report in runtime (through vbscript?)?
I want to use it later as a parameter.

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What Is SQL Client Runtime ?

May 15, 2006


Our company is currently looking at a package which uses sql server 2000 as backend and power builder as front end. The vendor said that we need to have SQL client runtime install in the user pc. Can anyone tells me what is SQL client rutime and the purpose of it?


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How To Add ControlParameter To SqlDataSource At Runtime?

Dec 8, 2006

My question is exactly the subject.
My Web Form has only a GridView and a DetailsView, there is no SqlDataSource at project time, i create the SqlDataSource at runtime using code like this in the Page_Load event: (I NEED IT TO BE CREATED DYNAMICALLY)1 Dim SQLDS As SqlDataSource = New SqlDataSource()
3 SQLDS.ID = "CustomerDataSource"
4 SQLDS.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("connectionstring").ConnectionString
5 SQLDS.SelectCommand = "select customerid,companyname,contactname,country from customers"
6 SQLDS.InsertCommand = "insert into customers(customerid,companyname,contactname,country) values(@customerid,@companyname,@contactname,@country)"
7 SQLDS.UpdateCommand = "update customers set companyname=@companyname,contactname=@contactname,country=@country where customerid=@customerid"
8 SQLDS.DeleteCommand = "delete from customers where customerid=@customerid"
10 SQLDS.UpdateParameters.Add(New Parameter("companyname"))
11 SQLDS.UpdateParameters.Add(New Parameter("contactname"))
12 SQLDS.UpdateParameters.Add(New Parameter("country"))
13 SQLDS.UpdateParameters.Add(New Parameter("customerid"))
15 Page.Controls.Add(SQLDS)
17 If Not Page.IsPostBack Then
18 GridView1.DataKeyNames = New String() {"customerid"}
19 GridView1.DataSourceID = SQLDS.ID
21 ' ... and so on
The DetailsView1 uses the same SqlDataSource to show data, but i could not find a way to synchronize the DetailsView1 with the GridView1 when a record is selected in the GridView1.How can I synchronize the DetailsView?I played with the ControlParameter but i can't find either how to add a ControlParameter in code, is there a way? Every place talking about ControlParameter shows something like this: 1 <asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
2 ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Pubs %>"
3 SelectCommand="SELECT [au_id], [au_lname], [au_fname], [state] FROM [authors] WHERE [state] = @state">
4 <SelectParameters>
5 <asp:ControlParameter Name="state" ControlID="DropDownList1" PropertyName="SelectedValue" />
6 </SelectParameters>
7 </asp:SqlDataSource>
 Ok. OK. But my SqlDataSource is created dynamically. Any ideas on how to solve this problem?Thanks!

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DTS Package Gives Me A Runtime Error

Mar 7, 2007

 I am trying to create a DTS package dynamically. I have taken all these steps i.e.,
1. SN.EXE -K c:DTS.KEY2.tlbimp.exe "C:program filesmicrosoft SQL Sever80ToolsBindtspkg.dll" /out:c:Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSPkg80.dll /Keyfile:c:DTS.KEY3.gacutil.exe -i C:Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSPkg80.dll.
Now when i compile the code, i didnt get any compilation error. But when execute the code it gives me a runtime error which goes as given below :
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in DTSFactory.exe
Additional information: QueryInterface for interface Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSPkg80.CustomTask failed.
I  am getting this error near the line : oCustTask = (DTS.DataPumpTask2)oTask.CustomTask;
The following is the code.
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data;
using DTS = Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSPkg80;
namespace DTSFactory
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for Form1.
///This is assuming that all steps have been taken in the following document:
///tlbimp.exe "C:program filesmicrosoft SQL Sever80ToolsBindtspkg.dll" /out:c:Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSPkg80.dll
///gacutil.exe -i C:Microsoft.SQLServer.DTSPkg80.dll
///These steps are needed for interop with dtspkg.dll
/// </summary>
public class Form3 : System.Windows.Forms.Form
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System.ComponentModel.Container components = null;
private System.Windows.Forms.Button button1;
public DTS.Package2Class pkg = new DTS.Package2Class();
public Form3()
// Required for Windows Form Designer support
// TODO: Add any constructor code after InitializeComponent call
private void Form3_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
protected override void Dispose( bool disposing )
if( disposing )
if(components != null)
base.Dispose( disposing );
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent()
this.button1 = new System.Windows.Forms.Button();
// button1
this.button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
this.button1.Name = "button1";
this.button1.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(40, 56);
this.button1.TabIndex = 0;
this.button1.Text = "button1";
this.button1.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.button1_Click);
// Form3
this.AutoScaleBaseSize = new System.Drawing.Size(5, 13);
this.ClientSize = new System.Drawing.Size(648, 429);
this.Name = "Form3";
this.Text = "Form3";
this.Load += new System.EventHandler(this.Form3_Load);
private void button1_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
public void initpackage()
pkg.Description = "CShart DTS Test";
object MIA=System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
pkg.SaveToSQLServer("MyServerName", "MyUserID", "MyPassword",
DTS.DTSSQLServerStorageFlags.DTSSQLStgFlag_Default, "","","",ref
pkg = null;
public void CreateConnections()
DTS.Connection txtConn,sqlConn;
txtConn = pkg.Connections.New("DTSFlatFile");
//label1.Text = label2.Text = "";
//for (int i=1;i<txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Count;i++)
// label1.Text = label1.Text + "
" + txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(i).Name;
//for text connection
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(1).Value = "C:\FlatFiles\1.txt";
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(3).Value = 1;
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(4).Value = "
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(5).Value = 1;
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(7).Value = "|";
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(9).Value = 1;
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(10).Value = 0;
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(11).Value = """;
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(12).Value = false;
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(14).Value = 0;
txtConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(18).Value = 255;
txtConn.Name = "Text File (Source)";
txtConn.ID = 1;
txtConn.Reusable = true;
txtConn.ConnectImmediate = false;
txtConn.DataSource = "C:\FlatFiles\1.txt";
txtConn.ConnectionTimeout = 60;
txtConn.UseTrustedConnection = false;
txtConn.UseDSL = false;
sqlConn = pkg.Connections.New("SQLOLEDB");
//for (int i=1;i<sqlConn.ConnectionProperties.Count;i++)
// label2.Text = label2.Text + "
" + sqlConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(i).Name;
sqlConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(3).Value = true;
sqlConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(4).Value = "sa";
sqlConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(5).Value = "FCSUAT";
sqlConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(6).Value = "(local)";
sqlConn.ConnectionProperties.Item(19).Value = "DTS Designer";
sqlConn.Name = "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server";
sqlConn.ID = 2;
sqlConn.Reusable = true;
sqlConn.ConnectImmediate = false;
sqlConn.DataSource = "(local)";
sqlConn.UserID = "sa";
sqlConn.ConnectionTimeout = 60;
sqlConn.Catalog = "FCSUAT";
sqlConn.UseTrustedConnection = false;
sqlConn.UseDSL = false;
public void CreatePackageSteps()
DTS.Step2 oStep = (DTS.Step2)pkg.Steps.New();
oStep.Name = "Copying Data from myTableName";
oStep.Description = "Copying Data from myTableName";
oStep.TaskName = "Copying Data from myTableName";
oStep.CommitSuccess = false;
oStep.RollbackFailure = false;
oStep.ScriptLanguage = "VBScript";
oStep.AddGlobalVariables = true;
oStep.CloseConnection = false;
oStep.ExecuteInMainThread = true;
oStep.IsPackageDSORowset = false;
oStep.JoinTransactionIfPresent = false;
oStep.DisableStep = false;
oStep.FailPackageOnError = true;
oStep = null;
public void DefinTasks(DTS.Package2Class package)
DTS.DataPumpTask2 oCustTask;
DTS.Task oTask;
oTask = package.Tasks.New("DTSDataPumpTask");
oCustTask = (DTS.DataPumpTask2)oTask.CustomTask;
oCustTask.Name = "Copying Data from myTableName";
oCustTask.Description = "Copying Data from myTableName to MyDestDB.myTableName";
DTS.DataPumpTask2 oDataPump = (DTS.DataPumpTask2)oTask.CustomTask;
oDataPump.SourceConnectionID = 1;
oDataPump.SourceSQLStatement = "SELECT `MyField` FROM myTableName";
oDataPump.DestinationConnectionID =2;
oDataPump.DestinationObjectName = "myTableName";
oDataPump.ProgressRowCount = 1000;
oDataPump.MaximumErrorCount = 0;
oDataPump.FetchBufferSize = 1;
oDataPump.InsertCommitSize = 0;
oDataPump.InsertCommitSize = 500000;
oDataPump.ExceptionFileColumnDelimiter = "|";
oDataPump.ExceptionFileRowDelimiter = "
oDataPump.AllowIdentityInserts = false;
oDataPump.FirstRow = 0;
oDataPump.LastRow = 0;
CreateTaskTrans(oDataPump, oCustTask);
oCustTask = null;
oTask = null;
public void CreateTaskTrans(DTS.DataPumpTask DatPump,
DTS.DataPumpTask2 CustTask)
DTS.Transformation2 oTransformation;
oTransformation =
oTransformation.Name = "DirectCopyXform";
oTransformation.TransformFlags = 63;
oTransformation.ForceSourceBlobsBuffered = 0;
oTransformation.ForceBlobsInMemory = false;
oTransformation.InMemoryBlobSize = 1048576;
Can anyone help me in solving this? 
Thanks in advance.

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How To Create Database In Runtime ????

Jun 27, 2007

Please explain how to create database in runtime ???

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Configuring SqlDataSource At Runtime

Oct 31, 2007

In a web site the user has to choose one out of several sql tables to deal with.
He will then be allowed to view the selected table data through a GridView, to insert a new row into and to update a row in the selected table by means of an array of TextBoxes created dynamically on the base of the selected table.
I think it is possible to solve the problem fully by properly configuring at run time an SqlDataSource.
I have solved the issue of data display by declaring in the code behind within the OnPageLoad sub the following:
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "Select * FROM " & selectedTable
While for the  GridView1 I have added the selected table columns to the columns collection as follows:
for i=0 to ColumnCount-1 Dim cac As BoundField = New BoundField
cac.HeaderText = HeaderNamesArray(i)
cac.DataField = ProductNamesArray(i)Me.GridView1.Columns.Add(cac)
I have difficulty on how to do similar declarations for the insertcommand and update command.

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Updaing A GridView At Runtime

Dec 21, 2007

 I am binding SQLdatasource with the Gridview at runtime that works fine, but i have mentioned the update command as well, but grid is not updating, there is no error, but after clicking update, no thing happens and grid returns to last state.
Part of code is :
void btnshowdata_click(){
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.StoredProcedure;
SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "dbo.getAllOutstanding";
SqlDataSource1.UpdateCommand = "UPDATE SPS_Oustandings SET Status = @Status, Comments = @Comments WHERE (Inv_No = @Inv_no)";
datasource is already attached to grid, but its select query is chaning at button click. At design time binding update works but when i click the button binding(select quesry) is changed, after that update is not working.
Any help?

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Determing The Where Clause At Runtime

Nov 16, 2005

I am trying to set the WHERE clause in an SQL statement at runtime using a case statement like so


FROM table

WHERE   CASE @BrowseBy   
          WHEN 'Supplier' THEN
Supplier = @Value
'PriceRange' THEN Price > 1000
'BladeSpan' THEN BladeSpan = @Value
'MotorFinish' THEN FinishID = @Value
'BladeFinish' THEN BladeFinish1 = @Value or BladeFinish2 = @Value

the above code gives me a syntax error... does anyone know of another way to accomplish this?


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Setting Parameters @ Runtime

Jan 24, 2006

Here is the code I am trying to use to set a update parameter at runtime.  (Depending on what linkbutton a user clicks on the STATUS_ID value will change.)
SqlDataSource1.UpdateParameters("STATUS_ID").DefaultValue = 33332Here are my parameters:
<asp:Parameter Name="CUSTOMER_ID" Type="Decimal" />
<asp:Parameter Name="RECEIVED_BY" Type="String" />
<asp:Parameter Name="CALL_DATETIME" Type="DateTime" />
<asp:Parameter Name="AREA_ID" Type="Decimal" />
<asp:Parameter Name="CLASS_ID" Type="Decimal" />
<asp:Parameter Name="STATUS_ID" Type="Decimal" /></UpdateParameters>Sqldatasource1 is the name of my datasource control.  Any thoughts?

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Setting The SQL For A Dataview At Runtime.

Apr 18, 2006

I don't know if this topic should go in this forum category or in the SQLDataSource forum.
I need to be able to provide SQL which varies based on what the user enters on a page.  However, this isn't as simple a providing parameters in the SQLDataSource control because the SQL changes depending on what the user selects.  For example, in a customer search page, they choose to search by either first name or last name from a drop down list and then enter the name to search for in a text box.  The dataview should display the matching customers.
How can I set this SQL based on the entered values while also keeping the paging and sorting capabilities of the dataview?  You don't seem to be able to set the SQL for an SQLDataSource at run time.

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Runtime Error -2147467259

Jan 7, 2008

Hello there.

1. Can someone help me?
I am running an eCommerce website using SQL Server 2000, as of last week it was working just fine, today I try to access the sight and I get the following error below.

I haven't changed anything on the server, the SQL Server services is running so is the agent.

Operation: Creating Engine object
Error number: -2147467259
Error source: Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server DatabaseUtils.OpenCommand DatabaseFile.IsDatabaseByteArrayUpdated SchemaFile.IsDatabaseSchemaUpdated Environment.InitEnvironment, Step: Loading database schema Engine.Init Engine.Refresh
Error description: [DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Connect()).]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

2. When I refresh the browser I get this error:

Operation: Creating Engine object
Error number: 424
Error source: Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Error description: Object required

Thanks in advance

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